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n 1 ji . J
AMoy 3T the most unhappy of mortals, according to Dr Johnson, are the writers of Dic-
tion. 38, ** whom mankind/' he observes, '' have considered, not as the pupils, but the slaves
of St s&ce, the ^oneers of literature, doomed only to remove rubbish and clear obstructions
ironi t^ paths through which learning and genius press forward to conquest and gloiy,
wit^hout bestowing a imile on the humble drudge that facilitates their progress. Every
other author may aspire to praise, the lexicographer can only hope to escape reproach, and
even this n^^ve recompense has been yet granted to very few."
A century has eUpsed since the learned doctor penned this warning ; yet, luckily for
iDbe cause of science and literature, the ranks of the ^' humble drudge " have not, in the
neaotioie, become thinned by the tone of discouragement in which it is written, but, on the
eoBtnuy, the number of '' pioneers " has been multiplied a hundredfold.
Of works on Biography the number is legion ; nevertheless, it appeared to the compiler
d the present volume that room still existed for a Compendium, in which, by a judicious
ff^em of compression, a Students* Dictumary might be formed, which would register what,
ifter all, is of the first importance to them, — ^viz., the more prominent dates and facts, — and
at the same time assist them to the knowledge of works of a more recondite nature, in which
tiiler information might be found, if needed.
Soeh a Compendium is now before the reader. An approximation to the system adopted
^Wen attempted by others, but in no case has it been carried out to the extent of the
p*^ work ; neither has the system of reference— the principal feature of this design —
^ tn essayed, if thought of.
ibe want which the present work is intended to supply is one which must have been
^tttnced by every earnest reader or writer. The value of the data upon which the
PNiiliiilions of both must rest mainly depends upon the readiness with which they can
^^&d, and no facts are more frequently in requisition for this purpose than those
*®B«a4with the personal history of individuals; and when these are not of such note as
'Ji isfe tij[en their place in general histoiy, it will be evident to all that much valuable
1^ is ^equently wasted in the attempt to identify them. •
The application of these remarks will be fully understood by all whose literary tastes
I have led them to the amplification or collation of historical events of minor import-
^ which have been but briefly or imperfectly described: further insistance, therefore,
l^ie importance of biographical references would be superfluous. In the form of a
|^^> the arrangement is sufficiently simple to explain itself, and a glance at the list
[^ consulted will serve to show the variety and character of the sources from which
the greater part of the iufonnation has been derived, and how far the work goes to sapply
the vacaum above indicated.
The list of the authorities principally, but by no means exclusively consulted and
referred to, gives a fair view of the bibliography of our subject ; and the statement that such
voluminous publications as Ersch k Qruber's Encyclopaedia, of about 150 quarto volumes
(see G), the new General Biographical Dictionary, by H. J. Rose, twelve volumes (see R),
the Nouvelle Biographic Universelle, published by Didot Fr&res, in forty-six volumes (see D),
have not only been exhausted, but that this work contains nearly four .times the number of
names in the last mentioned, which is brought down to 1866, and is therefore one of the
most recent, will give some idea of the care and labour bestowed upon it.
In these pages, in addition to the matter usually given in Biographical Dictionaries, will
be found the names of the Bishops, Chancellors, Judges, and other ecclesiastical and legal
functionaries of the United Kingdom, the Lords-Lieutenant of Lreland, great officers of State
(with the dates of their accession, and in the case of the bishops, of their translation), classical
celebrities, royal and noble personages of all nations, and the greatest number of distin-
gmshed Americans ever collected in one work.
The following remarks, to which we invite the reader's attention, will be found essential
to the proper use of the book, premising that a complete list of all the works and records
consulted during its compilation would of itself form a considerable volume.
The list of authorities facing the letter A, page 1, is referred to by means of letters of
the alphabet, placed at the end of -nearly every name. It by no means follows, however,
that the name of the particular person sought for does not occur in many other works of a
similar nature. These references indicate that the works to which they belong contain use-
ful biographies of the persons to whose names they are appended. From this we must
except Orridge's '* Account of the Citizens of London," and Stubb's '' Registrum Sacrum
Anglicanum," which latter work has been selected in consequence of the accuracy with which
it is compiled, and, furthermore, the advantage of its giving the authorities for the data
The works specified have been selected, after due consideration, as those bearing the
highest repute ; many of them are probably only to be found in the libraries of the wealthier
classes, or upon the shelves of great public libraries ; nevertheless, the importance, as well
as convenience, of possessing references to all of tbem, in such a compact and portable form
as that hero provided, must become at once apparent
The writers of the notices of highly distinguished and celebrated personages given in
biographical dictionaries, encyclopaedias, and the like, generally mention the larger works
from which the information is taken : in such instances, then, there would probably be no
readier mode of ascertaining which were the best works devoted to the records of their
career than by following out our references.
Where no reference follows a name, it denotes that the information has been taken
from some incidental notice met with during a search in various miscellaneous publications,
the mere mention of which would so increase the bulk of our work as to interfere with its
handiness and portability. In the case of persons whose career may have marked a periotl
in the huitory of art or science, but whose lives have been perfectly uneventful, the dates
of birth and death are alone given, as being the most probable subjects of inquiry. Since
examples of this mode of treatment occur upon every page, we think it proi>er to explain
that they are intentional, and not the result of accidental omission.
Where lEa aocamcy of dates is important, we may, from oar own experience^ cautioD
ike ruder ih&t the works of Biyant (B), and of Lanzi (T), however excellent in other
rapeet^ «« exceedingly fallible, couiinually differing from Nagler (N)| whom we have in
{vrdierefiee followed
We hskV^ departed from the common practice of iBdicatiog, by asterisks or any other
BArk, that the pemon named woa living at the time we wrote, having discDvered, from the
aamber of deaths occurring whilst the work was in progress, that euch distinctions would
I to eoafostoii and misapprehension*
It 18 very probable that, upon reference to our authorities, discrepancies may in certain
; be discovered between the dates given by them and those which we have adopted.
The exfihiiiaiLon of this circumstance is, firstly, that whilst we consider the biographies men-
tioned by us to be among the best, we have adopted the dates from the works of other
SBtboin^ whenever they have shown themselves to be more trustworthy upon that point
SeeODdlji the name of one and the same person will sometimes be found in more than one
pbc«» owing to the variations of spelling it adopted by different writers, and in order to
«Kmd the loAS of time caused by cross-references, we have Bometimes inserted the name iu
alpbubetsoal order, under its various forms. The variations in the dates arise from the
Muaae canue as that in spelling — ^nomely, the more or less perfect iufonnatiou of the authors.
Lastly, it may be observed that many names will be found to differ from the forms
itader which they apy^ear in other dictionaries ; for instance^ keeping ever in view the com*
paefenen of our volume, we have not deemed it necessary to repeat the name of Fabricius
under tlie several forms of Le Favre, Le Fevre, Favre, Fevre, and Faben We decided to
adopi the fonn most generally accepted, and to leave the rest to the ingenuity of our readers.
Tlie dates assigned to Iwoman and Greek celebrities must always be received with a
Cfitain amount of diffidence and uncertainty as regards their accuracy, since such authorities
aa CtiftoD^ Blair, Hale, Layard, Smith, and others, commonly differ from each other con-
iidtmbly, and occasionally to a remarkable extent. When we remember the uncertainties
whieli pfevail in modem works treating of the lives of comparatively recent distinguished
ch«nM:tcfm, we naturally cannot feel surprised to find them existing as to those of the period
Mfofe Christ.
It sometimes happens that those who most frequently refer to dates, and are the most
MsattiTe with regard to errors in them, are more than ordinarily c^irelesa about ascertaining
fttir accuracy, and very often ignorant as to the means afforded for verifying them* In-
WtmeaJbit difi^culties lie in the way of so doing, some of which we will veutnre to point out,
what serious obstacles present themselves to the most acute, industrious, and
\ inquirer.
Beferences made to works of the highest modern authoritieSj who, from their universally
nictation, command our almost implicit confidence, serve very commonly to
perp^siate errora propagated at a very distant period It is^ of course, impossible for a
to divine what may have been the works consulted by an author when not fully
I ; but it may be assumed^ as it will generaDy be proved, that, in the majority of
, lie will have pursued the course of his precursors — namely, by collating the statements
ai tbfl popular authors of his day, and, on finding them agree, adopting them jvs final The
datm funiiihed by the latter, when not original, have been derived from similar sources ; and
it wmj ibtis frequently happen, that instead of having before us the concurrent testimony of
m mmaf inde|)€ndent investigators, wo have only the repetition of the statement of a con-
fident, bat careless or ignorant and hurried writer, whilst testimony entitled to saperior
consideration may have been entirely overlooked or disregarded.
Whilst claiming legitimately the credit of having corrected a vast number of errors of
the kind alluded to, we do not for a moment pretend to absolute accuracy ; but where this is
requisite, we may observe that the perfect knowledge of a difficulty is the grand preliminary
to its removal. Amongst so many thousand names, errors will naturally have crept in
in despite the strictest supervision. It was, in fact» impossible totally to exclude them.
Our endeavour has been, therefore, to indicate the sources whence they arise, and those dis-
crepancies in dates which we have not been enabled to rectify will be found marked with an
asterisk, A cursory inspection of Nagler's Kiinstler-Lexicon, which is considered an ex-
ceedingly trustworthy compilation, will show how easily typographical errors may be
introduced by careless transcribers or diffident authors. The type selected for this last-
named work is peculiar, particularly as regards the figures employed. Persons not gifted
with the strongest sight might readily mistake a 6 or a 9 for a 0, so very slight is the
difference of shape between them ; if we add to this that the ink is faint, the paper bad, and
the probability that some of the types became damaged during their service, the occasional
inversion of sixes and nines, and the transposition of other figures (as 1775 being rendered
1757 or 1755, 1699 appearing as 1969 or 1996, Ac), together with the palpable fact that
the impressions are very frequently defective, we at once become aware of the unavoidable
and ever-existing cause of error from the fallibility of printers alone. We do not select
Nagler as worthy of special condemnation in this respect, but merely as an example of a
modem work which has furnished us with innumerable instances of the difficulties we
Another and frequent cause of such discrepancies is produced by the careless practice
of stating, after giving the date of birth of an individual, that he died at the age of so many
years, instead of naming the chronological year. This practice, it will be apparent, upon
slight reflection, might, in some instances, remove the occurrence from the list of events of
the year to which it properly belongs to that of the previous or the subsequent year, and so
make the deceased appear either a year younger or older than the date accepted by
the modem compiler. In like manner, when we are only informed that an individual died
in such a year, aged so many years, in calculating the date of his birth from such loose data,
we are always subject to the same possible discrepancy.
Another very serious source of error is that arising from the change of style, and the
want of its universal and simultaneous adoption. This may be best understood by giving
a short account of the perplexities in dates introduced with this innovation. Trivial as the
change appears to be, it will be found upon examination, that so innumerable are the com-
plications arising from this source in chronology and modern history, thcit without a know-
ledge of thin alteration, and the times at which it was adopted in various countries, it ia
next to inii>osHil)1e to fix positively the date of any event within one year of the tmth.
In the year 1510, Pope Leo X. wrote to Henry YIIL of England pointing out tlv^
necessity of making a correction in the Calendar, and requested him to obtain the opinio^^:^
and advice of eminent scientific men and divines upon the subject, but it was not until Pc^^-^
Gregory XIIL, in the year 1582, pressed the necessity of such alteration that the matter Xi^*
seriously couKidcred in Euroi>e. This pontiff proposed that ten days should be omv%s^
from the Calendar, or that ten days should be deducted from the year lo^'l, and that ^^^^
Hhould have Iwen, according to the then existing style, the 5th of October, should be n\ -^^i.
the Ijth. This propodtiou was accepted, and the alteration adopted upon the d& '
E)ve named, m Spain, Portugal, and part o! Italjr, including Rorae, In France the chang
pkoe on the 20th of December 1582, the 10th of that month being called the 20th ; ii
Halkndy Brabant^ Flanders, ^Lrtois, and Eainault, with the exceptions hereafter mentioned^
on ilie 15th of December 1582. Gneldrcs, Zutphen, the province of Utrecht, Friesland,
GrSniiigeii, and Oyeryssel refused to comply with the requisition, and continued to use the
old filjle 118 years later, nntil the year 1700, when they adopted the new style, by countbg
Uu Ul of December as the 12tlu In Lorraine, the 10th of December 1582 was counted as
\ 9Ml In Tuscany, the old style prevailed until IT^D or the early part nf 1751.
Ill Germany, the old style was changed by the Catholics in 1583 or 1584, and retained
r the Froteatauts until 1701, which year was made to commence on the 12th January, old
Style. In the Cantons of Zurich, Berne, Basle, and Schaffhausen, and in certain towns
in other parta of Switzerland, nevertheless, it still remained in use for some time. In
i»lflnd, the new st}le was adopted in 1586 j in Hungary, 1587 ; in Sweden, March 1,
f53; in Denmark, it was adopted in 1582 j but from the 20th of December 1C99 the
iendtt of Weigel, by which the fixing of Easter and the movable feaats of the Protestanti
made to fall upon different days to those of the CathoUcs, has been used.
, Qreece, and wherever the Greek rites prevail, the old stylo is still religiously
This important change took place in England so late as the year 1752, by Act of Par-
Gsmetii, when the practice of dating the commencement of the year from the 25th of March was
iito ibolished. The last-mentiojied practice ia a source of very frequent confusion with htato*
I who have not recognised the importance of using the two dates which are nc ^ -^ ^^ ♦ •
i the otherwise inevitable derangement of the actual succession of events, as
I in Februaiy 1307 only, which really means the February of 1308, and, to be ^/titfecLly
ffigible^ must always be written 1307-8. By this Act of Parliament, it was ordained that
the next day naturally foUowing the 2nd September 1762 should be reckoned as the 14th
day of September; that the day following the said 14th day of September should be reck-
I as the 15th, and so on, ail succeeding days, in due numerical progression. All public
and acta were ordered henceforth, aft^r the Ist of January 1752, to be dated
Dg to the newly efitablished system. It was also ordained, f ' * correction
«l the Calendar, *Hhat the years of the Christian era, 1800, 1900, :' 00, or any
Am like hundredth years (except only every fourth hundr* ■ tiie ^tar
Moo shall be the firat, shall be considered common years, consisting ot ouj oay ' \
<bil ^« yeais 2000, 2400, 2800, and every fourth hundred years, from the year 11^
d:^ Ubd ilso all other years which are at present considered Bisextile or Leap years, shall,
E the hllare, be reckoned as Bisextile or Leap years of 30(3 days." These regulations for
\ eomcttaQ of the Calendar of the future will naturally in nowise affect dates with which
l^wt tre eowceraed, but they are stated here to indicate those changes which, in the efflux of
I ^^"■••^ iltering the relation of the commencement of the year to its natural determination
H ^ equinoctial periods, will render such corrections necessary.
«r point to be noted in the rectification of miscellaneous dates is the leligious
I of certain authors in whoae works they may occur, which sometimes causes them
^ieyfeom those of aU other writers. The Jews, until the fifteenth century, feckoned
^^mtttfm the era of Selucides, three hundred and eleven years and four montas before
'^'H ^^ nncc the close of that century, have dated from, the creation of the world, which,
viii * PREFACE.
.according to their computation, took place three thousand seven hundred and sixty years and
three months before the commencement of the Christian era. Ab the ecclesiastical year of
rthe Jews commences six months earlier than the secular year, eyer3rthing connected with
■* their religious observances is regulated by the former ; when, therefore, their ecclesiastical
^ records or calendar is referred to, this circumstance must not be forgotten.
A new era, special to France, which is sufficiently troublesome to students of the history
of the tenth decade of the last and the first of the present century, was introduced by a
decree of the revolutionaiy Convention in 1793. By this decree it was ordained that the
common era should be no longer used in France in civil affairs, but that a new one should
commence from the establishment of the French Republic ; that is to say, on 22nd Septem-
ber 1792, the day of the true autumnal equinox, the first year commencing on the midnight
of this day, and terminating at midnight between the 21st and 22nd September 1793.
Ensuing years were to commence also at midnight of the day upon which the true autumnal
equinox should fall, regulations being laid down for the usual intercalation of a day in every
fourth year, which was to terminate a period to be called a Franciade, <Scc. As this
arrangement involved an arbitrary redLstribution of the months, new names were adopted for
them, such as Vind<imiaire (the vintage month), Brumaire (the month of fogs), &c. ; and,
instead of weeks, they were divided into decades of ten day& As this system prevailed only
from the 2Gth November 1792 until the 31st December 1805, it is unnecessary to devote
farther space here to an explanation of the mode in which the five complementary days were
added and other corrections provided for.
, We may remind the reader of some thirty other eras from which events in the history
T'. ^ '" of various, or of the same countries are dated, as the Olympiads, the building of Rome, the
ecclesiastical and the civil eras of Constantinople, the liegira, or the flight of Mohammed fn)m
Mecca to Medina, by which the dates of all Mohammedan writers are regulated ; the Tyriau
and Sidonian, the Julian and Augustan eras ; the building of Solomon's Temple, the destruc-
tion of Jerusalem, and many others, which wUl be met with in the course of literary researches.
We may also mention the commencement of the Kali Yng, or present era of the Hindoos,
commencing 3102 years b.c. ; the uncertain Chinese chrouulogies ; and the Sothiac period of
the ancient Egyptians, consisting of 14 GO years of 3G5 days and 5 hours, the commencement
of which was dcicxmined by the heliacal rising of Sothis, Sirius, or the Dog Star, whence it
was also called a Canitsnlar period. Since remote events in the history of the three last-
nanyd ir»riwital countries liava been recognised as of the highest importance in fixing common
j^.^'-fwnts of departure in sacred and general history, the necessity of ascertaining exactly the
mode of bringing them into correspondence with the dates of the western continent becomes
api>arcnt. As all these eras commence at various i>eriods of the year, for the most [>:irt
selected from no astronomical considerations, frequently for reasons simply special to the
people by whom they are employed, the kibour of reducing and correcting them by our own
system would be not only enonnous and of the driest and most re[)ulsive kind, but requiring the
greatest care and utmost accuracy. From these circumstances, few persons have the courage
or patience to work out the problem, the result of which, when done, is often ern)neoiis or
> doubtful, from the imperfect knowledge bnmght to bear upon it in the manipulation, and the
' -^ liability to error involved. To expatiate more fully u[>on the peculiarities uf these variniis
I eras woild be to convert remarks, which are only intended to l>e introductory, into a trcatisi^ ;
we therefore content ourselves with calling the attention of tlic reader to the ini]x»rtance of
understanding the difficulties which stand in the way of compiling an unimpeachable and
perfectly homogeneous chronology.
We feel the more justified in adopting this course, from the patent fact, that, whilst
oriratal scholars are few they are the men who are the most interested in, and, at the same
time, the most competent to effect the corrections or reductions they require ; we therefore
return to the consideration of hints which may be useful to the readers of European and
especially British historical literature.
We have already mentioned the English practice of commencing the year on the 25th
of March, which was adopted by the Anglican Church in the twelfth century, by the civil
community in the fourteenth, and continued in use until 1752 ; but we find that previous
to the commencement of this period from the seventh century, the year was considered to
commence on Christmas day ; and we are told that this mode of computation continued in
Togue even to the thirteenth century, so that two certainly, and possibly three, orders of
dates of events appear to have been in use in England at the same time — those of the legal
and clerical authorities — ^being one and the same in referring occurrences to the ecclesiastical
year, which, we are told by way of increasing confusion, appears to have commenced in some
places upon the first Sunday in Advent, the commonalty using another ; and the historical
year commencing on the 1st of January.
In France the same confusion occurs. From the time of Charlemagne, and during the
ninth century, the year commenced from Christmas day in the greater part of it, although it
was in some instances reckoned from Easter day, or Easter eve, which subsequently became
the more general practice, excepting in the provinces possessed by the English, Normandy,
Poitou, Guienne, and Anjou, where Christmas day was considered the first of the legal year.
Particular towns and provinces appear to have adopted, changed, or retained one or the
other of these systems, at the caprice or convenience of their inhabitants, and it was only in
1563 that an edict of Charles IX., confirmed by the Parliament of Paris in 1567, ordained
that the Ist of Januaiy thenceforward should be the commencement of the year. To this
ordinance the church of Beauvais did not conform until 1580. In Germany and in most
other countries equal want of uniformity prevailed, — the universities of Cologne, Treves,
Strasbnrg, and numerous other places, having each its own style. In Denmark, the year
was sometimes reckoned from the feast of St Tiburtius, the 11th or 12th of August.
In all the other European states similar changes were made at various periods, from
Karch 2o, or Easter day, as the case happened, to Christmas, then to the 1st of January.
At Delft, Dort, and at Brabant in Holland, the year commenced on Good Friday
until 1575.
Much trouble is sometimes caused by the occurrence of a birth or death or other event
being recorded as taking place upon a Saint's day. Movable Feast, Vigil's, ^ at an
interval of so many days from them. In reference to the ecclesiastical year, such dates are
TBoal, and certain days of the civil year are sometimes distinguished only as those upon
vhich "King Edward married Queen Margaret," or other memorable events took place.
Certain discrepancies as regards particular days may sometimes be reconciled by referring to
tlie practice of various peoples beginning their day at different hours, as at midnight, sunrise,
or at mid-day.
A constant source of confusion arises in some of our most important records from the
frequent use of regnal years only, without regard to any other chronological standard. The
casual inquirer would probably require no surer basis for his calculation ; nevertheless, he
could possibly choose none more fallacious or perplexing. In addition to the corrections
which we have already shown to be necessary in order to establish a regularly consistent
chronology, wo have to ascertain in what manner the regnal years referred to are computed,
and from what period they commence; as, in some instances, they are dated from the acces-
sion de facto of the monarch to the throne, at others firom his coronation, and, again,
instances have been adduced, in which the broken part of the astronomical year remaining
after the succession de facto, has l^en reckoned as the first regnal year, the second com-
mencing with the ordinary civil year.
This subject might bo expanded to a much greater extent, but our object in treating of
it at all here is to show our readers the difficulty of verifying dates of comparatively very
recent times and its causes. That discrepancies, and even glaring differences, such as can-
not be accounted for by the aid of our suggestions, may arise, is not unlikely ; we would
request, however, that it should not be hastily assumed that they are the results of careless-
ness, but more probably of premeditation and intention. Another source of error has arisen
from the fact of certain biographers having concluded from the title-page of a work that
its author was living at the time of its publication : but whatever care may be taken with
a dictionary of this character, there will probably be found some of those palpable errors
which occasionally creep into even the most carefully revised works.
As a suitable addendum to a woik of this nature, a Classed Index of the principal works
on Biography published in Europe and America up to the present day has been carefully
compiled, and arranged under three divisions, viz.. General , or those which contain the
accounts of individuals of all nations ; National^ or those which relate to the celebrities of
particular counties; and Class, which treat only of the members of respective bodies or
professions, as actors, painters, dbc, and these are arranged or subdivided into nationalitie&
This Index, we trust, will contribute greatly to the value of the work.
To those who desire to pursue for themselves the vexed questions connected with
doubtful dates, of which we have written in the foregoing pages, we would recommend the
excellent French work, " L'Art de Verifier les Dates," De Value's " Dictionnaire Raisonn^ de
Diplomatique," the " Glossarium " of Ducange, the compendious ** Chronology of Histoiy"
by Sir Harris Nicohis, published by Messrs Longman in 1838, and "A Handy-Book of the
Rules for Verifying Dates" by Mr Bond, of the Public Record Office, which appeared in
18G6, — all of which will be found of the greatest assistance and value.
12 QuEEH Squabe, W.C, April 1871.
Page 12. Aolti, read Aclit.
„ 2X Aldrornndi, 1605, rmd 1607.
„ 3<}. Ames, John, rtad Joieph.
„ 54. Agenioli, rtad Ai^^naoli.
„ 55i Argenson, marquis de Voger, rtad Vojer.
„ 395. Florifl, Fr4n9ois, 1590, rtad 1570.
„ 566. Lnusaowue, U. P. Fitz-Murice, rtad Fitz-Maariee ; 186S, rtad 1863.
Wfofe Christ.
Lieut «gen.
Phvs. or M.D.
tausic cfr musician,
rbyid academician.
A.— Alliv, William, American BiograpliioAl Dic-
tionary. Boston, 1858. 8va
B. — ^Bbtavt, M., Biographical and Critical Dictionary
of Painten and Engravers, by O. Stanley ; and
Supplement, by H. Ottley. London, 1853 and
18d6. 8vo.
0.— Chalmibs, ALXXAifDER, The General Biomphi-
cal Dictionary. London, 1812-17. 32 toIi. 8to.
D.— DiDOT, NoaFelle Biographic Universelle, edited
by Dr Hoefer. Pans, 1862-6a 46 vols. 8vo.
B.— AnTOKio, N., Bibliotheoa Hiipana vetai, MatritL
2 Tola. foL 1788. And Bibliotheca Hiipana
Nova, MatritL 2Toli. 4ta 1783-88.
F.— Vapiriau, O., Dictionnaire Univenel des Con-
temporaina. Paris, 1858. 8vo.
0.— Ebsoh, JoHAyy Samuel, and Obubkr, Johann
Gottfried, Allgemeine Encyclopiidie der Wis-
senchaftenundKiinste. 1818-47. In sections
forming aboat 150 vols. 4ta
&— OLXiTTOir, H. F., Fasti Hellenid : The Civil and
Literary Chronolo^ of Greece. Oxford, 1834-
51. 3 vols. 4ta Fasti Bomani : The Civil and
Literary Chronology of Borne and Constanti-
nople. Oxford, 1845-50. 2 vols. 4to.
L— MazzuohsllI, Giam Marla, Gli scrittori dltalia.
Brescia, 1753-63. 6 vols. foL *
IL — ^Fetu, F. J., Biographic Universelle des Mosioiens.
Paris, 186a 10vols.8vo.
L.— L*Abt de ViBiFiEB LB8 Dates. Paris, 1821-44.
18 vols. 8vo.
IL—Waltobd. R. Men of the Time. London, 1868.
8vo. 7th edition.
-Naolbr, G. K., Kiinstler- Lexicon. MQnchen*
1835-52. 22vols.8vo.
•Wolf, Jo. Chb., Bibliotheca Hebma, sen notitia
auctonim Uebr. Hambnrgi, 1715-33. 4 vols.
-MOBEBI, Le Grand Dictionnaire Historique. Paris,
1759. lOvoUfol.
-JoBCHEB, C. G., Allgemeines Gelehrten Lexicon.
Leips., 1750, 5L 4to. Continoaiions and Sup-
plements, by J. C. Adelnng and H. G. Boter-
mond. 1784-87 and 181019.
-Rose, H. J., A New General Biographical Dic-
tionary. London, 1848. 12 vols.
TiPALDO, E. DR, Biografia degli Italian! illnstri
del socolo XVllI., &o. Veneaa, 1834-45.
10 vols. 8yo.
-Lakzi, Storia Pittorioa della Italia. Milano, 1824,
25. 4 voU. 8vo.
-Bioobaphib-Univerbicllb pnbli6e sons la direc-
tion de M. Michaud. Paris, 1843-66. 45 vols.
W.— Watt, R., Bibliotheca Britannica, a General
Index to British and Foreign Literature. Edin-
burgh, 1824. 4 vols. 4to.
X— Smith, W., Dictionary of Greek and Roman Bio-
graphv and Mythology. London, 1844-49. 3
volL ova
T.— Machado, Diooo Babbosa, Bibliotheca Lositana.
Lisboa, 1741-59. 4 vols. foL
I.— BARTOLoccins, JcLirn, Bibliotheca Magna Rab-
Rom», 1675-91. 4 vols. fol.
a.— Aluboite, Samuel Austin, A Critical Dictionaij
of Englidi Literature, and British and Ameri-
can Authors, living and deoeased, from the
earliest accounts to the latter half of the nine-
teenth century. Philadelphia, 1859-71. 3 vols.
6.— Obbidob, B. R, Some account of the Citizens of
London and their Rulers, from 1060 to 1867.
London, 1867. 8vo.
c—CcrrroTX, Henbt, Fasti EcdesiaD Hibemien. The
Succession of the Prelates and Memben of the
Cathedral Bodies in Ireland. Dublin, 1849. 5
vols. 8vo.
d.— Stubbs, W., Registrum Sacrum Anglioanum.
The course of Episcopal succession in EnglanU.
Oxford, 1858. 8vo.
e.— Ripley, G., and Daka, C. A., The new American
Qvclopsdia. {AppUUm.) New York, 1858-63.
16 vola. 8vo.
f.—YoBRt Edwabd, Judges of England, with sketches
of their lives, and miscellaneous notices con-
nected with the Courts of Westminster, from
the time of the conquest. London, 1861-64.
9 voU. 8vo.
or. —Gentleman's Magazine. London, 1731 •187L
240 vols.
A.— Hook, W. F., Lives of the Archbishops of Can-
terbury. London, 1860-68. 8vols.8vo.
u— Alboambe, Philifpur, Bibliotheca Seriptonim So-
cietatis Jesu. 1676. Folio.
it.— Keith, R., Catalogue of the Bishops of Scot-
land. Edited by Dr RusselL Edinburgh, 1824.
{.—Lb Nets, J., Fasti Ecclesin Anglicaus; or a
Calendar of the principal ecolesiastical digni-
taries in England and Wales, and of m ehief
officen in the Universities of Oxford and Cam-
bridge. Corrected and continued by T. D.
Hardy. Oxford, 1854. 3 vols. 8vo.
m.— D*Alton, John, lives of the Archbishops of
DubUn. Dublin, 1838. 8vo.
n.— Et/)T, N. F. J., Dictionnaire Historique de la
M^decine. Mons, 1778. 4 vols. 4to.
o.— Wood, Ant., Athene Oxonienses ; or, Aooount of
the Eminent Writers who have been educated at *
Oxford. Edited by P. BUss. London, 1813-20.
4 vols. 4to.
p.— Campbell, Lord John, Lives of the Lord Chan-
cellors and Keepers of the Great SeaL Lon-
don, 1845-60. 8 vols. 8vo.
9.— CoopEB, r. H. and T., Athens Cantabrigienses,
Cambridge, 1858-61. 2 vols. 8vo.
L 7%t initio tdten appmdtd to tach article refer to Bictwrmria and other Worh, %6kerdn a fuUer oooowil
</ mdk indMdyal ma^ be found. For a lut 0/ these »tt oppo9itc page.
2L Wht)^ «aif^ ime d^Ue occurt without theprtjir b ^ d, &< indicates ihe period at vrAtcA thepcrton wck» living*
3^ fie aiUf^k {*) indiaUeM an approzimoU or doubtful d^Ue,
4w Tk£ ■■■fi in itgtlics indicate an oMruvud naim or sobriquet
i. Tki dtUt9 Uf&rt the Chri«tmn era are denoted by B.O.; where more than me euch date oecurt under tfie same
mame, Ihii prefix ii not repeated.
AM, Adoir VUB d«r, Dateh patriot ; d. 1568
Mm^ AmManJukohxkBxmi der, Dutch biog. ; 1794—1857
Al, C flvndiik Tan der, Dutch theoh; lTlB-1792 u.
Sk ]>irk rvb der, Dutch painter ; 1731—18^9 g.
MM^ EIiM*btmnd tkd der, Dutch eiigmver ; 1700 r.D.
Aa. KflMtiftn Kjutd Hendrik Viui der, Dutch Luthorau
4m&e; 1718—1793 cp.r.
Aa» Pttlcr van der, Dutch geon'aplier, booktelkr, and
«dll0r ; 1670*- 1730 c.d.k.
M, FHer van der» Dut^h bwyer ; 1535— iri»4 c.D.
Aa, Tkkny ran dcrr, Dutch paiuter ; 1731—1809 B,
li^l, P»a«r Pcreb, Norwegian theologian : b. 1795
4a&9^ Tbonuu, Danish judge and polit.; 175^^—1820
» CitmwDM^ Benedictine »bbot ; 1718—1731
> KwidU Charles, BaroD ; d. 1817
r Aom^ Mtcbel, Htmgarian pliilotopher and
ib*ttlogUti; 1631— 170» D.
ljyc% i>r Aci, MicheU Hungarian theol. ; 1C72 - 1711 d,
itgllM, Jujft Georv Waldemar, Daaiah procurator :
MglATd, Banniu, Daniih theologian ; 1777-^1857
AMglt^ Chrictiaa, Dumb poet ; 1616-1G64 a.c.B.
AJilpvtl, K&ud, Daniih pastor and writer ; 1780 ild.
AftC^ltl, SttiM (IT KicolaL Daniah achohir and writer ;
I«LI-1<67 O.D.U.
AlMMV Sr«od orSnetJo, D»mih h'nU ; 1186 aiu
Aal,J»c* ' ^nt : 1773— 1844 e.
AMlbors ihtheoL; 15(j2-1619
jlilfcfiilUlln, «^i<7t^ »4^i»t44A«« ^iMtwcgiati ptiet atid liu-
eatti k 18U
Auior Allt H1l•tllph*-B<m-AchmBd'Ben-Abdul-Moh^
Tvksali llltlcvrian ; d, 1597 D.ii.
A>ag|M*llit Mfibgmct Emin^Qttomao fttatom. ; &. 1815 r.
AMim. 8«eAtflSt
Aan; Vitk, or Tbiemr van der. bishop of Utrecht ;
d, 1112 KU.
igftii^ Hlfsrt Kttttdaioo, Norweidan atateflman and
iattin lint KLrii i«n«ito( the Jewa, brother of Moae* ;
X D.U.
A&r - - -f the fint monofiteiy in Brittauy;
AMK*iS: WaJea D,H.
Asnn (LA ]»rtD. rubbi^ author; 13th cent. o. [i<
Aftnn, cr Bjuraun, Ai Eaahid, tilth caliph of the Abaa-
iid«;7U5-80y B*
Amran, Uaac^ dnt^oxoan to Manuel Comaenua tL,t*
Aaroo, Margolitha, Polish converted Jevr, Lutheran
divine, and author ^ 1712 fw
AarOD, Pictro, monk of the order of csrott-bcareFa,
canon of Elmini ; 1521 0.D.II.
AaJOn, Zaiuha, Span, rabbi and author ; d. 1293 KO,
A&rQB'Ablob, m- Avlob, rubbi of Theaaalonica and
writfer ; to.S5* d.o.
A&ron-AchaLTon, rabbi of the Kanut«a ; 1580 D.O.
Aaron-Arlseon^ r.>- Harischon, lien Joseph, rabbi and
physician ; 11270* ao,D»U.
A&ron-Ben-Aser, or Aaron'Sar-MolsQ^ rabbi and
Jewiflh phiiologcr ; lu:iO* B.O.
AaroiL-Ben*Clia.lm, nibbi uf Per. ; 1G09* ilz.
Aaron-Ben-Josepli Saaoa (Scha&eon), rabbi of Thes-
aalonica ; lljCKj p.s.
Aaxon-Bcrakialt, It*!, rabbi and writj 17th ceut. luz,
Aaron Kohoti^ Italian rabbi ; 1350* D.Q.U.
Aaron of Alexandxiai physician and philoaophor ; 7 th
cent. CH.
Aaron of Blstrlea, Peter Saul, bishop of Poyara*,
TnLiisylvuuiu ; (/. 1760 D.U.
Aaxonof Pe&ara,Pi9auren8iB,Italrabbi; ICith ccnt.D.o.
Aaron of Raguaap rabbi and author ; 17th cent. n.
Aaronewlcz, Ixjac^ I*oUah Jewii^h writ. ; d, 14329 D.U.
Aarachot, Fhilippo de Croi, Due d\ Belgian diploma-
tiat ; d. LWO i>.n,c.
Aarsenj^ Cornelius van, Dutch fitatsni.; 1453 — lf>24R.ti.
Aarsena, Franz Tan, Dutch diplomatist, titiveller, and
writer; 1572—1641 aa.D.
Aart.Hugh v»n der Goea^ Dutch painter; d. 1480* N.U.
Aartgen, or Aertgens, Aithur Claeasoon, Dutoh
painter; 1494^-1504 B.ILD.
Aartman, Mutthijoz, Dutch drawing ma*.; 1713—1793
Aartibergeu, Alexander vun der Capelkn, Dutch
itateiniun und audi or ; d. 1656 D,V,
Aartsen, See Aertsen.
Aartazen, llijkert, Dutch hist, painter; 14^—1577
Aaa. Gunder. Norwegiim Juiist ; 1785—1853
Aascow, Urbain-Bruan, Daniih ^i by sic inn ; 1770* d.
Aasen, Ivar Andieaa, Daniah phdologer ; b, 1813
Aasbelnip Arnold Nicolai, Norwegiau physioian and
scholar; 1749-1800
AaslCOY, Urbjin Bnin, Daniah physician ; 1742—1806
Aa«alm, or Aaslm. Bon-AbderrnJimim EfTendi, Turk-
ish writer ; d. 1075 vak
Aasslm^ I;:macl £tf cndi, Turkiah luuiti and writer ;
(/. 1758 RIK
ATwti or Owon, Sam. , k. of HuBgury^ 1011 ; d. 1044 u.iL
AlMOO, tUutjUf mu*Utur cjiuy^ji^^r Mud riokmiat ; Uih :
Mrot, K. ;
AlMiDO, y^Aff d«ir, yU/rtutiote msUhemMiiaMikaad. ixwt; .
<tf, !.»«> T>. :
Atad L, A>jr/ii1'i;«M«in'M//httiAtiMKl, first ktof of the <
M/y/m <;f HtsvilUf ; d, U>i2 c.Le. I
Atad IL, >U^/u Anir/U'A|.M//Udbed'BUUh ; 1(112-
AiNUl HL, AUiuH'^yiUMem'HobAmnMd'ftl'MaUiiied-
Atad f wrp90, HMuntU Himd. bp, ; 1775—1825* cD.
ft, ynui«iiMwXftv«ru^HpMi.geiL; 1774—1830 D.
; Vmul, yrvwth ftrcbitoet ; h. 1783 r.
B, tfT Apaflf Micli«l, prince of TraiunrlTanU (1661) ;
Hiiri-im B.D.
Abftfft, or Atoftkft-XIUUi, Me«m<l llog^ emperor of
I'trmUi, I2f}5; //. 12H2 U.D.
Abfttlftjrd, or AbtUrd, Kierre, French phlloiopber,
thMiliMcUn, mmI writer; 10711-1142 ILD.
AlMlftl, fomnrnm, It«Uan sculptor ; 1451 D.
Ahftkfc'fhftll, eighth emiNjror of the dynftfty of
Ci heiigin on the throne of I'enU; d, 1282 e.B.
AtNUcnm, KumUu teclfMbmik ; d. 1684
AlMllft, ItalUn MohoUr Mid ftuthureu; 6. 1250* D. u.
Abammitl, or AblMUnonte, (iuiv^ppe, Neapolitan
nUUmmon Mul Uwycr ; 1750—1818 h.u.
AlMLaoottrt, C Jh AflttN Krerot d\ Fr. engineer; d. 1 801 f. d.
AtNUIOOUlt, ('Imrloi-XAvier-JoMph Franriueville d\
inininter of I^mi> XVI. ; 175H-1702 B.F.e.
Abftnoatut, Knui9(»iji-Juan ViUemiiiii d\ French littera-
teur; 1745 -1H03 r.D.f.
AlNUiO, Pietro d\ ItiillMi phyiician, alohemUt, and
author; 1246-1320 n.U.e.
AhftatUUM, UMunwr of throne of Bioyon ; n.C. 267 D.B.
Abftrbftntl, Arabftntl, nr Abrabanel, Itaao Barbanella,
HimniMh nilihliiimU iloutor ; 1437—1508 C.I).I{.Z.
Abaroft d« Bolta, Inigo, Hpaniah religious writer; Kith
cent. ICK.
Abaroft d« Bolta y Portugal, Goronimo Don, Ara-
goiioM hi«torhui ; 16ih cent. I>.K.R.
Abaroa, iHm .lounuln, hinhup of Tawxi ; 1780-1844 ^.u.
Abaroa, K. V. <le la HaU. Hpauish knight and military
author ; 17ih ooiit. D.K.
Abaroa, Maria de, HnanUh female artist; 1650 B.K.
Abaroa, Martin do, Ilnlian numiaiuntist ; 16th cent
Abaroa. riulrti. HpaniHh Jesuit ; lOlO-KUU D.K.
Abaroa, Kuurtiun, king (»f Amgon and Navarre: </. 026
Abarta, ImiMMitdr and magician of Uoythia ; 6tn cent.
no. VLWX,
Abaaa, Abaua. fir Abasa. imrha of lUisnin; 6. 1617 i>. u.
Abaaoal, l>«in Jose Kcruando, viotnxiy of IVru ; 1743—
18:11 F.K.r.
Abaooantua, Un»«»k physician of I^vons ; 1st cent. ii.p.
Abana, of Abbaaia. MuiHort of biafar the lUrmo-
cido ; 810 V.D.
Abasaa, stilor of llurtmn al lUshid, oaliph of the
Haia«HinM ; 786
AbaU. Auiln^ 1/fr^y.^iY). 1 tuHuniudnter of still life ;
W. 1 73 J B.i>.lT.
AbaU. .Vntonto do OuU.i.s Italian poet ; «!. 16t;7 c.r.
AbaU. I M do Vititolo, Itnlisn phys.: 16th cent. RK.
AbaU, I UK^nk dol. Kloivutui«^ noble; VXO n.
AbaU, KiAHde, haliau itaintvr of tlio MiHlen<«e schoid ;
IMU* 1613 itT.
AbaU. (lio\ sun i. Mod<»it«*<«e i^inter; d, 1%VM) T.
AbaU. Diulio t'amillo, MmWno*i» |vuuter T.
Abatt «*r AbalU. Nuvoloddl. luliau iminter oi the
M«Hlenem«svh%Md; l^tntor r.* 1A71 B.1K
AbaU. IViiM IVdis Mi^leiieee |«*iuter: d. 1555* t.b.
AbaU. IVtu» IWIo. MvHleu<^* painter; 1592-UV)I> T.
AbaUa. «*r AbbaUa. IWruanl, VVcnch phvsieian and
aslvxdiv^*r; UVIt» KVM H.|>.
AbaUa« ^"* AbatU. iSiovanni-Antv^iv^ lUtian alche*
iMts%; ItiOM* l\i\
Atattni, Cmdo UUdo, «i Cfttt dx CMtdlo, Itafiaa
fresco painter ; 1600—1656 Y.T.1LD.
ibannti. Pedro, Spanish scholar : 1599—1619 ld.
Abamtt^Fmnin, Fr.jknuq. and phfloa.; 1679— 1767 CD.
Abajam, Joee Peretra, Span, priest and hist. ; 1750* D.
Abaxa, pacha of Bosnia ; d. 1636 B.r.
Abba Azlfia (iZoo), Jewish founder of a eoOece in
Babylon; 2iKr* u.
Abba Bar Onbmma, Amorite rabbi, compiler of the
^'Ghemara;'' 2iO o.
AMMk Bon Mioloino BmiiBla, rabbi of Basle, anthor
and scholar ; 1600 z.
Abba ChOki^tL, one of the authors of the *'Mlsh-
na" o.i.
Abba Eleanr Ban Dolal, Jewish author ; 120* o.z.
Abba Mori Bar Moilie, Jewish scholar and writer ;
14th cent. o.z.
Abba Banl Bon Botnltli, one of the rabbis who com-
piled the ** Mishna " o.
Ammoo, Paolo dell*. Italian geometrician, astronomer,
and poet ; d. 1376* B.C.
Abbadabn, Amon. sultan of Seville ; 1042
Abbadle, canon of Gomminges and author ; 1700
Abbadle, Antoine d', French traveller in Abyssini.!,
18:J8 ; 6. 1810 u.D.p.
Abbadle, Amould Michel d\ French traveller in Abys-
sinia. 1838; 6. 1815 D.F.C.
Abbadle, Jacques, French Protestant theologian and
political writer ; 1658—1727 C.B.W.D.
Abbadle, Vincent, French surgeon ; 1737—1800 D.X.
Abbal, Basile Joseph, French priest ; 6. 1799 P.
Abaa-Ben-Abddlmottallb, uncle and disciple of Ma-
homet ; 566—652 i>.d.
Abbas L {Grtat), shah of Persia (1587-1628) ; 1557—
1628 B.D.
Abbai n. ; 1629-1666 b.d.
Abbai m. ; 1731—1736 b.t).
Abbat-Uina, shah of Persia ; 1785—1833 u.
Abbas-Pacha, viceroy of Effypt, 1848 ; 6. 1813 U.D.
Abbassaros, officer under Cyrus
Abbate, or Abbati, Balde-Angelo d', Italian physi
cian ; 1585* d.U
Abbate, D. Stofano, Italian theologian ; 1700 D
Abbate, Niccolo doir, Italian painter ; 16th cent x.
Abbate, Pietro Paolo, Italian painter ; 1550 B.
Abba-Thulle, chief of the Archipelago of the Pelcw
Isles ; d. 1784 D.
Abbatla, Antoine d\ Fr. poet and jurist ; 6. 1650* i).
Abbatinl, Antonio-Maria, Italian music composer;
1605-1675 D.
Abbatnod, Carlo, French general, bom in Corsica;
1771-1796 D.v.
Abbatucd, Charles, French barrister; 19th cent. F.
Abbatucd, Jac^uos Pierre, French general, bom in
Corsica; 1726-1812 B.
Abbatnod, .laccmes Pierre Charles, French magis-
trate ; 1791—1857 F.
Abbaud, French theologian ; 12th cent. i>.u.
Abbo, II., Flemish engraver and painter; 1670 B.B.
Abbo, Li>uise (la UlU CordonHitrc)^ French poetess ;
17th cent.
Abbes, (iuillaumo, French theologian ; 1620* d.
Abbes, l>e (\ibrerolles d*. French author ; d, 1785 D.
AbbOTllle. Claude d\ Capuchin missionary ; 1614
Abbiatl. FilipiH). MiUneso painter ; 1(>40 -1715 T.
Abblatl, GuisepiH*. of MiUn, engraver and designer ;
1T1X>* B.O.
AbUatis. P. M.. en^mvor B.
Abbls, Janie«« ^heritf i>f lii^ndon : IStX) </.
Abbon. or Abbo [U CourU)^ French mock and poet ;
d. Vt>\ C.B.D.
AbbOQ. «>r Abbo (.4'^ i7(>ri<r'Yfi/M\ Frvnch abbe, his-
torian, and uuthematiciAn ; m5— lUM C.B.1X
AbboodanU. Anumio i.VuudaHtttu d'lMcfa), Italian
iHiet and historian ; 1600* o.
AoboBdaBsa, Vincenrio. ItaL hi*t. ; ISth cent. ivi*.
Abbot* Abiel, American divine ; 17Tl>— 1888 B^c
Still ■
JIftoW Aaftiii, Ameriaui Author : 1^1 a,
itt>ai» Bcufttnizw American Kcboliir ; 1762—1^9 A,t>
Attboli BM||uiztn« Ainericiin Author; 6« l^M) a.
AMMiCWrlMk, first Ixr i < .Mr.ter, speaker of tbn
if Qtwi «f Oommoiu . *,^.
» CUrlei, £tiglkl •mtfr : d. 1817
I 0m9««, Ittchop ' -T loll irao,
.^cl Gutter] hdj.w,
» GcKUf c-. Eof^IuL ' : 1^ o.B.
rjcan miniiter ; 16&4— 1774 A.
k J ., r-Dgiiak etcber ; 17ti7 H.
« Jfiha, Ancriean Imgniit ; 1759^1843 a,
t Jnlin. Ku^UjIi nfttiunUut ] 17*J7
ry, Ameiicftn divine ; 1793—1819 A.
, Americ&n author; h. 1H}5 e.
- lort. pMiit«r; 1762— 1803 E.B.a
ctor of the East Imlia Cora-
S;rf. 1640 CRT,
KJO— 16ia c.B.a/.
sin© ; «t 1665*
1732-1B12 e.x,
; 178^-1839 CA.
, ,,u, lord chief-
imoii ^1 mifhor; d, 1817
IM^ S^ooiM, ifvnuiut liit^nttottr, MtttbemattdAn,
. n4 yUdbiopk^ ; 173^^1706 c.k.d.
I doctor ; IGtli cent. it
r of E^»t ; 044
J of Spurn ; 724
i, f OQnd. of the dyn a*t y of A bhas ; cf . 755 K. D.
» csktipb in Spain, 8HH ; «i« l>12
p 1m« ftheik of the Wiaift.biU» ; it 1818 D.R.
Kohammod, emperur of tho Almo-
I m Africa ami Spain ; 4. 1225 B.
AlafUWt MoluBitiiednn gorvmor of
BUalos ; Uth e«ot. It.
tfc*«H«ii Bea MfiTiamTnmli Siiruen king of Spain ;
d.mi IL
, fotiTiff^r nf thr* rrnpiro of th<j
nt. H.
renaila ;
1I1K> D.
Alfliccmriilai* snltau
IMiTI nil -glni-CKU'El>Pe»ry, Mu
kBIilSail, ^^rabian hi^t. ; \^\K
- Wnhamwidd - Al - Axdl ( JfM/tt^ Watis),
: 962-1013 IK
JMiaairAn-KoiUEtiiEba-Kotej^bAli {Mof>
•%\ ArabiHH historian ; 828-890
kTalbAlNmlFftTidl, Ajabian C i> n s i t i
J d 1Q4:» u,
\ II IflCml, lait MooriiU king of Gmniuiu ;
I Itan laad, th«^ scribe of Mahomet % d, aiO* r.
liJgniH llm ilMldl irilUiill) father of Mxhotnet;
M»-WI D.u,
AMilbl&4tail-80tMlr» onlipb of Mecca and JMi^iiinit
I|et7— aM» au,
7 iMtmt^Sddin'Ahd^Uitthvfl Arabian
I «Ad phTiidftii ; 1163-1231 n. d.
«of} of UUc Bcig« kiitjf of TratUHudana,
.•<i,1452 »,
« kit iiriBoe ol lh« moe of Ghciiigii Khim \
, caliph: d. 705
AM li-Baimifi, Ibn Mubainmod nm $1 Asohat.
A»ittA •onvrmt ; c/. 702 li.
kMAlralBl&, Alrieati priiioe, nntlTo of Hmhtiotoo ; iL
AMalralmtiii nm BUitalm Tnrkiah hisL ; 1807 E.
AbdM. or Auda*, bp. of Sum, roartyr ; 1410* b,D.!?.
Abd-el-Aiyt, second Moorish viceroy of Siiain ; d*
Til U.D.
Abd-el'Asyi; MAlek-el-Hantoar. sultAii of Egypt
Abd-«1-Aayi. chief of the Wahi bites ; d. 1S6'6 h.d.c.
Abdol-Cader-Ben-MohJunmed, writer ou th« growth
of colft^o ; l^th cent. r,
Abdel-Caher-Abvi BeklTi granunariiui and philologist ;
lltb cent. It.
AtMi-el-Hakk-£bti-01ialitv Arabian theologian and
poet; loss— 1152 D*
Abd=el-Hamld, Fi^och traveller ; b, 1812 P.
Abd*ei-Kader,SifU el Hadii Ouled Mahiddiii, Arabiaa
emir and WAixior ; b. 1807 d.m,
Abd-el-Sadlr-OMlani, Persi«i sehoLur and doctor:
<i. iia D,
Abd - el -Eadlr- Ben -Mohammed. Arabian writer;
1570* D.naj,
Abd^el-MelelE* fifth caliph of DamoacnSf of the house
of Omeya ; d, 742 k. D*
Abd-el-Melek, suUhh of Morocco ; d. 1578 d.
Abd*el-Melek L, ftultnn of Khoraasan ; d. 961 O.R.U.
Abd-el-Melek 11,, im ; d. ii'j!) d.r.d.
Abd-el-Melok-Ben-HlBCham-el'mmyarl, Arabian hia-
torian and poet ; d. S&i d.
Abd-el-Melek-B«a*Merottan, cidiph of Damascus;
iiSo D,u*
Abd-el'Melek-Ebti-Ballb-AssolAml, Arabian writer;
801-^*54 a
AM-el-MeleJc-Ben Koreyb-AlbahdU, Al-Amud, Ara*
bian savant ; 740—822 ix
Abd-el-Htiek-Ben-OmAT. vizier ; 718--788 d.u.
Abd-dl-Helelc-Beii-Salali, governor of Egypt B.
Abd-e]-Melek-Ebn*Molxammed, Arabian historian ;
1170' D.
Abd-el-Melek'Ebn-Mohammed, Abon - Manaotirath -
thalebi, Persiau writer; 'JOl— 10ii7 D,
Abd'^-MoumMi, A1>on-MohAinTiR'd, founder of tho
d VBaety of the Aimohades ; 1 10 1 — 11 153 h. D.
Abd-^l-iiottalib, grandfather and tutor of Mahomet;
497-579 D.U*
Abd-^T'BahTnaT) , emperor \t Morocco and Fex ; &.
1778 D.P.
Abd -er -Rahman- Ben ^Hoaaaln, Arabian histi^rian ;
17liO*— IHif) D.U,
Abd-er-Ramim, African prince : ft, 1760* D.U.
Abderrahmanl. M'«>tJ ; ./rar),kiiigof Spain^
of th*' houKe of *U\]k} 7 D.U,
Abderrahman n,, torni^ u._ — d& king of Spain;
7KH— 852 n,m
Abderrabman tlL {An-Nttmr-Ledsfn'jiiffth)^ Ommi«
ade king of Sp^ ; 891— tMSl U.U,
Abdemlunait lY., caliph of Spain ; 1021
AbdemlmiUL v., Ben Uixen ; d. 1023
Abd-eT-Eahmui<Ben-AbdaIlab-al-Qafa]d» emir of
Spain ; d. 732 D.U.
Abderrabman-Ben-Caba, Arabian viceroy of Spain ;
iHtli eerit, a,
Abd -er-RalUDan, Ibn - Mohammed^ Ibn - al - Atchat^
Arabian general ; d. 702* d.u.
tbilnl ffniinlr^ niltant founder of the dynasty of the
Sarbedarians ; ef. 1340 D.U.
Abdper*Be«iak {Kemil-Eddirt), Fenian historian and
traveller; 1413—1471 D.U.
Abd-el-Wabab, founder of the sect of Wahabitet;
101^2— 17H7 U.
AbdJesuB, 8t, bn. of Civscar, in Chnldieaf and martyr R.
Abdlai-Ben-SGhalom, Jewish scholar ; 7th cent. as.
Abdieana, martvr ; 4th cent, D.O.
Abdolonymiis, king of Sidon ; 4th cent. li.o. K.X.
Abdon, judte of Israel ; 8X, 11154* d.h.
Abdon, 8t, Pemian Christian martyr ; 2A0 R.B.
Abdnl-Amed, sultan of Turkey (17f 4) j 1725-1789 r.d.
Abdul Amed Bey {U CWrrO, French trav,; b, 1812 D,
Abdnl-Aiiz, sultiin of Turkey ; 6. 1830
AbdUl-Serym, Peniau historian ; 1738* IX U.
Abdlll-lIe4)M, emp. of Tuxkey, 1839 ; h. 1822 D. F.
AbdnI-KedJid'Elni-AlNlOllll, Ambijui poet ; 1085* D.u.
Abdul-RaliliTni {^/am^Klman), Mougailou writ«>r
and diplomfttist ; 1555 — 1627 D.u.
AMy, I>lw:irtl Stmtt, English phyRioian ; d, 184G
AtHly» .James, Engliih Puritan diviua ; d, 1GT3
Abdy, mm, EnglLah ftuthoreia; 6. ISIS* If.F.
Abdy, i^ir Kob«rt ; d. 1748
Abdy. Stotberd, Eagluh dtriiie ; d. 1773
Abdy, William Jamea, Eoglisb divine ; rf. 1823
A'Backett, Gtlbert A1)bot, Engliiti comic writer fttid
nmfiiatrate ; 1811—1856 F*
A'BecketV Thorn im. Sec BedCVtk
A'Beokett, 81r William, attoraey-geneirml of New
South Whales ; b. 1806 M.
AbedechaJas, bp« of Seleucia, mju-tyr ; 4th cent, d.u*
Abe«l» David, Araer. minion, to China; 1800—1846 a.
Abeel, John NeUon, Amer. preacher ; 1770—1812 A.
Abeel, Vmuler Jamcf, Eng* Jes, author ; 1659—1698 R,
Abegg, Bruno-Erhftrd. German juxiiit ; 1803—1848 i).
AlM^iTr *I^>iliuii-Fnedrich*UGiDnch, Oernuiu jumt lUrid
writer; k 1796 D.f.
Abellle, French dramatic author ; 1713 D.u.
A1>ellle, Gaspard, French abbot, poot, and dramatist ;
1548-1718 C.B,D.D.
Abellle, Jules, French lurgeon; 6. 1811 f.
Abellle, Loiii»-Panl French economiat and agricul-
tural writer; 1719-1807 C.B.D.U.
Alwlllt, Scipion, Fr. aurgeon, 1645*— 1697 O.D.K.C.
AXttikMR, Bernard Kodolfdi, German wrltar ; h. 1780 f.
Al»el, kin« of Denmark, 1250 ; d. 12S2 B.D.
Abel, second aon of Adam and Eve ; 40tli oeat. &c.
Abelf archbithop of Rhoimi ; d, 705
Abel, hiJibon of St Andrewi ; 1253 X%
Abel, French artist ; 1650 B.
Abel, Carl, Bavarian «Ut«sroan ; 1788— 1S49* ar,
Abel, Carl Friedcrich^ German niua, ; 1725—1782 k.d.
Abel* t'harles Frederick, English muaictan ; d. 1787
Abel, Clarke, English turgteon, naturalist, and writer ;
1780—1826 n.0.
Abel, Ernst August, German porinit nuiiier ; 17B0*
Abel, Fried, -Godefroi, German phyi. ; 1714—1794 d.d.
AJm1# Gatpttrd, German ' preacher and Antaquary;
1676-1763 c.D.u.
Abel, Gottlieb Fricderich, Ger, eogrmTer ; 6. 1763 CD.
Abel, Hans, paint«ir of Frankfort ; 14i>4* n.
Abel, Jacob Friederick d*, Ger. philos. ; 1751—1829 D.
Abel, Johann J., Austrian hist, i^nter ; 17(iH— 1818 D.
Abel, John, Eagliah btfon of the exchequer ; 1312 /.
Abel, Jobn^ Bn^liab merchant ; d. 156U
Abel. Jobot KngUsh an^itect ; d, 16M
Abel, Joseph, Genxuin painter ; d. 181S B.
Abel, J. E., English musician ; 6. 179)5
Abel, L* oTinnl, ^d Malta, historian ; d. 1605 D.
Abel^Nii-U Htnnk, Norweg. math.; 1802— 1829 R. D.U.
AlMl, Eichard^ English goUbmiih aikd die-outter to
the Mint; 1243
Abel, Thomus, Euglish divine, tuiat of Qtiecn Catber-
iijo : er. 1540
Abel de Fujol, Alciandro Donis, French historical
pftinter ; 17»r,— 1861 BF.
AbolA* GioTanni Franoetoo, kuii^hl of Malia^ arebas-
ologiffl ; 1582-1655 l.R.c.u.
Abelln, Johann Philip, G«nniin hisL ; <t 1(>16 D.11.M.C*
Abell, Abraham, English antiquary ; d. 1851
AbeU, John, KngUili muaieiaii ; 1688 c. R. D. u .
Abell^ ItaliaaaiilliarMi; 1380
AbelU, Antoine, Ffeneli preacher ; IGST^-TOOO D. R.U.
, Ltmif, Fr. theol snd writ. ; ICO*- 16»1 aD.H. v.
L Abed, king of ScviUo ; 14/78
.or £1iii*BeltliV, AhdalUh-Ben- Ahni i*(K
AnbUa physician and botanist ; d. rJ48 D,u.
AtolB4bBrm» Abraham Ben Melr {t/u Winr), Bpanish
rabbi, travel., philoa. , and ooiutnen. ; 1119— UN c.l>.
Abeta-OBtlll, Arabian physioian ; 12th cent O.D.
Abeti-BAimn, Arvhian author D.
Aben Hud, Mooriah kinf of Spein ; dL 1237
e Syna*
-1841 A,
»f Com-
Jge ftod
1686 !,»
m A^B
Abea aumeya, lo&t king of Grenada ; 1520--156S D,u,
Aben Melee, Jewish bildioal oommen ; 17th cent, juc,
Aben 0m&r, vizier of Aben Abed, king of Seville ; Ui85
Aben-Pace, or Eba-Ba4}eh, Abon - B«kr - Mohamod-
Ebn-el-Sayeg, Arabian philosopher ; d. 1138 D.&.
Aben^Baffel, Ali, Arabian astrologer ; 11th cent d,B.
Aben-Balero. Fascid, Spanish writer ; 1600 d.
Aben-Zohar, Andalusian Jewish physician a,o.
Abeoda, Isaac, Spanish Jew, writ, in Eng.; 17th cent*
AbeBdaiia, Jncob, Spanish Jew, warden of the Syna*
gogue^ Lfomlon ; d, 16H5 o.O.
Abendroth, Amodeus* August, German magistrate!
Abenti, Leonard, Bavarian artist ; 1680*
Abercora, Jamea, Earl of ; d. 1 61 7
Abereorn, James BHinilton, Duke of, lord*lieui
of Ireland, 1866 ; b, 1811
Abercom, John Jatnea, Marquis of ; d. 1818
Abercromblo, Jamee, Lord ; 1668
Abercrombie, James, British general ; d 1781
AberCTomMe, Jatnei^ American divine ; 1758—1841 a,
Aberoromble, Jamea, speaker of the House of Com-
mons ; 1835
Abercrombie, John, Eng. metaphys. and m.d.; d. 1S44
Abercromby, Alexander, Lord^ Scottiah judge and
e8!4iiyist ; 1745— 179i6
Abercromby, Chriaiopher, Scottish Jesuit ; 1686
Aberoromby, David, Scottish phrs. ; 1620— llNh5
Abereroml^, David, Scottish Jc«uit ; 1680
Abercromby, George Ralph Abercrombyt
EngliAh itatesinan ; 6. 1838
AberOTomby, James, Baron Dumfermlizie,
statesman ; b. 1776 v,
Abercromby, John, Scotch Benedictine monk ; 15Q1
Abercnnnby, John, Scoteh agriculttirLit and
culturisit ; 1726—1806
Abercromby, Sir John E., English lieui
oral; 17T4-1B17
Abercromby, Patrick, Scottbh hist.; 1636—1716 C,i
Abercromby, Sir Ralph, British gen. ; 1738*— 1801 C
Abercromby, Kalph, Lord Dunfermline, English dip
matist ; b, 1803 M.|
Abercromby, Sir Robert, Hntiah general, gofvener i
Edinburgh castle ; <f. 1827
Abercromby, Robert, Scot. Jes. misa. ; 1533— 1611 1
Abercromby, Thomas, ScottiJih Jes, miss. ; d, HHH ]
Aberdeen, Alexander, Scotch hydrograpber ; 1770^
Aberdeen, i-harles. Earl of, Enf^Unh poUtioian ; '
Aberdeen. Qeorg^ Earl of ; d. 1720
Aberdeen, George, Earl of ; d. 1801
Abtrdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, Earl of,
itaiesman; 1784—1860
Aberdeen, William, Earl of* cL 1746
Aberdeen, William, Sootch hydrograpber ; 1770
Aberdour, Alexander, medical wnter ; 1791
Aberegno, Giaoomo, Venetian painter ; 1400*
Abergavenny, Lady Frances ; d. 1576
Abergavenny, George ^>ville, Lord ; tL 140:1
Abergavemiy, George Neville, Lord ; ± 1535
Abergayenny, Henry Neville, Lord ; d, 1586 or t
AbeigaTenny, William Neville, Earl of, KngUab |
tician ; k 1792
Aberll, Jobann-Lodwig, Gorman landscape
1723-1786 «.!!
Abemetbte, Thoma*. HrMeh Je-^iit : 1641
Abernethy, J. ^ ^ '■■- ijm\
Abemethy, i
Aberoethy, J , ^
Abemethy. Robert, Amt»rieaL i I
Abemetliy, Thomas, Scottish
Abney, Thomas, banm of esohequer, it-nr ; a. iJSH
Aberry, J,, etcher ; 1753
Aberriiaw, Lewis Jeremiah, Eng, hiahwaymaa ; li 1
AbertlneUl,Mariotto, Florentine psTnter; d, 151 S* p^.
Abeeoti, Anna Barbaim, Swiss painter ou cUss : di .
Abganu. king of Osrhoeue ; 216
» Kiaiiiiu, prince of Bdeasa ; ac. 57 D.x.
pAIiU&ll.ldo^of Jmi»i,B.C.9d7; d. 955 IX
DC of the sons of Snmael
» bigh-priett of the Jews ; B.O. 1014 D.u.
^ mAftyr ; 4th c«iit v. v.
k Johana Geors^ Cknoflji oridst&Iigt and theo-
i; MSra— 1740 IXB.Q.U,
, NiofeUs, French surgfeoD ; d, 1624 d.l\
» nr AI>yd«]llU, 6re«k historiitn U.D.X.
, wife of X«Im1 : lltb cent B«a D.
, one of the sons of Aaron
JTltJmh, Km of Jeroboojn, king of Iimel
AMldgiard. Nikolai Abrahani, DaoM historicnl
waiter ; 1744— 1809 b^g.n.d.
inMgllTfl, Peler Christian, D&Duh phj^icLin ivnd
nlatntist ; 174O>-180d d. u.
J doreai, Danish natnrallit ; 1725—1791 u.g.
, Andrea d% French theoloigian i l<i30* d.
" , Lwaalitjah chief ; d, B,c, 12;i5 D.H.
, Lord, Eng^liah politic inii ; 1778
p James, £arl of ; d. IGim
, Montagu, Eurl of ; d. 1743
AMB^dOQ, Monti^ Bertie, Earl of, Engliih politi-
eiaa ; L imS r,
AUagdim. W . Eurl of ; if. 1762
MMaitgt J ^^1 Lur4 ohief baron of the
exchaqner . - . : i f,
AliOgW, Bobert Campbell Scarlett, Lord, English
politinan ; Al 17M f>
JMlgtant fiances, Englixh ftctreu ; 1731—1815 €.D.u.
JMagUmtTbommMy English antiq.; 1560— !t>t7 w.d.u.
AMBflOi^ WQliam, £ng. dram, writ,; 1005—1659 CD.
tiMagtaa, WLUiam Jamet Achilles, Engliih actor;
<l. IS48
11iOii« Km of Aaron ; d. b.c. 1490
iUiMt GioTanni, Ital. pbys. and math em.; 1494 T),c.
Ihlriinj aon r^f Uilel^ rentorer of Jericho; B.C. 1313 D.
iUroB, son of K«aben, conspirator against Moses
snd Aaron ; d. B.C. 1489
'"'^^ -nell, Spsniah general of Irish
1 under David; 10th cent, B.c*
Lit of the Jews ; B.C. 1320 B.
fcei . English divine ; rf. 1&^ -/.
.' .* i>uet ; 4tli cent. D.
^itcolas-Perrot d\ French translator;
im^l664 U.D.
or AldaUOB, Koman pnetorian prscfcet,
1 bj Constans B.C. 350 D.X.
nil of Rome ; d. 338 D.U.
, Eog, divine and writer ; d, 1540 B*c.f .
, Alexander. Russian writer ; 6. 17 B4 D,
, Jobiit English navsl officer ; d. IGGT* R.
Utav iAi/vm40 tl BurTjaJ^)w Spanish rabbi and con-
fefft*<1296;): 1270-1346>,
teer. J«^sh genernl under Saul ; B c. 10tj8 Lf,D.
Itef7« Thoniaii^ English justice of the common plet»f
i;4l;6. lfi»», <f. 174<J /.
iilMy,ttr Thomas, English politidan, lord mayor at
Imia^ 1700 ; 6. 163«» d, 1722 ii.c^,
illlfiiAMci king of Hungary, 1041-44
uaeJ, Smn. Jewish author ; A 1629 B.
SpaiusA Jewish author ; c^. 1493 B-
» Borl^igiieM Jewish commentator ; 1600—
Hwt iftlt ^ r rnngarian savant ; d, 1776 B.
Ifeii.<;*lm li mariner ; 1698 B.u.
Ifc^iMaiiji....^,. . ,^.iVo» d\ ^r» mariner; IGBS d.i\
JfeM% «p Al^ <^ Boo, Arabisji, Sjriao, and Hebrew
^^ilScatiogts for father
MijQrvSi, «r gnhrtmati. Arabian htstonan ; d, D09
rtwliiV &nit ealiph of Mcco^ ; 573—634 d.u.
ftw iifci Maumii I -aeureddyn, sultan of £gypt ; 134 1
i^ BiUr, ameer of Lamtnna ; 1069
Hih^Bqn-Tliabet, El-Kouman, chief of the
i; €99—767 U.D.O.
^ i^td^ kiiig ol 4he McriDss ; i^. ^5%^
Abau-MaflSdur, Yaya-ben- Ali-ben-Aby-Mansour, Ara-
bian astronomer ; h. 855 u,d,
Abou, Nokta {ihf Wahabp), Turkish bandit; d, 1809
Abou-Obald-al-Bekiif Arabian geogrupber and histo-
rian ; 1040-1004 D.U.
Abou-Obaid-al-Cacam^BeiL-BanAiQ, Arabian Uttura-
t ur ; d. 838 ao.
AlJOU Said, king of Granada ; d, 1362
Abou-Sald-BHrza. aov, of Tartary ; 1427—1469 d.u.
AhoU'TadiefyiL, Abd-el-Eahooimben-Mouca^ sultan
of Tlemscn ; 1318 u.D.
Abon-Taleb-al-Hoceiny, Persian writer ; 1590* u.d.
Ahotl-Tal©l>-Khail, Mirza, lodian trav. ; 1762— 1S06 u, D.
Abonl-Ala, Arjihiau jKHit ; [^76-1057 u.d.
AhotU-Cacem, Turkish general ; llth cent. U,D.
Ahoiil-Cacim, Tnrif-Ibn-Tarik. Arabian author u.d.
AlMul Faraji All, historian of the Omeyan caliphs ;
d. mi
Aboul Faradje {Barhdb'rirm), Arabian historian and
doctor; ^^^♦►— 1286 D.U.
Aboul-Fath- Ahmed, sultan of :%n>t ; 1461 U.
AboTil-Faai. Mogul vizier and hiutorian ; d. 1008 u.D,
Aboul-Ghazy-Bebader, Tartar historian and Jchan ;
l(»0.>-Uit;O D.U,
Ahoul-Hacan, Ali, astron. of Morocco r 13th cent. d.u.
Aboill-Eac&ll-Kluui, Hirza, Persian diplomatist and
traveller; 1774-1828 Ji.U.
Aboul Feda iBmail, prince of Hamah, Arabian histo-
rian ; d. VSM
Aboul Ma^Ban, king of Graniwia ; 1406
Aboul EatUTt or Husam, Saracen commander in Spain ;
Aboul-Mahacen B«ii Tajliry Berdy, Arabian histo-
rian ; d. 1258 u.U,
Aboul-Naar-DJlanba-lath, sultan of Egypt. 1453;
d. im\ a
Aboul-Naw-Inal. sultAn of Egypt. 1453 ; d. 14til u.
Aboul-Sooud, AralnaT^ foet ; b. 182H F.
At»oul-Wela-al-Bou2dJaiii, Arabian mathematician
and astronomer ; 939—^998 U,B.D.
Abomfiaid-Balbai, sultan of Egypt ; 14^7
Ahousaid-KanBOU, saltan of Eg>pt, UUS ; d. 1499
Abouaald-EhOBchlcadam, sultan of Egypt ; d. 1407
Abouaaid-Tamarhoga, sultan ai Egypt ; 14(J7
AbouBJiaadat-Mohammed, sultun ot Egvpt, 149ti;
d, 1498
Abou Taher, Oarmathian leader ; 929
Abaut, Edmond Fr. Valentin, French writ. ; k 1^28 M.
AbovHl©! Auifuate Gab,, French gen. ; 177.'*— 1J^20 d.f.
Aboville, A ugusteMarie^ French general ; Z'. 177U F.D.
AbOTflle., Francis Marie, Comte d\ French general ;
1730— 1819 F.D,
Abra de Bacotila, or BaccmMmi, Charlea Francois d',
French theologian ; 1580—1646 U.D.
Abraames. )Al^ bp. of Carres in Mesopotamia ; d* 422 R.
Abraamlua, St, bp. of Arbela, martyr ; d. 348 R,
Abrabanel, f>r Abarbanel, l&n^^ Portuguei^e Jewish
HUthor and stateiiman ; 1437—1508 C.E.Z.D.U.
Abrabanel Judah {t}n:Hcf/rew Lum), Jewish physician,
philosopher, aud author; 1525* R,
AbradataB, king of Susa ; B.C. 540 r.d.x.
Abrahah, king of Yemen and Ethiopia ; Bth cent. a. v.
Abraham, Jewish tjatriaroh ; b,c. 2130—11155
Abraham, St, moDK of Meaopot'imia ; 4th cent, d.r,
Abraham, or Abrames, 8t, monk of Syria, apostle of
mtnint Libtvn ; ci. 472 D.u.
Abraham, biibop of Dunblane ; 1220 K.
Abraham, binhop of St Asaph, 1225 ; d. 1233 dj.
Abraham, emperor of the Muors ; l2tb cent. D.l",
Abraham. U, and UL, two pontiffs of Armenia ; 18th
cent. B.
Abralum Of Barcelona, mbbi and antbor ; 13t!)oent. a.
AbraMni of Cordova, apostate from Christianity to
Judaiam, atJthor ; 17 th cent. B.
Abraham, son of Judab, Jewish cedes, and author b.
Abraham, Portuguese Jewish translator of the Bible ;
10th cent. a.56.
▲totluuii, A BftDeU CliuY, Roman Catholio pretcber
of Vienna ; 1642—1709 B.D.
Ateahaiii-Akra, Ben Salonion, rtbln and commentator;
14th cent. D.z.0.
AbnOiam, Bar-chaedai, Halleri, chief rabbi of Barce-
lona; 1190* B.Z.
Abnlum-Beii-AiMr, rabbi of Japbet R d.
▲tnraham-Ben^^nuuuiilarJagliel, Italian rabbi, pro-
■eWte to Christianity ; d, 1625 B.Z.O.
▲teaJUun-Ben DftTld of Oftra, Jewish author B.Z.
Atemliam-B«n-Dlor, or Dftnr {the LtviU), Spanish
rabbi and author ; d, 1166 or 80 B.Z.
Atoraliam-Beii-Dlor {the Levite), Spanish rabbi and
aatbur; </. 1198 <>r 9 D.R.
▲trabam, Ben-Meir de Balmis, Italian rabbi; d,
1022 or 3 D.z.
AbnOiam, 13en Ssbatai Cohen, HeK poet ; 6. 1670 R.O.
▲temham, Bun Samuel Zacut, Spanish Jewish astrono-
mer and writer ; 1492 R.o.
▲temham-Dnboli, French magistrate; 6. 1792 p.
AlnralUlil {U<»rwitz), Jewish author R.z.
Atmluun {Judicui Tortitotensis), Jewish phj'sician ;
13th cent. u.d.
Atmham, Usque or Oshki, Portuguese Jew, trans-
lator of the Bible ; 6th cent. O.D.z.
AtoaJuun, or Itxralilm, chief of the Abrahamites ; 9tb
cent. D.u.
Atealiam, or Stba-Sabaa, Portug. rabbi ; d. 1509 z.e.
Abraham, Charles John, bp. of Wellington ; 6. 1815 M.
Atnraham, Williand, sheriff of London ; 1447 </.
Atoabami, Ninls Chr., Danish arohsBolosist ; b. 1798 r.
Abrahamien, Isaac, Flemish author ; 1663—1714 R.
Abrahamion, I'etnis, Swedish jurist ; 18th cent. r.
Abrail, Andre Jusoph, Comte, French magistrate;
1750-1828 D.R.
Atoam, Nicolas, Fr. Jesuit scholar: 1589—1655 r.d.
Abramion, Abraham. Germ, medallist ; 1754—1811 e.
Abranchet, Alvaro d\ I'ortuguese general ; 1G40 R.
Abrantei, ]>i>n Jose, 8a Almeidae Meneies, Marquis
d\ l*ortui;uoso diplomatist ; 1784—1827 D.R.
Abrantei, l^aurette Junot, Duchess d\ author-
ess; 17H4--18:{8
Abrvk, Nicolas, Polish poet ; 1540—1600 D.
AbrvfOb, Friederich Ludwig, German philologer;
16t>9— 1782 U.D.
Abren, Alexis, Portuguese physician ; d, 1630 R.D.)i.
Abren, .loam Manuol, Portuguese mathematician ;
Abrvn, Josef Antonio, Spanish publicist ; d. 1775 R.D.
Abrtani, Pablo, Italian Carmelite, translator and
proacher; 1607—1699 R.T.a
Abrll, lUirttilomts Simnish sculptor ; 17th cent D.
Abril, Juan Alfonso, Sjianish painter ; 1650* B.D.
Abra Pc«ln> Simon, Sjmn. gram. ; 1530*— 1590 R.E.g.
Abrllola, Arabian jtoet ; 973-1067
Abrinl, TtH>tochi Isabella, Ital. authoress; 18th cent.
Abrotl, Italian phvslcian and astrologi^r ; 16th cent.
Abnuil, lulian landscape ]iainter ; 18th oent
Abnmo, lUldassare, Sicilian philosopher; 1601—1665
Abialom, archbishop of Lund, and primate of the
north (Denmark) ; 1128—1191 R.D.
AbMlon, abUit of St Victor, IHuHs ; 1350*— 1203 D.U.
Abeohati, J«)haim Asgmann, Baron d\ German poet ;
ir>46-l(V.n) D.
AbabOT«n of AiitwwiK ^rtiit ; K 1648* d, 1665* B.
AbtimaniB, Tiberiu*. omiu of Constantmople ; 698 D.
AbtOlon, John, Knglish painter ; h, 1815 lu
Abttwniua, lAUit>ntiuK, lul. author ; 15th cent, c.d.r.
AbUloa-BCA'aalomoil, lulian rsbbi ; IMO D.iv
Abu Motltm, chief of the Abbasaides ; if. 755 R.
Abu Mowaa, Abu-Ali-AMIassan, Arabian x>ofi ; 8th
cent« R.
Abu tabal. Arabian phvAician R.
Abu Said Bctt Abttl HomIb. Arabian tnmslator of the
Bibli» R.
Abu Tbahtr, prince «if the (Vrmats ; 913 R.
Abttoanw Theodor, bUhop of Haran ; 770 CU.D.
Abndacmii, Joseph, Arabian Jesuit and orientalist;
17th cent. D.Q.O.
Abnlmelle, king of Murcia ; 1224
Abnlola, Moorish long of Spain ; d, 1232
Abal Walld, long ofGranada ; d. 1325
Abnndance, Jehan, Fr. poet ; d. 1.^40 or 44 aD.R. n.
Abandantii, consul of Rome ; 393 h.
Abgrndon, Rich., Eng. baron of the ezcheauer ; 1307 /.
AXfjngdoniB, Steohen, lord mayor of Lonuon ; 1315 o.
Abiac, Raymond de Vandiere de Vitrac, Vicomte d',
French agriculturalist ; 6. 1800 F.
Acaciiu,patriarchof Constantinople, 471; (f.489 CD.
Acadns, bishop of Omida : 420 c. D. R.
Acadns {Monophthalmus),}}^, of Csesarca : d. 366* D. R.
Acadns, bishop of Perea, S\'ria ; 322—432 D.
Aoademns, or Hecademiu, Gk. public benefactor d.r.
Aeamaplxtill, first king of the Aztecs, Mexico; d.
1389* U.D.
AcamaB, son of Theseus and Phedra (mythical) X.D.
Acaml, Giaoomo, Italian numismatist ; 18th cent. D.
AcamapichtU, first king of Tenochtillam or Mexico ;
d, 1420 D.U.R.
Acanthlna, Georg, German philologist ; 16th cent. D.
Acarie, Jean-Pierre, French councillor ; d. 1613 D.u.
Aoarq, d', French grammarian ; 1720*- 1795* R.D.
wifeof Ethelfrid; 588
bishop of Ezham, 709-23 ; d, 740 R.CD.
Matthew, Dutch hUt. paint. ; 1702—1783 B.
. Bern., Dutch port, painter ; a. 1766 B.D.N.
Aooarlai of Serrlona, Jos., French publicist ; 1709—
1792 n.
Aooulgl, Francesco, Italian jurist ; d, 1622
Aocarlgl, Giacomo, Italian rhetorician ; d. 1654
Aocarlii, Alberto, Italian gram. ; 16th cent. C.R.D.U.
AocarlBl. Franc, Ital. jurist ; d, 1612 or 22 C.D.R.T.
Aooarlai, Jacoix), Italian jurist and writer ; 1627—
1654 CD.
Aocarlaio, Nicopolitano, Italian engineer ; 1650* D.
Accenti, N., Roumanian patriot; 6. 1822 r.
Accer, Cesare Antonio, ItaL landscape painter: 1600 B.
AocettO, Reginaldo, Italian litterateur; d, 1590 D.U.
Aooblllino. Uolognese painter ; 1324 B.
Aodajuoll, Angcio, cardinal archbishop of Florence*,
legate; cf.il407 D.u.
Aoolajaoll, Antonio, duke of Athens ; d. 1435
Aodl^aoU, Dcnato, gonfnhmiere of Florence, hellenist,
and scholar; 1428 -1478 c.D.R.r.
AodaJaoU, Filipi>o, Italian poet and music oompi«cr ;
1637-1700 D.u.
Aodajaoli, Neno, governor of Corinth ; d. 13M
Aodajaoli, Nic, seneschal of Naplea; 1310—1366 R.D.
Aodajuoll, Reinier, duke of Athens ; 1420 R.D.
AcdaJuoU Salvettl, Madeleua, Italian poetess; d.
1610 T.R.D.U.
Aodi^aoll, 2#enobio, or Zuesbio, Italian Dominican, lil>-
rarianof the Vatican; 1451—1519 C.D.R.r.
Aoolen, Baghy-Syan, emir of Antioch ; 1097 U.D.
AoolO Zucco (Da Summa Campaffna)^ Italian poet ;
15th cent c. R.
Aoeioll, Juan de Cenjiieira e Sylva, Brazilian historian
and googmpher; I4OO n.
Aoeioa, Zucco, Italian poet ; 16th oent. D.
Acdua, 0%«ar A., engraver : 1609 B.
AoolnB, or Attina, Luc, Lat.tragic poet ; 6. R.C. 70 R.X.
Acdua, NA>viu^ Roman augur under Torquin the
Elder ; 6th cent B.C. R.
Aodua, T.. Roman orator : 1st oent blc, x.
Aeooltl, R<«iie<letto, It«dian jurist and historian ;
1415-1466 CD R.
Aocoltl, IWncdetto, canlinal of Ravenna, lAtin poet ;
14W-1M9 R.
Accoltl, IWn., conspirator against rius IV.; cr. 15M
Aeooltl, IWrnordo {Unico Arttino\ Italian poet; 16th
oent C.R.D.
Aoooltl, Fmn., Italian jurist and philologisi ; 1418-
148,i c.i.
Aoooltl, rietro, oaidinalol Amom; 1445-15S3 ca^
VittocU, dooheu of Bnu$ciui(i» Italian
; 16th ceolk U.D,
, Fabio, luliaji jurist ; 1502— 1559 D.I.U.
p Peliea, It^IiiLQ phjsioiaa and helletibt ;
« Geronimo, Italian pbyticuLn and writer;
IW— 1537 C.D.U.
I Baooo^ It4d^Q plulokoplier ; 14fU> i.D*
k Oervoi, ItAlian jurist ; 14th cent. B.D.
> FrmnccMio, Italian jurist ; 1182- 1229 O.H.I.
, Frmnoesoo^ Italian jumt ; I22ii— 12y3 d i.
, Fnuic«acO| ItuHim jurint ; d. 1328 R.r.C.
Manangelo, Italian autiqaary, plulologijit,
Icritie; li. 1490 c.b.1.
J Friederich, Genn, chemLit ; 1769—1838 tJ.D,
Afiesnlo dfts Mevctt, Jos^f, Portuguese ccooomiit O.
AottedOb I>on ManueL Span, painter ; 1744—1800 B.D.
AmudMm, king of Hgjitt ; B.C. 1549 H.
AMpdauu, St, b^hopQfUonita, in Assyria n.
Jwt^ Bknilia, Italian philotopbcr and tlieologian ;
AobU; Bnrica, h-iim t*Lyi»ician; 1785-1327 aD.u.
Aotrti»Guiaep|> n^veller; 1773-1846 D.
Afiemnip or IL. - oebastian Fabian, Polish
Lktxii mt : Uw> i i trus
b ChM trabroidcrer ; 5tb oent. (?) B.C.
J of CoBirtantinople ; 325
, OreeJc seulptor ; fi.c. 428
AOiVtor, Grf«k tragic poet ; 5th cent. B.C.
k Greek znytbograpber
miMOt Italian aatiquary ; 6, 16S7
,Aloiuu>-HarLad«, Spanish jurist; 1770 d.b.
I Cristobal de. Span. bi«t. painter ; 1565 ai>.
AfllVBdOb FcHx' Alvarez., Spaniali insurgent leader ; <f.
MmSi^A, et d'AuTergnd and dk. of Aqnitoine ; dL 92^
Ai±t9d I,» ocyunt of Carcassone ; d, 901
Acftvd. IL ; cf . 924
i£^ Van, hlstarical painter ; 1566—1621
MdbMm lLiunoun-B«n'Oui«, Arabian poet ; 7th cent, B.
, gov. tif Euypt, 11.0. 484 ; rf. 462 aa.x.
, Greek tra^c jK>et ; ^. ao. 484 U.x.
, governor of Ajcia Minor ; d. B.C. 215 X.
I» king of the Scot»» 788^^19 ; d, 819 d.r. c.
f Nioobu-Lonis, French hellcniat and pbllo-
1771—1830 a
, ft Jew, vtoned to death ; B.C. 1451
liflkUll, Adolphe^ French actor and «uiger ; 6. 180S D.
AelUtftf, AlexiJi Jean, French landscape iHkiutut^ ; b,
Af^Uffd, Antciine, Swiai Froteftant minister and
writer; 1696— 1772 c.ii.i>.
Afibw4» Clatide Franrji ^' ^ ' vi.^ see.. and Ubrarinn
•0 tbe Maneilka A 03— 180;^ U.U.e.
Miv4» F^aC(>^ ^^' '^l^i* ^^ ^^^ Prussian
eosri; 1708— 1782 c.d.u.
~, FniD^ti, Frenob autbur ; 18th cent. fu
F — '■ "^" *.tiolphe, French actor and comic
Aduiid,Vr <t), German naturalist, chemist,
•ftd WTit*:r ; 17:^3 - 1K21 D.iLU.
Jihlld» Ja<t^qaes Michel Francois, Baron, French
faaanl: ■' i~"^ F.
Mmrd^ J -J EngBue, Fr. novelist; h, 1814 f.
AttUtL ii , b]xoi Avranches; (i«1171 D.B.
JMfemt^ Elri^zii >r.uioit de la Bauzne det, bliihcip of
HaQcankaiaua, and missionary to Cochin China ;
1671^1141 c,B,a
Aefetftait, Erik, Swediah botanist and physioian; 1757—
1M9 n.TX
Mtkuft «r A^bMJAf founder of the aect cKf AehaHiius ;
$T$mfB^9a& D.B.
>Lei>iiJtrd, Swiss printer ; 1472 d.
^Ovi- h viee^adniirHl ; 171ft— 1770D.F,
,1 jisaly; 14tb cent, B.0« D.
", kUy;£*^i\ itJiil mayor; 1511 tL
^ 1 T&n, Fletoiah engraver ; ISth cent. B,
Acbeni Johannvan, Ger. painter; 1566—1621 o,aB.U,
Achenhach, Audrena, Geriuun [Munter ; h. 1815 B.F,
Achenwald, Uodfried^ Germau economiiit and statis'
tic inn ; 17 ly — 1772 c.a.D.
Acher, N., French judge and author; d. 1807
Aeherley, Roger, Englkh lawyer ; 1729 c,n»
Acherres, kiny of Egypt ; B.C. 1512 H.
Achery^ Jeun-Luc d\ French Benedictine and savant ;
1001*— 1685 c.u.Dv
Achillas, Greek general, murderer of Pempey the
Great; d, n.c. 47 D.B*x.
AchUlea, Homeric hero h x.d.
Achilles, Alexander, German savant and diplomatist ;
1584— l(i75 U.D,a
Achilles, Estik^Oj Portuguese philologist ; d. 1581 D.
Achilles TatlUfl/Gk. poetandastron, ; 3d cent. K.D.U.
AchilleuJB, Luciua-Elpidius, Roman general, and em-
peror of Alexnndrift, 292 ; d. 2^.47 D,
Achllll, Giovanni Giacinto, Italian Dominican, convert
til Christianity; 6. 1800 it.
Acbtlllnt, Alessandro, Italinn professor of phtlosopby
And medicine ; 146ii— 1512 C.D.B.
AchiBkLU Claudio, Italian po«t and Jurist ; 1574^
1640 CRT.
AchilUnt, Gianfiloteo, liulian iioefc and pbilosopbcr;
MOO— 1538
Achimelech, liighpriuat of the Jews ; B.C. 1061
Achlor, cljief of the Ammonites; B.C. 620 D.
AoMsh, king of Gath ; 11th cent. B.C. D.
Achmet. See Ahm«d.
Achmet, dev of Algiers, J80r»-8 B.
Achmet^ eldest son of Bnjtizct II. ; d. 1512 ^ B.
Achmet, general under Siilyman* c/:. fur rebellion
Aohmet, Bon Seiriur* Arabian writer on the interprc*
tatioD of dreams ; 9th oont. B.
Aohmet-Eesml-Effeiidl, Turkish statesman and diplo-
matist ; d 178.S* B.D.
Achmet-Giedick, Turkish grand -vuder and warrior;
14;W"— 14S2* D.B.
Achmet-Pacha, Turki&b geneiul ; d, 1522 c.d.
Achmot-Facha, Oii>iman grand-viricr ; ex. 1554
Achollus, bisboi) of TbeiiS3iloDieii ; 380 H.
Achorls, Idng of Egj^it ; B.C. 1537 M.
AchorLs, king of }^pt ; b.c. 389 h.
Achrelius, Daniel, Swedish oosmogiTiplier ; 1(570* CD.
Achreliua, Eric- Daniel, Swedish pbysiciau and sijtrolo-
gor ; 16(H-1670 CD.
Achter. Ukicb, Bavarian Tnuflicmn ; 1777—1803
Achterfflld,.lohimn Htiinrich, Gennan Catholic theo-
Io}^-isiU ; fe, 1788 F.f.Dt
Aclitermaim, Wtlhelm, OernuLU sculptor; b, 1799
AclitacheUlng, Inka*, Flemiak painter; 1570—1631
AcichqrliiB, a leader of tbe Gauls ; B.C. 280 n,x.
Acidallus, Valeus^ German critic and philologiiit ;
1567—1595 CD.a.
AcldlnlUB, L. Manlius, Komuii general ; B.c 210 H.X.
Addinufl, Fulvianus, pnetur, B.C. 188, consul of
Komc, 179 H,3L
Acier, Micliel- Victor, French sculptor: 1736—1799 D.
Adey. Sect Acior.
AcUlUfl, Komtui officer ; burnt B.C 19
AcOlns, A viola, confe^ul of liume t 54 E«
AcUlna, Caiu«, Roman soldier ; 1st cent.
AcUlus-OlalJiio* :M3mius,€0UBnl of Home ; B.C. 191
AcllluB-OUbrlO, rtomaii consid ; 91 h.r.d.
AolBidymufl, Septimus, Homan governor of Antiuch ;
4tb cent. H.
Adndynn*, Gregory, Greek monk and writer j 14 th
Actndynna, Septimus, consul of Rome ; 340
Aclnelll, N. , Italian lustorian ; UM^*
Ack, Jean, Flemish painter ujkju glssu ; 1550*
Acker, Frans-Heinricht German sav^ant ; 1700
Acker, Peter, iiaiuter upon glass; 15tb cent.
Acketmajm, Konnui Enist, German comedi-in; 1710—
1771 «'!>-«.
Ackermann, JobAnQ-ChriittJhB-Gotttieb, German U.Ti.
wid lavant ; 17&6— 1801 c.d.R-U.
Aokttnnanil, Eudolph, GermaD manufHcturer and
nublicUt; irf>4— 1834 c*D.
JLiOBmuui^ Sophie Ciiorlotto, Gemmn aoireas ; 1714—
1792 c
AclcerAdyc1c« Corneliuii, writer on logic ; 1GG6
Ackland, Jobn D., Britjiih commander in America;
1777 e.^R,
AckmaiL, Wtlli&m^ Bootcli aitui ; ISth cent.
Admer, N., Hung. tchoUr and arohsBoL ; 6. 1782 F.D.
Aolnrorttit George, English thcologiivn ; 1577 C.D.iu
Adand, Aiithony, Efiijliah Jesuit ; d, 1626 R.
AclaiLd, Henry VVeutworiU, F.R.S., EagliBhphjiiciaii ;
6. 1815 M,
AoXand, Sir Tho«. Dyke. Eng, politician ; 6, 1787 f.
Adogne, Anrlre^Amoult, French manufacturer and
rejirtsenUtive : d. 1810 P.D.
A€lo<iue de Saint Andre, Andre, Fi^nch officer of the
nntion&l ^uard ; 1814 F.D.
Aonie« Jowiih lady in the lerviea of Livia, wife of
Aagiiatufl Cietar
Acolut]i« HAndreflA, Qennan iheologian ind oriental) tit ;
KiJH— 1704 Q.H.C.
Aoo&mt, prince of Eadavonia
AcondOi or Acoozto, Giaeomo, Italian theologian and
phiioiopher ; 14i:ni— 1566 D.R.c.
Aooni-Koever, Stefan, archbishop of Sunia, Armenia ;
1740—1824 D*
Acorlf, king of Earpt, B,a 380 ; cL 374 D.u.
AcoBta, UhrifftopE«f Portuguese aurgeonf botanist^
and theologian; if. 1580 E.R.U.a
Acosta^ Gttbricl^ Portuguese theolog. ; d, 1616 F,r),u,
Acoita, JoATn, editor and pnipHetor of the Calcutta
Tif$ut 1 1776 H.
Aoo«t«i Joaq . , Amenoan ooL of enj^neert ; 1840 D . f.
Acotta. Jooet, Span. Jetult and hist. ; 1510—1509 C.D.£.
AeOBta, MHTiuel, Portuguese Josiiit ; IMl— 1604 E.D.
AooBta, l^ricl ( JfirwftiK religious prosel ; d, 1647 E.D.
Acqna, Cliri*tofano dellV Ital. (jograver ; 18th cent. D.
Accitiarelll, Neapolitan painter i 1040* B.
Acquaylra, Audrea-Mntteo, duke of Atria and Teramo,
oommcntatur of Pluturoh; 1466 or 60—1520 f>r 8
AcquavlTa, Ikdizario, Italian theologian and auti-
quary ; I'ltli cent. R.U,
Acquavlva, Bf^lLjario, NeapoL politician ; 16th cent. R.
AcquaylTa, i.'laudio, Italian theologian, general of tbe
Jesuit*; i:>43— 1615 U.
AcqueyiUe, Ch. -LoaiM, prior of AoqueviUe ; 1650* d.
Acqul, Jiicopo d* Ital. Dominican, chroDioler; 1320 D.
Acquino, .Tuvooalia d\ Piedmonte«6 ohmniclor ; 1480 D,
Acqulstl, Luigi^ Italian eculpttir; 1744—1824 N-D,
Acqultabene, Maestro, of Brcacia, painter and de-
aignrr of arcbiteofcore ; 1295 B«
Acragat, Greek engraver in ailver ; B.O. 5th cent. D.X.
Acraxanee, king of Ntnevcb^ or A»fvria; li.c. 860 H.
A«rel,OUus crrOlof, Sw^^d. ■uru,; 1717—1807 C.D.Bai.
Aorlllttc, fifMt king of Bfycenw ; B<C. VH4 H,
AorODt phyiician of A^'rigcutum ; &. It c. 460* R.D.JL
AcrODt Of Aero, HclenluB^ Gi^aek oommeutator on
Hofaoo ; 4th cent a. 0,0-
Aoroo, Johann, German theologian'; 1505—1635 D. tJ.
Aorofli da BmsA, Jan, Dutch poot ; 17th cent u.D.
Aeronlm, Jotiasnaa, Oermaa mathematioian and phy*
deian; 1590-1564 B.U.
Aoronluj, Kuiirdu*. I ' m; 1601 d.u.
AeropoUtna, * ittinL r;13U0 u.a
AoropoUtua, Goorg-.. „ i and statestnan;
121:0—1282 cn.iu
Aerotatm, »an of Oleoinenea IL, long of Sparta; 4ih
cent. B.o* D.fLX.
AuiQlatua, kfiw of 8mia; i o. S68 x, ii.
AcMi&Gar, Ottnlm Bo, ehlef of Alabeoi el Muatul ;
ias4 B.
AoMniar-al-ftoanky* Boi^l or Borw^ govemor of
MttituI, 1114; d, 1124 H.D.
AcUiaJlM, king of Ethiopia D. B. X,
Aoto, or Alton, biahqp of Teroelli, theologian and
canonist; 045 iud.
Acton, Cha. Jannariufl Kdw., Engliah Roman Caibolio
biahop and cardinal ; d. 1847
Acton, Etlward, EugiiBh loyalist ; d 1659
Acton, Edward, BritiBb naval captain ; </. 1707 ft.
Acton, Edward, EngE^h aurgeon ; d. 1860
Acton, Henry, Knglith divine ; 1709
Acton, He Dry, Kngliifi divine ; 1830
Acton, Jo8., prime niinia of Naples ; 1737 — 1808 e.B.11.
Acton, Samuel, English divine ; 1717
Acton. Thomas iDuputjl Kng:. Jeanit : 1662—1721 iL
Acton, Tliorutis Henuan, English leaai reporter; 1811
Acton^ Wdlbm, Eiigliah traveller; 1601 ^^
Acton, Sir ^V^illiam, sheriff, 162^ ; lord mayor of Lon-^H
Actnarltuip John, Greek phpiciao ; 13tli cent.* C«D,C. ^*
Actma, Antonio Qaorio d\ hiihop of Zamom, and chief
of the Spanish inaurgenta, 1519 ; c/. 1521 tt.U,
Acuna, Christoval de, sponiih Jetuit and miiaionary ;
lo»7— 1675 C.E.IX
AcuDft, Hernando de, Bpaniah poet and toldter; <L ^A
1580 aR.K.D. fl
Acnna, Juan Adarve d\ Spaniah prelate and writer ; ^|
16 th cent, D.
Aonna, Nicolai Adarve de, vicar-general of Jaen and
writer; 1628 O. ^
Acuna, Pedro Bmvo de, governor of the Fhilippioea;^H
Actisllaiifl. Greek historian ; 6th cent B.a a.D.x, ^
Acnto, John {ffaichoood), Engllah oondottiere ; 14 th
cent. nc.
Acsewlct, Albert Alex., PoHah poet j 1610—1680 D.
Ada, queen of Carla ; B.O. 3:$4 I>.R*X.
Ada, king of Bemicia ; d. 564
Ada, countesa of HolUtid ; d. 1218*
Ada-Rar-Ahaha, or Ahayali, rabbi and astronomers
b. 183 x.o.a
Adad, king of Idumoa Dt
Adadurov, Vaail-Eudokinioriteh, Russian iaYanlt
1709-1780 a
Adsna, Greek poet ; B.C. 320 X Dw
Adair, Archibald, bishop of KilliJa and AehonrY
lij:Mh Waterfonl 1641 ; <! 1647 f,
Adair, Jamea, American trader with the Indiana t
1740 a.B,ii.
Adair, Jamee, reoonler of London, 1779, Engliiih itt^
jeant-at-law ; d, 1703 e,
Adair, Jamea Blakittriok, Seoltiah phyaioian
medical writer ; 1728—1803 ai
Adair, John, Soottiidi hydnigrapfaer ; 17th cent.
Adair, John, American general ; 1758—1840 i
Adair, Robert, Scotch aurgeon : 1790
Adair, Robert, Scotch po«t : d. 1802
Adair, Sir Robert, Engliiih diplomatlet ; 1763—1855
Adair, William vsidan; d. 1793
Adatr, W. Jaiii hiw writer ; 1770 «•
Adalard. F - - r aud diploiiiatiit» oonain
Charl I li v^
Adalard, ; ; 797 C
Adalirlo, duk^i of UikMjouy ; rf. 812
Adalbanni, atehbiahopof Rheima, ehancoUor of PmnocL
969^ ; d. 988 aasw
AdalbTon, Aaoelin, hiahoTt of Laon, poet and mvaflk,
9T7-1030 ; ft. 950*. d 1030 cixm
Adalbert I., marqnu de Lnoqnea and duke of Tuaenay &{
847-8^10 KO.c,
Adalbert IX, dk. of Tnaeeny, 890-1117 ; <i* 917 B.a t7«
Adalbert m, king of Italy ; 9o0 B-pwO.
Adalbertt mar(|uis of Ivrea ; d. 1^25 dw
Adalbert, St, arehbialiop ol Magdehong, SLavoala
apostle; cf. 981
Adalbert. nrcliLi<iL»T> of Brc>nicn ; <f. 1073 IlH
Adalbert 1139-997 CJUJV
Adalbert lieenl ».
Adalbert, urniri n /tuHiiH rt, priuce of iVaaaia,
admiral and author; b. 1811 r.
A4BlglM, L0iiil»rd prinoe ; d. 788 T>. U.
▲ialbutf, aMioi of Corbui ; 753-82^ a
Adalottd, ktof of th« Lotobai-dA (<Jt6) ; 60^—629 D.o.
AdAlrlc, A&hlc* or fithlooti, due d'Alsaoe, 1)62; ri.
AdacB» Uie first mui
A4M9W eiooii ol Bremen^ German biit* ; 1067 C.V*
AtfUB, Mahop of Caithness, 1213; eL 1222 i\
Adas, abbot and writer ; 1201 n.
Adam* C«rthusmn fri&r in London ; 13:iQ^ D.
Adim ds HorthAmptoiv bishop of Peroi, 13X2 or 22 ;
^1546 e.
MdMM. buhop of Monj. 132$ ; <2. 1351 k.
Atam, buhop of G&Uow&y : 1350 1^
idam, or Abmio. BQldSt, Freiich cftbinet-mAker Atid
Boal; d. 166S bat.
jJm^ MwhliSajwif of Dublin, lord-jastice of Ireland ;
Atan. Si«tir d« SjdbttTf Tr, geneol. ; 17th oent» D.
iddiB d« 1& BaIc, Fivnch poet ; d. V^^ Ii.R.
Ateada Mailaoo, Eo^liih litter&teur, buhop of Ely ;
IS7 I.E.
AinBdMnraiSiig1uuii.bp.of Aber.» 1382; <;. 1390 it.
Adaa d& F«ftlt-Pont, canon of Notre-Dame, P&ns,
biahap «f St A«aph, Entchma ; d, 1181 ^t.iLD.
AdSM M tilB£^YIctor, I'Vench c&non ; d. 1177 D.
I of BuXp lonl mayor of London, 13<i4-ft5 d.
i Of DOBortum, En^^Iijih monk of Ghutonburj
sadviiter; 1372 D.
Mam of F^tldA* Fnmconian micmk luid writor on
Bntiie ; 151b cent. &.
idia of MMmoFittlit Engliftb chronicler and his-
XtsaiMb ; 14th o?nt. r>.
I Cdefton. bp. of Wincherter; 1285—1375 a n.
I TOO Arabcrigaa, Gomun painter ; 1471 t).
^ Adolplie Ch., Fr. mam composer ; 6. 180.1 F.D.
K Albert^ G«nnai] painter of battle-pieces ; 1782—
t, Albreeht, German painter ; L 1786 F.
K Alexander, Scottiiih antiquary aud cliu«ical
1741-1809 CD.ii.
1 , Scotch physician ; 1708
AU&». 3» Britiah admiral ; 1780—1853 a,
I'uiiei, iiobemiao historiajtt; 1446— 1499 D.
Fraads^Gaanrd, Fr. sculptor: 1710— 175d D.R.
Sir F^^ederisl^ I^glish genenJ ; d. 1853
» Geofgt German landscape painter; 1783 —
t N.B.
I Bant, or Jan van^ of Nansmberg, designer and
9iv«r; 1570 fi.
, Jacob, Austrian engrarer ; 1748— 1808* B.N.D.
liiB. JactiiMB, French hellcaist itad acodemiciiin ;
hil^ Jamea, English writer on architecture, and
^griraltaralist ; d, 1794 cr,
IdaStJasA, French preacher; 1608— 1€34 D.n.
liiB, Jean, poet ; tC 1765
Jaan-DoniB^ Fr. mas. composer; 1760—1848 d.
JeaA Tletor. Fr. painter and lithog.; b. ISOl & M,
L Jolui, Scotch Dominican ; 1&15
Mm» J«tui« arehitect ; 1763
IdH^ Jaius vathematicitm ; 1794
>iir<iliiiH THji^ial 1 1 i Fr. Aculp. ; 1 7(K>— 1769 D.E. c.
hin^ Malahliir, German divine and biographer;
d.ld8 "D.a
Idm^^XiaolM, Fr.gntm.snd author ; 171 A^1792d.r.c.
hdm, KMoliA-Sebaafeianj French sculptor; 1705—
mii an.R.
IdM^Feter. German engiuTer ; 1720 n
l^lMLliif Pbilip Villers de Tlide, grand-moater of the
I «f Rhodes; 1521
Lftubait, Scottish architect ; 1728—1794 c.a,D.U.
iiH,2«l«rt, diTine; 1770-1825
Idu^ Hkmaa. Kigliah divine; 1T01-17B4
Iftlk Bm. IVHliam, Scotch lawyer aed iMditidan ;
Willinm, architect ; d. 1792
William, arcliiteet ; 182^
WilliAin Ffttritk, Scotch statecman ; A. 1823 a.
Adam Scotus {the Scotrhman)t bishop of "Withem,
bUjsrrapht^r and i'crle»iiuiticrd writer ; d. 1180 R.lx
Adam-Sal omoDu Antony fc?.Liii., Fr. son J p. ; f*. 1818 f.
Adamseus, TheoJoricj German philoloijint ; L 1470*.
r/ ir>-Ji) an.
Ailamanteo, Itoliiui mathem. and orirntidist; d, 1581
Adasuuittas, Jewish physician ; 4th cent. c.D.U,
Adamberger, Maria' Amta. GcnuAU actress; 1752—
1804 D.C.
AdamcsewBkl, Jacques, Polish lit! ; 1770-1815 D,
A<1am1< Adam, German Benedictine, bishop of Hiero*
j>oli« and historian ; 1590— ll>70 D Q.u.
Adam], Andrea, master of the pontifical chapel:
1750 Kh*
Adaml, Annibale, Ital. Jcsnit and litt. ; b. 1G26 D*
Adaml, Antonio Filippo, Ital. Htt ; 1720-1761 D.a,U.
Adaml, Ernest-Daniel, German pastor aad musician;
1716—1770' 9.v,u.i>«
Adaml, Francesco, canon of F<»rmo ; IBTiO* D.
Adaml, Leonardo, Itiilian historian and hellenitt;
1690-1719 C.I.B.D.
Adamif Paolo, Hungnrian phyiictan ; I73i9— Irl'S o.
Adaml, Pietro, Italian raaritie painter ; 1730 Bt
Adamnan, abbot of lona and writer ; 625-705 R.D.tfi
AdamoU. Pierre, French antiquary ; 1707—1760 B.P.C.
Adamowtot, Adam iWoi/da). Polish gritmmarian :
171^-1812 D.
Adama, Abignil, wife of Jobn Adams, president of the
United States ; 1767-1818 «.
Adams, Abigail, Eoglisb eoistolompbcr ; 1744—1818
Adamfl, Abraham, ]&ig. aldbemicol poet; 15ch cent.
AdamSi Alexander, English lient-gen. ; d. 1836 fl.
Adams, Amos, Amerioaii divine and author; 1727 —
1775 AH. a.
Adams, Andrew, chief -jnatioe of Connecticut ; 1736—
1797 A.
Adams, BcmaTf], bishop of limerick 1G04, Kilfenora
1606^17; d. 1«j26 e.
Adnma, Cbnrles, engraver B.
Adams, Charles Baker, American chemist and aoolo-
Kist ; 1814-1853 a e.a,
Adams, Charles Francis, American author and diplo-
matist ; 6, 1807 M.A.o.
Adams, Clement, English geographer ; d, 1586 q,
Adams, £., English engraver; 1774
AdamSi Eboneser, American mathematician and lin-
guist; 1764—1841 A.
Adams, Elipbalet, American divine ; 1676—1753 a»
Adams, Eltphalet, American divine and hebralst;
1732— 18«.H» lu
Adams, Fitxherbert, Tioe-chancellor of Oxford ; 1G51—
1719 c.H,
Adams, Francis, Engliiih writing lUftRter ; 1594
Adams, Fmncia, Eng. physician and transUtor ; 1861
Adams;, George, English iiramatijst ; 1746
Adams, George, English divine ; 1708
Adams, George, Englinh optician, instrument-midcer,
ajnd philosophical writer ; d. 1786 c.D,
Adams, Geoi^'o, English optical instrument-maleerand
philosophical writer ; b, 1750» d. 1795 au.
Adams, George, English agriculturaUst ; 1810
Adama, Hannah, Anierican nutboresit ; 1757—1832 A. a,
Adams, Henry William, English general; d. 1855
Adams, Isaac, Amcricfin improver of the printing
press ; 1850 e,
Adsims, Jan van, of Nuremberg, engraver and da-
signer: 1570 B.
Adams, Jjisper, Amer. prof, of mathem.; 1793-1841 e,
Adams, John, EngliAb printer ; 1533
Adams, John, English poet ; 1677
Adams, John, provost of King's College, Cambridge ;
1700 n.c.
AdamSi, John, American divine and poet ; 1704—
1740 AB.a.
AdaniB, John, writer on conchology ; 1797^ — 1800 a.
Ad&mB, JoIiQ, Decond pre»id&nt of tlie United States
of America, 17W- im>2 ; h, 17;«. fL 1826 tCD.H.
Aduni, Jobn, Englbh raarmer {Patriarch of Pitcairv^*
ItUnd) ; 17G4-182y H.D.
Adams, Juhiiy EngUhU engineer, and compiler of the
first gfogrftplncall dictioii«n' of Engloud CD.
AdJUns^ John, English eeneftiit-at-bw ; 1856
Adams, John Couch, Engfiah n^tronornor; b, 1818* ic.
Adams, Jobri Greealoaf, Amcncon writer ; L 1810 a.
Adams, John-Quincy, nixth pn>«ifleut of tbo United
Bt*teg of Ameriea, 1825-9 ; L 17fi7, d. ISAH f.a.u.
Adams, John W., Americiibn huA-ycr, neuatur; 170G—
1788 A.
Adams, Jonas, Engltah lawyer ; W&A
Adams, Joseph, Aoierican writer ; 1711»— 1783 «kA.
Adams, Joseph, English pliysicuuimid medical writer ;
1766^181? a
Adami, ^[atthew. Amerirain writer ; <L 1753 a. A. 8.
Adams, Nebemi&Ji, Ajnericiiti uuthor ; 6. 1806 a.
Adams, New too, Americiua missionjiry in South Afric^i ;
1804-1851 A.
Adams, Orion, English printer ; d, 17^7
Adams, Kice, £u;^h^h divine ; 1753*
Adams, Kichj^nl, English printer ; 157I>*
Adams, Kichunl, recorilcr of Ix»iidou ; 1748
Adams, Sir Richard, haran uf the exchct^ofr {17lK>) ;
1710-1774 /.
Adams, Kob., Eng, arcbt, and engr. ; 1540— 15!>1 E,B.
Adams, Kobert, Englidh architeottinil dniughtaniun ;
1728-1792 B.
Adams, Rob., English moclianidan and writ. ; 1810 e,
Adams, Robert, English aaiior ; IHlti
Axt&ms. Samuel, Eugliab dinne ; 17 IC*
Adam% Samuel, governor of Maasaoljiuetts ; 1722 —
1803 €.U,D.
Adama, Sarah Flower, English poet; d 1848 a.
Adams, Sylvester, Enwliah divine ; </» 1667
Adams, lliomat, English printer ; lOOQ'
Adams, Sir Thoiwiw, lord muyur of London (1645),
royaljjt ; 1586 -i64j7
Adams, Thomas, English religioua writer ; </, l(i7U c.n.
Thoinaj, Eii(jlish divine ; d. 1784
W., Englidh navul captain ; LSth cent. li.
t, William, English navigator; 1575—1621 e.J)>ff>
I, William, Koglish hi.'itoriAn ; d, 1061
I, William, Amt^riciin divine j ir».'»0— 1CS5 A*
I, William, English divioe j d. 1716
1, W^illiam, English snrgoou ; 18th cent D.n.
Williiim, English editor ; 1750*
Sir WlUiam, English turgvon ; 1819*
AdaJDt, William Hridgea, Ecgliah engineer and author ;
6. 1797 M.
Adams, WilUam Henry, Esfliah barriater \K 1800 v.
i, ZalMiitd, American divine ; 1702— 17<j4 a,
I, Zabdiet, Aiuer. dtv. and writ., 172i9^1801 A.1L.
John, Engliah divine ; 16^*
Adamson, John, Engliih poet ; d. 16;i7
AdamsoXL, John, Bnti>h oaval officer ; 1780 <i.
Adami^m, John, EsgUib antifiuaiy and eo&ohologivt ;
d. 1855
Adsmson, Pat., archbuhop of Si Andrvwi ; 1543—
15111 C.R.U.
Adamsoa. Thomaa, EiiKli>h author ; KiSO*
Adamthwalte, John, Enjrlich divinn ; lnH
Adaoson, Michel, Fronou iiatarahat and imvetler ;
I7:f7-1806 ctMi,
AdaonBt. ^V F' *■ • "♦ ! «-* — itcur; »/. 181II u.
ifi ; 1550* it.n.u.
. 16th oont B.a
~.-:,li»h UiUMiuiUi ; d, 1860
Adda.! :. uida. 600-67
AO'' iioido d*, Italian patrkdau and Juriai ;
: i V.
Adoa, < nn{.o Franoesoo d\ Milmust amateur painter ;
1^* 1550 l$.T.
Adda, Vraa, Wekh i»oet ; 1240
Ad'DemlTl, Mohamed-ibD-Muura, Arahtan natnraUat ;
d. 1406 D.
Addenbrooke, John, Engli§h physician ; rf, 1719
Addeabrooke, John, dean of Liolitield ; d. 1776
Adderley, Cliurleis Bowyer, English p<diticiim ; 1814 IT.
Adderley. Thomaa, I'untan divine ; 1676
AddlligtOA^ Antbuiiy, Eugliah physician and medical
writer; 1718-17110 5?.R,iia%
AddlngtOEL, Henry, Lord Sidmontfa, Engliah atat«»-
man ; 1755— 1844 up,
Addington, Hen. Unwin, Eng. ttateaman ; h. 1790 ¥.?,
Addlngton, la., ace. of I^Iaaaachnsett^ ; 1645 — 1715 A,
Addlngtoa, John, Engliah surgeon ; 1801
AddiBgton, John H,, Eng, nnder-aeo. of sUie ; d, 16
Addington, Stephen, EngliAh divine; 1721*— 17116 CJ
AddlUg^n, Sir William, English legal writer ; d. III
Addis, Thomns, English writer ; 1798
Addison, Alex., American lawyer; 1759—1807
Addlaon, Anthonv, English divine ; d. 1719
Addison, G. H., Engliah writer; 1793—1815
Addison, John, English coutruver&ialist; 1538
AddlSOD, John, EiiglJKli nuiHiciau ; d, 1844
Addlsozi, Joaeph, Engliah |>oct and easayiat; 16
1719 C.W.I
Addiion, Lanoeloi, Engliah writer, doan of lichfieltl
1632-1703 Ctt.D,fl.l
Addison, Launk, English actress ; rf, 1852
Addlaozi, Philip, Engliah printer ; d, 1823
Addison, Tbomaa, Engliah Jesuit ; 16:44—1685
Addison, Thomas, English phyaician ; <i, 1860
Addy, Willisini, English wnter; d. 1710* W*Q,II
Adee, Herbert, Englijih divine ; 1712
Adee, Nichoka, Enulijih divine ; l*i86
Adee. Swithin, EngUsh physician ; d. 1786
Adelmantns. Oreek general, b. c . 4JM p. a. |
Adel, or Adn, king of Swcdeo ; d. 433 ai
Adela, wife of Baldwin IV. count of Flanders ; 1
Adsla, countess of Bloia ; d, 1137
Adelaide, Queen ; d, 1849
Adalaide d« T^aaoe, conmxi of Louia IL ; 860 dj
Adtlalde, Si, empren of Qennauy, conaort of ^
the Great ; 931—999
Adelaldt, Si, ahbeis of Notre Dame, Odliynai
1015 ai
Adelaide, mandiioneas of Suxa, mother-in-law
Henrv IV., emperor of Germany ; 1035
Adelaide, prinoeas of Saxony ^ 10:^0—1100
Adelaide, wife of Baldwin, king of JerusaltBi { :
Adelaide of LtniTlltQ. wife of Henry L of Bog. ;
Adelaide, or AUx of SaToy, consort of Louis
1114 ; d. 1154
Adelaide, ^/r Aleld, Dutch lady, mbtreis of ,
duke of IJnibunt ; d. ];^.f2
Adelaide of France (Madame MarH\^ danghlar i
Louis XV. ; 173i-1800
Adelaide d'Orleans, Eugeoio'Louiae, aistcr of !
Philippe; 1777-1848
Adelaide of SaitUnU, wife of F^iaio, naiuml ictt i
Frcdi^no IL ; 1239
AddlaJds of Saxe Melnengem, wife of the ilakai
Clarence; 1818-1849
Adelard,or EthelHaard, kiug of Wessfoi ; d. 740
Adelani, or Athlard. Kngtish Bwiid
and ttavtller : 1130^ ^
Adslards, chief of the Ouelf faction al Fonafrnt i
Adelartua, St ; 754
AdattMfft, St, >rorthumbriBti iniisionarT ; d 740
Adelbart, archbishop oif Brtniett an<il Hamb
AdelbcOd, bishop of Utrecht^ biatorian, i
and theologian ; 6. 960, d, 1028*
Adeltmtneir, Michel^ Oenaaa nisthsroslwiaa i
Irtmotner; 1702-1779
Adalaoanti, Oarl-Friadriab» Baron voa, Swedlshl
toot; 1716-1796
JUel«r. Cort SlreneD, Dimiih lUgh ndmirftl; 162^—
1<j75 r.u.
elftld, king of Bemioia and Deira ; c2» 617 u.
IftlCtflO* prtQce of Beneveuto i 871
' , long of the Lombariift, T59-773 ; cf. 7^8 R,
pn&ce of lieneTQatuiii, 854-S79; <^<
) Jolimim Albert, Germmi foafttie ftud irn-
iwtttor ; <f, 1636 Tt.u.
Jlde2Ii«lsi#» ar Adelln. bpw of Seejt, NormftDdy ; SSU d.
Adellria i(M« /<»> m/uof of Brabantjf sccood wife of
Hmijy 1,, king of En^Uud
▲d«llxa of Lourain, nac^a of Henry L ; c^. 1151
jrtflltt, dmiight«r of \ViUmiD the Conqueror
btiiMip of Bre4uia, theologiEiQ aad poot ; d.
t buhcm of Saluhuiy* I^tin writor and poot ;
liMiaB* Nicolas Philibert, French physieittH aud
writer; ^. 17^ F.n,
AdfilpMo*. consul of Rome ; 451 H,
lAslcirard, Reoaald 0»»r d\ Freneh repreaeutative
uiduithar; b. 1811 f.
liiAlslf, buhop of Ci&rHsk. 1133 ; d 1150 dX
lilflinig, Friedrieh von. Germ, litt ; 1768^1843 ir*o,
lAinCi JdttfiQ Christiauj Gennaii phEologiit oJid
ttHnAt*^ ; 174a— 1800 it e.c. o,
A^Mtaxtg^^ Joltftiui-Jufrttift, German antiquary ; 1670* D.
Adtfvald, 9r£UMlwald, king of East An;^lia ; d. 601
Memar, «r ikymar, coant of Puititirfl, m'3 ; <f . 92(> c.
Idawnar, or AtlBar, de Chabaimis, French monk aad
eliraiiid«r ; 98^1—1030 CD. 0.
MmftT. Oiiinat d'Anvergne, 1199; c/. 1218 v,
kfitn, GuillAume, French phyaiciim and medical
viUcr ; llih cenl a.
AAtmBKiAmam tJt£ king). Tmich poet and minitrel;
Lmtr CUB.
iiindam^ St, «r 1>ieudoiiiLe» bishop of Komo, C15 ;
IKIipJatMt ^ XMeodomie* bishup of Rome, G72 ; d.
€?li D.u.
4ie; GviDMiBie, French f>^^r^. nnA poet ; I{i2i0* c.d.d.
l^ir,Jeaii Jowph, Fr< uur; b, 17M T.
MKi, F^vrre-AugURte, 1 . ...... v..wmi»t and poliikiAii ;
U43-.1S32 D.
» WiOiuD, English dirine ; 170O
,07* Annlniua, Hermann, lotder of tlio
.9;iil7 D.
1 1, kiD^ of Friaia ; d. 710 D. 1L v.
in.:710 D,
, imlt. of Periifi (M&) ; 936— J»S3 D.fu
, or Al-BialiaT3l. Ahou-Abdallah-Moham-
, AiabUo hiKtoriiin., 1275 — K54S D.
Ahmed -lb n- Yah ja, Anibiau hiitorian ;
IMoBt. D.
mm titftii^AJla!!. caliph of Egypt, 1160-, d, 1171 u.r.
m, Angjo-^ixxon prolate and poet ;
, Adelnifi, Freoch Benedictine and historian^
I |M> CliaiienuigQe u.
, Atpboiiao Joaoph, French mathematician ;
kmrr f.
hAiMr, ir AtfMsaar, Ganilelm, French troubadour ;
MP u,i\
IT de HoQtelX Lambort dc,
ft«IOK«i9e; aOO D.K.
^ I liMitattll. bn. of MoU, 1327 ; d. 134}1 d. r.
ye Vontetl, bUbop of Puy^ 1(K^, pApal
A 1099 D.u.
. kinc of Nmnidii ; d. 6.C. 112 d.r.x.
I, Oirtlli^iniMi mend ; ii,a 249 D. il X.
L Alti II niiTO, ItiOiiii poet ; ir}79-lG49 c.T.o.
; Fiiie, Guelphic leader ; 14th cent i.R.
, limliaii biitomn ; 1580* 1.1>.0»
) Aldobnuidi, Italiaa mi^gistniie ;
AdiB» Henry, Engliah diWno ■ 16G0
Adldii. LanciiBter, Knglish divine ; rf. 1806
Adkins, William, English poet ; 1768
Adler^ Dr Nrttlian Miiraui. chief tubbi of the English
Jews; b, 18D3
Adler, Adoluh Poter* Danish philoaopher; h. 1812
AiUer, Bemhani Bohemian physician ; 17G3 — 1809
Adler, Georjj Chriiitian, Gernian theologian and pedj\-
fiogue; 1674-1741 i>,g.
AdleT} Georg-Ohristian, German theologian and ar*
ch:oolt>gi«t ; 1734—1804 o,d.
Adler, Qaorg T,, Gennan <Hducational writ. ; h. 1821 u,
Adler, Jaeob-Georg-Chnfltian, German theologian and
orientalist ; 1755—1806 0.[>.u»
Adler, Johan Gunder» Danish statesman ; 1784—1852
Adler, Peder Christiaiu Daniah schul&r ; 17l»G— 1851
Adler, Philipp {Fatriciut), German engraver; 1484—
15^^* B,CN.D.
Adler Uesoard, French grain, and professor; ISTiO p.
Adler-Balvlua, Johan, Swedish stftteanian ', 1590—1652
Adlerbergr* Wliuiimir, Count, Bus. gen, ; 1784-1814
Adlerbetb. Gudmund-Georg, Swetliah savant and poet ;
1751-1818 F,D.
Adlerfelt. Giutjivus, Swedish hiitorian nnd diploma-
tist ; 1*j71-1709 c.k.D.
Adiewcreuta, Bajxm rou, Swedish general ; 1S0£» air.
Adlersparre, Gooiig Graf von. Swedish gun. ; 17lit)-
1837 iilu.
AdUflgton, William, Eujjlish tranaktor ; 15G6
Adlmig, Jacob, Germ, organist; ICyW— 1762 o.R.U.l»»
Adlzreiter, JohnnTj, Gorman Matorian, chancellor of
Brtvariu ; 1.19tj — 16C2 c.a.D.
Admtraal, B., Dutch painter ; 1662 n.
Admiral* Henri l\ French patriot ; 1744— 17D4 D.r.
Adzno, engTavor, time of Augiistiu
Ado, St, ubp. of Vienne, chronicler ; 799—875 c.D.u.
Ado, bishop of Ramsbnry 927*, arohbiakop of Can-
terbury 942 ; d. 9S9 HJaL
Adolf, duke of Nassau ; 6. 1817
AdolfTz, German engraver B.
AdoUl, Giro, Italian painter ; 1683-1758 B it.
Adolfl, Giticomo, Italian |>ainter j 1682—1741 B.
AdolplL, Josfiph'Franz, Germ, painter; 1071—1749 i>.
AdOlpiil^(-1ii istiiLn-Michel, Germ. phys. ; U>7(i— 1753 P.
AdolpM, Giacomo, it^diau painter ; 1682—1741 Xj.
Adolphufl, or Ataulphua, king of tho Visigoths ; d.
AdolphUB 1., count of Hoktcin ; 1100—1131
Adolphua II., wurrior ; d. 1104 B.
AdolpHus ni. ; d. 1200*
AdolphuB IV- ; 12*37
Adolphus VIH., count of HoUtein ; d, 1459
Adolphufl of Naanatl. king of Gornuiny ; d. 1298
Adolphus, count of Cleves and La Marclie, bit hop of
Munster, iarj7 ; d, 1:394 D.n.
Adolphua, count of Cleves ftnd March ; 1371—1448 a
AdolpiiUB, duke of Gueldres ; 1438—1477 d.u,
Adolphua, duke of Schleswig, 1440 ; d. 1459 D,B.
Adolphua, duko of Holstein, warrior ; 1526—1586 R,
Adolphus, Johiinn, duke of Saxony, warrior and poli-
tician ; 1685— 1744 D.R.
AdolpIiiiB - Frederlclc, of Holstein - Entin, king of
Sweden, 1752 ; 6. IHO, d 1771 R.D.
AdolpliUB, John, English bftrriAter and autbor ; 17G6—
1845 D.
Adonlzedek, king of Jortualem ; i. B.a 1451 D.u.
Adorf, J, A. 0. , German amateur engraver b,
Adome de Tsohamer, Frenoh surgeon ; t, 1784 d.f.
Adomi, Catlicrine-Fictchi, Italiui poetess ; 1447—
Ifjld D.
Adomo, Francesco, Italian Jesuit and writer ; 1531 —
Adomo, Gabriele, Genoese merchant, doge of Venice,
13(33-70 R,D,u.
Adomo, Georgio, doge of Genoa ; 1413
Adorao, Giovanni- Agostino, Ital.|mest; d. 1591 D,
Adrain, Kobert, Amer. mathematician ; 1775— 1843 a*
Artraman, French adventurer, pachA of Rhodes and
TurkiBh admiral ; d, 1706 D.H.
Adram-Helecli, king of AMjria ; b.c. 737 if -
Adramytlms, brother of Croesua, king of Lydia ; B.c.
600 li.
Adraitns, king of Argoa and Sicvon ; B.C. 1215 D.x.
Adraitoa, Greek peripatetic and commentator; 2nd
cent. E.
Adreta, Francis de Beaumont, Baron dea, Fi^nch war-
rior; 1613—1587 C.DJL
▲dreraldfFr. monk of Fleury, writer ; 818—878 D.B. v
Adrey, Daniel, English author ; 1598 q
Adrla, Giovanni-Giaoomo, Italian phyiioian and
writer ; d. 1560 c.D.R.n.
Adriaanaen, Alexandre, Flemish painter ; 6. 1625 a
Adrian L, Pope, 772 ; d. 795 d.r.11.
Adrian IL, 867 ; c2. 872 d.r.u.
Adrian m. {AgapU), 884 ; <f. 885 D.R.U.
AdrlanlV. {NtchoUuBreaktpear), UrA; d, 1159C.D.R.1;.
Adrian V. {OUoboni Fieschl) ; d, 1276 D.B.U.
Adrian VL ; 1459—1523
Adrian, or Harirtan, P. .£lius, emperor of Rome (117—
138) ; 76-138 CD.R.X.
Adrian, Greek sophist ; 2nd cent. B.X.
Adrian, first bishop of St Andrews ; d, 872 R.L
Adrian, African eodesiastio ; 7th cent. R.
Adrian, St, 1374
Adrian ((7artAu«iania),German theologian and writer ;
1410 CJX
Adrian de Cast^Uo, cardinal and bishop of Wells,
1504-18 ; 1450»— 1518* C.R.
Adrian, patriarch of Russia ; d. 1702 n.
Adrian, or Adrtansen, Comellis, Flemish Franciscau
preacher ; 1521—1581 D.ri
AnTlanl, Giovanni-Battista, Italian historian and pro-
fessor of eloquence ; 1513—1579 C.T.iv.
Adrian, Johann- Valentin, German litterateur ; 1793--
1830 F.D.
Adrian, Robert, English mathematician ; d, 1813
Artriani, Marcello, Italian translator and scholar ;
1533-1604 c.R.n.
Adrlant, Bfarco-Virgilio, Italian hellenist, chancellor
of the republic of Florence ; 1464 — 1521 c.T.i>.
Adrlano, Spanish Carmelite, painter ; d. 1630 b.r.u.c:.
Adrlanos, Greek monk and writer ; 5th cent. i >.
Adrlanaen, Alex., Flemish painter; 1625*— 1685 B.R.IJ.
AdrichomlnB, Dutch scholar ; 16th cent. u.
Adrichomlus, Christian, Dutch priest and writer l
1533-1585 C.R.D.1
Adrieomla, Cornelius, Dutch historian and theolo-
gian ; 16th cent. r.
Adrian, Emmanuel, Flemish lutist, 16th cent. D.
Adry, Jean-FeliciKsime, French philologist and biblio-
grapher; 1749— 1818 D.u.
Adryan, Albin, Polish savant and poet ; 1490—1540 T».
Adson, Hemericus, French hagiographer and theol^i-
gian; d. 992 c.u.r?
Adaon, Fr. Benedictine, abbot of Deuvres ; d. 991 th
Adoarta, Don Diego de, Spanish missionary ; 1630 l».
Adnlf. bishop of iJchiield ; 802 d, L
AdTenier-Fontenllle. Hynpolite-Antoine, French eti-
gineor and dramatic writer ; 1773- 1827 D F.i;.
AdTentlUS, biHhon of Metz, 855 ; d. 875 D.B.I .
Ady, Joseph, Englinh impostor ; r/. 1852
Ady, Thomas, EngliHh wriUr on witchcraft ; 1661
Adye, Stephen Payne, English military writ«T ; 1778
Ai^rran, John, lonl mayor of London, 1170-71 ft
Aantidet, Greek tragic poet ; B c. 300* P.\.
JBbOtas, Olympic victor ; b.c. 756 ir.
JEddet, king of the Molossi ; B.C. ,T2G D.r .
Aad, St, bUhop of Kil'lare ; c2. 638 t.
Aed, Irish writer ; 105.)
JBda, Malnchv Mac, Irish writer ; d. VMS
Aaddan. St, WeUh warrior ; d, 1015
JBdwlnB, <.;reek philosopher ; d. 355 n.u.
Alffene iBHto), bn. and anchoret of Kildare ; 862 c
JKgvUi, king of Athens ; B.0. 1283 u.
^glalanfl, king of SicFon ; Rc. 2i)^ H.
£^dln£, kiiig of the tranks ; d. 464
il^dluft, Freuch abbot and writer ; 51-1 HU,
-^gldlufl^ Greuk Beoedictius ; Sth ^lent. D.
iEgldllU, Fr. deacon and Latin poet ; 13th cent. a. is.
J^diuA, Gabriel, philoaophical writer ; 17th cent. a.
£gldlua LeodienilB IGUk* de Li€g€% monk t^f the
\'"aUt^ ii'Or, Luiemburj, author ; 13th attkt. fiu
^gldlua, Tetrus, of Antwerp, travdJer; 1490-1555 C
BgX^, or Elgll* abbot of Fujda ; d. 822 D.
^giJBUS.i^rAeirJMil^^* Grepkphys. ; B.C. 5th cent. D.3L
iglnHard, vr EglnHard, biognipber ; 771*— S38* D.
nSglnuA SpoJenUnus^ Itamati editor ; 1550 n,
JEglJtheUs, king of Mycens& ; B.c, 1183 K.
Aflldii], bishop of Cbiiard ; 726 €.
AtU; Samuel, Swedish tlieojogian ; 18th oent B.IT.
mmxi, or mmo, archbiflhop of York (10^11^1) ;
964^1051 n^lit
fdfttc, St (iAf Grammarian), aFcbhishop of Canter-
bury, &95; d lOOii M,CJ.d.
MlAii {Bata\ Anglo^Suion scholar ; 11 th cent. B.
AeUitlii« biAhop of Danwidi, 7^ ; d 797 dM
AdhtUi, bidhop of WoTTestcr, MB; tf . B73 dLC
fllan, the m>phhi ; 222
S21ULME, emml of Home ; 1S7 n.
^lanna, CUudius, Itoman writer on militaij tactics;
110* CD.U.
AdJanil^, Clandins, Gnsek compiliu^ ; 3*1 c«nL 3L1].
£Uaaiii, On. Papinus. coniul of Rome ; 1^ u,
^fiUannc, L. Eosotna, consul of Home ; 2£^ n.
gUantta, Mc«ciu8, Groek physiciiui, tutor of Gal*
Kenui; l2Qr a.
£]liu-Bextut-FtBtiu-Catiii) Roman jurUl and
coD£uI - B.C. 197 H.CI.L
JEllu^-Cesar, or LiidiiB-CeJCRiiQa-CominodTia-Yanu,
liilopted ion of Baulrian, 135 ; d, 139 B,
^KSUB, Spjirtianus, historiiiu ; OT
^lla, ftf Ella, king of Beira ; 5ClO— 5*^8
Aelnoth* Enj^lisb nionk and historian ; 11G5 a
Aolst, i?f AlOgt, Evert van, Dut^h iwinter ; 1002—
1G5A n.ii.iLC,
Aelat^ Paul Tan, Dutch fruit and flower |MinteT ;
17th cent B.
Aelflt. VViUiaro umi {QuikfrnohDatch pamicr; l<m—
Aelts, Kicholos van, Ftenii*h paioter j h. LV27* a.
£mllia,Jiitisinft, C4mnt«s» of Schwarslm^g, Eudflstault,
pot'lciia; lii.'l7— irffli B-
-EmiliBJrtiH, Qu. Fabius Max, Roman consul ; B.e.
14.5 tf.l.
.fimllianuj, 0. Julius, Rnman cm p. ; 20S*— 253 D.x.
iEaillaiiua, Fulvius, eonswl of Roma ; SiMi H.
JEmUlaapa, Pub, Com. Scipio Afric^un, Rom^n
geaemi and nnthiiiii.idur ; H* V2& li.
JEmllliia^ Anton, neitiisb hiKt. ; 15811-liJGO CD.*
-EmiUus* Antonio, Latin fnu^t B-
fimiliua Fmmllttl t^afrc?fjii/<?«j), captor of Pe«<fMi ;
RC. L»:M>— 100 tk-L.
«na, Hondrick. thitch philosopher; 1743— IBM d^ilv,
Mneoi {tjtjzfriu), Greek Chriitian writer; 480 c.n.iL
£aMi, Tsdtun, Greek writer ; B,e. ;riO u.x,
Xnou, or fn^ua, Irish bishop and hUtifria.n ; d, H:^
Aflneas, P». <ierm*ii mcui^tinto i-npravef bl
£iie.T.H-SylvluB, piuA U, , Pa|>o - I40r»— 14*>l D. H.
^^nealdeaiUS^tJrcf'kPtvptiesd philos4>plior;B.L\ 50 tt.x,
MxigUM, bbhop of cnt>ghcr ; DI5* c
M&lUB, k in f; of l^hthi nt it; B, c, 1 l^l H.
jEplnus, Frani'Maria-lIlrich'Thf'i^liir, Geniuia phil-
ft*.plier and cbctridaii ; I7*il— IMtW ctLli.
£ptaui, Johann Ku|^ Gemmii tkoologian, runtTt^
VflmialiKt, and refi>rmcT i 141*9— 15rxi tMLO.
MriUM, herosijo^ih ; 4Ui ctnt, &&.&
AafOpHi, kiri!^ of Mitccdtm ; n.c. ti02
.firicliot. Duko of, Flouiinh dipltiinalUt; Ifith cent D,
JErU, Rh hiu-d . 1 >ttt*^b pnin tor ; 1— I ^77 ■. R.
Aitirutm, |\jter iJ'kiro'Lonifu^ Dnli^h jiaiot^r ; Til!! -
1673 a a. DC
I phTsicun ; 1774
It ; 488—515
t of Mityleno 1.
of P^ttth&n, ih« leador of Erotnea, E.
» GT««k» ion of Sellus H.
, Greek ]u«ton&nf quoted b^ Easiebius R.
k Greek physici&n of Lampns R.
, the KlTisioinn, Gn?ek rhetorician R.
lArcadiii r I»ocrate« B.X*
, memdtaii ijer of Naple« R.
, Olynipiw .^... , u.a 760 h.e,
, Atkeiimo orator ; a,c. 3J»— 314 R,x.
, Greek pbjsician ; 4ih cent. R.X.
t Gre«k rhetoriei&n ; 4th ceut. B,c< itx.
, Socrvtic plkilocopber ; 4th cent, b.c. r.x.
, poet of SenuM n.X.
, Greek writer em ngriotilturo B.3C
I fftilier of LyssniaA B.
, Greek physici&n ; 2Qd cent. D.R.X.
MKtstBM, Eretra^Ma, oppoDent of Meredemua k.
MmAfbsM^ P^pil ^ Hippocrates, mentioned by Aris-
totk VL,
WmlUjftU ■> Tiietoriciaii of Gmdiu, xDentianed hj Cicero ;
lJtc«ULB.a R.x«
i of Eapborion, ^^o poet ; R,a fi25^
I the ArgiTe, meationed by Plutarch r,
to the Gori&thiaDf mentioned by PlutArch b*
^ 9^^i»-*% rhetorician, mcLntioned by Cicero E,
, B.C. 570 u,x.
i Hebrew poet ; JGth cent
WB, Oodiofly RoxuAn actor; lit cent. fi.C. D.X.
dnit Greek uehiteot ; 6th cent c.d.u.
I> Greek wnter ; 110* c. D.u.
t Creek heresiareh ; <i. 3C6 ^ C.R.D.
» Eouuha genenl und p&trioiAii ; dL 454 D.R.
IMwof MMOpotamJJLp Greek phjrsiGiui end mcdicdd
vite: fiOO* CR.U,
ilitMll1ifliiil» Jotepb- Anton, Gennan historian ; J.
1775 D.
AlkndopolOb €el«h, Karaite Jew and author ; ISth
ccbL r.
Ukr, Demikitii, of Nidinei, Roman omtor, partisan of
CUodiQa and Xero : B.C, 15— a. D. 59 D.B.X.
Jdmk, Fietro i^PUtrodHia Basilkata)^ It&llan paiuter ;
1»;^ D.B.
iibitatl. Antonio- Mario, Italian Capuahiti writer ;
16M>-^1721 D.
AflUtatl, FortuniOi Italian phyidciau and philosopher ;
d, JZ'^ Q.R,i*D,
AXiroct Cftmillo^ Italian Benedictine end historian ;
3*^^50-1763 1>.
, Johann TDin, political writer ; 1600 l>.
b Johaim, Germ, t^ieologiau; 1&8S— 1624 D.u.
« TboinaA 1\ French drunatic author ; 16^ —
, JUrTiel 1% French TOUaiciftn ; d 1708 D.
.und, Engliih commodore and poll-
* j\.mtii^ .SoottUh poet ; 15ib cent.
;Sr James, Eagh»h general ; d. 1833
', nUlp. Brititfa admiml ; cL ll^iQ B.
V Btt«ieelik> d', Italian Dominican, litterateur ;
i-tii$ D.R.H,
mHi^ Gutuio-Aiidre» d\ Italian advocftto-goncriJ ;
, Gioviuuid- Mario, Italian Dominiean^ mtithe-
' j d. 1673 IJ.JLT.D,
t Matteo, Italian jniut ; 1448—1524 crd.u.
^Toiniaaao, I calian j lyrist; 1570— 1€»45 d,t.
Aftc licseiis, Italian antiqujiry, hi«torkn» and
Mioflit; 1742-1805' o.D.a.i;.
Ag^j^^Angnate^ abp. of rorii ; 1793^1848 D.
^'Ufriltftt'BmillMaLoaia Henri, French repreie&te-
Hit; k 1791 F.
ik&7,Qknd!lf>pe,€omted*,Swut8 0oL; 1772—1818 B.
AJfty, Loaia-Aiigutte*Philipp6, Gomto d\ Swiss states*
mnn; 1745—1810 aH,
AUky, Louis- Augtistin-Aiiguste d\ Frenob genenl;
1713—1703 ©,R.
Afbacker, Gillcs, Dutch theologian ; 17th cent. v>.
A£n>, Cretan martyr; 303
Afirania, Ho man female advocate: B«o. 50 D*X.
AfrAalUB, Brutus, prvtorian pnofoct ; d, A2
Afkimiiia, Lucius, comic Latin poet; B.0. 1st ceni U.X.
AfraiilttJB NepoB, Lucius, consul of Eoine ; B.C. 60 R*x.
AlHcaBUS, Pub. Corn, Scipio, consul of Eonie, cc.
205 ; d. 180 H.
A&loaJ^us, SextuS'JuliuSj Greek Christian historian;
rf. 23U* O.B.D.
Afrloanua, T. Scxtius, consul of Rome ; d, 112 H*
AfkeliUB, Adam, Swedish savant ; 1750—1837 D.u.
AflwUHi, Arvid'Aug., Swedish litt, ; 6, 1785 P.D.r.
Ag^bitlf Pietro Paolo, of SaasoferratOf Italian Ttainter ;
1531 T.
Af^abus, Cliristiivn prophet, 1st cent,
Agamemnon, king of Ari^^os i Homeric hero x.
A£^amestOr» Athenian anther ; B.C. 7i»5 H.
Aganduni,liod.-MAurizio, Span, miss.; 1640 c.t).R.E,
AB:apetUB» consul of Home ; 517 ILC
Agapetufl L, bp. of Rome, S35 ; d. 536 r.L.u.ij.
AgapetUB IL» Foije, JM6-56 ; d, 956 R.L.tJ.D.
AgapetUB, bishop of Rhodes ; 457 D.
Agapetus, deacon of CuoHtantiiinplu ; 627 l\n.
AgUptUB, Greek monk and writer ; 17th cent. D.
Agar, Charles, bisbnp of Clojue 1703, archbishop of
Ciishel 1779 ; cf. 1809 €.
Agar, Hon. Charles^ Viscount Somerton, bishop of
Ciiahel archbishop of Dublin, 1801 ; d. 1814 cm.
Agar, Jacques, Fr. port, painter; 1(>40— 1716 B.R.
Agar, Jftmc», Engliah bot^mist ; d, 1833
Agar, Piiul-Anltjine d\ French poet ; d, ITiTA tr.
Agar. Pedro, Spanish naval captu^in ; d, 1840 D.
Agar, WiUiam, English divine ; 1759
Agard, Antoinc, Fr* goldsmith and antiq. ; 1600 D.
Agard Arthur, English antiquary ; 1540— Itiln c.r,d.
Agard, Fraocis, tre^vsurerof the Irisli Mint; 1548
AgardlliCharlei'Adolphe, Swedish boLaniat und econo*
tniat, hisbop of Carlstadt ; k 1785 D.F,
Agaa, Benjamin, Puritan divine ; 16B0
Agaa, Roljib^ English surveyor; 16th cenl
AgaBiaB,of Ephesua, Gk, sculp, ; 4th cent. RC. mu.x.
Agaslcle*, or HegedolMk k. of BparU -, e.c. 580 d.x,
Agassi£, Louis, Swiss naturalist and scientific writer ;
I b. 1807 D.
' Agate, Frederick S„ Amer. hist, point j 1807—1844 A.
Agate, John, Engliub divine ; 1708
Agate, William, English divine ; 1758
Agatha, queen of Gollicia, daughter of William the
Agatha, St, virgin and martyr of Palermo; cl« 251 H.
AgattiaQgelui, Armenian hiHtorian ; 330 c.D.
AgatliarolLides, C^lympic \4ctor ; ikc. 536 H.
AgatliarcMdeB, Gk. geog. and hist, ; BX. 130 r».R,x.
AgatbaroMdefi, or AgathardiUB, of Cnidus, historian ;
B.C. 113 U.X*
Agatharchufl, of Samoa, Gk. painter ; B.0, 480* D.R.X.
AgathemereuB, Greek geographer ; 3d cent. D.u.
AgatMaa, Greek historian and poet ; 600 c.d.r.
AgatMnns, of Sparta, Greek physiolau ; la.t cent. i>.
AgatbOi Greek confessor; 314, c.r.
Agatbo, St, pope, 678 ; d. 682 b.D.
Agathocles, Athenian ftrchon ; b.c, 357 H.
AgathocleB, Greek general and tyrant of Syraouso;
U.O. 359—287,x.
Agathon of Athens, Greek poet ; h, b,c. 447* D.x.
Agathon« librarian, chancellor, and secretary to the
Council of Constantinople ; 680 B*
Agathopoclee, Greek writer i>„
AgatbiiB, Pietro Angel o, Itidinn physician ; 15CG D.
AgatlT dl Somma, Italian suvunt ; 1640 d.
Agay, Frangoii -Marie 'Bruno, Comte d*, French par-
liiunentory advocate-general ; 1722— 1805 d.b.
JkgtamrU Agustinn, Itftlima mtuidan and writer ;
157a- 1640 D.B.
AgmitfTi, Atnhonmi9« Sienneie eecTediutio in the
Engluh colU^ge at Rome ; 1549^1602 E-
AffOlftSf king of Corinth ; B.a BS9 U.
Ag»]aa» kmz of Corinth ; ac. 9(»6 h.
AgflladAS, Gfe«k sculptorf instructor of PhldiJii; b.
&0. 640 D,R.X.
A|E«l«t» Jo!inleBinted\rnMtroi]. ; 1751—1785 D.ti,
i^Ul, AntoniOf Italian helleoiit, bifthop of Accrtio ;
Agelllo, Gnifluppo, of Sorento, Italian iMunter» pupil
to Cav. Roncftlli T,B,
A^eriOB, or A^er, Nicoloi, fVeneh profcitor of medi-
cine and botiinj ; 14S0O U.C.
AgMander^ of Rbotleft* joint sculptor of the Laocoon ;
Ut cent. R.x.
Ai^BlUUi. Greek biRtoriiiQk D X.
AffesUaua I., king of liuet^eliemoti ; B,c. 027—883 H. D. x.
AgesUanfi IL ; b o. 445—361 h.d, d.
Ageailaus, Athenian g^etneral^ brother of Themiatocleii ;
B.C. iSQ D,
AgMlclM X., king of LiMedasmon ; Juc, od8 -560 h.
A^MlpoliB L, king of 3part», lt.C. 3M ; d. 380 H.D.U.X,
A^MfpoUi n., B.a 371 ; «i 370 H.D.U.X.
A|:QClp0llfl HL ; d. B.C. 219 H.D.D.X.
A^MlBtT&ta, wife of Eudnrntdas IL, aod mother ot
Agis IV, H.X.
Ag«ta, Cj^ietau NicoUa, Itidian jurist ; IGOO D.
Afi^eziOr Thndduufl, Bdhemlan physieiaQ and aitroiio-
mer ; 1578 |J,B,
A??. John, English novelist ; 1813
Agg. Thomiui, satirical writer ; 1820
Acgaa, Edward, English printer ; d, 1679
AggMt Balph, English sunreyor and engraver ; tl,
1679 r.BE.t!.
Iggu, or AnglU, Kobert, English landscape painter ;
l«I9*-lU7a u,
AggattTl, Agosiino, Italian musie compoMF ; 1678—
IGM u.
Aggflnnt-Urbicuj, agricultttml writer ; 2ndeenL o.d,
Aggn^t Giovanni -raaoesoo, Italiau physician ; 17th
cent. I).
Aglim-HobAmmed, shah of Persia i 1734—1797 D.c.
AgllllMttl (G^trcio delSfro), Florentine paint-^r, 1331 B.
Aglilnetli, Maestro Gaccio, Florehtine painter; d,
1409 B.
AgiUt Greek poot ; 8th cent, BXL D.X.
Agleo. Oresbio. Itnlian litterateur ; I8th cent. n.
AgUr, rierre^eaa^ French magistrate, depnty to the
■tatos«goneTiLl ; 1748—1833 c«it,o.
AgU*, k. of the Yisiflothi in Spain, 549 ; d. 634 v. n. d.
AgUbttt* Mihop of Dorcheater, 650 ; I'aris, OGI dj.
Ag!3CB» Bayimnu], French chronicler, canon of Puy
AgllgOiB, SnlomoDj chief rabbi of London and Anutcr*
dam ; d, 172^ t»,o.U.
AgUmAT. or Almv. b|K of Hermont ; 9th cent, D.E.U.
AglTinflnil, king of the Lombards, 389 ; d. 4'£1 ih
AgUtTDid, ocmsortof tbe emperor Giii, duchess of Bpo*
Ivto ; 888 U,
AgUolpUt duke of Tniin, king of the Lombardi, SOI ;
d. 615 D.II,
AglnooUTt, Jein-B»pti»te-Lotti»<J«wTge 8«>roux d\
Frt?nch ]iii»itor4iu «iml antiquary; 1730^1814 ihTX,
Agio de goldanls. I*ictro-Fmno<^4^ 1 talian philolof^t
and aiJtii|U:try ; 1710 1760 VLVt
igli t, ki«»Kof U.#mI. inon; ao, 1050-1028 n.ixr.u,
Agla n.. i».r. IV7 i <{ ;s pK if.D x.i\
Igls III., B.C. ;t\^; tL :cjo n iKX^B.
Agla IV., no, 244* ; d, i»4rt n.D.X.M.
AglBt or 8«ge«, Greek poet ; ».e. SSO h.
AglBthoii king of liyoeiue, murderer of Agamemnon ;
lilh osnt. II.C; IL
t Greek painter ; 350* o,o*
i of fllMOt, Of«ok fialnter ; B.C. 420 B.II.X.
I BivattdiBo, Italian jurist uok
Agliata. Francesco, Italian author of *' Chanson S!d-
liennes ;" 17th cent. tt.
AgUata, Francesco-Gerardo, Italian jurist ; 6. 1430 n.
Agitata, Gemrdo, Itnlian i^t ; d. 1590 Dt
Aglio, Andrea Satvatore di Antonio di Arxo» Italian
pninter on marble ; 1736—1786 B,
AgUo, Claudio, Gorman engraver ; 1 04 1 b.
AgllO, Guiioppe, Itidian litterateur ; 18th ceuti D.
AgUoBliy, Eiiward, English justice of the peace and
author; 1536 Q.C.a.
Aglionby, Geoi^, dean of Canterbury ; d, 1643 L*
AgUonby, Henry A., English politician ; rf, 1854
Aglloaby, John, Eiig. clers^man; 1567-1610 w, ixce,
Agllonby,, English writer on art ; d. I6S6
Agllufl, Hi ; 547
Agnan, St {Aniamtjn), bishop of Orleans ; d, 45^t O.trJ
Agnani, OiovAuni d\ Italinn jurist ; 1390— l4-'i7 D.T.
Agneanz, Antoine, French litterateur ; 16tU cent, ».
Agneaux, liobert, French litterateur ; 16th cent n,
Agnel, Auflrcw, archbishop of Rave niui^ 558 ; tL 566 D,
Agnel, En) lie, French hamster and litt ; h. 1810 n
Agnelli, Frederico, Italian engraver ; 6. 1604 0.0^^
Agnelli. Gui»eppe, Ital. Jesuit and author ; </. 1706
Agnelli, N., Eoman artist
Agnelli, Vincenrio, It^ian genealogist ;; 17th cent. D<
AgneUo, Andrea, Italian historian, archbishop of
venns ; t*th cent. CO.
Agnella, Gfi^vamd,. Italian merchant, doge of Fiaa
Agnello-Maffel, Scipione, bishop of Casale ; 16^
AgneUuiBU Andrea, can on of Ravenna juid chronicler
Agnenl, Eus*emo, Italian painter; b, 1819 r
Agnes, St, Konian Lidy and martyr ; d, ttD.1
Ag^i, wife of Andrew III., kiog of lluiii?ti.ry ; ff. 136^
AgDBS, consort of Henry IIL, emperor of Germ tin]
1043, resfent of the empire 1061 ; d, 1077
Agnea of Ftance, empress of Constantinople ; P>. 1 166
Agnof de Meranla, wife of Philip Augustus, king
Franco ; d 1201
AgnOB, oueen nf France, consort of Philip A!
1196 ;d. 1201
Agnea of AuatrlB, wife of Andrew, king of Hangaiy
1280-1364 B.'
AguBi, comtesse d^Orlamnnde ; 13th cent.
Agnea Sorel. mistress of Charles VIL of Fninoe
AgOBSl, llaria Gnetano, Italian mathematician
sebohu*; 1718-1799
Agnesl, Maria Theresa, Italian musical oomposeri
6. 1724* '
Agnew, Sir Andrew, English miBtary ofSoer ; d,
Agnew, 8ir Andrew ; <A 18^9
Agnew, Patrick Alexander Vans, English
d. 1848
AgnodioBi Athenian midwife ; 5th cent. (?) &a D.
Agntilo, Bacdo d\ Italian arehiteol and amliitar
1460-1543 tt«
Agnolo, Frano»oo, Flonntine painter; 1545*
AgnolOb Gabriele, Italian architect; d. 1510 l.
Agnonldea, Athenian demagogue ; B.C. 318
Agnonidiia, Gr^ek orator : 3d cent.
AgnoBdOlA, Suphonisbe, Italian portrait painteri
1620 It
AgO^iJti, on^; 779— 810 tn^j
AgOOBblc \i-Atun HfiLt lu'hoeiii.
Agop, J 7
AgOPi Johiifr: ' i|<n<'Hl; Itu^^' JK*
Agomantua, « ^tor of r^rmi 5tb
B.C. r>.ii._
Agottailo, Giovaitnt, iWlian InrUl attd phymldatt
.1 1282
AgOrttCV^- v^ - -r^ ' ^-'^
•avani ; 1701— l?^
.Leoittrdo, Italian witiq,; d, 1686* ar.iuD.C*
, MicbeU SpAU.&gric. vnL ; 15*50*— HJ30 j>.ti,
• Nicola degli, Italian poot ; 1521 D.R.U.
K lUL scnJp. and architect; 1296—1338 iKh.
i(Omrmerio\ ItalLaa piinter ; 1474 d.ilb.
% pMkk^ ItaUan miuiciaji and oompoaer ;
-1G29 aiLD.
J dalle Prospettlve. Bolognesc paint j I&25 t. &
Oht Jo^ph. Freucb orientaltfft and Httcniteur ;
1785-1*52 I-.D-U,
i^onl^ Aiitouie-J«aii^ Tlcomte d*, Ftencli genemt ;
UiO— ia2B F.D.U,
Chaxles-Constance-Ce«ar-T/>np-Jfwepli, Mat-
I d', bp, of Pamien, author; 1747—1^24 D. II.U,
^ OaiUaaine, Provencal poet ; d 1181 c»c.D-
Agt^tt Marie d« Fhivignj, Oi^mteMe d' (Danid
3krm^ Frctneh authoress ; 6, 1800 D.
AgTaitStCl&ude-Jean,Bwodiflh jurist; 17thcent. D.&.D.
AgneUiKS, Jjitin Thetoiiciazi ; 4th ceDt^ v.
AITSItu, or AisiXBiUM, Koman rhetorician D*
igndBjIiutaGlie d^-vieemy of JerujM&Iem; 1096^ c. b. d.
ACzmlB. Hio^ea d\ crusader ; 118^ txu.
AJipemtCt Mario Ferrerio^ Ital. sculptor; 15th cent D.
iCflOlOflt or A^r&ule, Gre«k legendniy hproiuo d.
iftl^ Antoinc?, Italian savnnt ; 1640— lU 7 2 n«H.
Asrodft 7 ▼aresms. Don Dk^o, Span, litt; 1620* il
AC'^ada, Mane d'« Spanish nim and authoress;
168^1665 CLii.c.
lenity I>Jii ApolliDArio, general of the order of i^t
AffMtIv lirio da Forli, Italian historical padnter; </.
M(J* T.B.D.
AglltflU^ CeD«iriii5'AtticnSf rhetoricLio and profeasor
fli BeUes-Lrttrfrs at Bordeaux ; b70 i>.
, Matthias, German poet ; 1588 l>.
, CsuBina Julius, lioman genertd, governor of
; fit 40, ti. 93 au.a.
, L. Vifius, consul of Kome ; 230 iL
, oonaol of Home ; 421 U.
»BartholofneTts, *^i^misn jurist; ICIO d.
CSiriit^-r ' T ' ' itnan engmvcr and
; 1607- au.w,
yciau , ' lanantiq.; 16j^ d.
vFranx, Gtrrnuiu Cheul. Aiid author ; d. 1G21 D.
p George (or Baiur), German mioeritlogist and
MfiDi; 1494^1555 u.&c.
liSlei]la» G^or^'Aadresa, Genoan phTsician aiid
^dSmopiust ; 1672- 1738 g. d. U.
I Gi«oc;;-Liidwi^, Ger. mus,; 1043—1670 d.k.
» Isnas, German Jesuit and writer; 1727 H,
» Jofaana, German physician, 17th cent. g.d.
I JohttOJit German reformer; d, 1547 0.I>.G.
, JohafiD-Ammonius, German physician ; d,
Jobann-Fnederich, German muiio com-
r; 1718-1774 n.D,v.
, Jolmnn-GeoTTr, Genn An physic JAii J 1000 d.
ICT*tWll, Ji^haci] or iidu'dtltr {l$Uhiu*), GoiiUiiu
■■iiiiiiniil diirine : WJ2—l^^ ild.
I^MJ^Mi^piiia, German Benedictine achokr; 1640^-
' ' ' i, Msrtin. German ninsiciuu ; ir»40* d.
Mi«li«l, bsahop of Abo, tmusUtur of the
' •"'" U.R.C.
h or Euysmann, German philoso*
t Grv«:^ Astronomc-r ; 92 U. B.
Camillo, JtAlinn philosopher, mathemiiti-
idarclutect; 15?0 czi,
^Chvfeor. accJcsiastica] writer j 123 D.
^CSoRislraa, Italian architect 1 IGlh cent i^
»ikMu Haternta, consul of Kome ; 2^ ti.
^I^ttritis Ffttns, Roman consul j b,c. 446 ii,
^ Herod, k* ol Jiadjea ; ikc 10— a,d. 44 r.D.K.
- ,- L BccimI, aon of Herod Agrippa, kiug of
^■^■i sv^friBtendcnt of the temple ; :^— IK) r. fu
» Uitlp^ ItsJian physician and natrol. ; 1580* D.
Agrlppa, Marcus-Jnliua, grandaoa of Augustus; fu
j^.C, 12, d, A,D. 14 D.B.
A^^rlpiiNi, Miirous Yipsanina, Boman genend and oou*
sul ; h, R e, 03 IMLX.
Agrippa, M. Lanutut, eonsul of Eiime ; B.a 503 D.a,X*
AgTlppa, M. A'^inius, cdusu! of Koine ; 25 li,
Afiprlppa die NettoaheLm, Henry -Cornelius, GeiiuAii
philonopher; 1486—1535 u.lL
Aiprlpplna I,^ consort of Genranicus ; 6. B.C 12,
d. A.D. 33 H*U.x.
Agxippln, bishop of Carthage ; 217 ll.D,
Agrippliut n.» consort of Doniitius, And mother of
Noro; 15*— 5P i;»aJC
A^ppinus, biMhc^p of Alexandria ; 168 lb
Agrceclus, or AgTCBtiUfl, K<>nmn gmm. ; 5th cent.
AgTOte, Antonio^ Italinn architettuml puinter ; 1750 Bi
AffUadOt Alexaudre-Msirin^ niRr^uis de las Muri^niav,
Spanish banker ; 1784-1842 d,E.
A^uadOi Fmnotsoo« Spaniab Jesuit, minister of Philip
IV. ; 1560-1054 c.U*
Aguai^ Juvenal d\ Genunn theologian ; 17tlioent D.Q,
Agn&B, Juiin d', S|wtni*.}i thonluginn; 17th cent XK
AjuCChla, <Ii ■ f L eijgiuver; KUh cent. BrNLT.
Agrucchla, I ' iliait niatheinaticJaii ; 1050 IJ«
Agrucchio^ I ; : ,, i^rGhbi»him of Amoiu, fteci-in*
tnry to GreKUiy XV. ; 1570—1032 d.u.c.b,
Aguero, Bairtholoraeo, Hi^hiJgo de, Spanish physiciuu
and medical author ; 1531—1597 D.
Aguerro, Bi^ioit Kminanuel, Spanish landscape
piinter ; 1020 — 1070 Iit.iM>.
Aguesseau, Honri-Cftirliu-Jean-Baptiste, Cnnile d\
French diplcinmtist and senator \ 1740— 1 820 l*,iuu.
Agueaseau* Henij Francois d*, French onitor and
chancellor of Fnmcc ; lOOS — 1761 c^u.n.t).
Agul» king of Bantum, in Java ; 17th cent, D,l%
AgUiar, Tomma^o do, SpanLdi painter \ UTjO B.D.
AgUila, Cliarles-Frnn^oift'Emest-Henri d', French en-
giaeer, otficer, find traveller; d. 1815 &. U.K.
A^hHAi Francisco del, fresco painter ; 1570 iv
Aguila, Miguel del, Bpan. hist, painter ; d. 1730 D,
AgaUAT, Antonio, SpMiiiih lit temteur; 172t)* O.
AgOllar, Fraocisco, Sprmisih physician ; 1578* D.
AgTillar» Gnapiuo do, ^Spanish litterateur ; KjOO i\
AfftlUax, Grace, English Jewish authoress; 1810—1847
Aguilar, Melchior- Louis do Bon de litargarit, 31iir-
qui* d\ French litterateur ; 1755—1838 d.
Agiillera {the Dochw), Hp,-iDiah jurist ; 1550 u.
Agnllera, Dit'go <le, Sinuiish liiinter; 1580* ILD.
AguMlon, Francois d\ Jesuit luid philosopher of
BruMelfl ; 150^-1017 c, lt k, \\
AgTiirra, Joseph Sfieny de, cardinal, aathor, and com-
piler; lO^M— 1699 HJJ.U.E.
AKUlrre, Francisco do* Span, port painter ; 1040 B.
AgTllire, Mij^nitl de, Spanish juris! ; </. 1588 D.iLU,
AgUtler, Wilhttin, Engli&h chvine ; (/. 1835
Agylee, Henri, Fr.jimat and writ ; 15;^— 1593
I AgyrlUB, vr AgyrrMoa, Athenian demago^ue^ com-
I mander of the fleet ; i^U X.D.
Alial}» king of Israel ; d, RO. 876 o.
AlmJa, C, Servilius, consul of l^io ; B*c 47S h.x,
AJl&Iat Qt Bervilius, consul of HAme ; b.c. 342 H.X.
AhasiiemB, Xerxes, kiug of Fereia ; B.c, 402 vai,
Ahaz, kii]f; of Jndffifl, ikc. 767 ; d, 720 D.r.
Ahazlah, king of Isntel ; BX, 896
Ali&noborbiiB, Co, l>omiLiu8, consul of Borne; b.c*
192 M.x,
Ahenobarbufl, Cn. Dom., con. of Rome; b.c, 162 M,y.
Ahanobarhua, On, Dom,, con. of Ronio ; b.c. 122 h,x.
AhenobajrhtlS, Cn, Dom.^ con. of Homo; B.c, tJO H.X.
Ahenobarbni^ Cn. iJom., con, of Rome; 32 h,x,
AhanObarbUB, L. Dom.» eon. of Kome ; B*c, 04 h.x.
Ahonobarbufl, L. Dom., con» of Home ; ».c, Tyi H.X,
Aheuobarbua, L, Dom., con. of Rome ; b.c, 10 u.x*
Amjah, Jewish prophet ; K,c, 924 d.
Ahtmeleck, high-jidest of the Jewfi; 11th cent. B.C. D.
Ahitophel, councdlur of King David ; tf, B.G. 1023 I*.
Ahlbom, Swedish paint ress ; L 112ir j.
Able, Johaan-Georg, GemuuL mmio ooiopoior ; 1650 —
1707 D.R.
ilUe, Jolinnn-Budolph, Oermui music compoaer ;
1C25-IC73 CB.
Alllfltrom, Job&iin^ I>aTu«i1) astroDomer ; 17th cent* i>.
AMwardtt Chrutiaji-Willielm, Ocruwn ijUilologist ;
1760^1830 D.R.LT.
,AMW8Lrdt, Petefi Genuiui theologian and philoaophcr ;
1710-171H C.U.R.D.
A1»Tm4*Ehali, Bchnh4']>oan*]>ourai]» founder of C&ti-
dJihar; 1724-1772 D,V,
Abjned, king of Snrigotn ; tl 1100
Ahmedt or Adunet L, Ottoman oinp. ; 1590—1617 d.u.
Alimed. or Achmet H ; 1G4:J— 16t>5 b, d. u.
Alimed* or Aclimet HL ; 1673—1739 H. D. u,
Aluned* *>r Adimet, dey of Algieri, 1805 ; »?. 1808 D.
Aluned AtKtU-Masar, Anbiiin physiciiin ; BI3 n.
Aluned Al-Mekkairl* Ben-Mob a tumcdi Amhian his-
torian; 1577— lii"^ D,
Alimed Bea Mhawtan, x>oet and robber of Silves^ in
Algrnvo; ci, 1169 B.
AlUDad-Ben-F«res (Et-Ba^i), AsMxa lexicpsTap^ier
and jorist; d. 909 au.D.
Ahmdd Ben Mahanimed, Abott'Amiou, Arabian hb-
torian and pjwst j d. y70 o.c.R*d.
Ahmed-B^u-TlioulottiL, Aboul- Abbas, king of Egyiit ;
835-884 i.D.
Almied-FetM* pacha, Ottoman grand maater of artil-
lery- 1818 F.
Aluned-Ibn-Abdi-B-Kablitlii, Arabian Msfeod&n and
p*>ct; 8G0-940 D.
Alimed-Ilin-AralMliaJlV Gv^enMp, Arabian kintorian ;
</, 14.50 D.
Aluned^Eliaxi, Nicodar or Kijgoudur, emperor of
Persia; 12H2 au.
Alimed-Kajuer-ScliealMdiljii, sultan of IsTpt ; 1342 u.
Abmed-ReBml-Hadjl, merchant, chanoeller of Mua-
tnphu III,, fkiiibasMdor, 1758-63 u^B.
Ahmed-Elfaat, [Hiohrs Ottoiuim general ; 6. 1S25 F.
Alimed-VefiiL, Ottoman fltatesmiin and piibllcifit; b.
1H18 F.
Alimet-QMeaiolE, (^nuid-Tijier of Mahomet II. ; d.
HS2 1%
Alirendt» Genncn antiqnaty and pAleographer ; 1709—
1824 u.
Ahreni, Heinrich, German juriit and writ. ; 6. 1#^ r,
Ahultiol, emi»eror of the Aztecs, Mexico, 1477 ; d.
1502 U.D.
AliyloQ, or Heyton, bUhop of B&lo : 821 D.
AflMk, A£cd-Eda.Tn, tultan of Egypt, 1251 ; d,
1257 C.a.D.
Akard, Jmn, French litterateur ; 6. 1815 v,
Aloardo, Giovanni, Italian ivrcbit<»ot ; d. 1C2S V,
AlCftTdo. Giacomo^ Italian architect ; d, 1660 D»
AlcarU de FoMat, Kr. troubadour ; 13th e^t. v.n.
Alolw, Peter4>tUon, Gennsn Iknedietine, antSquary,
lifatorian, and critic ; d. 1705 C.ii.t.b.
AlflkflO, P., Kn^li»h actor; 1805
Aldcen. i aiih aot<.r; d. 180,1
Aiekm, UfighiiU divine ; ^a*;
, I...., .4, ,,. i.iiutiiifiimo, C35 51 ; d. 051 o,ft.l.t».
, bijiho|» of Ulendaloeh ; 7th ocnt. r,
Aldina, ^ irr; liUO* n.
A1IK«. } ut ; b, 180A r.
Alywlet, .,, und nii««ion«iry ;
IdSS^ — 1^1 a
Alftar. Bemar(4, Frroeh prelate and eanll&al : d.
AltttMi,— m;1<>I4— 1709 o.
Algwmn. Ktj, i „n,i uuUUcal wriUfr:
17T3- ru.a
Alt»»w^ dkr), Freneh writer;
.,!«»' C.lMt.
AlfWDZ, Ri i7 »> r), Fr. wi It ; 1 Tin.'i* c. U. Ii.
AlffiililfiilllA, 1 T ' /, oaiiun of HontpeUier, his-
io«lanii;40 e.n,
Ai^TefeuUle, Fulcraat - Jean - Joieph - Hyadathe 1
French magistmte ; 1700—1771 0,0
AJgrefeullle, Marquis 6,\ French pr0CQreur*geaeral ;
1745-1818 n.D.
Algueberro, or Algnebert, Jean-Dttmas d*, Fr, coun-
cillor of parlijunerit of Toulooie ; 1092—1766 O.H.
Aiguillard, Pierre d\ Fn ttdvocate and poet ; 1580 D.
AgnUIfl, Marquis d', president of the parliament of
Aix D.
Al^niilloii, Armand Louis de Yigncrot, Ducd*, J
author; 1*183-1750 CJ,I
Algiilllon,^ Arm and de Tlgnerot, Due d\ goTemor (
Britanyj 1720—1780 UJ
Algnlllon, Arm and de Vignerot-Duplesais-Rid
Due d\ Freuch statesman ; d. IS^JO
Al^alUon, MariO'Madeloine de Vignerot, Ducbeese i
sister of Cardinal Richelieu ; rf, 1{J75 irj
Allcen. William, gov, of Booth Carolina ; 6. 1806 e.
Alkenliead, Thomas ; er. 16)97
Alkeran, Irish writer: d. fm
Alldn» Arthur, Entjliish scientific writer; 17^—1854
AlJdii, Charlei- Robert, English pbysioian ; 1814 D,
AiMn* Edmund, EngUsh architect ; d, 1820
AUdU, John, English U^D*^ litterateur, and Mo-
graphcr ; 1747-1822 lt,U.
Alkm, Lucy, English authoress; 178l-18<>4
AUcman, Alexander, English journalist ; cl, I93S
Alkmam, Joimes, English poet ; 1824
AUnnan, WUliam^ Scottish portrait paiotor ; 16
1731 CI
Allb©. St, bishop of EmlT, 448* ; d. 527*
AlloBlJury, Charles Bmdenoll Bruce, Marquis of; 1
Alleilmry, Robert, Earl of; d. 1C85
Allotbury, Waham-Frederic Brudenell Bmee, M«r*_
quis of, English stateiman ; b. 1813
AlOiaud, Jean Gaspard, Fr. phys. ; 1674—1756
Aim, bishop of Hogbet; Sm
Allild. or Ollld L, al>p. of Armagh, 513-26 ; d. 636
Amid IL, archijiubop of Armagh, 52«J-3e> ; d, 630
AllioE, bi*hop and abbat of Foure ; 869
AMlaud, Pierre-Toussaint, Fr. litt, ; 175^-l«2fl r.Dw«
AUly, I*ierre d*, eardlnal, French theologioal
AUly, Pierre d\ Frenoh surgeon ; 1620— 16M ».!?»
Allied, or Ealrad, of Rievauji:, English hlstxiriaii 1
abbot of Revesbv ; 1101»— 1 lOB ILI
AUia. Archibald, Marquis of : d. 1846
AUaa, Archibald Kennedy, Manjuisof, English 1
man; 6. 1816
AU^yw, 3t ; 6th cent.
AUinurd, Johu-AuguAtuii, English writ ; 16ih€«i
Allwaiid, Simeon, English poet ; 1456
AUwyn, English hermit ; 975»
Almar-Rl vault. French jurist ; 15th oent
Alfflar-Yamal, Jacques, Frenoh impostor;
eent, f
Alma, Jean de Clutvigny, French poet ; ft. 1601
Almerl de Pegiillaiiu French troubadottr; III
AimerlC'Malefaye, patriarch of An^oob, 11191^
former of the C«rm elites; rf. 1187
Almeric de Sarlat, Frvnch troubndour ; 1200
AlTi /Vt«frr), Matteo, Spanish pbilo
Alij — i,..,, Ttat. jurist and gv^metrieiafi ;
Almoin of Fleury, Fr. iVnedictine, hiiiL ; d, 1008 1
Almon, Qf Aime da Vara&na, Frcndi poet;
Almon, Fi^pHilo Leopold Francois, F^iich
I»osc*r; b. 1779
Amdjy-Somiuai, crand-vitier lo sullan 3
Alna. M ' *^ * r. Fnntdt 1
ofKs J739-18041
Aloffer, \ (^otlsfe; dl U
AUmilra. ar^bkhvp ol AniuicU* ^4-75 ; d. 875
ATnTTttillar, M^jrimilian-Emniftimel, German paiDUir ;
MuolpH. St ; 740
AiiiAlle.AlcxAtider, Engliab pl>y«ickii ; 1834
Geaigje • Kobert, En^lkli general; 177C—
H^TirT, T!n-Tli.h phyttciun; d, 1834
AlStll: hydfographer; 1772
.. engineer; 1812
KD&trt Hoi»e, Englitli miAC^IlaueoQs writer;
d, 1838
Ainsvortli, Ge»rge^ English itutbor; 1580 q.
AiaiVOrtlL, Henry, EugUih Noneonformut divine and
tmssUtor; «t Iti22* c.tLD.
Alnsworth, Jani' ^"- -'' ' surgeon ; d, ia53
AUtfVOrth, Jen h matbeinHticiiin ; 1783
AlnsvCKrUl, RoIh , i ^Tt&mmariaa and archa?o-
Iflgjrt ; 1660— 174^ aK.w.
lla«Wort^ ^muel, English divine ; 1679
MSnswortlkt TbomM^ EzigliBh divine ; 1719
Alunrortll. William, Engluh sacr«?d miet ; 1662
Alnnrortll, WLIlilun-FnadJ^ English phyaiciim And
jMl^st; K 1807 D.M.
Almurlllw WilUam Harriaon, EngliAli novelist; b,
lift* £B(cli»ll elironicler ; 974
Aim I, duke of Ben events 641 ; dL 642 V.
IHbiIL, duk« of Benevento, BS4 ; d. b90 U.
4S0II. chief of the Lombards ; 379 v.
M^anit'Wm.^ChtA7, Nedjin-Eddyn, chief of tbo
t of BiTpt ; d, 1173 r.
, Clix^todbcr, Engliih divine ; 1601—1070 a.c.£u
_ , HecDTj, Esg. div. and matbor, 155^^1610 ci.c.b,
• Jtaitt, Scotch divine ; d, IG6&
iM TlkiBua, Scottith poet ; L 1802 a.M.e*
liyi William, Euglith divine ; 1584
AlMtt, Gicnmnni-Vincflnjcio, arcUhiahnp of Genoa,
aaitiqttajy; 1767—18^1 u.
AltV> Josmb^ English divine ; 1715
AlXfTp S^ umgiH Kngliffb military officer ; d. 1833
llil7,8ir RIchATd, Engliib major-goneml ; L 1801 M.
Alxll^ ]>avid Gnhani Drummond Ogilvy, Eurl of,
Sfloieh fleer; k 1836 Jr.
AMy, David, Earl of ; d 1803
IdliT, Jam<4, &rst Earl of; 1647
Allllw4aLh, biihop of Clogber ; 706* c.
ItEOia, DoomA AngioU Yeronica, canoDess of Genm^
^punter; dl 1670 BX.D.
Jn]l,Giacom«>MArin,lta]. Jesuit, hetiraiat; 1710 U,B.
iHy. 8«e Alx&y and Alrej,
AI17* GtofB Biddell, English astitinoEner-royiJ ; L
,William.bp.ofSalijibnry, 1438; d. 1450 d.L
, Spaaiab poe^te<a ; 12th cent.
Jto^John^Enz. chanoeUorof cxchenner ; d, 1742
L CiraMttui adv«ntctrcw ; 1603- 1733 r. r.
J English painter ; d. 1777
U Joiia, Scottiab surgeon ; d. 1790 d,
I, Jo^iL, English mificellftneous writer ; d. IS'l.i
lEoIx, Amer. author and printer ; 1734— IBl'lI a*
\t Wmi&m, Ectglifih divine ; 1767
A^^Ul. Bavid, Bogliidi bydjv)gnipher ; 1771
1^14^ Tluottt Johnion, Engliah writer on physio-
bw ' d. 1843
iSki, Jaxnea, bp. of Moray, 1677; Gidlownr. 1680 k,
itm, WOliatiu Engli*h botanist ; 1731—171)3' aR.U.f,
iMmam^ foppt van;, Dutch jurist and diplomatiitt ;
V' "*^fl— 1661aD.R.
.n^: r; 6.1812 U.
. t'tu^n Tuatine j)f^iinter ; h, 1817 ll.
IftiffMe list and udv4x^Ate; 17th cf?nt d.
4h^ «run - tUiT^i de, archbiahop of Valenciu,
Hw lag O.E.U.
4|i^ BvtfM hero x. c. 0.
Ajello, St d\ chief of the tnilitarf ichool at rulermot
1610 u.a
Alello, Sebaitiano, Italian M.d. and author; 17th
cent. D.u.
AjO» duke of Bonevontunit wnnior ; d. 642
Alt-Saakar-Bourski, sultim of Alep|>o, 1125; «L 1127 u.
ATraWa, Mitrtin, French u.u., surgeon at tbo royal
college : 1539 - 1588 c. D. U.
AlLaltia<, Mnrtin {Sani'Malice)^ Frenoh M.D. and ati-
thor; d. Ifjfil D.tJ*
Alcbar, Djellnl-oud-dine-Mobained, emperor of Hiii
dos tan ; 1 >t 2 — 1 605 ji. D,
Akbeh-Ben-N&fy, Ambian cov. of Africa; d, 682 u,
AIciQH, John vun, Dutch etcher; 1614 B,
Aken, Jos^tjli vim, Flenush artist ; d. 1749 a,
AkettSlde, ifark, Kn^liih poet; 1721—1770 w.B^ao.
AlcarblfUl, Jolm-David, Swedish antiquary and philo-
logijit ; 1760— 1819 U,H.D.
AJcerbocont Dutch painter ; 17th eent. Ik
Afcorel, Fiiedrich, Swediah engraver; 1748—1804 D.
Akerly, Saraael, American medical and adeniifio
writer; 1785—1845 a.
AJcennaa, Jtthn Yonge, English author; K 1805
Aketmajin, Andreas, Swod. engruver; 1718— 1778 D.r.
A^ersbot, Willem, Dutch painter and engraver ; 17th
cent. D,
Alcenaoot, Wilkra, Dntch engraver, 1COO*-1C51* B.
Aklital { Ghm i-h ] , A rabiati poet n. U,
AMba, Ben Joseph, Jewish rabbi ; <f. 135 iLO.c;
AMmoff, RuH$) ian painter ;(f. 1814 2f.B,tJ.DL
Akoni, Tartar general and Btatenman ; 1777]>.
Akr&i Abraham, tTowiiih author K.
Akrol, Frederick, Swedish artist; h. 1748 B.
Akrell, Carl Frederic, Swedish topographer; 6. 1779 F.
AkriilG, lypvantine Jewish author ; 15t;2 B.
Alcroyd, Edward, Engliah M.R ; h, 1810
Ala, (Tiovaniii-Battista, Italian muH. ; 15^—1612 D.L
Alabardi, Guiseppe {.^chioppi]^ Italian painter; 16th
cent. T,I>,
Alabaater. William, English theoL ; 1567—1640 ClLOw
Alacampe, E.lward, English Je»n it; 1581—1646 1L
AladllB, duke of Trent and Bretcia; d 690
Alacoquej Mitrgareta or Marie, Fretiob nun and
viRioiLirv ; 1647—1672 U,ii.
Ala-Ed-Bewlet, prince of Syria ; d, 1615 D.
Ala-Ed'I>lQ« founder of tht> eriipire of the Osmaulis ;
1370^ D*
Alaeddin^ last of the Seljiikiuu sultans ; 1297
Ala-Ed-DlB-Keykobad, Turkiih prin«e, Asia-Minor,
1220; f/, 12:{7 O,
Ala-Ed-Dln^Mohammed, sovereign of Kbowareame ;
d. V2:m l>.
Ala Eddyn L, 2Dth emperor of Hindostafi ; d, 1316 TJ.R.
Ala Eddyn Bsabjui, chief of the Ghanridca, Eastern
PerRift, 1151; d. 1156* E.
AJa-Eddyu. ov Aladln, sultan of Anatolia. 1219 ; <i 1236
AlagozL« Don Artul d^ count of Sastago, Spanish
Fmnci^can and writer ; rf. 1590» D*
AlEgon. Luuia d\ French diplomutiit and tmtor; d.
1605 D.B.
Alagona, Artelouche d^ ohautberlain to the king of
SicDy; 1570* D.
Alabman Ben Mobamed, king of Grenada ; d. 1237 D. U.
Alahor, govei-nor of Egyi*^ J 715
AlalmOt or Alaymo, Marc- Antonio, Italian pby^oiaa
and author ; 1590—1662 0.1LIJ.I.
Al&ln, Mug of the Alains D»
Alain I., duke of Britany ; 560-594 IkL.U.
Alula n. {tkr Lorn;} ; 630-690 D.l*. V.
Alain m. ; rf. 1W aL.U.
Al&ia W, ; d. 952 l>,L.u.
Alain V. ; d. 1040 D.L.U.
Alain \n. ; d. 1119 ».l.U.
Alain Ghartler, French author and chronicler ; 1386—
1458 n.
Alain-de-L7ale, bishop of Auxerre, French theolo-
gian; d 1181 or 2 B.O.U.IX
A 1.1*
AljLiiid«I.*Ula {IkM^ewr uniwrulL Fraaoh theologian ^
11 14-1203* B.c.tJ.D.
Alwtn, Nioobui, Fr«Dali phTsiclan ; l€tb cent. H.
Alain, Bene, French dramatic author ; 1680—1720 u.d.
Alain* William i,Cfirdin4il of England)^ oontrover*
jit*li«t; IMl— ir.94 D,
Alain d« SolmlnUiac, biihop of C&hon, French pre-
lute ; ir>'j;5— I6.i9 D.
Alain of TOTU*«, Freoch Benedictine, writer ; 1350 D,
AlftlY, Bpanijsb treneml and Btatesman ; 1831^ ix
AlaJtaB, king of BiidAjos ; 1060
AloAkafttU Aboul- Bflcati j Arabian grammaraaD ; d,
830 a
Al-Akattb, Aboal-Hacan-Ali, Arabian grammarian ;
dL927 a
Al-AkalUi, Ahonl-Harold, Aiabian gmmmArian D.
AlAloOna, GuUeppe, Italian jnrijt; 1670—1749 l.D.
Alaman, Lucai, Mexiciiu atateitnan; ci 1853 e.F.
Alaman, Sioard d\ fjivonrite and minuter of the
cttnnt of Toulouse \ d. 1275 tj.
Alamande, Philippe, Fr. fe mala scholar ; dL 147S D.
AiAwiftTint ^^^ Alemannl.
Alamannl, C^/Mmo^ Italian Jesoit and writer ; 1550—
1634 D.R.
Alamannl, Giu^lano, Bologneae poioter ; d. 1782 B.
AlamftTinl, Ouia«ppe, ItfiliMi Jesuit and writer : 1572^
1630 R.
Alain anni. Lnigi, Italian poet ; 1405—1556 r,Kn.
AlamannJ, Piotro, Italian painter : 1489 B.T,
Alamir, princti of T&rstiii ; 9th cent. d.
Alamoi de Barrlaatos, Don Balthuiar, Spanish philo-
logiat; 1550*- 1640' c.uh.
AlAmimd&r, king of the Saracenii ; 50f^ rti:.
Alan, abbot of Tewkesbury and autbor ; 1171* —
1201 L\D,
Alan, bishop of Elpbin ; 12-24* €.
Alan, biBbup of Argyle, 1250 ; dL 12«2 k,
Alan, biihop of Caithnaes, ehancellor of Boothind ;
r2yl D.
Alan of HerbepoUa, Scotch writer ; </. 1455
Alan, Lumsdandus^ English antiquary ; 13^
Alan of Lynn, EngUsb theologian ; / 1420 I7.i>.e.
Alan, VT Alayn, John, archbishop of Dublin, 1529;
tk 1534 «V«H,
\lan, iff Allen, William, Knglish cardintil^ arehbishop
of Malines, txtliticul writer; 1532—1594 c.w,r.i».ct.
Aland, J«Un, Baron Fort««cue, English judge ; 1670—
1740 it.u,a/.
Alanil, William, Flcminh autbor j 1572— 1G44 P.e.
Alandna, Jobn, Polish Jesuit, biographer und ascetic
writer ; 1561—1641 D.
Alanaon, E<lward, EnsUsh dtTine ; 1734
Alaaaon, Edward. English snrgi^on ; 1747—1823 CD.
Alaoaon, Jobn, English Je«uit; (f. 1684 H.
AJanua of Flfedale, Scottish Augustiuo monk and
writer ; d. 1421 D»
Alanns de Intnlus. Bee Alain d« Llale,
Al&nui, Johann. Danisb wriUir ; 1563—1631 a
•tFnn , Fr. p<»lit.«»oommti)*t; 6. 1807
,Cou»t man poet; 1698^1752 u.
Fnincfsi?* \nt«inp, Frsnoh DooiiniciLn, prior of
St PbuI, Vak'ncicnnct ik
Alaroon, Alonso dtf« easMi of Ciudod-Rodrigo ; 17th
cent 1J.1.
Alaroofi, Don Antonio Suarea, Bpaniah historian;
ie36-ieft:t dh
AlUOOn, llirnandade, Rpau. imvlgiitor; ICthecnt. d.k.
AlftliKlii 7 Stendoaa, Df>n Jufta Hui« dis, B|iaui»h
American po«t ; dL 1635* ri.r.
Alarcon j Baanmoot, Don Lois HuU do, Spanish
historiograph"''- ' Ktb «-4!iil Tii.1.
Alard, Fmnr :. theologian : t/. 1578 Utu
Alara,Je«nl M nob violonist ;&. 1815 t,
AlAXd, Lamheti, Uermon liiJiOfiAn and IttUrateut ;
lflOtt-1072 II. R.
Alifd. Mari«^oscn1i*Lo«tiaf Frencli u. i>, and furraon ,
im^iaw n.
Alard. Nicolaua, German hiognipher ; 1683—1756 D»%
Alard, Wiihelm» German pastor and writer; 1572—
1&44 or 5 a>n.
Alard, CfT Adalaid, risoount of Flanders^ fonnder of
tbe hoHpice of Aubrae : 11th eeni, IX
Alard, or Adelard, Dutch priest ; 1490—1544 o.tJ.
Alaric L, king of the Visigoths, 382 : </. 410 a^Ewi
JOurlcn., 484-507; ci. 507
Alary, Aotoine, French soldier ; 1800 WA
AUuy, Barthelcniy, French chemist ; 1680
Alaryj, Etieune-Aime, French pricKt and almoner 1
the prince of Conde, 1792 ; 1*62*— 1819 D.C. J
Alary, Fran^oiB, French printer ; 1701 u.a*
Alary, George, French superior of the nuasionaries \
1731-1S17 U.IC
Alary, <?r Alario, Giovanni, Ital, jarist; 17th cent U*a
Alary, Jean^ French adTocate and poot ; ItiOO d.
Alaiy, Jules Abraham Eugene, French musician and
composer ; b, 1814 t.
Alary, Pierre Joseph^ tntor of Louis XV. and acade-
mician ; lf]89 or 90— 1770 ii.n.u,
Alasoo, or A Laaoo, Jean, bishop and writer, Foltah
reformer; 1499—1660 CD.u.
Al'Aabarl, Aboul-Hafan-Ali-Ebn-Ismoel, foundeir of
the sect of Asbarites ; 860—935 ^^^
AlaaMiar, or Allaltlcar, Moses, African rabbi, Jndodfl
and author ; I&OO S.kH
Alatlno, Btose, Italian Jewish jibys.; 16th cent ixa*
A latino, Vitule, It&lian phyiiiciHn a.
Alatrlno, Jonhanau-Mordecoi, ItiJ. rabbi ; 1610 ixo.J^
AJaux, Jean, French painter ; b, 1786 r,
Alaniat, Frangois Isidore, French ecuuomiict ; h. 1807 K
Alava, Miguel-Hicardo d\ Spanish general, 1771-
1843 ao
AlATa^ Beaumont, Diego de, Spanish ndlitary i
Alara EsqulTel, Diego d', bishop of Cordova
author; d, 1562 ai
Alava y Navareta, Don Ignacio*Maria de, Sp
admiral, 1794; d. 1817
AlATln, chief of the Ootht : (f . 378 TV 1
Alawy, Nabab Moate^ed^El-Hekk Sar d* A1h«
Khan, Pennon phys. to Nadir Shah ; 1^-'I749 ]
Aliymo, Maro- Antonio, physician of Palermo ; 15
1662 iKUa
Alba^ or AlTa, Fernando Alvares, Due d\ :
noble, riceroy of tbe Netherlands ; 160S— IT
Alba, Giacomo, Italian nbbi ; 1600
Alba^UUa» Gonni d*, Italian sarant ; 1750—1
Albadi, Joeeph-StanisUa, Hungarian savant^
writer ; 5, 17ft5 ^
AltMUSinl, Carlo, Italian sonlptor; 1780 M.n.
Altian, St, the fint Christian martyr of Great Britain x
dL 285* IL^
AllMkn, Edmund, English philosopher; 1340
Albu, bishop of BiUMM-« 1195 ; d, II96
AUtanail, Angelo, Italian angrmver ; 18th oeni
Alband, Denis d', French lOflreUryof the i
society of St Gaudens ; 1773
Alband, C^oorges d*, French aesiatuii eeeretary of )
agricolturaJi society of Bt Gaudeai; 1773
AnMUieil.Guido-Antonio,Iialiabplg^ioiaa;lG4l ut
Albanaia, Italian singer and oonpofor; 1731*4
1800 K,a.fl
Altoaai, Alessandro, Italian oardinal and
1692-1779 fXIlLi
Albanl, Annibale, cartHual, biahop of Sabine,
Albant Giavunni Praneeseo^ enrdlnal* bishop of i
andVeUetri; 17aO-l«»or9
Albanl, Uinvnnni-Geronimo, Italian Juriel
diiml; V^n-\mX
Albanl, t<ui>u»p|te, Iteltan eatdinal and
1750— 1H34
AlbanOk or Albanl, Franoesoo, Italian paintar ; 18
1660 T.CU
AlbanOi Qiovanai-BatliAla, ItaL paialer ; dL 1666 1
, Da^eia of St (Jifiw Melt4m\, Engliab actress ;
1775*-188r R,U.D.
t ^ohs of St, Englifcb tlMologuui and physician ;
J Duke of, regent of ScotLind ; 1406
^ Dnke of, TCfeat of Scotland, 1514 ; d, 1525
DncLesN cif^ matxiTal daughter of the Fre>
rtender ; d. 1789
ay, AJfx&nder Stuart, Duke of, son of Jame« U.
^ HcaUaad ; d. 1485 i;.
f, Henry 8tojirt, Duke of ; rf. 14G0
I Robert B^uart, Duke of ; d. 1420
John Stuart, Duke of, Scotchman In the
Loitiae*>f no-Aloise, Countets of,
FftlMPret. -—1834 11.D.
i,ceD€!rm]oi ... ....i^cos; d 1569 b.
, d*, French architect ; 18th cent. U,
, lUliftn punter ; li>20* B,
or Al'Bftttany, Arabian aatronomer,
l?7; d, 929 €.ixR,
^Imc Ferdiiiando AlTansa of Toledo, Duke of, Spiiniah
flip«Ma; 1506— loS'2 d.r.
Itttdllil, Svediih aathoresa ; 1810
illMliVll. GiutAv«, Baron d\ Swediab diplomatist ;
JllwtoiiMj, Abonl-Abbas-Aimied, Arabian historian ;
dLtW D,
J Greek rabbi and author; 1580*^ D.o.z.
t SiJEDon, TranaylTuiian tavant; 16U(>— 1664 i\
Itlf Anne Chargca, Pncheaa of; miatrefiH, after-
■uilf wife» of €}«nend Monk
KftHMiSa SeeXeppeL
L Jcaii'Joaeph, Viconite d', F^rench officer and
ttl vriter ; 1760— 1824 d.r.
L Jean Poldo d\ French lawyer and antiquary ;
UU-156a cAi.R.
HlMr. EndDntis, German ProteHant preacher, theolo-
dol vrittr, and poet ; cf. 1553 a.R,
loVt Jeluum-Nepoinnk, Hungarian theologian and
pher; 1753-1840 \\
Tlljyji], Jo2«f Antuino, Dutch author;
Itdisii painter ; 15ih cent T.
Gfarnimy Venetian painter ; d, 14j50* b. t.
Antcmio, Italian prelate, bishop of Y eglia ;
1634 u.
Fabio, Itat political writer ; d. 1G05 l,D,o.
Locao, Italian writer; *M)* D,
NiinlA« Italian cardinal ; 1375-1443 RU.
■ITijai iillV, Francesco, Marqois, Italian
aad actor; 1728— 1804 m.s.
Pktro-FnnoeccQ, Italiiin physiciim and
OjoTSDid, Italian Franciscan chronicler ;
Bidn Sleu:theTO, Italian preacher ; 15f>0—
FkaniOMeo, Italian jurist and diplomatist ;
IaJsi, Italian juriat ; 14 th cent. B.
Maxisdlini, Italian warrior ; 14th cent. B,
tTlyasc, Itsdian maihematioiaD and aatrolu-
QCttt. o,
Italian litterateur; k 1817 f.t>.
of Camerino ; d, &25 iiAh
gvvcraor of Borne, 932 ; t/. 954 B.u.
' Burpmdy, 969 ; d 976
Mount Qftisino, caniiiud, and writer ;
osmm of Aix Frr>vcnc^ ; 1100 D.u.
B«fi«diotine cardinal, bishop of Ostiit ;
Pragne, physician to the king of
JlAlian monk, theologian, and
15S1 D.L
Alberfe de Rheimft, archbishop of Bourires and *mtcr ;
d. 1141
Alheric de Eosate, or Roxlatl, Italian jurist ; 14th
cent, u.
Albexlc, Dft» Trois Fontaines, French monk, historian,
and poet ; 13th cent, b.d,
Albertd, Enrico, Italian painter ; 1714—1775 D.B.R.
Alherid, Giarumo, Itailau Augustine biographer ; d,
urn n.c.
Alberijil* Rodiana, Italian pctctess ; h. 1530* D.f,
AlbeiinOi Giorgio di Casalc, Itiilian painter, papil of
Moncalvi t.
idherotfc I., or AdalberozL prince-bishop of liesc: </.
im *^ I,.B,L,
Alberonn*; </. 1H5 ri.i*
Alheroni, J ulio, c^irdinal, minister of Philip V* ; 1«64 -
1752 aE.i>.
Alhem, Heinrich'Philipp, German phyneian: 1768—
1830 r J . ^^
Mbors, Johann - Abraham, G^i^man physician and
writer; 1772— J81fl o.H.
AlboTB, Johann » Friederich - Herman, German physi-
Gian; k 1805 F.a
AIliertL, or Albmchtk emperor, duke of Austria:
1248—1308 D.u,
All>6rt IL {tU Witc) ; 1298-1368 d.u.
Albert m.; 1347—1395 ij.u.
Albert IV. {the Plom) ; 1379-1414 D.U.
Albert V. {tfie Jffuit(riout)t second emperor of Geir^
many ; 13t>7— 1431» n.U.
Albert VI. {the PiWtfAr^, dk. of Anstria; 1418— 1463
Albert, archduke of Austria, governor of the LfOir
C«un tries; 1559—1621 p,B.
Albert L, f>r Albrecht {the Bear), margrare of Bran-
denburg (1134); 110(1-1175 or 6 D.E.
Albert n., 1206 ; d. 1221 th
Albert in. {the ArhiUe» and iht Ulitttsca), margrave and
electorof Brandenburg: 1414— 14S6 D,
Albert of Brandenlnirfir, first duke of Prussia ; 1490—
1568 D.
Albert 1. {the Great), duke of Brunswick ; 1278 l>.
Albert n. {the Yoitn(f) ; d. 1318 »,
Albert, count of Biarulmte, cnisader ; 1100
Albert, marouis of Tuscanv ; 1127
Albert of Cologne, bp. of Armagh, 1240 ; J. 1247 e.d.l
Albert, biahop of Bobio^ patriarch of Jerus^ileui. 1204;
d. 1214 u.
Albert, bishop of Freysingcn ; d. 1359 D.
Albert L, prince-bishop of Liege ; tf. 1192 D.L,
Albert n, de Cuyclt; d. 1200 d.l.
Albert, bishop of Livonia ; 1160—1230 d.l.
Albert L, archbishop of Magdeburg, 968 ; d. 981 D.I*
Albert n„ cardinal, abp. of Magdeburg ; rf. 12H2 D.L.
Albert m., couut of Sternberg, archbishop of Magde-
burg; 1370 D.L.
Albert rw., archbishop of Magdeburg ; d, 1403 D.u
Albert v., cardinal, nl»p, of Magdeburg; d. iri4ri d.l,
Albert L, or Albrecht, ahp, of Mayeace ; d, 1137 1>.L.
Albert n., 1138; d. 1141 d,L.
Albert L, itr Aibrechti duke of Mecklenburg; </,
1375 li.D.L.
Albert H., kiBg of Sweden ; d, 1412
Albert ni ; d, 1421
Albert, prince of Sajto-Coburg^Gotha, consort of
Queen Victoria ; 1819— 18G1 d,M.
Albert EdwHXd, prince of Wales ; 6. 1841
Albert, .>r Albrecnt, duke and elector of Saxony, 1212 ;
d. 12G0 r».
Albert H, 1288 ; d. 1298 d.
Albert m., 1418 ; d. 1432 D.U
Albert^ &r Albrecht, palatin of Saxony ; d, 1314 d.u
Albert {the Warlike), morgnive of Biareuth; 1522—
1558 HX,
Albert, count of Holland ; d. 1404 d,l.
Albert of Alat {AlUrhis Aquetuis), canon of Aix,
historian; U«>0— 1120 R.T3.
Albert of Alaatla, duke of Lorraine, 1043 ; d. 104« u.
Albert d« BoUstadt {the Grent, Alhertm Teutonieof,
ChdiiM Magnm), Oorouui pliilcwopher and thoo-
logian ; 119:^-1280 d.u,
Albert of Floreiice, lialmn littemteur ; 13th ceut. \h i:.
Albert of G«mbloax, Flemish Benedictiae» writer ;
Albert of Metz, French Bea&dlctuie, hist.; 1020 D.ij.
Albot de RlomA, County French general und ctput-
nuuider of the fleet; c^. 1810 lkh.
Albert of Sftxony, Genxu Damiaican savant ; 1330* d.
Alberl do Sleteron, French poet ; 1290 i>.
Albert de Trere*, monk of St Mi^tthias and chroni-
cler j d, 980 l>,
Albert [Alhertu* Sigthcrffenau), Q«rmui Bonediotine ;
1450* D,ti,
Albert, Antoine, Fr. jarist and phyi ; 1708—1791 D.
Albert, Arthur Albert Thierry, Freuch dramatic
author ; b, 1811 f,
Albert, Caroline Boisseau, French actress - h. 1813 r,
Albert, Casimir, duke of Saxe Tcschen \ 17;i8— 1822 D.
Albert^ Kraitmus, German theologian ; d. 1551 cd.D.
Albert, Fmne, German theologian ; 15th cent. D.Q.
Albeit, Fnedeneh Adolpli, archdolco of Auatria;
h, 1817 D.F.
Albert, Heinrich, Oonnan poet and musician ; 1604—
1668 D.B.
Albert, Hoinricli - Ghriatopb, German grammarian ;
1762-1800 D,
Albert, Jean, French f urist ; 1680 D.
Albert, Louis-Joseph d* Fr, colonel ; 1072—1758 aD.iL
Albert, Martin Alexandre, Fr. journalist; h, 1815 H.
Albert, Michel, German physician ; 1682—1757 u.
Albert, Pedro, canon of iWoelona and writer 1>.
Albert, Pierre Antoine, Freodi Protestant minister in
America; 1766—1606 A.
Albert, Simon, Dutch historioal painter ; 6. 1523 ik
Albert, St, Sicilian Carmelite ixv.
Albert i>nrer, Gorman painter and engnver ; 1471—
1628 lUT.U.BlH.D.
AlbertAHO of BreadA, Italian judge, statesman, and
uoot ; 1240 c.D.R.
AlDOrtas, Aliirquia Siuaone d\ French loyalist :
17fiO-1820 B.
AJbertaszl, .Madame ; 1812-1847
Albertet {Albert dc SitUron), Freneh troubadour;
10th cent. au.B.
Albert!. R-y^Alberl
Albertl. ' ' T i i tian Jesuit : 1603—1676 f),
Alberts I Ferrara, portrait pHiuter; 1450 H.
Albertl, Italian painter; 1550 d.
Albertl, ArttUrUle-RidolfD Ftoraventi, Italian srchl-
tflct and engineer ; 16th cent. CMi.s.
Albert!, Benedetto, Florentine rerolutioniirt ; 1378 D. R.
Albertl, CheruHino, Italian historical painter A&d
engraver ; 1552— 1615 B.R.l\c.T.
Alb«rti, Bomenioo, Italian musician ; 18th cent n. u.
Alberta, Daiante, Italian painter ; 1A38— 1613 B.T.
Albert!, Fabio, Italian antiquary ; 1787
AlbMrtl, Felippo, Italian poet; 1518-1612
AllMrti, Fkancesoo, Italian painter ; 1550*
AXbefta, Georg-WUhelm, Gam
crman preacher;
Albertl* Giacomo, Italian iurist; 1420
Albertl, Giofanni- Andrea, Italiaa WMober and autlmr;
1611-1657 LD.
Albertl, Gioiranni, Italian liialorical peinttr; 150>8—
1601 caK.T.
Albert!, GioTanni-Battiata, Italian litt«9«teur; <f,
1660 I.D,
Htwrtl, Giuseppe- Antonio^ llalian {aometrician and
jidiiteei I dC 1768 i.d.
"i Oi«ieppe*liattco. Italian violonist and music
eeer; 1713 B.
, Johann, German oriestalial and statesman ;
dl 1509 0.1.
HtMTti, JobattMi^ Dutch tbeeln^ien end philoiopher ;
Albert!, Johaiui-Gu8ta?-Willielm, German manufao*
turer; 1757—1837 i>.a,
Albertl,Leanderi Italian Dominican, historian ; 1479
1552 c.ttOk;
Albertl, Leone -Battieta, Italian architect^ pai
aculptor, and poet ; 1404- 1484 CR.!
Alberti, Luigi, Italian theologian ; ISGO— 1638 i,
Albert!, Luijji, Italian traveller ; 1800 d.
AlbertlneUl, Mariotto, Florentine painter; 1467
Albertl, Micbele, Florentine painter; 6. 1527 T.c.
Albert!, Paul-Martin, German hebnust; 1700 ixW.
Albertl, Pietro Franoesoo, Italian painter and en-
grftvcr; 1584-1638 B.
Albert!, Romano, Italian painter; 1593 ^ ^ DX.
Albert!, Salomon, German professor of medicine and
anatomist; 1540-1600 c.D.a.
Albertl Scotiu, English oontroTersialist ; 750
Albert!, Valentin^ German theoloi^iau and controvert
siftli St ; 1635— 1697 CL a, IK
Albertl dl TUlnnnoYA, Fraocesoo d\ Italian lexioo-
grapher; 1737-1800 c.E,ik.
AlbtttiDelll, Mariotto diBagio, IlaHan painter; 147^
1520* B.II.
Albertln!, Franoeaco, Italian antiquary and eafant;
16th cent, C.I,r
Albertln!, Giorgio-Fnmcesoo, Italian theologian
writer ; 1732-1810
Albertlal, Ippolito - Franoesoo, IteUaa physideAl
1662-^1738 ixr
Alt>ertlnl, Johann-Baptist, German savant; 17i
18:n BL
Albertiol, Paolo, Italian prelate, bishop of Toreeli
writer; 1430—1475 aD.i
Albertlno, Amoldo, bishop of Paetcs, Sicily, writer
d. 1545 H
AlbertlnOi Kdmondo, French Calrinist and wtile^l
159S-1G52 Ikl
Albertlnua. Aegidius, German poet ; Id€0->I690
AlbertOlll, Raffaelle, Italian etcher and isngie^
Albertonl. Paolo, Italian painter; d. 1695* T.
Albertrandy. Johann Cbndoiol, Polish prolate,
quary, and hist^irian ; 1731 — 1808 K,i>
AlberUen. Hamilton U., Danuli poet ; 1502-
AlbertucGl de BorseU!, Otrolamo, Italian
Albertiu, German monk, bishop of Lincoln ^ *mmm
Albertna. H. C, German portrait painter ; 160O*
Albertua, Magnus, Swabian lehoUr aad TolumiiK
writer ; 119:i or 1205-1280 •
Albery, rrr Aulbery, Oeoifte, French liti
AlbL Enrico, Italian Jesttity tbeoliM;iao and i
1590-1659 C.OJ
Albioaste, Gioranni Alberto. Italian poet ; 1540 &.|
Albteoe, Sigismund, archbishop uf Prague, 14U9| i
AlblgnAO, Karon d*, F^nob aoldier, aide*^
Ney ; 1782-1823
AlblffUAC, Loms- Alexandre, Baron d', French i
Alb(lg:&ie,Phili^)pc-Fran^ls*Mauric0,Comte d\
eeneml ; 177ij — 1H24
Albin, Iriab writer : *Mh ^w^t,
AIMa, bishop of Brt i ^
AIUll, or Be Beses, ^^h divine ; d, 1570
Albin. Klo.Y^r Etjv ; 1760*
AU. ; 1795
AIL y ph;^s.; 1630-16117 1
Albuia, U1J 1 uv\n^ < .V'^^oj, it^uin pamter, esolploii^ i
architect ; cL 1611
AXbllie, Boman lady ; 4tb oent.
AlblBeaa. Nathan, Swiss chemist and author ; 16S0 I
Alblld, Alassandro, Italian painter; 1568— 1<S40 ».Ki.GJi
Albtal, Frans-Joseph, Baron Ton, German diplon ~'
tist; 1748-1816 P-l
AlbLnl, <>niUo, bbhop of Benevento ; 1580* d,
AlMnlni d« VllianoTm, Pierre-Oooftant, Freach Aitro-
lo^er wd alehemiit ; 1610* D.
AlhtTiO, GtoT»aiu, {Alhinut Jocmnet)^ Neftpolitan hiR-
toimn;14dO* D.B.r.
illlfmilll, Tammaao, Ital. mm. composer; 1691— 1741 n.
AIMmwii&i, Caitts Pedo, L»tin poet ; B.C, l<t cent. x.
AlfafSBl^ Clodiua, RomAD general ; 183
Antmii^ Decimus Cliuidias, Roman geoend, opponent
ofS«T«ra«; d. 197 R.D.
, 9hho% ol the Attgustinefl of Cnoterbury; d.
, Greek philo*iplier ; d. 1400* D.
Bern hard ( PfVijtil, GerntiLn anatomifft and
Dcjan; 1653—1721 E.q.
t Bernhard Siegfried » Ckrm&n asatomUt, phy*
, and author; 1697—1770 C.R.D.
Chriitian*Bemhard, Oermati professor uf
ny at Utneht ; 1696—1752 c. o. R.
Frvrdrich^Bernard^ German professor of
gwdieine at I^yden ; 1715—1778 tnu.
AttjaiML Johaon, German poet ; r/. 1G07 B.
^f^jhrart or WoIbb, Johaoa Gcorg, German poet;
IIMbu. Ftter ( Weim), German hi»t. ; *L 1598 c. D. ».
AXUmUk P.» Roman goTemor of Jodjea; iSS
Altilirai. Lacins, Root ooDsalar tribune ; B.C. 379 D.X.
A]»iis% Sp. Poetumios, consul of Rome ; B,g. 334 li,x.
Anten^djiL pMtnmiiLs, consul of Rome ; B.a 321 B.x.
' . Fostumiiu, consnlofRome ; B,C» 242 H,X,
I* L. P-, coofol of Rome : b,c. 234—2119 n , x .
;»Spu Pottnmiuif consul or Rome ; B.C. Iftfi x. h.
, A. PostumJus, consul of Rome; B*c. 180atid
, L. Fostnmiuaf consul of Rome ; B.C, 173 x.H.
, L. Poatumios, consul of Rome; B.C. 154 X,H,
kSp. Povtumios, consul of Rome ; B>c. 110 x.h.
^ IVQt&tDius, consul of Rome i 206 h*
, SiiftQ% consul of Rome ; 3j15 H.
late Roman author, mentioned bj
» JoBiv French jurist ; 1732-1810 i».
J Antmne-Lonk, French jurut and repretcntiv-
th«; A 1812 UF.
Attn, Riabairl, English Jesuit ; 17th cent. c.d.
^M» A]kt43nio, Italiafi theologiim; 1547—1626 l.i).
IMi4v ButolotBieo, ItalUn Franciscan and thcolo^i-
<ia vritrr ; cf . 1401 c.b,d.
» Pietio, It»l. nobleman and patriot ; d. 1379 Ki».
, KinaLlo, gOT. of Florence, 1429 ; d. 1433 r.d.
o, goy. of Florence; 1347-1417 n.w
im^ JomT^ Spudah rabbi ; d, 1428 or 30 o.o. n.
IliWii, ki^ of the Lombarda, 561 ; d. 573 dr.
HMm da Pujol, Jules Edouiird, French dramatic
1^1% Aadte, Mtpeur de Cutis ; 1250—1290 n.
Ajl^ Aatoiae iT, archbishop of Lyons, stutesman ;
M^W4 i>i^^
HN^ Bwljwirl^ aeignenr de St Forgeux ; 1594 i\
iPi^Ckads dV French warrior ; d. 1552 D.i.
iHMk Clanie-Camille-FnMi^ois d\ French Utteru-
tear; 17M— 1789 H,tv
tto^ C>«ic)tard d\ French diplomatist ; 1423 D.L.
iM^i Boiiri d*, French warrior ; d. 150*2 rni^
IBli^ fl«0|«as d*, aesgiienr de St Andre, marquis de
, w«l)al of F^ce ; d. 1415 c.H.J^
itJtMk (^ r-Bqtri»««^), French warrior ; 1417 D* L,
na^ J«SA d% seigneur de St Andre ; d, 1550 d.l.
iNH>lfMrtrttii, Italiaa singer ; b. 1824 D.M.
jil, P^do» I»d. landscape painter ; d, 1734b.D.U.t,
Itai^lSiiMaio^logneie paint. ; 1632— 1677 t. b.u.
BNOHk Qtlla* AlTBreaCarillo, archbishop of T«>-
h^ ovfoia] and statesman ; 1300—1367 B. r^.
-Felipe, Spanish historian ; 1650 n. E,
■ BlNyiltw Jean. FTencb phy a. \ 1 580 r>.
. ^OMph-Jean-Baptiste, French
tf47-lS09 "^ r.D.
Albouys, French i-cnroBontiiiivo, 1792 ; d, 1815 u.
Albouxdjany, Aboul-Vefa-Mohamraed, Arabian astro*
nomer ; 10 tb cent* d«
Albrand, Fortune, French onontalist and traveller :
1795-1827 F.D.
Albrectxt. See Albert.
Albrecht, Balthazar - Anguttln, Germaa historical
painter; 1687—1765 d.
Alin^Olltt Benjamin 'Gottlieb, German nmtoralut ;
18th cent. b,q.
Albxecllt, C. , German engraver b.
Albrectit, Christian. German missionarr in Africa : d^
1815 n.
Altirectitt Johann-Friedrich-Emest, German novelist :
1752-1816 u.
Mbreclit, Johann-Luder, German legist ; 1721 — 1767 D.
Albrecht» Johimn-Lor«aZ| German poet and mysician ;
1732^1773 D.R.
ALbrecht, Johann -Sebastian, German naturalist and
physician ; 1695-1773 d.r.
jUbnucbt, Johantt-Wilb«Im, German phyaician, anato-
mist, and medical writer ; 170:i — 1736 D.R.
Albrecht, Wilbelra, German agricultural writer ;
178<i-1848 D,
ALlirecllti Wilbc'lm Edouard, German jurist and
writer ; h. 1800 r.D.
Albreoht iroit H&lberst&dt. German poet ; 1212 d.
AlbrechtBbe(rgery Johann-Georg^ Qeniuyi oi^anist and
no URIC composer ; 1729 — 1798 u.
Albret, Sire d\ Alain, 1471 ; d. 1822 u
Albrat, Sire d\ Am anion L ; 1050 l.
ALbret, Ctesar-FbebuB d'. marfthal of France ; 1614 —
1672 B.D.
Albret, Charles, Sire d^ count of Dreux, constable of
France ; d. 1415 B.L.
Albret, Charlotte d', duchess of Vslentinois, and wife
of C»sar Borgia ; d. 1514
Albret, Henri, k. of Lower Kavorro, 1616 ; d. 1555 R
Albret^ Jean d', king of Navarre, 1494 ; d. 1516 a
Albret, Jeunne d\ consort of Antoino de Bourbon, 4ncl
queen of Lower Navarre ; d. 1572 D,
Albret, Isabella d\ 121*5 ; rf. 1298 l.
Albret, Motthea d' ; d 1295 u
Albret, Sire d\ Amanien Ih \ 1096 u
Albret, Sire A\ Amanieu III. ; 11:W1 i^
AlbPet, Sire d*, Amanieu IV. ; d. 1209 U
Albret, Sire d\ Amanieu V., 1209; d. 1255 L.
iUbret. Sire d", Amanieu VI., 1256 ; cl. 1270 h.
Albret, Sire d\ Amanieu Vlh, 1298 ; d 1324 u
Albret, Sire d\ Amand^Amanveu, 1358; d. 1401 L.
Albret, Sire d', Bernard L i 1140 i.
Albret, Sire d*. Bemard-Eri L, 1270 ; d. 1281 u
Albret, Sire d\ BeTOard-E/i IT., 1324 ; rf. 1358 U
Albret, Sire d', Charles I. . 1401 ; d. 1416 L.
Albret, Sire d\ Charies IL, 1415 ; d 1471 l.
Albrlc, ftr AIMcub, Engliah philosopher and physi-
cian ; lOHO or'1220 u.c.
Albricl, Vicon^io, Italian orgtmiit and music composer;
1670* D.
Albright, John, down of Rnphoe ; d, 1609 c,q,
Albrlen, Domingo de^ Spaniiib sculp. ; 16th cent. d.
AlbrUzJI; Alraort) {Bfrmf^Ujjii)^ Itfil. printer ; 1722 D.
AJbrlnl, or Alberld, Kurico, Italian painter; 1714^
1775 R.B.P.
Albrlni, Giovanni- Battista, Italian juriirt ; 1520* IK
Albrlxxl, Girolamo, Italian publisher ; 16% D.l,
Albrlxzi, Isabella-TeotochI, Countess of, Italiiin
authoress; 1770—1836 P.
Albrydiewlca, Caaimir Fortune, Polish poet ; 1680*-
1750 D.
AlbUcaslB, Arabian physician and surgeon in Spain ;
d. 1106 c.U*0.
Albuclo, or Albtulo, AnreUO) Italian jurist and poet ;
1540* I,D.
AlbuciUB, physician at Rome; tat cent. l>.tf.
Albtiferra, Louis Niipoleou Suchet, Duo d', Frenoh
deputy; &, 1813 y.
Albuin, Iriiih wriWr ; 742
Albumaj&r, Arabian aatronoiner $ 805— SS5 c, tL o,
Ubuqneniiie, AffoDso d\ Pnrtagueae navigator, go-
vernor of India ; 14r»3— 1515 C.l»,R*
Albnquerqiie, Affonio Bm« d\ Portuguoie naval
officer, magiatrate, and litt. ; 1500— 15S0 tt.V.y,
Albuquerque, Andrea, Portugtjese gen. ; d. 1659 K.
Albuquerque, Cocllo- Antonio, Portugu<*i« governor of
Idivciio ; i8th cent, in.
Albuqtierque, Cocllo Duarte de, lURrqutJ! of Ensto,
Fori u^iipst' ^'ov» of Saoi Salvador ; d, 1(J58 d.r,
Albuquerque, I>on Juan Alfotuo d", minijter of
Alfijuflo XI. ; iL 1354 fi u.
Albuquerque, LuIa de Almeida d", Portague*6 jour-
WLliat ; b. 1819
Albuquerque, Malt«o d\ Portuguese general; oL
Albuquerque, Duke of, Spanish geueml and ambiu-
•odor; d, 1811 R-
AlbUA, Aulas Postumliu, dictator of Borne, B.O. 498 ;
Gonaul,496 i^x.
AlbUii Aului Pofltumius, ooo. of Home ; B.G. 464 H. x.
Allnil^ Sp. Po4itunuufl, oonaul of Bome ; B,o. 4G6 h« X.
Allraa, Sp. Pontuuiius, consul of Rome ; R.C. 432 u. x.
AlbUttoa, Ciuu3 SiiuB, Eomau rhotcMriGiaii and pkilo-
tiopber ; 1st cent, D»E.
AlbUtluB, Titua, Roman pbilosopher ; lat oeui D.U,
Alby, Enictt» French litterateur ; 6. ISOO p.
AXci^Oba« or AlcazoYEtSotomayor Simon, PortugucHv
navi^tor; r/. 1535 t>.
Alcagora. Dom Pedro d', Portuguoae stateam^in ;
1676 DC.
Alcadlnue, Italinn physician ; 1170*— 1234 CDAi-
Alcadlr, Iting of \'Li[eb€ia ; d, 10112
AlCfbdilil, or Alkjmdum, ArabiMi udtrologer ; d, ITth
cent. I>.
AlcSBUi, Greek lyric poet ; b,C. 030-^80 B.X.
AlCWnt L, Atheuinn arobon; iLa 537 H.
Aleoitll n., Atbeiiian archon ; 0.a 422 U*
Alcantl, Ore^k i::utiiio iioet and dram. ; &,c. 380* ILX.
Alc&for&da^ l^ltkriiumti, Portti^eiio nun and scholar ;
It^iH r.D.
AlcaXoradO, or Alooforodo, Antonio, page to the duke
of Bragansa ; d, U12 u.
Alcafor&do, Franciaco, Poringiicio traveller ; 1400 u,
Alcala, Fray Pedro d', Spaniah monk and miuionary ;
AlcaJa, Don Pantfan de Rivera, Duo d\ viceroy of
Kaplea; 1508-1571 D.R.
AlcaJk-y-HdxrerA, Alfonao^ Portugueio poet; 6.
lAOd CDatY.
AlmmfUf. king el Sparia, b.c. 717 ; 'A 7\3 u,ilh,
AloasMDMi Aibeuiaa loulptor ; b.o. 44^ u. fL X.
Alcaoto, Ciullo d\ Italian |ioet ; lim l,V,
Alcau, Michel, French engineer ; h. 18 U f,
AlfiftHtara, Diego de, Spanish architect ; d, 1587 D.
AloaWT, or Aloyar, Andres^ Spanish surg^ ; 1 570 I3,e.
Aloaj&r, BalthaW d\ BpauisU epigr&mmatist ; 16ih
ocot. c.H.
Aleanr, Bsrtolomeo, Spanish Jeeul^ and chrotucler ;
1700 D.IL.
Al€a^, LuU d*, Spaaiah Jeauit and commentator ;
1554— IGia cite,
Almtur y Pemplcile<m, Don Luis de Gongora, Bpun-
ish hitturiAn ; 1040 D.K.
AlOtdO^ Antonio, Huanish geogmplier : 1780 ixn,
AI0MIU» oonsort of Admetna, king of Th oMaly D. X.
Al0«taA» king of Maeedon ; n^o, 572 tL
AlCdUji, king of Epirui : B.C. 373 fLX.
AicbabiUua, or Abd-^l^Axyx, Arabian astronomer ;
Alclunii. Huraoon oommimder in Spain ; d, 719 ii.
French monk of Cti«aui and writer; 12th
niL Ivq,
IL Arabian j»hyi, and philtw. ,• HOO u.V.
Alo&ani% William, English divma; d. 1701
Aldat, or Alclntl, Friiucesco, Italiuu jurist ; I4£l2 ^
1550 Mj.
AldaU, Andrea, Italian jurist^ scholar, and writer
jurisprndence ; 1492—1550 UIXO.
Ald&U, Francesco, Italian scholar j 1523—1580 P.jF-
AldaU, Giovanni Paolo, Italian reUgioos
and oontruvertfiidbit ; 1564 f^g,
AlclAti, Mcloliior, Italiiin jurist ; d, 1H13 or IS U
Ald&tl, Terensio, Ital. Jesuit ikud theulugion; 157
1651 «,
Aldbi&dea, Greek statem . and gen. ; 6. B. c 450* D. ft.
Aldbladet, Christian martyr ; 177 C.
Alddamas, Greek philos. and rhet. ; b.c. 424 d.r.x.
Alckoacbufl, Gr^k painter ; B.o. 350* d.x.
Alldmaraes, Greek comic poet ; 5th cent. B.O. D.j;«
AlGlmua, Jewish high-nnest; B c. 16:$*
AIclmuB, Latinus-AIethius^ Latin poet, historian,
orator ; 4th cent. o.
Alclnoufi, Greek Platonic philos. ; 2ud eent. a;
Alcionltt*. or Alcyonius, I'ietro, professor of Greek a|
Florence and publisher ; 1487 — 151^ c.D.B.i.
Alclpbrun, Greek writer ; 2ad oenU G.a.£L
Alclppua, Spartan t^xile o.:
Alclstbene, Greek female painter :
Aldstbenea, Athenian archon ; &o. 37S ]
Alcman, Lydiaii poet ; B.a 671 h.b.;
AlomiSOU, Greek natural philos. ; 6th cent. B.O. n.:
Alcmson, r^rcek general ; 6tli cent. C.D,
Alco. lyr AIcou, Greek sculptor ; 8th cent.
Alcoqer, Ft- J rode, Span, archioologist ; 16th ennt. Bbl
Al<»ok, John, bishop of £oche4ter 1472, Woz««g|«r
1476, Ely 14B6, founder of Jesus College, Gam*
bridge; d. 15O0 o.B.O.<r.L
Aloook, or Oacre, John, English Jesuit and wiiftcr:
1651-1703 tu^
AIcoQk, Joseph Fran<;oifl, French mngietrate; 5« 1790
Alcock, Lewu, English loyalijit diviuo; d. 1047
AlCOCk, BInry, English poet ; 1781»
Alcook, Niithan, English physician and li
Alcock, Sir Kutherford, Engli&h diplomatiat, sui:g4
and nuthur ■ b. 1808
Alcock, Stniou, English theolo|^ian ; 1^30
Alcock, Tktomtks, English divine ; 176^
Alcock, Thuruas, English politician ; h. 1801
Alcock, Willmui, English loyalist dtvine; 1600
Alcok, Thomas, Engflsh lUifeoa ami medical
1764^ laa CLI .
Alcoti, Amos Bronscm, Ameiioan eduoaiionallst i 4.
17im «.«.
AlooU, Josefih, English writer ; 1794
Aloott, William Aleaaadei-, M.D., Amwioan suihori
6. 1708 mmj^
AXsnd, king of Northumberlsoid ; 765
Alculn, or Alcwtn {S. AlHrnt* Ftncaui AfcmmmK l^r
Ush theologian, restorer of letters in Fi«nea;
72,'V-^4 C.VOW
Aldabl. Spanish rabbi ; Mth crnt, O^tf^
AldAina, J., Mexican eh i' :— 1811
AldAna, Coemo, I to.! i an \^ cent,
AMUty, Joi- vs li.l, pcHt^ .,. ,
Aldberht Lc^ndon ; 707—785*
Aldberbt. i Hereford ; 777
Aldberht, Ui^hr'i< nf Dunwioh; 778*
Aide, Uendrick van, Dutch painter and enceavi
Aide. Jean*Baptiate» French Jesuit and writer s Vtti
Aldebert. or AdlIiMrt» heresiareh of Franee ; 750* tk\
Aldeburgli, Riehaid de, English jtidge ; I3.i2
AldegaU, Miroo-Anionio, lial. JUtin poet ; 1483
Aldegonde, St, nun of Hautiuont, foundrcsa ol
Abbey of Mnoberge ; 630--680 or H
Ald«C«U>e, Philippe Van Mamia. adliiittn? de __
Saint, Belgian uit. and diploinatial: 154S— IM I
Aldagraat, or Aldegiwvttr, Ueinneti, Q«imaa i
eal painter and engraver i KMtt— 1958 ai.Q
^ Jo4ef 'Hartiii d«, Spftnkb irchit«ct ; 1730—
C, FUriea d\ Freach imvidi-y officer and
iUh»hvd, Americ*!! colonel ; d. 1T7S A.
I Jolia, AmeiicMik magutriite ; 1598^* — 1687
^JoKph, Americikti author; k 1807 a*
, Eagluh loyalist divint^ ; d. 1051
DAtJij, American author ; 1771 — 1839 e.
r, JohMin, GermaD writer ; 6. 1501 d.q.
, Augufltin, Gknuan Jesuit and archcrolu-
K~«ii; 172a U.
Alder» Tboma*, English pbjsictAn ; 1805
AldVtnUT. Walter de, dean of Hi Paul's ; 1363
Beniarda, Spanish Jeaiiit, a&rant^ and
■i;15ibeeDt. G.D.a.
DiefSD-Grauian d\ secrertair to Chuioa V.
I Philip IL, helleniflt ; 1495»-1685* D,O.U,e.
Jo4«f . S[i«ni«h scholar and theologian ;
1^60—1616 D.C.R.E.
Alderlslo. Alberto, Italian jurist j 1680 ui.
▲Merman, Jamea, aheriS, 1200 ; krd major of Lun-
doo, 121B f£.
iliiiimnlniij. Staum de, aherilf of Loodon ; 1200 d.
ASdarott, Taddeo, Italian phyitician ; 1215—12% d.d.
AldcnoD, Edward HaU, Euglish baron of the ex-
chequer U^:^) ; 1787—1857 /.F.
* George, sheriff of London ; 1817 d.
I John, Engliah phjsiciaa ; 1758—1829 D.c.
, €ir Adel3ii» St, Engliah monk, biithop o(
Sherborne (706) ; 656-709 C.D.U.df./.
AUhlB. bfh. of Chester k Street, 990 ; d. lOlB ft.oJ.<f ,
AldiagtQn, John, English poet ; 1767
Aldial, Antonio, Count, Italian ttateaman; 1756--
lftS6 Ti.R.
AldllBi, Gioraani, Italian experimental philoiopher
and author; 1762—1834 8.B.
\ Tobia^ Italian pbytician ; 1 fi 1 0* o . Q. c.
I Sir Charles, £Dg:liih mcd. author ; b, 1776 u.
jT, Ben-Ahmed-AboU'Abd -Allah, Mohajii'
a«d, Arabiiii ^eofrapher ; 900 d.o,
AUtftaDdllii, Cinao-Bsssero, ItaL cardinal ; 1503 d,l
Aitfilteandlnl, Gtovmnni, Italian cardioal; 1525 —
1573 D.L
iMliirmrtllll, Giovanni-Franceseo, Italian wmrrior ;
*Limi a I.
llilOtellldlBl, Gioranni-Glorglo, prince of Hoasano ;
Guiseppe, Italian rou»kii\n ; 1700 i>,
PompsBOa-Au^fltua, Italian decorativa
1677—1739 u.
Silrcetro, Florentine Jurist ; 1 190—
,Tomnia«o, Italian Utt. ; 6. 1540* l,D.c.
iliiiHiliirttlinv Florentino (iHno), Italian phyiician ;
d, 1337 aD,R.
llftii.tidMDofLeiMi«er;839or40 dJ.
IMii^ Jklica er Eabed, Anglo-Saxon axohbishop of
Totk; «1 IOC& li.ij.c,
IJtoilt Jemniah, English di\ine; 1710
'*^ \ Jalm, Eo^lish captain ; d. 1740
, Bi>bert, Ecglbh .Jejiuit ; 1674—1728 E.
r of Westminster ; d. 675
; abbot of Fleuty ; 818^890 t>.
b 8W Saxon bp, of Mans, Fr. ; 800—656 c.D.t.
, Charlee, Engliah divine ; <f, 1737
Ffascia. master of Sidney College, Cdni-
; I57£— 1609 tq.
fHsBirjr, BngUsh theologian, architect, mutiic
i; 1647-1710 luw.c.
t poet and joumnlist; 1810^
, bp. of Carlisle, 1537 i d. 1556 B.o.C.dJ,
.Hkomaa, master of Ct^rpns Chiuti College,
£SMn; d. 1577 q.
jolttbumaa Bailey, American poet ; k, 1836 a.
lia, American negro actor ; 1804—1867 c
Aldrighdttl, Aldrigetto de, Italian professor of medi-
cine; 1673-1631 i.ij,
AldrighAtti, Luigi - Antcmio, Itnlian jurist; 17th
cent, LD,
AldrlniTOrr Johann, Auatrinn field-marahal And states-
man ; «/. lC>li4 d.R.
AldJington, oir W&kem&n, Thomas, Enirlisb Jesuit :
AldroTandl, Ulysae, Italian naturalist and author;
1-.22 -ir.n5 D.R.
Aldrovandini, Guiseppe, Ital. painter; 18th cent. D,
Aldrovandtolt Mauro, Bolognese painter; 1(H9—
1G80 T*
Aldrovandini, Pompeo Agostino, ItaliaQ painter:
1677-1739 B.T.
AldrovuulliLi, Tommaso, It&Uan painter; 1653 —
1736 B.D,T.
AldrovandizLO, marquis d'Eflte ; d, 1215
AldrOTfttidiliQ in., mi^rquin d'Este ; d. 1361
AldroTandus, UlyBSCs, Ittdian naturalist ; 1527 /3r*c,p,
AldrudA, ctss, of BertinorOf relieved Anoona, 1174 D.IL
Aidulf, bishop of Migcntia (Mayo ?) ; 7Hr» d.C
Aldulf, bishop of Worcester 902, archbishop of York
9tJ5; d, 10(>2 d,U
AMtt», Mrtunthis* Venetian printer; 1449-1515 an.
Aldwln, or Wot, bishtip of Lichfield, 721 ; d, 737 d.l
Aldwnlf, king of Ea«t Anglia ; 6»j4— 713
Aldwulf, hialiop of Rocbester ; 727
Me, Aegidius, Fkmiih ^Miinter; d. 1689 B,D.T.
Alea, Leonard, French litterateur; d. 1812* D.R.
Aleandre, Jerome, French heUenitt, cardinal, arch-
bishop of Brindes: 1480—1042 c.LO.
Aleaudre, Jerome {the YoHn*jer)^ Italian antiquary,
j tmst, and i»oet ; 1574— 1621* C i. b»
AleaniM, Aleasandro, Italian physician and ecouo<
niiat ; 18th cent. D.
Aleaiune, Jiicques, French mathematioian ; d, 1627 D.
Aleaiime, Ija^m {AlcaLmtut)^ French poet and magis*
trato ; 1525— 1596 C.U.
Aled, Judor, Welab bard ; 1520
idedran, count of Barcelona ; d. 858 R.
Alefeldt, C^orig-Ludvig, German pbyskiaii and medi-
cal writer; 17;J2— 1774 D.Q.
AlefOBader, John, Englii*h artist ; d, 17nO
Alegambe, Fbih[>pe, of Bruastils, Jesuit and historian ;
15H2— 1651 O.R.
Alegre, Antoiuc, Soigni?ur d" ; d 1571 D.
Alegre, lsa1>eUe d. ; iU 1587 D,
Alegre, Yvea, Baron d\ governor of Milan ; d. 1512 R. D.
Alegre, Yvee, Seigneur d' ; rf, 1577 D,
Alegrre, Ytcs, Seigneur d* ; d. 1583 D.
Alegre, Yvea, Marquis d', maFibul of Franco ; 1053—
1733 JLfi.
AlegTd, le P^re Angelique d', French Capuchin ; 17th
cent. D.
Atogre de Cas&n&te, el Padre Mario- An ton, Spanish
Carmelite and author ; 1590—1658 P»
Alegre, d\ French litterateur ; d. 1740 d.r.
jJegrLn, Jean, cardinal^ archbishop of Besan^on ; d,
1237 D.C.
Alekaaev, or Alexejev, Feixior-Yncovlevitch {Ruman
t7ana/*f/o)» painter ; 1755—1821 d.
AlekBleev, I wan, Kuasiuu translator; 18tb cent. D.
Alemagna, Oiomoni {Zoane^ or JSohan\ German
painter; 1450 b.
Alemagna, di Giusto, Genoese painter ; 1451 t. B. 1>.U,
Airman, Adrion, French physiciau tmd author ; 16th
cent. D.
Aleman, Louis^ cardinal, archbisliop of Arloa ; 1390—
1450 or 59 t>.R.
Alemaim, Josfjf, Spanish physician; 1570 O.E.
Alenuuml. Seu Alam&nni/
Alemanul, Antonk*, Itulinn poet ; 1600 D.L
^Alemannl, Arcangek, Italian Dominican writer ; 16th
cent. D.
Aleinanmi, or Alamanal, Giofaani-Battista, ItalSnu
preUtti; 1519—1581 l>.l.
Alamanni, NicoU, Italian luitiqaiuy and helleniiit ; t
15S;j— 1626 Laau.R. '
ileZDftlU, N.f Flcm. minititure painter • 1 8tli oent. B. D.
JJtmaiit, Adri&D T, FrtiD<:li phyaiiciAii ujid authur ;
1627-155» D.
Alambek, Lotiis-Vftlerifln, Poliahpoet; 1620— ltj90 d.
Alemberi Jean d* {le litmd)^ French pbiloaoplicr.
litteratour, und miitbeitmticiim ; 1717— 178;^ G.O.H.
Alom^RouBsean, Fma9uu, French reprcaentntive Aud
author j k 1799* r.
Al«Xt, or Alletl. Edmood, Eng* Protestant ecclesiaatic^
Greek and Latin »c!iolar; 1539 c.a.
iUeii. or OOlBll, Jan van, Dutoh kndscape painter;
1651—1698 Uit.B.
AlBiLce, Joachim d\ French astronomer and mnthe-
matician ; J. 1707 T>.
AIW19011, Charlei I., Count of. 1285: d. 1325 u.
Alan^Ollt Chariea II., de Valois, Tount of ; d, 1346 tJ.D.
AXenoOD, Charlei UL, de Valoin, Duke of, 1489—
lGti5 t).
Alenpon, Fran^ii, duke of Berri and Anjou; 1554—
J6,H4 D.w,
AlAHOon, Guillamoe L, Count of, founder of the Abbey
of Lonlai ; (L 1028 ti.ii.
Alen^OQ* Guillaume IT., C^unfc oi{Talvat) ; 1048 D.u.
Alengon, OuiUaume ITL» Cnunt of ; <i, 1171 d.d.
Alon^on, Jean L, Count of* 1171 ; d 1191 D.u.
Aleflffoa, Jean IL, Count of. 1191 \ it. M!>1 i>.u.
Alen90H, Jean, Duke of ; IW}— 1476 0.
Aleii90ii, John d\ arob«leacou of Lisicux, vke>ohao-
ceUor of England ; lliH> /.
Alenpon, Pierre, Duke of, 1346; d. 1404 D.
Alen^oa, Rone, Duke of, 1474 ; cf. 1492 D.D.
Alen^on, Robert I., Count of; d. 1034 n.iK
Aleii90ii, Kobert II., Count of; 1082 B.U,
Alengon, Robert UI., Count of, 1191 ; d 1217 l>.^.
AUo^on, Robert IV., Count of, 1217 ; d. 1219 d.d.
116119011, Yves, Count of, bishop of Seez ; d, 1070 D.lf.
Alencon, d\ Fronoh litteruteur ; d. 1744 i».R,
Alenl. TommaftOy of Cremona, historical painter ; 15O0—
1560 B.T.
Alenlo, Julio, ItaliAii miiiiomuy in China ; 1582—
1649 CLK
Alento, John ile, bishop of Raphoe ^261- 1265 c.
AlMtti, Oiom ButtiAtit, Italian architect and engineer ;
d, 1636 CLU.
Al0Ottl, Tlttoria, Italiau monician ; 1590 IXU.
Ali^ John, £n^luh translator of the Psalms ; 1530
JOer, Paul, Oer. Jesuit, litterateur ; 165G— 1727 CD.U.
jUanul, marquis of Monteferrat ; d. 996 H.
Alet, Alexander, Scottish Lutheran diyiiie; 1500 —
1565 0.ILO.
llM, John, English theologian ; 1584—1656 W.n.
Alet de Corbet, Pierre- Alcmndre, Vicomte, Fr. naval
olTiccr* litt», and economist ; 1715— 1770 €.D.
AleHo, Mattco- Peres de, Italian painter and eograver ;
d, If^OU B.N.R,C,
Aleion, Francois d\ French historian ; 17th cent D.
Aleiaaiiilrl, Felice, lUlkn oiusio oomposer ; 1742--
Altimdrt, Felippci de^U, Italian jurist ; 1620 I.D.
AlMnadll, Franoeioa^ Itidian p»h jtician and author ;
b* 1539 ID.
Aliiwmrtll, Giovanni dei^U, Italian vioe-presidettt of
the Academy of Fine Arts, and politician ; 1765 —
18SS R*
ALtwindrtt Inooeeniiei, Italian engraver; 1740^—
1760 ]i,D.
AljUindTlaJL Giolio, Italian phys. ; 1006—1500 I.D.
AlMnatfro-AleMwidn^ or Alexander a^ Aliraukdro,
Italian jurist and Ultoniieur: 1461— 1529
Aleaaaadro* Atesaio^ Italian physician and writer;
1650 LD.
, Andrea, Italian eeulptor ; 16th cent« D.
(iiiiTsnni-Pietro d', Itslian litterateur
and junst ; 1600 LD.
Alesaaadm Italian painter ; d 1530 0.
AleBsandro de Carplneio, Italian monk and ehro&i-
oler; 1300 I.IK
Aleeat Galeae, Italian arehiteei ; 1500-1572 c. v.
Aleaal, Matteo Peres di, Roman painter
AletBila, Francesco de, Italian painter; 1494
Aleeslo iMarchit)f Italian landjioape painter ; 1700
1740 K.e.
Aleealo, Piemntonio, Italian painter ; 16th cent, d,t.
Aleaalo Flemontfise, Italian phiirmacologriat ; 1550 V.
AlMtftkhil, AboU'lshao (Affaru4*j}, Arabian geo-
grapher; 960 G.IX
Aleten. king of Corinth ; B.a 1068 B.X.
Alenaa^ Greek Bcul]>tor d,x.
Alewi,AIkaBim-ben-Mohammed, Arabian aatron. ; 920 D,
Ale^wyo, W,, Dutch amateur pointer ; d, 1S39 m,,
Alexajnenua, Greek Sooratic writ. ; 4th <3ent« aa D.
Aleimader I. (the lUek), king of Macedon; 5. B.a'
507 U,R.X.
Alexander n. ; d. 367 u.iuil
Alexajider HL (tJif Great) ; 6. B.a 356, <f , 323 u,ii.
Alexander IV. i.Etru»)\ d. b.o. 311
Alexander V., aou of Cassander, king of
d, it.c. '2iH
Alexander L, king of Epims ; d, B.C, 326
Alexander II.. ki^ of Epims ; d, B.c. 342
Alexander L, king of Egypi ; cf. e.g. 85*
Alexander IL, king of F^ypt, d b.c. 80*
Alexander 8everua, emperor of Rome, 222-35; 5.
d. 235 R.I
Alezander-Jamusoa, king of the Jews, BX.
d. 78*
Alexander I., Paulowitch^ emperor of Rtusia {II
Alexander I. {the Fierce), king of Scotland ; llOT-
rf, 1124 \
AlexaaderlL, 1214-49; b. 1198, d, 1349 ]
Alexander HL. 1219'«3; ft. 1241, d. 1285 ]
Alexander L, bishop of Home, 109 ; d 119
Alexander IL {Amdmo di Bagio), Pope,
rf. 1073
Alexander IIL {Rolando Bainuzioj, Pope,
d. II HI
Alexander IV. iRinaldo de* CarUi di 5<y/»t),
1264-51 ; d. 1261
Alexander V. {Fietro Philarpo}, Pope, 1-
b. 1339 •, d, 1410
Alexander VL {Rttdrigo Boraia^ or L^nswtiiU
14921503; 6, 1430*, d. 15C&
Alexander VIL {Fatio Chigi), Pope, 1S55-67 ; 4,
d. 1667 tJ.
Alexander Vm, [Pinro Otidbfm\\ 1689-91 ; 5. V
rf. 1691 n.
Alexander, St, bishop and patriarch of Ale^
313-25 ; d. Sm
Alexander L, bishop of Antioch, 413-21 ; d,
Alexander IL, bishop of Antioch ; d. 686
Alexander, son of FolysperehoOf Greek leader;
oent B.C.
Alexander, Atheni^in nainter
Alexander, tymnt of Phf*nr, Tlieeiiljr: d,B.0, 35% a.
Alexander, third son of I'eneaa, kmg of HUm
B,c. 150
Alexander, prince of Judea, ion of Ariatobitliia
d. B.C. 49
Alexander {Btlion)^ son of Mare Anthony and \
patra : 6. B,o. 40
Alexander {PhiialHheit), Greek phyt. ; ao, \
Alexander of JB|rn, Greek peiipatetiG phi!
1st cent.
Akzander the Paplilagonlan,Gk. impostor; 174 1
Alexander, jibyaitian and mnrtyr ; d. 177
Alexander {PrhpffHonl Orwk rhet. ; 2nd otfnC
Alexander, St, founder of the Acemitei, Syria ; d
430 Ml
Alexander ((HeKiaiwK Sicilian monk and
I2th cent.
Alexander, Sicilian hist^^rian ; 13th cent^
v; Stf biihop of CappiulodA and JenivUem^
m*-25 ; d. 251 U.D.O.
AJflxmnder, St, patmrch of Constaatiiiople, 317-40 ;
d. 340 D.D.
Alcaauuler cf I^oopoUs, Greek writer ; 4tb ceat. D,
AlniaiMlg of 1hmXlM« in Lydiii, phyiioian and author ;
eith ctnt. x,R,a
iUemulai; biahop of Lincoln 1123, lord oliancellor
of Englaad U3o' ; d. 1147 c.w,p./J.dD.
JlffTlliifar of A^tiy. m<mk and writer ; 120a c. D. R.
Ataudir la Futlir*^, abbot of Canterbury ; d.
2230 R.D.
Alamnder 4e VUIa-IHeu {de Villa Dei\ French gram-
BEkanan and poet ; c/. 1240* D,a,
' of HalOO, Rnglish Franciscan and theolo-
: dL 1345 an.
. ai«iid«AOon of Salop ; d 1246
do Bomay (Jier^iMrfer o/ /*aru), French
poet ; 13tfa cent. U. i>. o. R.
, bishop of Ardogfa ; 1323 c,
r, fatshop of Boss ; i;^7 k\
, bp. of Msath. lord -justice of Ireland; 1399
, bifihop of GaUoway ; 14S6 A'
r, kioff of Georgia ; tL 1440* D.
ir« eari of Dunfermline, lord chancellor of
\ 1605
■V cairl of 3(oray, Scotch nee* of state ; 16S2
T(fr«nwu^«a), Indian chief; lfj62 R.
; A , German chewj-player ; h. 1770* D.r,
, English writer ; d, 184fS
r« Aodivw, Scotch hcUeniiit ; t^. 1859
r AnthotiT, master of the king's works
dL 1637
r« Arrhilmldj Americaa divine and writer ;
UH— Igl f. A,
iWlirikhtr, Beocdetto^ of Verona, anatomist i 150;^
titandor. Bcaiedict Stanislas, son of John Sobie^ki,
ki^itfPblaiul; 1677-1714 H,U.
' r, Benjfuntn, Engllsli author ; tL 1768 c.d.
T, Ben-MoMe* Ethus&n, German mbbi ; 18th
Oileb^ Amorioaii divine and author ; d,
r, Oarl, duke of Anhali-BefTDbonig ; 5. 1806 D.
r, OelMtiiius, 8ieilisQ bistonan ; 1160 D.R.
, Obankdiiu {Folykittor)^ Greek philosopher,
ISilonn. mad seofnpher ; B.C. 80 D. u . x
■ r, Daniel, English divine ; d, 1709
T, Duiiel, English srcht. and divino ; c2, 1843
>; I>«oiel Asher^ English architect ; d, 184G
W, Edward, English phyaician ; d. 1822
k; Flnuieis, English loyalut divine ; 16 10
'lOaJ^riel, Eng. miscelhuieous writer; d. 1854
r, GallovidianiuL Scotch writer; 1512
r, HeJea, EngUsii oovenanter ; d. 1729
I JaiDca, aecretazj of New York ; d. 1750 a.
r, Jajnes^ sheriff of London ; 1802 d.
■r. Sir James Edward, English traveller and
nkim$ Bf.
!■; Jannee Waddell^ American divine and
r; 1. 1804 M.(z*
'C;j0li]L, English poet; 1707
r, J^khtt, Eng. Etterateur; 17d6-1765 E^D.a
■; Jo^hn, Scottish painter and engraver at
ins B.B.D.
Joseph Addison^ American divine and
lior; 6. 1809 €,a.m
J htowM-Cml^ archduke of Austria, pala-
tt^ a«^gv7 ; 1772-1795 D.
Ij^liirt Lervy, EogUah Jewish author ; 1835
itVttte; Ljchnns, Greek rhetoritiiau and poet ;
at m D,
a, of Ticcnsa, med. writer; d. 15113
;ltidw SoL, Jewish Talniadlst^ convert to
f, biohop of Jerusalem, 1841 ; b, 1779, d
writer on zoology ]l x.
AlftT&Ddar, NathnTiiel, governor of North Carolina
(1806): 1754>" 1808 x.e.
Alejcomler, Nath., hisbopof Clonfertand KJlmacduagh
1802, Killaloo 1804, Meath 1823 ; rf. 1824 c
Alexander, NicolaH. French Benedictine, botanist
and phy«icij\n ; 1654 — 1728 c.d,r.
Alexander, Nool or Natalis, Dominican church histo*
nan ; 163^—1724
Alexander, Parvus, quoted by Rha«ei jl
Alexander, Peter, English divine ; 15(>3
Alexander, Robert, Scotch poet ; 16th cent.
Alexander, Robert, EugHih journalist ; d 1854
Alexander, Hamuol, English Quaker ; d. 1824
Alexander, Stephen, Ainer astron. writ. ; 6. 1806 co,
Alexander, SuljFicius histonan of Gaul ; 4th cent. D*
Alexander^ Suesikinci, Gorman rabbi^ son of Samuel
of liUtt ; 1708 o,D»
Alexander, Thomas, English admiral ; d, 1843
Alexander, Thomas, carl of Selkirk, political writer
and colonifft ; d. 1820
Jdexander, Tiberius, iirocunitfur of Jtidiea ; 46 D.
Alexander, William, Eitglish genealogist; 1703
Alexander, Willium, English physician ; rf. 1788
Alexander, William, Lord Stirling, major-general in
the American revohiti unary army ; 1726—1783 iLA.f .
Alexander, Sir William, earl of Stirling, Scottish
statesman and poet ; ir>80— 1<H0 c.R.
Alexander, William, sheriff of Lt^ndon ; 1750 D.
Alexander, William, Eti^liah chief b*ron of the Ejc-
chequ«r (1830) ; 1761»-1842 f,
Alexander, W,, bishop of Derry ; 1807 d,
Alexander, William, Scottish litterateur and drama-
tist ; d, KMO C.a
Alexander, William, Scottish physician and writer ;
d, 1783 w.D.
Alexander, Will ifim, Eng, engraver; 17G8— 1816 d.b.
Alexander ab Alexandro. See Aleseandio-Aleaean-
Alexander Aetolus, Greek poet ; b.c. 250 D.X.
Alexander Algal 08, Greek philosopher; Ist cent aD.
Alexander Aphrodisios, Gk. comracntator , 200 c,i\
Alexander-Balas, kitig o( Syria; d, u.c. 14(5
Alexander n. {J^cbina)^ pretender to the Syrian crown;
d, D,a 121
Alexander - Cohen {Susatin)^ German rabbi; 13th
cent. o,D.
.Alexander lageio, king of Poland (1501-6) ; 1461—
1506 I>-U.
Alexander Keclcam, or Nequam, abbot of Exeter ; d,
Alexander-NewBM, gnvnd-duke of Rnsaift ; k 1218*—
1263 C.D.a.
Alexander NumenliiB, Greek rhetorician ; 2nd c«nt» D.
Alexander Peloplaton, Greek rhetorician ; 150* c;i).
Alexander - Waaa, prince-roval of Poland; 1614—
1*>35 " D.
Alexandra, consort of Alexander Jannxcus, king of
Judcea ; B.C. 143—70* D.
Alexandra, consort of Alexander, king of the Jews ;
c£. B.C. 28 D.
Alexandra, princess of Wale*, chiughter of Christian
IX., king of Denmark; b. 1B44
Alexandre, Charles, French p!iilologist and author ;
L 1797 D.F,
Alexandre, Oiarles-Louis, French tribune and states
man ; d. 1820 D.
Alexandre, or AUerandre, Don Jacques, French Bene-
dictine, horologer and author ; 1653 — 1734 u.D.
Alexandre, Jean, Swiss mathematiciau ; 17th cent. D.
Alexandre, Noet French Dominican, ecclesiastic and
historian : 1639—1724 d.
Alexandre d'Arles, French Capuchin : 1700 J>.
Alexandre de FranclsdJ, Italian converted rabbi,
bishop of Forli, 151M ; d. 1600* O.IX
Alexandre de L'lale, French chronicler; 1210* tk
Alexandre-Kara^eorgewltZj George, Prince, Servitin
statesman ; 6« 1606 T<
Alex&ndresco. Gregofj* RotimjiniAii |K>et ; 6, 1B12 r.
Alexandria Bftdle, Roumanian poet ; b. l62l
Alezandrliil de Neuat&ln, GitiliOf pliysiciaji to 01iiirle«
y. and pedicttl writer; 1606— 151IU c.u.B.
A)exail0r» gnrndMin of ^SuculiipiQs B.X.
Al«zarcbo«, Greek hijrtoriaa of Italj D.X.
AlAXlao, Atkeman &rdion ; BwG. 405 et*
Alexlaii, Greek pbm luid naturjiliatj B.a 350 D.11.K.
Alezlnoi, Greek jihiloMjplior ; 3d cent B.C. l>. a, X.
Alexiazi, Greek pbyaietftn, friend of Cioero ; Ijt cent«
Alexlpirai, Grwk phyBidan ; B. C, 330 D. R.X.
AlexiA. See Alexius.
A1«^B, Greek teulptor ; 6th or 4th cent, B,a u.i-
Alezll, Greek couii * ' n,a 394* U.x.
AkadflofSamos. 4 inn n.x.
Alexis, pfttriarch ui ^ nople, 1025; rf. 1043 i),
Alexis, or Alexius^ Dri*go Ci^mnenus, French genend;
1^^3—1619 B.U,
Alexia^ Guillaume {U hon Moine\ French Benedictine,
poet ami author ; 1500 c. u. d.
Alaxis (3fi>Adi/owic?), csar of Ruiaia, father of Peter
the Groat (1645-76) ; 1«29— 1G76 t\u.
Alexia {Pitrowiti)^ czar of Rua&ia, son of Peter the
Great ; 1690 or »5— 1 719 u. D,
Alexis del Aroo, Spanish painter; 1625—1700 i>.cr,
Alexis, Piedmontese author o.R.
Alexius L, OomnenuA, eniijcror of the Ea«i (1081) ;
1048-^1118 TJ.H.
Alexius H, C<Jmnonttfl (1180) ; llBT—liai u,r,
Alexius m., AngwloaOomnenus, 11!J5-1203; r/.1210 ihE,
Alexius IV., A&gelus (Me Younffer), 1203; Um*—
1204 U.R.
Alexius V^ Ihica* (MvrzupM^i) ; tL 1204 tj.r.
Alexius I., or Alexis, Comuenuik emperor of Trcbi-
Eond (12041 ; 1180-1222 ixv.
AlexlUB U., Comnenua (12117) ; 1282-1330 D. c.
Alexius HL, Comnenna ( 1349) ; 1338—1390 i>. u,
Alexius IV., OomneniM. 1412 ; d. 1447* D. v.
Alexins 7^ CoiDDontts (1458) ; 1454—1470 D.U.
Alexiiis, Aristenos, Greek jurist ; 1130* d»
Alexius, Oaspar, Swisa Prot. miniater; 1578^1626 d.
Alexius (fAif /m;jf.jr<or) ; 1191 u.
Alexius, Simon, Eji^linh divine; 1558
AlexuSt or Alexaa of lonia^ writ* of ohacene poetiy ti.
Aleyn, Charles, En^liah hiat. poet : dL 1610* c.lkw.
Alf Abdal BftUchl. Penian poet; l&th cent. p.
AlfsJil, Domenico di Paris, Italian painter, 1483 ; d.
1540 B, B.T.
Alfaoi, Onudo di Paris, Ital. painter ; 1510- 1583 B. E.T.
HfUKlftrt, £Iie ben Yacob, Jewish oooimcDtator of
Constantinople ; 1712 <xd.
AUuidart, Rhajim ben Tsioob, nl>bi ind oommentator
of Const)«ntinoplo ; 1710* o.D*
AlfSj&bi \Abau yatr Mohammad Ihm Tarkhan)^ Ara-
bian philosopher id. 1KS0 o. ]x n,
Alfkrawlllr (Abou FkviM«MmIlmaktUib), Aralnan
poet; d. 730* D.
Alfiutt, Fnmciaco, 9pe&iib goldsmith ; 1586 n.
AlfAro-y-Oftinoii, Don J nan. Spanish poet and pain tc r ;
lWO-1680 aB,D,
Alfklall, or Alfath-Ibn-BlULkan. Abou-Noar-Mubani-
med^Ibn-ObcyilalbLhiUkayst, Arabian historian and
biofiraplier ; d. 1134* d.
AUM, Krs&ofeeo Bartolomeo, Italian pidnter; 1483 D.
Alfen, Je«n-EiiM>)>o, Danish painter ; d, 1770 n.D,
AUknos -Varus, PulOitts, Roman lewyer; Ui mniL
AUIM, luMio-Borabbi'Xasae, rabbi and writer <d Fe« ;
AlfSgar, biabop of KTinbam, 1001 ; «i 1021 dj,
Alfbelm, biahop of Dornboeter ; l<Xn Ld,
Allkaao* Spilanio d\ Italian monk and enffrmver;
AUtaiV Benedello-IonfioeiitJo^ County Italian aftthftect
and sdvneate ; 1700—1707 li.tx
Aleaaa, Hatteo, j^|iajiisb romanee wriler WO auw
Alentand, Louis* Angnaiin, French phjrsician,
marian, and historian ; 1613 — 172S o^ixi
Alemanla, Johann de, German painter ; 1444 D.T*
Alemann, Conrad, German savant and author ; 130(^
1398 RQ.
Alfleil, Oger, Italian historian ; 13tb cent. D.a.
Alflerl, Vittorio, Count, Ital. i>oet ; 1749-1803 aixa.
AlliTOUzabadl, Abou - Taher - Mahotnmed - Ibn-Taooubi
Arabian hist, and lexicographer ; 1328— 1415* I».C*
Alfuodiu, abbot of Westminster ; 939
Alfoxi, Juan, Spanish painter; 1418 B.1XC^
Alfonse» Jean, French navigator ; 15tb cent D.G.
jyif onse, Louis. Freneh ebemisi >1743— 1 820 i^
Alfonso L. king of Aiagon, utd uL of Xavarre, 1101 ;
d. 1134 t>.&y.
Alfosiso n., king of Aragon, 1163-96; 6. 1152, d,
1196 D.B.a
Alfonso nL. 1285-91 ; fr. 126^^}, d, 1291
Alfonso IV,, 1327-36 ; b. V2WJ, d. 13;}6 U.M.fl
Alfonso V. (^i; Wue\, king of Aragon, 1415-58 ; i
1458 m.«
AlfosBO L {ikt Catholic), king of Asturias, 739^7 ; \
693, d, 757 JKM
Alfonso IL {Die Chasie), 791-842 ; (JL 842 !!.■
Alfonso UL (tfu Great)^ kiuj; of Leon and .
866-910 ; b. 848, d 912
Alfonao IV. (t^e Monk), 924-31 ; d, 933 O.M
AlfOZLSO, king of Gallicia, 1109 ; d. 1157
Alfonso L, d'Este, duke of Ferrars, 1505 ; b, 14B^ d
Alfonso n., d'Esie, 1559 ; d 1597
Alfonao m., d'Ee&c, duke of F«rrara«
Reggio, 1628 2^n rf. 1614
Alfonso IV., d EaU% 1658 ; h. 1634, ri. 1062
Alfonso v., king of Leon, 999-1028; 6. dlK,
1028 x^mg
Alfonso VL {the Valiani), king of Leon (1065-110
and I. of Castile (1072) ; b. lim, d. 1109 t^M
Alfonso Vn., king of Leon (1126), and O, of <
b. 1105. d. 1157
Alfonso Vm. {the Good), king of Leon (1158), i
of Custilo ; k 1165, d. 1214
Alfonso DL, king of Leon, 11 $8; 6. 1155, d, M
Alfonso L, king of Castile and Leon. See J "
Alfonso n. ; 6, 11D5, d, 1157
Alfonso m. iUu Noble, or Ike GooiU long of i
1158; b. 1155, rf. 1214 D.1
Alfonso Z. {the SchoUtr), king ol Casiae and
1262-84 ; L 1226, d, 1&4 IXM
Alfonso aCI« king of Castile, 1312 50 ; 6. 1310.
1350 n.hM
AlfODiO t, king of Naples and BicUj, 1416^ ; {VA
Ar^Hf^); b. 13a\ d^ 1458 1
Alfbnso IL, k, of Naples^ 1494 95 ; b, 1448, d, 1496 1
Alfonso, or Affooso l„ Ucbrii|ues, king of Poi
(1112-85); 1094-1185 1
Alfonso n. {the Stfrutl 1211-23 ; b. 1185, cL mSJ
Alfoaiso m,, 1248-79 ; b. 1210, <i, 1279
Alfonso IV. ith€ Bram), 1325-57 ; b. 1800, dL 1
Alfonso V. {(he Afriemi 1438-81 ; K 1432, d. 1
Alfonso VL, 1656^ ; h. 1643, d. 1083
Alfonso, prince of OasfcOe ; d. 1465
AUionso, bijthop of Arila in the reign of Jaao IL
Alfonso of Cartagena, or de 8t urle, Sitaoiali 1
rian ■ l:\[n) ll5*i
AlftVBBO of Zamora, Spaniah rt«> ' ' ■' ^'^*'
Alflwao de Alcala, Spanish rat
AlfkmsodeBaena, Juan. Span. -
AUIonoBO de Benevent, Spaa, eanonist ; 15ih v
Alfimao de Ssplna, or Sptnft, Spa^ih ' "
nreaoher; 1450*
Almso de Jnbera, Spsnish phytieian ; 16th oent. n.
Alfonso Lopei de CoreUa, Spanish savant and ^
f«*4*or of niodicino ; l(Uh cent. U^
Alfonso do la Torre, Hpani«h writer ; 1450* ivi
Alfonso de TorreSy Spanish physician and
; de GiieT&ra, SjMoiili profeMor of
I ecnt. D.E.
' Tftlavera, Spomsli TeteriBJuy fturgeon ;
16tll ctvL D.K.
Ptadio, Spaauh Jewuh ichalar, pliyeiciiui,
^' Sar AiacQUKRQCjE, Arnkh, Castro, Cua-
I iXfTM^ &SIX. MEUi, Pauta, F£DR0, Quintavilla,
iTom^tro, find Vn k&a.
I 'Uglielml, Italian engraTor iUB.
foztl J op of Victoria ; 18<57 Gt.f,
ruAjor of Lf A6 i d 1H85
<*V\/|l£A}, ^ogliAh Je«uit and histo*
, ^leoTTj fiDgliah author, dean of Ctmtorbujy ;
h. 1810 ' M.
, J., £&gUih muiiciim ; 1508
Hftnd, Jolin, foonder of a pnjfcasorsliip in Hamrd
OoOcfc ; 168&-1761 H.A.
""^"l JoM^ EadUftti dirine ; 1640
Ic, EogliAh loyalist divino ; IGoO
t lOtifiik), Eog. Je»uit ; 1582—1640 E,
. IfllBaizi, Eiiglich Jcaoit ; d, 1675 u.
0p Al£fiVg«ntl. Akmed-Ben-Kothiur, Am-
xmunnar ; d. S02* it.u.ap.
USnAWbt Ormty, king of Etig, ; 849— 901C.B,W.U.D.
lifted, VUlcm of Winchester ; 862 dM
A]flpid.1kMlh»of ^ <:^;dg41* dJ.
Alftcd, bwbop nf J* c/ f.
Alfred, «r AUilc .... ..^. .1 Crediton {990), abbot of
JCaJiiisl>UJ7. Engliati writer; rf. WJf*
Alfirwt Alnd. or Alured» of Beverley, EDgU^h cbroni-
«kr md hsttoiiAn ; d. 11^* u, i>. u,
"' joi Worc«rter, 1158 ; d, 1160 dJ.
[ Hkp Fhiii^iypkerj, English iavanl, commeutjt'
taf ; rf. 1270 ».
llftwL rthiunbria, 68<]-705 ; d. 705
iUliPM snicsi AliMOtte Prince, duke of Edinburgh,
Mn^bk ftATal capttio ; 6. 1844 M.
AlftlL G«mum ^eulptor aod architect ; 0th cent. d.
A2Me» l»i*hop of H«r^ord ; 941 d. h
Hfrta, bubop of lUmsbajy i 942 dJ,
, abbot of Wettmiitftor ; d. 95^
) ladui*of Wmobeiter, 951; arcbbiihop of Can-
"9 d.hJ.
, bMiiop of Wmobester, 1014 ; d. 1032 liJ.
Hb, AJboa-Miuiaour-Scherubi, mioiAter to the
k Aztz-BOlaii ; 960* a
, loaj of KorthnmherUnd, 77S-S0; d, 789
I kxag of Korthumberlaud ; «i. 810
t king of Eaifc Anglia, 746-4U
^ or JUvyu* abbot of Westminster ; d. 1017
, abbot of Wettmincter ; d, 8m
Mc— ndrn. Italian ficolptor and architect ;
-1654 h.B.nj:,
Ftttcmoo^ Italian littemtenr aud philo-
l«fH«7; 1713-1764 c.D.ik
I Ax&biait pbik«o|)her ; IQGS-- lUl o. U, C,
at Candia, Jewi«b author ; XGth
^'hak'lmuui, Greek rabbi and author ;
I'bcn-Abnilumt, chief rabbi of May-
, dL 1683 CD.
, Jewiih author ; d. 1C80 ii.o,
b rabbi ; 17th cent. D.0.3L
avant ; d, 1131 cam,
rille, Ainer. jiuthor; b, 1823 a.
t Abcm-PlAfKr'Ahmed'b^ti-Mohammedt Am-
» fintMooriih king of Grnnada; 1196—
Italian musio composer ; 166B—
IT. u.
Italian architect and geometrician ;
pileaty aav
Alfflilllt Tommaio, Italian suigoon and UtholoBiif t ;
1669—1713 CLD.
Algmadesch, don Moir-ben- Salomon, Bpaniah mbbi
and OfjQuneintiitor ; 15th cent, o.j>,
Algnled, or Algna, bi&hop of (Jlonartl ; 787 c.
Algood, Major, Ensliuh divine ; 1U»4
AlgiliL, or Malgrln, J«aD, cardinal, ardibiihop of
Bewm^oTi, I'JtI/i ; (L 1237 D.
AltiB^n, f/r Al-JbiUiem, Arabiun TihiIa»opher> mathe-
maticixLit, and uatronomer; d, 10^ ir,D«
Al-Eadi, culiph of Bagdad ; 785
AlHaltam Ben Obold, Synan riceroy of Spain ; 8th
ceui. B*
Amakem I {Alumd*^arj, caliph of Spain, 796-821 ;
d, 821 B.D.
AllLaJEem H., cnlirh of Spuin, f*fjl-7ti ; d, 076 a.D,
AlhAlrirm-BlamrlUali, Aboti-Ali-Manaour, c&Iiph of
Epypt; »nt* D.
AllLBJEem^llni-Atta (MokennaX Ambian philosopher ;
d^ 780 i>,u.
Al*Barith« Arabian nHtronooier ; 0th cent. D.
AlhauT Ben Abderahman, Arabian vioeroy of Bpain ;
717-721 ft.
Alhuseo, or Abdilazum, Arabian scholar and writer ;
1572 cp.c.
ALheard, bishop of Elmhani ; 784» a,L
AHieard, bishop of Dorchsater, 875*; d 895 df.
Al'Kedjadj-lbn-Mutar, Arabian rauthcm* ; 800 d,
AlhmBad, hiahr>p of Hexham ; 7^7—781 d,U
AUunuad, biahop of AViucheater ; 802 d,/,
Al-Bomaydi. Abuu - AbdiUah - Mohammed- Ibn^Abi-
Nftar'Al'A*iii, ArabiMihiatorian; 1029—1096 D,
Al-Horr, ibn'Abd'er-rhaiuau-Athkhefi» emir or caliph
of Spain ; 717 o.
Allioy, Louia, Trench profeasor of Bellca-Lattrea ;
1755-1820 a.D.
AUtOF, Pbilad«lphe Iflaurice ; Fr. litterateur ; 5. 1802 r*
All, king of Morocco, 1110 ; «*. 1115 U,
All. nabob of Oude ; 1781-'1817 D.U.
All {Coummoun^ij^ Ottoman grand- viidcr, 1714; d.
1715 ILD,
AU-Aboul-Hasan. saltan of Africa, 1331 ; d. 1351 D.
AU-Abon-B-HaaaaJl, k. of Greniida, 14l>6; d. 1484* g,n,
AU-Adll-Shah, Priiico, Indian rajah of Bijapour; d.
1580 D,
Ali-Alhoarl [Adh Dltarir), Arabian poot ; d 1095 D.U.
All-Ar-Ridlia^ one of th© twolvo iman, suooeator of
MidvoiULt; 758-819 D,
All-ABterabadl, Persian po«t ; d, 1431 D.
All, PrisnAlwu-Thaleb^ cousin, son-in-law, and risier
of Mahomed, fourth cidiph, ij^ry-^l ; ii02*— 6til d.b.
All Ben Al Abbaa Al Madjouoy, Persian physician
and writer K.
All-Ben-Rodlicniiin, Arabiiin pliya.; 11th cent D.U.
All -Ben -El -Abbas (Aia^tddiu-al'madjousi}^ Arabian
pbynii ifiii ; */, 994 IX
All Ben Hamad, waJi of Cetita ; Uth cent. b.
All Ben Yuasef, emperor of the Almorivideui in Airioa
and Spain; 1107— 1144 S,
AH-Bestaml. Turkish writer ; 1400—1470 !>.
All-Bey, chief of the Mwuelukos ; 1728—1773 CU.D.
Ali^Bey {Domingo Badia y Ltblidi)^ Spanish tra-
veller; 17Gti^l818 F.D.
AU-Bey, or All-Belgli, Polish drajcjoman to Mahomet
IV., linguist, translator uf the Bible ; d. 1075 a.D.
AH-ChorlUl. Ottoman grand-vizier ; d, 1711 B.
All EfTendi, Bulijurian author under Sclim II. » k,
All-Qhallb, Ottoman pacha and administrator ; b,
1830 F.
Ali-lbn-AM-Er-Rhaman, Ibn Houhayol, Arabian
writer ; 14th cent. D,
AU-'Ibn-Abl-All-ABBBaf, or Salfeddlll, Arabian writer;
U5G— 12;^ D.
AM-Ibn- Aiimed- Abou 1 kn-irtm - Almo^j -Tabl, Arabian
mathcmfUiciTa] ; 970 D,
All-Ibn- AJamed-Al-lmranl , Arabian m&thematidon ;
d. 955 n.
AU-nm-Almied-nm - AU -nm- MOhainmed - Aboiil-
Hasan, Arabian philoB. and maihem. ; 1168—1215 D.
AU-nm-Al-AgliraDl-AboiiUiasaii {Shiabani), Arabian
astronomer D.
All-nni-Besiam, Arabian hiatorian ; 12th cent. i>.
Ali-nm-Hamxiioiid, caliph of Spain ; d. 1017 D.
AU-nm-Haim, Abou-Mohammed, Arabian writer;
994-1064 D.U.
All-nm-Kharaf {AbotU HasMn), Arabian poet and
grammarian; 1155*— 1212 D.
AU-nni-Sajrd, Aboul Hasan Nour Eddin, Arabian
hiatorian and geographer ; 1214 — 1286 D.U.
All-Ibn-Sidali, Ibn Ismail • Aboul - Haaan, Arabian
grammarian and lexicographer ; 10th cent. D.
All-nni-T(raiiis» Aboul-Hasan, Arabian astronomer;
d.1008 D.
AU-Itm-Zeid, Aboul-Hatan-Attaimi, Arabian astrono-
mer ; 760* CD.
All, nm-Joiissonf-Ibn-Taohefin, sultan of Africa and
Spain ; d, 1142 D.u.
Ill, Khodia, dey of Algiers ; d. 1808 R.
All-Kudfldll, Turkish astronomer ; d, 1474 O.D.
AU-Kakhdam, grand-yisier to Bajazet II.; d, 1512 D.
AU-Koaslll, Ah Paoha Huesinade, Turkish admiral ;
1670 D.
AU-MaMlimde, TurkUh jurist ; 1619 I).
All, Mustafa-Ben-Almed-Ben-Abdel-mollah, Turkish
historian ; 1542— 1599 D.u.
All-Paeha {Anlan), paoha of Janina, goremor of
Albania ; 1741—1822 U.D.
AU Pashm, Mehemet £., Turkish dipL ; 6. 1815 M.
AU-Shlr-Amlr, Persian minister and litterateur; 1440—
1500 D.
AU-Waaii-Effaiidl, Turkish writer ; d. 1543 D.G.
AUadeoltti ton of Zunboadir, prince of Armenia;
1514 R.D.
AUamot, Francis Germain, Fr. engraver ; 1734 B.U.
AUamet, Jacques, Fr. engraver ; 1728—1788 B.R.D.
AUband, Louis, French regicide ; 1810-1836 U.D.
Alibert, Jean-Louis, Baron, Fr. phys. ; 1766— 1837 D.u.
AUbertt, Aliberti Ab, Italian painter t.
AUbertl, Giovanni Cario d*Asti, Italian artist ; 1680—
1740 T,B.B.
Allbrand, Francesco, Italian Jesuit and litterateur ;
d ini I.D.
AUliraiidl,Gin>Iamo,Sicilian paint; 1470-1524 B.D.R.T.
Allbrando, Francesco, Italian jurist and author;
17th cent. B.I.
AUca, Alice, American authorens ; 6. 1820 a.
Alice, American slave, centenarian ; 1(»86— 1802 a.
Alice of Champagne, wife of Louis VII., and mother
of Philip Augustus ; </. 1206 R.L.D.
AUdoli, Giovanni Nicola Pasqualc, Italian antiquary ;
17th cent. d.
AUdoelo L, sei^enr of Imola ; 1207 d.
Alldoelo XL, Lui^ nn^nieur of Iniol.! ; 1422* D.
Alienantiia, Gei>ffrev, l^armelite : I'MO
Allgnan, Benuit d', 1-Ycnch Benedictine, traveller ; </,
1'^ u.i».
Aligny, Claude Felix Theodore {CamelU)^ French
landscape painter; K 1798 rp.
Allgre, Ltieiine d*, chancellor of France; 1559^
1«*»35 R.I,.
AUfre, Etienne {thr YxfunorrS, ch:inct'Ilor of France:
1592-1077 * R.I).
Allgre, Etienne-Fran^ois d\ French magistrate; 17ti6—
l"^ 1>.R,
AlimplOB, Russian monk of Kief and painter ; l*Jth
cent. \\
Allnard, or Haljnard. abp. of Lyons : </. ia"i2 u.ii.
Allprandl, B«mardo, luL musician : ISth cent u
Allprandl, Ituunamt>iite. Ital. i»oi't : loth ct^nt u.KC.
Alison, AlexAi^iirr. En(:Ush author ; h. 1812
▲llMn, Sir Anc.hilnld. Scottish judgt* and historian:
i:92-lSSS l,.M.
Aliaon, Frsnds. Presbytrrian minister ; d. 1777
t Wm. l^ilteuvv. Eu^-Usb ; «f. 1859
AllBtan, Washington, American painter and poet;
1779—1843 D.
aut SeeAdtfalde.
AllT, Celeste, French eccles. writer ; b. 1820 r.
AllT, Ferdinand, French theologian ; 1740—1825 D.B.
Allz, Jean. French paint and engrav. ; 6. 1615 a.u.B.
AllT, Blatthieu-Franfois, French phys. ; 1738—1782 D.
Aliz, P. M., French engraver ; 1752—1809 B.N.n.
Aliz, Pierre, canon of Besangon, ecclesiastical histo-
rian; 1600—1676 C.B.D.
AllT, or Alllz, Thierry, seigneur of V^roncourt, Fkeneh
historian and councUlor of state ; 1534— ]5Sf7 D.U.
Alisard, Adolphe • Joseph - Louis, French vocalist;
1814—1850 D.U.
Alkabeti, Salomon-ben-Moise, rabbi and commentator
of Safet, in Galilee ; 1561 o.a
Al Kader, caliph of Bagdad ; d. 1031
Alkadlr-BUlah, caliph of Bagdad ; 947—1041 n.
Al Kalier, caUph of Bagdad3«{2-34
Al Kalin, caUph of Bagdad, 1031-75
Al¥allra«hannl, Aboul Abbas Ahmed, Arab, author D.
Alkan, Charles Valentin Morhange, French musidas ;
6. 1813
Alkemade, Cornelius van, Dutch antiquary; 1654—
1737 aD.i.
Allnmdl, cr ATlrtndl, Arabian physician and philo-
sopher and commentator ; d. 880* B.D.
Alkhaire^Jl, Abou 2>1nfa Ibn Abdillakk Alkortobi.
Arabian historian ; 1150 D.U.
Alkmaar, Zacharie van, Dutch painter ; 1620 D.
Alkmaer, Heinrich van, German poet ; 1470* aiXE.
A1¥odhal, Ahmed - bu • Mohammed, Arabian writer ;
1050* ix
A1¥odhal, Mohsmmaed • Ibn • Mohammed, Arshisn
writer; d, 1308 D.
Alkowareiml, or ATlrliaTliinl, Arabian mathemati-
cian ; 9th cent. D.
Allacd, or AllattOB, Leone, Italian antiouary, theo-
logian, librarian of the Vatican : 15S0— 11)69 u.c.r.IX
AlUin, Andrew, English divine and author; 16S5—
1685 W.B.
Allaln, J. K, French magitttrato ; 1850 P.
Allalnval, Leonor Joan -Christine Soulas d*, French
abb^ and comic writer : d. 1753 C.U.a
Allaire, Julien-Pierre, French agriculturalist ; 1742—
1816 D.U.
AllalB, Denis- Vairasse d*, French grammarian; 6.
1630 c.ix
Allaxn, Andrew, of Oxford, English author; 16!i5—
1685 cao.
Allaxnand, Swisa Protestant minister and writer ; 18th
cent B.D.
Allaxnand, Jean-Nicolas-Sebastien, Swiss savant and
scientific writer ; 1713— 1787 U.D.
AUan, bishop of the Isles, l:)05 : d. 1321 L
Allan, Alexander, English philologist ; d. 1842
AUan, David, Scottish historical and portrait painter ;
1744—1796 B.B.r.a
AUan, Ethan, American author : 1742—1789 e.
AUan, Geor^, Eng. antiq. and lawyer ; d, 1800 a.D.a
Allan, Robert, Sci>ttish surgeon and wTiter on ana-
tomy; 1778—1826 D.
AUan, Thomas. Scotch mineralogist ; 1777—1833 CD.
Allan, William. English Jesuit ; 1733-1814 B.
Allan. Sir William, Scotch historical painUr ; 1782—
18J0 B.
Allan-Kardec, Hippol3rte Denixard Morhange, FVmek
Jcwi«h muoician ; b. 1813
Allan-Kardec Hip}x^lvte Denixard Rivail, FVmek
author; ^. ISlV^
Allanteee, or Alantsee, Leonhard, German printer;
d. 1518 a
Allanteee, or Alantsee, Lucas, German printer; d.
152l» a
Allard. Mdlle., Frrnch opera dancer ; 1738-1808 a
AllaniU Abraham, iHitch eograv(T
Allard, Carl, Dutch engraver and printsvUer B.I.
IBanl, GerraM, Mgh admiral of Engknd ; 1304
Gay, French aatiquajy, hiAtorkn, mid gene-
[jlogist; 1645— 171 f} c.i>,K.
, Huych, Dutcli efigmver ; 1700 N.a B.
Jma B*ptijite rierre, Frcocli geserai rnid
BPftj) ; h. IT9H F.
» Jfisa FtmiVQiA, French general ia tlie service
r tlw king of lAboiv ; 1786— lS3d u.d.
~» Jaieiih-FelizT Freoch oooletdiutic anil littem-
tear; 1736—1831 Uli.
iHarO. M. A. L.. French deputy, 1750 ; ex. 1794
AUazd, y 1 -'- ^Tifnch general; L 1798
ASaide Ibert Leroi, Baron d\ French econo-
vast: ^i>t> F.D.U.
AHanllf)^. Iwbert BaroLiy, Eng. pedestrinn ; d. 1S54
AllAItft Hortense, French uuthortrsa ; h. liSOl K
AD«Xt,M*jTG»v, French mnthoresji; 1750—1821 c.y.
D, John, Kngliah diTine ; 1713
, Thonuw, Englkh architect; d, 18^2
, Jofi Jonlin, Engliih |uggler; <f. 1859
, Richard, Engluh religious writer ; ISO^
AUde, Edward^ Bneliiih printer ; 1599
ASHa. Johm Enfltsh printer ; iri96
AUi^ GiroUmo, Italian monk and litt. ; 1600 U. K.
ABft, Thomas, Engliah nodical writer ; 1646
Uledtoa, Romaa gpnenl, emperor in Britain i d.
397* tx H.
Allegnitll»C3matiaii4jfabiicl, French aculptor ; 1710—
ITtS u.D,
iH%Tltii, £ci€one, French laodacape patnier and
fl*fraTi>r; ^. 1736 B^tJ,
iHa^imlit, Gabriel, French painter ; d, 1748 B.
intinsSl, Madalena, Ituluin singf^r ; 1713-1785 KA>,
Hkignon^ Gui»eppe, XuUun urchieologist ; 17I<^ -
U» D.S.
ITWipTfi, Antotne, cation of Clermont and translutor ;
, Jean Harie, Fr. representatiTe ; h. 1793 f.
^^ Atlegretto degli, Ituiiiin political writer;
» JLotoine, Florentine voet ; 1550* ld.
p Cftrlo di Monte Pranoone, Itulian puLntcir ;
, Jaoapo, ItaUan poet and aatrologi^r ; c^.
_ _, . iiaandrt), ItaL iatiriealpoet; d. 1506* O.t.b,
jli^llt JBliiiiiioda tkyrTegeio, ItaliAn iiainter ; 1494 —
OcpoviiiiQ, Italian chemii}t ; 1683 L n.
Qrilgicirio^ ItaUiui UiUiic compoaer; 1580*—
. Lomtn, ItalUr ? -^ - : o?, 1527 b.t.
, FiomiKyoeo, Iti ! an Uiv; k 1522 B. t.
~r Flamizuo^ It r T.
(i/d. (^u>>6»i'}, Italian painter ;
lOl^AKl, FimaeeseOy Italian desiigner and engraTer ;
KiT«r B.
lG(U*eppe. Italian en^Tcr ; 1746 KtL
^J— fli, feiglt»h theologiaji i%nd writer ; l(xi;i —
1, Eng, div, and author; IGll— 16SI o.r.
Eogli^b divine and author ; 1682"^ —
, £i)gli«h divine -, d. 1677
", Jewish commentiitor ; <t 1(>80 lU
. D«orgea, French hiat. pain tar ; 1700 i).
. Jfjus'Baptiflte, French painter j 1750 D.
, Ptiilippe, French painter ; 1642 o.
t O0«mt Zachane-Jacqnes-Theodore, French
, , , Italian painter ; d. 1739 d.
LhCaro, Italian painter ; 1489 D.
I9i% littttj^^, Eagiiah philologist and author ;
Allon, Anthony, Engiiih xnaater in Chancery and
writer J d. 1754 c.a.
AQeo, Benjamin, £ngli«h physician ; 1G{^
Allan, BenjainiOj American divine ; d. 1829 A.
Allexu Ben jamii), American mathcmaUoim] and olaaai-
cal Bchokr ; 1771—1836 a,
Allen, Chorleit, English metUcid wri^^cr ; 16S6
AUen. t 'Siark's, English historian ; 1798
AUen, E\iii», Engliah mathematiciim j d. lttr»3
Alien, Ephrnitn, American physician ; d. 1816 a.
Allen, Ephraim W,, American editor ; 1780*— 1846 e.
Alien, Ethan, American revolution U7 partisan : 1738- -
1789 *^ A.a.e.
Alien, Fifield, archdeacon of Middlesex ; d. 1764
Allen, Fioppart von, Gennau designer and engraver :
1686 B.R.
Allen, Francis, engraver ; 1650* u.
AHen, Fruncis, Engliiili Jesuit ; 1645—1712 R.
Allen, George, Engliah architect ; c/. 1847
ALlen, Hfimaon, American niisajonary ; 1792— 18^U A.
Allen, IFemsin, American politician ; d, IH^H a.
Allen, Ht^nry, English oomediun ; 1819—1867
AUen, Henry, American religious enthusiast ; 1748^
1784 e,E.A.
Allen^ Henry J English courtier ; 1585 q,
Allen, Hi iiry Will., Amer. hhvuJ officer ; 17M— 1813 a.
Alien, liui^li, bishup of Duwn and Gunnor 1573,
hiflhop of Ferns 1582 ; d, 1599 c.
AUen, Iro^ first secretary of Vermont and historian ;
1752*-1814 AM.
Allen, Isnac, English lojtLlist divine ; KSO
Alleint Isaac Nicholson^ Eng. author of tmvels ; d 1855
Allen, James, Amer. divine and author ; 1632^-1710 A.
AUen, James, American divine j 16M2— 1747 a.^.
AUen, James, American imlitician ; 1698—1755 a.
Allen, James^ English di\ino ; 1807
AUen, James, American poet ; 1739—1808 a, a.
Allen, Jennings, soldier of the American revolutionary
army ; 1721—1835 a.
AUen, Sir John, lord chancellor of Irelnnd ; 1550
Allen, Sir John, sheriff of London, 1518 ; lord mayor,
1525 and 1535 d.
Allen, John, sheriff of London ; 1471 d,
AUen, John, archliijibop of DnbUu, ehancellor of Ire-
land ; 1476-1634 . B.W.
AUen, John, American divine ; 1597—1671 a.
AUen, Juhn, English architect ; 16:^
AUen, Johii» sec, of Coanecticut and magi*. ; 1 663 A.R.
AUen, or AUeyn, John^ English physician and scholar;
d. 1741 u.
AUen, John, Engliah divine ; d. 1774
AUen, John, arohdeacon of Salop ; 6. 1810 M.
Allen, John Hensleigh, Eoi^Iish politician ; d, 1843
AUen, Jonathan, Amer. agricidtunilist; 177^—1846 A.
AUen, Joseph, English tUvine j 1712
AUen, Joseph, American politician ; 1749—1827 A.
AUen, Joseph, English artist ; d, 1S39
AUen, Joseph, bishop of Bristol 1834, Ely 1836 : rf,
1645 dj.
AUen, Joseph W., Engliah landscape painter : 1803—
1«52 B,
AUen, Joabna, English dirine ; 1751
AUen, Lancelot Baugh, warden of Dulwioh CoL ; d. 1845
AUen, J^Ioscs, American ecclesiastic and missionary ,
1748-1779 e,R.A.
AUen, Nicholas, bishop of Meath, 1353 ; d. 1367 c.
AUen, Nicholas, English poet ; 1509
Allen, Paul, American poet ; 1775—1826 A.a.c.
AUen, Peter John, English geologist ; d. 1849
AUeil, Ralph, Engliah Jesuit, misaionarj' ; d, 1587* R.
Allen, Richard, Englinh theoL and writer ; ff. 1717 I>.
Alien, Richard, American divine ; 1760—1831 a.
AUen, Robert, Engliah divine ; 1612
AUen, Robert, EngHsh divine ; 1660
Allen, Sslomon Metcalf, American professor of Ian*
g^iogea ; 1789—1817 a. R,
AUen, Samttel, gov. of New Hampshire ; 1635—1705 e.
AUsn, Samuel C, American politician ; d. 1845 A.
AllSll. Samuel James, English divine ; d. 1860
Allen, Solomon, American revolutionary soldier;
1751-1821 cJLE.
AUsn, Thomas, English divine ; d. 1558 q.
AUen, Thomas, English mathem. ; 1542—1632 c.R.f.
Allen, Thomas, Nonconformisi divine and writer :
1608-1673 c.
Allen, Sir Thomas, English admiral ; 1660* K.
AUen, Thomas, English theologian ; 1682-1755 CD.
Allen, Thomas, American e<^esiastio and soldier ;
1743-1810 A.R.a.
Allen, Thomas, American divine ; 1750 — 1827 A.
Allen, Thomas, English historian ; 1803-1833 D.o.C.
Allen, Timothy, American divine ; 1715—1806 a.
Allen, Sir William, sheriff of London, 1562; lord
mayor, 1671 d.
Allen, William, English author ; d. 1686
Allen, William, American divine ; 1676—1760 A.
Allen, William, chief-justice of Pennsylvania and
writer; d. 1726 e.A.
Allen, William, Amer. divine and author; b. 1784 a.c.
AUen, William, English chemist ; d, 1843
Allen, William, English Boman Catholic bishop and
cardinal ; d, 1845
Allen, William Femeley, sheriff of London, 1857 ;
lord mavor of London, 1867-68 D.
AUen, William Henry, American naval officer ; 1784—
1813 C.R.A.
Allen, William Howard, American naval officer ; 1792—
1822 e.
AUen, William Shepherd, English politician ; 6. 1831
AUen, Z., American author ; 6. 179(5 a.
AUenlni, Sex. Papinius, consul of Rome ; 36 n.
AUenson, John, English divine and author ; 1600 g.
AUeneon, Thomas, English divine ; 1550 q.
AUent, Pierre • Alexandre • Joseph, French general ;
1772-18;^ D.
Alleon - Dulac, Jean - Louis, French naturalist and
mineralofost ; d. 1768 D.B.
AUerandre. See Alexandre.
Allerstaln, or HaUentaln, German Jesuit missionary
to China ; d, Pekiu 1777 r.R.
AUerton, Isaac, one of the first settlors of Plymouth,
America ; d. ItidU a.
Allerthorpe, Lawrence de, English baron of the Ex-
chequer, 1377 ; d. 1406 f.
AUestoM, Charles, English divine ; 1695
AUeitree, Richard, provost at Ktun, royalist, and
author; 1619-1681 r.c.D.
AUestree, Thomas, English divine ; d. 1715
AUeetry, Jacob, English poet ; Hr>:^168<i 1KW.R.C.
AUet, Jean-Charles, French engraver and desi^er ;
d, 1668 U.D.
AUet, Thomas, English diA-inc ; 1720
AUeti, I*ierre-Edouanl, French author ; 1798 - 1850 D.
AUeti, l*ons-AugURto, French compiler of eilucational
works; 17aJ-l785 r.D.
Alley, Jerome, Irish i)oet and ixilitioal i»Titer ; 1760—
1827 1).
AUey, P.trr, English pi»ot : IT'M
AUey, Ra])lie. sheriff uf Iiona<.n ; 1545 d.
AUey, Hirhjinl, sheriif of I^iidon ; 14r>2 d.
AUey, William, English prt'lute, bixhop of Kxctcr,
translator of the liible ; 1512* 1570
AUeyn, »/r AUen, E<Iwan1, Enulish actor, founder of
Dulwich ("olloije ; 15«i«t If.'Jt; w.c.
AUeyn, Ji»bn, Kng. lanm of th.* Exchequer; 1509 f.
AUeyn, Thomas, nheritf of I»n<lon ; 1414 d.
AUeyn. Thomas, shoritf of I^ondon ; 1G54 d.
AUeyne, John, KnKli*«h divine ; 1707
AUeyne, J(»hn, English lawyer ; 1774
AUeyne, Sir Thoinas, lord mayor of Tx)ndnn ; 1659 d.
AUlT^er, Johiuin, ( German chess-player and writer ; '/.
1M*1 t.
AUlbond, John, English divine and Latin author : «/.
IIkW lie
AUlbond, Peter, English divine : 1560-1629 B.0
AUlbone, Richard, English justice of the King't Bench,
1687 ;d. 1688 /b.
AUler, AchiUe, French engraver and antiquary ; 1807—
1836 r.D.
AUler, Antoine, French sculptor and representative ;
6. 1793 F.a
AUler, Claude, French curate and royalist ; d. 1793 D.r.
AUler, Dominique, French royalist*; d. 1798 D.C.
AUler de Hauteroche, Louis, French antiquary and
numismatist; 1766—1827 U.D.
Allies, Thomas William, English divine and oontro-
versial writer ; 6. 1811 m.
AUley, Frederic, French technologist ; b 1790 F.
AUlei, Jabez, EngUsh antiquary; d. 1856
Allln, Edmimd, English martyr ; d 1557
Allln, Richard, English antiquary ; d. 1747
Allln, Rose, English martyr ; d 1557
Alllngtiawi, William, Irish poet ; 6. 1828
Alllngton, Argentine, Eng. naval captain ; 18th cent. B.
AUln^ton, John, English divine ; 1678
Allington, William, speaker of the House of Com*
mens; d 1429
Alllngton, William, speaker of the House of Coa-
mons ; d, 1472
Alllngtiawi, William, Irish poet ; 6. 1828
Alllo, Matteo, Italian sculptor ; 17th cent. H.D.
AUlo, Tommaso, Italian sculjitor ; 17th cent. d.
AlllOll, Joseph-Fnns, German theologian and anthor;
6. 1793 ar.
Alllonl, Chalo, Italian physician and botanist ; 1725—
AUlot, Pierre, French physician and medical anthor;
1666 V.D.
AUlB, John, English divine ; 1707
aiumaw, Francis, American divine ; 1705 — 1777 1.
Allison, Patrick, American divine ; 1740-1802 a.
aiumaw, Thomuis English Arctic traveller ; 1697 C.Di
Alllx, Jacques- Alexandre-Francois, French general;
1776-1836 D.tJ.
Alllx, Pierre, French I'mtcRtant thef>loginn, eontro-
versialist, and author in England ; 1()41- 1717 H.U.C.
AUlZ, Pierre, French judge and poet ; d. 1793 or 5 V.D.
A"<^. Peter, dean of Ely ; d, 17o8
AUolsi, Biddassare {Oalatiino), Italian historical and
portrait painter ; 1578— 1G38 B,c.
Allom, Thomas, English architect and landscape
painter ; L 1804 &
AUonvlUe, Annand-Fran^ois, Comte d', French officer
and writer; 1764--18:<2 n.
AUonvlUe, Ix)uis-AlexAndre d\ French prefect and
councillor of state ; 1774 -1H45 a
AUori, AloMsandro (Bronzino), painter of I-lorence ;
15:^5—1607 IMI.D.C.T.
AUori, Christofano, painter of Florence ; 15< t —1621
AUot, John, sher. of Tjondun, 1580; lord mayor, 1590if.
AUot, RolK-rt, EiigliHh po#t ; d, 1W2
AUot, SVilliam, English divine in France ; d, 1590 q.
AUott, Richanl, Eudish divine ; d. 18:)2
AUoo, Churles-NicoLiN, French archantlogist and anti>
quarian writer ; 6. 17f*7 U
Allotl, GilleH, French historical i>«intor; 1711 r.U
AUouette, Fmn^ois de T, French antiquaiy and author;
15:i0-l«;08 U.I*.
AUoory, Limis, French journalist ; b. 18U'i* F.
AUonvlUe, A miand Octave Marie d\ Fr. ^-cn.; K 1809
AUsop, Charles, En-li.oih geolo«/iHt; d. 18.'Hi
Allston, Jo(teph. gcuerul and governor if South Can>-
linii: 1778-1816 A.«.
Allston, Robert Francis Withers governor of Hk>uth
Carolina ; b. ISOl r.
Allston, Wiuihington, Amerii-an p;iinter and anthor;
17M)-1S4:< A SLr.a.
Allston, William, senator in the first American con*
grests; 1757- KW A.
AUuno, Nicola, Italian painter ; d. 14l»2» ! .
AUii|^ik]ilQiD«| Rvnoli advottte, 6&eycIop«di<t ; 174:^ —
Un r.D
inadh Jaa, aw dtf |>2tii9t« of a French fkoatieal writer,
BttBMd E^ M*nati ; 1714 ii.tx
AIlBii SdpflB^ French tmnalator ; d. 1786 u, rx
AUvooria, Heinrich von, G«niiiui theolQgtAn ; 18th
wast D.B.
Mtwood. PhiHp, Engliah writer : tL 1838
AUjm* John^ Ajaieric;ai divine ; 1767—1833 A,
AUn llAttheir, Amerian jtidge ; 1661— 17 5d a.
Aliaactn. or KIhii^tIti. rbnoul Omayd Aboul Yawir,
ArmhiMi writer ; 14tb cent. CD.
I>. Alvmro Yai de, ecmnt of Avranoheff,
> caTAUer And wiurior ; d. 1440 D.
, MoeUmah'ibn- Ahmed, ArftbiAQ oiAtlie'
1 astronomer ; d. 1(K)7 U.
, IHwo d\ SpaniBh jireiicnil, one of the eon*
lof Asm; 1476-1538 Ur.
, Dk^ d\ gov. of Peru ; 1520—1542 a li.
, Abou • Moliamiiied ' ObeydiiUfth, caUph of
87a-a*i a
L XmaH, caliph of Bagdnd ; d, 785 ii.
» Jaoquea, Freoeh theologi&n and Bebolnstic
r; <!. 1516 itD.c.
~i Abonol-Moiref- Ahmed, AraLian hi«rtu«
1189—1256 D.
; «r Kftmoim, king of Toledo * 1(N34 D.
, almh of Bagdad ; d 83:i
AlmUK, JdiB, of Conitantinople ; 15th eeui. n.
French monk and Imgio-
r; ^ ^ u
Fi Arabian cnlinh, builder of
;r58;«t775 a
• JakiiV, k. of the Moon in Bpain ; of. IWH
, Gmieppe, Italiim hebraist ; ft. 1814 d.
^ 9r JOmenia, Engliflh abbot, biihop of Bber-
, lOS£ R.U.C,
ft HoiitA, Ccrant of, Atutrian politician ; 6.
! ■ F„
f, Fanl, Hungarian politician ; ft. 1818 f.
» Antoai<^ d\ Poftu^ote titT^geoQ and author ;
im— U882 r).&.
I d' iPorfUffwett Joan of Are)^ heroine ;
» de, Portiiguete mus.; <il 1633 D.w
» de, conde de Abrantcs, Por-
adxniral, vioeroj of the Indies, 1505 ; r/.
orio de, (?r P. Joao de VaacoaoeUoa,
nit and author ; 1592—1661 D.
k JttauL Jesuit mij^onary ; cL 1632
I ItfRisviieo de, Portugueeo navigator; d.
Fortugueae Jeauit miflaionary ;
Totentino dV Pcvrtiigiieae satirical
I i^.R.
i.>dA,Tbeodoro, Portuguese Orntoi-ian,
, md writer ; 1722 -1803 U. a
S CSSutnv 0on Jaain d\ conde daa
^Plgttiifucae itateaman ; 1757 - 1 8 14 l>. r,
^ de, Portugese viceroy of India ;
Mro Bodriguea de, Spa&bh ceeleaiflstic;
M> n.
JiBi, Dutch painter and engraver ; ft.
I\eodor JansBon van, Dutch pby$icmn»
and eommentat^ir; 11357— 1712 tkltc,
inaiw Spamfth pbys. and author; 1500 R.D.
n^ Ludwig Hartcber von, German jurij^t
writer; 1766— 1827 v.vl
C^hriatu, Daniah painter ; 1742—
ik, Bntm, Fr. genet*! ; 1768—182$ r a
luMMf Cmua; d. Vm
IMTliBf of Badajoa ;
AllZiaTda, D, Franciaeo de, Portugueae theologian and
author ; ft. 1701 d»
Almlet Oiambattiata, Italian jurUt and writer ; 1717 —
1793 n.
AlTnld, Pietro-Camilio, Italian Oratorian and savant ;
Almodovai^, Don TV^^ — niaa de Riberti^ Duke of,
Sjmiilfth dipl., tr- > ^ alitor \ d. 17^M D.c.c.
Almadovar, Dod I ; i 'saa de Kibeni, C^ount of,
Spanish lu^eoeral and stAte«iQan ; 1820 d.
Almoeir, Nik Wilhelra, Bwedich actor ; h. 1799 y,
Almohallahy^ Ijen * Ahmed • Haasan, Arabiazi geo>
grapher : 10th cent. d.u.
Al Mohtadl. calibh at Euiidad, 869 : d. 870
Al Moktad, caHph of Bagdad ; 1075—10^4
Al Moktader, caliph of B«gda*l ; 908
Almoll, Solomon, Levantine rabbi and author; 1500 0. n.
AlmoUf John, English political writer and bookaeller :
1738^1806 c.g,v.
Almonadd, Seboatien de, Spanish souJntor ; L500 d.
iUmond, John, English hebr&tst ; d. 1653
Almoacle. Philip van, Dutch admiral ; KJ4G— 1711 c. d.
HAlmor^ Don Juan, 8pABifih painter ; 18tb cent, D«
Al Mortader. caliph of Bagdad ; 1094-1118
AlniosnlnOp ItluneB-Ben-Baruoh, Greek rabbi, icholar,
and author; ft. 1523 B.o*X.D.
Al Moatadhi, caliph of Bagdad ; 1170-1180
Al Mostanser, caliph of ^dad ; 1226—12-13
Al Moataaem. caliph of Bagdud, 1243-68 ; d. 1268
Al MoBtashed, caliph of Biig*kd ; 11 18—1135
Al Mqtadhed, culiph of Bagdad; 81^2-902
Al Motakl. ailiph of B««dad ; IWO— f»44
Al Motamed, cadiph of Bagdad ; 870-892
Al MotaBsem, caliph of Bagdad, imAi : d. 841
U Hotawaklcel, caliph of Bm]nd, 847-61 ; d, 861
Al Motaa, caliph of Ba^jdad, 8<36'69 ; d, 8<«y
Al Moti» caliph of Bagdad : &45— 1*74
Alznguiitt, Ka.rl Jonas Ludvig, Swedish litterateur ;
ft. 1793 ¥,D.
Altofl, Jamci, English naval captain ; 1760 B.
Almiiatedid, Mu ham eel, caliph of Spain j 1068
Almudafar, king of Valencia ; lOi'A D.
Aloander, Olnf-Jean, Swedieli antitjtiary and biblio-
grapher; 1700 u.n.
Amander, Samuel* Jean, Sweditih bibliographer ; d,
1772 D.
Al Naaer. caliph of Bagdad ; 1180-12^
AlnfKke, Ditleb von, German chronicler ; 1290 D.
Alnwick, William, biihop of Norwich 1426, Lincohi
143t. ; d. 1449 dj\
Alo&dlU, or Ala-Eddln, seventh prince of the iBmae-
liana, or A.^sosain« , 1221 m,
Alqara, Italian prineess ; d. 981
Aloara, widow of Paudulph, prince of C»pua and
Benevento ; d. 9d2 B,
Alois, Giovanni- F^ncesco, Itnlian poet ; d. 1564 B,
AllprandO, Micholangelo, Veronese painter T.
AlCdfl, Maria -Joseph-Joachim-Frunz, prince of Lich-
tenatteiu ; ft, 1706 D.
Alola, Pietro, Italian poet end theologian ; rf, 1667 I.D.
Aloial, Bultasaro {yaianijw)^ Italian painter ; 1578—
nm u.T.
Aloja, Guiseppe, Italian engraver ; 1750 D.
Alompra, or Aloni'pra, or Alaoug-b'^houra, king of
Ava; 1710*— 1760 u.D.
Alonsodeloa Rios, Prtlro, Span, acnlp.; la^O- 1700 n.
Alonso do Mendoxa, Spuniyb traveller ; 1548 u,
AlOBJio de MercadlllOp .Spani^h traveller ; 1546 D.
Alopa, Fnimjiaoi or Fnuiceacho, printer of Florenee ;
1487— 14t»2 IX
Alopap Lorenzo, Italian printer ami scholar; 1494 u.D,
Alopaus, David, Count of, Ruaaion diplomtttist ; 1760—
1831 n.v.
Alop^ns, Maximilian, Ruasian dipL; 1748—1821 D.U.
Alope, Pandolfo, favourite of Joa-nna IL of Naplea;
d. 1416
Juan, Sponiih phys. and author ; 17th ceni D.
Jdojsia^ SigoAf Bpaniah HQthoresn and 1 insist ; 1540
iU^tlUt GiovAjtui-Bihttktii, Italkii timaio com-
iMwr;l€O0 aic
A]|Mieo, AndreA, ItalUu pbjiieijtn ; 1520 D.t7.i.
Alpaide, wife of Pepiu D'Heristal, niid motber of
Olitirlei Martel ; 714 u,R.
Alpalas. rabbi of Salonicbi, writer a.u.
Alp-Araljui, Lbu ed Dyn Abon Cbmiljaa, Soldjouciile
tu] tirn of PcTsiA, low J 1030*— 1072 u, a
ilpedrlnlia, I>. Jorg« d« CoatA, ftrcUbLsliop of Lbbon,
fstitesniuu ; 1400—1508 D.
Alptiacar* Judu-fien* Jotepb, Spaniib rubbi und
writer ; 12th oenU O.D.
AlpbatCTlU UarU, po«t«st of SfiTille ; 8ih cent
Alphandf Charlefl Adolphc^ French cngijieer ; 6. 1817
AlpbauillS, w Alphaai, Itidinn physician and author ;
16th cent Ih
JLlpttftlUbluB, Oiaflomo, Ital, antiq. ; 15th ocnt O.D,
AlpHen,, Ihmwl van, Dutch jitiMt ; 1713—1797 n.
Alplien, Kui9<jbiua Jobana, G^rmiui pniiiter; 1741—
1772 n.
Alpben, Jeroma van, Dutch theologian ; 1700—1750 d.
Alpben, Jarome van, Duteb poet ; 17Hi-180a n.D.
Alphen, Jerome -Simon vmn, I>atob theologian ; 1665—
1742 D.
Alplierlos, or Alpbeiltia, or Alfexl, Jacinthe, Spuiish
physician ; 17th cent. I.l>.
Alpliery, Nikephor^ KuABian Protestant theolojcriiui in
England; 1618 wicU.D.
AIplienB, Mytilen«ii»^Gre«k poet ; lat oont. B.0,* O.x,
AlpheuB, Greek eagraver; 1st cent. B.
Alpblufl Avltna, Roman poet ; l»t c«ot.* d.
Alphonse, Louik, French apothe«ary; 1743—1820 R,u,
Alplionao. Bie Alfonsa.
Alpin, Peter, English itdmiral ; tl 1817
Alpine, king of Scotland, S^iSM
Alplnl, Proapcro, Italian phyiiciaa, botanist^ and
author ; ir>65— 1617 lu v, c.
Alplnus, Latin poet, probably the iamo aa M. Foriun
Bihacalue ; Itt cent. DC ij.x.
llpmzLiii, Johann Baptist, Oormaa phyaioian ; 17 th
cent. D,
Alpteghyn, founder of the dynaaty of the Gaanevides ;
fi, 975 B.U.D.
AlQUle, Alexia, French phynician ; 5. 1812 i\
AlqtUlAi Franijoii-iiAvinien, French writer ; 1670 i".D,
Alqule, Jeftn Dominique, French military surgeon ;
b. 1792
AlQUler, Char1e»-Jean*Marie, French reprcsentatire
•Jttddiploniutijrt; 1752-1826 F.u.
11 BadHJ, caliph of Bagdad, 034-40
Alnld, Joaoe-ibii-Yibeah, Spmiish rabbi ; 12th- 13th
cent, o,u*
Ml BMllid, caliph of Bagdad ; 1135
il BaxIiI, son of Mohammcdj king of Seville and Cor-
doTa R.
Alx«d. See Alfred.
Alrte. king of Kent ; 7^1
Hit Petnift, Danith hiiumcal and portrait painter;
1725^1775 K^a-u.
Ataot, Charlei^Alexandre'Mare-MArcenin, prince of
H«i]ixi, French general ; d. 171M d.
ilmM, Philippe-Qabriel- Maurice d\ Belgian chev>»-
Uer; ± ISffH vak
AlMUM, Thomas- Alexandre-Marc d\ prince de Chimny,
Frt^ iich colonel i j . t>,
Alaace. Thomas Lraia de Henm-Ueiaid, Cardinal d\
art hbishop of Malioet ; 1080- 1700 i». u,
AlMff^r. Thomajt Maatt, Engltah journalist ; d, imO
41i>inil, or Zanui, Saraoea commaader in Spain : f'.
7^1 j^
AUarld, or Alimrto, or DaUa Croce, Vincensio {Alia-
n«#), Italian physician and autluir ; k 1576 U,
Alachliellc. MoMes^ rabbi »nd Gommcntator of Safet in
r]ii>cr Galileo ; rf, 151>2 d.o,e.
Alllooi, Daniel van, Flemish landjcatM indoter: 15S0~
AUlooti Denis van, landscape and portrait paints
AlBop, Anne, English theological writer ; 1801
Aliiop, Anthony, KngUah poet and mlMellaneoua
writer ; d, 1726 IXCB,
AlftQP, Anthony, BngUili dirizie ; d. 1772
AllOp, BeDjamin, English divine ; 1090
AlBOp, George, American author ; 1660*
Alaop, George, Kngliah divine ; l<57d
Alwp, John, EngliHh anthor • lim
AlBOp, Nathimiol, English divine ; 1600
AlSOp, Richard, Amer. poot ; 176t» or Bl —1815
AlBop, Robert, sherilf of London ; 1732
AlBop, Thomait, Engliflb roynl apothecary ; d,
Alsop, Vincent, English Konoonformiat diviDftf
170H w.
Alstau, bishop of Sherboume ; d. 867
Alstedlus, Johnnn-Heinriob, German theologlaii
historian; 1588—1638 C.
Alston, Charlee, Sotittish phytioiaD, botuuely
author; 1G83— 1760 i.
Aliton, Sir Edward, English pbyaioian : d. 1609
Alston, Sir R, high admiral of Kn^knd ; 1369
Alston, or All&tont \Vm., Amer. fiamter ; d. 1890 W,
AlBtorph, Jan, Dutch antiquary ; 1680—1719 C,
Alstroemer, Vhkz orCUudc, Swedish botanist ; 17;
17i*G i>*u
Alstroemer, Jonas. Swedish merchant and mani
turer ; 1G85— 17*51 U.
Alsuf^, Aluoufy, Arabian astronomer ; 903—13186
Alt, or Altziua, Elias, Civmiati pointer ; 1580
Alt, Franz Juhaun-Nioolus, Baron d', Swiia '
1689-1771 U,
Altades, king of Aseyria ; B.0. 1703
Al Tal, cAliph of Bagdad, 974-91
AltBJaonte, Martino, of Naplea, x>atnter: 1657— 17h
Alt&nl, Antonio, Italian prelate and diplomaliiil ;
1450 or 51
Altant Antonio, Italian poet ; 1505—1570
AltAnl, Enrico, Italian poet ; d. 1648
Alfcanl, Enrico, Italian litterateur ; 1653— 17SI
Altaphllsi Uobaiich, Jewish phyiicinn ; 1**3^
AltaiAJejnan, Snllam. Arabian tiaveller ; Utk)*
Altaroche, MauQ Midiel, French litteiaieur Mid
tician ; 6. 1811
Altdorfer, or Altorfer, Albert, Swisa painier aftd
graver ; 1488—1538 tf.CJLi
Alien, Carl-Augu«t Graf von, Gorman general ; 17
AlJMlhelm, Oabrielle Soumet d\ FreDch
4», 1814
Altenstelg» or AUenstalff* Johann, O^nnaii
theologian ; 1510
AltenstMn, Baron Carl Btein von, PniM&aa
Alter, Franx-Carl, (Gorman Jesnit, t*^<i>b|M^
litterateur ; 1740-1 mi
Altliam. German puinter ; 1C(J0*
Altliam, Arthur, English divine ; 1686
AlthAm, Edward, sherilf of London ; 15:U
AlUx&m, James, sheritF of IxiiidoD ; 1557
AlthAm, Sir James, English baron oi the ]
1G07 ; d. 1617
Altluun, Michael, English divine ; d. 1704
Altluutn, Roger, EngUah divine ; 17«t2
Altiiamer, Andreas, Onnan Luthefan
oontrovorniiUist ; 1408-1540
Althen, £hau or Jean, P«raian inbtwlucvr «l
madder plant into France ; 1711—1774
Althof, Ludwig-Christupb, German phy
author; 1758—1832
Althorp, John Cliarles. Karl Spenoar,
man ; 1782—1845
Althnsen, Jan, Dutoh juriat, ptufoiior of lav
bom; 1557-1638
AltloHeno, or AMlgiirt dA SiflO, Ilallaa j
14th cent.
, Iaccoso, ItftUan Jesuit aad ^iitlior ; 1689 —
-AiffiUiexi, of Corionm, poet;
1T« U.D.
Alttel Luifi d\ lUlkn st(itccin»n ; 6. 1805
MXUXtm^ «r AUllo^ GjOifioIIo, Italian lAtin poet ; <f.
mil* Lu.c.
, Hcxnrioh, Oenoaa Proteitant theolo^im and
. I&S»— 1644 r.c.
Jafiotk, GemiAii theologmn^ ohentAliflt, and
, Dutch iheoLoKiBii ; IMI—IGIT U.D.a
Dutch geocr»|>luir, burjrom^ter of
lCk:-1713 ILUO.
; 1514 B,T,C,
r;15SC T.B.D,
- . ^»^^^ i^^.ix.^x^.^iit ftDd ttrohie-
tii%i ' U.0.0.
' ij c s Belgiaii Htt ; t. 1804 F.
J BKiintcj yl Cremona ; I6th o©ut B.D.
, Fhu&oeaoo AiitumUf Il&liAu painter; 17 tb
«nl B.a
41tOBiaf»» Qiovmiii* IUUau pbyiiciui mud author;
Ifilh eeoL I.U.
AHwnwt, Dotwi'^ / Italian phyBician, natu-
nilit^iBdflOlbr It. i.u,G.
AltdlUMllI, Attdfi: . nj^a^er; 1728 B.
iXumn^M* MjuriiEiv, ItJ^uoi painter and engraver;
W7— 1745 N.B.D.
» J<4auia Samuel Eduard von, German [iliy^i-
f 4 1803 n.
, JcMtf}ih >rilhelni Eduard von, German nxkiu-
r»l«t *»d antiquary ; 1772—1840 1>.
Altoa, Rir)v4rd GraJ von, Auairiiui general ; 1720—
17>» .ir ^:j U-D.
4)toa, AMUiarn. Eogliah divine ; 13:10
Aitop-gh»t de LifoiBrea, Kdinoad» Comte d\ French
r aad politician ; h, 1810 F.d.
Bett Altdosftir.
^ «ir Altamit. Fr. poetexs ; 1550—1606 D. B.
ilimtt Anttimo, abp, of Fk^renee; 15>1— 1573 D,L«.
AltOfHt, JbfAfaeiJle d\ Flortnline jKietCM ; </» 1009
AtlittAlt £luu^ German physician and mc>dicid writer ;
kUi2 OF.
» N»plitali, German rabbi and author ; 16ib
t IL
1^ John* Etttttlali po«t ; IfiSO
, Wdbelnit Gertnan engraver ; lG->0* b.R.
iofSel«ey; 755* </./.
Kf^ircAL-o, lialiau mathematician, philologiit,
iirv &r«Altja.
AlTif A«t^rK»,r
vTtf«r aad iui»M
ibM^giaii : ^. i
; t itl i AH imi tit«r • d. 1492* d, b. y. t.
' "' ' ^ iHifcettr; 6.1806 F.
; 16D4
Lit^Iuiii wrUttf ; 1623
» K. I L.,^:.T 1- — r-iican, myttio
L554 It,
- ; </. 1585
r ; d, IK'iO
iLiab prole^or of medicine at
, I'Qrtugueie J^Kuit and tbeologiiin ;
I d«y Spant philmit. ; 1514—1584 lke.
iVkp^tBymtL Jefuit and iitt. ; d. 1617 E.DJJ.C,
^IHaf^SpsnUb fKiiiiiju. ui, profeMorof tbeo-
1m^ ta 8f Min Ati d Fl< * c • d. r. c . £.
iSfVvi, irct. , r art Ui! Q. . 1525— 1583 M. U* e*
Mhvm^ fVaiiHawo^ i^ortu^ucte irdLveUerMMl writer on
Al3r«nMtUlS;<i.«/WrXM0 d.b.c.
AlTurei, F. Joona^ Fortngiuefe writer ; 1500 T.D.
Alvares, Jaun, Mexioin general ; L, 1780* h,
Alyares, Lorenzo, Spanian painter ; 1G40 b.n.d.
Alvarei, Manuel, Spaniab iculptor; 1727—1797 n,d.
Alvares^ Martin don, count of Ooloniera, Spaniih
generul ; 1714—1819 r.D.
Alviirez, Nunez, Spaaiab pby«ician; 16tb cent. d.e.
AlVBxes* Pedro, Span. me<L writ, and commentator d»
Alvarez, P.Gongalo, Portuguese Jesuit and mi^sionarv:
d. 1573 D.T*
Alyares, P. Luiz, Portugueae Jesuit and writer: 1018—
1709 i>.
Alvftr©«, Thoinu, Spanish phyii. of Seville ; IStid D.
AlyareSf Thomf, Portuguese canonist ; 1000 T.D,
Alvarez-Borg&B, Juan, Spauiab veterinary vurgeon;
1<>60 jxiL
Alvarez-Cabral, Fenlinando, Spaaish [>hva. ; 1636
Alvarex-C]iacoii*BidacU8, Si>aDiiih jibyaician ; 150(> u.
Alvarez da Cuiiha, D. Antonio, Purtu^uese writer ;
1626-lOtM) D.
Alvarez de CastrOt Spaniih phytiioiau and writer d.u,
Alvaroz de GastrOt Mariauo, Spanish general : 1770*^
1810 ILD.
Alvarez de Colmenar, Juan, Spanish or Freoob writer;
1707 D.K.
Alvarez de lUraval, Bbi«iua, Spaniab doctor of theo-
logy and medicine ; W^JT D.
Alvarez de Orlente« Fei-uao d*, Poriugueio poet; d*
1.^95 Y.D.iLa
Alvarez de Paz, Diego, Bpautiib Jesuit and author :
1500— 1H20 E.D.
Alvarez de Rlbera, Franciseo. Spanish jurist ; 1530—
1G05 B.D.
Alvarez y Baena, Joaef •Antonio, Spanish biographer :
d. 1803 0,K.
Alvaro, Giovanni, liidiun painter ; 18th cent, U,
Alvaro Peiagio, biahiip of Silvea, in Algarve, and
author ; d. 13.V2 b,
AlvarottO, Jacopo, Italian legist ; 1385—1453 l.D.c.
AlvaruB, Puulus (Ci/rditltensis)^ Span. writ. ; d. 801 D.
AlveUBleben, Albert, Count of, Pruasian Htateaiuan ;
f*, 1794 D.M.
Alvensleben, Carl Gerhard von, Prusaion general;
1778-1831 R.C.
Alvensleben, Philip Cjirl, Count of, Pruasian diplo-
matist and stiitestnun ; 1745—1802 K.D.U.t?.
Alveme, Ankelylie de, sheriff of T>ondon ; 1200 d,
Alvee, Roliert, Scottish fXHjfc ; 1745—1794 D»
Alvey, Henry, Puritan divine; d, 1027
Alvey, Richard, Eng- master of the Temple ; d. 1584 q,
Alvey, Thomas, English phyaiciim ; 1695
Alvey, Yeldard; loyal vicar of Kewcaatleon-Tyne: tt
Alvlano, Bartolomeo, Venetian gen, ; 1455^1615 U. EL
Alvln, Lo\iis Joseph, Belgian author ; b. 1806
Alvlatzl, Peter, Hungarian Protestant clergyman find
controversialist ;«17th cent. D.R.
Alvlazy, Jom^ph, Baion d*, Austrian' fiidd-maishal ;
IT'^'O or 35-1810 c.D.
Alvteet, Dom Ansene, Fr. Latin author ; d. 1698 B.U.
Alvlaet, Dom Bcuuit, French Benedictine writer;
(/. 1073 v,ti.
Alwathik-BUIall, AWu Djiifar Haroun, caliph of
Ihindiul S42; d, 847 p.u.
Alwlg. bUhop of Lindsey, 733 ; d, 760 d,L
AlWili, hisbop of Elrahum • 1010 </./.
AlwlD, I :»hop of Wlnche.'iter, 10:^2 ; rf, 1047 dJ.u.
Alwln, Sir Nioholaa, tthorill of London, 1404 ; lord
mjiyor, 14J>9 dm
AlwinuB, biiibop of St Andre wi ; 10th cent. i.
AlwyuB, nbbot of Westminster ; d. 820
AlwynB n., uh\wt of Wcsitudnater ; d. 837
Alxliiger, J uhunn- Baptist d*, German poet ; 1755—
171*7 O.R.a
Alyattes, king of Lydia ; d. B.C. 562 u.d.x.
Aly-Cliyr, or Aly-Slilr (the Emir)^ PeiBian poet» king
of Khonwan ; d 1500 O.B.
Alym-CKisral, 34th khan of Crimea ; 1755 U.D.
AlyngUm, Robert, English divine ; 1400
iUyiiBon, Edward, English divine ; d. 1541 q.
Alynton, Robert, Eng&h author; 1525
Alyon, Pierre-Philippe, French botanist and chemist ;
1758»— 1816 F.u.
Alypivm, philosopher of Alexandria; 4th cent. U.D.c.
AlypliiB of Antlocli, architect, engineer, and poet ;
963 u.B.a
Jdjplvm, Greek writer and musician; 4th cenl* D.B.
Alyplili, archbishop of Csesarea D.
Alypliii, bishop of Tajasta, in Africa, 394 ; d 430 B.C.
A]^ii. Rice, English divine ; 1649
Al Zaher, caliph of Bagdad ; 1225
Alate 7 Banuzei; Jose Antonio, Mexican astronomer
and geographer ; d. 1795* D.B.
Amahla, St, minister and patron saint of Riom, in
Anyergne ; d. 464 U.D.
Amae {Bokhari), Persian poet ; Uth cent. CD.
Amade, Ladislos, Baron d*, Hongarian poet; 1703—
1764 D.
Amartut, Carlo - Antonio, Italian physician and
botanist; d. 1720 D.
Amartirt, or Amadao, GioTanni-Antenio, Italian sculp-
tor ;d. 1474* T.D.
" 0, Stefano, Italian painter ; 1589—1644 T.D.
d, Domenico, Italian poet ; 1657—1730 D.L
1, Guiseppe-Lniggi, Italian scholar and poet ;
1701-1773 LU.
Anuutons, count of Savoy ; d, 1148
Amadens L, count of Savoy ; d, 1078 U.D
AsiadeiiiIL;d. 1080* u.d.*
Amadens m. ; <t 1148 u.d.
Amadens IV. ; 1179—1253 u.d.
Amadens v.; 1249—1323 u.d.
Amadens VL ; 1334—1383 u.d.
Amadens Vn. ; 1360—1391 u.d.
Amadens Vm., first duke of Savoy ; 1383 -1451 u. D.
Amadens DL, duke of Savoy ; 1435—1472 u.d.
Amador Rebellow Portuguese Jesuit and writer;
1539-1622 D.U.
Amador de los Bios, Don Jose, Span, author ; b, 1818
Amadroi, Jacob, Swiss colonel in the service of
France ; 1719-1812 U.D.
Amadnzzl, Gianchristorforo, Italian philologist, anti-
quary, and author : 1740— 1792 u.n.
Amalarlc, king of the Visigoths, 522-31; 6. 502, d.
531 R.D.
Amalalrens Fortnnatns, archbishop of Treves (810),
and ambassador of Charlemagne, 813; d. 814 U.B.C.
Amalalms Synphorlns, bishop of Lyons and Treves ;
825 R.D.C.
Amalasanta, queen of the Ostrogoths in Italy, 526 ;
c{. 535 D.R.
Amalberga, niece of Theodoric, and consort of Thoris>
mund, king of Africa ; e/. 527 D.
Amalek, grandson of Esau u.d.
Amalll, CoDstanza d\ Avalos, Duchess d', Italian
poetess; d. 1500 l'.
Amalgald, archbishop of Armagh, 1021 ; d. 1049 or
50 c.
Amalger, Swiss monk of St Gall, archt ; 10th cent d.
Amalie, duchess of Saxe-Weimar, patroness of litera-
ture ; 1739-1807 R.U.D.
Amalle, Anns, ))rincess of Prussia, siKtcr of Frederic
the Great, music composer ; 1723—1787 U.B.O.D.
Amalle, Catharina, German poetess ; 1640-1696 D.
Amalle, Klizabeth, landgravine of Hesse -Canol;
1602-1651 D.
Amalrlc, vr Amanrl, Amohlus, abp. of NArbonne,1212,
crusader against the Albigenses ; d. 1225 U.D.
Amalrlo, Augeri, French Augustine monk and histo-
rian ; 14 th cent. U.D.C.
Amslteo, Girolomo, Italian painter; 16th cent B.T.
Amalteo, Marco- Antonio, ItaL poet ; 1475-1558 l.D.
Aamlteo, Pomponio, Italian historical painter ; 1505 —
1588 &D.T.
Amalthe!, Attilius, Italian archbishop of Athens;
1550—1636 D.
Amalthe!, Comelio, Italian poet and phyaieian;
1530-1603 U.D.C.
Amalthe!, Francesco, Italian Latin poet u.a
Amalthe!, Giam-Battista, ItaL poet ; 1525—1573 D. B. a
Amalthe!, Girolamo, Italian philosopher, phymdan,
and poet ; 1506— 1574 ld.
Amalthel, liarco- Antonio, ItaL Utt ; 1475-1558 D.
Amalthe!, Ottavio, Italian philosopher and physician ;
1543-1636 Li>.
Amalthe!, Paolo, Italian Minorite friar and Latin
poet; 1460-1517 U.L
Amama, Danish landscape painter ; 17th cent V.U.
Amama, Sixtinus, German Protestant, theologiaii
and hebraist : 1593—1629 u.c.
Amand, St, bishop of Bordeaux ; 402 U. D.
Amand, St, bishop of Maestricht, apoctle of the
Netherlands ; 593—^9 or 84 U.D.
Amawd, Jean-FrancoLL French painter and engraver ;
1730-1770 K.D.
Amawd, Pierre, French surgeon ; d. 1720 U.D.
Amandns, Aensus-Salvius, Roman gen. ; 285* u.B.
Amanien des Escas, Aragonese troubadour; 13th
cent R.U.
Amanthnm, Claude-Nicolaa, French political writer ;
1760-1835 F.D.
Amantlns, consul of Rome ; 345 h.
Amar, Jean-Pierre Andre, French representative;
1750-1816 F.u.
Amar-DnrlTler, Jean-Augustin, French litterateur;
1765-1837 F.D.
Amarsrfllnglia, Hindu poet, grammarian, and coun-
sellor U.D.C.
Amaral, Andres do, Portuguese chancellor of the
order of St John of Jerusalem ; d. 1522 D.B.
Amaral, Antonio Castano do, Portuguese writer and
antiquary ; 1753—1820 U.
Amarl, Emerico, Italian publicist ; 6. 1810 F.
Amari, Michele, Ital. hist and politician ; 6. 1806 D.F.
Amartah, Jewish high-priest ; B.O. 840 B.
Amarlton, Jean, French jurist ; d. 1590 ix
Amaroo, poet of Hindustan ; 1st cent. e.
Jewish ^neral ; d. B.C. 1019 H.Di
Gregono, Italian litterateur ; d. 1541 I.D.
. Pompilio, Italian litterateur ; d, 1584 D.
Amaseo, Romolo, Italian litterateur and diplomatist ;
1489-1552 U.B.C.
king of Egypt ; d. B.C. 526 U.B.X.
Persian general ; 5th cent. B.a H.D.X.
Amastlnl, Italian engraver ; 1750* n.Dl
Amastrls, or Amestels, consort of Xerxee, king of
Persia ; 5th cent. B.C. U.D.X.
Amastrls, daughter of Oxathres, consort of I^yii--
machus, king of Thrace ; d, B.C. 288* X.B.
Amat, Felix, Spanish eocles. historian ; 1750— 1834 D.
Amat Paul Leopold, French musician and smger ; h,
1819 F.
Amata, Guiscppe, Italian missionary to India ; 1709 —
1832 u.
Amati, Andrea, violin -maker of Cremona; 1565 —
1620* K.D.
Amati, Basilio, Italian author ; 1780—1830 B.
Amati, Girolamo, Italian antiquary ; 1768—1834 IXB.
Amati, Nathan, Jewish phys. and translator ; 1278 D.
Amati, Pasquale, Italian antiquary ; 1716—1796 IL
Amatins, Caius {Pttudomanu*), Roman impoelor;
&c. 42 ax.
Amato, or Amatns, Italian monk, bishop, and lAtia
poet ; 11th cent U
Amato, Elia d*, Italian Carmelite and writer ; 166S—
1747 tn.
Amato, Francesco, Italian painter and engraver^^^
Amato, Giovanni Antonio, Neapolitan painter; 1478*-*
1555* T.B.IX
Amato, Giovanni Antonio {the Younger), ItnKaa
painWr ; 1535-1598 T.B.U
GunepiH) d\ luljjui ntiitioiLuy ; 1757 —
J«ra-)UH«, lUl antiqnary; 1666—1726 IA\
JoMs Uodii^em {Amaftui LttJfit^nwt), PortU'
Jewiali profdsftor of phjriic, Acholar, and
; LSll— IfiGS D.U.B.
Kicbele d\ ItttliAn t)ieologiAii and author ;
Scipiooe^ ItaliiLQ linguist ilikI jiiruit ; 1610 Ld.
VmocsQxiD. It^an abbot iinil niojiio com-
; 1829—1670 i,d,lmi.
ViiMseiixio, linliiu) historian ; 1070 i/.r.
I, GitisepTi«, ludjiin pftinter D.
Paolo, lUiliiin paiut«r D.
dell Cbla FiioUsio, Italiftn pa.tut«r nnd
t 1530^ B.1VT.
■ ASBAiO, Cintio d\ Italian surgeon^ bikrber,
aDd aathor ; 17th wnt, D.
ED^tOJ^ Jtimn Carlo«, Spaalah physician and author ;
Ihh «fit. u,
■BtBi^ Lsoxuuidci, SieQian phf iioian and author ■ d.
I, or Almerlc. kiii^ of Jenualem (1165);
ua^'oras— 117:$ u.a
of Jerusalem, 11!M-1205 ; d. 1205 u.
or Aimeric. patriarch of Jemaaletn,
l]»;dL110O D.
Jmub^ Co Qyurtiret^ French philoAopher and theolo*
f)tt ; IffH B. h\
AmAUj-DUTil, Eugene EmmaQuel, French painter;
Spaaiili painter ; 1682 b. d.
Spaoiah jurist ; 17th cent. d*
ijoff of Judah ; B.C. 837 K.
Fnncoia d', Flemiah piunter and sculptor ;
m~iiiia ED.
iCeael d«, Spaniih painter ; 1640 B,
V Cnhriatoph, German painter and engraver ;
IM*— 1550 or 63 lb. a
PicTT* Dnjat d', lord of Amberieu. in
port ; 1738-1821 R.ia,
Flerrv-Dagai d*, French litterateur;
^ John RfMMll, Viecount^ ion of Earl Russell^
dittcka : A^ 1842
Achim Miurie Jean Jacques Alexandre
Jiks^rer-i -^-rp writer: 6. 1804 f.
Mul of Rome ; 126 «♦
1 ; B.C. 700 ti.x.
pniii^e iixtd lender of the Ebnrones ; Bx.
H u.x.
■Mm iMB Jdldait Arabian viceroy of Spain, 724-26 ;
Fnnce^oo. Italian Utt. ; 1692-1627 i.i».
. Liieiiu»'Tiir|iio^ Boman actor u.
^art««, English lawyer ; d, 1794
Charles d\ French eookaLob-tical mu^i-
Fnacbembeo^f Count of, French admiral
la|ka%uiili tervice; d, 1796 g,a
iaiaie-Je«n-Antciine, Marquis d\ French
; 1711— 17U7 D.C.R.
Ke«tor-Maximovitch, Riiaftian physician,
aad author ; 1T40- 181:2 D.r.
BfilK. AdriieiL, bishop of Treguiur ; d, 1013 ih
Mm, Aimetic, prior of France n,
Mtai^ AiAery. grand master of the order of St
^ oi JcroMleis ; 1434- 1512 v. B.
Fmaoc« d', wife of Peter IL. duke of Bnt-
,^_ French litterateur and councillor
i<i^;lG«)— 1620 D.ti.c.
, - -_^_ d\ French cardinal and minigter af
jj^ XL. MuhViihop ot Rouen ; 14*i0-1510 u.k.c.
"■ A*J5^ seigneur d*Au bijoux il
buhop of Clermont d.
^ iB«MQ«ne
ft Mm^
Amlioti*! JaoqiiM, Fkeiieh m.d., rector of the nnirei*
iity of Parui, IfiW ; d, 1606 u. D.O.
AmtiiQliM, Jca» d\ bishop of Langrcs D.
Amljolae, Jeiin, seigneur de Buasy, governor of Kot-
nuuidy ' d,
AmlX^lsei Joan, French surgoon ; 16th eent. V,
AmlMilBeg Liiui«, biiihop of Albi d,
AMbolse, :\Iichael d\ French poet and translator ; U.
1547 V.u.o*
AmbOfiBe, Pierrt, biahnp of Poictiere d*
AmbolB^p I'ierre d\ lord of ChAunioitt in.
Ambra^ Fmncescod^ Ital. drum, author; d. LVS8 D.D.
Ambrogl* Antonio-Mariai, Italian antiquary, povt, and
author; 1713—1788 v,VLC.
Ambrogl, \Mmeuico (Menkhi no d4iBrtsw)i Bolognesa
painter; lti78 t*B.D.
AmbroglO^ < jreek monk and pn inter ; 16th cent. T*
AmbroglO, Giovanni, Ital. painter and rcuIj*. ; 1370 D,
Amtoroglo, or AmbroslOi Teseo, Itulinn orientttlist ;
146^—153^40 n.R.a
AmtTOBCh, JoHGjiih-Cnrl, German mnsician and musi*
c&l author; 175»— 1822 U.K.
AmturcNMll, Joseph Juhua Athanaaius, German archjc-
ologist ; L 1821 r,
Ambrose {(he Camafdoleae), Italian theologian and hel-
lenist ; 1378—1439 u.R,c.
AmliToe^ {Kamemhj), abp. of Moaoow; 1708—1771 D»
AmbroB©. Miss, English actreaji ; 1790
Ambrose, Ausbert^ Benedictioe, abbot of St Yineenl-
Voltumo, eccleaidstical writer; d. 778 ti,D.
Ambrvtse, iJatiicl, Engliili loyaJ divine ; 1(H4
Ambrose* laa&c, Eng.iriinL^ter and author ; d, 1664 ii.c*
AmtirOBet John, English captiun ; d, 1771
Ambrose. Sir ThomHH, abentT «f London ; 1718 d,
Ambrose, Williiim^ Englisli poet ; 16^
AmbTOBD de Qombez, French Capuchin and writer;
17t*8— 1778 1>.R.C.
Ambrose, Ambroniua, one of the fathers of the Latin
Church, biahop of Milan ; S40— 3i*7 ii.D.
AmbroflliLl, Bflrtholomeo, Italian phydcian and hot*
aniat; d, 1*157 u.a.c
Ambroslnl. Hiacinlho, Italian hot. ; 1605- -1672 l).R.c
AmbroslUiEi, Grcuk monk tind puinttr u,
Jjnbroslus Aurelianiis, Biitish king ; d. 508 t.D.
AmbfOSlUa^ Autjiertiii!, French Benedictine monk and
Latin biogmpher ; d. 778 R-D,
Ambros7r Wennel - Bemhard, Bohcniian paintor ;
1723-1806 N.TJ.
Amt>YieM, Johann-Ludwig, German jKjet ; 1750—
1800 w.D*
AmbustmB, 0. Fabius, Roman consul ; B.C. 3" 8 H.X.
AmbuatttB, Q. Fabius, Rotnun consul ; D.C- 412 H.X.
AmbUBtma, ij. Fabiiia, Roman military tribune; b.c.
35>0 H.X.
AmbastUJ, M. Fabiu^, Roman consul, RC. 360, 356,
and 354 ILX.
Amcotes, Henry, sheriff of London, 1542 ; lord mayor^
1548 d.
AmelL Angnste, Baron, Fretich gen. ; 1775—1822 lUV,
j^melli^oti* Hubert-Pascal, French antiquary and aca-
demicifin; 1730 1811 u.F.
Ameinlaa, Athenian archon ; B.C. 423 tu
Amelnocles, Greek shipbuiltler ; B.C. 700 h.d.x.
Amolpslas, < Jreek ctunic writer ; B.C. 414 h.x.r.
AmeleBagoraa, or Melesagonui. etirly Greek hist. t?,x.
Ameli^ard, Flfmish priest and kgist; 1470 v.d.
AmoUa. Bee AmaJie.
Am6lla>, Marie-Frederica Augusta, prineau of Saxnny,
dramatic authoress ; 1794 f.d.
Amelia, Marie Fredcrioue, queen of Greece ; h. 1818 p.
Amelia, Princess, daughter of George IlL ; 17a'J— 1810
Ameller de Taulouse* Fr. troubadour ; 12th cent. n.u.
Am©lln, or Hamelln, Fr. ofRcer and litt, ; 1557 R.V.
Amelin* or Hainfllln, Jt?an d\ French ot^icer and
translator; 1560 U.D.
Amelia©, Claude, French Oratorian monk and theo-
lofiiao ; 6. 1624 or 36— 1706 R. o, o.
Amnlllllj Etrurian pkiloBophor ; 3d cent. U.B.
AmellnB, Martin, German jurist ; 1526—1590 D.
Amelot, minister of the household to Louis XVI. ;
18th cent. B.U.
ABuHot, Sebastien-Michel, bishop of Vannes ; 1741—
1829 D.R.
Amelot de la Houssaye, Nicolas, French historian and
litterateur ; 1634—1706 U.D.C.
Amelotte, Denis, French monk and author; 1606 —
1678 B.U.O.
Amelifoort, Quirinus van, Flemish painter: 1760 —
1820 B.
Amelnnglii, Gcronimo, ItaL burlesque poet; 1547* R.U.
Amimdola, Ferrante, Italian histoxian ; 1664—1724 D.
Amenophls L, king of Egypt ; s.a 1821 h.u.d.
Amenophls n. ; b.o. 1686 h.u.
Amenophls UL; b.o. 1618 h.u.
Amenophls IV. ; b.o. 1322 h.u.
Amenf^hls V. ; b.c. 1062-53 h.u.
Amenta, Nicola, Italian comic author and scholar ;
1669-1719 • I.U.C.
Amentes, Greek surgeon, mentioned by Galen ; d. B.C.
264 m R.X.
Amentls, Greek surgeon ; Ist cent. D.
Amefbach, Boniface, Swiss jurist and author ; 1495—
1562 D.U.
Amefhach, Elias-Nicolaus, German mus. ; 1571 K.D.
Amefbach, Johann, German printer ; d. 1515 n.c.
Amefbach, Vitus or Veit, German profeusor of philo-
sophy ; 1487— L'i57 R.D.C.
Amer BlaCkham-Allah, Aboul-Mansour-Amer-Kamil-
lab, caliph of Egypt ; 1095—1130 D.U.
Amez^gln (Mac-Atnalgaid), Irish writer ; 670* D.
Amergin, chief of the Scytho-Mylesian colony in
Hibemia ; B.C. 1100 D.U.
Amerlcns-Vespadas {Amerigo-Vespucci), Italian navi>
gator; 1441— 1516 u.L
Amelre, Robert, English dramatist ; d. 1610
Amerlghl, or Moilgl Michelangelo da Oaravaggio,
Italian painter ; 1569— 1009 I.c.r.R.T.D.B.
Amerllng, Friedrich, German painter ; b. 1803 T). v.
Amerot, or Amerottus, Adrien, French grammarian
and author ; d. 1560 D.
Amersberry, Martyn, sheriff of London ; 1294 d.
Amersfoordt, Jacob, Dutch philologist and writer ;
1786-1824 D.
Amersfoort, Evert van, Dutch painter ; lOa^ d.
Amenham, John, monk of St Alban's ; 14.50
Amerval, or Amerlan, Eloi d', Frvnch litterateur ;
14th cent. D.R.
8, E<lward, En;(lish divine ; d. 1(i82
, Edward, Anu-ricun MrthtKiiMt Wp. ; b. 1806 e.
es, Fisher, American orator and politic*! writer ;
1759-1808 ^ A.ra.R.
Ames, John, English antiquary and topographer :
1689-1759 c.u.
Joseph, English naval captain ; 1619— 1G95 D.c.
Nftthaniol, Anioricun astronomer and physi-
cian ; 17(W 1765 d.a.
Ames, Nuthuniel, American author ; d, 1835 a.
Ames, N. P., American manufucturor of fire-arms ;
1803 1H47 A.
Ames, Kichnrd, English author ; 1693
Ames, William, English Puritan divine and author ;
1576- 16:W K.W.C.
Ames, William, English divine ; d. 1689
Amet, .f oHCphino Junot d'Albrantes, I*Yench authoroRs ;
6. 1802 V.
Amftevllle, French naval officer ; 1«;92 U.D.
Amherst, J effroy, Ix>rd, Eng.p'n.; 1717—1797 R.A.c.
Amherst, WiUi-un Pitt, 2nd I/ord, 1st Eari of, English
diplomatist, governor-cvn. of India; 1773 --185f I).
Amhorst, Nicholas, English i)olitical writer and poet ;
1706* 1742 W.K.C.
Amid, Frauc<vico, Italian engravrr b.
Amid, Giambattista, Italian optician, physicist, and
SftroDomer; 1784—1863 F.D.
Amid, Tommaso, Italian sculptor ; 15th cent. D.U.
Amlco, Antonio d*, Italian antiquary uid historio-
grapher ; d 1641 U.LC.
Amlco, Bartholomeo, Italian Jesuit, philosopher and
theological writer ; 1562—1649 D.u.i.a
Amloo, Bernardino, Italian prior of the order of Fran-
ciscans ; 1596 U.LO.D.
Amlco, or Amicus, Diomede, Italian physician and
author; 1600 U.LDu
Amlco, Faustino, Italian poet ; 1534—1558 U.I.D.
Amlco, Felippo, Italian litterateur ; 6. 1654 U J.D.
Amlco, Luigi* Count Castellafero, Italian diplomaUst;
1757—1832 U.B.D.
Amlco, Baymondo, Italian Dominican and musioian ;
1600 K.D.
Amlco, Stefano d\ Italian Carmelite, poet; 1562—
1662 D.U.I.
Amlco, Vito-Maria, Italian nobleman, prior of Monte
Casino, and historiographer-royal ; 1697* — 1762 cu.
AmlconL See AmlgonL
Amicus, Bonaventure d\ French Capuchin and
painter ; 16th cent. d.
Amldano, Pomponio, Italian painter ; 1595 B.n.a.T.
Amiei, Louis Felix, French painter ; 6. 1802 r.
ATnielB, Gaubert, French knight and troubadour B.
Amlgaisl, Giambattista, Veronese painter T.a
Amlgonl, Jacopa, Venetian painter; 1675—1752
Amlgonl, Ottavio, Italian painter ; 1605-1661 B.U.T.
Amlk de Bokhaha, Persian poet ; 12th cent. d.
AmlTiaddtn de Nasalahad, Persian poet ; 1420* d.
ATnlntinns, P. Volumnius, consul of Borne ; B.a 461 H.
Amlot, Joseph, French Jesuit missionary to China
and author ; 1718—1794 u.
Amlr-Kansour, Ottoman cali))h ; 1096—1130 u.
Amir, caliph of Smyrna ; d. 1345 DU.
Amlral Cais, Arabian poet B.r.
Amlrdovalt, Armenian physician : 1465* d.
Amkerbaldns, abbot of Dunfermline ; d. 1106
Amleth, or Hamleth, prince of Juthind : b.c. 200 n.
Amllng, Carl-Gustav d*, German paintor and en-
graver; 1651—1702 B.r.B.
Amlnnghl, Girolamo, Italian poet ; 16th cent. d.
AmmsBUS, Dominic, German professor of law and
writer ; 1579-1637 n.
Amman, Georg-Christoph, German phys. ; 1650 D.c.
Amman, Josse or Jodocus, designer and painter of
Zurich ; 1539-1591 B.C.C.
Amman, Johann, Carman engraver ; 1640 a.B.
Amman, Johann, Swiss physician and botanist ; 1707k-
1740 u.l
Aminan, .Fohanu Conrad, Swiss physician and author ;
K»69— 1724 U.D.C.
Amman, Johann-Jacob, German surgeon and tc«Tel-
ler ; 1586-ltK)8 a
Amman, l*aul, German physician, botanist, sad
author ; 1634-1691 u.BX.
Ammanatl, Bartolomnieo, architect and sculptor ef
Florence; 1511- -UkSI^ C.I.C.
Ammanatt Giovanni, Italian sculptor ; 1340 n.
Ammantl, LAura Battiferri, Ital. i>oetess; 1513— 1U9
Ammenemes, king of Esypt ; b.o. 1215 h.
Ammenephthes, king orEgypt ; b.c. 1259 b.
Ammlanos, Greek wmi ; 100 n.
Ammlanus-Maroelllnus, Greek Latin historian ; 3)0^
390 H.x.u.a.c.
Ammlrato, Scipio, Italian historian and pablkirt;
1531— ItJOl Lr.a
Ammon, Andrew, or Andreas d'Arena, English post ;
d. 1517
Ammon, Anton-Blasius, German mus. ; d, 1590* en.
Ammon, Clemeuz, German engraver ; 6. 1690* ixa
Ammon, Friedrich, Wilhelm Philip Yon, OeraHUi
ProtestiUit theologian ; 6. 1791 « W»
Ammon, Frieflrich August von, German phyaifliaaea^
writer; 6.1799 na
Ammon, Johann, German engraver ; 1700* &
KazI WHhelo)^ German trainer of horsea
nmter; b. 1777 e.ixv.
bn4h«r of Mtnb, father of the Ammonitei ;
KC. U.D.
or jtin0HTl| founder of a monafltic order in
Andra, lAiin poet, secretary to Heary
M37-1517 Ltr,
{L4tiu>iimiU9\, GIl mirg.; 8.C. 283—247 D.x,
Olyinpic victor: RC, 256 h.
Chiiatian philoaopher at Alexandria ;
Gre«k gremmariaiii pontif of an Egyptian
188 X.IX
Greek poet ; 438 R.n.
(A.mmimiu9 ffermia), Glc philoe, ; 480 ij»c.
lAmpintisli^ Greek writer, preceptor of
Flutanb ; dd cent B.X. D. it.
iiiiinntlM g«CC>l» Greek philMopher ttdO. Platoniat
olAlocaadjia: ItiO*— 243 b.x.u.b.c
Biebard, Engliah diaBenting preaoher and
«ntie; 1736— 1303 C.R,
tmbfat ai Menta : 1240* n.
AnlbflDy-Oeorge, Dutch negro astronomer and
wilier; 170(^175&* CD.
arehbtthop wf tyona, SIO ; d. 852 u,r.
O^vek writer ixx.
|3^ of Jndma, B.C. 640 ; k G62, d. 638 a. U.
GoiUaame, French philosopher, engineer,
in ; 1663-1705 d.d.
Cbrlo, Italian abbot, geographer, and natii-
1740-1816 c.i>.
MarU-Pelegnna, Itaruin anihoreas and
ol jnropmdence ; d^ 1787 t;. p.
PierTe^oseph, French physician, nataratiBt,
a»d vnter ; tL 1824 u.o*
F^mo^oia, French cctlonel, promoter of gyiii-
; ixej^-'is^ u.a
Asfeonio, ptiiinter of the Roman achool ; d,
Cwpar, Bavarian painter ; 1612—1676 rx
Boafebiiia, Oemum Auguadue theologian and
laee— 177S i>.t.c.
Engliah hnmorbt and writer ; 1691 —
liih dissenting theologian and
rheta; d. B.C. 785 H.D-
rm a,
r^i^s; if, 1860
■ inditt : d. 1824 CD-
N advocate in Tur-
i.. ..„..,. . . V a; ; 1739-1812 v.u,
Onilljftiuxie de tintiiiU -trench dootor of the
c^irnn cf Beauvaia ; d. 1272 u.n.
I^ i*.' Saint, Fr, dfiCtor of the 8or-
n * I 111 versi ty , Pa-riu ; 1 6 1 'J- 1 HK7 i mi.
. , . . , I'esar d' , Fr. tcu] ptor ; lt>82 D,
QmiQiifJBlden, Jnhann-Qeorg von, Ger-
mam M»9k a&d profauor ; 17^—18:^2 d.
of Glosdalloch ; 8th cent. r.
Iiioeiaay Koman writer ; 'M cent. n,
ABdn^Mftrio, French physician, chemist,
writer; 1775— 1S3« u»d.
Joi&^aeqnea-Antoine, French author; 180O
king of ^-'
kJQg of
British martvT ; d, 286 rc,
Atbeniau sopbiat and rhetorician ; 1st
Gree^ hist., quoted by Athenieua d.
. 1107 (?)
luni; rf. 394
V. 420
; H.C. 320
utor; B,L\ :i20
Wmaaa, KngUsh |ioct ; 1808
AmpHulsna, Peter, English physician ; 1106
Ampltu, Titus-Flavianuiv, Roman gentursLl ; 70 D.
Ampslnck, Paul, English topompber ; 1810
Ampalag, J oh an n Asucms, I>atcb phyiidan and
author ; 1559— 1(M2 d.R.
Ampxliig, Samuel, Dutch poet ; 1610 d.
Amr-Aldjahedl-Al-Basrt, Arabian scholar; d, 868* Dw
Amr, Ben-Bfthr {Aldjahedlt)^ Ambian geographer and
naturalist ■ 9th cont. rx
Amr-Ben-El-A«, governor of E;^pt, 659 ; t|, 663 u.iu
Amr-Eea-Selthoum-Btag-lebi Arahian poet; fib
cent D.
Amr-Ben-Lala. prim-e of Khonwan ; 879—002 u.R.
Amr-Ibn-Ahdelrahiaaii, Ibn-Ahm^d-ibn-Ali, Ara-
bian phystician and geometrician ; d* 10t}6 a
Aiiir-It)n,-0thiiiaiL, IbuKanbar-Abou-Hiahr, Arabian
grammarian ; d 810 j^
AiDLTy-Al'CaiB, Arabian poet
Aznsberg', Augu»t Fliilip Uhrtatian Theoilor von, Oef^
man admin iatrator ; b. 1789 F^
AmBdorf. Nik las » German Lutheran theologian and
author ; 1483—1666 u.a
Amaler, Bamael, Swiss engraver •1794—1849 B.D.
Amfitel, Cornelius Ploos van, Dutch engraver; 6.
1732 KH.
AltHtel, Jan van. landscape painter B.
Amthor, Caspar, Gyrraan phys. and author ; 1.T04 a
Amthor, Chris top h^lenry, Danisb jurist; 1678—
1721 u.C,
Amthor, Ulrich-Joachimf German physician; 17tb
cont. D»
Amucaid, bishop of Eildare ; 981 <*.
AmullO, or Da Mula, Marc-Auionio, Italian cardinal ;
1505—1570 LD.
Amullufl, Roraan pninter ; 60* v^,
Amullus, king of Alba ; <^ B.a 754 tT,ax.
Amtirath I., or Murad, sultan of the Ottomans,
i;W) 8*1 ; K 1319, d. 1389 u.a
AmiLrath H., 1422-51 ; h. 1404, d 1451 aa
Amurath EH,, 1575 95 ; L 1544, d, 1595 it. a
Amurath IV., 162:^40 ; b. 1610*, d, 1640 u.a
Amu58at, Jean-Zuleraa, Fr. Burg. ; 1796—1856 D,F.
Ailly, S., EugliRb writer ; 1681
Amy, American slave who lived 140 vears; 1686—
1826 * a.
Amy, N. , French advocate ; '/. 1760
Amyan, C^audiuA, Enjrlish syrgeun ; d, 1740
Amyand, Claude, English physician ; d. 1774
Amy&t, Thomaa, English antiquary ; d. 1850 g,
Amycleufl, Greek sculptor ; B.C. 500 d,
Amye, Sir John, EngHsh civiliuii ; 1621
Amyn-Ahmet, Persian savant ; 16th cent. VX,
AmyiL, Mohammed, ailiph of the Ahaa^idcs (808) ;
785*- 813 U.D.
AiDyiiauder, king of the Athemanea : Sd cent. D.
AmjUtaa, king of Assyria; B.a H50 H»
Amyntai L» king of aiaoedon ; b,c. 640-500 aax.
Amymtos IL. king of Macedon ; b.€. 393—360
Amyutai;, grandson of Angu^itus IX. X*D«a
Antynt&fl, king of Galntij;i; c/. B.c. 30* ax,
AmyntaB, Greek hiitUn>rical wiiter ; B.a 330(f) D.X*
Amyntas, Macedonian general ; B,€. 'SM U.D.X.
Amyntianiig^ Greek historian ; 2nd cent, U.D.
Amyon, Jean-Claude, French roiiresentative ; 1735--
1803 F.a
Amyot, Jacquea, French bellenist, bishop of Atixerre,
and writer ; 15 i:i— 1593,
Amyot, Jacoues, French editor ; b. 1805 F.
Amyrattt, Cnri«topher, Puritan divine ; 1648
Amyraut, Moise, French theologian iind Protestant
oontroversialist ; 1596— 1664 aB.0,
Amyrtoiifl^ king of Egypt ; ro. 500 ax.
Amyratia, George, favourite of David, emperor of
Trebizond ; 1161 X.
AmytU, oonjiort of Cyrus, king of Persia u.p.X-
Anaeaona, ITsutmn authoress^ consort of the cacique
Owjaabo; 14l>2 i>-
Anxihamiat Scjthion travelkr snd pMcMMpber; dL
B.C. M8 U.D.X.
Amacletm, buhop of Rome, 7S*91 ; iL 91 hji.
AlULClBtllfl, Peter Lcot^ antipope, 1130 ; d. 113d u.R.
Anacoana^ queen of Xint^pu^ in the lilnud of St
AiuuTecm, Greek lyric poet ; B.C. 5C.1*— 476* X-R.
kUMSmX^, PaoUuccio, first dogo of Venice, €97 ; d.
717 L.I J.
4tiag]i<iata, Jokn, Grcelc historian ; 15th cent. RU.
▲naldmrbetli-Hln^ or SMmlfllibaJ-Ettbklra. king of
IfiiieTeh; B.C. ]18^;j iLnmrti)
Analca MerodaJc BMmlBli Bar, kine^ of Nioeireb^ or
Ajtffria; B.c. IMK) {Laf/ard]
Anan, or Ananua Ben David, Jewiah rabbi, restorer of
the Kurtute sect ; 750* o.D,
Aaailla, Giovanni de^ Italmn jurist ; d, 1458 l.D«
Aaanla, Giovanni' Lorenzo, Italiaii arohieologiBt i fi,
1582 i.D.
Aiuuila BhiracxmenElB, Aimcniiui matbematictan ;
7th cent. D.
, high'prieMt of the Jew* ; 49 D.
painter and meueogor to Abgor, kin^ of
; Ist cent. r>,
ABanlas, Jewlnh philo»c»p!iical author r.
AnanUB, Ben Shor>het, Jt^mjih ruhhi ; 2<!i'* O.ix
Aoaaco^ Juan do, t^jpaniah IraveUt^r ; 1543 l\
Anastasl, Augunto, Frcncli lancUcape painter and
lithographer; 6, 1819 r
ATiawtaitl, Gioraimi, Italian painter ; 1654—1704 ]k
Anaataala. Chrutiaii martyr at K^jme ; 303*
AnaJitaala, the name of aeveral female martyn in the
Romial) Church
AnaataatiiB I. {Sf{entiaritut\ etopcror of the East (491*
618); 430-518 U.D.
Anastaaliu O,, cmp. of the E«iit» 713-715 ; d. 719 i%i>
Anaat&Blllii I, m, bp. of Rome, 398-401 -, d. 401 v,D,
Asaataatua IL, Ht, bp. of Rome, 4mS» ; d. 498 L.D.
Anaataama HI,. Pope, 91M3 ; d, 923 an. h,
AnattaalUB IV. { O mradl ll5;J-54 ; d. 1151 u. i >. »,
AnaataaiiiB , a n t i } » q^ ; 855 l\ it,
Anaataalua, jinirj.irch of ConjttantinoplG, 730 ; d, 753
Anaalaatut 1. bbboi* of Antioch ; rf, 599 i\
AmaalaatUfl IL, biibop of Antioch ; d. CIO B.
AnaataalUB, biahop or Jerutmlem ; 4^8—478 H.
Aaaatoslufl, Fl, eoniul of Rome ; 617
Anaataalufl, monk of Mount Sinai, theologian and
eoclenaatical writer ; 078 v.nx.
Anaataatua [the Lifjrarian)^ eocleiiaitioal writer and
librariftti at the Vatican ; 880 H.u.a
Anantarina^ AKtric, Benedictine bUhop of Colo«k,
and apcwtle of Llunffiuy ; 954 — 1044 u.U.
^ 1 Of PaleiUne, eocleaiaiitical writer ; Uth
Bohemian Capuohin monk, writer, aad
angraver ; IIj^jH p,
Anaataiiui. Olivtur de Baint [dt Ci-uck), Flomijli Car-
molito and writer ; d. 1G74 uji.
Anaataslus (CiutiHeMit)^ monk of Mount Caaluo ;
8tb cent. ti.
AnatoUiaa, 6t, biahop of Uodiooa, 269, mU maibe-
matician u.d.c.
AnAtoUua, Gn&ek PUtonie philMOfaMf ; 8d oeot. D.f7.
AiuttQUtta, eoiuitil of IConie i U(^ a,
AnatOUiia, mtriaroh of Conataatliiopla ; 4fiO d*
AiiAleUlM, Greek Juriat i 630 d.
iBiMliia TUutaolna {AMOHon), Qroek writer: d,
»0 n.
I, Greek phibi«>pUer j B-O, 600—428 li,ft.X-
I, Greek aautptor ; u.c. 480 ti.DX,
r, king of HtNirta ; 7th eeol, B.c, H.X.
r, Greek palnUr D.
AnaiaiUlrtdeB, kin^r of 8paxt«, a.c 699^16; d.
Aitajfandridca, Gre«k oomic aad aaMHa poet t ii,o.
Aaaxarclim of Abdera, Gmk pUlea ; »,<% 330 b*x.
ma, king of Laced.'emon ; d. B.C. 608* H,X,
.us, Pythagorean philoa, and phyaician u. R.
US L/tyrant of Rbegium ; d, 0,0. 625 X^tJ.Jt.
UB IL, tyrant of Rhe^aum ; rf. B.C. 476 l*r?.R,
,1IB, or Anartlaa, Gk. oomic poet ; b,c, 340 D.x*
AnaTlmanrter of Iflletua, Greek ph0oaopher, first ile-_
aigner^f mapa; B.C. 610— 547 u i« :
AD&Zlinenea, Greek historian ; D.C, 334 B.c.<
Anaxlxiieiiea of IQletuap Greek pbiloaopber ; d, ad^
600 ILW.3K-
Amaxippaa, Greek eomie poet ; B.C. 306 n.B.x.
Anaya-MAldonado, EHcgo, aroUbi<hop of SevilJe and
Taraia; 1360*— 1440* v,IK
Anburey, Thoma*, English traveller ; 1789
Ancautlienis, Ckude, German phyaician and 1
grapher ; 16tU cent U-I
APCaranOj Gaipardo, Italian priest and poet ; Ifi
cent. tLB
AncaJrano, Pietro, Italian canonist ; 1330—1410 D.1
Ancaraao, Piotro- Giovanni, Italian juriti and poeti
1650 U.qS
Ancel, Daniel Kdonard Jule«, Fr. ; h, 1812 \
Anceletp Oiibriul Auguste, Frmch archite^:t ; 6. 1829 1
Ancelos, E. A., Frenchphyaician and writer; 182*
Auceloti Jaoquefi-Araene-Fran^oia-Polycarpe, Freed
dramatic author ; 6. 1794 I
Ancelot, Mnrguerite-Vii^nie Cbardon, French atitlia
CM ; b. im HA
Ancbarano, Pietro d*, Italian joriat; d. 1410
1417 u.D.a
AnctLer^ Pebr Kofod, Daniab jurist and atataeiiwii|
1710—1788 P.IT.«
A&elieridzi, or Aogarliifl, ]kUtluaa, Dasiiab
gi«t; 1682—1741
AniHiania, Cardinal; d. 1286
AlUflkleta, Jose de {ApoiUe of th^ Kf^ Wortdl P(»
itigaeseJesutinii^aionarytgBntail ; 1533—1597 iLt
Aziddeta, Miguel, Sponiab ictilptor ; 10th oent
AnctUlUi, N., Flomiah painter; 1688—17321
AndllTea, Daniel, French poet ; L 1586
Anohiaaa, Athenian archon ; B.C. 488 &.|
AncllOiimn, John, Engliah pbilologiit ; 1637
Andllon, Charlea, French liiatorian and critic; 10
1716 cut .
Ancillon, David, French theologian and jut-ist ; 1017^
Andllon, Frederic, French pbiloeopber, liiateri
and statt^smtui ; 1766— lft.'17
AncUlon, JoRcph, French iuriat ; 1626—1719
Auollloti, LouiB Fricdericik, German author ; 174
Anr.lTia, Giovanni {Giut*emit\ Italian prtdale,
and miitlieiiiatician ; 1545—1604
Anckanraerd, Karl Heiurich, C^iunt, SwedlaU i
man ; L 1782
Anufcartatroam, John-Jaei>bi. Swcdiah
aaaaaeio of Gaatavua III. (17U'i) ; 1751—1793
Andker, Uana, Dutch cngmvt-r ; 1 5th f>«Qt.
Auckwlcx, Kicoloa, Count, Puliah aiatoamji]
Anocma, Andrea Lilio d*, ^ella Marca, Italian |
Anoona, Ciriaco d*. Italian antiquat7 ; &, 1391
Anooira, C^aetano d\ ItaUaa antiquary and
Anore, Conoini Ooncinio, Italian, marabal of ]
d, 1617
AtUJua-MartiUB, fourth k. of Home; d, B.a 614* m
Andala, Ruard, Dutch philosopher and the
Andaoa. Suevlo kiog uf Spain, 683^ or 7 1i,.«
AndilrOb Joan-Ferdnando, grain lee of Pi>rtii^l, fairooi
ite of Leonara Tollex ; d 1383 r.i
Andelarre, Jtdea de Jaquoi, Marquii of, fWod
politician and magistrate ; h, 1803
AXkdalarre, Louia Paoot, Marquis d% Fraaeh
and deputy ; 6. 1795
monk of Corvey* BAXony, painter and
^adigBBl^Domenico, ItaL luidie&pe p4iint«r ; 1720* b.
ksiMlllll* Laeio-FniDcesctv Italinn pbjaiciati and
MTtlior ; ISth oenL D,
' ~ ', Fanstino^ ItaliAn engraver ; 1790 B.
, Pi«tro, lUliiUi engraver ; 1784— 1S49 B.D.
, Gottfried Enfelbert, French Ittt, ; b. 3795 y.
, QeoTgf German travtiller ; d, 1675* a.u.c«
J Hana-Chriitiant Danuh thwt and ncivelist ;
KlBtas an.
Ladnratn, Laurent or Lara/ S wed iati Mrant^ chiin-
edkr of GosUrna Va«a ; 1480—1552 V.r.
iniitKwmn, Feter, I>uu«h pinter ; 18th cent. n.ik
fclrfimnil, AjoUm, Scottish conmiercud hiHtoriAnk ;
IflSB— 176& K.U.C.
, Adam, Sn^h writer ; d. 1846
, iEne^s, Esglish writer on China; ct 17^5
t Alexander. Catholic divine ; 15G0
, AlejL, !^' ' ' ithern. ; b. 1582* B,D.c?.
f Alexaii t naturalist; iL 1813 D.
Tury engineer ; 1810 - 1855
, Alex. Jijhut I>raUh officer in Indin ; cf. ISiiJ
, Aaihouj^ English divine ; d. 1592
, Arthur, En^iliah promoter of steam-navign-
. ■ . 6. 1792 M.
» Ohaiie» John, Swedkh explorer of Africa ;
, Barid^ Scotch poet ; 1821
, Darid, English seulptor ; 1^47
DaYid, btftbnp of Rupert's Loud, 1849;
M dj.
&T Edmund^ English lord chief joatica ;
iadnwm^ Qeqrge^ Bng. Rutem traveUer; 160Q*— lti75
AadancB, G«>r8e, Scotch dirino ; 175<>
AateloiB,G«<»rKe;Eng. geometrician; 1760—1796 u.c
AflderaoOM Sir Q«M)tge William, governor of Ceylou -
ITW— lfi37
, Henry, iiherilf of London ; l&Oa t/.
, Heniy, English poet ; ieS37
, Henry, KnjjHsh divine ; 1085
Henry. Ameriu^n nxAthemati cUn nnd
i«r ; 6. 1798 F.
llteiiiBt Henry Andrew^ founder of El^in Andcrjuim
* r ; d. 1824
, laaae, American divine ; 1780—1857 e.
, Jmmtmt KngUBh divine ; d, ir»95
, Jama*. Soaltiiih hi«toHan, anUquary, and
1662—1728 H.D.C.
i, Scottish divine i n Am erica ; b. 1678 A .
I Jamttp SeottislL ngric ulturaliat and write r ;
,Jaftie«, American phyi.; 1751*— 1820 a.
, James, Scottish genc&l. ; 18lh eeut, K.Ti.
• Jaoiea, English phyiiciAU stud philoeophi'
■twRfeer; d.l«S09* a
,j»-iif^ St.. t*^h divine; 1804— 180:J
ft Murray, canon of Bristol
rman juriit, geographer* and
74-1743 iKV.c.
. > iigluh loraUst ; d. 1653 Ik
J4>ha, Si-ottith Preabjterian minbter
Iwmrr; 1<>71— 1720 l>.
John, Engliah physician and author;
I, JoliQ, Eu^'lish phy«. and author; rf* 1804 D,
h colonel in Indiii ; b. 1809
, J h dipl and traveller ; rf, 1846
,J. ,,u, .- ...axdiviiie ; 1790-1864
*J- W.. KngJiah writer on elocution ; 1797
J, W,, iheiiff of London, 17111 ; lord
.im d.
kJe^mlTallaee, American phyideian; 1802—
^mte, EnglUh vocalist j d, 1848
Andersoo, Patrick; Scotch Jesuit ; d. 1624
Andeimoit, Patrick, Scottbh phyrician and author;
17 th cent. c.Dl
AJiiJeraon, Pnul, English geneml ; d, ia51
Anderson, riulip, English divine ; d 1857
Aaderson, Kiclmrd C, Americ*n divine; rf, 1826 A.«.
Anderaon, liolHCirt, English iilk- weaver, geometrician,
and writf-'r; 17th cent, d.
Anderson, Hobert American general ; 6. 1806
Anderson^ llobert, Euglivh biograpliical writer; 1750 —
lH;iO D.
Anderson, Roberi;, Englij^h poet ; 1770—1833 d,
Anderson, Kohert, Eng. vui*geon and natur. ; d, 1856
Anderson, Rufus, American divine ; 1765-1814 a*
Anderson, Thomiis, Engliih surgeon and medical
writer ; 18th cent. W»D.
Anderson, Walter, Scottish divine and writer ; 1720—
1»30 D.C.
Anderson, WilliAm* English natumliit ; 1675 w.tx
Anderson, William, English priuter ; tx. 1G93
Anderson, Willijvm, Scotch prei flier j b, 171>'3 U.
Anderton, ^Vllliflm, KngliJib agriculturalijit ; 1816
Anderson, AVilliara, Baptiafe mmUter ; d. 1833
Anderson, William » Kogliab marine pointer; 1767 —
18:37 K.
Anderson, William, English Heutemmt ; d. 1848
Anderson, WiUiam J>., Eu^'li^h civil eH§riiieor; tL 1842
Anderton, Hcnrv, Enghah hiatoricAl and portrait
patritcr; rf. 1665* B,D,
Asdcrton, Jame«, English Cntholiccontrov.; 1604 B.U,
Amdlca, king of tlio Suevi, id Spain ; 58.)
Andienof Clermont. French flower painter; d, 1783 t;.
Andler des Roclies, Jean, French engraver ; 1741 \%
Amdig^e de la Chasse, Fnm^oia, Murquis d", French
deputy ; ft. Un t.
An^Jon, Eddy u-Hh can Djemal, Indian eax'ant and
lexicographer j lOtk cent U.D.
Andlau, Peter d*, Gennnn jurijvt and hiatoriajij rector
of the university, Mle ; d. 15IXJ* itU.
Andlaw, Htiinrich lieinhard von, German politician ;
b, 1802 F.
Andocldes, Greek general and orator ; &, ii.a 467* —
391 U.11.X.
Andoqne, Pierre, French historian and counsellor ; d.
1064 u.ii.0.
AndouUle, Elmond, French ndniiniiit mtor ; h. 1804
Andover, Jolm, English divine ; 1422
Andrada, Alfonj^o, 8piiniiiih Jesuit, biographer, and
theologian; 15110-1672 R.u,B.
Andrada, Antonio, Portuguese Je«uit, miasionary to
Indii and Tai tsiry ; 15S0- Ki.'M E. tMt.o.
Aadrada, Diego, Portuguese poet and critic ; 1576—
1600 £.U.R.
Andimdja, I>iego Payva de, Portuguese theologian ;
1528—1575 E.u.aa
Andrada, Diogo de Paya, Portuguese antiquary and
poet, 1610 ED.
Andrada, vr Audrade, Fermio Perez de, Spani*h
architect; 14th cent. E.D,
Andrada, Femuo Perez de, Portuguese mariner; 1505 n.
Andrada, Franeifioo, Portuguese poet ; 1600 li.C,
Andrada, Jacinto Fi-eire de, Pttrtuguewa theologian
and liis>tnrian ; 1597— 1657 U.D,
Andrada, Mi^tel, Leitdim de, Portuguese histomn ;
b, 1555 D.
Andrada, Paolo Gonzalez de, Portuguese poet ; 17th
cent. D,
Andrada, Pedro Feniundt^z de. Span, writ ; 1600 d.
Andrada e Bylva, Bfmifncio JrfEe de, Brikzilian »tatei-
mnn and natundut ; 1765— 1838 O.
AndrflB, Vh. Christ. Geo,, Danish politician ; 6. 1812 F.
Andrag^athus, gen. of cuvalrj' to ilaxicnius ; d. 388 i'.
Andral, Gabriel, Fr. phya. and author; h. 1797 IJ.M,
Andrasy, JuHua, Count of, UungnriimMtatsm. ; 6. 1825
Andrasy, Mano, Hungarian revolutionist ; 1848 D.
Andre {Stihiuji)^ French chi-onicler ; 12th cent, D.u,
AB.6T^{Pciii-Phrt-Andr€), Fr. preacher; 1582— 1657 U*
AND 40
Andre, French eccleBia«ticRl writer ; 18th cent. u.D.
Andre, Antoine, Joseph Mnnrice, Baron d\ French
general and senator ; 6. 17S9 F.
Andre, Charles, French hairdresser and dramatic
author; 1722— 1756 u.D,
Andre, Christian Carl, German political writer; 1763-
1831 D.
Andre, Elie r/r Helie, French philologist ; 16R0 D.
Andre, Emilo, Grerman arboriculturist ; 6. 1790 f.d.
Andre, Fran^oiii, French physician and writ ; 1700 D.
Andre, Jean, French Dominican and painter ; 1662—
1763 B.U.N.
Andre, Jean Francois, Fr. priest and litt. ; 6. 1810 F.
Andre, Jean Francois Gustav, Fr. politician ; 6. 1805
Andre, Johann, German theologian and Lutheran con-
troversiidist ; 1528—1590 u.D.
Andre, Johann, German music composer; 1741 —
1799 D.U.
Andre, Johann Anton, German music composer;
1775-1845 D.U.
Andre, Johann Valentin, German theologian and poet ;
1586-1654 U.K.
Andre, John, adjutant-general of the British army in
America, 1749 ; ex, 1780 B.A.
Andre, Jules, French painter; 6. 1804 f.b.
Andre, Jules, French representative ; 6. 1809 F.
Andre, Louis Jules, French architect ; 6. 1819 F.
Andre, Lucuas, of CyrenCyJewishfanatic; 2nd cent. u.n.
Andre, Marius, French representative ; 6. 1808 F.
Andre, Michel, French abbot and author; 6. 1810
Andre, Nicolas, French surgeon ; 1704—1780 D.
Andre, Rudolph, German agriculturalist and economist ;
1792-1825 I).
Andre, or Andres, Thierri-Eraest, painter of Cour-
land ; 18th cent. D.
Andre, Tobias, (German physician and doctor of philo-
sophy; 1633—1685 D.U.
Andre, Valere, Belgian scholar and bibliographer;
1588-1656 U.D.
Andre, Yves-Marie, French Jesuit, philosopher and
theologian ; 1675—1764 D.u.
Andre, D*Arl>ellcs, Fr. polit. writ. ; 1770—1825 r.u.
Andre de Longjnxnreao, French Dominican mission-
My; 1238 R.D.
Andre de Saint-Nicolas, French Carmelite anti(iuary :
1650-1713 R.II.
Andrea, canon of B<»rgHnm, Ital. chronicler ; 870* i.r.
Andrea, Itiiliun m<mk and writer ; </. IIWJ d.
Andrea of Pisa, Italian nrcbitect, sculptor, and en-
gineer: 1270 — l.'U.'i u.
Andrea, AloMsundru i\\ Tt:«lian historian ; ft. 1519 D.U.
Andrea, AleiMiuidn) di, Italian engraver ; d. 1771 B.D.
Andrea, Francesco de, Italian jurittt and writer ;
1625-ir,HS D.I.
Andrea, Ofronimo. Italinn KtntcRman ; ft. 1802
Andrea, (iinvanni d', caiioiiiMt of Ikilogna ; rf. 1348 v.
Andrea, (liovanni- Antonio, bishop of Aleria, Coreica ;
15th cvut. U.
Andrea, Jacinto. Spanish physician ; 17tli cpnt. i).
Andrea, Niculo di, Italian minter and engraver;
l.->r,6-16()4 i>.
Andrea, Onnphrio d*, Neapolitan i>oot ; </. 1647 u.i.
Andrea,Zonn or Oiovjmni, Ital. rngravor ; 16tlicent. n.
Andrea della Croce. Italian surgeon ; d. l.^so d.
Andrea del Sarto (Vtiminrcfii). Florentino painter;
14SH -VuV) R.n.
Andrea, St (Anl}inn\ Italian Thoatino and cccleKias-
tical«' ; l.VJI -1«M).S D.r.
Andrea-Squasella, U•^^. painter, pupil of A-«1H R«rto
Andren, Abr., abp. of rpmtl, n»ntn>viTtiMt : d, WM d.
AndresB, orAndresson,! iudmuud, pbiloHopliical writer
of Icrluid; 16:^0 i(;:>4 n.
AndresB, Jnbann, ({(^rman bistorian : 17th cent. tku.
Andrea, .Tobann-(!orhart-ltoinbart, Gcnnan cbcuiii^t
and scholar; 1724 -17? '3 n.o.r.
Andrea, Jolm, k«»««|M'r of the aicbives to the counts of
Xasrrfiu ; 17th C4*nt. K.l'.
AndresB, Tobias, German philosopher and writer,
1604—1676 D.U.
Andreada, Fernando de, Portuguese adnural ; 1518 R.
Andreani, Andrea, Italian painter and engrayer;
1540-1623 RU.c.
Andreas, Greek physician of Carystus, in Eubsoe;
4th or 5th cent. B.X.
Andreas, archbishop of Csssarea ; 5th cent. d.
Andreas, Andreas {CrHenns), abp. of Crete ; 800* D.
Andreas, abp. of Lund, Sweden, 1201 ; d. 1228 D.
Andreas, archbishop of Crain, ecclesiastical writ«r ;
d. 1484 D.O.
Andreas von Staffelsteln, German Benedictine; d.
1602 D.
Andreas, Bernard, English poet-laureate ; 1522
Andreas, Johann, of Batisbon, German chronicler ;
1410 D.c.
Andreas, Juan, Spanish writer ; 1500 D.
Andreasl, Ippolito, Italian painter ; 1600 B.D.T.
Andreev8ky,£:tienne-Semenovitch, Bussian physician ;
d. 1818 D.
Andreevsky, Iwan-Samoylovitch, Bussian physician ;
d. 1809 D.
Andrehan, Amoul Sire d\ marshal of Fr. ; d, 1370 r.R.
Andrei, Antoine - Francois, French representatire ;
1740—1800 D.F.
Andrelnl, Francesco, Italian comedian and dramatic
author; d, 1616 r.D.c.
Andrelnl, Giovanni-Battista, Italian poet and dramatio
writer; 1578— 1650* I.U.c.
Andrelnl, Isabella, Italian actress and poetess ; 1562 —
1604 I.D.C.
Andrelnl, Pietro- Andrea, Italian antiquary andauthor ;
1650—1720 1>.I.
Andrelssen, Anton, of Amsterdam, painter; 1746 —
1813 D.H.B,
Andrelssen, Ilendrick {Maukenhcin)^ Flemish painter;
1600—1655 U.B.
Andrelssen, Jumaan, Dutch decorativo arti>t ; 1742 —
Andrellnl, Publio-Fausto, Italian modern Latin poet ;
1440—1518 U.11.C.
Andreola, Filippo, Neapolitan painter; d, 1724 D.i.
AndreoU, Gior;;io da {(Juhbio), Ital. sculptor ; 1498 Jf.D.
Andreopnlus, Michael, Greek grammarian and writer;
15th cent. i>.
Andreossl, AntoinoFram^oitt, French general, repre>
sentative, and scientific writer; 1761— 182?J U.R.
Andreossl, Fran<;oiR, French mathematician and en-
gineer; 16:« 1688 ^r.R.
Andreossl, Gactano, Italian music comi>oser; 17<k(—
1628 i>.r.
Andres, Antonio, Si>an. Franoi««cnn author; 1300 F-IX
Andres, Bonavcntur- Johann, German Jenuit and lit-
terateur ; 1744-1 822 D. u.
Andres, Carlos, Spanish writer ; 17r>3— 1820 ix
Andres, Juan, Spanish Jesuit, savant and author;
1740 1817 M,r.8.
Andres de Ousseme, Tomas, Spanish numismatist and
writer; 18th cent. Dl
Andres de San-Nlcolas, Spanish Augustine monk and
writer ; 17th cent. r.E.U.
Andres de Ustarros, Juan-Franci^^co, Spanish histo-
rian ; 1606 1CA7 D.I.
Andrencci, Filippo, Siennoao civil officer and m-riter;
17:«-1«07 1.
Andrew, St, one of tho twelve a|M>««tles ; Ist cent. r.l».
Andrew, bivliop of Caithness, 1 \M\ ; d. USi L
Andrew, bishop <»f Dromore : rj45 r.
Andrew, bishop of Anoie ; \'M)4 t
Andrew, bi>hop of (Jalloway ; 1368 t
Andrew, bish.ip of Orkney ; 1478 i.
Andrew, Lord Kvan«lale, lonl clmn. of Scotland : 1470*
Andrew of Wlntown, canon of St Amlrews ; 1420
Andrew, ablwt of Wigmore ; 1174
Andrew de Morayla. l)p. of .M»»rav, 1222* ; d. 1 j42 k.
Andrew I, king of Hungary, lOtOrd ; '/. 1061 c.u.
r IL {ffitrtmljfmiiam}, king of Hung.ir7 (1204-
\ 35) ; 1175*-13;i5 I .D.
lEL (ti^ Venetian}, king of Hnngniy, 12W-
a3ai;«11301 t.D.
{MmaMdtomtih)^ gmnd-duke of Rusaia,
jmsMseeiQmodetzi d. 1304 luu,
{Andrcauo)^ king of Naples;
f [Jklfotwthtkif), gnuid-diike of Ros&m ; 1 1 10—
W, James, sheriff of London, 1302 ; lord mayor,
, Jauksi, Scottish mathcniAtioiAii, author of a
r grmxiuniir and dictianury ; 1773^1833 |?,R. I).
f [Taro^lauriUhu grand-duk© of BusaiA, pnrico
at WUdifEiir ; d. 1264 CD.
AMdnw, John A., gov. of Mjvwachnaetta ; rf. 1867 M,
Andrew* Bichani, Eoglisb diplomAtiitt, deati of York ;
d, 1477
' ' ^ ■; lf»5B-1738 A,
:Viiud Greek Uteiu*
WiliiAm, biikop of Achonry 1374, Mcuith
dl l^»i5 c,
, G«»Turd, EngKih divine ; 1750—1825 b,
1^ GtrmrtU ThomsiJh Engliah devotional writer ;
^ I^im^elot, bwhop of Chichester lfl05, Ely
.WmAmieT 1019; 6, 1555, r/, 162(» R.w.c.rf,L
k Aooie JL, American philiint, ; 1855 e.
, Burlunenii, English divine ; ft. lt»lU
^EbmeserT.f Anier. printer; 1707-^1851 a*^*
^miimn Allen, Amer. utithor; 17S7— 1858 a.
i, 9r Jadzciwe, Eusebiua, En^^lifeh loyal colonel ;
, Fxvnda, jirovcist of Trimty OoUege, Dub
En ; d. 17T4
|jal*<w% Qeargej bipnop of Fomi and LeighliOy 1635 ;
dL 1618 c-
, jr*— *i -ritf of Lnnrlon ; ir.32 d,
,1! -h botiiiiiiit; 1797 c.n.
, ii _ii*h Astronomer and editor of
»*i Aima^utiCk ;'* d. 1820
vJuPei, principal of Addiscnmbe Cull. ; <f , 18
tJamei^-VMtit Kn- hi^ ; 17:^7— !707
i^ Je-i^Nl: livine ; 1747
t John, i. lie; 1645
L^iim, kn^ii^n nydrographcr; 178fi
" ' n, Atneriaiii ■obolar and divine ; 1746—
ISU A «.
Jkadrrvs, T -an divine ; 1761— 1H45 a,
Asdrvwi, J ;pttbljd5t; 1776—1809 CD.
imMwtWMt L V. r I) t, i^ngliah tiaujlatc^r and printer;
t tAvreaioe, Euglitli writer ; IGth cent. i^
I Lmng; American editor; *L 1805 ^ a.
^ lfanl«eatf Engli&h Independent minister;
, pH^r, Er^disb joumaliftt ; 17*.K)
, Pc<*a-'Mik*v. English dramatic author ; d,
K., EnsUsb transUtor ; 17f?B
Riphar-< - >!-.., ,r. .-4 nueks : c?. 1477
HicTjai um; 163«
Rt>'tv7r' , rnatician ; rf. 1804 A.
Iloger, En^, inii.>.l itor of the Bible ; d, 16:i5
Stef>ht;o l*e»»rl» American anthor; 6. 1812 a.
TncKu^A, Enfill*h lawyer ; d, 15H,^ q.
. Tlionuia» sheriff of Lundan, lli42 ; lord
IC30 r/.
Et>-" ' ' ; 1731
En .tor; 1744
,__■_, _.Jiiij IHcon d\ French
It : irf7— 1 K25 r. r>. f.
I. Omm of, imperial general ; d. 1190
>• IHmIi, luiiian phynickoj chemist, pbymolo-
Andrln. TnKto di* ItaHan puinter ; 1487 !•
Andiian-Werburg^, Victor, Baron von, Austrian pnb*
licist ; b. 1813 D.
Andzlfin, Marie Martin Antoiue, French adjutant-
general ; 17G8— 1802 R,u,
AlMlrlea, Joaeph Olivier, Belgian eccleaiaitic ; b, 17% F.
Andrieasenfl. See AndTelaaen*
Andrleu, Bartrand, Fr, engraver; 1761—1822 ii,U,B.
Andrleu, Af atthieu Muunce^ French politician ; b. 1813
Andrleux, Kmile, French phys. and writ-er ; h, 1797 F.
Audrieux^ Fran^ots-George-J ean-StaniMlaH^ French dra^
matic author, poet, and academician ; 1759—^1833 0.0.
Andrleux, Mario-Martin-Antnine, French general;
17*i8— 1S02 F,0.
AnilrloU^ UirokmOj Italian painter ; IflintlfJ h.1X
Andrl^lll, Micbel-Angolo^ Itiilinn phyaiciim and an*
thor ; 17O0 Q,n.
Andxlat, or H&nderiot, Francois, French engraver ;
A. 1655 BD.E.
Andrlacxis (PAeudo-Phifippus), Greek adventurer;
d, B.O. 148 D.R.X,
AndrlYeau-Qo^jon, Gabriel Oustave, French geogra-
pher and I }t»uk Keller ; L 18()8 F.
Androblus, Gretk painter, mentioned by Pliny C.
Androbulu?, Greek wsulptor, mentioned by Pliny D.
Androcles, king of the Mei»enian« : d, a a 740 u.n.
Androcles, Athenian demonfogne ; B,c. 412 D.X,
AndrodeB, Roman slave ; lat cent. D.
Audrocle?, Athenian prince and general ; lO'iO th
AndrocUdes, ttreek rhetorician Ji,
Androclldes of Thebe?, Greek democratic leader ; 4th
cent. ao. E.X.
Androcydes, Greek phyiician ; R a 336— 323 D.R.X.
Androcydea of Cyzlcu^, Greek painter, eontemporury
of Zi 115^1!^ : B.C. 4tWJ* u.D.
Andromache, coni^ort of Hoetnr ; r2th cent, b.c d.x,
Andromachuir, foimdt^randijoveinot of Tnurooienium,
Sicily ; B.C. 400 D.X.
Andromachua of Crete, phyaieian to Kero, and poet ;
Andromeda, princesa of Ethiopia, rescued by Percent
{mpfhieai) D.X,
Andxon, Greek hi-4toriiin of Hnlicftmaasus R,
Andron, Grpek ljioj;;riiip]]tr of Kphesua B.
Andron, Greek musician and geometrician, moater ^«f
Marcus Antoninui H*
Andron, Greek phys., mentioned by Galen and Celaua n,
Andron of Taos, Gre^ k navigator R,
Andron, Greek physician, mentioned by Pliny u,
Andron, musician of Oatana K.
Andron, Greek snulptor ; 2nd cent. »♦
Andionicus, Miiccdtnuan ftrchitt?ct u»
Andronlcui of 01yntlm«f, general of Alexander the
Gii'rit ; B.C. u30 D.
Andronlcuff, Uviua, comto Latin poet ; n.o, 240 t.MLic
Andf onlcua, Bjthinian ainbaa. to 11 time ; B.C. 156 ».
Andronlcns; C'vnhestcs, Macedonian architect ; B.C.
1(10 D.x.
Andronlonv, ^farcus Porapilius, Greek Epiourean
pbiloBophcr and grwmmarinn ; n.v. 60 D.
Andr onions of Rhodes, peripatftic philosopher at
Rome ; B.C. 58* B.X.
Andronlcns, con'sul of R^jino ; 310 n,
Andronioua, Grt^ek poet ; 6. 'MjO D.
Andionlcual. {Camnmus), emperor of the East (1I8J);
1110-1185 u.H.
Andronlcns IL {Palo'olofpim tfteEhler], emperor of the
Kast (1282 1.V28) ; b. 1258, <^. 1332 U.K.
Andronlcns HI. iPaff^dofftius the YQUiujer)^ emperor
of the East (1328-41) ; h 1295, fL im C.R,
AndTonlcufl IV, (Pa^fFo/o.^MM), emperor of the Eiiatj
l:rM— i;t73 it.
AndTonlciiB L, Ghidoa, emperor of Trebizond, 1222-
35 ; d. 1235 n,
AndronlcnflII.,cmp» of Trebijiond, 126;4'66 ; rf, 1266 D.
AndronlcuB m., emp, of Trebizood, 1:^30; d, ia32 D.
Andronlcns, ^Vngcke, Greek general ; 1O80—1U8 1»-
Andronlcu^-Cauuiterofii, Greek writer, prefect of
CoDBtaDtiDople ; 1156 D.
Andronlcus-OallUtue, Jolitt, Greek monklUt and
writer j rl. H78 U j>.
Audio*, EflmuuJ, En!;clifih sUttesmftn, governor o(
North America ; 1637—1714 it.A,€,
Anilroi, Riclmrd, Eagiish translator ; 1669
Androi, Thomft», Americaa divine ; 1759—1845 a.
Androfi, FmaceacOf Italian loulpior ; d, 1780 y.n,
Androathonea. Greek sculptor ; n.o. 420 d.
Androstlienes of Tlt&soA, <irvek Admind of Alexander
the Great ; B.C. ^.10 D.
Androtlon, Gn;ok .(-Ticultuml wrifcer; B,C. 360 D.
Andiotloa, Greek urutr.r ; B.c. 3r*0* X.i).
Andracet da Ocxceau, Jacqaes, French arcbiteotand
author; 1590 u.D.C.
AndxttJ, Josepli E., American colomntttion agent ; (/.
1821 A.
Andruzzl, Lnigi, Italian tlieolo^an and writer j 6. 1C8S
orO I.a
Andry, Cbarlea-Lotui-Francoiji, French physician j
1741--18:>U u.a
Andf y, Nicolaa {Bfrn-Iifpard), denn of the Faculty of
Medicine, Paris, and mod. writer ; 1(158—1742
Andnsft-Farifl, French representative ; 6. 1799 f,
Aneail* Bartholomee, French Latin poet and rhetori-
cian ; <L 1565 V. D.C.
AnedJLi Juan d\ Spanbb painter ; 1565 B.r>.
Aoel, Dominic, Fr&ucli surgeon and medical writer *,
lP.79-17:t'»» ILU.
Anelicx, Gulllanme, Frenoli troubadonr ; 1200* i>.H.
Anelll, Angelo, Italian poet ; 1701—1^20 tr.D.8.
AnemUt four brothers, Greek cotifl]uratoni ; 1105 o.
AnetlO, Felice, Italian miuician and composer : 15liO—
1630 K.D.U.
Antrlo, Giovanni - Franeescoi Italian mutician and
compoaer; 6, 15fjJ K.u.
Aiifit, Paolo, Italian lacdjcjipe painter; 1720* b.d.t.
AUdtliAIi, Jules Joseph, Hmrou (1\ Belgian politician
and magistrate ; 6. 1803 F.
Anenrlxit Gallic po«t ; d. 570 d.
AnfoBsl, Paacalo, Italian music composer; 1736 —
1796 E.u.D.a
AsfbflCki Giacomo, Italian engraver ; 16th cent. d.
Angvr, Charlea, French representative ; b. 1789 F.
Au^aJMiO.Ottaviano, ct,, Vcnetiwi painter; l«fi4> B.T J>.
Anffulm. 8oe AuclieraeiL.
Aogmi. Williitm Henry, English divine ; rf. 1832
Aag^ Franc-L*, di Annecy, Italian {Jtainter ; 1675—
1766 I1.D.T*
AngB, Frtncia, Pennftylvanian phuiter, who lived 13i
year*; 16:1^— 17ti7 A,
Alige d© St Bos&Ue, French Carmelite and genealogi-
cal writer; ir>,V*— 1726 U.ltC.
Angre de St Joseph (i^oAniMe), French Carmelite mia-
sionarv; 1636-1697 D^iLa
Angel, John, Catholic divine ; 1555
Axtgil, John, English NuncuuformLtt divtoo and
■oholar; U, 1655 R,a
AUgpiUMTga. or Ingelbeiga, cmproas of the West,
wife of Louis IL, king of ludy
Allffelbert, French pot't ; 9tb cent. p.
Ang-ele M-ri-^ "- w i..., irniian nun, foundre»» of
the 1 r.c.«,
Angell, i J ^iriat and hiatoriau ; d,
1576 1,13. n. a
An^U, Fi-anoesco-llaria, Italian frkr and writer;
17 th ii^ut uv.
Ang^ell, (tinvanni, Italian twint«r ; 1763 r.a.
Ang-eU, tjjulio Ceaare, lul painter; 1570— 1»»30 ilt.
AOffeU, Uui«ep])e, V'euetijw patnU^ ; 17I5<'17U3 «lt.
4ngtl>11, NicoIq, luHnn engn«vor ; 1635 n.
AaftU, Siofano. Italian Jcuuil and georoetrieian ;
1660 u,
AOfftU* See Aag«Id and AOfeUx.
AttgnltlA Giovanni, Italian pAiut«r ; 1387~14ri5 lui.O.
AftgiMoo, Mtebel Aitgelu, luliau p^t i i/, 1UV7 V.L
ABSOUieo, Michel' Angelo, Italian ch«tui«t and authd
1700 ixT
Atigellerl, Bonaventure, Italian Franciacan writer ;
1700 i-r.O.
AngeUni. Sctpione, Ital. minter ; 1661—1720 3r,T.liwlX
Angello, Of De^U Antr^ Antonio, hiahop of Mesaa,
Italian poet ; d. 1579 I-Cr.lx
Ani^ello, or Degli Ang^ Pietro, Italian Latin poet ,
1517—1596 R.rD.c
Ang^t. or Begll Axigell, Alcssandro, Italian aatrono'
mer ; 1562—1620 LO.
AngellB or Degli Aagell, Francesco- Antonio, Itj
Jesuit miaaionary ; 1567—1623
Anj^eUs, or DegU Augell, Paolo, Italian aotiq^n
and author ; d. 1647
ATigellH, BfilthftfiHr d', Italian jurist ; 17th cent.
Aogells, Dotoenioo d', Italian scholar imd an
1676-1718 IJ
Angeliv, Domenico de, Italian fresco painter; It
AngeliB, Filippo del {FiUppn di Lioffno), Italian 1
acape painter; 1600- H>40 t;.]
AngeliB, Geronimo d\ Italijin Jetnit mil
Japan; 1567-1623
Attgelijr, Giambattista, Italian artist
Angdlla, Pedro, Argeutiiiti im>>Iici8t ; K 17118
Ang^ells, Peter, Flemiah Lind»cupe painter; 16
1734 IKJ
AxigeU% 8eeof»do, Italian engraver ; 1760
Angroll. John, Engliah stenographer ; 1760
Angell, Joseph K., Araer. law writer; 1794—185? 1
Angelo, Italian jurist ; 15th cent.
An^o, Fiorioz£ola, Florentine poet ; d. 1548
Angelo, Giacomo d\ ItaL bellenist ; 14th cent, r.l
Alig^O, Henry, Engliah writer on fencing ; d. 1853]
Angelo, Lorentino d\ Italiau fresco painter; IC
Angelo, Michael {Ameriifi da Carartifffjio)^ 1%
painter ; 1569—1609 l».C. m.V,M
Aiigelo, Michael {CoUmnay, Italian painter;
Angela, Michael {di Campidofflio)t It«ilian
AnffelO, Michnel {Buonar<4i), Italian painter,
tect, and sculptor ; 1474—1564 luT.IW
Angelo, ^ticliubl Lerquosci {di BaUofflia)^ III
painter; 1 6UU -1060
Angelo, Pettro, Spanish engraver
Angelo, Pqliciano, Italian aohotar and author; h, *
Amr^lOi Biinudo, duko of Kaxoa ; 1220
Ang^elo da Fldtone, Italian musician ; IfiiSO*
Angelocratot, or Engelhardt, Daniel, Germnftl
logian ; 15tB-1635
Afli^ome, Iknedictineof Lnxeuil, theolopoil i
If. 854
Angelonl, Fmnceaco, Italian anostoUc ;
virtu oju}, and author ; d. 1652
Angelonl, Lnigi, Italian pabliiHut ; 1758—1
Angttlaccl, Anplo, It^diau violin maker ; d, ]
AnifelUCGl, Liborio, Italian phyaician end
lender; 174<*-1811
An^nccl, Teodoto, Italian poet» tranalator, i
sician ; </. 1600
AngellUiOrBllgel, German hUtorian; 1561 -'I
AnjE^ntr Chritloph, Ok. schoW in Kng. ; <l, V
Angelufl, Johann, German physician aod i
rf. 1512
AngeltLi^ l^ul, engraver ; 1749
An^oa, Peter, engraver : 1611
Angelut BUMliii {SfJteJjIUr}, Johann,
Angely, r, French jester to louii Kill : d, 1510^
Angoly. I.nawi' iUizu. t»n. t ; I770or 8a»- 183S
AngeniJ J d« RamlKvaillel,
Fruii' . < i
Angeiuiee, L rciuvfl a , lunj oi Feifii, Fi«tioh Mil
dor io 8piiiu ; 1620 g
Aii£«im«flt Charlei, nuirqaia oi MjuntoDOii ; 17th
cent, D.Y.V,
Mns^iaUBS, Cb&rlei fi\ coant of Boohopoi, Frene^li
aiplomatu* ; d, 14M0 D.F.r.
AagloaM^ fJbArles. count of Aiig^»nc«, French mill-
te7 «aoer ; <i. 1709 d.f. v.
FreoehM^ : 1(580 D.p,u.
^C i:3hopaf Maiu, diplomiititt, luid
r; I5;i*— iWJi IKP.U,
FtmicoU dV lord of Eambouillet, Freoch
or to S wi tserland ; 17 th ceii t, d, p. u.
Jac^aoM d\ Fr«9Ddi gestind &tid dii'loma-
fcngfinif , TtniYTiri {\* Ft. amhaiisador; 1034 p.r.r.
kQgMnM% Jcfui d* {Sapin)^ Freacb chnmberlHin tu
titoloQg; HIO DP.
\agmmm,J^mit d\ vqxttry to Chnr1e>i VII, of Fr. d.p.
Jilgimmn, Jesm d\ lord of Poigny &nd Boijiuruau,
PMiek diplotnatiftt ; 17th cent. d.p.
IflBCOMi^ L0iii% uarqaia of Midjiicucm, diploniatiDt ;
irthccBi. a P.
kaCMABi; Nieobt d\ lord of Bumbotiillet, Freucli
^piootBtiflt ; d. 1611 D.p.
, FhiL d', gurernor of Maine ; d, 1530 ixp,
, ILeg&ftult f]\ hynX of R«mboiiillet, cham-
^Cbtflet VI, of France ; d, 1424 D.P.
Mdberi d\ lord of Kambouillet &ad of
, WiDiMi}. Puriton diyiii« ; 1GC2
^ Girtjkmo. Ifcaliftn poot i 16tb cent. R.O.
,l>Avid, GcriDivn puioter; 6. 176J N.D,
JoliA'ChrutiJLU, German atone-cutter
: rf. 1777 U.
r» Chjl«toplv GermiMi sculptor ; d. 1653 D.
Albert or J oJiAim- Albert, Bohemiaa
1674-1740 jy.
I John JuliuA, Ruifiiitn merchant ia Lon-
<|ja> vadtenrntcr and jiiitron of the fine wrt^t;
J PSetro Kftrtire (Pefrr Martyr)^ Italian hi»*
I Hid tiipI*>mAtist ; 1455—15*2^5 i.D.c,
P^uly English engraver and printftcUer;
, Pkttl, French poet; 16th Mnt. D.tT.
r, BftOiael, American divine ; ir>r>3*^ — 1711i> A,
, wif« of Louis, emporor of CJenujiny : ^^y
k Si, abbot of St Riqnier, tniniitGr of Cluir-
^ sod poet ;</. 814 U.D.C.
» «rehb»hup of Milan ; 827 n. U.
^ er SngllDCTt, abbot of Oorl do ; tL S90 D. u.
\ Gkivvuai-MiLria, Italian littcmtour ; 1475
► <Z)»* Soeeadirarne), ltd. artist ; 14i^' b.t.
^^ Frkxiocaoo, Italiaa Jesuit and authur \
Ovimt Oiarles-Claude Labillardcrie d\
iffnmU and uradeniiGiitn ; d. llE^lO tau
J K. J. de Laborde, Counteaa of, French
,#rf literature; 1735— 1808 U.D.
" -tich phyvioiao and ncientific
riich representative ; 6. IWl p.
k J&ci* 1 jnrlius d', French jtuiat ; 1470—
D u.
, Edonard Thibert S<!ipion d\ French lit-
Mm y.
^C^aritt-Xjf^egQire, Frcoch magistrate ; 17,% ~
Count of, Freia^ minmtcr of police ;
Emrr, 3lA.r<]nia of, EnglUh politician* lord*
««r^uiid. i7<;8-i854
V seldiciT of the Amerioui revolutionary
^%m% A.
d\ French traveller ; d 139C' t>.
or Oger d\ Wt, cmsader j 1204 L%a
Aoflutr, Tliomaa (TI74i/tf), EaglUh Catholic priest and
writer; 1582—1676 w.D.
AngnOfiClOla, or AUBraswla. Sofonwba, Italian hiatori-
cal and|Mirtniit painter ; 15;i3— 1620 B.U,T.a
AiifO, or Allgt)t, of Dieppe, Fi-oneh owner of priva*
teers ; 4, 1551 u.ilq*
Ad^O, Pit-rre, French Jesuit and author; 17th cont»
AngKilO, or AngelO, Italian aculptor and architect ;
1296-^i:m D.iv,
Ansot, Robert, French poet : b. 1581 d.iu
Anfi^alemet Charlea de Valots, Chic \\\ French war-
rior, *on of Charles IX. ; 1573—1650 D.B.C,
Ang^Uleme, laabelle, < -ounteaa of, consort of John,
king of England ; d, 1249 d.
Ang^uleme, Juc^^uea d\ Fr. sculptor; 10th cent. D.
Ang^oiilemep Lottin-Ant^nne do Bourbon, Duo A\
French noblo; 1775— 1844 D.O,
Aii£oiiIeme« Louis -Emmanuel do Valois, Dao A\
bishop of A^de, wnm'or ; 1595—1653 u.R,
Angonleme, Marie -Therese'C-harlotte, Ducbetae d*
{Madamt: Jio^ale)^ daughter of Louis XVI. ; 1778^
1851 D.o.
AngOTllenie, Turpion, Com to d' ; 83^— 8<J;i D.
Ang^oulefTent, C jidct, French poet j 17tb cent, CD,
AttgTlUt d'AUeiay, Demj^-Fraii^oiui, French ma^siA*
trate; 1715— 17M y.u.
An^la, East Inxlian Turate ; 17 U^
AngTianl. oi-Aygusjil, or de Aygonnis, Michel, Italian
Cflxinolitti and savant ; d. 1400 n, lt. c,
An^ncrand, or Angrand-le-Prince, French painter on
glass 1 d. 1530 v.
AnguJer, Fr[ui<;.iis, Fr Bciilptor; 1604—1669 U.B.D.C.
Anguler. ^ritlu I Fr. siulptor ; 1612—1686 tj,r.d.O.
AninUUa, Giftot>mod\ Itiil. painter j 16th cent. D.K,
AncpniUara, Giovanni- Andrea dell\ ItaUan poet a&d
tranAlattir; 1617— IjHkj*
An^uUlora, Louis or jUtiysio^ lUHau botanist ; d,
1:170 iT.LD.c.
AngullleBi, Giovanni Domenico, Italian poet and
scholar; 1766-18^13 it.
Anpilfili, Thointia, Englisli divine ; 1762
Angus, or Aengus, IrUh writer ; Stb cent. n.
A0JF[1% Archibald Douglas, Earl of, husbund of Mar-
garet Tudor; 1514
AfiktU^ Caleb, English political writer ; rf, I860
Angus, John, NonconforTtiist divine ; d. 1801
Angiu; William, English engnwcr ; 1752—1821 B.R.
AHiTQ^OlOla, Europa, Italiim painter ; IGth cent. B.a.
AosusdOla, Lucia, Itali.^n {Hirtrait painter; 16th
cent. B.T.R.
AitgiiEClola. See An^OBClola.
AngTifllua, biahop of the lalf H ; 1427 L
Anj^srtiuls, Auguitiu de, royal iJ-bysician ; 1544
Aolialt, Anton Gunther, Princ« of, Prussian general ;
1653-1714 tJ.ih
Aniialt-Betiibouig, Christian I,, Prince of, Genuan
statesman and waiTior ; 15G8— 1630 d.b.d.
Anluat-Bembourg. Christiun I L of; IS!)©— 1666 d. R.U,
lUllftlt-Coethen, Fried rich Ferdinand, Duke of, Pma-
sion gene ml ; 1769— 1830 D.u.
AnludV^foetlieu^ Prince Ludwig von, patron of Etera^
ture; 1579—16511 d.b.
AniaJt-DcFBau, Ixrij^idd, Priiice of, Prussian field-
rimr*hul ; l«i76— 1747 U.D.
Anlittlt-Dfifigau. L*iopi>ld-Friedric!i-Frani:i Prince of j
1740-1817 D.U.
AxJaalt'Dessan, Leopold -Maximilian von, Pruasian
field-nmrshfd ; 1700-1761 an,
Ajiliftlt-Zerbst-BesEau, Joachim-Ernst, Prince of:
1536-1586 TK
Anlialt-ZerbFt-De'SFau, Prince Rudolph, Germuu
warrior ; 1460—1513 d.
ABlail, biBhop of St Asaph, 1249 ; d, 1266 dM
Anlan, bishinj of Eangor, I2«>7 ; </. 1305 d,L
Aalaaov or Anleno. See Anles.
Anl&nus, bishop of Antioch ; 359
ATilannw, Egyptian monk and chronologist ; 5th cent. D.
Anlanus, or Anlen, Italian priest and writ. ; 400 u.D.
Anlanus, Latin poet and astronomer ; 15th cent. U.D.
Anlbert, Louie Mathieo, French historian and poet ;
1742-1782 u.D.
Anlcet-BonrgreolB, Auguste, French dramatic author ;
6. 1806 F.
Anioetns, preceptor of Nero, and commander of the
fleet ; 60 D.
Anloetus, hishop of Kome, 1.50 62 : d. 162 H.L.D.
Anlch, Peter, of In^pmck, geometrician, geographer,
and engineer ; 1723— 1766 (?) U.R.D.O.
AtiIcMhI, Ludovico, Italian medal engraTer; 16th
cent. V.B.D.O.
ADldt, or Annairlil, Arabian astronomer ; 902 d.
Anldm, Lucius Gathes, Roman pnetor ; B.C. 169 D.X.
ADldui Froboi, consul of Kome ; 406 H.
AnleUo, Tommaso. See Masaniello.
ADlen, jurist and officer of Alario II., king of the Visi-
goths in Spain ; d. 507 R.U.D.
▲nlen, Flemish Benedictine abbot and chronicler;
1460 D.u.
Anlmola, Vinccnzio {Vincemio Romano), Italian
painter; 1528 B.
▲nimuocla, Giovanni, Italian music composer; 1490
or 1500—1560 or 75 K.U.B.
▲nlmuccia, Paolo, Italian musician ; d 1563 K.D.
Anlslo, GioTanni, Ital. Latin poet ; 1472—1540* LU.D.
AnlMon, Jao<iues, French printer ; ri. 1714 D.U.
▲nlBBOn, Jacques, French sub-manager of the royal
printing-house; d. 1788 u.D.
▲nlSBOn, Jean, French manager of the royal printing-
house, 1701 ; d. 1721 U.
Anlfson, Laurent, printer of Lyons ; 1670 U.B.
AnlBSon, Loui^-Laurent, manager of the royal print-
ing-house, 1723; d. 17r>l u.D.
economist ; b. 1776 D.u.
▲nlSBOn-Duperon. C*hailcs, French dipl. ; 1.505 u.n.
▲nlSBOn-Duperon, Etienne-Alexandre-tTacques, man-
hf^T of the royal and nationul printing-house ; 1748 —
17m u.D.
Anitchkok, Dimitri Sergiovitch, Russian philosopher
and mathematician ; 1740— 17SS D.
Anjos, F. Luiz do«, Portug. hapiojo^ipher; d. 1625 D.u.
AxOon, FraufoiH de France, Duke ot, king of the Neth-
erlands, 1581 ; (/ 1584 U.K.
Axikarcroiia,Thea<lor, Swed. admiral : 1687—1750 u.D.
Ankantroellin, Johunn-Jac<ib, SwediRh nobleman, as-
sassin of Gustavus-AdolnlniH III. ; 1761—1702 D.
Ankohill, Henry, English loyalist dmuc ; 1660
Anker. See Anchor.
Ankwlcs, or An£n>^tz, Count, nhyt. of IiOTnl>erg r.
Anlaby, William. Kn^^Iish Catliulic priest and mis-
sionary; d. 1.5l»7 y.
Anlaf, guvcrniir of Northumlwrland ; (M2
Anloaln, abbnt of S.ii.u'cr ; 84r> r.
Anly, Joan d', Frencli chronicler and historian ; 17th
cent. U.D.
, mother of the Virjnn Mary i).
, PiTciina, sistor of DiUo, qiioon of Carthage D.x.
, kinir <»f Ijist Anirlia ; d <m4
, r.iiMassjin' d\ Klrniii*h i>iiintcr of the Vonotian
school; I7th cent. N.D.T.
Anna Comneiia, «hiiit;htor of eniT>ontr Alexis I. ; lOS'i
1148 r.lir.
Anna Iwanowna, cmiircHs of KuKsia (1730) ; hvxi -
1740 iT.R.
An-Nadlm, Mohanmu'd-ilin-Ischak, Arabian writir ;
1^7 l>.
Annand, Ab^xanilrr, Kii);lirih writ;>r on India ; d. IS.'^j
Annand, tlunu's, Kir^ii.sii pliilosojthcr; l.*i76
Annand, John, antu^'oni!»t of Knox ; 15(4
Annand, Willimn, lifiui of FMinbur^h. scholar and
author; U'M ir,S«» n.r.
Annat, Franv'tis, I'rcuch Jesuit and contruvernialist ;
1590-1670 U i).C
Annat, Pierre, French acdes. writer ; 1638—1715 D.
Annaya, Pedro de, Portuguese admiral ; 1500 iku.
Anne, Princess, daughter of Charles I. ; d, 1637
Anne, princess of Orange ; d, 1759
Anne, dauphine of Viennois ; d. 1299 LD.u.B.
Anne of Anstrla, queen of France, consort of Louis
Xin. ; 1602—1666 u.E.
Anne of Bohemia, wife of Richard II., king of Eng-
land ; 1367»— 1394
Anne of Brltany, queen of France ; 1476—1 514 v. D.
Anne of Bursrnndy, wife of John, duke of Bedfoid;
d. 1432
Anne of Cleves, fourth wife of Henry VIII. of Ens-
land ; d. 1557
Anne of Cypma, wife of Louis, duke of SaTOT;
d. 1462 D.
Anne of Denmark, queen of .Tames VI. : d. 1619
Anne, queen of England (1702) ; 1664—1714 R.D.
Anne of France, or of Bea^Jen, daughter of Louii
XI. ; 1462-1522 u.D.
Anne of Hungary, consort of Ferdinand of Aostria
(1527) ; 1503-1547 u.D.
Anne of Russia, consort of Henry I., king of Franee ;
1044 U.S.
Anne of Bavoy, empress of the East (1327), and regent
(1347) ; 1320—1359 D.U.
Anne of Warwick, wife of Richard III. ; 1454—1486
Anne Karle, princess of Brunswick ; d. 15i>8 Dl
Anne Petrowna, princess of Rusi»i;i, daughter of Peter
the Great; 1706-1725 d.
Anne, Alexander, recorder of London ; 14,%
Anne, Bubourg, magistrate, first Protestant martyr in
France ; 1559
Anne, Theodore, French litterateur ; h. 18th cent. P.
Annebaut, Claude d\ minister and marshal uf Franee ;
d. 1552 u.D.
Annert, Friedrich- Albert, German engraver; 1758—
1800 H.u.
Annese, Gennaro, leader of the Ne.ipolitan insurrec-
tion of 1647 R.U.
Annesley, Arthur, first earl of An;;lesey, EoRlish
statesman and writer ; 1014 — 1686 c.U.S.0.
Annesley, Fnmcis, En^^lish politician ; 170.'i
Annesley, Francis, En^liHh divine ; d. 1740
Annesley, Hu;::h, English military officer and politi-
cian ; 6. 18:^
Annesley, James, claimant of tlio earldom of Angle-
sey ; d. 17<iO
Annesley, Sir James, English phvsicinn ; d. 1H47
Annesley, or Anneley, 8;iniuel, English theologian ;
1620-1696 o.ixc
Annet, Peter, English doistical writer ; d. 1760 w.D.
Annetsberger, FninxiMka. (iorman paiiitor ; 1814 N.D.
Annisnns, first bi«hoi>uf Alcxanilri.-i ; G^{--i<5 B.
Annisnns, consul of Home ; 314 b.
Annlbale (Patai'inmt or J*ttdorttno), musician;
16th cent. DwK.
Annlceris, Cyrenaio philosopher ; 4th cent. (?) B.C. D.X.
Anning, Mary, English gcologiitt ; 1841*
Annlus of Vlterbo {(fiitntnui Aanni)y Italian Domini-
can, litterateur ; 1432— 1.502 r.iL
Annlus, K\if us, Roman governor of J u«l:>-a : 13 h.
Annon, or Hannon, St, archbishop ami lU'clor nf Co*
logne ; d. 1075 cm.
Annone, .Iean-.laoquos do, Swiss urohaHtlo^ist and ^
naturalist; 1728-1804 c.l.
Anot, Pi<?rre-Nic<il:».H, Fn-nch litt. : 17<'.2 1823 U.a
Anot de Malsieres, ('vpricn, Fn^nch litt. ; ft. 17m r. '
Anoul, Victor IVosiht Lrm-st, lU'l.^iaii j;iii. ; h. ITSM F.
Anquetil, liOuis-IMerre, Fn*ucii historian and acade* s
mician; 172.*i-lS08 r.R.D.a
Anquetil de Briancoort, French orientalist and tim-
veller; 1756 DtP.
Anquetil-Duperron. Abraham-Hyacinthe, French on-
ontalist and acudomician ; 17.<l — 1>»0."» I'.F IXC.
Anraat, IVter van, FlrmiHh hist. ]mint4>r ; h. IttSS* B.IX
Anrlque, Maesttv, Spanuh sculptor; 1380* o.
L (liW Father}, Ca^ia-tuDoceazto, Italian anti-
— qwart «ad author ; 1710— xr79 I.ti d,
Afamt, Innoeeaxio Andrea, IialiiL& painter and lit-
tdsleitr; 17^—1816 r.n.
iimlrtiiK GioTauni-Axidrca, Italian painter ; lt>S4—
1638 11.D.D.T.
Anilflmt Gioidajio, Sicilhtn Domiuicjin miuioiiuLiT ;
(L 163i au.
ilMlmtf,V|pognaio, Bolognesc ptr. ; 17th cent. t,jld.
Amaaj. Abn I Ka^un, Ferslan poet | d. 1040 D.
ABMZt» Andr«- Joseph, French eccle«iaAtical historian ;
IT©— 1790 D.u.c.
Aasart, Loim^oMrph-Angnsto, French eeeleaiaatical
writer; 1746—1790 U.
^ k 8t, faUbc^p ol Rouen, G83 ; d. COS d.v.
iAwsL. prince and chronicler ; r2th cent. D.u.
b Si {tMe ApoiUe w/ ike NoHh)^ arvhbiihop of
Hambw]^ ; 803—^364 U»D.c.
^Midti^ ueinrioh, German actor ; h* 1787 T»
» Richard, Engliah animal peinter; &. 1818 B>
, N,, French dramatie author j d. 1784 u,i>.
» Si, abbol of Fomteuellea and dixdomntiiit ;
, arekhiahop of Seoi, S71 ; d. 882 U R*
, bishop of TrcTTfit ; «f. 971 D.
. Jeaa-Loiuj, Fr. ca;?nivcr ; 1754 — li^i B.B.
, St, tbeologmn and philoatipher,
. «C Otot«rt>ary i 1053*— lUi9 A.R.C.U.D./.*/.
, SK biahop of Lucca ; 1036»-108S LD.U.
.aichbiiho^ of MiUn ; d, 1101
, Pterre Oaiboan, French Carmelite, genealo-
Aaigai. monk of Cox^cj ; d. 8G5
Infllay, Brian, English writer ; 1521 D.
Aiulej, Beujiiiniii, Et*i;liah colonel ; d. 1846
Ansleyjohn, iheritf of I^oudon, 18^15; Id. nmyor,lga7 fh
AnAlo, Reinhor, Datch poet ; ir/22 or 2tj -liWtl u/tnt*.
Anson^ Ang. Henry Archibald, Eng. i>olit. ; h, 18,13
Anaon, GiHir^go, Lord^ English admirid and oijcum>
navigator; 16117"- 1762 p,c.8,d,
AUBOIL, Sir George, Eii^, general ; Ik 17*^7, d. 1850 J.
\ Anson, George, commander-in-chief iu India ; d. 1867
" OctavittR Henry St John, Kugliih military
pat ; ItiESS— 1«94
- ilAQrmaJ
,bp.of 1
» Beoodi^u
Of XJ«ire, de^n
d, 1036
.viJX1231; d. 1247 d.L
in Saxony; d. 1169 D. f.
of Rheima; 1049 lt.tT,
of the cathedral and hi^s-
i{DmrdieJu*\^ Italiaa iGolptor ; 12th cent K.Uv
^ Astm&e^ Ftmeh preacher and ac&demioiuii ;
]AS^t7J7 u.P-c.
4i/r AmWillTiny Anton, Dutch juriit mid
; US80— 1668 D.
Of PanzuLt Giorgio, Itidian profeaaor of
I and writer ; l;jth cent, D.K.
tar AntelmOt Giorgio, Italian L&tiu poet; d*
I Jaa|Qea«Bemuii-Modeate d', French gene-
ts ; HID— 1812 D.U.a,
taMtai; JiaU'Baptiste-BiigetM {BeH)^ French actor ;
, French theolo^'an ; d, 1117 ]>,B.
%t Count, French chronicler; d,
i iaJnl^-Marie (Perf PiMffw dt Onihoyn],
I Mealogiei and chronicler ; W^—IH^ H.a
k p>t»*-»* Italimn ph)riieian and author ; 17th
rCkrwo, Verooeae painl ; 1703—1707 t. d j, li.c.
. IticBehuiK^e {Mtchtlanpelo da Lucca atul da
aX IlalmD pointer ; 1491—1554 T.B.U,
tCMoriio, Italian matbentiiticijm and asirtmo-
; dL t«4a I>.l.
See AnaBl&e and i^Jielm,
, AttreliuB, or Aurelio Anaelmi, Italian phy-
ITth cent. D.
, French furgeon ; 13th cent. d.
i vife of Louis le ]J«gue ; $70 i:.
I Ridbi^. Engliah loyalist divine ; 1660
Jc:*^ ' Joseph - EUeonor - Antoine, Flemish
IpfctBtcr; 17G4— 1840 B.U,i>.
I SnunsDuel-Antciine- Joseph^ Be%ian jurist
1761— IBOO B c D.U.
Abott-Hamzah, companion of Mo-
1; d, no* IK
, Italian Utt. ; 1550-1^14 i>. h.
Italian poet and writer; l&l:i—
officer ] d. 18,19
Auboh, Piorro- Hubert, French eoonomiat and finao-
cier; 1744— ISIO f.d.u.c.
AaspaJoh, or Amtaish, Albert, margrave of ; 1480
Anap^Ch, Albert, margrave of ; d. 10f»7 D.U.
Anspaoh* Chriatiau-AUiert, margrave of ; d. 1692 D.
Alcxonder, maxgravo of, nephew of Queen Caroline ;
1736-1806 D.U.
Anspaoh, Elizabeth (Croven), mftrgraTinc of, English
authoress ; 1750— 1S28 tJ. R.
Aimpach* Emeat, margrave of ; d. 1023 D.
Anspadli, Friederich^ murgrave of ; d. 1034 d.
Anapadl, F. R., Amerioan author : 6, 1817 a*
ADflp&ch, Georg, margraTe of, 1515 ; d. irA:\ d.
Anspach, Georg-FriedeTieh, margr»v© of, 1557 ; d.
1603 p.
Amapach, Gt^org-Friedcrich, margmve of ; d, 1703 D.
AiLBpitCh, Johann-Friedericb, murgrave of ; d. 1680 »,
Anapach, Knrl * Wilhelm - Friodericb, margrave of j
1712-1757 D.
Anapach, rkilippo I^ooik French Jew, magistrate,
and author ; I. 18(>5
AofliMUihpWilhelm Friedericb, margrave of; d, 1723 tk
Anspraad, king of the UimWrds ; 057—712 u.
AaBprando, duke of Bpoleto ; d. 745 i>.
Ansted, David Thomas, Engliah geulogint ; h. 1814
Anster, Jolm, Iriah professor of law and author;
1798-18^37 M.
Anfltett, JeanFrotiuiiu^, Russian dipL ; 1760-1835 D,
Anstey, ChriAtopher. EngliHh poet ; 1724—1805 K.D.C,
AB8tey> John, English poet ; d. 1810
Anstey, TboiDaa Chisholm, English banister an<l
author; b. 1810 M,
AMStlce, Joseph, classiool professor, King''B College,
London ; d. 1830
AjLBtlBp John, Eni^liBh oniiquury, gnrter klug-At-arms,
niid author ; ltJti9— 1744 ' R,0.
I Anstla, John, Eng. garter king-at-arma ; 1708*— 1754
I AnatiB, ThoniPiK^ KngltKh pi rule ; d, 17-3
I AEBtrather, Henry, British othi^Br at Alma ; 1836—
, 1854
I Anatmtiier.Sir John. Eng. statsro. *, 1753— 1811 D-B.^^.
AiLBtmther, Hir Hubert, English diplomatist ; d. 1645
Anatnither, 8ir Robert, English iK>liticiitn ; ft. 1834
Anstruther, WilliEim, i:ii|<liBh lawyer; d. 1711
Aut&g^oraa of Rhodee. Greek pott ; b.c, 'J70 h.d-x.
AntaJoldJtB, Spartan diplomatist ; B.C. 387 D.B.X,
Antander, .Syimcusou general^ B.C. 320 D.x.
Aatar,4>rAiitarali, Arckbian warrior und poet; 600* r,d,
ABtelaJcal* Benedetto degU, Itoliiiu Hculptor and arcbi*
tect ; 118l> T.D.B,
Antehni,^ Joseph, French eeclesiastical historian, t»Luon
of Frt^j u a ; 1648—1 Giff D, R. c,
Antelmi, or Anthelml, Leon, grand-vicar of Fi-^jas ;
1700 D.U.
Antfilini, Nicolas » French theologian, vicar-geaeral of
Fri^juii; d, 1046 D.R.
Antelml, Pierre, French theologian ; d, 1668 B.b,
Autelmlt Pierre - Thomas, French mathematician ;
1730—1783 U.R,
Antencr, or Ag^nor, Greek sculptor ; B.C. 609 X.IJ.B.
Aatenor^ Greek historian, author of a history of
Crete D.
AntenoT, Macedonian admiral {Lfvt/) B.
Anteros, Greek bishop of Rome, 235 ; d. 2o6 C.B.D.
Antafi, Joluit Monfcvuui nLbuonary ami autliur ; 17-10 —
18U A,
AntefllgBBJi, Pierre, Trench beUeniit and gmui'
muruin ; IGth cunt. U.D.c.
Antlulcl, Protectant bbbop of Said R.
AstheaM of Lindus, Greek philosopher it
Authelme, or AiuellJiiis, St, arelibi^Lop of Bellav ;
1105*— 1178 D.
Anthemtug, consul of Komo^ 406; prefect of the East,
408 H.u.D,
Aathemlitt, emperor of the Went, 4€7-72 ; d. 472 x. U. D.
Anthemius, con^^al of Rome ; 515 u.
Anthemlufl of TraJles, VrTtnik urchltcct, sculptor,
philoflopher, and niatliomatician ; d 534* i\D,c.
AntliemuB, or AtheolB, U re«k sculp tor ; a, c> 5Ji(0* ti. p.
Antltflinillat Jac<iui<% of MiddlBburt,', vicurgcaeral of
Combray; UHO* CD.
AntMmuB, bmhup of Trebi£oud, ontl patrloich of
OoDfitantiDople ; 536 D.
Anthtng« Curl, Dutch general^ governor of the Indies;
d. 18*^ D.
A nth tug, Frtderick, ofiicer in the RoAiian acrvice ; if.
Anlhlng'* Friedcrich, Gcnrtan t'^^i' '* 18G0 d.
AntMppus, Groek comic viiteV it
Antholue, Arit'dnc-Ignooe, baron de Sttitit-JoBcph,
French njert'hant and eoooomist; 1740^^1826 u.o.
AatfhcAJMf FmuvoU*Piiul'Nicolii;s, French general and
political writer ; 1720— 171Ki D.
Anthoine, Kicolaa. French minister, Booton Oitbolio
cuLvert to Jadaiam ; d. 1732 v.u.
Antholiae de St JoteplL, Fraiif<»i« Baron, French
general ; 6. 1787 F.
Anthon, Cbarl^ Ajuerican chuisical scholar and
autbor; b. 1797 f.ft/M.
Anttoii, Clemen t-Xheodor, k. of Saxony ; 1753— lH.iii u.
AsitllOll, John^ American lawyer and writer ; 6. 1784 it,
AnUiony, or Antony, St {the Great)^ foundor of tnorj-
achiam ; 251—350\
Anthony, Greek monk ; Sth cent u.
Antlumy, Bt, German martyr ; </. 132S D.
Anmonyt Anthunv, £ng. aurveyur of ordnance; 1558
Anthony, Derick, Keg. i«eal-engraver to Edward VI. it.
Anthony, Franoi», Englioh pbyiiciau uid alchemist ;
1550—1623 W.IJ.C.
Anthony, John, Engli.Hh chemiat; <f. 1655 H.C.
Anthony, Murk, KtjuliKh landscape plnier; 6. 1817 B.
Anthony, William, Eogljah mechanician j liM7
AntlU, Q, ValeriuK, Unman hiatoriaji, B.C. 80 H.X.
AnttbOOl* Chorka-Loula, French advocate; 1752—
17t>3 F,D.
AntloMo, Pietro, Venetian painter ; d. 1763 D.
Antloo, Lorenxo, Latin mimnarian ; 17th cent U.D.r.
Anttori Ben j and n, Frenoii dramatic author ; k I7ifij f.
AntlOlei, Olynjpic victor ; B.a 743 It
Antlclet, Olympic victor; B.C. 240 H,
AnticleSt Atliinian arcbon; ac. :t26 IL
AntlcUdet, Atbenian historian -, 3d cent. D.C. X.i>.
Antliamt«s, Olvmpic victor ; D,c. 600 it
Aatldnmni of Heniclea, Greek hi»tonaa K.
Antidotm, Athenian arohon ; B.c, 451 H.
Antidotuj. Greek painter; KC\ Mi u.l.
AnfldOtua. (ireek comic writer n,
AnUfi&ei. Atht niau archtju ; n.c, 407 ti.
Antlfenei, M^^x^hmun gi^iicral; it, iwc. 316 Ttax^
Cl«opliftoli|]ai, Qtmk phyiician ; it.c.
i, Greelt hiiit«>rlAn. mfltiiioiied by Plutarch K
ABttf«&ea, Groi^k Jnd cent t).
Antaiwtldu of Thi m iiiicmn ; n. c. S:iO D,x,
AatlglUt *Joaa Piern: ,ac*ujadre, Fretich paintur ;
5. 1819 B.F.
AntlffSAtf* Antoine Fr. ton;* writer; 1772—1823 v.ih
AaUgmia {tJu Omt^vdU f«li«fml of Alejtander the
GvMl, king ol Asia ; l.a 983—301 a,v. n,x.
MaMgcmOMt Socehv^ hig h'prioat of the Jcwa, founder
«il the Mset of 8«ddttee«« » n«c 310* iLti.
Antlg<mnB» Olympic victor ; B.C. 292 and 2^ B.
Antlg<mtl8 Catry»titia, Greek writer; ac. 250 r-n.X.
AntlgonuB OonataB, k. of Maoedon: d. b.c.239 c.d^x.
AntgonuB Bofion, k. of Maoodon; ff. B.C. 220 H.U.n,x
Antlira&UB* king of Judft^a ; ac. 40 tr.
AntlgtmuB, fiueen of Egypt, mother of Berenice^
sort of Ptolerny L
Antlgonuj, < ; rt t k painter and writer on painting m.
Antigonni (tht CumteanX Greek writer on aghctiltnre,
mentioned by Varro and Pliny Jt
AntlgonuB, or Antlgonei Greek surgeon ; 1st cent, n,
Antlllon, Intdore, Spanish patriot, acholar, and
AntOochidea, Athenian archon; B.C. 436
Antim&chnB, Olympic victor ; B.C. 772
AntimachttS, poet of Colopbcai : li.c. 405* KJ
Antlnuichiifi of Colophon, ttr Claros, ion of U;
cbua^ author; 4th cent B.C.
Antlmachna of HeHopoUs, Gk. poet; 1st cent. n.c.
Antlmnco, >[uro-Antotiio, It&lian helleniai and
1473-1552 M.L1
Antlnorl, Antoniu-Lndorico, Italian antiquary
author; 1720 "—1780
Antlnnns, favourite of the em p. Hadrian ; d. 132
AntlOChe, Gerard de. iheritf of London ; 1196
AntlcKJhuB, king of the Meseeoiana ; b,0. 800-744
AntiochuB I. {Sotcr), king of Syria, B.c. 280 ;
261 U4
Antlochua n. (n«M.) ; B.C. 300-246 V,l
Antiochnn Et. itke Grtat) ; fl,c. 237—187 11,1)
AntlOChni IV. { Epipha nes ) ; B.C. 200*— IGi u. I
Antlochui V. (Eitpatorl ; ef . B c. 162 ttl
AntiochUB VL {Thfot.) ; d, &c. 142
AsUochUI VH. {Euetyetes and Sidrlei) ; <f. B.C 128
Antlochui vnL {Grjfptui ; »C 125— 5W f.
AntlochOB DL {C^fzicmuM) ; cf. B.C. 95 v.i>,
AntlOChUB X, {£usehtM) ; d. B.C. 85* IM
AnUochnB XI. {Epiphantt ami PhU^dHpk^tt) ; tL
93 XI.
AntlOdinM Xn. ( DionytuM) ; d. B.C. 98 or S5 v.
Antlochns Xni. {A»ialim§)i d. ac. 65 or 4t) V,
AntloctinB L, k. of Oonimagene in Aaia ; d. B.C.3X
Antlochua n. ; </. b.c. 29
Antlochns HI. ; <f. a^d. 17
Antlochns IV. {Kpipfumtt) ; d, 41
AntlOChUA, Greek (T) sculptor, ton of Ilka
AntlOOhnB* Greek astronomer
AntlochuBof SyracnBa,Gr«ekb}ttjr' !?3
Antlochtts, Hetiteuiiut of Alcihiaile^
AntiOChUB.Gk. phys. mentioned by ( JOd
AntlochUB {Httrnjc)^ >on of Antlochua XL and
king of Cilicia ; iL B.C. 227
Antlochns of A«cal<m, pr - - ' t^ eero ; b c. 30
Antlochns, St, niartyr iw i ; <f . 1^0*
AntioChOS, Horn an phy>^ * ^^nt
Antlochns of Egea» Greek «MiiLi«t ^ 200
Antlochns* 8t^ martyr ait*l phyt. ; d. 303 or 11
Antlochusjdshop of Pt* 1 V ■ — ■' *o^
Antlochua of Beba, Grv^
Anttpater I., MticeiloMi ;
322) ; 31K)"3iy
Antlpater, king of Maoedon ; b.c. 'J'
Anttl^nter, king of Haee<lon ; d, » c .; . v. i,
Antlpater, Athenian arcbon ; ti,c 38l»
Antlpatar of Tanns, Greek phibi*. ; B.C. 144 IK!
Antlpator, the Idumman, pruourator of Juilga, fmi
ct Herod the Great ; d. ».c, 43 l.lWk
Antlpater of Th^tsaloi&lea, Gn>ek poet and intpm'
tore ; lit cent. B.C.
Antlpatftr, Aibeniau archoo ; 45
AnUpator, lioman pbyKioiat) ; 2nd cent.
Antlpater of HlerapoUs, Urvek rhet. t IRl— 211
Antlpater, L. Cntliua, hiatorian vi th« Puaio
B.C. 123 II.
Antlpater Stdonlna, Greek epigram, ; %.c. lOft* i
Antlpat«r, Tyriua, Greek Sioie phiH»o|ili«r ; «
I or B«rfira. in Tliraco, Greek ftMUt VL.X.
t eomic writer, roentioiicd by StddoA K,
»Grc«k sculptor; B.C. 40O d.b,
iJitlpliaiiM of Bliodea, ot Smynui, Greek ini^t und
~i^ writer of oomedieB ; b, o. 387* H, U.R.
, Qreek pbjeicuiu ; B.C, ISO DJL
, Aibeiiiiln archon ; B.c. 297 it.
I Of KliadBfl, fooBder of Geln, in Bidly ;
, Greek arehitect ; 5th cent, B,o. D,
JartlptflMl. Gxeek paiptcr; B.C. SiO V.JLX.
AnttpllOk Grew^ untcr on hiubandry {Athtnmiu) IL
Alttiphoii, Gk, eollcctcirof anecdot«i {Diof^, La€rt.) IL
Anttplum. Greek rbetoridAa uid statesnitLn ; B.a
479-411* D,x.
L of Atheas, Gf«ek wplust uid orator, ac.
; (L ill' v.u.x.
, Greek trxgic po«t ; 4th cent. B.C. D.B.X.
p Athenian u-chon ; b.c. 'SIS h.
, Greek fcboolmftatcr and omtor ; B.C. 300 E.
MjaMtSjOMJUit Jatcopo, Italian painter; 1450*^X512 D,
lnttqwni^ Jan^ Dutch painttir; 1702—1750 B.U.ILC
'■" " ■ — ^1 Greek architect ; 6th cent. B.C. D.
, Athenian first Cynic philoflopber ;!>. B. c,
» Greek hiitoriiin; RC. 19S ti.
, lafaeo, Boman prsetor and proconsul ; Ut
SMBan physician ; b,c. /jO* d.
, Italian histuriciil pamter ; lo52 — l(i2G
i Affftejen. or Anrt van Leydcn, Genniin hittori-
► (If ^rw»'^' "■ * ", son of the duke of Bur-
^* U.R.
ngincer; 1744-1818 l>.
_ ^ Jacquea-Deuui, trench arclui*ot and artist;
JP3>— IftU v.iL
iiiafliij, JoMrpfa, French repr€«enUitiYe ; h. 1793 F.
IflMW^ JL. 0r Antooiui Ludovicuj, Purtu^e»e pby-
iion; if. I&47 d.
tmrtae, Fkitl - Gahnd, French Jeauit theologian ;
!«?!►- 1743 r;.[L
Fierre* Joseph, French engineer; 1730—
» gebattieu, Frtoch engraver ; 1729 B^u.n.
» ^ AfVlUrav Spaniih medical writer ; llith
Mm, k. of Navarre ; 1518-1562 IMu
iqf Cagtaiagmrlat, Spaniah phyn.; 16th cent. o.
lisTSans, Spaniiih stirgeou and writer; 17th
I dTOttlAanB. foundrefi of the convent Fiiks
» Jfwiab wTiter; 13th cent. aD.x*
, Ja<eob Bu Suuivon, Span, rabbi ; d. 1232 o.D.z.
f J teraWw, Don Francisco, Spanish ptiinter
tiMile; 1«^4— 1700 i;,B.a
^eioiraiuii, ItaL architect ; 1755— IMl n.i>.
, Jestf, 8pani>h landscape ptiintcr ; 1631>—
, Tt^ f 'oiaican physician and ana-
^ f^tri-Oo; ■: iu%n historian and jurbt ;
kiMB, Gf«m, Eof . politictaa and author ; A. 1550 q.
laa^ C3«ctnied, Gcrnsa jurist ; 1^71—1 018 ]>.ll.
Mb^ J^M^ ^i^^ ■cholor ; IfjOO—lrll!!
lMta& Jdkam * Nidaiaa, German tbenlogian and
irs?— 1814 t).
Eobrad ' ij<otlU>b^ German philologer and
; 1745— 1«I4 U,o.D.
■^ A^iloatiiB, Ihiali German Lutheran theolo-
^^^ M eantrovervialiit ; ICkU — 17 30 u . I>.
" let, Engliih poet ; 17 tit cent, jt.
|p«mi da, Italian portrait jtidnter R.
ifkrre-Anteine, Marqui.^ d , French poliH-
m nd repreecnUtive i 1747— 1S17 D. v ,
Antonem» Bautiita, Sponbh architect ; d, 161G 0,
AntfOnolll, Giacomo, Itiiliiin aardiual and necretary o£
state to Pio IX. ; h, l>i06 if.o.
AntonelIl» Giovuiino - Carlo, ItaliJin bishop ; 1690—
lim i.a
AntoneM, Juan-Bnutijtta, Span, nrchiteoi : d, 1588 v*
Antonelll, Leonardo, caidinul, biahop of Velletri and
0»tia; 17,^1— 1811 U.!).
Antonelll, Nicok- Mario, count of Pergola, Italian car-
dinal and author ; lGi*7— 1767 D.O-C-
AntonelU* Sebaistiimo-Andrese, Italian historian ; d*
1644 1J.I.
Antonello of KesslBa, Italian hbtoncuJ and portrait
painter; 1447-ltSt6 n,c.
AntoBluB, Caiaa HyMda, son of the Orator, Roman
warrior; B.C. CO R.D.X,
Antoniaa, Julius, RomAn consul ; B.C. 10 H.D.x.
AntOZiii Alesaandro - Vittorio - IVtpucino d*, Italian
general and tactician ; 1714 — 178<J D.U.
Antonl, Vincenzo-Benii degli, Italian Jurist ; 1747—
1810 u.D.
Antonla, Major, daughter of Marc Antony, and aUter
of Ctesar Aot^uattis ; b. B.C. 30 d,x.
Antonla, Minor, second daughter of Mare Antony;
Ik B.C. 30, rf. A.D. 37 D.
AntouliW daughter of the emp. CTtaudius; d, 60 i\x.
Autonlaiio, Antonio, or Ajitoiiio Viviani ; Italian
painter ; 1695 T.
Antonlano, Fernu'eBe, m* Antonio Alberti de Ferrare,
I tfdi an portrait painter ; 1450 B^D*
AntoniatLO, Silvio, Ital cardinal ; 1540-1C03 R.T.D,a
AntOBianiiBi Johannes, Dutch DomijiiGan, author ; tiE.
irm D.D.
Antonlanus, S^ilvanuii, wood engraver; 16C7
Antonlasflo, I till inn painter; 1510* »,
AntonideSf Jan Van der Goes, Dutch poet ; 1647-
168-4 R.u.p.
Antonldeo, Johiinnes {Alckmarianm), Datch oriental
scholar fT^K.Q.
Antonldea Naerdenua^ Hendrio {Hinricu* Antonius
vaji dtr LiiuJtn)^ Dutch acholar ; 1546— KKM M,D,
AntonMeS, Tb e odor, Dutch thetilogian; 18th cent. d.It.
AntoalU, Ivan, Polish |»hy8. and writer ; d. 1550 D.
AntonlDa, wiU of Belisarius ; 499—565 ii,D.
Antoninez, Don Jose, SuftniBh painter ; 1630—1676 U.B.
AatOUlQl, Aunilml, ItJiIian grammarian and lexicogra-
pher ; 1 7\T1 — 1 755 n. u. i.
AntonlBl,Fclippo, Italianarchi^logist ; d 1&3Q* ti.KD.
Antoninl, GiuBoppe, Italian antiqiiary and jurist ;
18th cent, u.LD.
AntonlQua, bishop of Jertisali^m ; 2nd cent. H.
AntOQliiua, Rotiian iienator ; Jhil cent. D.
Antonlitus, E^*yptian philosopher ; d, 391 D.
AatoBlimfr Marcua-Aureliu% twin brother of Com-
modus; d, 1€5 d.ju
Antoninus of Fordgllonl, St, Dominican chronicler,
archbishop of Fltirenne ; 1330— 1459 li.U.D.
AntoMnuff, Lihemlis, Gk. writer; 2nd cent. (?1 R.U.C
AntonlnuB, Marcus- An rel., conaul of Rome ; 202 H.
AntoMiiUS Piua, Titus Aurelius Fulvius Bojonius
Arrius, Roman emp., 1:^-61 ; 6. 86, d. 101 x.R,aH.
Antoninus,!'! act! utinui^CliTiHtian martyr; 6th cent. B.
Antonlnns Hoioratua, bishop of Constiantine, in
Africa ; 5th cent. d u,h,
AntonlOi St, of I^adua, Francisoon theologian ; llt*5 —
1231 K.U.
Alitonlo, Don, prior of Crato, king of Portugal, 1589;
d, 1595 R,0.
AntOHlOt Nicohi, Spanish biUiogmpher; 1C17 — 1684
B.a LUC.
AutOBlO, Pcflro, Bpiinish painter ; 6. 1014 B.O.
AnlonlOi, Pietro de Pitri, Italian eugraver R.
Antonio, Silvestre de Boailjoii [tM Infanta]^ brother
of Charles IV,, king of Smiin ; 1755—1817 U.P.R.
AntODlo {Vcticiianu), Italiun fresco paioter ; 1310—
1384 D.N.
Antonio dl Orl9toforo, Florentine aoulp. ; 1451 d.n.
Antonio dl Faenza, ItaL goldsmith ; 16th cent. d.n.
Antonio di Federlgo, Italian sculp ; IGth cent. d.n.
Antonio de LelnrUa, Spanish historian, grammarian,
and jurist; 1442—1522 U.K.
Antonio di Logate, Italian sculptor ; 1473 D.N.
Antonio del Menano, Italian goldsmith ; 1798 d.n.
Antonio di Nicolo, Venetian sculptor ; 1448 D.N.
Antonio de Papbia, physician and author CD.
Antonio da YegVL, or da Veggia, Italian sculptor ;
16th cent. D.N.
Antonio Margarita, or Malgazlta, or tfargalitlia,
rabbi and author o.D.z.
Antonio Morosini, Italian Jewish poet ; 1670* o.D.
Antoniotti, Giorgio, Italian musician ; 1692—1776 D.
AntoniMOn, Henry, Flemish landscape and cattle
painter; 1737-1794 B.
Antonioe, Com., Dutch painter; 1500*— 1536* b.d.b.
Antonina, Greek physician and Epicurean philosopher ;
2nd cent. ii.
Antonina, consul of Rome ; 382 H.
Antonius {Diogtne*)^ Greuk ^^riter ; 4th cent. U.IL
Antonius of Parma, bishop of Ferraru ; 1419 D.
Antonina {Beatus Antonius Confetsor)^ Italian physi-
cian and ecclesiastic ; 1424—1494 B.
AntODius, Godefried, German jurist and author ; d.
1618 u.D.c.
Antonius, Lucius {Oladiator Asiaticus)^ I^>man tri-
bune ; B.C. 45 H.D.U.X.
Antonius, L., Koman consul ; B.C. 41 H.X.
Antonius, Miircus, Koman consul and orator; d,
B.C. 87 B.D.X.H.
Antonius, Marcus-Creticus, Koman prsutor; d, B.o.
74 H.U.X.K.
Antonius, Murcus-Gripho, Koman rhetorician; B.C.
66 D.x.
Antonius, Marcus {Mark Antony), the triumvir; d,
&o. 34) R.U.X.
Antonius, I'ollio, Roman sophist and rlietorician ; 2nd
cent. D.x,
Antonius Castor, Roman physician, coutemi)orury
with Pliny ; 1st cent. K.
Antonius, Primus-I^Iarcus {Becco), Koman warrior ;
b. 20 n.H.
Antony, St, or Antonius Cyrus, Ital. monk ; (/. 521 d.
Antony, bishop of Riiphoc, 1399 ; d. 1413* c.
Antony, Clement, king of Saxony ; d. 18:^6
Antony. Hvc Anthony, Antonio, and Antolne.
Antradno, Giovanni, Italian physician ; d. 1530 U.D.
Antralgues, Emmanuel-Louis-Henrido Jjaunay, Comto
d*, French rc'])resentative and political writer;
1755-1812 D.u.
Antrobus, Rimjaniin, English devotional writer ; 161)1
Antrobus, K<luiund, English ])<>litician ; 6. 1818
Antrobus, RichunU English lawyer ; 166;{
Antyllus, or AntlUus, surgeon and medical writtT ;
4th cent.* D.K.
AnullianuB, consul of Rome ; 295 h.
AnulllanuB, Cum., conHuI of Runic ; 216 ii.
Anullianus, P. C«irn., consul of Kom<s 1*^ H.
Anund L {Hmut), king of Swe<len ; 7th ct>nt. r.i>.
Anund XL, king of Swodon, 1024 ; (/. 10:{5 i:.i).
Anversa, IJevin d', Flemish painter ; 15th cent. 1).n.
Anversa, Ugo A\ Itiilian painter; Kith cont. t.n.d.
AUYllle, Ji'Hn-HiiptiNto Rourguignon d', French gito-
graphor; 16l»7— 17H2 R.D.C
Anviue, Nicohi^dc lu R«K;hefoui';dd, Due d\ French
naval general ; d. 1745 K.i).
Anwander, Johunn, (turman painter ; liHh cent. D.
Anwan. Persian i»oet ; d. PJOO R.r.
Anyan, Thomas, English divino ; d. 1012
Anysis, kin<.r "f Egypt ; b.c. 1012* n.r.x.
Anyte of Tegea, Greek female epigrammatist ; B.C.
700 D.X.
AnytUS, Greek tanner and <lemagogue ; B.C. 400* D.X.
Aodh, kinK <if Scothiml ; HSU (?)
Aoust, Eustuche d', French genonil and revolutionist ;
1763-1794 U.D.
Aoust, Jean-Marie, Marquis d*, French representative
and revolutionist ; 1704—1812 U.D. P.
Apaameensls, Johannes, Syrian monk r.
Apaciat {Apatzai Taere), Johann, Hungarian saTant
and author ; d. 1659 V.B.a
Apame, daughter of Artabaras ; B.C. 300* U.D.
Aparlcio, Spanish sculptor ; 11th cent. D.
Aparido, Josef, Spanish painter ; 1780—1822* D.N.
Aparldo, Don Manuel Moreno, Spanish painter upon
ghiss; 1770* d.
Apaturius, Asiatic decorative painter D.
Apcbon, Claude - Maro - Antoine d*, French prelate,
archbishop of Auch ; 1723—1783 D.R.
Apel, Friedrich-August-Ferdinaud, German jurist and
author; 1768—1830 D.U.
Apel, Johann, German reformer ; 1476—1536 B.C.
Apel, Johann August, German poet and dramatie
writer ; 1771—1816 c.E.
Apelboom, Dutch poet; d. 1780 u.
Apellas, Greek sculptor ; 4th cent. B.o. D.U.
Apellas, or ApoUas, Greek geographer ; 320* D.H.
Apelles, Greek physician ; Ist cent. ii.
Apelles, Syrian heretic at Rome, founder of the
Apelleians : 180 U.D.c.
Apelles of Colophon, or Epliesus, Greek painter ;
B.C. 325 R.U.D.X.
Apellicon of Teos, Greek peripatetic philot., collec-
tor of the works of Aristotle ; d. B.C. 85* B.X.U.D.
Apens, C, Dutch engraver; 1673 B.I.
Aper, Greek grammarian ; 30* D.
Aper, consul of Rome ; 207 H.
Aper, Arius, Roman prefect and assassin ; d. 284 U.
Aper, Marcus, Roman orator and pnvtor; d. B.C.
85 U.B.X.
Aper, M. Flavins, consul of Rome ; 130 H.
Aperbach, Gottschulk, German niuthvm. ; 1560 n.g.
Apesteguia, Don J uun-Felisse, 8i>an. sculp. ; d. 1786 IX
Apharous, Athenian poet and orator; 4th eent^
B.C. 1>.».X.
Apherdlanus, Petrus, Dutcli ]x)et and gram. ; 1670* D.
Aphides, king of Athens ; B.C. IKU ^ B.
Aphnlmaranus, Syrian ecclesiastic ; 7th cent. B.
Aphraates, or Pbarades, Syrian divine ■.
Aphrodas, Greek phys^icinn ; 1st cent. B.C. D.
Aphrodlslanus, Persian writer U
Aphrodislus, Lydian sculptor ; 1st cent. D.B.
Aphthonius, Greek rhetorician and writer ; 3d
cent. U.K.C
Aphtrod, David, Gorman rabbi ; 1724 aD.
Apian, Peter, Dutch mathematician und astronomer;
1495—1551 lMLn.C.
Apian, I»Inlipp, Dutcli mathem. ; 1531—1589 D.a.a
Apidus, Roman gastronomist, accuser of RnUlias
Rufus ; B.C. ti2 U.a.X.
Apidus, M. Gabius, Roman gastronomist ; 14 — 37 X.
Apinus, Johiuin - Lmlwig, Germ.m physioiaB and
author; HU;S- 1703 D.U.
Apinus, bigismuud-Jacob, German philologist ; 1693^
17:12 D.U. :
Apion, Greek grammarian and hist. ; A.D. 40 B.U.C.
Apion of Alexandria, amluissador ; a.d. 40
Apis, king of Sicyon ; B.C. 17:W H. ^
Apis, king of Argt>s ; ii.c. 161W H.X.
Apjohn, J anios, Irish physician, chemist, and iciea' <
tific writer ; 6. 1796
Apoclias, Olympic victor; B.C. 520 H.
Apocrisarius, Renedictinc monk ; 1221
Apoemantes, (ireek )>hysiciuu ; 'M v*'Ut. Kc, lu
Apoil, (.-harK'S Alexis, Frrnch painter ; 6. 1M6 r.
Apollinarius, bishop of HierH|K)liM ; 177* C.D.H.
Apolllnarius {t/ir Kider), (irt-ik gnunmariaa Mid
rhetorician ; 4th ct>nU D.U.K.&
Apollinarius {the Younncr), Greek grammarian ; d,
382* D.t\B.c.
Appold, John Geor^'c, English scientific inventor i
ISOO - 1H65
Appolinarls, P. Cwlius, consul of Rome ; 168 K.
ApoHlnarl-as, St^ bishop cf Volencift ; 517 D.
Aponinirin% Aareliug^ LaIiii po«t ; 3d cent l\
ApoUiA&rliii, C Siilpieiu«,CuihjigeQiaii grmnmiaHjm ;
150 D.C.
Fmioeaoo {Porcia of FHuIi), Italiam
less* T.aD.
I of Ttfmissiu, Greek vniter on dretkina il
» Greek writer of hymns B,
, Greek peripatetic pbUoflopbcrr JLH,
Ol2odontJ» Greek writer on agriculture fl.
ApdQodoriLft. EpliiluH, 8taio*pb:lotopher R-UJ),
^paUodoms of AapulduB, Greek philologist k.
( (/>j'7i*ttm*), Greek mathematician ik
t of TarsuB, Greek tragic poet vk
, Atbeui&n archon ; RC. 430 H.
, Athenian pointer ; b.o. 408 U.R.X.
Of Pludanua, Greek philosopher; &tb
▲poOodanw (tAc Madman}^ friend of Soor&tcs ;
44^ eentb ac R.
» Greek »tatn<uy ; 4tb cent. B,c, TI.D.U.
, tTT&nt of Goflsttiidria ; BwC. 379 E.D.X.
, Athenijui urchon ; B.C. 350 H,
[ of Q^la, Sicilian oomic poet ; B,0, 310 —
, Athenian arcbon ; rc, 321 H,
» Greek comic poet ; B.C. 260 B.x.
iof Fergamits, Greek rhotonciftn, teaoher
rto AilgiLftiiA Cs^ar ; lat oenl. li.C. B,X.
i Greek cbronologiit ; a.c. 145* H.
» Greek grnminarLan ; B.O. 140 B.X.{7.
Greek phjiician and naturalist; Ift
of Dajuascns, Greek architeot; l»t
^ Greek EpicurcRn philosopher, master of
, B-C 80 u.D.
doms of Per^ramiiJ; proceptor of Octaviui ; 44
y St, mart^^T of Aitxititlria ; 24^
I of Cos. Ore*' k phvfilciun; b.c, 400* d.h.
lof Ucyoxi. Gk. polit. ; 2nd cent. B.C. D.ii.
, Greek phjrstcian ; I«t cent. it.
, goTemoT of Ai^so9f and warrior ; 315 d.
, AtfOtfdno di S. Angelo in Vado^ Italian
rcl tLe Boman school ; I()tb cent. t.r.
% Andrew Tafi {Oreco Mot^Mtro), Italian
r; l^lbcent. u.B,
0^ Jioopo da Bajsaso, Italian pointer ; 15S4^
^ wile of Attalus, king ol Peigamus ; k B.a
I of lAfldloea, Greek astrologer K.
1 9i OlialeU, in Sjria^ Btoic i>hilo(w>pher lu
; inaat«;r of Apion, the gmmmaruui R.
I of Ter^mua {the grmt Gcomtttr)^ Greek
, B.C. 250 n.rt.x.
I flC SllbdAii, Greek poet ; B, c. 180 v. R. x.
IpAMtaS of IUlod€€, GreeK arcliitect, and joint
MOpior of the Fame«e bull ; Ut Cfut. (?) u.D.x.
l^tfMM of Tftzvoa; Greek medical writer; lib
tyallMH of TTmxia, Fythagoreaii pbiloeopber ; tL
if R u.
^tflOiU ^HitTPpAt/itu), Greek phynician ; 2nd ceni*
fc.C u.u.
^ff^l lI'Mt H f? f -'I '^"* . Grtek mtdlcal writer; 2nd cent.
%t. DAT.
kyUliatat {MoUm)^ Gveek onior and rhetorician ; D.u.
liritaaioj ((^ J^Aufl, Greek lexioognpher ; lit
tac i>.
t (C4r ^nima^^ Groek medioal writer ; Ut
I (Cir Srr|>ci«f}, Greek medical writer ; l»t
iC\iietiMi»\t of Cypna, Greek physician ;
ApoUonlll^, bisliop of Ephesuii ; 190* fua.
ApoUoQlua of NaueratlB, RophiHt ; 196
ApoOonlua of Athemi, Ao]ihijit ; 196
ApoUonius, confiul of Rome ; 460 B.
Apollo nlua, Greek worker iii mosaic ; rf. 1.^7
Apollanliia, Ltevinu*, FIcmiih traveller and writer;
151tr-1570* u.D.
ApollonluB, Wilholm, Dutch thcnlogian ; d. 1057 d.r.
Apoilonlufl DyBCOle, gnuntnurian of Alexandria: 2nd
cent. R,U.D.a
ApollOQlUB Btratouiaa, Greek phyaickn; 3d cent.
B.€. D.U,
ApollOplia&es, Greek epic poet B*
ApoUophases, Greek writer on medicine R-
ApoUophanoB, Greek oomic poet ; B.C. 400» B.D.X.
Apollophanes^ phyucian to Aittiochns Soter; ao,
^.'JO* D.U.X.
AponiUf, theologian and ooiiim«^ntator ; 7th cent, H.
Apono, or AtMUUu Pietro d\ Italian professor of medi-
cine and author : 124*5—1320 ri.e.ii,R,C.
Aponte, Erriuiannele, S|janiah Jeanit and tniaaionary ;
17;i6— 1815 lb
Apoite^ PedrOp Spaniab binhop and tbeolpgian ;
1500* D.M,
Aponte, Sebattian i\\ Spaniish iculptor D,
ApoutQ, Vascus, Aegidiua, Spaniiih hiiitorifta and gene-
alogiat ; 1575* <J.D,
ApottoU, Franc, Venetian author; 1746*— 181(5 tT.D.l.
ApoatoH^ Giovanni 'Frvinceuco, Itnl. i>uet ; 1570' UA,
ApoBtoU, FetrtiM ab. or Pedro de loa Apoatoloa^ ItaHaa
theologijiu ; 15D0* D.B.
ApoBtolii Pietro-Franoesco degH, Italian theologian
an J f>rt^ai lier ; fi. 1^50* D,l,
Apostolius. AriHtolmle, Greek poet; 15tK eciit. iXij.
Apostoliua, OF ApostolBt Michel, Greek rbetorieian
and th©i>logian \ d. 1480* U.D.C.
Apoftool, Samuel^ Dutch Amib&ptbt theolodaa ;
1638-1664 u.p.
App, Peter- WiUielm, Germ, hist* painter; 1H20 N.D»
Appel, Jakob^ Dutch landscape ptr* ; ltJ8i>-- 1751 B, l\ N.
AppeldCKim, Jeati, Dutch landjicape painter and de-
signer; 1765—1838 B.
AppeUiiB, JearCy hiat. and portniit painter ; 1778 b.
AppeliUA, J^djaun - Heinrioh, Dutch minister of
linance ; 1767*- 182H D.u,
AppellJBiis, Olympic victor ; B,c. 540 H,
Appelmau, BArent, Dutch lojidacape painter ; 1640—
168<J B.K,
Appfdmanili Bernard^ Dutch huiditcape painter;
1600—1646 U.
AppelmanB, G. , Dutch engraver , 1671 b.b.
AppendlXll. Fiance Buo-Mjurio, Italian critic ; 176R —
mw H-D.t*,
Apperley, Charlea-James {Nimrod), Engliih writer on
field »n>ortfl ; 1777—1843 D.
Apperley* Thoman, Engliiih physician ; 1731
Appert, Benjniiiin-Nicoifl»-Murie» French philanthro*
pist and writer; 6. 17l>7 U.h\
Appert, Eugenu, French painter; h. 1820 F.
Appert, Fnmvois, French writer on the pretenration
of viand B ; IHth cent, D,
Appian of Alexandria, Roman historian ; 100 d,r.€,
Applanl, Andrea, Italian painter ; 1761— 1S17 b.u.k.
Appianl, Andrea, Italian painter ; 6. 1812*^ B.V.
Applajii, Francesco, Ital. painter; 1702— 171*2 B.C-K.T-
Applaal, Giuseppe, MUanene painter ; 1770* N.B.
ApplanOj AlesBundro d^^ sorereign of Ftombino; dL
1589 D.
Applano, Em,, sovereign of Piombino ; d. 1457 IX
AppLaaio, GheriirdOf seignior of Pisa ; 139$ u.D.
Applauo, Jaoopo L d\ tpant of Piaa ; d, 131*8 U.D.
Appiano, Jacupo 11* d, prince of Piombino; d.
1440 D.I?.
Appiano, .Jacopo III. d*, sovereign of Piombino; </.
1474 n,
Appiano of Aragqn, Jacopo IV. d' ; d. 1511 U.
Appiano of Aragon, Jaoopo V, d' ; d, 1545 Uu
Applano of Araffon, Jacono VL d* ; d, 1585 D.
▲pplano, Jaoopo VII. d\ laBt soTemign of Fiombino;
1690 D.
Al»plailO, Niocola, Italian painter ; 1510 T.B.V.D.
Applano, Paolo- Antonio, Italian Jesuit, historian ;
1639-1709 I.D.C.
Appiano, Vanni d*, chief of the princes of Pisa ; </.
1355 D.
Appius^Caius-Clandias, Roman consul; B.C. 460 X.D.U.
Appim, Claudias-SabUinus-RegillensLB, Roman sena-
tor and consul ; B.C. 471 D.u.
Appins, Claudius-Sabinus-Regillensis, Roman consul ;
B.C. 451 D.U.
AppiVB, Claudius-CaBcus, Roman censor; 4th cent
B.O. D.X.
Appleby, John de, dean of St Paul*s ; 1364
Appleby, Joseph, English chemist ; d. 1754
Appleby, Roger, bishop of Ossory, 1401 ; d, 1404 d.l.
Applet^, Thomas, bp. of Carlisle, 1363; d, 1395 </./.
Applegutli, Henry, English lawyer ; 1660
Appleton, J^iglish commodore ; 1663 r.d.
Appleton, Daniel, Amer. publisher ; 1785—1849 e.
Appleton, Elisabeth, English writer ; 1816
Appleton, Jesse, American theologian and author ;
1772-1819 «.A.D.
Appleton, Nathaniel, American divine and writer;
1693-1784 A.
Appletoii, Samuel, American merchant and philan-
thropist; 1766-1853 A.e,
Appleyard, Sir Matt., English military commander;
AppOlodoro, Francesco (Di Porcia of Friuli), Italian
portrait painter ; 1606 t.r.
Appony, Comte Antoine-Rodolphe d\ Austrian diplo-
matist ; b. 1782 D.
Appreece, John, Welsh antiouary ; 1663
Appulelus, Lucius, tribune of the plebs ; B.C. 371 D.
AppnlellU, Lucius, Roman ambassador to Alia ; B.C.
156 U.D.
AppuleiUB, AL, Roman augur; B.C. 20 d.h.u.
AppnleiUB, Sextus, Roman consul ; 1st cent. d.h.
Appylby, Rol>ert, bishop of Lismore and Waterford,
1405 ; d. 1409 c.
Aprazln, Fedor-Matricvitch, Count, Russian admiral ;
1671-1728 K.U.D.
Aprazln, Steven-Feodorovitch, Russian field-marshal ;
1700-1757 U.D.
Apreeoe, Sir Thomas Hussey, English public bene-
factor ; d. 1833
Apres de Mannerllletta, Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas-Denis
d'. Fr. navigator and hydrographer ; 1707—1780 U.K.
Apnea, king of Egypt ; B.C. 595^ U.D.x.
Aprlle, Giuseppe, Is eaiiolitan mus. ; 1746*— 1798 K.i>.
ApronlanUB, C. Ventidius, consul of Rome ; 123 h.
Apronianua, C. Vipstanus, consul of Rome ; 59 h.d.
Apronius, Vipstanus, consul of Rome ; 118 H.
Apronianua, consul of Rome ; 108 h.
Apronianua, consul of Rome ; 191 h.
Apronianua, Lucius Asturius Secundus, Roman pre-
fect: 339 H.D.
Apronlua, Caius, tribune of the people ; 5th cent. H.D.
Apronlua, Cuisianus Lucius, consul of Rome ; 39 h.d.
Apronlua, Lucius, cnnHul of Rome ; 8 H.D.
i^iroaio, Angclico, Italian Augustine bibliopolist and
critical writer ; 1GU7— 1681 I.U.D.c.
Apaandrua, Athenian arohon ; B.c. 702 H.
ApaohfHieronymus Andreas, German engraver; 1490—
1556 B.R.
Apaephion, Athenian archon ; B.C. 470 h.
Apaeudaa, Athenian archon ; b.c 4:i.'i H.
ApahOTen.Theodor van. Dutch ptr. ; 1648»"1CG5* D.N.
Apalnea, (ircek rhetoriciun ; B.C. 300 u.R.
Apaley, Sir Allen, lieut. of the Tower ; d. lO.'K) n.
Apaley, Sir Allen, English milititry commander during
the oivU wars, and author ; 1019*— 1683 K.
Apayrtui, or Abajrrtua, Qk. voterinaiy sur^ism r.d.
Apthorp, East, American divine ; 1697— 1758 a.
Aptborp, Eustaoh, English theologian and author ;
1733-1816 D.
Aptborp, Geoige H., American missionaiy to Ceylon ;
279g 1944 X.
Apuldore, WUliam ; ex, 1381
M>Qlelua, naturalist and writer ; 10 B.
Apulaiua, Lucius, Platonic philosopher and writer ;
2nd cent U.D.X.
Apulelua, h. Csecilios Minutianus, Latin grammarian ;
580* B.D.
Aqua,Christofanodell'yicenza, designer and engraver;
1690—1760* B.U.R.
Aquaeua, Stephanus, French writer ; d, 1533 d.
Aciuarlua, Matthias, Dominican professor of theology
and author ; d. 1591 LD.
AquATiva. See AcquaTiva.
AquATlTE, Claudio, general of the Jesuits, pietistical
author; 1543—1615 B.r.c.
Aquila, Greek Jewish proselyte, translator of the Old
Testament; 85 U.D.
Aquila, architect and scholar; 2nd cent. u.
Aquila, Roman rhetorician ; 4th cent. D.U.
Aquila, or Adler, Caspar, German theologian and
preacher ; 1488—1560 B.a
Aquila, Eugenulf de, English warrior ; d. 1066
Aquila, Frtmcesco Faraone, Italhin designer and en-
graver : b. 1676 B.B.
Aquila, Giorgio (Maestro Giorgio di Firenze), painter ;
1320 &
Aquila, Giovanni delP, Italian phvsician ; d. 1510 D.R.
Aqulla* Julius, Roman jurist ; 5th cent. Dl
Aqulla, Pietro, painter and engraver of Palermo;
1724-1795 B.D.R.T.
Aqulla, Pompeo dell*, Neapolitan painter ; 16th cent.
AquUano, or AquUanua, Sebastiano, Italian physi-
cian ; d, 1513 I. U.D.
Aqullano, Serafino, ItaUan poet and improvisatore ;
1466-1500 I.U.C.
AquUanua, engraver ; 1570 B.
Aqullea. Juan, Spanish sculptor ; 16th cent. I.D.
Aqulllniua, consul of Rome ; 162 h.
Aquillniua, consul of Rome ; 249 h.
Aqulllniua, Laert. Herminius, Roman con. ; B.C. 448 h.
Aquillniua, T. Herminius, consul of Rome ; B.C. 506 u.
Aquillniua, T. Vettius, consul of Rome ; 125 h.
Aqulllniua, Vettius, consul of Rome ; 286 H.
Aquiliua, C. Gallus, Roman jurist and prautor; B.a
40* i>.B.x.
Aquiliua, Henri, Belgian polygnipher ; 16th cent. D.
Aquiliua, Sabinus {the Cato ofUin cff/tj, Roman lawyer
and consul ; 3d cent. U.S.
Aquiliua, M., Roman consul ; B.C. 129 U.R.X.
Aquin, Louis Claude d\ French organist ; 1694 or S—
Aquin, or Aquino, Philippe d\ French rabbi, profevor
of Hebrew, and author ; </. 1650 O.U.C
Aquin de Obataau-Lyon, Pierre Louis, Fk«nch poet
and litterateur ; rf. 1797 U.P.C.
Aquinaa, St Thomas {the Atiffeliral I>octor), divine and
commentator ; 1221 or 7—1274 C.R.D.U.P.
Aquino, Carlo d', Italian Jesuit, savant, and author ;
1654—1740 I.U.C.
Aquirro, Jaun Saens d', Spanish canlinal and theolo-
gian ; 1630-1699 V.
Anibi, Mohieddin -Mohammed-ben -Ali -ben -el -Arabi«
Arabian theologian and author ; d, 1240 U.
Arabin, William St Julian, Kuglish lawyer; d. IMl
Arabiua, Scholasticus, l«rcck |>oet and opigrammatist ;
6th cent. U.B.
Arablay, or Arrablay, Pierre d\ chAncellor of France,
cardinal ; d. 1346 D.
Arab-Sbab, Ahmed Elm Mo1iamme<I Arabshah Ehn
Abd* allah Al Haiieifi, Arabian historian, jurist, and
philosopher; </. 1450 r.a.o.
Axiacbiele, Cacciaturo, Armenian theologian and phil-
osopher ; (/. 1740 D.M>
AradiUaa, Alfr. Gonzalez, Spnuish theol,^ liiTti)* d.q.
▲radcm dA Qiuinipily^ Jerome, Fr> gen end ; 151)7 o, D.
Ara^^aBOiiii, Giacomo, YeDetian phyBiouhD ; 1471 1.D.Q.
An«0» ^lfi«d, French pAiuUr ; 1845 F.
Axuf^o, Dominiqtie-Fiiuifoia, Freuch academiclAn, pliy-
sicUt^ «iul astTonomer ; 1786—1853 D.
■Azii^ EcBxn&nuel, Freuch advocate ftnd rfprfscntii-
tiv«; £l l;S12 F.D.
Arago, Etietiiie, F^encb jourDAlutftDd dmmatic author;
k IBOS an.
Ar^S^t Jrvcquea-Etienne-Ytctor, Frenoh savant and
tr»TeUer ; L 17 W r.a
AngO, Jean. French general; I7flS-1836 D,
ArtCO&i Alfonio d\ Spamsh J emit and gmmmM-iuji ;
JHfOB^ 9r BorlA, Alph^ Spftniah monk and tilieolo-
ite; 17iheeiit. i>
AnvOQ, Fernando d\ arch bishop of B^ragossti, ^piiu*
iah historian ; d. 1575 D.Q.
Anffon, Fem&odO'XimeneSt Puitagueso iheologi&u ;
IfiUr r>.
Arvgtm* Jeanne d*, princess of T«vgliaoozz<», celebrated
for h^ beatttj, wisdom^ and courage; d, WIT* u.u.
Armcosi, Jo-Puarre, Spanish philosopher ; 1&20* h.ii,
Aimcan, Joan, Spanish pniater ; 1570* b.d.n.
AncQA- Markino d\ duke of Hermohk, Spanish nuini»-
malaul ; IMh rent. I>.
ArsS'OCFt ' !iiah monk and theot ; 1595* D.
Az«ffOB, T I ; ! rtji poetess ; L51II— 15li5 u. I. c.
Angona, - Uaol* d*, Sicilian cardinal and
aothor; i l.D.Q,
-lo, ItoHan designer and nnti-
■ Jcas IxroiSt Freach advocate and author ;
ATmJa» Tnnaaco^ Italian mufiic composer; 171 >0—
1759* K.LT.D.
ArmJEtdierr, Count Alejtis Andrecvicht^ Russiau geue-
raJ; 1767 -18^M If.C.
Azaldl^ Alesamidrot of Piuma, Italian painter ; 1470—
AraMI, Miche]«, Italian x»bysiologiat and mnthemati*
«»; 1740-1813 U.B.D,
t Jo. Fimac, Italian Jesuit, theologmn ; 1522—
, En^eoev English sdioolmaster and murderer ;
li 17«M; «».X759 i/.U,a.O.
. Frter, English poet ; 1733
M^ir hen Liaac, Bpaiii»h irahbi and sacred
wrtUr ; 17th eeot. B»^>.
AXSBO^ Oalviel d« Lueti, Baron d\ French dipluuu^-
lfat:dl55S iMt.D.
Jiza^i4ftdA» 2lid ol the Fatan monarchs of Delhi ;
Axmm, F. Jl^ French physician ; h. 1810 f.
AAtoiiio^ Spaninh Jesuit and hlogmphor ;
-ieH> It M.
IIyAdnt«>p Spaninh CiirmcHte and autluir;
, Astoctio, Spanish author; 1545 U.
T _ -„ ^'--''5 sculptor; 1500 D.
,,tor; 1500 1*.
iter ; 16th ccjit, D,E.ij.
>n ]},i£.
Count of, Spanish
. ..18— ir{^5> U.B.D.
rmveiltr; t/. 1555 D.
ixu monk jiiud muido com-
lish jeweller; 1700* a>,
™™j,r, Italiiin anatomist and phyai-
un^TiAn poet; fe. 15*1 f> F.
«4ia€fiis - '" E.1I.X.
iJ^BimL . >: of finances;
AratOB of Slcyoa, AchaMiu general and historian ; B.CL
271-213 u.iux.
AratOH of Solei, Cilioia, astronomer and poet; b. ikC.
277 IT.
Aranjo, Antonio, Portugmese author and lejd«0!gri>
phori ]5*}ti- 163*2 ii.
Arailjo, Edouard, Portuguese bioc. ; 16th cent. D V.
Araujo, or Arauro, Frandsoo m Oorrea, Spanish
or^^imst And tiiusiciau ; d, 1663 D.K.I.
Araujo, Jt>/.6 Uorens, Portuguese philosopher and
author; 16<j7 — 1743 d.y.
Araujo, Pedro do, Spanish sculptor ; 170U D.
Araujo d'AxevedOt Autouio^ Portuguese statesman ;
1762 or 84-1817 ilu.D.
Arauxo, Salgado, Portuguese ccolcsinstio and histo>
riiui; 1005* <i.l>.
Arbaces, founder of the Median empire ; 0th cent.
B.C. U.D.X.
Art»nore. Etieiinc Gahriel, French litt. ; L 1784 F*
Arbasla, Cesare, of 8alu£zo, painter; d. l*ilA T*B.U.B.
Arbaud de Porcherefl, Fnui^ois, Fi^nch poet and
Bcadtimii ism ; c(. 11S40 u.DC,
Arhetion, or ArbetLo* Koman gener.J. consul ; 355
Arblay {Friim:f.^ Biitnirff)^ M'lJiim d\ English dramatic
autliorcss anil ivuveliat ; 1752—1840 Ii.K,
ArlJOgUEt, St, hbhop of Strasbourg ; d, (\7^ B.B.
ArbogtLBt, Louis Fnin^^ois-Antoi no, French mathcioa-
tician jiiid iOkulyHt ; 1759—1^03,
Arbogastes, iliiinun ^'ciiertkl and prefect ; d. 304 u,D,
Arbola, Marie Henri d\ French jirchivist; k 1827 F,
ArboiB de JubalnviH©, Jlurie Henri d*, French ait hie-
olof^st ; k 1827
ArhoreUB, Jean, French theologiin ; 1520 ih
Arborlo Biamlno, Pietra^ Italian ecouoraist ami magiit-
tmte; 17()7— 1^11 K,U
Arborlo de Gattlnara^ Angclo Antonio, arolibishop of
Turin ; 1G5S— 1743 ItD.
Arborio de Gattinarai Giovanni Mercurino, Italian
ecclesiastic and author ; l(i86— 1743 R.i».
Arborlo de Gattlnarla, Mcrcurio^ Itidion jurist and
dipl 0 1 n Bit is t ; 1 465 - 1530 U. D.
Arborius, /Emilius ^I»guu.H, Roman astroDotner and
mathematician ; d, 335^ H.tK
Arborlus, U^i^cilius At^idus, mathematician and astro-
Juyer of Gsnil ; 264 D.
ArbrlEseU Rf^lurt *l\ French preacher^ founder of the
iilbei Mf I'i.iir* vnmlt; 1047—1117 au,
Arbuckle, I riiir^ English opponent of Kivnx ; Ifi^t*
Arbuckle, J aaica, Scottish poet ; 1700-1734 u,ac.
Arbuckle, :Matthew, Amorican officer ; 1775— 1S51 e.A^
Arbuo, PLMho, in(iuisit<iir ; d. 14H<1
Arbulo Maxgavete, Pedro, Spunish pftiiittr; l(Kf8 D.
Arbuthnot, .MyxiauU-r^ Scc'ttish lawyer and refuinier ;
1538— 15S3 E.D.C.
ArbuUmot, or Arbutlm^t, Alexander, Scottish printer;
tL 15H5 I».
Arbuthnot, Alei^ander, bishop of Killaloe aud Kil-
fenoni, 1U23 ; b. imh d, 1,S28 c.
Arbuthnot, Archibald* English bio{;Taplier ; 17-16
Arbutlmot, Clmrles, English cltu>»i(»d scholar ; d, 1731
Artmtlmot. Ohnrlea, abln^t of Ratisboii ; t^ 1820
ArbutbJioti Charles, Knglish politiciaii ; d. 1850
ArbuUmot, John, Scottish physician^ wit* aud writer ;
1G75— 1734or5 CB.
Arbutlmot, Mariot, Eogluih admiitil ; 1711*— 1794 a.
Arc, Josin of {thf vmtd trf Orleans), Freuch female cu-
thuskst ; 1 412* - 1431 D. a. c. u.
Arc, Philippe AugURto de Saute-Fouc* chevalier d\
French litt,, swrn of tlte count of Toulouse ; d. 1779 D,
Area, Li on El rtlo della, Italian en^p-aver; UKJO K.B,
Arcadelt, .hicquei!., Fleiuuih mutiiciaii ; 1540 D.K.
Arcadlo, Alexuudre, writer on medicine nud politics ,
1625 K.U.
Arcadio, Giovanni Francesco, Piedmontese physician j
d, 1620 D.K.
ArcadlUfl^ gr;immarian of Awtioch ; 3*1 cent, ac U.K.
Arcadiuf, cnip, of Ooustmibinopk [:im) ; 377—408 *i.u.
Arcadlm {TJutumastorita), bishop of CoDBtance, in the
island of Cyprus ; 8th cent. D.
AroauB, Francisco, Spanish physician and medical
author ; 1494—1575 B.D.
ixoano, Giovanni {II Mauro), Italian borlesquA poet ;
1500»-1535» u.La
Aroaaio, Giovanni Francisco, Italian jurist; 1712—
1791 CD.
iToe, Spanish painter ; 1581 D.
iToe, Don Culedonio de, Spanish soulp. ; 1739—1795 D.
Aree, Josef, Spanish sculptor ; 1657 D.
Arcere, Antoine, French orientalist u.
AxGere,Louis-£tienne, French hist ; 1698—1782 u.D.c.
Aroaillas, Greek sculptor ; 6th cent b.c. a
ArceaUam L, son of Battus I., king of Cyrcne; B.a
699-683 B.X.
AroeBUauB n., king of Cyrene D. x.
ArceallauB m., king of Cyrene ; <f. B.O. 514* ax.
AroaBUauB IV., last king of Cyrene ; d, B.C. 431 D.x.
AroaBUauB of PharoB, Greek encaustic painter ; 6th
cent ao. n.a
AroesilaiiB, or ArceBllaB, Athenian philosopher ; a a
316^—241 ua).x.
ArceBllauB, Boman sculptor ; ac. 65 U.D.X.
AroeBUaoB, conHul of Rome ; 267 ao.
Arch, John, Cherokee Indian interpreter; 1798 —
1825 A.
Archa, Eleizsr Ben Isaac, xabhi and physician of Heb-
ron, in Palestine a
ArdUMmactida, king of Bosporus ; aa 480 a
ArohagatVB, Greek surgeon at Home ; ac. 219 au.
Arebangede Clermont, French historian; 17th cent s.
Arebange de I^ozi, French ecclesiastic and preacher ;
17th cent. a
Andiango de Bonen, French Francisean theologian
and author; 1700* a
Arohangele de Boorgneiif , or ArChaogeluB de Bur-
ffonOTO, Italian ^linorite theoL and writer; 1550 1. a
Archangelaa, or Be Archangelo, Ottavio, Italian
poet; 1620* I. a
ArohanJOB, Dos, Portuguese eccles. ; 1632—1682 d.y.q.
ArohaBilllBiUB, physician of Rhodes D.
ArchtMOd, Thomas, Euglish loyalist divine ; 1C23
Arohbold, Edward, English author ; 1601 q.
Archtwld, John, English divine ; 1621
Archdale, John, governor of Carolina ; 1695* A.C.D.e.
Archdall, Mervyn, Irish Protestant divine and anti-
quary ; 1723-1791 ay.
Arehdeaeon, Daniel, Enslish translator ; 1588
Archdeacoa John, English printer ; d, 1795
Arehdekin {Mac OUla (hulay\ Richard, Irish Jesuit
and author ; 1619-1G!)0 aa
Arehe, NatalisEudes do L\ French hist ; 1710 D.
ArchebuIUB of ThelieB, Greek lyric puet ; 3d cent
ao. x.a
Archedamus of Tanns, ArchedexnuB, or Arohlde-
muB, Gre<!k Stoic philosopher ax.
Archedlce, grand-daughter of Pisistrates, husband of
Leon tides ; 6th cent. B.C. D.
ArchedlcoB, Greek writer of comedy ; B.C. 302 a D.
ArchelaoB, grandson of Orestes; ac.l088 {m;tthkal) H.
ArcholaUB, king of Lace(l»>nion ; ac. 88:i— 82:i U.D.
ArollolailB, On>ck p<)et and Hlchemist ; 5th cent* D.
ArchelaUB, bJHhop of Cnesarcu ; 5th cent D.
Arolielaas, Greek philosopher, preceptor of Socrates ;
ac. 450 ax.
ArcholaOB, governor of M('8n]>otamia ; 4th cent ac. D.
ArchelaOB, Givfk Kooj^ruphcr ; 4th cent ac. 1).
ArchelauB, k. of Maccdou, ac. 413 ; d. b.c. .T.K) i.d.x.
ArchelaUB, (Jroek poet in Egyi)t ; 4th cent.* B.C. l>.
ArchelaoB, vthnarch of Judu.'a; A.D. 4 u.D.x.
Archelaus (the CapiHidocmn)^ general of Mithrtdates ;
aa 85 D.x.
ArchelaoB, king of Egypt ; d, B.C. 56 u.D.x.
ArchelauB, king of Cuppadocia ; </. ac. 17 B. u.D.x.
ArchelaoB, Gnek sculptor ; 25* r.a
ArdielaUB, bishop of Cascara, in Mesopotamia ; 277 D.
ArchwnaohnB, Greek writer an.
Arobenholi, or Arkenlioli, Johann, Swedish hiatorian ;
1695-1777 au.
Archenhols, Johann Wilhelm von, German historian ;
1741 or 6-1812 aaa
Archer, Andrew, English divine ; 1704
Ardier, Clement, Ei^lish surgeon ; 1798
Archer, Edmund, English divine ; d. 1739
Archer, Edward, English physician ; d. 1789
Archer, Elias, English historian ; 1643
Archer, Frederick Scott, English inventor of oollodian
process ; d. 1857
Archer, Gabriel, English voyager; 1602
Archer, Henry, English historian ; d, 1585
Archer, Henry, English divine ; 1641
Archer, James, Catholic divine; 1794
Archer; John, English military commander ; d. 1463
Archer, John, English judge ; 1598*— 1682 /.
Archer, John, the last person racked in England ; 1G40
Archer, John, English preacher ; 1661
Archer, John, physician to Charles II. of England,
and author ; l7th cent D.Q.
Archer, Sir John, English jud^ ; d. 1681
Archer, John, English dissentmg minister ; d. 1735
Archer, John Wykeha^^ Eng. painter; 1806-1864 ax.
Archer, Sir Simon, English antiquary ; 1681 a
Archer, Stevenson, American judge ; d. 184 S a.
Archer, Thomas, English military commander ; d, 1425
Archer, Dr Thomas, chaplain in ordinary to King
James I. ; 1553—16.'^ a
Archer, Thomas, Scotch divine ; ex. 1685
Archer, Thomas, English military commander; d, 1685
Archer, Thomas, English actor and dniniatist ; cL lt^48
Archer, Thomas, English architect ; 1745 aD..rr.
Archee, Athenian archon; B.C. 393 H.
ArcheBtratideB, Athenian archon ; B.C. 577 a
ArcheBtratnB of Qela or Syracuse, Greek poet ; 4th
cent, aa
ArcheetratUB, Athenian genend ; B.C. 407 l>.
ArchetlxnuB, or ArohldemuB, of Syracuse, philosopher
and historian a
ArcheveBque. Hue, French troubadour ; 13th cent a
Archiac, Etienne Jules Adolphe Desmier de 8aint
Simon, Vicomte d\ French geologist ; h. 1802 D.P.
ArchiadaB, or Archlades, Greek philosopher; 5th
cent. D.
ArchiadaB, or ArcMadee (tiie Younger), Pktouic phil-
osopher ; 5th cent. I).
ArchlanuB, king of Babylon ; B.c. 709 h.
ArchiaB of Corinth, founder of Syracuse ; ac. 733* i\ x.
ArohlaB, Athenian archon ; ac. 419 ii.
ArchiaB, Athenian archon; B.C. 346 H.
ArchiaB, Greek architect; B.C. 240 r.
ArchiaB of Antioch, Greek poet ; b.c. 120* u.D.
Archibald, bishop ot Caithness, 1275 ; d. 1288 k.
Archibald, bishop of Moray, 125,3 ; (/. 12'JS L
Archibald, carl of Angus, lonl chaii. of Scotland ; 1493
Archibald, earl of Argyll, lord chaiu of Scotland ; 1572
Archibald, K(>l>ert, I^glish profe^iHor of philosophy at
Paris ; d. 1577
Archicantor, John, missionary to the Anglo-iSazona;
Archidamia, daughter of Eleonymas, king nf Kparta
Archidamia, daughter of Clcades, Gn^ck heroine a
ArchidaxnOB, Greek physician ; 5tli cint. ac. aa
ArchidaxnuB I., king (»f SparU ; it.c. 620 x.u.aa
ArchidaxnuB n. ; d. b.c. 41.7 x.v.aa
ArohidaxnuB m., b.c. :m ; </. 'X^ x.u.aa
ArchidaxnuB IV. ; ac. i^.Hi
ArchidaxnuB V. ; b.c. 240 X.
Archidexnides, Athenian archon ; B.C. 464 H.
Archigenes, <;reek at Home; 117* aaa
ArchilochUB of FaroB, itrcek lyric iK>ct ; ac. 714*—
676* au.a
ArchilochUB, Olvmpic victor ; ac. 544 a
ArchixnedOB of SyracuBe, geometrician; B.c. 2^^
212 x.aac.
An^Llmiliii^ Gre^-k po«t and epIgnunmAtist ; 3d cent
IIiitlg^beritA, IVniuneae poetess ; Ifith oCFot.
Alewndro, It4kliiin theologi&ti atid nuthor ;
Almmndro, Italian Jemiit and polj-grftplior :
AmliroiMi or GioTumi^ Italian jLUtlior;
1518 o.i>.r.
ito^ Oirlo, Count, wjn of FUippo Aivhioto» one
of tbe foonden of the Pidatme society ; 1669—
1731 C.IMXI.
ito. Carlo Antonio, Italiiu) caaoa and nutbor ;
ITili eent. u.D.l.
FilTpi>o, abjv of MQan ; 1500—1553 G.n,l.
ito, Fiiipjin, Italian jari»t, author, and polid-
»to, GirolAmo, abp, of Tarse; 1671 •—1721 a O.I.
ito. GiiiMepj^e. carilluiU, archlui^liopof Milan Hnd
author; 1651—1712 O.D.L
OttiTio, MUa&eifi count luid autLor; Idth
of CflBlOt in Attica, Athcniau wamoi' ; B, a
Atbenian archon ; B.C. 10-11 H.
,Gnr«k poot; B.C. 415 D,E.X.
Atbenian arcbon ; BiO. 318 H,
llalliti pauitcr ; 1560—1635 n.
Albcrioo, archbishop of Nice and goTernor of
IflBg— 175S no.
JLrehim, Loub, French aaTaat, cbjiphdn to Louis XIV. ;
J*>I5— 1717 P.VJKC.
JkrehjtMA of '"""'^r*':Tn, Greek pbilosopber, gt'iiernJj
fBaHhtmi,' stateaiDan ; b. fi.c. 408 X.H.u.l>.
Ar<^al>a1ili, •, ItaUan ecelesiMtic mid uutliur ;
<L 1578 T.N^D.
AJCtlWhCiMli Giorannif ItaUan cardinal and archbishop
of MiLyi; d. H91 hu.
AniiahftMI. Gxiucp]^, MiLineseptr. ; 1533-1593 T. ikK.
JinstnibQldl, Gui Antonio, archbishop of Milan ; d,
im a I.
Arctmboldl. Octario, abp, of Mihin ; 1471—150:1* i.d.
UeiiELboldo, Giorazmi Angtio, archbishop of J^Iilan ;
14.*i&— 1555 ILD.
lixiou, Koraai] cmigeoQ ; 41 K.
AFdOBt, Uiimclo, uf Mihui, goldsmith, worker in
Midh ; 15«li oen t. D. a N . T.
AMJ»,lIare, French acalpior; d. 1741* ni>.
IrilMiwill, Knjaxtof, goveraor-genend of Bmxil ;
cL WBB R.a
AreOk Akxii or Alomo del {ft Sordillo da Pcnda},
Spaislih pvater ; 1(>25— 1700 nj>.
Ana Fi^Ii^. StiiniMh ambassador to the oourt of I3^L'
• rardD d*, Italian misoellan&oui
TjTolcan Latin poet and privy
;6 I. u.^o.
I Ml peri ml troojis ; rf. 1704 D.
umatiBtj 1775—1805 i>.
'^t; mm I.IJ.Q.
r le Micbutid d*, French
1800 DAI. ecclesiastic and music cum-
K. I J.
„ . .it, scholar; lfl75— 1702 I.D.
Hjeroitjmiis, German soldier and po^t ;
^' ' f'byindan, advocate to the
'/, 1081 i;.D,
Ohailutte, French scholar
_.,__-, 17a*— 160S Djs,
Aree^ CaiAslsr, Sfanssli eccleslatiic and translator;
SS39 11,
» 0, lUytHeo Pon« do Leon, Duke of, viceroy of
l«imi«l«UV Greek poet; B,c 776* D.x!
Arcudl, Alc^ftandro TommAKOf Italian Dominican and
satiric iiuthor ; 1655 — 1718 B.U.
Arcudlov Pietro, ecclesiastio of Corfu; 1570—1633
or 7 D;R.C,
Arculantiiip or Herculatus, Joannes {ArciifaNi, or £r-
cofaiii), F I 111 ism [»h,vaicUn and author; 15th cent. IL
Arculfe. (Jatllic bishop, traveller to the Holy Duid;
7th cent. mcr,
ArouflBlA, Clmrlea d\ F^nch writer on falconry ;
1547-1617* K,I).
Arcy, Patriik d*, Irish matbematiciiftn, and military
engineer in the French Army ; 1725—1770 u.R.
Arcy. Sir Ko^^er d , lord instice of IreUind ; 1346
AnIabarlUB, genond uncfor Theodosiun II, ; 421 B.D.
Ardaburlua^ consul cff K^inie ; 447 H.
Ardaalieer-Bab€kan(^r<t»jccrjt:et), king of Peraia^ and
author ; tf, 2fiO* a.tJ.
ArdaYan, or Ardewan, the name of two kings of
Persia il
Arilec, JncqncH (\\ Flem, monk andantbor ; 1615 lUP.D.
ArdellfJanieit M:ic, Lrinh i^ngravet ; 1710*— 1765 RK.U,
ArdenLaiLB, Teodoro, Spanish archit«ct and sculptor;
1G64-1726 lUB.
Arden, Edward, EngUahoii* «ze«iited for treuon ;
1532—1583 ».o.
Arden, John, prebetidary of York ; 1559
Arden, Bichard Pt*pper, Lfjrd Alvonlev ; master of the
roU* (1788); 1745— 1804 ' f.B,a
Arden. ThomuA, English divine : 1558 q.
Ardene, Eaprit-Jeiin do Ronw d^, French poet ; 1684^
1748 u.aa
Ardene, Jean Paul de Rome d\ Freooh eocdedaBtio and
writer on botiiny ; 1^189—17*50 r.U-(3.
Ardenne, or Arduenna, Kennicle d*, French Latin
|>oet ■ 1480— 1524 B,y,
Ardente, AlessAndro^ of Fnenza, Italian historicnl and
portrait painter ; (L 15U5 V,,
Ardem, John, English surgton; 1350 R,D.C,
Ardenx, Johu» Enjilitih architect ; 1448
Ardeme, James, Kagliah divine, dean of Chester ; d,
1«1>1 R.D,C.
Ardeme, John, Eng, baron of the Exchequer ; 1444 /«
Ardeme, Fcter, chief bukrou of the Exoliequer ; 14(jl /.
Arderon, WilHam, English natural phEosupber; 17C3
AMeo, Mak-olm» Cwm elite ; 1384
Ardeaoif. John, Eijgh»h cock-fighter ; d. 1780
Ardflathj or Afflat, abn. of Ariit^igh, 7^3-4 ; d. 794 c.
Ardlgezie, St, bisiiop ot Foure ; 7'i5 Ct
Ardices of Corintli, Greek minter R.D.
Ardldal, Luigi. Itidiuu ftgncultumlist; 17311-1833 a.
ArdlgTie de la Chaaae, Charles, Marquis d', French
rt'ptesciitiitivu ; b, 17'.*!
ArdlngelU, Nicola, ItnUsin cardinal ; d, 1547 D.
Ardlflheer n., or Artaxer, king of Persia ; d, 383
Ardl^'hir, king of IVntia ; c^. 629
Ardltl, Luigi. It*ilinn musio composer and operntio
conductor in England ; 6* IS25
ArdlSO!], Jiioujio^ Ituiiau juriiit ; 14th cent, LQ.
Ardlxson, vr Ardlasonl, Antonio, Italian writer ; d.
Um LD.
Ardlxsonl, Fabrkio, Italiaji physiciun, medical writer;
17th cent. i.d.
Ardloy, Goojije, English poet ; 1803
Ardo^ia, AnneMjiria, Itnliiiu pr^^ttss ; 1G72— 1700 r.D.
Ardoma, Ben jamin, Gcruiitn rjibhi and writer; 10th
cent. o.D.
Arduaadea, kinp of Armenia ; b.c, 10 tt.
Arduiul, or Ardulno, Lndovico, Itidian agriculturalist
and UTiter; 175^- 1833 D.3.
Ardulnl* Pietra, Italinn botanist, professor of agiicnl-
turc and nintl economy 11. U,
Ardiilnlfl, Suntfs dt^Utk {Arduino d^ Boloffna)^ It&iiaa
|>aiiiter and engraver ; 1515 R.N.D*
ArduinOt or Ardolnl, Itidian physician and author ',
loth cent. R.L
Ardnlno, MutJttrOf Italian architect and sculptor ;
15th cent. St
Ardoinai, marchese d' Ivrea, king of Italy, 1002 ; d,
1015 U.K.
Azdulf, or Eadulf, archbishop of Canterbazy ; d. 1002
Ardsrs, king of Lydia ; b.c. 678 B.D.X.
ikre - Ftode, or ThorgllMn, of Icelund, historian ;
1068—1148 B.U.
Axegio, Pablo, Spanish i>ainter ; 1506 ir.D.
Ar^^on, Corinthian painter D.
ArelB of Alexandria, Stoic philosopher and friend of
Octavianus Csesar D.B.
Arellano, Spanish monk and author ; 17th cent. B.
Arellano, Gil Ramirez de, Spanish councillor, presi-
dent of the Inquisition, and author B.D.
Arellano, Juan de. Span, painter; 1614—1676 B.U.R.
Arellano, Miguel Gomez ae, Spanish knight of Santi-
ago, writer on canon and civil law ; 17th cent R.
Arellano, Ramirez de, writer on Span, orthography B.
ArelUni, Roman painter ; 1st cent. R.B.
Arembergli, Augustus Marie Raymond, German colo-
nel; 1753-1833 K.
Arembergli, Carl Leopold, Austrian field-marshal ;
1767 D.
Arembergli, Le P. Charles d\ French Capuchin and
author, son of Charles de Ligne ; 1593—1669 D.Q.
Arembezgli, Johaun de Ligne, Count of, German offi-
cer; d. 1568 U.
Arembergli, LudwigEngelbert, Dk.of ; 1750-1820 d.r.
Arembergli, Prosper Lud wig, Duke of , French senator ;
1785-1820* D.
Arena, Antoine d\ Fr. jurist and poet ; d. 1544 U.B.C.
Arena, Barthelemy, Corsican officer and politician ;
1775-1829 P.R.
Arena, Jacopo, Italian jurist and author; 1300 LD.o.
Arena, Giuseppe, Ital. music comi>oser; 1720* K.D.
Arena, Giuseppe, French (Corsican) consxiii-ator and
revolutionist; d. 1802 F.u.
Arena, Joseph, French general and representative;
d. 1802 U.
Arenales, Joze, American geographer, lieutenant-
ooloncl of artillery ; 6. 1790 d.f.
Arend, or Arents, Balthazar, German theol. ; d, 16S7 D.
Arend, or Arents, Caius, Gormau theologian and
author; 1614- 1C91 D.
Arenda, Jan, Dutch painter ; 1738—1805 K.B.D.
Arenda, Thomas Dutch poet ; 1052-1700 B.N.U.
Arendt, Marti n-Friedrich, Danish antiquary and tra-
veller ; 1769— 1824 U.B.
Arendts, Ludwig, German jurist ; b. 1805 I).
Arenbold, G. I.. German portrait painter R.
Arezilns, or Arrnenius, Swedish portrait painter k.
Arena, Franz Joseph, Baron von, German administra-
tor ; 1779—1855 F.
Areaabeck, Pehr Deitrich, Swedish classical scholar
and orieutiilist ; d, 1673 q. r.
Areoblnda, consul of Rome ; 434 ib
Areoblnda, consul of Rome ; 506 H.
Areaaa, Pythagorean philosopher of Lucania B.U
Areal, Paolo, Italian tncologian, philosopher, and rhe-
torician; 1574*— 1644 I.R.C.
Areeklzi, or Enkine, Robert, English physician to
Peter the Grejit ; d, 1718 R.
Areion, John, bp. and jKM't of Iceland; 1484—1550 I).
Areatl, Floriauo, Italian organist and music composer;
17th cent. D.K.
Aretvua, phjrsician of Cappadocia and author B.D.X.
Aretapblla of Gyrene, Greek Iieroine b.1).
Aretaa I., king of Arabia Petnea ; ac. 170 D.R.
Aretaa n. (PhilheUhu) ; b.o. 106-79 d.
Aretaa m.; ▲.d. 30* i>.
Arete, daughter of Aristippus ; b.o. 360* B.D.X.
Aretee, Daniel, German sculptor ; 1455 d.n.
Arethaa, or Aretaa, (irt^ek theologian, archbishop uf
Ca»sarea, in Cappadoi-ia ; 1570* D.
Arethaa, Greek eocleiiiahtio ; 10th cent i).
Aretin, Angelo, ItaL juri'^t and author ; 15th cent. D.l.
Aretln, Buonaguida, or Bouaguida de Arretio, Itjilian
jurist ; 13th cent. ld.
Aretln, Johann-Adam, Baron, German litterateur and
statesman; 1769—1822 u.i>.
Aretia, Johann-Christoph-Friedrich, German littera-
teur and statesman ; 1773-1824 u.D.
Aretln, Johann Georg, Baron, German political econo-
mist ; 6. 1771 . D.
Aretln, Karl Maria, Viscount von, Geiman historian ;
6. 1796 F.
Aretino, Andrea, Italian painter ; 17th cent. T.
Aretino, Guide, Italian musician ; 1022 c.
Aretino, Pietro, Ital satiric poet ; 1492—1.557 D. B. c.
Aretino, Spinello, Italian painter ; 1328—1400 T.
Aretiua, Benedict, Swiss hellenist, theologian, botan-
ist, and author ; 1505*— 1574 D.B.O.
Aretoai, Cesare {Munari degli Ardusi), Bolognete his-
torical and portrait painter ; 1580*— 1612 D.&T.
Arena L, Agidan k. of Lacedsemon ; d, B.C. 265 K. U.B.
Arena XL ; b.c. 256 h.
Arezio, Betrico, Italian poet I.D.
Arezso, Claude Maria {Aretius), Italian Latin scholar,
author, and poet ; 1520* D.I.
Arezio, Francesco d', Italian Franciscan author;
1553-1616 LD.
Areizo, Guittone d\ Italian poet ; d, 12^ i.o.
Areszo, Scipioni Burali d', Italian cardinal; 15II —
1578 I.D.
Arezzo, Tommaso, Italian cardinal ; 1756—1832 B.D.
Arfkstua, bishop of Helm ham and Thetford, lord
chanoeUor of England, 1068 ; d. 1084 p./.
Arfberg, Heinrich Dusner Von, grand-master of the
Teutonic knights in Prussia ; 1345
Arfe, Antonio, embosser on silver ; 1544 ^ D.
Arfe, Henrique, German silver embosser in Spidu ;
1517 n.
Arfe, Juan de, Spanish sculptor ; 1603—1666 u.R.
Arfe, Juan de Arfe y Villano, Spanish goldsmith and
sculptor; 15:55—1595 R.U.
Arllan, Antonio de, Spanish painter; 1551* IXBl
Arfvedaon, Johan A., Swedish chemist and discovt- rer;
Arfwidaaon, Swedish engraver of portraits b.
ArgsuB L, k. of Macedon ; 8th or 7th cent. B.a X.n.
AxgaBUB n., pretender to the crown of Macedon ; B.C.
393 Xl>.
Argaiz, Gregorio, Spanish Benedictine monk and
author; 17th cent. D.B.
Argall, John, English theologian and author ; 1540^
1606 o.R.D.a
Argall, Richard, English religious poet O.R.D.C.
Argall, Samuel, deputy governor ol Virginia ; 1617 A.
Argand, Aiiue, Swiss physician and chemist; d.
1803 I'.IX
Arganeton. John, Engliali scient. investigator ; 1683
Arganthonioa, king ot Tartossc, in Si>ain ; 6th cent
Argelander, Fricderich - Willcm • August, Prussiaa
astronomer; 6. 1799 IL
ArgeUatl, Filipi>o, Italian painter and bibliographer ;
Hi85— 1755 LU.C.
ArgeUatl, Francesco, Italian engineer, writer on jnria-
prudence and philoxophy ; 1712—1754 B.D.C.
ArgelU, Cesar, canonist, archbishop of Avignon, and
author ; 1577 -1648 LDw
Argens, Jean-Batiste de Boyer, Marquis d*, French
litterateur and philosopher ; 1704—1771 R.D.C.
Argens, Luc de Boyer, Chevalier d', knight of MalU ;
d. 1772 K
Agensola, Batolome-Leonardo, Spanish poet and his-
torian : 1566— HKJl U.D,C.
Argenaola, Lupercio - Leonardo de, Spanish poet;
Argenaon, Marc Antoine Rene de Paulmy, FVeneh
author and bibliomaniac ; d. 1787 D.
Argenaon, Marc Pierre, Count of, French lientenanl
of police and counsellor of state ; 1696—1764 D.
Aigenaon, Marc Rend d', French officer and pobti-
cian; 1652-1721 o.
^ _ J M&ro Eeoe, irmrqnia cle Vo^r^ French
manb&t. coTemor of tlie ch&tciiU of Vincennet ;
1722^173^ D.
Ars^OKm, Matc Ren£ de Voger d\ Frenck olde'de*
Cftxnp, firefecft, and poliiicum ; 1771 — 1S42 i>.
AJK«iMil,E«si£de Voger, County French diplorontist;
<1 l€Sl D
ArgB^MOit Ren€ Louis, Marquia of^ French stnteamnn
(uid«Qthc»r; 169t} D.
Agyeat» Jahn, Bngjiah pbyBician ; cf, 1041
AzSWUtt, Jihoopo, Femureso painter ; 1561 t.d.
Algintftl, Chirlea • Aagnste dc Femul, Cotint of,
Frroch diplomati»t ; 1700— 178« ti.a
Ar^aitaii* Laigi Fruioes4xi d\ Itnlkii CapuchJn and
tliefidonQj writer ; 17th cent P.
iUs«lKMQ«. Laaii-Mare-Autoine-BobiUard d\ French
boMAisI; 1777— 1828 r.d.
AlKBUtieilOv Qioranoi, It&lian physician and writer }
Alj^Btf* Ag«3Cti^ Italian jumt and poet ; d. 1576 LtJ,
,Bono, lUlianpoet; d. 151)4 v,
, Qiovumi, Itali^ Jesuit and joriflt ; 15G4* —
T, GhoTMnm, Fiedmontese physician ; 1513—
ISra i.u-c.
Ars«nlJIl, or D'Axi^entilly, Carlo, Italian muAio com-
poser ud ttnger ; lt)th cent, n.K,
AncftiTHl^ John, English phTiician, provoat of King's
OolltDi: dllSOS f/.
Azivntiafl^ Bicbard (iS^eirtav), English acbolar and
atrlhor; d 15<>8 q,
Ai^pentliilt Stef&ito or Filippini, Italian theologian and
iDJuicxaii; 1630 D.K.
Ats<Mi0* OaeUo* Italian jnriat and author; WG2—
1730 D.
JlSHIlUD* Marie LouUe Madeleine Yictolre le Bel de
la BuiwRrr de Scry, Countess of, niiRtrcBs of tho
<lak9«€ Ofieiuaa, r«gent of France ; ll>80— 1748 D.
ArROiU'V, Bertrand d^ French hhitorsan and jurist;
1519-1590 D.u.
MrgmiU^ C1iarlc« Dupleasia d', biahop of Tullo und
aulhcir; 1C73-1740 n.l>.c.
Aflfeslret, Louis Cixarlea Duplesais d\ biahup of
limMm; 1724-1808 B.
Jliv; Pierra, FlemiAb conapirator against Hetjry IV.
«# Fnaee ; d. 1589 d.
ildODB^Sllia, fourth Mogul khan of Fdraia, 1284^!)! ;
4. 1»1 JtD.
Jtogflacwl^ mother of BrMidaa the Spartan chief D.
AlSSBata, Pictio della Cerkta^ Italian phya., t^rof.
«C ligie, aptroDomy, and mediciuc; d^ 1423 l.u.c.
JbiCtll* Jbidbt% ItaUan physician and mat hematic inn ;
1J9VI— 16S3 UJ^€.
Oioraani, Italian poet and jurist: IGOi^*—
I. L1.C.
_ J Noel (i?diiaimf'/re cT), French Carthtisiivu
9«M and btter^teur ; 1r;34*-17D4 t%E.€.
k^MVJobn Puritan divine ; IG7U
iigllti, Hiftfooaino i^ConUuiQT d\ Portuguese anti*
fflvy and essayist ; 167 C— 1749 ild.U/C.
"' ~ It Ml?ltHB. Gonzales, BimniAh historian, gene-
^ atiil litterateur; 1549-1500 P.O.
French author and advocate in tho
\% of Paris ; 1G74 Q. R.
AAtoiue Maurice Apolliiiaire, Count of,
I poliiiisian and financier; b, 1782 F.D.
-JOolisorotUd, Moise Zacharie, Rujsian
fTiMS; IS37 F,
' ^JLqgttatin, Spanish statsm. ; 1775— 1S44 D*
i-V laaa^ Spanish poet and ntui».; d, 1630 d.h.
_ Vll^*f Anroa: B.C. 1658 H.
A2g«i.JU^ie!U English writer; 181G
AxiyK Archilnld, Marquia of, partisan of Cromwell ;
iQElHiciybald, Earl of, oonfederate of Monmoutli ;
to«|1t, Ai^fcHsId Campbell, Duke of ; 1682-1761
Arg7le, Jolm Cjimpbnll, Duke of, English commander
and amhasfiador , lfj78 — 1743
Argyle, John Cmnpbcll, Duke of ; d. 1770
Argylo, John Ciimi>boIl, Duke of ; d. 1847
Argyle, George Dou^s'laj* Campbell, Duke of, politician
luifl acholar , Ik 1823 if.
Argryrammoa, Alex., ilreck lexieogrrapber ; 1816 u.
Argyre, prince of Itidy nnd of Bftri ; 1042 U.D,
ArgyrOr La;ic, Greek monk, astronomer, and author :
h. 1322 D.
Argyropottlo, Pericles, Greek statesman and legist ;
1810*-18*J0 K.
Argryropoulo, Joannes, professor of phibwophy, Rud re-
vivi^r of Greek learning in Italy ; tf, 1489 D.u,o.
Ariadne, empress of Constantinople, consort of Zeno
and AnastiutiuB; d. 511 u.d.
ArlffiUfl, ftr Arldseus, frknd and lieutenant of Cyrus ;
B.C. 401* D.K,
ArialdUflt arelHleacon of Milan, and martyr; d, 10t)6 D,
Ailamnea I., king of Cappadocia, and brother of Ari*
amtheH: \, D.X.
Axiamnes II., son of Ariankthes II. d«x^
Ariaxathea L, oldest son of Ariamnes, and king of
CappailociJi ; d. B.C. .TJ2 D.U.X.
Arlaratlldl n., adopted son of Ariarathes L ; B.O.
ArlaratlieB m. ; d. b>c, 220 i>.z.
Arlarathes IV, ; d. b.c. 10t> D,x.
AilaratheB V. ; b.c. li>3-13a U-X.
ArlaimtheB VI. ; d, b.o, 96 i».x.
Arlaratliea VII, ; b.c. SMj» n.x,
Ailar&thea VML ; b.c. 92* d.x.
ArUxathea OL ; B.a 42 ; tf. 36 d.x.
Arlaa, D. Fraooisco Gabino, Amor, traveller ; d. 1808* d.
AriJLa, Feruandeas Antonio, Spanish historical painter;
d 1684* B.D.
Arlaa, Josef, Spanish sciilntor ; 1743—1788 D.
AriaA de Benavldes, Pedro, Spanish physician and
writer; llUh cent. H.CU.
ArlaB'MontaiiUB, Benito, Spanish orientalist and anti-
quary; 1.527—1598 E*a.D.
Ailbart^ archbishop of Milan ; (/, 104.'5
Arlbert L, king of the Lombards, ti53 ; rf. 661 U.D.
Artbert n.p 701 ; d. 712 u.D.
Arlbert, duke of Aquitidne, 628 ; d 630 u.D.
Ariel, Ceaarn, Italian jwet mid jurist ; 1782—1824* ».
Aliconap, rolish nibbi and cummt^ntator ; 1685* o»TJ»
AlidjBUa, king of Macedon ; r/, B.C. :Jl6 U.
Aridlmia, Greek painter, fellow-pupil with Apellea;
BO. 330 B.
Arlentl, Tommfiso, ItaL phys. and surgeon ; 13210* ld.
Arif-Al-Earwt,Pt'rnian poet; 1425* ^ D.
Arlf-Hlkmet, Ottoman functiomiry \ 6. 1786 F.
Arlglaufl I., duko of Benevento, 5L;1 ; rf. 611 CD.
AriKlauBlL, 758; d, 787 U,D.
Arl£^Ote of Beuiioa^, Greek female philosopher and
autiigr«SB ; 7tb cent. B,c. * b.d.
AligllOtUBp Pythngorean pliiloflupher ; 2nd eent^ D.
Arl^DBiiGiiin Giacomo, Ital. music ccmixiser ; 1623 K.D.
Arlgoni, or Airigoiil, Oiioiio, Italian numismatist and
tiutbor; 16(>8 l,\y,
Arlma.«eB, chieftain of Sogdianai B.C. 328 R,x.
Arlmlno, Gregorio do Rimiai, Italian philosopher and
author ; d, 1388 |>.
Arlnmaj. Greek painter i>.
ArlBincatiis, sou of Pythagoras, and preceptor of
Demociritus H,
ArlnmeattiB, Athenian archon ; B.C. 416 \\.
Arlng'M, l*aolo, ItaHan priest, writer, and antiquary ;
d. K.376 U.I.
ArlnthSBUB, consul of Rome ; 372
Aiioalit king of the Lombanlj^, (123 ; d, 636 L.U.
Arlobarzaii««I,, k. or «atrap of Pontus ; B.c, 400* D.x.
Ariobarsanoa n, (b.c. 3*i3) ; t/. 337 ax,
AriobanaiLeB ni. (ei.o. 266) ; d. 240 d.x.
Arlobarsaiiea L {FhilQrointsm) king of Cappadocla;
B.a 93-63
Ariobananet IL {PkUopater), king of Cappadocia,
(B.a 67) ; cf. 52* u.d.
AxiohBnBJXwnL{Euteb€sPhUffromanu), d, B.C. 42 u.d.
Arlon, Greek lyric poet and musician ; B.O. 620 R.D.
Arlotta Llppa, concubine of Opizzon, marquis of Fer-
rara; 1352
Arlosti, Attilio, ItaL munic comp. ; 1660—1740 f.d.u.
Arlosto, Alessandro, Italian Franciscan miniuoDary ;
1476* D.
Ariosto, Francesco, Italian philosopher and aathor ;
1492 I.D.
Arioato, Gabriello, Italian poet ; d. 1532 R.U.
Arioato, Ludovico, Italian poet; 1474—1533 II.D.C.
Arloato, Onudo; ItaL ecoles. and poet ; 1555—1593 B.U.
AriOTlstus, chief of the Germans ; B.C. 58 D.X.
Arlphnuleir, Greek writer of comedy B.
Arlphron, Athenian archon ; B.C. 821 H.
Arlphron, lyric poet of Sicyon ; B.C. 550* B.D.
Arlpo, German painter ; lOth cent. o.D.
Arlpol, or Arepol, Samuel, rabbi and author of Pales-
tine; 16th cent. D.z.o.
Arlram, German monk, sculptor, and architect ; 9th
cent. D.
AxUi, Francesco, Italian jurist, litterateur, and poet ;
1657—1743 i.U.D.c
Arlilaas, or Arlalas, Arabian philos. ; 13th ceut. D.Q.
Arlftsuietus, sophist of Byzantium R.
Arlftanetus, historiau of Gela R.
ArlftSUietlU, politician and leader of the Achaena H.n.
ArlftSUietas of Nice, Greek writer ; (/. B.C. 358 R.
Arlftsuietus, consul of Kome ; 404 H.c.
ArlfUBUB, Greek mathematician ; 4th cent. B.C. R.
Azlttag^xut, general of Darius, governor of Milotus ;
d. B.C. 497 H.X.D.U.
Arlstafforas, Greek geographer; B.c. 350 d.
Arlitander, or Axl8tandrot,(;k. statuary ; ac. 405 R.D.
Arlitander of Telmlssos, soothsayer in the service of
Philip of Macedon X.R.D.
ArUrtarchl, Nicolas, grand ln<;othete of the Greek
patriarchiate of Constantinople ; b. 1800 M.
Arlstarchasof Tegea, Gk.tra-ic writer ; b.c. 454 r.d.x.
ArlstardiUB of Athens, chief of the Council of Four
Hundred; B.C. 411 D.X.
Arlstarchus of Bamos, Greek astronomer and mathe-
matician ; B.C. 280 x.K.r.1).
Arlstarchns of Samothrace, pupil of AristophHuen,
founder of u school of forty critics ; B.C. 156 K.I).X.
Arlstarchus, Jew of ThosMulonica, disciple and com-
panion of St Paul ; Int cent. I).
Anstarete, duughter and pupil of Nearchus, Greek
pain tress R.
Ansteas, or Arlstius, (»f IMilia. writer of ooroe<ly K.
Arlsteas of Proconnessus, Greek hiMturiau and iMiet ;
B.C. 565 D.R.X.
Arlsteas, Corinthian gcncnil ; B.C. 4.T2 d.k.
Arlsteas, Jewish officer of Ptolomey-l'hiladelphus and
chnmiclor ; B.C. 280* u.D.x.
Arlsteas, Greek statuary ; B.C. 130* n.ii.
Arlstenes of Megalopolis, (*reek general: n.c 19.S i>.
Arlstenetns, Greek romance writer ; 3U0-358 D.i;.
Arlsteon, (trcrk philoHopher l>.
Arlstlas, N., Kounmnian i)oet ; h. 1796 K.
ArlStldes, son of LyHini;ichuN, scholar R.
Arlstldes, C;riH.>k statuary ; 5th cent. B.C. D.
Arlstldes, Athenian gen. and Mtatennian; B.C. 490 X.D.
Arlstldes, Athenian archon (n.c. 4S'.i) ; //. AiiA II.
Arlstldes Of Thebes, Gk. painter ; b.c. 3t;i)-:^U)* d.v.x.
Arlstldes of Miletus, writer of talon of fiction ; 2n<l
cent. B.C. K.I>.X.
Arlstldes, St, of Athen^^, Ctn*ck Christian jthilosopher;
125 l».0.
ArlsUdes (.4r'»M0, GrtM-k <initor ; 117— 180* D.r.x.
Arlstldes {QuintHianus), (iieek writer on music ; 2nd
cent H.C.
Arlstlon, Athenian arclxm ; B.C. 421 h.
ArlStlon, Gn>ek Hun;o<»n ; 2nd cent. B C. D.
Arlstlon, Atheui-m sophist and t^en. ; c/. B.C. 87 U.D.
Arlstlppiu of Cyrene, Greek philosopher; d. B.C.
399 U.B.X.
Arlstlpims, tyrant of Argos ; d B.C. 242 Z.C.D.
Arlsto, the name of three artists — L statuary; 2.
statuary and worker in silver ; 3. painter B.C.
Arlsto, Greek politician a.
Arlsto of Alexandria, perinatetic philosopher R.
Arlsto of Chios, Greek philosopher r.
Arlsto, Greek epigrammatist R.
Arlsto, Greek tragic writer R.
Arlsto of CeoB, succeeded Lycon in the Lyceum; B.C.
226 R.
Arlstobulus, Greek painter r.
Arlstolnilus of Cassandrea, Gk. hist.; b.c. 320* R.D.X.
Arlstobnlus, Greek Jewish philos.; B.a 170 D.X.
Arlstobulus, king of Armenia d.
Arlstobnlus L (PhilheUenicu«)^ high-priest and king
of the Jews (b.c. 107) ; d. 105 H.u.D.
Arlstobnlus XL, high-priest and king of the Jews (b.c.
70);d.63 H.U.D.
Arlstobnlus, consul of Kome ; 285
Arlstocles of Rhodes, Greek grammarian D.
Arlstooles of Lampsacus, Greek Stoic philos. ix r.
Arlstocles, writer on music and dancing R.
Arlstocles of Pergamos, rhetorician, master of
Aristidea the sophist B.D.
Arlstocles, pupil of Nicomachus, Greek painter R.
Arlstocles, Greek sculptor; B.C. 6<>4 R.u.l>.x.
Arlstocles, Athenian archon ; B.C. 605 u.
Arlstodes, Greek sculptor ; B.C. 440 u.xx
Arlstocles of Sicyon, (rreek sculptor ; b.c. 400 r.
Arlstocles of Messana, periiiatetic pldlosopher;
2nd cent.* R.U.O.
Arlstocles, the sophist ; 144
Arlstocles of Pergamus, Greek peripatetic philoso-
pher ; 1st cent X.D.
AnstocUdes, Greek painter i>.
Arlstoorates, Greek politician D.
Arlstoorates I , king of Arc ulia ; 8th cent. b.c. h.
Arlstocrates n. ; d. b.c. 6(M* B.D.X.
Arlstoorates, Athenian archon ; B.C. :V.n) h.
Arlstocrates of Sparta, Greek biographer and his-
torian; 2nd cent. R.C. R.D.
Arlstodemus of Athens {ike Littk)^ comi>anion of
Socrates K.
Arlstodemus, tutor of Agesipolis r.
Arlstodemus, the name of three Greek writers— 1.
autiior of a collection of fabler ; 2. Platonic phil-
osopher ; 3. writer ujwn inventions n.
Arlstodemus, king of Corinth ; b.c. KM ii.
Arlstodemus, king of Messena (h.c. 74(I) ; d. 721 D.u.
Arlstodemus (Malacu»U tyrant of Cunue, m Cam-
pania; B.C (iOO D.R.X.
Anstodemus, Lace<isBmonian general ; B.c. 394 H.
Arlstodemus, Athenian archon ; B.C. 352 H.
Arlstodemus, Athenian tra.L;ic actor ; B.C. 317 D.R.X.
Arlstodemus, name of three Greek artiMiA — 1.
painter, 4th cent. B.C. ; 2. sculptor, B.c. 340*; 3.
painter and writer D.
Anstodemus, tvrant of Megulo|)olis ; b.c. 2r»4 u.
Arlstodemus of Nyssa. Greek gram. ; b.c. 'M d.
ArlstOgelton, the Athenian conspirator ; B.C. 550 x.D.
Arlstosrelton of Thebes, Greek sculptor ; b.c. ^20 d.
ArlstOgelton, Koman orator : ac. Mi)* u.
Arlstogenes of Thaos, phys. and nuHlical author a.
Arlstogenes of Cnldus, phvsician to Antigonus
Gonatas, king of Mace<Ion ; M cent. B.C. K.
Arlstogenes, name of two GriH.*k physicians invn-
tione<l by Suidas ; B.C. 283—239 D.
Arlstolaus, iiainter of Athens ; B.C. 325 B.U.
Arlstolochus, Olympic victor ; B.c 'M\ u.
Arlstomachus, the name of two ty nmts of An;aa R.a
Arlstomachus, i)eri|>atctic philosopher of ( 'ilicia, and
naturalist ; 3(1 cent* B.C. l*.R.u.
Arlstomachus {Stri/moniuti)^ Greek sculptor d.ii.
Arlstomaus, Valentin, (ierman iK>et ; 1. •87— 1620 D.
Arlstomedes, sculptor of Thebes ; B.C. 590* D.a.
L pwpil of Plat^ ll»
. nistoriftQ of ArcjuJia It.
frieml of ArintoUd, and guarliaa of
1 son Nic&nor r.
king and gencml of tho Meftsenmnii ;
, Atheui^in ftrclion ; B.C. 570 u.
•i, Albeni**ri comic poet j B.C. 425 x.d*
, Greek tr»vcller ix
, Greek phyucuiu H.
Izlftoo, Prodiiiiui king of Lacedjemon; B.a 569—
. AtbeoiAn Archon : B>c 454 n.
i«tOD of P|Tntibii^, ^iTmctl9aIl pilot ; B.C. 429 D.
1 Of MegiBJopoll9, Greek sUtestoati ; rx, 170 d.
Ailstoa of CjreDA, chief of the democmtio party ;
B.C 403 D.
Aristen, GreeJt punter ; B.C. 330"" D,
AriitOB, Greek Stoic philosopher ; B.O. 276 tt. d.
L Of OeOA, peripatetic ptiilosiopber; E.C, 230* L>,
I Of Tyr, fri«?nd of HAtinibal ; ac, 2(J<^ D.
I of Al«uuiilrla. peripAtetio philoa,; B.a 30* D.
, Titiu, Koma.D jiuiBt ; lOO ]}.
L Of ?«Ua, hivtorian ; 100 D.
lof A]Axaiidrla.Greekgmmin»rtaTi h,d.x.
AlWOBlfiUOrXar&thon, AtbeaianorHttir; B.C. 3.^ D.
iZttlOBlfiBIl KHi of £u£Deu««, king of Pergainuei ;
±n,t!Ad& C.ILX.
Artitottlctti of Tarente, Or«ek mjthognipliQr ; l^t
craL D.
t Greek ■tatiiary d.
L vtaiiurT of E^iia Dult.
diiciplo of Plato and logisKtor of
AzUMnjanu, Greek x>o«t and director of the Alex-
ladrks libivj ; B^C. 183 D.
lilitoptaiBai^ wnter on agrlcnItiifVi mentioned by
Plinj K,
Arixuyp^tamt frieod of Libanius it.
Izlttophijijei; writer of a work on Tbcbci B.
ArtttOpjuaw, Gr9ck comic poet ; B.a 4U -3S0 X.n.1).
, Atbeoian archon ; B.C. ::J31 ii.
of ByantiUBi, Greek grain mariiiu,
Htvuian at Alcxj^Ddri^ ,' BO. 220 x.n.1).
, Greek omtor and azubansador ; fi.o. 354
, Greek oofoio poet x.d.r,
, Greek painter ; 5tb cent. fi.0.,
J Athenian arohoo ; B C. .M) U,
Alberti or Fioravanti, Italion architect,
1 iTiAibematici&n ; 1473 a^u.c.ti.P.
tartlano Da Sail£^o, Itjdiaa urtiat;
l«il-lfiai DH.
.tyn.' :3d cent. BX, xai.
(Irak i , foujidei* of the Peri-
0f Taxd&tu^i, Greek pbilosupber and
j; B.t% 350 X.D.R.
Greek phyiicmo of the Heropbileuu
WmiJk^tLb D.H.C.
Idilaib Acaddmie pbHoaopheTf friend of C?icero
hdiSia of Cypmit biat^naa of Alexiiuder the Gretat ;
EC SO ox.
i, Greek attronomer ; B,c. 280 i>.
t kixii; of Lombard y ; fi, 6.'Jti
* EaOa. Italian MTolptor ; IHh cent. T).
t kbw of A«yria ; B.c, 2050 H.
Vcr Ardiu, Greek pbysician ; 1st. cent, IL
ftHirWiniriTit of Ir^v... I ^. -t,,n,^i, * /,, 1G07
Afll^ Ckedi bereeiaif ^ of Aloxiundriti, and
ralArianiim; U.D.R-C,
fJ^Ksrm de i\ French liLici jLtotur and e«ele«iiuitic ;
^Cbjtton* Florentine lurgeon ; 1750 D f.
o, Italian monk and author; 18tb
''Qi^Pi Imar king ; 5ib cent. B.a ii. d.
Aijo, Jacob JudA?, 8/^aniab rabbi and author; 17th
cent. CD.
Arje, .Tiidab ben Zevifctirsch, rabbi of Cirpcotrai and
Author ; 17th cent. B.
Arje-Low» Polisti Jewiish thc^ob^ftn ; KklO D.
ArJO&B, 8i>ani!(h painter ; 17th cf^nU Ik,
Arjoua, Mnnueh Spanish ptiei ; 17»'d— 1^20 D.
Arjuaon, Felix Fnuiv^^i* Thomas, Corate d\ French
politician ; 6. IS 10
Arjcevoltl. Saraui I iten Elcbamin Jncob, Italian mhUi^
grammarian, and author ; (/. 1011 on.
Arkharov, Nikobi Pt>tit>ritchrHu£4ian superintendent
of the police ; 1742—1814 B,
Ar^irrlg'ht, Mrs^ muxic coincKMer; </. lR-19
Arkwright, Sir Richard, S^glisb manufncturtr and
inventor of the " apinninij icnny ;" 1732 —17^2 k.a
Arlrwrtght, llicbard, Kn^sliah cuttou mjuiufiicturer ;
Arlcwil^lit, Richftnl, Etiglish politician ; h. 13.%5
Arl&nd, or Arlattd, Swiss portrait jiainter ; tf. 1719 it.r.
Arland, or Arlaudl, Jf^cquo^ An tome, Swi^ miniaturo
painter; ItUlS- 174G B.l3iC.
Arlanlbosus, Pliilip, Swedish bliitorian ; 17th cent. D.
Arleboiut* Inbruud Gilbert, Dutch pl^yaician and
author ; 1715 D.
Arlenflis of Sciidalupls, Pietro, Mtrologer and alcbe-
tinat ; 1590 D,
Arlerl, Piftro, Italian nrchitoct; 13a3-i:iSC» H.N. a
Arlea-IhLfoiir, Jean Bartiielemyf French manufac-
turer; h. 1805 F.
Arllncourt, Charles Victor Prevot, Yicomto d\ French
Diwelist; 1781>— 18"jii P.D.
Arlington, Manry Bennett, E^rl of, Euglifth ttateaman,
one of the * ' Cabal ; " li > 18 — 168i5 H. D.
Arllsi, John^ Engllah printer ; ri. 1825
Arlot, or ArtOtUB, of Prato, in Tuscany, eccleaiantical
writer; d. VJfyJ ix.
Arlcttta, mistresa of Ilobcrtj duke of Normandy, and
mother of Wjlliftm the CotHjueior ; 1044
Arlotti, Dticiu* {the Yoanfjcr), ItnK j>oet; (L 1759 ld.
Arlottl, Gerouinio, of llcggio, Itidinn commentator;
15tb cent, I.D,
ArloitU, Luigi, Itsd, poet and theologian: 1520* ri,r.
Arlottl, Mnro Antonio, Ittdiiin poet , 151>0 L D.
Arlottl, Pom pen, Italian phyaiciau; 1580* i.D.
Arlottl. Rod olpho, Italian poet ; IftiJO 11, t>.
ArlottO'Maln&rdo ill Fimtmo Arlutto), Italinn bur*
lesque puet ; 131»j or 6-1483 it,i».c.w.
Arliino, Bemardiuo, MiLmeAd jurist and writer on
law ; 1520 It I.C.W,
Arliino* or Arlimas, Giau Pietro^ ItoIiJin phy»iciMn and
author ; 15^*0 l.D.
AtIiiss, Stephen, Puritan divine ; IfiSO
Amm, Giovaimi BVnnceaco, Italian physician and
modicid writer ; 1553 ld.w,
Armagrnac. Bernard VII.^ Count of, con«taUe of
France; d, 1418 U.D.
Armagnac, Ciiorj^io d', bipth^p of RhodeH, ambuas^Mlor
at Venice nnd Rome ; 1501 -1585 R.U.
Armagnac, Jduu L, count and governor of Langnedoc ;
d. 1373 D.U.
Armagliac. .lean III., Count of; rf, 1.391 U.O,
Armagrnac, Jean IV,, Count of ; ]3!J5*-"1I50 u.o.
Armagnac» Jeun V., Count of, marMhal of Franco ;
1420»^1473 v.u.
Armaffnac, Jean B&tnrd d\ marihal of Fiunce ; d.
1473 U.u
Armals* queen of E-ypt ; B,C. 14(N)
Aroiail, Jenu Lucien, French numufaoturer F.
Armand, Alfred, French architect ; h, 1805 D.F,
ArmaJid, Francois {Hiifjuct)y French comedian;
ltilKJ-17G5 ^ O.D.
Armandi, Pietro DamiHno^ Italum gtm, ; h. 1778 p.p,
Armani, or Armanni, Oiovanni Battii*ta, Italhrn poet
and improvieatore ; 17<}8 — 1815 D.u.
Armani Fiermartixe, lUdum historical painter; 1613—
I66& D.T.
ARM, 58
Armanltes, king of Assyria ; B.'a 1950
Axmaimo, VincenziOy Flemish landscape painter;
1599—1649 R.T B.D.u.
ArmanOy Ouisepi>e Doxninico, Italian ecclesiastic;
1720 i.D.
Armansperg, Joseph Ludwig, Count of, Bavarian
president of the council of regency of Otho I. of
Greece ; 6. 1789 D.
Armatl, Salvino degli, Italian inventor of spectacles ;
d. 1317 u.D.
Annatas, consul of Rome ; 476 h.
Azmbnuter, Johann Michael, German author and
journalist ; 17G1— 1817 d.o.r,
Annbnuter, Samuel, Hungarian scholar and author ;
1670 D.
Azmbs, Johann, Swiss chronicler ; 1489 D.
Armellinl, Carlo, Italian jurist ; b. 1777 F.
AnneUlnl, Geronimo, of Faenza, inquisitor-general at
Mantua; 1516» I. u.D.
ArmeUlxil, Mariano, Italian Benedictine and scholar ;
d, 1737 U.R.C.
Azmengaud, Jean Germain Desire, French author;
6. 1797, d. 1869
Azmengaiid, Jules Edouard, French designer and
manufacturer; 1835 F.
Armenlnl, Giamhattista, Italian painter; 1587 T.B.
Armenter, John, sheriff of London ; 1300 </.
Armensanl, Flaminius, Italian jurist; 17th cent. i.d.
Armessln, Nicoks de l\ Fr. engraver; b, 1640 N.I).
Azmesslii, Nicolas de T, French engraver; 1684—
1755 N.D.
Armfeldt, Charles, Baron of, Swedish general ; 1666 —
1736 U.K.
Armfeldt, Gustavus Maurice d*, governor of Stock-
holm, Swedish lieutenant-general ; 1800 R. U.
Armln, Bohert, English actor ; 1609 c.d.r.
Armlne, Mary, English philanthropist and founder of
alms-houses ; d. 1675 B.
Arminlus, or Herxnann, Cheruscnn chief hero of
ancient Germany ; B.C. 18— A.D. 19 r.d.
Arminlus, Fulgence, Italian bihhop of Nusco and
author; 1669 l.D.
ArmlnluB, or Hermanusen, James, Dutch theologian
and ecclesiastical writer ; 1560—1609 w. R. D. U. 0.
ArmlBtead, Lewis A., American Confederate general ;
1861 f.
Armistead, W. K., American brigadier -general;
1780-1845 e.A.
Armltage, Edward, English painter : b. 1817 B.F.
Armltage, JoMCph, English miaor; a. 1821
Armltage, Robert, Puritan divine ; 1689
Armltage, Robert, English novelist; d. 1852
Armltage, Timothv, Puritan divine ; d. 1(k>5
AzmonvUle, Jean Baptisie (/« Bonnet Itoinjc), member
of the national convention ; 1756—1808 f.d.
Armsdorf, Andreas, German musician ; 1()70— 1690 D.
Armitaad, Thomas, English t>olitical writer ; 1(>S6
Armstrong, Alexander, English general ; </. 1S61
Armstrong, Andrew. English hydrographer ; 1769
Armstrong, Archilmld {Arcfi}/)^ buffoon nnd jester to
the court of Jnnies VI.; d. 1672 I).
Armstrong, Charles, Kngliiih physician ; d. 1815 w.
Armstrong, nie Dorothy Forster, English heroine;
</. 1771
Armstrong, Francis, English i>hy8ician and author ;
d. 1789 W.I).
Armstrong, George, EugliMh physician and author ;
d. 1781 W.I).
Armstrong, J.-xmes, English divine ; d. 1005 w.
Armstrong, John, Engliith divine ; 1704
Armstrong, John, American officer and author;
1758—1843 f.a.
Armstrong, John, bishop of Grahamstown, 1853 ; d.
1856 (/./.
Armstrong, John, English engineer; d. 175S i).
Armstrong, John, Eugliiih {hkI and physician ; 1709 —
Armstrong, John, Scottish poet and political writer ;
1771-1797 D.U.W.
Armstrong, John, American general in the Indian
wars ; d, 1795 A.R.
Armstrong, John, American general ; 1771—1855 a.
Armstrong, John, English physician and medical
writer; 1784—1829 B.D.W.
Armstrong, Richard, English politician ; h, 1815
Armstrong, Robert, American general ; 1789*— 1854 a.
Armstrong, Samuel T., American printer, lieutenant-
governor of Boston ; 1784—1850 A.f.
Armstrong, Sir Thomas, English politician, follower
of the duke of Monmouth ; d. 1684 R.
Armstrong, William, English divine ; d. 1812 w.
Armstrong, Sir William Geoige, English engineer,
ordnance inventor ; b. 1810 M.
Armstrong, William Joseph, American divine ; 1796—
1846 e.A.
Armstrong Mostyn, John, Eng. geographer ; 1785 D.
Armpi, Robert, English dramatic author ; 1600 R.
Armjme, Lady Mary, English scholar ; d. 1675
AnUBOS, Johannes, magistrate and author at Snaefell-
nes, in Iceland ; 18th cent. R.
AnuBns, or Amsssen, Jonas, bp. of Skalholt ; 6. 1635 R.
Anuras, or AnuBsen, Magnus Johanne:», bishop of
Skalholt ; 18th cent. R.
AnUBOS, S»mundus, Icelandic author ; 17th cent. R.
AnUBUS, Thorlev, ecclesiastic, and translator at Kal-
kafell, in Iceland ; 18th cent. R.
Arnal, Etienne, Fr. comedian and poet ; 6. 17M or 9 F.P.
Amal, Etienne d' (Scipion), French engineer and
mechanician; 1733—1801 1».
Amal, Juan Pedro, Spanish architect: 1735-1805 R.i>.
Amald, George, English artist; d. 1841
Amald, Richard, English divine and writer ; 1696—
1756 R.D.C.W.
Amaldl, Count Eneas, Italian author of a work on
theatres; 6. 1716 R.
Amaldo, Pietro Antonio, Italian author and ecclesi-
astic; 1638-1696*
Amaldus, French monk, chief promoter of the era-
sade against the Albigenses ; 12th cent. R.
Amaldus, Etienne {Arnoldujt, or Ariandu*), French
ph3rsician, surgeon, and author ; 14th cent. D,
Amaldus, Frangerius de Cautilupo, dean of St Paul's ;
Amall, William, English political writer; 1705—
1751 U.R.C.W.
Amason, John, Danish jurist ; 1727—1777 i>.
Amason, John Blagnus, Danish theol. ; K'^kS— 1743 l>.
Amason, Ssemum, Danish chronologint ; liiOO I).
Amau, Juan, Spanish painter ; 1595—1693 B.I>.
Amand. See Arnold.
Amaud, or Amaldo, of Brescia, Italian theologian
and philosopher; cf. 1155 R.c.u.D.
Amand, Daniel, Fr. troul)adour and poet; d. 1189 O.Di
Amaud, Fmnfois, French abbot, litterateur, anti*
quary, and academician ; 1721— 17H4 V.R.G.W.
Amaud, Francois Thomas Blarie do Baculard d\
French author; 1718-1805 R.1I.
Amaud, Georg, Dutch philosopher and jurist; 1711—
1740 U.11.0.
Amaud, Henriette, French authoress ; 6. 1800* IL
Amaud {Marmin)f French troubadour and poet ; 13th
cent. U.Du
Amaud, Plagues, French troubadour ; 13th cent. B.
Amaud de Carcasses, French truubadtmr and writer ;
d, 1270* ca
Amaud de Commlnges, Fr. troubadour ; 13th cent. a.
Amaud de ConUngnac, or de Tlntlgnac, tVench tnNi-
badour : 13th cent* B.IV
Amaud d'Entrerenes, Fr troubadour; 13th cent. a.
Amaud de Manreil, Fr. troulMulour; (/. 1189*
Amaud de Ronsll, George, French surgeon and mtdi*
cal writer ; 1697— 1774 a
Amaud le Catalan, French troubadour ; 1200 k.
Amaudln, French author ; b, 1690* B.
Am&Uld, AtTt<mi«, French counsellor of »tate And
»IitiK»f ; 130l>— 1G19 B.U.D.C.
iriMUld. Aiilottie {tAf Ormt)^ French tbeolo^an, an«i
wnttTW^UDMt the Jcsnit'i ; 1G12— 16!^ R.u.w.
ISIOMIU. Aotoiiie neral; 1767-1804 U,B.
Amawlit Antoiiie ^-nch attthoFf ilnmnntiAt^
and MCTPtarr of ;.. .. ....uij; 17tJ6— 1834 D.U.R.
AnitaU d*A2LdlUy,» Henry, bishop of Anger* ; 1597—
1«JS U.DW,
AlBUld, dTAWdlHy, Jacqueline Marie -Ani^eliquc dir:
SuAte Mjidelitie, ftbbeM vt Fort-Boynl ; 15:)1 —
d*Andm7. Robert, French tbcologian ; 1589-
VUlanenTe^ okLcmLit and physidau ;
^-iai3 n.u.
Fi»ncmrt Alulinn^e, Frent:!h artor; h. 181^ f.
Gn nevieve PlAtnit (JVap^aZ-^r*
imllK Fr> : h, 1823 r.
knuudtr Lucira 1 tru.i% French drMimiist : 17B7 D,P,
iBtttitt lie la Borle» Ftmu^oii, canon of Ferigncux,
libtonBii ; d ltk)7 t^
tnaolx d« Ifolilovllle, Loui« Dniiiel, French phyHi-
ciui, Qikteimltfft, juid 'v^Tttcir ; 1701—1778 b.
AlSKU, or AHUBPIU, IcelAndic author ; 18ib cent. D.
itOM^m, Flaacoii, French tbealogu&n luid author ;
U40^1BH EL
invjT.Fr. AQtlqnmrf *ncl miwcet writer j 1750* u.ij,
Jimyt or d'Amex, Simon AugtiBtet Gurtuau editor ;
k i7r#r D.
Aad, C*H. G«rm»n bibliogruphm- ; 1073- 1721
Anul. f*^ Amdt, Cliriati^ji, Geraiiai thcolugian and
nxh ' ^ 1^553 DR.
IXBd, I TonnAB Latbcran tbetjIogia.u tind
wnic , - 1«;21 u.D,
ind, (rr Anuil, Jn^nc, German suvuit and philo«o-
pLk^l writer ; l^i:;r» -1685,
ilS^ Obri»u&n Utittltcb von. Germ An philologufe ;
Ertsl JTorrU, GerniRn poet ; 6. 1769 f.iy.vf.
'. u^*t, GenuiLQ antiquary and hij*to-
AadKt ^Mu^uii-tjrtjd*fTui, GermaJi hwtoriiin; 17l:i—
1747 u.u.c.
Iiraidl^ Lndwig, GermiiB Jnrisi ; k 1805 p.
iaa, CtciliA, wife of Dr Arne, Eiii^'liah flongslres* ;
dL !?>>• fi.lC
Inw, 3&cluel, En^, matie comxm^&zi 1741—1808 b.k.
Inflv TboBiBA-AttziistiDe, En^lUh innsifl composer;
mO-lTTS KKc.
iiTMWiMiiH^ Jitstin, Germui physician and author i
iimrUlf Jooaaen, Icelandic eooleiuiA tic and author R.
4ngTtM, Niilalin* writer of an eaaay on the diji«ovflry
«f O^MftbiDd; <#. 1701 lu
, Joimiii-Geori;, Germ, genenkl ; 1581-'1641 in
Bftrtvlomoifio. It«Ii«a ]H>et^ littemteur, iind
aa ; 1182^—1577 W. I* D. D. o.
EUcahrth or Bettina, Coon less of, German
nu; du 1785 D.F.
Qeora Aturmbam Ton, Pniisian fieM-marHbal ;
LsdHc Acbim iron, German poet and dnLinntic
17m— IS5W U.D,
Hefmin^us, Gemuia phyaician and author ;
>— 1S9C \v.R.D,a
, FHsdjerifik, Gerznan biJitonan ; 1750* vk
m AzilMtl, TroKpJna, German hiitorJAn and
^Tiii0 ; if, 1713 ir.D.Q.
hp^ and first abp of Salzbourg ; d, S2i u.
tlieologi&n and writer ; d, 1175 u.
Nirtetaji of Sicca ; 284
\tki Eider, QT Afrimn\ Chriftttan philos.,
I writer of Numidia ; 290* w.u.i>.€.
(At Ximngtr)y Semi - PeUgian writer ;
lltfi, Mdlidicip of Mayence. U53 } ct, 1200* t.i^.
Arnold, bishop of St Andrews ; 1159 k,
Arnold, Vaudwia advocate of the Alhigenses; 1170* ti,r»
Arnold, German cbroniclor, abbot oi Lubtvk; 1175 d,
Arnold, Gertnuti monk and aj»troIoger ; 14th cent, D,
Arnold, duke of Gueldrc ; 1410-1473 d.
Arnold, Ab I^^ha or Lica, German monk and theo-
logian; d. iril9 n.
Arnold, Andreas, German theolo^an, professor of
Greek at Nuremberg; Ifi^ii^lGUl d.q.
Arnold, Buueili« t» AmericjLQ governor of Bbode
Island; d, Hi78 r.a.
Arnold, Btiucdict, American general ; 1740 or 5 —
Arnold, Bruok or De Pnig, German music composer;
ir>40 ILD.
Arnold, Clinstoph, German phtLd. ; 1G27— 3680 u.D.
Arnold, Chriatopho, German astmnomer; 1640 or 50 —
16U7 U,B,a
Arnold, Comelins, English poet ; d, 1751 W.
Arnold, Daniel Heinrich, Gtirman theologian and
litterateur ; 170t>— 1775 d.q,
Arnold, D. {La1uirut)^ Flemish musiciau and cnm-
poAer ; 1000 k.d,
Arnold, E<ltiiund, EnRlbh divine ; 1743 W,
Arnold, Edwin, En^jliJib historian, poot^ and Sanakrit
scholar; fr. 18iil M.
Arnold, Franz, German iheulogtan, opponent uf
Luther; ir>20* d.q.
Arnold, FrietJe rich, nerman engrtiver; 1780—1800 n.d.
Arnold, Georg, German jurist ; IrtjU— lii83 q.d.
Arnold, Georg, Germ an orgnniiit ; 1070 K*D.
Amold, George, Englr^h virtuoso ; d^ ISOG
Arnold^ George, Euixliah landscape planter ; 1763 —
Aimold, Georg Adam, German painter ; 1680 K.D.
Arnold, Georg Dimiol, Gorman prof, of history and
jurisprudencejitlemteur and poet; 1780 — 182y R.I>.
Al^oldi, Gottfried, German Lu therein theologian* and
historiographer; IGfi^- 1714 q.u,d.c.w.
Arnold, Haldreriiia Vesalieuais, German theolt^ifian
and author; d. 15JI4 D.Q.
Arnold, Heinrich, German tmuBlator B.
Arnold, Johann von Uer^el, Gcrnian poet ; 1530 Q.I>.
Arnold, Johann Chriatian, German phyaiciiin and
mmlical autiior ; 1724—1705 P.
Arnold, Jcdnann Gtsrard, German publicist and hif-
toriaji; ltJ37— 1717 ag.
Arnold, Johann Godefroi, Gt-rmau music composer
and vioboLelliiit ; 177^i— 1806 ILD.
Arnold, John, aheriff of London ; 1426 d.
Arnold, Juhn, EiigliAh borologer, inventor of the
expaniiiMii bahinct) ; 1745 — 17l>y
Arnold, John Kuger, En^iHah chronomcfccr-muker ;
d. 1843
Arnold, or Amoul, Jonns, German painter and en>
graver of port raita ; ICtOU N.B, D.
Arnold, Joseph, English naval surig. ; 1783—1818 u.g.
Arnold, Josiah Lyndon, Amer. p*>et; 176B— 17M a.r.
AnLold, Lemuel H,, governor of Khode Ifiland : 17^2—
1S52 e.A,
Arnold, Lewis G., Amer. brigadier-geueral ; 1802 r.
Arnold, Mutthew, Euglish Hcholitr and author ; h.
1822 M
Arnold, Sir Nicholas, lord-justice of Ireland, author;
Arnold, Nicholas, Polish professor of divinit3% and
author; 1018— It^SO iLU.aW,
Arnold, Olorinuft, m* Cycnseua (SlfAuMtn), Germun
tlieulogian and author ; d. 1622 D.
Arnold, Peleg, diiof-juaticfl of Khode Sland ; 1752—
Arnold, Ilicli., Eni^lish publisher; 1451*— 1521* B.D,W.
Arnold, it^^bert, Eni?ljiib colonel ; d, 1830
Arnold, iSamuel, English musiiu composer; 1710—
1H02 K,R.W,
Arnold, Samuel Benedict, German painter; 1741—
1817 N.n.
Arnold, Samael James, English dramatiBt ; (A 1852 w.
Arnold, Strattlum von Winckelried, Swiss heru and
patriot B.U.
Arnold, Thomas, Scottish physician and writer on
lunacy ; 1742-1816 D^.
Arnold, Thomas, Amer. chief-justice ; d. 1820 a.r.
Arnold, Thomas, English naval commander ; d, 1737
Arnold, Thomas, English naval commander : d. 1761
Arnold, Thomas, English theologian and writer;
1795-1842 F.Cf/.D.
Arnold, Thomns Kcrchever, Enj^lish educational
writer and classical scholar ; d. 1853
Arnold of Baderlch, German theologian ; 1475* D.
Arnold of Bobco, German monk and theoL ; 1470* D.
Arnold of Oorble, German theologian ; 11th cent* D.
Arnold of Lalaingr. Flemish clironicler ; 1470 D.
Arnold of Uege, German monk and theologian ; 14th
cent. D.
Arnold of Lesrden, Flemish theologian ; d. 14C6 d.
Arnold of Meldorp, Gennan theologian ; 12th cent. D.
Arnold of Rotterdam, Dutch theologian and author ;
d, 1442 D.
Arnold of 8cli3rk, Swiss landmann and patriot; 1450
Arnold of Verdala, bishop of Afafpielone, and his-
torian ; d, 1351 D.
Arnold, or Amoldua Bostius, German theologian and
author ; d. 1499* D.
Arnold, or AmoldoB Saxo, German biogr&pber ; 11th
cent. D.
Amoldl, or Dl Amoldo, Alberto, Italian sculptor and
architect; 1364 N.D.
Amoldl, Bartholomew, Augustine friar and phil-
osopher; d. 1532 O.B.
Amoldl, Daniel, German philologist; 1595—1051 q.d.
Amoldl, Johannes, Dutch diplomatist and historian ;
1761-1827 R.U.D.
Amoldl, Willielm, bishop of Treves ; 6. 1798 D.P.
AmpldUB. See Arnold.
AmoldoB de Villa Nova, French physician an<l
writer ; 1238-1314 lu
Amolfe, or Amolphe Amonl, archbi&hop of Milan ;
1093 I.D.
Amolllnl, Giovanni Attilio, Italian engineer ; 1733—
1791 11.1).
Amolfo, or Amonl of Milan, historian ; 11th cent. u.i).
Amolfo dl Colle, or dl Lapo, Italian architect and
sculptor ; 1232— KiOO U.11.T.
Amone, j\lbt>rto, Italian painter ; d. 1721 D.
Amone, Guglielmo, Italian composer, organist of the
cathedral of Milan ; 15S0 k.D.
AmostUB, bishop of KocliCMti^r ; d. 1076 d.l.
Amot, Andrew, En,;li8h C^tvonantor ; d, 1067
Amot, Hugo, Scottish hiHtoriun ; 1749 -17t>0 W.l).
Amot, David, bishop of Galloway ; 1509 k.
Amot, Thomas, Scotch surgeon ; 1736 W.
Amot, W., Scotch divine ; d. 17S6
Amot, ArohilwM, Scot<'h physician ; 1771— ISTio F.
AmottfJitnicH Moncrieff, Scottish surgeon; '/. 1794 M.
Amott, Neill, S<ottish phyiiician and natural fihil-
osioplit-r; I: 17S9* M.
Amoul, or Amulf, St, archbishop of Mets (611);
580 640 U.D.
Amoul, St, binhoi* of Soi^sons ; d. 10S7 i).
Amoul, or Ammf, biMhup of KhiHlcs, juitriarch of
Jrruxulum ; d. 1118 D.
Amoul,orAmulf,bi>hopof Lisieux,poet : d. 1182 u.R.
Amoul, or Amouz, French jurist and »si*etic author ;
162t) u.g.D.U.
Amoul, Franfoin, French Doniinicun writer; IGTK) I).
Amoul, Kf n^ French p«Mt ; VAiii 1039 R.U.
Amould, Ainbroi!4<' Munc, French economist and
writer; IjrA) IS 12 U.K.
Amould, Edmund NicoluA, French litterateur ; b.
1811 p.
Amould, Ji>nn-Fnu)<;ois {Mttsaot), Fionch urstmatic
author ; 1 7.'i4 179."* L'. v.
Amould, Sir Josfpli, Kii^lish jud^e; 6. 1815 31.
Amould, Joseph, French horologer and mechanician ;
1723-1798 B.a.
Amould, or Amoult, Madeline Sophie, French actreM
and singer; 1740-180:) U.F.
Amould-Plessy, Jeanne Plessy, Fr. actress ; &. 1819
Amoullet, Balthasar, French wood engraver B.a.
Amoult, Charles, French advocate ; 1750—1793 B.U.
Amoult, Jean Baptiste, French Jesuit and author;
1689-1753 R.U.C.W.
Amoult, N., French engraver ; 1673 B.a.
Amoux. See Amould.
Amouz, Jean, French Jesuit, confessor to Louis XIII. ;
d. 1636 c.B.
Amouz, Jean R. Claude, French engineer ; 6. 1792 F.
Amsteln, Baron von, German Jewish banker; dm
1839 a.
AmtienlUB, Jan Hendrik, Dutch jurist and philolo-
gist; 1734-171^7 aixcw.
Amtienlus, Johannes, Dutch hellenist and phildo-
gist; 1702— 1759 o.D.U cw.
Amtienlus, Othon, Dutch humamst and writer;
1703—1766 G.D.U.CW.
Amu, Nicholas, French Dominican, professor of meta-
physics; 1629-1692 B.W.
Amulf. See Amould.
Amulf, bishop of Orleans and author ; 988 a.
Amulf, archbishop of Rheims ; </. 1021 R.
Amulf; French monk and writer ; 1026 R.D.U.
Amulf, French monk, abbot of Lagni ; 1066 R.
Amulf, abbot of St Martin de Tnmm ; 1089 R.
Amulf, Flemish ecclesiastic ; 1147 B.
Amulf, duke of Bavaria ; 934
Amulf L, count of Flanders, 918 ; d. 965
Amulf n. count of Flanders, 9(k>.89 : d. 987
Amulf m., count of Flandei-s, 1070-71 ; d. 1071
Amulf, count of Uainault ; 973-98 H.
Amulf, count of Vochburg and Cham, in Bavaria^
theologian ; 11th cent. D.
Amulph, emperor of Germany, SOCfO ; d, 899 B.D.U.
Amulph, count of H<illand: 988 1U03
Amulph, or Emulph, bishop of KiK-hcstor, English
theologian and historian ; 1()50 — 1124 W.u.C
AmulplC English keeper of the Great Seal ; 1107
Amway, John, En^lifth divine ; (/. 1<>5.'$* R.C.W.
Aromatarl, Dorotea, Italian embroideress of pictures ;
16<*)0 T.R.D.
Aromatarl, Giusc])pG degli, Italian botanist and phy>
sician ; 1586— 1<»(;0 I.U.c.w.
Arondeau, Jean, French stntisticiiin ; h, 1802 F.
AroudJ, Aruch Arouds, first Turkinh sovereign oi
Algiers ; 14r3»— 1518 u
Arouet, Bono, Fr. notary of St Loup ; 1440- 1499 R.i)u
AroUBe, John, Scotch secretary' of sUitc ; 14.M
Arouz-£u£r6ne, French litterateur, miigistrate, and
deputy ; h. 1793 F.
Arpa, Moez-ed-deen An>a-Khnn, tenth sovereign uf
tlie Blognl dynsKty ; a. L{.'ii3 b.
Arpad, Ma};var chief, founder cf the Hungarian king*
dom ; 8<»'.» <K)7 R.Ow
Arpajon, Louih, marquis of Scvcrac, French p^eneral ;
d. 1679 r.l,
Arpajon, I^uis, Mnrquis d\ French (general in the
wars of Louis XIV.; </. 17<>*) R.I).
Arpe, Peter-Friedt'rich, Ccrnian jurirtt, author, and
)>hilosc»pher ; 1(W2— 1748 D.D.w.
Arphazad, or Phraotes, kin.r of Me^lia ; B.r. r/i6 b.
Arpino, (^irlo, Itid. astrologer uiid coHuiogrsiplier LB^
Arpino, Giaconio Fr.uiccsco. Italian phyii.; 1iwn>* 1.
Arpino, (tuis<*]ipc (V-Kiir d* {(fiotrpfino Curalitre)^
Italian liiNtorical iiaintir ; l.VK) -1640 B.C.
Arquato, Antoni<i, Itjilian ithysicinn ; 1470 LIK
Arquato, Ginn Francesco, Italian physician and mcdi
ral writer ; HMW ' n,
Arquler, .loHoph, FriMich music composer and violoiH
cellist ; 17«^i 1M(» u.r.
Ar-Radhi BUlah, 20th caliph of the house of Abbe« ;
909-940 D.
Anmiga» ^r Amis, AmAiJor* Purtuguese theologinn
and olftMcd writer ; I5;)0— IGliO u.r.
AlXlMt, or Amlit Dnarte ^^Imleym, Portuguese phy-
BjGia& tad phOosophic&l writer ; et, 1652 D. K. Y. u.
iim^QB, Ottubutme, French phvaieiaD tiod surgeon ;
1513—1610 ■ D.
AlTVn. Junea HAmiltoOf Earl of » regent of Scotlautl,
1542^; «tl575
ijna» lUthiu. French &rchit4H:t ; 1344 B.
Amolt^ CluLrles, Frauch lulvocate and author ; li?43—
ins K.D.
Anail, or iBa-Elm-Almied, SpaiuBh Mohfimmeclun hit-
Uri&n ; 11th cent. D^
Ir-BMhld, Aha Mohnumied Abdul Wahed XI., African
sultan of the dynasty of Almohatlea ; cL 12-12 D.
kmt Sveduh engraver n.
Airriwe^ AnderB, poet and bishop of DroDiheim, iu
Xorway; 1-&87— 1CJ7 JhU.
izTidoodo. Isidore, Span, pointer ; lfi54— 1702 B.K.
img:i»» or Arreoo. iVhlod*?, pnintcr ; 1506 B.
Ankadoa, or AirMcblan, Gn>«k athlc^'te ; 7ih c«nt.
%.€, D.
AnlMBilia, CUi #7r Claude, royi^l tuBtonographer of
8v«dea • IftlfT— IGI^ D.R.
Anluidiii, Jftcuhf Swtidiah aoholor ajid author ; 1G42 -
1T25 q.K
inhenlot^ I^nrentiuA. Swedish butoiian ; 17 th
tXUt. H.
AiTlddWMt Wttrof Macedon, B.c 321; «/. 317 X,tu
Anil, wih «f iWinn* Pk'tun ild.x.
ArrU, dj u g L t^T o f C*cin im P«ta* R, x ,
4rrta» lu'^um liei uiue ; 41 X»
i^ftU, Faihlla, mother of tho emperor Antoninus
Amaga, notmlrn, Donunican friar of Burgoa, and
tmhat; tL 1(157 ii.E.r.
AiTkg>t JttMi Chryaoatomo , Spaninh musiciMi ; 1808 —
JFIlip^ Piiblo Joaef, Spanish Jeauit miaiioiiiiry to
Hot and writer ; 1562—1622 i>.t!i.L
imiCl, Eodrigo^ Span. Jeauit; 1592—1607 E^R.IXC.
imaa, writer on meteorology R. b.
iJtiMMt Grtek author of an epic poero E. i),
Amaai, Fhnina, Gre«k hixtorkiu, coniiul of RouiCf
W6; rf, IIO* X.u.fl-P.Cf/.
MStUmM, oooarul of Rnme ; 24*) H.
InlbH^Pililo Antonio, 8|tanifih minlater of justice;
071-1**^ R.l>.
MsHgt t, member of the Florentine hca-
Anlgfefttl^ > I'Lv Italiaa matheumtkian and phllo-
issi-if^ay i,u,
pKicoLu, liaLum Jesoit and author ; 1700—
tfr AnlgOt Enrico, Xjatia poet of Florenou ;
- of PadxiB, general under Napoleon 1. ; h,
Aniofiio Hitfia, ItnUan profeaaor of law ; d.
Fnmeeaco, Italian juriat ; d, 1765 F.c.w,
Giamfaattuta, Florentine theoL; d. 1607 LD.
Uiretizo, It^lkn ruonk; 17th €cut. i.o.
Kkola, Italian painter; pupil of Frnne&«>
FWilow Italian theologian and writer ; 154IJ—
1, Orazio, Italian poet ; 6. 1718 i.ix
€*i\rt, Italian muucian ; 17i^ K.o.
Frmi>oeico, Italiitn writ.; 1610-1645 LR.C.
OkmbattiaU. Italuui poet ; 1602 li.LQ.
Pietro Paolo, Italian jurist and author;
PmbmIo, ItaUan cardiitat and author;
Kiaolaiv Spaiu^h merchant and writer un
iy;<iLl778 u.d.
Arrla, Robert, En^lUh captain ; d, 1719
ArrlUB^ Quiutus, Roman prfctor ; b,C\ 72 0.
ArrlttS, QuintuB, friend of Cicero ; d. D.c\ 59 v.
ArrlvabeZLe, Andrea, Italian printer and author ; Kith
c<>ut. i^n.
Arrivabene, Ferdiuanda, Italian |iiriatandphilolog&r;
1770 — ISM R.
Arrlvabenc, Giovanni, lUlbn economist ; ft, 1801 «.
AiTlvabene, Giovanni Fninceaco, Italian author ;
1546 IK. aw,
Anlvabene, Giovanni-Hetro, Latin poet of Mantua ;
<^' IMi i.u.o.w,
AJTiv&bene, IppoUto, Italian phyaioiaii and author;
d. 1739 I.R.O.
Anlvabene, Luigi, Ittih'jtn poet ; 1560 i.o.
Airowsmlth, Aiu-ou, Ei^gltvh engraver of maps; 1751—
11*23 B,D«W.
AlTOwamltli, or Bradsbaw, Eil round, Jeuwit ; d 1628
AlTOWBmltll, Edward, EngllHh divine ; 1745 w.
AxTOWsmlth, John, Eogluih Puri La u divine and author :
l(KJ2-lt;yj ii.D.0.
ArrowBmlt^, Job 11 ^ English geo^^pher; b, 1805* m.
AiTOWsmltli, John Pauneefort, Englijih teacher of
deiif urul dmiih ; 1819
Arrowflmith, Thoroaa, Engliab journalist ; 1821
Arroy, Bei*iiin, French theohtsjan ; 1640 n,D,
Arroyo* one of tho f oundtT« of the Ac^doniy of Senile ;
1674 D.
Arroyo, Diego d', Spanish minkturo painter ; 1498—
1551 c.D,
AmuLtliis, Roman phyj«ki»m ; 1st cent.* d,
ArniBbattl, Arabian writtr ; 1073 1147 V,
Arsaceft L» king of Armenia ; <i. 35* CD.
Arsaces n, : 218 ild.
Argaces IU. {liraw^) ; 342 r. o.
ATMcea IV. ; d. 389" b.d,
ATFacen L, or ArsHek, king of Farthia (Persia) ; d.
B.o, 250 u,i).
Arsacea n., or Arshek [TirUiutei] ; b.o. 243 i\ft,
ArsaceB in., or ArslielE {Artabantig} \ b.c. 217 ild.
Amaces IV. , or Amhek ( PA t ra^^i tu) ; 2tid cen t, B. c. B. D.
Arsaoea V,. or Pbraatefi I. a
Arsaces VI, or MlthrldateB I. ; d b.c. 135* n.
[The tixt of Armndan Araac^ ffirrn fcy Afo*ejf Clm-
rcnatsijf dij'ers connderabfj^ Jntm (ht rt6ot'<jJ
Arsakla, Apoatolos, Greek physician ; 6. 1780 F.
Araamea, king of Armenia ; B.C, 246 U.r.
Araames, fi^tber of Hysstaapea \\
Arsamea, son of ArtaxerKes Longimanus R.u.
Arsamffs, Persian general killed at the battle of
lasua VA\
Araegnlmo of Padua, grammarian ; 13th cent. d.
Araeleyn, Dutch landscapt; painter; d. 16(30 u.
Arsene Pakradonnt, Armeuian poet ; 6. 1788 1^
Araenlafl, patriarch of Constantinoplo ; d. 1273 R. U c,
AraenlUB, Greek bishop -,1588 h,u
ArsenlUJ; Greek monk, founder of the patriarchal
school at Moscow ; 17 tb cent. b.d.
Arsenlua, Aristobulua, archbishop of Moncmb!u»i(i
(Malvasia), in the Morca, 1534: d, L'^ia R.D.e.
ArseBiua-STiebaiKiw, BU}>erinteniJent of the convent of
St Sergio M, nt Moscow ; d. l<}fjB H»
Araexme, Louia Uharlcs, French historical pointer ;
17l>0-1855 i;.F.
AraaniLiia, Roman anchorite ; 5tb cent. r.
AlBes, king of Persia j «£, B.a 3ii6 u.
AraheneTiky, Basil Kondratievitoh, Rit^sian professor
of philosophy and mathemutiaian ; 1708—1808 B-D,
AtbM, Turkish poet; dU 1570 u.
ArfliHi, Francesco, Italian poet and phystclan ; 1474—
1540 U.aB.Lw.
AralnoB, mntber of Ptolemy Lasos ih
Araluoe [Eur^dicty or Ckoi>afm)^ daughter of Ptolemy
III., and ^ife of Ptolemy IV. i».
Aratnoe, wife uf Magaa, king of C}-rt'iie n.
Arallioe. consort of Lyaimuchua and Ptolemy Cerau-
ntta;d,B.a290 u.
ArMsott daughter of Lyiinmchuft, king of Thxuce, wife
of Ptolemy Philadc?lpbu8 ; B.C. 285 U.B.
Aridnoe, daughter of I'tolemy Eucrget** anil Berenice,
und wife of Ptolemy Philopater; 'M cent. Blc. I>,n.
AmllLOfi, queen of C^piiis, aiiter of Cleop&tra; d. B.C.
41 a
Arslan, or O-ArBlan, ftceond of the KhwArisniaa sul-
tiinji; d. 1172 It.
Arslan, Abu 'I Mo<Umff*jr Zien-ed-deon Arslxm, eighth
S<>l}ukiaii «ultaii of Perpia ; d, 1175 B-
Arilan StLaJi. twelfth Ghisneviiie aultan of eastern
PersU and Oabul ; 1114 »-
ArshUl ShaJl, fifth iOTercign of tho SDljukian ilyniisty
in Kommn ; d, 1141 B.
ArtallULUB L. king of Psrlhia j B.C. 210— 19G XU.
Arta1»iiii« U. ; b.c. 127-24 x.o.
ArtalMmiie m., b.c. 14 ; d a.1). 44 x.u.
Artabantna lY., 216; d. 226 x.u.ik
ArtaliaXLllS, son of HyitaapeB, imd hrother of DilHus
ArtatiftlltlsHyTOaJil&ii, gen. of Xerxes : B.C. 465 tk L'.x.
Altab&Sdes, Armenian commander of the Kouiun
troops ; fi. 743 U.
Artabazufl. Sen Artavandes.
Artabaxus {Ui£ Median), Pcnion general ; B. C. 550 n. r.
ArtalMURIt, son of Pbamacea, Feraian grn. ; B.c 480 o.
Arlabaras, general in tbearmy of Artaxerxeii, kiugof
PcniA ; B.C. 450 D.
ArtabaiUB, Persinji general ; B.a 362 ix
ArtaobaeUflf Pei-aian engineer under Xonces J>,%,
Artale, or Artallv, Giuse|>|»e, Sicilian po^t and toldicr ;
3C2H— 1079 Il.u,c.w.
ArtapbemeA, governor of SardiB ; B.C. 500 i\
Aitapbemes, mnbauudor oC Artoxcrxos, king of Per-
■k ; B,c. 425 ix
Artaxla, lUlian editor of tounic ; 1778*— 17f»9 c.u.
Artarla, M»ttiiaft| Gennnn pointer ; b, 1S15 f.
Artarlo, Giovauni ButtiJttA, Ittdian architoct and
ncuhitar ; b. 1G60 u.
Artanb, Giuseppe, Swiu ftrchitcct and sculptor ; d,
1769 U.K.
Art&alre, Atoaeh or AtsAchir, k. of Armenia ; '122* p,
Artaud {Artal4v4l »bp. of Kheira*, 1*32 ; d. 961 ILU.
Artaiid, Frftc^oli, Prench arcbnolog^t, ind member
of the Aaidemy : 1 767—183^ D.
Artaud,JeiinBapti»t«, French dmm. ; 1732-17% ti,i>.
Artaud, Nicola* I.*ouii, Frenclx litu^ittnir ; h. J 71*1 v.
Artaud, Pierre Jo«W)ph, French cccle«i;iAtic sank author ;
1706-1700 H.C.W.
Artaud dfli MOBtor, le Chcvnlicr Alexis FTAnfois,
French diplomfttiiit and nutluir ; 1772— lh'49 d.
ArtaTaad6« I, or ArtabazUfl, king of AnneuiA ; d.
BO. 36» V,
AitavaadAt IL ; B.a 20* a
Arta^atdet m. d.
ArtavasdeSr or AltabaiUff, cmipcTDir of ritnflti.inti-
nople; b c. 742 l»,
Artaxerxei I. {LonffimaniuX kiag of Peraia ; kc. 4C5^
435', d. 125 vutxx.
Artazencea IL {Mnemon} ; (a,a 40S-363) i L 4XV,
«*. 361 KIKX,
Artazerxev IIL {Ochu^\, b c. 3 :2-a30 ; J. .139 n. p.x.
Artailai L, founder tif lUit kiriKilotu t»f :Vrni«ui« j B.C,
200^ 'ux.
AnazlaB IL, king of Armcnb ; n c. 33^30 tx
ArtaKlaa nL. or Artax». king of Armenia, unn uf
Polfmon, king of Ptmlm ; uxi 19 D.x«
Altaagm, fiiUfnao, SpimiAh Jesuit luid littcnttcur ;
17i7-l?»9 IMtC.M'.
Artaaipa, lloHenfio Folion Pamvacino y, ^ji^uiiiiU
oh»pUln k» Philip IIL ; 1580 XGS^i iLa
Ait«aga y AOfaro. ]IUtia«» BpoahiU jiaint^ir »id «ii-
grmv«r ; d. 171*4 U.B.
Art«dl, Pedcr, hwtdiiAi aainraliat tod plivtlcun ;
170R-1735 *^ilJ.CJ.W,
ArMmldontt, Greek gramiiiMiatK fii^d of Cnttv D.
ArUinldiOnti, Urt«k phynciaa ; ad ccau blc j>, e.
Artenildorus, Greek gntmrnarian ; BwC* 240 Pul
Arbemidonia, Cnpiton, Greek phyticuui und graiB*^
marian ; B,c, l.'i8 — 117 U.D,
Artemidorus of Epbesea, Greek geogiapher and tra-
Teller- B.C. 103 mx.w.
ArtemldoniB, Greek author; ac. 100 x.r.
Artemldorua, Cornelius, Homan physidan ; B.C 90* D,
ArUmldoniB, Roman painter ; B.C. 30 D.
Arteimia* St^ conmuuider of the Koman troopa in
Egypt in the reign of Conatantiui ; d. 362 D.D.
Artemlaia, queen of Halicaniawui ; B,C. 4d0 U.ft.X.
Artemisia, queen of HaUcamasniJi ; d, B.C. 355 R,^
Artemon of Claaomenua, Gk. engineer; B.O. 450 Owf^
Artemon of Cassandrla, Greek gram. ; Bic 900
Artemon of Pergamus, Greek rhetorician
Artemoi:^ Greek painter ; Ist cent It«|
Artemon* or Artemas, chief of the Art«monitea ; 210 i
Artomua* Romiui general in K^pt ; d. 302
ArtOpMua, Hermetic pbiloto^iher ; 1130* O.B.G.I
Arterelle, Jacmart« brewer ox Gbent^ and olu«l4
popular mrty ; </. 1345
ArteTOlle, Philippe, cliief of the inaurreotion j
denriaSS); d, I'Mi
Artoveit, And vnn, Flemish niitiino parDter; IS
ArtlllngtOi!!, Cyril, En^lbh antiquary ; 1723
Artblngtodi, Honty, EngllHh fnnatic ; ^x. 1591
ArtMogtOB, Henry, EngliNb poet i 1607
Arthmann, — — , German musioal inBtrument-i
ISth cent.
Artliur, king of Britain ; 510 m.|
Artbiir, duke of Britany, ncpbow of King J«
1187— Pi02
Arttiur« duke of Britanr* mju of Jidm V. ami Jo
of NaTftrro; 13f>3-145ti
Artburf prince of Wales, cldeit ion of Henry VU*]
][4gg 1502
Arthur WUHam Patrick Albert, Prince, third i
Queen Vict<>rin ; Ik listO
ArtbUT, Archibald, Engliah profeaior of StOCaZ ]
o»ophy; 1744 — 17^7
Artbur« Edward^ English divine and author ; IT^ ^
Arthur, Sir George ; d. 1S55
Arthur, Jatn&s, Dominican friar of Salamana
Artbur, John, Puritan divine ; 100,1
Artbur, John, Engliih actor and dramatist : d, ITT^
Artbur, ftr Faunt, Laurence, Jesuit ; if. 15U1
Artbur, Michael, Scotch divine ; 1789
Artbur, Richard, English tMlmind ; d, 1854
Artbur, Tltomaa, bishop of Limerick, 1472; d* 1486 ^
Artbur, Thonuia, English dramatiAt -, d, I5£i
Artbur, Ti mnthy Shay, American author ; b» \90$€
Arthur, William, S^jteh divine ; 1021
Artbut, ArtbuBiufl, or ArtUB, Gotbard, Germtm <
pilcT and tnuuUiktor; b. 1570* i:,tk.%^
Artbuslufl, Wilhclm, Gormaii phyndan and
17tli cent.
Artby, Elliot, English phyideliixi md medical i
X8tb cei^t.
Artlada, Andrea Rcy de, Spanlab militeiy i
Ik 1560
AlUga ,FrancOiOO de, landacopo and bistoriad i
d. 1711
Artlgaa* Don Juan, generaMn*chtef uf Baeooa J
Artlffnj, ArM"-- ^: '^het d\ French bib
canon of V ; -1778
Artlffoee . H .^ . h 1 i ttrratenr i 1740
Artla, FJr:win i iui* lU Kugliih Huti«]Qiir7 ; H
Artie. t,,iM I ,i\ Frendi ProlesUmt
lOtiU- 17^M
Artli, Jenn d', Frvnch jnrift ;
ArtfTiBTlli, HieroTiymua, Gium ' r;li
ArlQar, Haha Thcrvaa voo» Uunguriiiu iHMnt^m^ 1
AltdU, Jocftuet Jan vaB^ Flombli pdulcr i 19U
1065 Dul.%Ck
Robert, C^ont of, regeot of Napleti, 1287 ; *L
moaliu, Peter. Poliili cccIps. poot j 1552—1009 D,
Ariopaitai. Jub&nDt Gertuiai prufea^or of juHstpru-
Altcp.v L Chrutopli fiockcr, Gonnnn bil-
lon., j 02 u.t;.w»
JlrtOlilLa, ^^uus, Greek physician and frieod of
AnfUftOi ; s.c. 10 U.X.
iltOt, JoMfOi, FJembh Tiolinlit ; 1^15 -1845 I>,
TlMl, S|MCiiati paioter ; 1580 u
\ f»r ArtriiiSt iibp. of Armagh, 822-33 ; rf.S33 c.
iu^ ' ': mAthematicijUi ; 710
. J iir DTrabry, French litt.; ir^O D.
Astul, «- _ . MAiie, ItaliAn i>ne«t and professor
of iBttaie; IdUO 15-R,l\w,
AxtoMBlL Antonio, IUBjui jurial, poet, and oiutor ;
JoD, Icel&BdSc author ; E». 18t0
. or AlUTMll. Jewi»h writer ; ICoO oa
IniB, er AjumauB, Dominic von, Gemmn no^jhnnrm
lod proCecsor of law ; 1579—16:17 ildcw.
imulA. Fhuicis, Engliali arclutect ; d.lS^
isvildail, L^d;^ BlAOche, English heroine^ deftinder of
Wardonr Cutle ; 1583—1649 D.€.
AnmOal^Hcnrj GranTiUe FiU-Alan Howard, Earl of,
Engtith politleian ; b. 1815 ¥.
Anad^ Humphry ; rx. 1549
Anmdil, Jola, bp. of Chichester, U'^ i tl 1477 d.L
Anadd. Jolm, buJion of Lickficld U'M, Eseiter 1502;
Amii^ Harf , EngliAh tranilator; 15(;rj
IxiBiil Bobcrt de, EngUah hehnist ; d, l2Ail
Anadid, Tboraaa de, or Fitz-AUti, urchhlshnp of
Tack aad Canierbarr> ^<^ chancellor (1407) ; i:i53—
U13 r,f.p^Vf,iL
Anaid, Tbomni HovaH^ Earl of, Tnnrsha) of En^-
kB4,|«lTOaioifartaaadlitemture;1580*— 1646 iLtK
Fnoeia Virian I)^o, Eugliab trav. ; tl. 184ti
Aniutioii, aim of Tarquin and
Tillia; RC 509 D.u,
Mnu, or Ar«mce« brother of Tah^nin the &tipcrb;
1.C43S* D.C.X.
or Amicv, Roman historian ; s.c GO* D,
L., €k>nral of Homti ; SLC. 22 R.X.
Liiciaa, eonaul of Rome ; ^D. 6 X.D.
llMSiai^or Ueatltfl, Roman gram. ; 450 D. x.
BjTO, Welah poet ; 1&50
, jref ««t of Oaul ; 4i »0 r
.Tltflla, Swediib ongrav<*r; 1650—1705 t>.r*
AsnlMl^LMrtait d*, French orieiit^list und tr>iveller;
HS5— 1702
P. CoTD^lm*, eoniul of Bomc ; B,c. 300 u.
_ . SHtiah king ; </. 74
ltVl% Imm» imbbi, eobolar, and iinihor ; lOth cent, k.
Ktlii.iiiii!, Bnf Hah ^t ; ff. 1730 w,
T ^ar, of Fmland, scholar and libm-
Axja2)aluv Indian mathematician ; Ut
Aay^flJlAiTibftflk or TliariTtat, kinjs of tho
; ».c. 390 X.n.
Bt, bi«hop of Armenia ; 270—339 u.u,
(A'roairr, or Btltliirjihife)^ ArDKniian rhc-
; 117§-]239 IK
or Eiaarakcl, Spanish Jf^winh
«f, 302 HAK
' d. 459 D.
. tTAvelbr; 1694 it,
S'cTsia; d. 032 R.
• r; 1500 t.b.r.
driatppU Vtin, 'Gtrjuan painter ; 17th
?)4fiB All Khan {Khnn'Sfihib)^ poet <>£
^ltf.l4^ D.
Jf JttdM (B.CU 95M4) ; d, 0.4 1J,d.
Bipil pontic of Armenia ;
p, Aimcit'-'* •^■^f-
tS«U\ ItalhLll J':lilil
Aiadl d9 Tlious, or AsaeAl de Tlii&cy, Penian po«t :
. king of Persia; 1715— 17J?0 u,d.
Asahel {Bum Phabfj], Jewish writer ; 15'i0*,
AMin, Coainaa, Damian, antl %idiu«, G«rnjjiii artiit«,
ttona of George Asiim ; 1730 a a*
ABanuiL, Saracen governor of Egjpt ; 716
Abwi, king of Bulgaria, 1180 ; e/, lld9 t;.
Asan, king of Bulgaria, 1215 ; d. 1242 it.r,
As&O, king of Bulgaria ; d, 1280 u.
AaaiUler, son of Philota*. governor of Lydia; ii.c.
^334* * Ji.X.
Aoander. kin^ of Bosporus ; B.C. 114 107 D*0.
Aaaptl* BU bjabop of Ulaii^'ow ; 5IK>
AsardJJlua, kitig of Babylon ; RC. 680
Asblom {tht K'Me)^ Korwogian hero i:,
AaMom, aon of 8igurd^ Norwegiiin n<ihle i;.
AsblOfB Blak« servant of Canute IV^., tmitor u.
ABlK)th| AlcXiiiider (Sandor^. HtingnriiLn ItHgadier-
genenil of the Ameriain volniUewrs ; h. 1811 e,
AJrtJury, Francis, Amt^ncan Methodist biihup ; 1746 —
1816 A.II.
AscaJna, Conrad, GermAH philosopher ; 1610 i>.q.
Ascanl, Pelkgriuo da Carpi, Itulian painter of flowers;
18th cent. B,T,tt.
Ancanl, Peregrinus, It.tlian antiqaarv l.D.
ABCanliu, P«tcr, Swi>diijh author ; 1740 aw.
AJlCKrelll, or Aacaxiel, Dehora, Roman Jewiah pooteai ;
1590* o,D/£.
Ascaraa, Greek statuary b.
AJicatades, king of Aanvria ; B.C. 1490
AflCftlln, bibhop of Rochester, 1142 ; d. 114S dj,
AsCdUnns, or AsceUn, French mouk ; 10.10 R,
Aac^Unui, *>r Anaelmiua, Nicola, liali.iu misaiotittry
to Persila , 1247 %UM,
Ascennloiie, or ABcenBauit Arsenius, Portuguese thco<
logiFiu and wiitcr ; d. 1048 D.Y.
AflCOBfllone, Hyaciutho Augustino dell*, Italian sur-
geon ; 16S0 ' P.I.
Aficli, orAb Amh, Goorge Thomas, Baron d\ Russian
military physician niKl writer ; 172 1— 1807 i'.D.c. w,
Aaeb, Johannes van, Dutek purtmit iind miniature
fiainter ; 16th cent. b.k.
Ascht Pieter Janien von, Dutch landacajjc painter;
b. 1603 B.B,
Aflch, Baron Peter Pheodorovitch, Huadan phywician
and authc^r ; ISth cent. K.
Afidl, orAaii, Barun Vegor Pheo^birotiti:!!, pliysidan
to tiio enipreos EliEabeth of llutAUi, and luedicjil
author; 1727-1807 R,
Aflcli&in, Anthony, English divine, astrologer, and
author; 1550 ti.u.n.
Asctiam, Anthony^ Euglieib amhasaArlor and p<»iitii:al
writer; d. 1650 jj.u.w,
Aiioham, GUet, English divine ; d. i:>^i\ 9.
Asclmm, Margaret, wife of Roger Aftcham
Aschani, Roger, English classical schrdar, author, and
tutor of Queon Ekauiheth ; 1515— 15<jS o,d,l\u,c.w.
AftcTiani, William, aheriflf of London, 1397 ; lonl
mayor, 140'i d.
ABChkamus, I^Iurtin L,, Swedisbautlior j 17th cent, D. it.
ABdlbaclL, Juieph, Genutui hi*itori«u J b. 1801
AschdCMl, thL^ name of seveml Arniouian princca of
Jewiah origin ; 7th oeat.
Asdldod, patrician and princo of jNjmenia ; 743 fUlT.
AflclidiOd, jiatrician of Armunia ; d. 6t#0 B.0,
Asclldod 1, or AfCllod [the Great) ^ king of Armenia,
856; rf. 889 u»R i)w
Asclidod n., king of Armenia, 014 ; (2. 928 U.R.D,
ABCtidod, m., nephew of Ascbdod IL; d. 977 B»
ABChdod IV., prince of Armenia ; d, 1039 ilu.d,
ABChenber^, llutger, Count of, Swedish field-marshal;
1621— 161>3 i« It.
AficheiLbFeimer, Christbm Heinrioh, German musi-
cian; 1554—171^2 i>.K.
A8Clien1>iirg', Sigi-imcmd, Gorman Jerriah commenta-
tor; 16th cent. a a
AflCher, German rabbi, savant, and cooimentator ; d.
1321 TT.
AscllTaf-Cliall, king of tbo Afghans ; d. 1730 U.
Afldano, Giovanni della, Italian painter ; i:)80 B.T.
Afldone, Angelo, Nea])olitan jminter ; 1680* D.
Asdapo, of PatrsB, in Achaia, phynician R.
Asclepl, Giusepiie-BIaria, Italian Jesuit, mathemati-
cian, and philosopher ; 1706—1776 U.Q.
AsclepiBdet, philosopher of Pliilim, and frieud of
Menedemus of Eretria B.
Aioleplades, Greek writer of a work on E^:;yi)t B.D.
Ascleplades, Greek Ivric poet ; B.C. 600* D.
Afldeplades, ninth bishop of Antioch; 211* D.
ABClepia46t, bishop of Tralles ; 484* T>.U.
Afldepladet, C. Calpumius, Gk. citizen ; RS— 158 R.
AiKdeplades, L. Amintius Sempronianus, Greek phy-
sician to the emperor Doniitian R.
Ascleplades {PhUophysicwt), Greek med. author r.
Ascleplades {Pharmacion), Greek writer onclicmistry ;
lit cent. D.c.
Ascleplades {Prusi4m*\s^ or Bitkynut)y professor of
rhetoric and medicine R.
Ascleplades(ri7(fnn>), Gk. med. writ.; 2iul cent. R.X.
Ascleplades, P. Numitorius, oculist and mugibtrato R.
Asdeplades, T. Mxva, Greek surgeon r.
Ascleplades of Asramytte, Greek epigrammatist D.
Ascleplades of Hendes, liist. of Egypt ; B.C. 50* x.d.
Ascleplades of Hsrrlla {Apamca)^ Greek grummarian ;
1st cent. B.a d.b.
Ascleplades of Samos, Greek poet ; b.c. *280* d.
Ascleplades of Tra^^llas, Greek trugic writer or
grammarian ; 4th cent. B.C. X.D.
Asdepladlus, Latin poet D.
AsdepiodoTiis, general under Alexander the Great ;
B.O. 330 D.
Asdepiodoms, Athenian painter, contemporary of
Apellec U.K.
Asdeplodotus, Greek poet ; 1st cent.* i).
AsdeplodotUS, consul of Rome ; 21 >2 H.
Asdeplodotus, (ircck phya. and philos.; 450* U.l).
AscleplUS, Greek phyaician T).
AsdeplQS of Tralies, Greek philos.; 6th cent. r.n.
Asdeplus, liicohis [Barbiitu9)y German theologian and
author; d. 1571 n.
Asdepodotus, consul of Rome ; 423 U.
AsdetariOH, matheniaticiiui and aMtro]op:or ; 85* u.
Ascoll, Alcssandro, Italian professor of medicine and
writer; 1688 i.n.
Ascoll, Cecco di, Italian professor of mathematics;
1258—1328 R.
Ascoll, Daniel, Jewish writer: 15,'50* o.D.
Ascoll, Trojano Marcelli, Duke of, Neapolitan states-
man; d. 1S2;{ R.I).
Ascondo, Francisco, Spani.xh archt.; 1705 1781 d.l.
Asconlus-Pedlanus, guiutus, L:itin gr.'m.;50* u.D.c.
AsculO, Saladin dc, ItuL med. author; 15th cent. u.B.
Asdrnball, Fmncesco, Roman ]>h>-sician ; </. 18^(2 D.
Asedy, Thousi, Persian ivK't ; lOth cent. R.U.
Aselll, Gasi>ar, Italian ])hysirian, uiiatomist,and philo-
sophical writer ; 1581— HI2G
Aselllo, Publiud Scmpronius, Roman hi8tori:m ; B.C.
l.'« D. X.
Asellos, n.iudins, Roman wddier ; B.C. 2U2 i).
Ascllus, Tibciiusi'hiudius, Roman legionary tribune ;
i».r. 142 x.i).
Asenslo y Mezorada. Sfpanisb rnirravcr ; d. 17JU h. i>.
Asfeld, Alexis r.idal, l;;iion d', Cu rman general ; lii4.s -
ltW> l-.B.
Asfeld, Renoit Rid:d, lianm d*, ( in man iiiililaiy oflicer ;
ir»58-1715 I).
Asfdd, Claudt* Franriiis Ridal, M.miuis of, marshal of
France ; li'Hi7 174M D.
Asfeld, Jac<iues Vincent Ridal d\ French theologian
an<I author; ir»4»4 — 1745 r.n.
Aifandlyar, or Asfendlar, Persum hero and governor ;
6ih cmt. II c. K.i>.
AsgUl, Sir diaries, shcriif of lymdou ; 1752 d.
Asglll, Sir Obarles, English general ; 1760*— 1823 R.D.
Asglll, John, English author ; 1650*— 1738 D.B.t.c.w.
Ash, Etlward, English physician ; 1770*— 1829 B.c.w.
Ash, John, Engliah author, and Protestant disseDting
minister; 1724—1779 *7.B.c.
Ash, John, English phys. and analyst; 1723—1798 B.11.
Ash. See Ashe.
Ashary, Abulhassan All Ben Ismael, Mussulman
doctor ; d, 940 R.C.P.
Ashhrid£^, John, Nonconformist divine ; cZ. 1735
Ashhrldge, John, English mathematician ; d, 1820
Ashhnmer, A. &L, English divine; 1777 w.
Ashbumham, Bertraud Ashbumham, Lord, EDgll»h
peer ; 6. 1797 F.
Asntramham, John, English royalist; 1604—1071 B.
Ashtramham, Thomas, English general ; b. 1808
Ashhuinham, William, bishop of Chichester, 1754 ;
d. 1797 d./.w.
Ashburton, Alexander Baring, Lord, English stiites'
man; 1774-1848
Ashburton, William Bingham Baring, Lord, £ugli«h
politician; 1799—1864 M.
Ashbnry, Francis, Puritan divine ; 1662
Ashbnxy, Joseph, English comedi;in ; 16:t8— 1820 ix
Ashby, Arthur, English naval captain ; </. 1666 B.
Ashby, George, English poet ; 1440* b.
Ashby, George, English ecclesiastic and scholar;
1724—1808 B.C.W.
Ashby, Henrv, Eng. writing engraver; 1744—1818 B..*;.
Ashby, Sir John, British adminil ; d. 1693 K
Ashby, NicoUis. bishop of Llandaff, 1441 ; d, 145S d.L
Ashby, Richard, Jesuit controversialist : d. 16:^0
Ashby, Turner, American Confederate brigadier-gene-
ral ; 1824-1862* a
Ashby, William, English i»olitician ; d. 1589 or OQ 9.
Ashdown, John, Eng. monk, prior of Lewes ; 1530 9.
Ashdowne, William, English theologian and author ;
1780 D.W.
Ashe, Alan de, Eng. baron of the E.xchetiuer ; 1346/.
Ashe, Andrew, Irish musician and flautist ; 1756 ur
8— ls:i8 B.K.
Ashe, Jonathan, English lecturer ; 1813 w.
Ashe, Nicholas, English poet ; 1^0 1 w.
Ashe, Samuel, governor of North Carolina ; 1725*^
1813 A.1.
Ashe, Simeon, English Puritan divine and author; ^
1662 BC.w.
Ashe, St George, bishop of Clovne 1605, Clogher 16II7,
Deny 1717 ; 6. 1(»58, d, 1718 B.f.»-
Ashe, Thomas, monk of Christ Church ; d. 1473
Ashe, Thoniiui, English writer ; 1600 ILD.
Ashe, Thomas, English traveller ; 1S14 v.
Ashe. Thomas, English novelist ; d, 1835
Ashe. See Asser.
Ashebume, Thomas, Englisli poet ; RM B»
Ashenden, Tlioma^, IMriUm divine ; 17th cent
Ashenton, John, EugliHh astronomer ; 1348
Asher, one of the twelve patriarchs of Israel
Asher, Adolphus, Eng. miscellaneous writer ; d. M5*
Asher, Ren Jechiel, rabbi, Jewish scholar and autbo'' •
</. 1321 i-OL*-
Asher, Rtm Joseph {Chu.vd fkr Pinv.^), Polish lib**
and religious writer ; 16th cent. al^
Asher, ]**on Rabbi IVrctz do Nicia, printer of Hd
books ; 15t)i cent. «
Asher, Saul, of Berlin, Jewish author ; 18th cfnt 1
Ashlleld,Ednmnd, Kng. iNiinter in crayons ; 1695* Hl
Ashford, William, En>;bHh painter ; d. 1824
Ashhurst, Henrv. an Englishman noted for his ]
and cb;irity ; R;17*- RkvO
Ashik. IVisian poet ; 1518 - 1571
Ashley, L.rd, member of the ** Cibal ;" 1621—11
Ashley, Sir Anthony, English p<)Utioian ; d. 160
Ashley, (Mnirles, Rn^lii^h musician ; d, 1843
Ashley, General C, Knglish violinist, managvrol t
onitorios at Cownt (lurden Theatre; d, 18l!l
Ashley, John, English poet ; 1599
Mb^tJt J<^hiL» Eoglixli political economiit \ 1740
iUliloj, John, major-geneml m tbo Atnnioau mrmy ;
17^^—1799 tu.K,
Attblsy, Jo&jkthAn^ American divine ; 1713—1780 A.R,
Atfhiey. K. O., English violinivt; d. 18S6
Aiibltjr M&urice, EngliAh metuphyiioiao ftnd tmna-
ktor; dL 1726
Atfil«7, Ralph, Jdsnit mtaiyr; dL 1606
4iU<7, Robert, Eng^b poel ftudmiiocUimdoiiB wntor ;
1565—1611 n.w.a
iilllay. Thcnxui4, Englifth dinno ; of. 1532 q.
iiUi^r. WilliuD, Foiitan liiirine ; Um
iJliley, WilUatri H., American gencnd ; d, 1838 A.
Amftmni* Hliaa, English antiquniy and Author fountltrr
of tlie Hofleum at Oxford ; 1G17 -1C!)2 W. R.C o,
Uhnrara, John, Ens^iah i>o€i ; 1620 w. il [i.
AiAnQB, £U P., AjneiicanlAWyer and senntor; 1771 ' —
ma A.
IttBOBt JTelixidi, American coloniser and jountatbt ;
jfliaF'™. John Hooker, American profeuor of law ;
imt-vm A.
AAMitii* Ali'ben^Mohxiinnied, anthor of a commen-
tny « IIm ** Isag<og« of Porphyry " k.
4tol^ltalck al, ion of Titnor Toalt, and iovcrei^ of
, kin^ of Penia ; d. 1730 n d.
, EngHflb achoUr, nuuter of J«bq« CoI-
kn; 2615^1752 ».c.w.
Amaa, JUrad, Englisb colonel ; er. 16li8
1^18^ Hugh, arehcleiicon of Winchc«ter ; c£. 1522 Lq.
Ii Jan>««, KotfUsh Lfttin poet : llUMi q.
bBali .dcr: ft 1000
kRici uj 1471
^ Sir K<^ber& Jd, lord induce of Ireland, 1372 :
lAlOi. Rohcii; Engluh dramatiit ; 172T
lAlB^ Sophift Goodrich, Auieric&n authoress; k
]ffl9 a.
liM^HirThoa. v commander; 138<}
Mm. Sir ThoiTi mist ; 15th cent. d.
IMOB, TboCEka-'u , head-master of
jbwgrtwny acb " S 9.
J^IWB, Thrtnaif, J uitic and author ;
kUiSl W.R.O.C.
, Bns^li divine and author ; 1710—
• WaJt<?T, English illvmf* ; </. 1CC3
trr SaManapalnB L, kin^ of Nineveh
E.C- J>30fL.i/A«rv/|
, or Saidnnapalus m, king of Nineveh
k; JkC 0C3 (ZAii^tirt/)
^ lony <rf Kiiievtya or Assyria ; n.C. 782
I Wuaj, Engliih judge (1770) ; 1725—
, GfOT^e^ EogUah divine and aatlior ; 1612^
Joba, Engliah eodtsiaitie, prior of New.
iri27 n.q.Wm
ua, Eng. ■-' ---^- — "'- - nnpoaer K.K,
^BMbokiuew ; d, 1088
pJdD^&i^ftii r
^CUeK EngHah. dk^ciitLu^ minlater; 17'21 —
*SrGlurie», F-- ^-^-nry officer; d. l&S
*Eiltffe, mayor ; 1243 d.
T. SWfthtn, ah«riJi ,-,1255 d
w^ ■*^iit*i^i, ahmtf ai LouJoD 1 1257 ff.
7*P>fa. L < >rru Scinio, constiJ of Rome ; RO. 83 H.
'^**\ I*. iJum, Sapio, consul of Homo ; 125 H,
b Vijflriaa, coiunl of Rome ; 40
S^ji^q^ofElphin: 4f;0
-I X,
1 noble^
Allaart, Ocfcavio, count of Camerano, Italian poeti
1580* *,.r,.
ABln«lll, architect of Bologn* ; 11 OO u.d,
Atinlu«, 0, GaUug Saloninua, son of Aainitia PolHo,
procojiBul of Asia Minor ; B,c. 40— a. D. 33 H, it,
A«tnlus, Ciuunbattista, ItaL jurist and nuthor; 1580 Tk
Aalnlns-Quadratnt, Greek writer ; 3d cent. c,
Aslniufl PoUio, gfoveraor of Spain, and oonsnl of
Rome; ii,c. 76— A. D. 4 h*r,
Aaloll, BoDifazio, Italian muaia composer and author :
176»-18;i2 it.iuu!
ABlr-Ud-Dln AlcHBlktl, Pereian poet ; 1190» a
Ailr-Ud-Dln-Uinajil, Persian poet ; I3th cent. d.
Asiua of Samos, Oroek poet ; 5th or Gth cent. B.C, n, x.
Asjedi, FerMtan iJOefc o.B.
Aake, Jarnes, Engllab poet ; 1688 n,
Eichiird, English judge, 1049 ; d, 1065 F.
Robert, English antiquary ; 1527
Robert, Northern insurgent ; ex. 1537
EoHert, English public liencfactor ; d. lOSR
Aflkeby, Rob, de, lord -keeper of the Great Seal ; 1310 /.
AikftE, Leonard, English printer ; 1501 w^
Aakelof, JohnChristonherf Swediali imthor; 6. 1787 ii,
Aalceri, iiirname of Ali X,, Bloslem khiilif ; d. 867 B,
Askew. Adam, Enga^h physician ; d. 1773
Askew, ^£geon, English divine ; 1005
Aikew, or AECOgh, Anne, English Lutheran contro-
verstalist and iiiurtyr ; 1521—1546 R.D,C.
Askew, Anthony, Englijah phyiician end book col-
lector ; 1722—1772 B,D,aw.
Askew. Sir Christopher, sheriff of London, 1525; lord
mayor, 1533 «f,
AsUtcot, Conrad, Norwegian Lutheran divioo and
anthor : 1564 - 1021 d, K,
Asmai, Abu - SaM - Abd - al - malek * Ebn - Coraib - Al -
A«mui\ Arabiiin iiuthor ; 740 or 1—830 R,
Asmizade Haletl BfTendi, Turkiuh juiW poet, and
orjitor; 1509—1630 0,11.
Asmnnd I., k, of Norway, Sweden, and Gothland B.
Asmand U,, succeftBur of A^tnund L b.
ABmnndHl., k. of Denmark, Sweden, and Gothland B.
Asmund ry., king of Sweden, in whose reign Chrb-
tiauity wa* first preached B,
Asmund V. {Kolhrcnner), king of Sweden R.
Asmund VI. {Slvmint, or Gammd), king of Sweden E,
Asmund, Tycho, Dunish ecclesiastie, bishop x»f Lun-
deu ; l.'i:*— 1586 R.
Asne, Michcd T, French designer and engraver; 1596 -
1607 D.
Asner, Francia, German ougmver, pupil of Adam
Napert ; 6. 1742 R.
Asner, Johonn, German engraver, pupil of Dietel;
d. 1748 B.
As&er. Leonard, German en^^ver, pnpil of Jean
Blanveld r,
Asoka, or Dliarmasoka, king of Miigadha, India;
ac. 330* D.
Asapli-Ed-Doula, nnbob of Ourlo ; 1775 U.K.
Asoplas. Constttutin, Gk, echohir aad litt. ; 6, 1801 r,
AsopOdorua^ Greek statuary pupil *»f Polycletui u,k,
AsoTdanea, king of Babylon ; B.o. 0U9
Aaordanufl, f/r NergUus, king of Nineveh ; b.c, 091
Asp, Matthiiia, Swedinh theologian ; 169*>— 1703 R,g.
Asp, Pchr Glof, Swedish iliplomatist; 1745— IBfJS D.u*
Aspach, Adnin, iSwba Portrait painter; d, 15S0 rn
Aspach, Joseph Bon, Jewish surgeon O.D.Z.
AepaJl, Geoffrey de, English writer on natural hi:i-
tory; 1280
Asp&r^ Roman imtrioian and general ; d. 471 U.H,
Ai^asia, duuijhttir of Hermotinms, priestess of the
fun, and miHtreas of Cyrua ; B.C* 40*>* D.X.
AsiMUda of MUetus, mistreM of Peridcs ; B. a 432 u. o. x,
Aspaalus. Gree-k sophist; 40* B.D.
As|>a^U8, iiccrttury to Alexander Severus ; 231
Aspaslufl of By bios, Greek rhetorician ; 180*^ D.
Aapaslua of RavensA, Greek sophist ; 3d cent. i>.
Aspect, d', Freaoh author ; IBth cent. B. d.
A«pegT»ii* GosUt CuBteii, Swediib iwturaliit ; 1791—
1828 D.
Aapelln, Dttvid, Swcdnh poet ; I7m—1B2L D,
AspelinAyer, or ABpelmeTor,. Fmnz, miuio compoi«r,
and bal1et-mft«t«r to the emp. of Austria; rf.l786 K.D.
Asper, j£miHuiy Latia gram, and €CimmenU.tor v.
Asper, Gaini Joljjutas, favourite of C»iracaUat ; 22(P D.
Asper, Conitftat Ohiliun Carl vaxi H«?obrouck» Baron
voQ, Austriim military officer ; 1754 — 1801* D.R.U.
AHp«r, HjiDB JeaD, Bwiss painter; 14951— 1671 B.U.O.
Asper, 8ulpidufl* Rotijan ci^nturion ; 70 l>*
AspertlnOi Amico, Italian jnintor ; 1474—1552 t.b.u.
AsperUno, Gmdo, lulmn painter ; 14<J0*— 141f5 B.T.U,
Aqi«rtiu« f/r Aibeztiifly C«ermaii eccleaiaaticol writer ;
830*— 889 D,
Aopsttl, Ti£iiuio, of FtndnA, Italian sculptor ; 1565 —
1607 iLD.
AspMtel, Waiiiim Hunt» Englisli architect ; d 1852
Aapllcueta, Mnrtin, Si^>aniah juriiit, counsellor of
Charles V., Philip 11., and Gregory XlJl. ; 1493—
1586 E.D.
AspUcneta,?. Juan {Navar-rt>\ Spaniah niUaionary;
Aspln, J,, English chronologt«t ; 1813
AMJ/An, WilliiLin, EoglJah divine ; 1684
Aflpinkll, Nicholas, Engliah clauical acholar ; d, 1727
Aspinwall, Edward, English divine ; 1731
Asplawall, Peter, Puritan divine ; 1662
Asplnwall, Stanhope, Engliah dmmatiat ; d 1771
A«plaw&U, William, Puritan dinno ; d. 1648
Asplnwall^Willuim, American phy3.; 1743—1823 a.E,
AtplAQd, Rob.^ rnitiiriLin divine and author; d. 1845 w.
Acpley, John, Einj^lish writer on navigation j 1600 n.
Asplln, Samuel, Ent'lifih divine; 1715 w.
Alplln, William, Eughsh divine ; 1728
Asplind, Swodiab mechanicLai ; 1750* E.D.
Aiplund, Arnold, Swedish writer ; 17^16—1815 D,
Aspitmd. John, American divine ; rf. 18<17 A,
AnporadiiB, consul of Komo ; 452 h.
Aipre, CoriHtiintiiif Baron, Auitrion ficld-marah^ ;
178i>— 1850 u
Aspte, Bee Asp«r.
Aipremont, d^ govemor of Bayonno ; 1570 b,c,
AspremoDt» Fnon^oia d« la Mot he Villebert, Vioomte
d\ French engineer nnd g«ocr<il ; rf« 1678 It.t\U.
AspreiL&B, nqibew of Quintilius Varna ; 1st cent* P»
Aspren&Sf L. Nonuiua, con«ul of Home ; 94 H.
AMptmutMt ¥, NonniuB, consul of Rome ; 38 M«
Aspruod, Antonio, Italian atvhiteet ; 1723- 1808 R,
AlpmUMd, Mario, Italian arohiiect, sou of Antonio
Ajpnuwi; 1764—1804 lu
Aflpswc Frantx, Qerm. designer and engravor B.ILD,
Aapnll. f' - ^'mliah pianist ; 1813-1832 ILD,
Aiquiir •liMibiqpvpber; 1G82— 1745 I,D.
Aiqulni iliMi natoimlist and agriculturalist ;
172«>-Iblii n,H.
Assad, or AxMl Xhaa, Afghan warrior; 1715*—
1780 R.U.
Awad-Ed-Donlali (J^ion of ike Ssatt), chief of tlie
Beni-Khelab Arabs; d. 1029 It.
Aiiaftidl. Arabian writer ; 1296 -1362 n.
Assald, sultan of w««t«ni Africa ; 1242 li.
'\(i l^•urI1■iT^bn»t«tcBmaDandl>oet; 6* 1788 F.
I itculptor it.i>.
d, miliUryxitrg.; 17CW^1840* ri.
A»-8aTnafLni. \ taixud-Abdul-Kcrimlbn-Abibeke-Mo-
hiimnicd - At - Tcmimi - Almerwiud, Jtlohamroodan
writ«*r; 1113-1160 fj.
Aft-SaaLb, IbD-MeUk-Al*Khauhuti» governor of Spaun ;
8th MOk 11.
Amndvo* CHaanballUta, ItalUn Jontl ; 1'""
AaaameoOk SarMOQ Andrsa, Itdini liUk>r
AiiiiittO^ Lue^h Italian hiatariamadnottii
1007—1072 i.w,
Heiawlll, OtteTio-aionisniBaitiata, founder of the
ati4um lor the deaf and dumb at Genoa; 17^^!'—
Jh:;i» tr.n.
Ais&8| Nicolas, Chevalier d*, French captain; A
17W r,n,
AsBClienlwrgh^Hermanua, Dutch writ; 1717— 1703 m,
Asselieradei, 0;it1 Gu^tav Schultz, Swedish diploma-
tist: c/, 1799 UL
AaschCKinbeclc, Adrian, Dutch etcher; 16^ a a.
Asseburg, RuHamuml, Juliana de, German fem^o
visionary ; 15th cent. B.
Asselln, Gilles Thomas. Fr. poet ; 1082—1767 r.a.c,
AsselliLer Jtun Hen 6, French profe*ftor of Hebrew,
bishop of Boulogne ; 1742—1813 B.
AsBAlyn, Jan (C>a6&r</c), Dutch landscape painter i
1610— I6im B-OwT
AsBemaul, Joseph Aloyvins, professor of the i
languages at Rome ; d. 17o2
Assflmaau, Josef I
Simon, Syrian Maronite, orici
librarian at the Vatican ; 1687—1768
Assemani, HLmon, Syrian Maronite and
1752- 1821
Assamaiil, Stephen Evodlua^ orientalist^ autb
librariim at tne Vatican
Ajiseti, Jan van, Dut^h landscape and figure ]
Aflsen, John Walthervan. Dutch eDgraver uponl
6, 14&0*
Aasenede, Didier, or Thicrri d\ French i
poet ; 14th cent.
Asaer, oi' Ashe, Jewish savant, author or <
the '* Bjdjjloniau Talmud ;" 353—427
Aseer, bi^hup of Sherborne, friend and bio
Alfred. 8:»5* ; e/. 910
Asser, Franciakaa Walter Tan, Dutch
wood ; 6, 1480
Asser^ Rigaud, bp. of Winchester, 1320 ; rf, 1323
AftsenuB (Meftcvetuis)^ monk of St David's, histotiatt]
</, mo an
Aaserto. Giov., Italian painter ; 1600—1619 a.iuix|
AiSey, Charles, English writer on India ; d, 1821
Assesazi, Papier d\ French dramutio author; 16'
1696 V.t
Atshe, Henri van, Flemish landscape painter; 177i*f
1841 ^
Asaheton, All" ^' ' In^ ; rf, 1633
Aaaheton. Kh iriwt ; iL 1625
AflshetOD^ W'i,: ' ^ ^ _^ ii divine and i
1641-1711 w,M
Asshod. See AschdOd.
AsalgnleBr Jean d\ Cirthusian and author; IS
1642 ua>^
Aislgny, l^Inrimi, English theologian and auti
1643-1717 au.f
Atstng, Rose Mary, Dutch i>oetesi ; 1783—1840
AaslBi, Andrea di {L'Ingtgno}, Italian painter i
Aialal, Tiberio, or Tibaritii Diatelvi, Italian ]
16th cent.
Aaso Y Del Elo, Ignaoio Jordan, Spanish Jorisl. i
ralist, and author; 1770
Asaoliaylt Ahul-KaaimAbdar-Rahman I
TOod-Al-Kath nmi, ATrtbirtu writer; 111 -
Assonant, >h . Alfred, Fr, nuth^x ; L. Iz
Assosnptton, Flemish theologian
author ; h'C .
Assomptlon, Jmte de i', Fr. th<^>l; 1612-1^79
ASBonvUle, r,nin iiinjf. French phjs.; 16tb if-nt
ABS(mcy, ' \i d\ French burlcsuue i
1604- r.i
Assam, , i _ 1 1, German hiographer; 1
Aitmn* Johann Chris toph, G«rman f ttriat and attH
1581-1661 t
Aasump^ao-ytiHo, Jr^ac i Tt«»o nalvnl ii:
o«>pber; 1753—171*3 t»,s
AsBumpcao, Jox«, PurtugUi^Ms th&ologian and atiU^
c/, 1751
AiSQlltO. Onorio deir, Italian Cuveliti i
jftsntlHi, Ajitoiiie, French typogiBphpr ; 1519 ]>.
Ast« BttvilMkaurv van der, of Utreoht, i>aiiitGr of atill
life ; 1639 B.
ktlL, Qimn^ Anton FriedricL; Gennan author and plulo-
sopber ; 1778—1^1 B.
Irta, Amfa^dell', Ital, ^oiotear; 167x^-1721 N.E.B,T.
AitftJttil, Fnnceaoo, Italiiui muiuc composer ; 174!^—
Ait&tlta* G«iS»i*ro, ItAlifln mime compM^
Aftirltu. vr ArttartUg, Bhuse, Italian plijHician nnd
author; 1506 D.
Irtartna^ Pedro, Francifcan and writ ; lOtlj cent, w
llfiMlfta T AffoSxre^ Dora Pablo Pedro, Spnui&h lin-
gmst; 1753— 1S06 d.
iftaal GixtA^ppe, Roman pa inter : d, 1725 v. v.
Aittmry, J , of Shelti:)re, English earlhenware and
ciusa mantifactitrer ; 1G78 — 174^ D.
Irt^ YtMtotmco Huia d^', archbbhop of Otnmto ;
MM-in» I.D.
igttSl^ James Pjnoptulai, En^ish alohemiat; d.
AittO, Mary. English atrthoresa ; 1658—1731 r.w^c.
Aster. CUrl H^inrich, Geno&ii colonel and military
TOU* ; t. 1782 Ih
AIVb; Brncil Ludwig, Pmasian ^enGrol ; b, 177S D.
AMMEloii Gft«k atatuary v. ju x.
AthgDiaa orcbon ; B.C. 373 H,
nnelropolitau of Amasia ; 4th c^ni VAX.
Otttk lODbist ; 4 th c«nt, B.D.
biilMp ot Amaaift, m Potitua, and anthor ;
of ai|i]»adOGl&, writer in favour of Arian-
J35 a
Kioolaa, French officer ; 1449 n.
ItaHazt theologian ; d, 1330 LD.
, ABtoon>, Italian TH>et i 1412 lUU.
Oiao Andrea, Italian Benedi&ctme and Uia-
loriin t 1«73— 1747 i.d,
44Qr, JohiH Independent minuter; <?» 1730
lltt,Da«at Anion iodeU\ Italian juriat; 18th cent, L1>,
AAlir Ttionma, Engliih ircharalogijit} nntiquary, and
nthor; 17*15— 1«03
liQUt 8ir Benkard, English commander in the civil
AlBif, Herbeiit, English divine ; d. IG81
AftliJ, Ho^ E^liah printer and bookseller; 1600 W.
Aitiij, &r Ja£ab, royaliflt officer ; d, IGdi B,
AMaty^Joliii, Bde* portrait painter ; tt 1787 B,iLi).c.
ittlif. #«ikn, &iglish author, treaitarer of her
Mftiaite^i )«veLi, I55S ; d. 1595 ?. w.
AKtaf , JoMidi, Ekigliah cbemiat ; 1801 w,
4jO^. Biduvd, diMcnttn^ minister ; d, IP.Ol
Eiiffliah bookieller ; d. 175^
«jlMh author; f/. 1814 w.
P, mHjis fooiider of the Circus in Englnnd, and
-«r; 17ri-18l4 d.
Otaa IVIix, It*]. iheoL and author; 1604 lai.
, vr Astolfo, king of the Lombards, 749 ;
MBiAiufrvw^. rXib prior of Burr ; 1426
Hn^Act^ :orand arjiroatistj 1710 c.B.
^^ Jidt Sir .'• Liib military officer, governor
^^M^» Aitlmr Iiignim, Bngliah dipl. ; b. 17^8 F.
^HBiiilCktiSloplter, Bngliah conspirator ; 155U
^mltm,Bdwmi Englijih tmmlnior; Itjll
■ IAm, Mtmf, Eoglifh colouel ; d. 171^.>
H liti^Bcsry Bairvr, English divine ; 1745
■ AMa^Bft^ a^gliah moaician ; 15t0
B Aao^lan4, Eof . dramatist and journalist; 1847 v,.
'"^Tl lif^^ Germ*n eecentric writer ; h, 19Q0 y.
Ml^K^lMMilawj^r; 1073
^m, Bt ttSui, EngUsh judge, ITGTr ; </, 1778 /.
*^ fri^iU Engllsb dnunatij^t ; ] 727
«^liir Sifcr, roaster of the Wanlrobe ; <f. 1612
*%9ir'n>WMi^ rmJist »Dd author ; d. 1645 w.lLa
^ **"-^— *■ — ^*^-*- divine and author ; 1601 w.
Afltou* Sir Walter, English ambassadoir to Spain ;
1579*^1639 B.
ABtoa, William, Engliah Jesuit ; d, 1800
Aator, Diego de, 8 pan. engr»ver upon copper; 1C09 TX
Afftor, John Jacoo, capital! it, founder of a public
library in New York ; 17fxt— 1848 d.a.
ABtOTg&t Antonio Pedro Alvurci Olorio^ Manjuia of,
8pan, diplomatist and vdceroy of Napleij ; 1075 D.U,
Astorgi, Emmanuele, Baron, Italian muMO com-
poser; ItiSti— 175rj* K.B.U.
Asian, Gioranui- Antonio, Italian hellenist, antiquary,
an d litterateur ; 1G72— 1743 d, c. l u, w,
Astorinl^ Elia, Italian translator of Euclid's Element*;
10^1-1702 W.LD.C.
AstrampsychtiB, Greek poet u.D.
Astrey, Kichard, Engliah untiquary ; d, 1714
ABtrle, Sir Euptio, lord muyor of Lrmdon ; 14J*3 d,
ABtrouotae, h\ Eronch Hnonymoua chronicler and
tifltronomcr ; tHh cent*
Astrofl, Paul Tiiereae David d', French cardinal,
abp. of Toulouse and Karboiine ; 1772 — 1851 d.
Astnm, Gitivanna, Italian singer ; 1725—1758 r,
ABtmc, Jean, Frenoh M.A, m<jtaphysiciiin, and
author; 1G84— 1766 w.B,U.<J.
Astry, Fnmcia, English diidne ; 1733
Afltry, Sir Janiea, Enghwh IjiNvyor und imtiquary; 1094
Astry, Sir Samuel, Eng. clerk of the Grown ; a, 1704
Astry, Tliumas, Puritan divine ; 1083
ABturiUB, couAul of Kumo ; 449 H«
Astwulf, bishop of Dun wich ; 675*— 731* d,L
Asty, Henry dc, chief baron of the Exchequer; 1377/,
Aatyagaa, king of Sledia ; B.C. 5115—560 U.K.
Aitjd&nL&B, Greek writer of tragedies ; B.C. 398 D.R.
Aitytlaimsui {the l^ouni/erj, Greek writer of tragedicB;
B.C. 372 D.B.
AatylUB {Crotoniemu), Olympic victor ; h.c. 483 H.
AfltylUfl {Stfracuxien^U}^ Olympic victor ; B.C. 484 H»
ABtyTnedea, Rhodian chief ; it.c. 171* D.
Aatyochos, Greek admiral l>.
AstyphSlua, Athenian nrchon ; B.c. 420 H.
AbiQa, or A&oIa, Giuu Mutteo, or Gi^ui Maria, Italian
muiio composer ; 1570 v.
AsiilaaiiB, or Asolaao, or D'Asola, Andrcsn ItalLin
printer ; 1500 n.
AiQ'CMa, king of Egypt ; B,a 1052* O.K.
Atace, king of the Ahina ; d. 41H tt,
Atalraalpa, lo^t king of Peru ; d. 1533 R.
Atalde, Lewis d*, count d'Atougia, Portuguese viceroy
of the indies; (/. 1580 ilit.d.
Atameah, Turkish or Tartar officer nnd coiisi>irator r,
AtanagrU Denis, Ital. litterateur; 1510—1570 l.n.D.o.
Atar {the Karuite)^ Jewish writer Lt.o.l\
Atar, Ohiam ben, Jewish thoologian ; 1730* o.r»»
Atar,Cohen*Egypt. Jewish apothecary; 13th cent. o.n.
Atar, Dav. ben, J e wish rabbi and poet ; Ititli cent, o, D.
Atar, Sajiiuel beu, Jewish writer ; IGth cent**
Ataulplma^ king of the Visigotha in Spain, 410 ; rf.
AtaiilpliiiB. f^eo Adolphua,
Atoherley, David Fi7mci:i, English miaottUimecmi
writer ; d. 1845
Atcheaon^ Natbanieli Ea^lah solicitor and taw writer;
AtcblBoa, David R,, American senator; 1. 1807 e.
Atenlon, Greek painter ; n.Q, 332 U.
Atenulpliua I., j>rinco of Capua, duke of Bonevento ;
d. 910 tr.D.
Ateniilphus n., prince of Capua and Beoevento,
1*10; dL 940 D.D.
Athalarlc, k. of the Ostrogoths in It'dy, 526; J. 534 L\ d.
AthaUah, queen of Jud-'ea ; B.C. tK>7— 878 tj.
Atlialln, Cluudtj Erauvois, French professtor of medi'
drie ; 1701—1782 R-U.
Atha-Mellb, Pcrsinn iwet and historian, governor of
Biigdxwi : 1228-1283 V. r.
Atbanaglld, king of the Viaigotlis in Spain, 554*67 ;
d. 567 ^^'
Athanaric, king of the Vuigoths in Spain, 3G9; d.
381 u.D.
Atbanaslo, Don Pedro (Bocanegra), Spanish painter ;
1638— 1*-88 B.U.D.B.
AthanaslUB, St, archbishop of Alexandria, father of
the Greek Church ; 290—376 D.W.R.U.C.
AtbanasluB, eccles. of the church at Alexandria ; 451 D.
Atbanasius, bishop of Naples, 877 ; d. 900 u.b.
Atbanasiiu, Greek jurist ; 6th cent. D.
AtbanasiUB, patriarch of Constantinople ; 1289 w.D.
Atbanaslus, Ivanov, archbiahop of Kateronoslav ;
1760*— 1805 R.
AthanasiaB, Kondoide, bp. of Vologda, and tutor of
the Kuas. poet. Prince Autioch Kantimir ; c/. 1737 B.
Athanasins, Nikitin, Kussian merchant and travel-
ler ; 1460 B.
Atbanasius, Peter, Greek author ; 1652 b.
Athanlfl, writer on the affairs of Sicily R.
Atlxeas, or Ateai, king of the Scythians ; b.c. a')0* D. u.
Atlielard, archbishop of Canterbury, 790 ; d 803 c.
Atlidlard. See Adelard.
Athelm, bishop of Wella 909, archbishop of Canter-
bury 914 ; cL 923 d.h.
Athelred, archbishop of Canterbury, 870 ; c^. 803
AthelBtan, king of Kent ; 836
AthelBtane, king of England (925-40) ; 895—940 B. D.
AthexuBUS of NaucratlB, Greek gram. ; 200 B. u. c. d.
AtlxenflBUS, engineer of Byzantium ; B.C. 200* c.u.
AthennuB, physician of Attalia, in Cilicia, founder of
the Pneumatic sect P.c.<7.ill'.x.
AthenseuB, Athenian archon ; B.o. 536 h.
AUienSBUB, Greek mathematiciun ; B.C. 210 W.u.R.
AtlxenaoB, Greek statuary ; B.C. 150* B.X.
Athenagoras, Greek physician and med< author k.x.
AthenafiToras, Greek Christian Platonist ; 168 w.d.c.
AtlxexialB {Aelia-Eudoxiu), empress of the East: d.
460 u.
Atlxenas, Pierre-Louis, French archajologist, natural-
ist, and author ; 1752—1829 D.U.
Aihenlon, (rrcek comic poet d.x.
Athenion, (h-eek painter B.R.X.
Athenlon, Greek physician ; 2nd cent.* B.C. (?) D.X.
Athenion, Cilician cliicf of the revolted slaves in
Sicily ; d. B.r. 101 I'.n.
AtlxenlB of Chic, (ireek painter, sculiitor, and archi-
tect ; r»tli cent. B.C. U.
Athenocles, Greek engraver and emb<wscr D.X.
AthenodoruB, one of the three Hculpturd at Kho<lcs
who executed the group of the I>iocoon D.x.
AtlxenodoroB, ])recept()r of Octaviuiuis ; B.C. 30 ILX.
Athenodorus, pupil of Origuu ; 232
AthenodoruBof ^OB, Grcik rhetorician : 2nd cent. D.
AthenodorUB of cuter, (;ret;k sfcUuary; B.C. 480* D.X.
AthenodoruB Cordyllo of Tanus, Stoic philosopher ;
Ist cent. B.C. D.U.X.
AthenodoruB of Rhodes, Greek rlietorician d.x.
AthenodoruB of Teoi, Greek player on tho dthara ;
B.C. 321 D.X.
Athenogenes, Cliristian martyr d.
Atheradee, ()l\mpic victor ; it.c. 70O u.
Atherley, tMniund Gibson, Enjfli»*h lawyer ; d, 1815
AtherBtone, K.lwin, Kntiliah iKHjt ; lUtn cent. M.
Atherton, Chsnks (J., Amer. senator; ISiK) --l.^*>3 A.f.
Atherton, ( 'liuries liumi»hrey, American representa-
tive ; 1773 ls:»3 c.\.
Atherton, Jlcnry, Kn'^'lish physician ; d. WM
Atherton, Humphrey, major-gcmrul in America ; d.
UXil A.\l.t'.
Atherton, Jolm, bishop of Li.vmoro and Waterfonl,
m;;j«>); ir.iw ir,4o r.n.
Atnerton. sir Willium, En;,'.iv.liticiun; 1806—1804 M.
Athey. .lohn, lii^'h admiral of Kn^'laud ; 1318
AthlaB, Knimunuel lH>n Jo>«.>ph, i)utch Jewl<«h scholar
and printer ; </. 1700 c.r.r.i).
AthlaB, Isjuie, Siuinish Jewish author in Amsterdam ;
162t» k.i»./m
^ Jot., rabbi and printer at Amsterdam ; 1601 w.
AthlaB, Solomon, rabbi of Jerusalem, author of » com-
mentary on the Psalms ; 1549 O.Z.R.
AthJf, Ebn Abulhaasan Ali Ezzeddin Al Zeieii, Mo-
hammedan historian ; €L 1233 B.
Athlr, Ebn, Abulsaadat Almobarek Majdeddin Al
Jezeri, Mohammedan commentator ; d. 1210 B.
Athlone, Willem de Keido de Ginkell, Earl of, Dntch
general in the English army ; 1640—1703 U.
Atnoll. See Murray.
Athrau, Dayydd ddu, Welah poet ; 14th cent
AthrwsTB, king of Glamorgan ; 575
AthryllatUB, Greek physician of Thaso ; B.C. 25* D.x.
Athulf, bishop of Hereford ; 965* d. L
Atla, niece of Julius Cnesar ; d. B.C. 43 D.X.
Atlenxa Calatrava, Martin, Spauii^h painter, one of
the founders of the Academy at Seville in 1600 i>.
AtillanuB, consul of Rome ; i:i5
AtiUdnuB, Roman jurist ; 2nd cent. n.
AtlliUB, Lucius, Roman tribtme and plobian consul ;
B.C. 396* D.X.
AtllluB, Lucius, Roman tribune ; B.C. 311 d.x.
AtlliUB, Lucius, commander of the Roman garriBon of
Locris in second Punic war ; B.C. 215 D.X.
AtlliUB, Lucius, Roman pnetor ; B.C. 197 D.X.
AtUlUB, Lucius, Roman jurist : 2nd cent. B.C. D.X.
AtlliUB, constructor of an amphitheatre ; 20* IK
AtUlUB, Marcus, Rom. dram, poet ; 3d cent B.C. (?) D.X.
AtimetUB, P. Attius, Roman physician to Augustus
Cs»ar ; 1st cent. B.C. B.X.
AtlB, French flautist ; d. 17&1* ^ D.R.
AtiUB, Lucius, Roman military tribune ; 178 J\
AtiUB, PeligniusCaius, partisan of Pomi)cy; B.C. 49 D.X.
Atkey, Anthony, Euijlish divine : 173'i
AtldUB, Abraham, English miscellaneoTis writer; 171^
AtklnB, Elisha, American divine ; d, 18.'^ A.
AtldUB, George, English geologist ; d. 18^^
AtkiUB, Henry, English physician ; d. I(ui5
Atkins, Henry, American navigator ; 1729 A.
AtklUB, Henry, canon of C*hicheMt<'r ; d. 1842
AtklUB, Isaac, Jewi:>h writer ; 17th cent B.
AtklnB, James, bishop of Moray and Galloway ; 1613 —
1687 X-.C.B.W.
AtklnB, James, English ])rK>t; 1819
AtkiUB, John, sheritf of I^mdon, 1809; lord mavor,
1818 " d.
AtkiUB, Jolm, Knf.;lish naval surgeon, author, and
travelh-r; d. 1757 C.D.U.
AtkiUB, Richard, English engineer ; 161>^
AtkiUB, Robert, English divine ; hV2*\ -1685 B.
AtkiUB, Sjinmel, Puritan divine ; 16()2
AtkiUB, Samuel, Engli>h iK)htician ; 1702
AtkiUB, Sir Thomas, lonl mayor of L<»ndun ; 1044 d»
AtkiUB, AVilliim), English .Jesuit ; d, 1081
AtkiUB, William, Enj^liah empiric ; 16l>4
AtkiUB. See AtkjruB.
AtkiUBOU, IJenjaiiiin Andrew, English Prcabyierian
divine and author ; 1725 g.n»
AtkiUBOU, ChriNtopher, English divine ; (/. 1054 W.
AtkiUBOU, Edinund, Env'lish herald ; d, LVO
AtkiUBOU, (ieorge Franklin, English author ; </. ISA)
AtkiUBOU, Henry, English mathematiciiui and phil(»*
sophical writer; 17S6*-^ 18." »1 B.
AtkiUBOU, Henry, American brigadier-general ; 178(>—
1S42 A.
AtkiUBOU, Isaac, highwayman ; d. 1040
AtkiUBOU, Israel, American phys.; 1740—1822 A.Bi
AtkiUBOU, .lames, En^'lish divine; 1729
AtkiUBOU, James, English poi>t ; 1^)1
AtkiUBOU, t)<ihn Augu.stus, English writer on numien,
customs, and costume ; l.H(K) W.
AtkiUBOU, Joiieph, Irish wii aiul dramatist; 1743 ^
1S18 B.
AtkiUBOU, Miles, En^liHh divine ; d. ISll w,
AtkiUBOU, Paul, Franciscan ; d. 1729
AtkiUBOU, I'cUr, Eugli.>h divine ; d. 1677
AtkiUBOU, IVtrr, English architect; «/. ISai
Atklnsou, Peter, English archiU'Ct ; d. 184J
SiefaKn}, Eoglkh divine, provott of King's
^thtMOB, Bobert, Bnglisli lawyer ; 1&G3
Atltnwni, Stooo, PuHUn aivine ; 1604
AtTrtmoTr. Theodora, chief -justice uf Kew HiimpMliiro ;
d. 177!) A.1U
Thomfis Kn^. divine nod poet ; d, 163i> K,
TV Jith architect; 1709
T ; ti»h poet : d. 183;i
Tiufu^!^ \\iUam, Kngliah architect and
tpmlJer : h, 1799 f.
^t>i»MM Wi'lrirn. cnnnn of lincoln ; d. 1JW9 f.r/.
llBMO(n,V. Ufth architect ; cf. 183{> w.
itkym, F-i luh baron of the Exchequer
11601 - ...-,, L
Alk7&? rcV English oMef h«ron of the Kx-
cheir Y. 1698 /.
itkyai, Johii Txifccy. Engliih judge (17601, Uw writer ;
d. 1773 /caw.
ItkynitEklianl, fiogliAli topographical writer \ IIjId—
lt]77 w.ox.
ilkyni^ Sr Robert, EngliAh politician and chief baron
nf th«Exche«^«er; 1621—1709 D.f,R.w.c.
it^yoi, Sir Eabert, Eugliith topographical writer;
1(H7— 1711 w.R,a
itkfai. SceHkiiis.
IUm, ftunud John, Amer. colonel ; 1738— 1786 A.
I AOm^ WaaUncfeoa L., Amer. med. writ.; 6. 1808 a.
I AtlMy WHUia AuruvtuA, Amer. judue ; d, 171)3 A,
I AUsy; Janut, hi^>p of Hen:ford, 18ti8 ; &. 1817
I AflMTiLCharlea, £n^li«h divine ; 1813
I itODdoTAstmon, D. Inidoro, Span, admiral ; 1680 T>.
I ladlkciika; 5Ui cent. B.a u.d.x.
^L Alnttnii^ A. Semprouius, Roman eonstdar tribune ;
H BCm H.X.
^B JttatlBita, A. Semproniaa, Roman consular tribune ;
^" B.C. 416 H,x,
AtzttllBi, A. Sempronina, oonaul of Rome ; 89 n.
itrnttns^C.^kcipruijIus TI imaoGonaul; b,c.497 b.x,
AttUtBOi^L fiian consul ; B.C,444 H.X.
ilntii% H thematician, physician,
udevdiiui. i^rjL, rj. ij.^r u.
ittMUsBS, Johann, German lAtin poet and botanist }
i IMO* r.i>.
or AtrAp«fl, Peman aatrap of Bledia ; b.c,
«r IMiV aorerei^ of KbwaHi!m ; d, 1156 R.
;^v«rd, Koffhuh pbyiL; Kith cent R.
At^flV Bkisttrd, Euj^iah engraver ; ICth cent. D.
~ |Hlli<}QliitiQa, Roman comic iiort ; B. Q. 76 r. n, x.
^ Oi^baiel-Charlca de V, French canon of
ad aaMrie poet ; 1697—1779 w. d.c\
Pierre, French printer ; </, 15.W U,
iMA w 41^1421, Newi Zdde, Turkish iioet ; 1583-
Flavfita Ptiacua, Roman emp^ 400 ; c^ 417 tT.
Gnck phyaiciaA and coftimentnloT R.
■k Mi*^**f judge and procomiui of Bycantta ;
AilMBlaA tculptor B.D.Z,
L* k. €if Ferg^ttiui (b.c 241) ; 2fifl-197 CD.
XUlLof PergnmuAiB.c. 157); 219—138 B,a
nL, laat king of Pergamua (a.C. 11>7); «/.
m D.r.
of Ph^V- ' ^^ -don; B.C 370 ux.
olAlexAi »it; B.C. S3U d.x,
matheit, i ,o. 100* i>.
I^oioopher , u.c. 20 I>.X.
, E physician ; 2ud cent. D.a,
Aral: Ti; lOib cent. R
X-^Mdif. .i>et ; 1111»— 1202 R,D.
ir Aiku; KhQ\ij>3h, regent of the kingdom of
^MW<^ ifcamnUii^^ IraliiH monk and writ>?r;
AttaTE&ta, Ftoreniino, Italian miniature pointer:
14fK) T.B.
Attavaatf, Paolo, Italian eodefliaatio and writer;
1410-1490 w.i.R,a
Atteluji> Prnetcxtatuji {the Phihlogist)^ Roman gram*
morian ; B c. Tii} p,x.
AttejUA, Cnpito, Komdn juriutt ooniul (b.c, 7) ; tf. 23 u,
Attena, Ullrich, Dutch supporter of the Reformation;
1470-1 5.3fi Q.R.
Attendolo,^ Dnrio, Itnlian jurist ; 1560 w.b.c,C.
AttendolO;^ Giovanni lkipti«ta, Italian ecclesiastic and
r»oot ; it, l!)^2 or 3 W.T.BLC.
Attendull, Mar^vret d\ siater of Bforza, duke of
Milan ; k 1375'
Att«r1)0in, Peter Daniel Amadeus, Swedish poet : b.
1790 D.
Attcrbury, Fnincia, bishop of Rochester (1713), atithor;
1062-1733 w.^€.R.Q.
Atterbury, Lewis, English ecclesiastic and author;
163I-1G03 w.R.D.a
AtterbTiry, Lewis, English diTine and lawyer ; 1656 —
1731 R,w.c.
Atterbury, Luffman, English glee composer; 18th
cent. D.B,
Attersol, William, Eng. divine and author ; 1633 W.
Att«y, John, English muHician ; liSlO ILD«
Atthalin, Louis Mxirie Jean B^iptiste, Baron, Frenoh
general ; 6. 17S4 f.
AtticuBi Platonic philosopher ; 2nd cent* B.IJ.
AttloUB, consul of Home ; 3117 H.
Attlcas, patriarch of Coustantino|de ; 400 W.R,
AttlCUfl, C. Yettius, consul of Home ; 242 H.
AttlcuB, Diouysiua, Greek rhetorician of Pergamus ;
B.C. 50 Dui.
Attlous. Jutiut, ^ther of Herodes Atticus R.
AttiCUB, 5L Veatinus^ consul of Home ; 65 H.
Attlcufl, TituB-PoinponiuSf Human kniglit and his-
torian ; B.C. 109—32 B,U.X.
Attlla, kiiig of the Huns, 434 ; d. 453 mo.
AttHlanUB, Greek sculptor &x.
AttllUB, ki ng of 8 wed en ft. ir,
Attlng-hausem, Swiss landamman ; 1206 d«
Attlret, John-Denis, French Jesuit, painter, and mis*
sionary to China ; 1703— 1708 t\D,R.C»
Attlus. See AcdUB.
AttO, French monk, bishop of Vcrcclli and wiiter ;
d. 960* D.B.
Atto, monk, chaplain to the empress Agnes, and trans-
lator ; 11th cent. lu
AttOt French monk, bishop of Troyes ; 1122 R.
Attuckffl, Crbtpua, mulatto leader in Boston ; d, 1779 f.
AttumouelH, Miohtli, Italian phys, ; 1753— 182U R.U»
Attw^ater, Rusaell, American soldier; d. 1851 e,
Att-wood, Matthias, English bnnker ; rf. 1851
Attwood, Kichard, English antiquary and wit ; d, 1734
Attwood, Thomua, English composer and musician ;
1767-1H38 K,B.
Attwood, Thomas, English judge, philanthropist, and
author ; d, 1793 D,
Attwood, Thomas, English politicUn ; d. 1856
Attwood, WilL, Eng. political writer ; dL 1705 B.W.
Atty, Sir Arthur, English schohir, secretary to the
e^rl of Leicester; c/, 1604 b.
Atwater, William, bp. of Lincoln, 1514; tf. 1521 dM
Atwell, George, English surveyor ; 17tli cent. R.
AtweU, Htigli^ EnBlish divine and physician ; rf. 1617
Atwell, Hugh. English actor; rf. 1031 R.
AtweU, Juseph, Eng. miacellaneous writer ; d. 17<I8 w.
AtweU, Zfichiiriah, American capt^dn ; 1787—1847 A.
At wood, f Jeorge, English mathematician and author ;
1745—3807 w.R^c.
Atwood, Harmon, English lawyer ; d. 1077
Atxe» Christian Gottlieb^ German Protestant eoclcsi-
ft.HtiQ and writer : d. 1826 U*
Atzyz, sovereign of KhariBme, in Persia ; d. 1155 D.U.
AubalB, Charles de Basehi, Marquis of, French histo-
rian and geographer ; 1686—1777 w. u. D. a
Anban, ^Inrqub de St, French gener&l; d. 17S3 B.I'.
AttlJex. French wriler ; d. 1803 E.U,
Auber, Chai les^ French ecclesiastic ; 1839 f.
Au1CN6r, Diinlol Fran^oia Eaprit^ French mUBician flud
composer; 1784 K.d.m,
AubCT,Thoopliile Charlei EmmimuelEdou&nl, Freuch
phyfliciaii and writer ; b, IS^Ju F,
Auberge* Firmin l^ouift, Fr, rcprcientatjve; 6, 1788 F.
Auberlnu^OaiuA, Ital. Hchohu- at Camhridge ; d 1504 q.
AUlMrlflO, Samuel Gottlieb, Germim orgsiniKt nt&il
oompoMr: 6. 1758 k,d.
AubflCTlfUnfl, StanijiliL'^ Jules LemoTiie d\ French re-
presentatiTe ; b. U02 F.
Aubemoil, Philippe, French military commiiaarr ^
1757-1832 R.U.
Aubert, biahop of Cmnbrai and Amu ; d, 668 U,b,
Aubert* buhop of Avranchdii ; d 725 U.B.
Aubert, or Gaubert de Puicibat, Freoch troulmdoiir ;
Aubert {k Pire\ French Je«uit and writer ; 1710
Aubert, Alexander, Eiigllah antiquary and antlior ;
d. 1805 w.
Aubert, Anflli, Frejich ootrew : L 1802 d.f.
Aubert^ Aug«*tin, French paiinter - 1781—1832 if,B.D,
Aubert, Constance {Junot d^Adrantea), French ftmmt
dttlettrtt; 6w 1803 F.
Aubert. Daniel, Swjia litterateur ; 1706 d.
Aubert, Fsprii, French ecckaiuatic and litteratenr;
1610 D,Q.
Aubert, Fran^oii, French phyiician ; 1G92— 1782 ii.u.
Aubert, Francois, French phyaician and author ;
1695—1760 D.R.IT,
Aubert, Fran^oia, French ccclcfiiftAtic and litterateur ;
1709-1770 D.
Aubert, GiiiUanme, sieur de Maj«ouigBc«, French
ad vocn te and an th or j ] 5,'?4~- 1601 d. u* w,
Aubert, Hub«rtFraii9oi»,Pr, biogmpher; 6.1720* u.D.
Aubert, Jacques, French philusopher, physician, and
author ; d. 15?*6 w.c.D.c.
Aubert, JacqucA {U Vitux)^ French rioliniit and
compoior ; a. 17u^ KrD.
Aubert, Jeun, French engraver ; 1700 ilb*
Aubert, TAbb^ Jean-Louis, Frencii critic and fabuliAt ;
1731-1814 ij.u,
Aubert, Jean Emett, French engraver, lithographer,
ftud water-colour painter ; h, 1824 it.r.
AolMXt, Louiit French painter; 18th cent. D,
Aubert, LouU, Fr. music compo»er ; 1720—1800* k<d.
Aubert, M libel, French engmver ; 1700—1757 B.K.U.
Aubert, raulinc, French actress ; 6. 1802
Aubert, Pierre, French countellor and hist. ; 1620 B.
Aubert, Pierre, French juhtt and Utteruteur ; 1642—
1733 w.D.u.c.
Aubert, Pierre FnuMoia 01iirier» French music pom-
poser; 1763-1830^ K.U
Aubert, Ben6, French jurist ; 16ih cent, Q.D.
Aubert de Xa Obeeiuiye Dee Bola, Fru usois iUcxantire,
French polvgrapher and authur ; ItiUy- 1784 n.
Aubert de Vltiy, Fnuj^ois Jean PhUibert* French
eeonomist And author ; 1765—1849 D.
Anbert-Dubftyet, French repreeeutetiTe end inueral ;
1769-1797 ait,
Aubert-Boebe, Loub, French pliyiieUo end medical
writer; 1800 Fjj,
Aubertbler, Pierre, French representative ; 5. 1801 r,
Anbertlli, Autoine, French author: d, 1678 iLtf,
Aubertlu, iJotrjiiufiuc^ Frunoh military captain and
author J 1751-18'J5 B^D.
Aubertlll, Edinoude, French eedesiastio of the Re-
formed Church ; 1 595— 1 Oo^j w. r. u. o.
Aabery, Antoine, Frvnch Uwyer and historian ^1616—
1086 u. uc,
Anbery, CUude, French physleieu and idulusvphci- ;
d. 1886 i>,u.
Aubery, Jac^^UM, French iuriit ; K 1550 u.
Auberr, Louis, saeur de AUurier, Freu«h lustoriau ;
<i* Iw W«U,D,0,
aanA i
Aubery du Boulley, Prudent Louis, French
6, 1796
Aubery. Bee Aubry.
Aubeeplne, Charles de 1*, marquis de dhAteMauenf,
French tliplomatist ; 1580— 1<a>3 a.u,
Aubeitpiiie, CIsiudc dii \\ baron de Ghiteeuneuf,
French diplomutist ; d, 1567
AubenplJie, Gabritd de T, bishop of Orleem
autiior; 1579—1630
Aubeeplne, Madeleine d\ French beauty and
court of Chnrles IX. ; d. IGO^i
Aubeterre, I>Avid Bouchard, Vicomte d*, goi
Perigord ; d. 1598
Aubeterre, Francois d*Ksparbes de Luasan,
d*, marihal of France ; d, 1628
Aubeterre, Joseph Henri Boncliard d'E^arbee,
quis d% marahal of France j 17 1 4—1 788
Aublgnac, Francois HAdelin, AbUi d', French Uttetm-
teur; 1604—1676 D.n.
Aubigne, Theodore- Agripp* d', French hiatorian and
satirio poet ; IfxiO— 1630 IXB.C.W*
Aubl£7ie de Ln FosBe, Nathan d*, Swiss phyuoiexi and
author; 1630 ~"
AubSguy, Nina von Engclbroutier d*, German
cian; 1800
Aublguy, Robert Stewart, comte do Beaumont -la-
Roger, seigneur d', maiahal of France ; d. 1544 u^
Aubln, French Protestant fM»deaiastlo end eui
17th cent,
Aubln. Augustine de St, Fr. engraver; 1736—1807
Aubln, Charles Germain de St, French designer
enffrnver; 6. 1721
Aubln, Gabriel Jacques de St, French painter
engraver ; 6. 17-4
Aubln, or Worcester, Philip, English pi
d, 1296
Aublo, Pougeaiu de St, Frenoh painter of portraite
Aubtot, Jean-Bapti^-Christian Fus^e, Freneh
anist; 1720—1778 0.
Auboins de Sesanae. Fr. troabadonr : 13th oeoi,
Aubree, Ren^, French general ; 1763— 18iJ8
Aubrey, John, English antiquary, naturalist, and
teratour; 1626—1697 ii»U.l
Aubrey, WiUium, English schohir and stal
152**— 151^7
Aubrey, \\ illiam, Irish antiquary ; 1643
Aubrler, Frfnob engraver
Aubrlet, Claude, Fr, hist, painter; HIoI— 1743 XJ
Aubrion, Jean, French chronicler ; rf, 150 1
Aubrlet, H agues, French in tcntiant uf fioaiioe,
provost of Paris ; d, i:i82 0,
Aubrlat, Jean, fap, of Chalons -sur-Saoue ; <2, I3$I*
Aubruesei. Ignace V, Sponiah Jesuit, philo«y[dMr.
theologian ; 1663—1730
Aubry, MndemoitfcUe, French dancer at the
Aubry, Abraham, German eneraver ; 1650*
Aubry, Charlea Louia, Freuoh eoenomitt and
Aubry, Charles, Utin poet ; 1700
Aubry, Claude Charles, Baron, French general; 1'
Aubry, Etteune, French painter ; 1745— 17HI
Aubry, Frunvois, tnember of tlie National C^ui'
1750—1802 r,
Aubry, Jacciues Charles, French jorist ; 1688— 1T9
Aubry, Jean, Erench alcbemiel and phy^ ; d, Udf*
Aubry, Jean Bapliste, French
author ; 1736—1809 V.D
Aubry, Jean Fran^^ia, French f^ysician ead wgL
d. 1793 or 5 w*
Aubry, Juhann Peter, German ptintaeDer «ii4
graver : 1670*
Aubry, Peter, German engraver end pdalaelWr;
Ambry, PhiUpz^e atarles. Fr, euUior; 174i-lfiU
I^Pkira Fnnyoi^ Jojcph, Fr«adix«piroi«aat»tivD ;
^ itn BoBCiluit Freiu>h cammiuairt h terrier ; it,
UT40* B.F.
aUry d» gflBtdldtT, French chevalier : dL L^l t.
Qbry.BalUcvil, Truiquillo^ Fr. o&val officer ; b, 17118
_ " ' . Hjiifiiutbe Louis Victor Jean Bap-
tist Tttoah. desigDer &nd lithographer ; 6. 1797 F.
""" MarquiA d\ Ftenah hlitorical painter;
labOMOn, J«aii d\ French troubadour; 13th cent. V.e.
IWfWOBi, Je<m d*, de h, Uidson Keure, French
Allwon, Pi«To d*, grand-maffter of the order of St
Jdtt «l J«rufs^eu ; 1423—1505 a. u, u.
ASfta; Sir Ajihanj, £Dgliiih military oomnmnder ;
V« John, Eoglkb loyal divine ; cf. 1700
'F« Bobftrt) American lawyer and judge ; d,
ITfiO A.R.e,
Aadtmnly, Samuel, American dirine ; 1725—1777 e,
, Saraael, Bngliih geoeml ; 1702—1822 a,k,
t Lord, Enj^lisn master of the Mint ; 1830
t William Eden, Earl of, Engliih atatcsmanr
, lad author ; 1750*— 1814 D. 0. W.
i Gabriel Andr^^ Freneh adrocate and reTo*
kliciiuit ; iL 1815 R,a
, Italian theologian and author ; 1653 i.t>.
' o, Italian monk and phys,; 1G4Q i.d.
i er AHillTia, Mesopotamian chief of th^ seot
«Ded Andiana ; d, 370* R. c. d.
^■0% Jean, French knight of Malta, and droniaiia
wtbar; 1755— 1»41 d,k.
Aldi.John,Bd(^hBeetar7; 1705
' '^Mn, Oennain, Ft. Latin ijoet ; 1518— 169S u.D.C.
\ Jolui'Baptist^ French pointer and natural-
; U96--10OO B.F.
d, PhUibert, Freoch joumaliiit : 6. 1812 F.
_^^^ , wife of Tbeodorjt% king of Italy ; 496
iattttftf iM Bfttard, FreDch troubadour and poet;
JJlbeent. b.i>.
, Eob. ran, Dutch engTRVcr; 1663—1743 IK B.
, ^wniah biabop aud theologian ; 370^ D,
k , Fr«nch ftnti*|uary ; 1720—1770 D.
iltOMTt, Lcmia Francis Hilarion, French littersi-
tears h, 1797 f.d,
Mlbttt^ tTrbaiB, Freneh botaniit and agriculturiat :
t Jaifiqnea, Fr, geometrician ; 1710—1785 B,D.
I J* F,, Freneh mathematiciMi; 18th cent. D.
~, Gtofanui-Battieta, Italian Doiiiiulciin^ &&'
pher; 1714—17^4^ w.u.c.
Looii GaBtODf ^xir(|uia d*, French
JMraad aeaator ; k 17B7 f.
luBBre^ Ftmneoia Cetor Joeepb Madelou, French
^ lilnzy ttNDpiler ; 17i«0— Id^D )j. b,
*^" ^ Hcrenlei, French ecdesiaaticid aathor ;
Jean^BaptiJite, French dioplomatift and
1667—1733 u.w.o.
, Jean FraD^oii Hugue», Conite dV Freneh
r officer; 1746 3LD,
^ Louia^ advocate of the FarHament of Aix ;
Pbljneucte, French numiimatiat ; 1750 —
. Araondt French publicist and f>arriiter ;
r f^nch historian : Idth cent. ii.t).
, PSeirre d% French litterateur ; 1630 u. u.
Yital d\ aeigneur de la Menur, French
k 1 151^— 1630 w.u.D.a
J Henri, French advocaie D. u,
^ J. M. U., French author and librarian ; 171)3—
Ijg I).
lljto Mtmt%m% Joseph Marie, French pbysician ;
Aodiuot^ Kicholiu-Medard, French dramatte author
and actor ; 1740-1801 f.R-
Audley, Etlmtrnd, bishop of Rochester 1480. Hereford
1492, Saiiahury 1502 ; (L 1524 aV.w.lL
AuiUeyp Georgo Edward Thioknesse Touchet, Lord,
EngHah peer ; K 1817 f.
AtuUeyt Henry, X/)rd, Engliab baron ; 13th cent. ».
Audley, Sir Jamea, lord jujitico of Ireland ; 1270
Audley, Jamea, Lord, Englii^h warrior in France :
1314*-13S6 it,i>.
Audley, Matthew, Engliih divine; 1730 w.
Audley, Thoraaa, Lord Andley of Walden, lord chau-
ceOor of England (1533) j 1488—15-14 /.p.aiLD*
Audoln, or AuldMn, king of the LonibaiYhj ; d, 653 o. u,
Audotj Louij En*tttche, Fr. litt, and editor ; b, 1783 F.
Audouaxd, Mathieu Fran^oiti Miixeooe, French mili-'
tary physician; 1776—1823* d.f.
AudOUlBt FrariQois Xavier, French ecclcsiafitic, politic
cijin, and publicist; 6, 17G6 r.w^,
AMoulnr Jeun-Victor, French entomologist and au-
thor; 171*7—1841 u.D,
AMouiu, Ficrre, French engraver ; 1703—1822 a u.x.
Audauln, Pierre Jeaii^ French rovolutionury writer;
d. 1793 K.
Audouia de C!mlgTiebrua» Henri, French military
inrgeon ; IStheetit. U.K.
Audoulude GerOMVal, Maurice Erneitt, French litters-
tiiir iind ajfriculturiiit ; 1802—1839 D.
Audoulu-EouTlere^ J<»eph-Murie, French pbyaician ;
ITfJl— lKa2 u.
Audoul, Gaapnrd, Fr, jurist and writer ; d. 1 712* B.Q.a
Audovero, consort of Chilperic, king of Frunee ; d*
580 D.R,
AudJa, Joseph, French writer; 1714—1770*
AudrftdUi, iMixli€UM)f biiihop of Sens; d. 854* D.B,
Audraa, Bonoit, Fr. engraver ; 106 1—1721 B.R.0.0.
Audran, Benoit {the Tmtn^er), Fr. enmver ; 1736 B.R.
Audrftn, Charles, Fr, engraver; 1694—1674 B.U.B.O.
Audran, Claude, Fr. engraver; 1592—1077 U.B,o.
Aadran, Clan do, French painter ; 1644*- 1G84 d.ilc.
Audmn, Claude, French painter ; 1 a58- 1 7-54 U, B.
Audxan. GerinaiD, Fr. engraver; ltJ31— 1710 R.D.B.
Audraa, Girard, French engraver ; 1640—1703 B,B.c.
AudrazL, Jean, French ctigr»ver ; 1667—1750,
AudraH, Louis, French eugraver; !670— 1712 Bji B.o,
Audran, Prosper Gabriel. French prof eaaor of Hebrew
and author; 1744—1819 U.K.
Audrein* Yves Marie^ French ecclesiastic, bishop of
Qmmper ; d, 1800 u.B,
Audren de Serdrel, Dom :t&&u lUurt, l-reticL Bene-
dictine and antlior ; d. 1725 ii,r>.
Audrlclil, Everartlo, Itu^lian mathemsuicifjn- i748 w.D.
Audry, Audii^or Aldrtc, St, abp. of Sens 775 ^H36 D.
Audry de Fuyraveau» Pierre > ran^ois, French manu*
fiicturer and politician ; b. 1783 D.
Audubon, John James, American naturalist and au-
thor; 1780-1851 D.F.
Aue, HartniEmn Van dor, Gernnn poet ; 1170— I2;i5* D.
Attenbruggar, Leopold, German phvaician and medi-
cal author ; 1722-1798 D.R,
Auer, Aloia, German nuthor ; b. 1313
Auer, Antoine, Swiss painter on poroeloin ; 1777-^
1814 li.D.
Auer, Paul Johann, German painter; 1638—1687 N.D.
Auerbad^ Berthold, German Jewish writer and poet ;
6. 1812 M,
Amerbach, Johann Gottfried, German painter; 1697—
1753 W.D.
Auersperg^, Anton Alexander, Count of, Austrian
poet ; b. 1806 I).
Auersperg, Johann Welohard, high master of the
court of Ferdinand IV. ; d. 1677 o.B,
Auersperg, Karl Wilhelm Philip, German prince ;
t. 1814 F.
Auersperg, Transtau Ciurl, Prinea ol, commandant of
Viennii ; b. 1760 R.
AofaUTi^ Amedee, French joumaUst j 6. 1812 f.
Aaffeabeirg, Jo»epb, Vitooutit, Genit«a dramatic
author; 6. Um F.
Anfflmaim, JoMph Anton XavSor, FronchorgKiut and
Qcnoaposor; 1720-1778 K.R*
AitflHky, Fnn^oti, Fieach littemtctir ; 1600 L».
Anflkny, J«iui, Froticli «co»i)mijit jiud writer; 1733—
1788 U.D.
Aufltehnalter, BonMict Antoo^ Gentum cotnpoter of
DurtHl tiittxic; 1700 K,1U
AoAdlua, (Jhius, Rotiiati jurint i>. ^
AnlldliUi Caaioa, Boman tiibuao of ih» peos^le; hx\
170 u X.
AafUUQf, Cn., Bom, qucitor, nf>: tribune, 114 D.X.
AofldlllS, Sos:tus, Ronian ei>n»ul in Africn.; U>C. 43 D.X,
AuMLnE/'- ' ■' ' " : uka; l^tccnt aa ttx.
AufidlUH ; UA% 84 rj.x.
Aii£rere, f at^ur ; 1750—1833 i*.
AQfifirl, KlLm laiidtsiJid dUtlxiir; 15H ILD.
AnftVOWp Jc ' neb fcctor ; 17lM>— lHO(i e.L'.
AllCWOti« Jftc.,M ., . ..uvii •ni'sociu ; L'HiO* D.
AngO, Daniel <i', Frtsnub prufonttoruf Of^ek and pbilo-
loisiai: d I'ii*-'^* w.iLo.a
Ailg«» GaiUaume d\ Frwnch pbytlcian ; <i 1478 i>.
AocMZd, Jaequ«« MatUieu^ Irtincb iUteamiui and
finanmer: inU— IWi'j
Augward, ^Lahicm, Fniich jnriit; 1*573—1751 u.i>.
Attg«nio, Hfmaio, luli-m {ihyiiidjtM juid philojopbcr;
1 : LD.
Au; iLS*^. Fren^b abbot, bolleoiai, acade-
li .-_ .1 author; 1734— i71Ki u.D^W.
Aug:er, i:.dmund, Freneb Jeftoit tuul autbor ; 1530--
Allien, Hip^lrte Nioolat Jxist, Fr. Hit. ; 6. 17lf7 r.
Allffer. LouiB-Sittion, French writer and jounudiifc,
aeeret&rv ^j
Attffer* >
ir u
uv ; 1772 -1820 D,F.
J ItlX
Hone, 1
MUKo of Oaitig-
15 or 6 IX R.
It; HOO D*
4Jt, 4tb cent. 8,0. R.X.
ide, Frvncb ilramalic
poet ; '-'. j,'.^-'>
Atlglttr, Jeati. liei
ulour ; li*tb cent. u.
, Neuvt^p Freuoh jKiet ;
iTp lo Baron J«an Baptute, mUitary oflloar under
Napoleon ; 1 76»- 1810 R. u,
Augler-Dufot, Anno Atnablo, F^«iioh aooouobwtur and
aotbor; 17iii^l775 V.
Ausoa, Juan de» Spsvuiib •eutptor; 1600 In
Augoyat^ Antoino Marie* Ffenob offioer and military
writer J i'- 1"
Aqgl^U « Pirn
Aaglir. Cbrint
Augur, Gonaiil *
l.rticbn; 1500 iv.v.
Fiuocb jioliticiaD nnd
it«ur; 1780^1340 d.d.
I uajar-genefal ; 1992 «.
uf Kt»iii« i i2l H.
AofureUo, Gio.Aurolio, lultan XaUh poet; 1441—
1534 I.R.
Aitgmlatii. trotiHul of Ikfoid; 132 h.
AogVIIaiM, C. Miuuoiuv, Komaii tribTineof lliepeop1i« ;
11.0. 1K7 i*,r.
Attgiuiiuu« C. VrrHui, oon«ul of Romo ; IGid it.
AogBZlanJ. T^ Minnciu*, Huma&coti«ula£idj»fvr//«rf»/4
OHHOIMF, b.o. -I^O U.ixx.
AUgVlBlUt I^ Minueiua Eaquilintia, iLomim con«ul ;
m.0. 4^ DUX.
AttgUliiiii. II, Oaauiitiv, Qamui ooo. ; ac. 440 ii, t».x.
AogaxtBiii. M. Mlnuclui, ttomaa eon.; B.C. 407 fLD.x.
A«I«il&iii, H. Alinaciuap Roiuan iribuno of ibn
pMrpk ; &C. ?H 0.JL
Aqgvn&Qi. 1. ' , liomiii oou. ; B.C. 402 ii.x.
Aufunniui, o Iloouia ooil; K0.4ST h.x.
Anguiliuu, T, • - - , iioinaa oon. } JdO. 451 i\l*
Aaf«XlSII% Xib< IkUatiaiu, Horn* oou. ; tt.C. 109 U.X.
Atigm, SMAggu.
Attgutta, Criatufotx), Italian nrtiit ; 1590 T.R.
Anguta, prinooM o£ Bavaxia, wilo of £iig9ii« Beau-
baniaU; 180(3
AttiTiWta Sopllla, Frincoia, dangbt^r of Ooorg* IIL ;
Aiigustentnii^, Cbruitian Auguituft, of Schlatu
Holstoin Sundt?rburg« Prince of, goreruor of i
province of Norwny ; 17«>8— 1810 11.1
Augtutenburg. < 'hrtJitian-AuguAt, duka of ScLl£twi|
IloUtein ; L 171'8
Attgnttl, Fririln ; II AllH-rt* orioinat name Joaue I
Abrabain li nnao J t^w, convert to CbH
tiaiutT, an<l n^i— 178*2 «|.|
AogiMtl, Johii lu Wilbdm, Gennaa the '
gi»n and auHi r ;;:_— 1H41
AugUBtln, or Aui^uBaiio, St, arcbbisbop <»f Canli
bwry, n\n ; d. ii(>4»
AiigUfltlJi» bialiop vl Wat«rford ; 1175 cv
Attgnatln {the ContetiUxI^, general of tbe order of J
A ago Hi in ; d. VM^
Augusttn, court matioiau to ibe omperor
I, ; 1512*
Aucustlnt Jcao Baptisto Jacqnea, Freneb naiaiaii
painter in enamel ; 1751)-^ lti32 a.a.11
Augusttn, Jean Jocfjucs i\\ Fr. engniTer ; 6. 17/M B^l
AUgmtillt, Thrtmaa. Fnirlr*.h ttTiti'!»it^ry ; d. ISiTj
AuirosUae, Tbomu-t. ' ' '
Augnititd, Jan, Dii 73 y.iKl
AiagUltlltl Ab Hort.^
dan ; 15D8— li;5<)
Auinutilio, Antonio, arcbbiili
autbor; mirror !7— ITJ^**
AugluUnOi Vt^Hzi'inu), ]U\. «nKra\^
AuguitlniiB Aorellus, St, huiiM}> it j
fatbera of tho Liitin Church ; ;i51— 4«X> IxB,'
Auguatnlua, Koniulai, U<t liouian cmt>eror of
West ; 474 JLU.
Atigu«tiLB von 01iniits« Moraviaa nviwtr of
AugtiatOA L {the I^iouji)^ aleotor of Saaoof j
1586 1I.I
Augnttua n., I - 1 - -I- king of Poland^ and
of 8xxouy ; U^l
Augustus III , Lind, and elacior of SaaoAjrl
1G1K>-1763 a
Augiistui I., Frcil., firi^ k. of Saxoajr ; 1750^11127
Augustus IL, Fri?derick, kiotf of »*«"♦, v - ;. ij^tj n.
Augustus Of Udlna, Itid. L«tin poet . 1 r •.
AugUSttlSi Caitiit Jriltun-CniMU: Ootas . nj^)^
©tnpcrof of r riS— A*Li. 14 IH, c.
Augrustus, E} L duke of Saxo Gotba
Altenboun; , i . - ^ --! ^
AugujtiLs^ Friylerick Wdbelm Hetnriob, prin«a
Pnu»ia ; 171)0—1843
Augustus, Frederick, duko of Stuaet. ton of Q>
III., EngUab aUt««man; 1773-1^13 fc
Augustus, Guitavut^. iriiicr >'f I'luaaia,
mandor of tbe arij
Augustus^ Jobann, i : 1.^05-1575
Augustus, Paul Fn< uci
burg ; b, 1783
Augustuii, AuVv,
f Bnitiawick :
zjkt ttt Sigiamund Au)n>atua
it; 1718-
. 11 tbf ritb or * ^
of Pol.i.i
Auta, HaWati^H
Aulat Daidab j
AuM Of Aalaf, Dmniib priuoo ; <l. 960
AolagBlar. AUxia Fnuuieaoo; Italian phywkkm i
•utiior; 1707-1830 i
Aolagridtr, Aniomn, Frtnek pirofai
miuiic : />. 1800
Attlau, t>«nii«, F^ma^^ Marie do 8ttaro«, Manpils*
nepbew of Mailania du I>oflaiid, and vkllia «# r'
Bcvoiuaoni im^im
BUB Crvtder. Athenian sculptor iuid nietal-
■ bt; Incrot. Ito, D.X,
, Pitav, Pmteh general ; irC>3— lfll5 D.
r. Jobcan, Chrtttoithotoiu, Gurmim eecUsiABLii:
I biitcirma; d, J743 q.E.
r.JIkttheai, GermftiitheoL; 1496-15C2* q.D.
Aiili^lO% Alard, Dutch phjmcma ; lolS—lOOC D.U.
" ' '^ » Piarre, ni*«Ux of the ch&pel of the prince of
Icra ; i;^ D.
• Loiiip« HutigariAO gvacrnl ; 17^—1849 d.
Donieaioov ItAlku aaviyitf luitiqu&ty, and
, 3fl3g^l7I7 citiJ.LT.w,
, ^^ AtiIlesod[, Dominms, Dobemiau sculp-
ter; r K.D.
ABla&G' ij-Heiuj-StAaklai do 1\ French
AQlllCPf, Jokti d\ dcfeoiled tbn town of MeAUx in
im L.D.
iilipy; PliiIi]>{M dV wanior at the battle of
Mien L.D.
Iflla^ Jmw d*. French geniloman, companion in battle
of Jqui of Arc r>.
IliWuniH^ Ja*et>b Angnsttn do Foumier, I^Iurquia d\
fiMli^eQCflral ; 17:^1^1828 R.t).
ef Agellius, Lfttio gTMnmarian ond
: 117
-1 '**0* C.R*
miine, Dtikc of; 1554—1631 U,u
DjiTHin*, C'»»Hiit of : d, IfiTjO n^u.
Mi» of. f
L, UoUiit uiV tit* Mul uuu,
ipl, ; 1:JIKJ— 1423 D,
^ German muaio cam-
at of the ballet at tho
nitst; d. 1299
-^Ittd of France ; 1601— 1669 t\
i reach phyaiciitn and medicid
Ja^ucy, Piiitich cbaBiberlain to the king;
Unst u^^..^, O'l-- ^' »., noble, chief of a
difk, 1732—1799 L.K.D.
int, , ; 1522—150*1 I'.H.
Lt, rf Osmont» rturi 111., Vr. warrior; 1328 D,
^«aii IT., killed at the battle of Agincoiirt l>*
Louis Marie Alejcaudre, Due d\ French
of the Stute«*Genpral ; 1736—1814 l,h.
honii Marie Celeate, Due d', French loyal-
L0ili»-Mane Victor de Boche-B»Ton, French
Bmnismatiiit, and w&nior; 1(>32— 1704 L.U.
«r Osmofid, Philippe IL (Huiin), French
, 84, hhibo] ' re ; </. 605 D.a.
Jobii« Bii ; 1555 q.
yiiii ; i?n,i rf.
\ bp. of Dui'-
r -u x..-u> ill .tnfland; cf> lt>;i;i
KiigUah mathematician and
r;rf. 1507 q,
t, giund- vicar ot
^— 17<iO an.
' Jumelle de Bcr-
iiiSO— 1705it,a.o*w%
tatal^ Jicac^ucA, li^iLtU ^ciicriil and aenator ; b,
iMl^ ^obiitifi TOO, German jurist and author ;
telftciar, Lodwig, G«mi. pedagogue; 17^4 — 1847 ix
^iW^TiMMiiit» FrcDcJl vtiuerxi wiiter upon horiie!! ;
IIM d.f\
Aurella, mother of the diotatttr Julius Caeaar; vU
B.O. 84 ^i; r,
Amelia OrestlllA, wife of Catiline ; B.C. 63 i>.x.
AnrellailllB, Roman ernp., 270; h. 212, d, 275 X.ii,B.
Aurellacufl, consul of lionie ; 44X) h*
AuraUanus, St, bisliop of Arle« ; 499—553 n.lT.
AtureUaniifi, French monk of Beom^, muaical author;
9th cent. r.^,
AureilLaiLua, Antoiiinus Marcus, Bomau emperor,
161; 6. 121, J. 180 iH.a
AiireUo, aoFerei^ of the Asturtans ; 768—774 ii, B,
Auielio, or Aureliufi, AnselniQ, ItaUuu phyftician ; 16th
cent. D.
Aurello^ Aurelio, Venetian poet ; 170O i.ri.
Aurello, Giovanni Muzio, Itidian Latin poet; 1520 R.D.
AurellO, Ludovico, lti»liau historian, canon of St
John of Lati-an ; d, Itl'SJ LU.C.W,
Aurellua, Roman phywician ; 2nd cent» d.
AurelluB, St, bishop of Carthuge ; </. 425 U.D.
AurellTia, Abndiani, English dinne ; d. 1632 w.
AureUufl, jEgidius, Swedish author ; 17 th cent. T>*
AurelluB, ComoliuB, frienfl of Erajmua^ mimk of the
Au^Btine convent of Stein, mid hist ; ITtOU R.r»*
Anrelius, Marcua Antoninuisi. Roman tjmperor tlOl -80) ;
121-180 H.U.H.
AurellUS, Verus^ Latin historian ; 3d cent, D,
Aurellus Victor {Scilm), Latin hisLorian, Romnn
consul ; 360 K*D,K.
Aujemoiul* French hagiograpber ; abbot of Maird;
1600 D,
Aurengzebe, Mohi Ouddine Mohammed Almguir,
enjiieror of Hiiulu-*tan ; 1618—1797 u.u.
Aurenhtiinmer, JoKejiho, pupil of Mozart; Italian
piunist imd conipost-r ; 18th cent. K, R,
Aureolus, 31arcus Acilins, Roman general, one of the
Thirty Tyr^uitK-, d, 268 B.U.
Aurevilly, L(?on L-juia Frederic Barbey d\ French
htterateur ; 18,38 d.
AUTla, Fedcr, Italian juri*t ; 17th cent. D.Q.
Aurla, Fnuicesco, ItaL jurist nnd author; 1630* q.d.
AUTlm, Giiin Domeiiico, ItuUaii sculptor ; d, 1585 D.
Aurla, Giuseppe, Italian mathonntticiun^ astronomer,
and pliiluaophical writer; d, 1595 Q.U.
Aurla» Vincensdu, Italian poet and historian ; 1625—*
1710 cu.p^w,
Aurlac, Bernard d' (le MaUre de Biiitrt\ French
troubatlotir : d. 12B5* U,
Aurlchalcua, Fnuiceico^ Italian phynioian ; 1493 d.i|.
Aurtfaber, Andreas, Grermin pby«ici«n and scholur;
1512—1559 o.B.
Aurifaber, Jnhann^ Qerman divine and writer;
1519*— 1575 Q,R.
Axulfdber, Joh^nn, Geimnn divine and proft:ssor of
theology; 1517 - 158H B.
Auriferl, Bernnnlmo, ItxiL botanist ; 173^1—1796 u;d.
Aurlfex, or AurlflcuH BuonJQ^ll, Nicolu, Italian theo<
logian and writer ; 1529— lUJl 1.D,
AurijparlUB, or Wagner, Lucas Johann, German
writer; 1530* Q.D.
Auilgny, Gillea d\ Fn jurist and poet ; 1553 ar.DwW.
AurUlanuB, Lucius Claudius Domitiui, lioroau em-
peror; 212*— 275 B.D.X.
A;irinetnB, Paolo, Italiiin mathom. and theoh Q.a
AurinuiK Vicentio^ Italian Domiijican theologian ;
17th cent. U»
AurlOl, Blaise d\ Fr. yioet and jurist ; d. VAO Q.K.
Aurlol, nofc Orlol, Pierre, French theologian, arch'
bishop of Aix ; i:J21 D.Q.u*
AurlBlcchlo, Roniiui music composer; 1758 K,I3.
Aurlspa, Giovanni^ Italian savant and author; VMjfd —
14+;ii LU.o.W*
Aurlspl, Victoria^ Italian poetess ; 1558 D.
AurivlllluB, Christopborus, Swedish thoglogian; 17th
cent. R.W.
AurlvUllUB, Clttus Christophori, Swedish plilloso-
pher ; 17th cent. 1**
AuilYimiUi, Erik, Swedish jurist ; 164:^1702 Q.U.
AiirlvlUlufl, Kvrl SwediiU oriciiUliit ; in7-17*« v.
AttrlTllUttS, MAgDtu, Swedish UieoluKian ; b, 1673 V.
AmlTmiiiB, PeUr, Swediah poet: dL 1677 P*
AqzItUUiib, Pelir Fabieot Swediih aaihor and •cholor ;
1756— 1812* V.
AtulTllllua, Saomel, Swodkh pbysickn ; d 17C5 ix
Aivrl, Hon^ GomiMi printer; I5ih oe&t. w.
Aurnlmininer, MerCf Germ, pumiitt ; 18th cent. IL D.
AtlTQgmlliu, Matihabiii, Germim tranaktor of tho
Bihle;<il&l3 stu.aaw*
AnrOTlZ dM Fommlert, lUtUiim, French jmift ftnd
ftuihor : 1720 q.R.
Auroux, NioulJK, French engrnTor ; 1C50 B.U.d.
Aurran, Jo«. Francois, |Uiyii. uf Pruvence ; 1760 D.
Aurtuici]I«iu% C, Kom&u praFtor ; l».a *Ai9 d<x.
Attrumnilflluit C, Kumiui kgiooarj inbuno; b,g.
207 D.3L
AuTOAcnleiGJi, C, Boman muboMi&dcir to Aik; iko.
155 D.X.
AturuiicnletnB, L., Roman pmtor; fi.c. 188 ixx.
Aunmcua, Tust. (>j]aiiiiii«, Roman &:>u. ; B,c. 493 D.x.
Aunin^-Zobe, tmiH^rur of Indi* ; 1614—1707 Jt
Annua, <>r Oruu-Snan. khan of Kipohak ; d, 1376 k.
AlUOOUftMiiX, or EAUtCOiUte&ttZ, Arthur or Artus^
French muik oomposcr ; 17th oenL k.w
Auiliis. Henricn*, Swedish heUtnial ; 1603—1059 q,k.
Auaoniui, Sty mMtfVt fini bUhop of Angoul^ma;
2rJl u.D»
Auaoalitfl, D<K!iaft Magntu^ of Bordeftuz, Latin poet
&nd prooMitor of ii^^thM* : :K»9— 394 b.u.c.w.
Auionloi, Jiiliua, • .yNki«n ; 287—377 U
Ampex, tftilitiw. nr il : 70 d.
Att^idu 11:/. J71* U.D.
AUM ( ' . t iiraizia), FleniUh
paiottj , . , .^i' ri T.
AUBserr®, or Aa«afe, l'i«n» d', French advocate;
15a0*-'1595 B.i>.
Auadgny, ThibauM il\ bi»hop of Orleaiui ; 570* D.
AUMtta, Pierre d\ French tmiitatr captain; 1485 —
1562 D.U.
Aostcn, Chariot Jatnea^ Eoj^liah naval commander:
Anstsn, Emanuel, F ^ ^ " nting master; 1763
Auvten, Sir Franc i i:ttg. admiral : 6. 1774 r.
AOtten, Jane, En^^i r ; 1775— 1817 R.D«
AnstaZl, John^ Engli^ii miliWry commander ; */, 1660
Amtsn, John, Catholic oontn>veriinliit ; d. li'0J
Ansfcai, Ralph, Engluh writer on botany ; d, 107fl E,
Auttn, Abraham, Kogliah dinnc and ^iicatlonalist ;
d, 1816
Attlttn, Adair .11 ; 1770 W,
AutUn^ Adai '. 1774
AoitUv Benj^; .., ., ..uiw ; 1650 W.
Atutln, Benjtaiimf Amtincan political writer; 1750* —
1826 A.JL
Auitln,I>ftvi,i I u divine; 1760—1831 a.
Auatizi, Frail wriu^r on gardening ; 1631
Auatlit, ( : HI architect ; d. 1848
Austin, 1 1. oD Bat. pbilMonhj ; 1806 w.
Auitin, jti(Hn«^; d, Imi
Austin, jHin.a irci^othii r ; 6. 1784 <l.
AusUn, John, English M i il
Au«ttji, Jnlui. Ktijiish J i .17^0—1867
AUSUd, i-f^ Aiii«k»vuii uULiiur » tf* m05 tL
AustlD. : ihtig, American MKsrvUrjr of Aiate ;
IZ-lft-io^o A.€,a,
AttitUl. Moms, Amer leiiler and minrr ; d. 1821 A.
Austin, r/r A -i 1,; 1014 «,a
Austin, a. 1 >'. lOWiiLix
Austin.^ ' [H«L, ,i.,,. ,,^,5 ii,r»,
Austin^ it of the Univcraity of Vcr-
itj(«zi« A.n.
Austin. D,
AttiUD. dL iSH
QulonytnTesAs; tt I6«l
Aaftln, Of AvilVI« William, Eagliili mstsl foQiidsr|
15th cent OtJ
Austin, William, Engliih aacred writer; d 1633 B.D,
Austin, WiUbm, Engliahpoet; 1660 W.E.
Austin, WiUiiuii, English engraver; 6. 1740* Ilu.jl
Austin. \V., Amer. lawyer and writer; 1778—1841 a.
Austin, Williuiu Pierov, biabop of Guinua ; 1813 dA
Auitor d'OrlAC, French troubadour and naUrisI ; 1
cent. Cf.f
Atiatoi Segret, French troubadour and author ;
cent. Q.O
Austreberte. St, abbess of Pavilly ; 633—704
Austregllde» Beeoud wife of Gontran, king of Bq
gundy ; Oih cent, D.I
AufltreglflUe, Austrtile, or OutxUle. St, abbot of i
monastery of Ht Niziers ; r>5l— ti;j4
Atistremolne. Ht^ oufi of the mi^saionariea to Gaul J
3d cent. D.l
AuEtrtUB, Sebastien, French phytician ; 1540 Q.l|
Austtude, or 0«tru Austrudls, Bt, French abb
AutATltus, vhief of the Gauls in Urst Punic war ; i
B.C. 238 n.|
AuteUlj Jaoopa, Italian moiaio pai&t«r ; 1649
Aut«li, Gutllaume den, Freudi poet and Utlerat^
Autenrelth, Johann Hermann Ferdinand Vcm^ _
man jddloB., phya., and author; 1772—1835 lUEW
AutflOUietJl, Ucrmann Friederich, German phyiieiaii
and writer ; b. 179©
Auterodie, Chappe d\ Frooch abbot, aitronomw, i
author; 1529- 1580*
Aatguan, C, French engraver ; 1623*
Authazlch, kin^ of tlio Lombards, 574 ; d. flSN)
Anther, John, En^luih poet ; 1753
AutMor de Biagau, Chnaftophe d\ WttMtk 1
B«ue<iictiiie ; Hi09— 1667
Authon. See Autnn.
Authvllle des Amourattei, CharloM Louis d*,
colonel and tactician ; 1716—171*2
Antlcliamp, Antoine Joaeph Eulalie de Beaun
Comte d\ French military officer ; 1744— 1H22S
AntlChamp, Charles de l>o.»umout, C^.imte d'l ^
military officer ; 1770—1^52
Autlchamp, Jean Tht^He Louis de Boaurnonl, 1
quis d', Frvnch loyalist general ; 1738 — 1831
AuUer, Victor. Fri-nch physidau and profnaoff
soology ; 1830*
Atttodes, AthtMiian general ; ILC. 424
Autoolei, Athenian envor to Sparta ; B.C. 171
Autolycus, <Jr* philos. and artron, ; B,c., 340* cir,X J
Automedon, Greek epigrammatiat ; 96
Atttomenes. last kinx of Corinth ; B.C. 746
Automne, Bernard, French jurut aiid parUamenti
advocate; 1587—1666 M-IT.&I
Autophnd&tM, Persian general ; l.a 370
Autoflthsoat, Athenian arobtm ; H.C, 668
Autpert, AuBbert^ or Ansbett* Ambroise, Ital*
dictine ; d, 778
Antrao, Joj>eph, Fr. poet atid Hiterateur; h. tfU
Autreau, Jacques, French painter ud comid
1666—1744 tLSktA%
Ailtr«p«. French Utteratour : 17r,0
AutreTille, French hist I
Autrey. Henri Jean h. . ^LJ^
dmiie d\ Frent^h autiM»r ; i , >: ^ i777 %,%
AtttrlT«, Jacques Fran^oii d', IfVcnch violinist ; I7A
AutrochB, Cbiude de Loyn«« d*, French lilti
and tmnaUtor ; 1744 ^ 1823
Antronius Posttts, Roman oonaul ; 11.0. 66
Antun, vr Authon, Jehan d\ French An
and hiatonographer; 1468— 1527 OJ
AtlTtr, Cristoforo^ Ital. u i th <
AttWgiM, Ankiine d', i c<)i
and din*ctor of Um i*^j>». *» .. of
m3-17V7 c.aM
iSivazU, of J€rM*T, Eng, hint; 1C90 ff,fuo,
.OaOIftiitiie d' " ' f Paris; d. 1249 D.
bFgrrolsd',1 uoe ; 12tb ceiit. D.
I HecTS d* {U . i reuch troubadour ;
b PEcm d\ Ft. «chokstio wtiier ; 1272 ix
» Kmt« d\ or Peinui de Cro«i Frcuoti com*
r BtentAtor ; d. 13(]rr D,
I, Tl>^ H f Ir;!'^ ^Ulo Corret de la Totir d\ eccoii-
tncFrmc] riic^r ; (/. 1800 F.n,
Anfls^Ja Jt 1 0 li', Freacli litterateur and
■oldier ; ITx. ~xj 1 . p.u.D.o.w.
kwhXf^ Jean AbrsLtuon, French phrndan and author;
£ 1«S1 an,
iziTray. French engraver ; 1760 B. R.
Anrray, Felix Hamy French historical poiutcsr ;
ld»— 1S35 B.D,
Annaj. Jean, French littcmtetir ; 1590— 1G33 d.r,
AttTZmy. .Ti?-flrt, Pr. eeel«:ttA8tical writer; d. ItiGL D.
* 1 irie, B&rou, Freuch marshal aud
<Vi B, D-
- -„ -^ ^ ler Joifteph, German painter ; 1778 —
* Johaan Georg Wolfgang Von^ German aoulp-
', 1756 D.
«Pbnv, Fr. eoele*. and preacher ; 1404 i>,
. Aliaii «iivin6, bithopof Milan ; 310—374 u.
1^ or Anzent, St, Syrian eccloaiastic ; fL 470 D.
Anz-l^SlM^ Rich^krd, s«igTieur du Homme, and
Satnte Marie du Mont, French warrior ; 1444 S.
Auzi, «r Amy, Jean, Sire d\ ^and-master of the
avta^bov'men of France ; d, 1471 D.
AntNB, daode Fran^oiM Joseph d\ French engineer,
•eoDomisi author ; l72S — 1778 B.D.
AuttOB. Jem Baptute d', French mathematician and
phyodaQ ; 168(r— ITlJO
AlltbQB« Jeaa Eapifate d\ French jurist and author ;
» Jaoimee d\ deur de 2a Peyrep FKieoch chro-
\ aad author ; 1571— 1G42 R.q.
, Barthjeleiuy, French jurist and counaoUorof
!!Wl— !673 iJ.lL
: . surgeon and author; 1736--1791 O.
i renich paiutress ; b. 1775 B.
._,.„,, _ „ Tihydcian and author; 6. 1797 D.M,
, Louis Napoleon, reformer of the French Catho-
he Okupck, and author ; 6. 1806 D.F.
AbhH^ Adnea, French matbem. ; 16:i0— 1691 R.U.C.
^n^ Sk^iu. Armenian prince and gen. ; d. 124U U.R.
AviU^ Lemek. Eng^Lish poet ; 1569 w.
AnlODtw, Blvmn, British apostle ; 181 P.D.
AfiloB&ii^ Melchinus or Meviuus, Eng. poet; 5G0^ n,
Aftloi^ JkMgmmOf marquis del Vaito^ Spanish general
ind fMNBfBor of Milan ; 1502— 154U g.d.
inloK OoKtaosa, Itidian poetess ; 1540* D.u,
AvilOi^ Inigo del, marquu del VastOj Spanisli war-
fior^dr. 1503 D.d.
AittliMb Ftfmando'Fnuidteo d\ marquhi of Pescara,
^ "i general; 1480-1525 Ild,
t Lofie< de, Spaniih military commander n.D.
» Boorigo Lopex de« B|:' irer^ constable
ilOMtiU. andgoirexnorot 1427 H.ti.
IHiilUUg, Kicobs, Swtas Jc-_..., ^„.,.ui»or of philo-
_ a^j, aful author ; 1012— lij«5 g.B.
Grnll^fmi^ d\ cardiual and arohhi»hop of
BB ; t ^ » D,
Fi 10, Italian painter, pupil of
jgehi... , -J T.U.
•r ATiaaUiUt RhodiginiM Carlo, Italian phy-
Mtd botaoiat ; 1649 ld.
, Woawmoo, Italian litterateur ; 1586 ld.
, Jieopo, B^logneae {taiuter, pupil of Franc.
8«ief»a; 1570 t.r.
0t dimimi-Maiia, Ital. jantt and poet; 1549—
8 i.u,w.
■tOititvpM, Italian painter; 1655—1718 T.&.
Ud^KkokvliaL pointer and engraver | d. 1603 N.D,
Avatizl, Simon da Crooefiast, &r da Bologna, Italian
painter ; 16th cent. if.D.
AvanzlQl, Qiacomo, ItaL music composer; 17S0 c.D.
4.yaiLzliLl| Giuseppe, Italian mathematician, and wiiter
on hydrostatics and hydraulic« ; 1753—1827 B.D*
Ayaxulnl. Juatinien, Italian painter ; 1800 K.D.
Avanzllil* Pierantonio, Itiiliau painter ; d. 1733 T.
Araazino, , Itidiau pfiinter ; 155iJ— 1629 LD,
AvaiUElno, Giuseppe Maria, Italian professor of medi*
cine, ami iiiitUor ; d. 1739 lb,
Avamzlno da Gubblo, ItAliau paiuter; 16th cent. d.
AvanioH, Giiolamo, Italian painter and historiau ;
1C73 i.Q.D.
Avaaaolinl, Girolamo, Ital. muMic composer^ 1623 d.k*
Avaradera, J., Spauish writer ; 17th cent, D.Q.
Avaray^ Antoine LouU Fmn;;ois tie Bej^iade, Due d^
Frenc h lo y Jil m Hi taij ofli cer ; 1 759 — 1 8 11 D. B.
Avaray, Claude Antoioe de Besiade, I>uo d', French
geneml ; 1740— 1829 f.r,
Avaxay, Clamie Tbeophile de Besiaile, Marquis d\
Fi-ench licutenant-g^eiienil ; 1656—1745 D.R.
Avas, Moses Judah, Egji>tian rabhi, jurist^ and poet ;
17th cent. o. R.
Avaux, Clnudo, do Meames, Comte d*, French diplo*
niiitist ; 15"J5— 1R50 D.U.W.
Avaux, Jt.iUi-Antoiiio, de Meanies* Oomto d', Fixsnch
fiilluniiitist and author ; 1G40— 1709 d.U.
Avaux, Jeiui'Aatoine, de Musmes, Couito d*^ president
of the French parliament and academician ; 16^1 —
1723 D.
Avaux, Jean Jacques* de Mearaea, Comte d\ president
of the French parbameut and acudeuiician; 1640 —
1688 D,
Ayaiix, d', French violinlat and mosio composer ;
18th cent D.B-K*
Aved, Jacques- And re-Joseph, French portrait painter ;
1702-1766 R.D.B.
AvedllC, patriarch of Armenia ; 1 701 D,.
Aveeii« Adrian, Dutch eagravor ; 1700* b.b.
ArelUou, Jean Joaeph, French theoL: 1620—1713 D.P.
AvelFO, or Aveyro, Portuguese traveller ; 15*35 D.
AvetrOi Joan Mascarenhas, Duke of, Portugueio con-
Hpinitor; 1708—1759 u.D.
AvelB L, Bultixn of Bagdad ; d, 1374 or 5 U.D.
AveiB n.| or Ahmee-Djefialr, sultau of Bagdad; d.
1410 U.D.
AvelaTi Portuguese painter B.
Avelen, ur Aveeleen^ Johann Van'-Der, German en-
graver ; 1700 B.&.D,
Avellne, Antoiue» French engraver and designer;
1602—1712 B.D.B.
AvellHd, J. Fran^'ois Antoioe^ French engraver;
1718— 17»50 B.B.
Aveline^ Jean, French engraver ; 1715 b.r.
Aveline, Joauph, French engraver \ 1638-1690 tt.
Avellzie, Pierre, French engmvor j 1710—1760 B,U.B.
AvfiUa, Gian, Franciscan moTik D.
Avellftneda, Alfonso Fernando d\ Spaimh author ;
IGIO ii.a.c,E,^,
Avellaneda, Didacus de* Spanish Jesuit, writer on
* ' Confess io n ;" d. 1698 £. B. D.
Avellaneda, Bidiictis CoUantes de, Spanish jurist and
writer on agriculture : 1G06 D.£.
AveUimedEt DiJaeus de, decurion of the nobles of
Toledo; IGIO K.O.
Avellaneda, Garcia de, oomto de Caatrillo, viceroy of
Naples: 1C>63 0,U.
Avellaneda, Gertrudls Gomea de, Spanish poetess;
6. 1816 F.
Avellar, Andreas, Portuguese mathem* ; 1590 D.T.
Avellar, Francisco Gomoa de, Porbuguese LLihop and
statesman; 1739—1816 D.
Avelllno, Audi-ea, Italian jurist and ecclesiastic ;
1521-1608 i*D.
AveUlno, Franoetoo, Ital. phys. and author; 1630 r.D.
AvelliiLOf Francesco Bioriu, Italian archteologist and
author i 1788—1850 D«
ATelllno, Gtolio {H MejtMinfse\ Sjcitian landicape
pwntor ; lGi.>* - 1 700 B. T, R.
ATeUlno, Onofrio, XcajioliUa ptr, ; 1674—1741 T.Uit.
AvaUani, FnmctsAGu, lUiluuj actar Mitl itramatiiit i
1756—1837 it.
AvsUoiiit or ATeUaal, Oiutoppe, It«lkti po«t ; 1761—
1817 D.
ATUnaon, Wolff, Germitn minlrr ; c/* ir>21* ixii.
Aften, Bavent, Bttvln, <ir D'ATeendt, cDgmvor 7<,i».
AVttnATlUB, J 1 mtku Proti»it&nt tUtrologiaii
and writci ''> Q.d.
ATiaaHtt» , ..^laiaii profciiorof cloqucnei>,
Mldn i* Q»D,
ATtfDAt; ,1. Gknniin PnitenUat theologinii
And wtitri ; uyA) q.h.
AYWUUflns, JotiAnn, Gemmu cieel^stiistte, iatpeetor of
the livmnaniiinr ftnd wriU»r ; 1«>70— 1736 q.r.0.
AvouLT II A. « G«niuiti eoolciiMtieal mnti-
askii ; J II, IX
ATsnarius, jmi [« A., German orgaxtut mid mufcic
OomptwLT ; 6. l,V>:j* K.K.
AvmirlUB, Tiioiiuix, Genuau muiio compoMT; lUtli
ATanfttliifl« or Avenatisl, ItAlUn phyiicuui imd Autlior ;
15th ceut, n.f^
ATendazum, Spanith Dominieftii prenohmr; d, 1590 d«
Ayend&imo, Die^o de, Sp»iuih pamier ; 1661 u.b.
AYOndiTiTlft, FodJro NuAu£, Bt^iitiiidi jurist imd atitUur ;
1540* U
AV«a«l, Ti,-... T , ..:. Ar, ...;..! v 1. lUi , ft, 1739^ y.
ATOUl, r,
ATti&Blli . urn B.D.
ATtBiUea* l^itiTv dcs,ailvuaac tji tiic riirliament of
Pterii;1550 a.D.
i;wiiaiM, PMlppQ dev, Frt^ocb Hit. t lOtb cent. D.u.
AVMIOD, Alexazuler, ahuill of Lotidoii, 1301 ; lord
mnjor, 1567 ti*
Avenpaos, Spanbh (Ambiitii) pbllotophor tod writer ;
d 1120 or S cr/,
Avo&pQrt. FniiK r« Ckrittopber, EDgli«>b iheolo^ua
and V '—loss D.
Avfoco. 4,Dut(.dipablidii; 1615 uq.
ATOltln. > t i I , , *j» of ChartTus ; cL 62» u.
AvmttiienslB, 4 n GenQdiu, Roamnooti. ; ».a 363 H,x.
ATintlAeiiBlB, J^ Uenucitu, Komaii cod. ; B.C. r^r> n x.
Avtaitlnenilt, L. GeoacitiH^ Kotnan cnn. ; <
AvmtlllCIIjKkC, L. GoDuemi, cou^ of K^Jiiie : >
Awnttiraf, or TliummAyor, J»haiin« BHv\ix::irj cin^i-
iiicl«T; 1466-1531 c n.o.w.
Aver, Johani) Paul, Gpromn pftinier ; l(i.'f6— l(i87 x.u.
Aronnl, Be&edetto, Italiuii kuvaia aitd author ; 1645 —
jurLut, and
rr 1727 D,
, I6ti7—
A^vruii, Gitifleppe, Itallaa phjildan,
a«tiior; mvi—l7liS
Awmri, .\,..
AvmlftAch. J
A?«ft««i^, Samuel Ken David, PoUah nhU and com
maotator ; 17 th canL o.ii.
AYmsm, Henri van (cte ^Stonnmc »mi Campm)» p*^^'^ i
16th cent* u.Ji.
AvwAffCloniiniliCluirlai'Frmo^oiad* 1*, PratieU eumr>*
tyuller<«ini. «f iftyM«, mud author ; 1723— 17U3 c. u . L^
▲▼ireU. TriHiam. En^lUh i*afiij>liT<>kcr : 15.S0* jt.w,
AW«1«U, ii.ri-
ij, Ittiliau mtiuk atul thvcdogian ;
VntonJo, Italian antif|a 1117 and an-
•J u*, lUlka iluK»l(viaa lAd aatl^jr ;
Af«7tml, Valentin, Italian theol* and writer j 1677 LS
ATerODlt^ or IkAltroillt» Aniuiii«, Prtsucii Jeauil T
logian ; <l« 1G14 nJ^
ATerrocSi or nm-EocMd, A rabiuu pbyticiaaandi" "
lopher of Cordova ; 114'.)*— ir.>^ CD.M
ATena^ Morcnrio de, Italian paint«r ; 17ih ooiit, IX^
Avsna, Touuaaio, ItaUaa poet and dnunatio aut'
it 1063 hD,K,x,
AT«rj, HoDTf, Engliah pirate * 1(106
Avttry, John, American dinna ; c^ 1635
ATBI7, Samuel, shflriff of London ; 1647
Avwy. Waitatill, American lawyer ; ct 1821
Aveiy, William, American divine ; d. Hm^
AyoBjuil, Joachim^ Italian rbetonciauand po«t : 1741-
1818 B^i; -
Artahmf, Robert de, English chronicler and
rian; 1356* D.ILO.l
ATttsffimd, Fr. monk, abbot of La Coltnre ; d, 1(170 B.
AY^wnit, See Daveana.
ATeasa.Fran^oii d* (U Pcc\fimtr\TT, writer ; rf.lG63* ix
AvaUj^ Jean lo Jeouo 1, Fnsnch Orutorian iiHl
wtUot : d, 1672 d. g,
AflBBO, Jean Pierre VNlentin Jos'^-
Fmich deputy ut St Domingo * ] '
Avesae, Pierre Valentin do Cantdra u , iivuirti K^nvui^i,
and canal projector ; 171I>— 17111 Sb
Avaiao, Piemo Valentin Dominique Julian da OaaltiS
A\ French schohur, and tnuulator at Bt l>onillliCi» |
ATasa&Jfaoaym, Murie Armand Pascal d\ Fj
fivograpbar^ h. 1799
Avacan, Jean d\ Fr, jui-ist and writer ; d. 1669
ATla» Jaoob, German muiical amateur ; IdlO Ut^
ATlBJii, Italian painter and architect ; 16J0 xa.a.
Avlano, Geronimo, Italian burleaque poet; 1610 lili
ATlanaa, Fhiviui, Latin ]Hjct ; 160* IK-
Aylaau8» or AvlaMii«» Juhanu, German writer
mujitc ; d. 1617 E.I
Avlanuji. ^^ilhelln, German aatronomor ; 1620
AYlaa Du Boi« Ji% flanzay, ChaHea Fran^ia d',
biahop of LkmJeaux, and uuthor : 1736— 1826 a.IXi
ATlboi, or OeaUo, Uanpiitu, Italian enjcmver
1530* a
ATlce {U Ohe99Her\ Fkadi tmateor cngravar ;
AyloablfOfX Arabian rliiloa, and ontbor ; 1
ATloenna, ^^r Abou-nic-&iiia, Arubiuu pL..
pUyBieian ; 980— 1037 w. t . v.
AYldioa, CaasiQi, Roman emperor \ 2nd cent*
ATlellilfl, Henry, Eu^iah phyiician ; ll^SO
ATianua, Fimatoj ccinaul of Homo ; fiO'J
Avlenua, Bufmi-FcAtua, Latin poet and gtegnj
4th cent. JL t'.C
ATtetma, Rufiu Slagnua Faufltaa, eo&iiil of
Avlffador, Avlgdor, or Abagdor» Jawiih vrller
ATtgador, Abraham *b«n • Meahnltam ; Itallaa
and author ; h. l^'iO*
Afigador, Bea Mniae (/izMunaA), German fabU
Inujibitor : i/. \mi
Avlgador* Salomon ben AlwallBlB ; Jewiab
aophieal w titer ; Ifitb oeitl.
Avl^dor Kara, ur lCra« Garmaa rabbi and anil
iL M3U
ATl#a4or 8op^ r "^rriWU Oannaa Jewitb
and oommt *4
ATlla* AlfoIl^ , u JoMdl and aaihor;
kfMM^ Eatebas. Spanlali Jraail tniMMHUur to
AvUa, Fiandaoo d», Spaiilah portimll palntor;
A^riU, Gil <; Spaaiili aBtli|iiary and
torioerapli ]*;5d C
ATUa, Iiiiirtuft.^.t%* u.
I Juua A* (Aptu^tte 0/ Awlaiusui), Spanifik mis-
Itfowtfy; ISCO— ifie9 v.d.u.
I Joftii d*. 8pADtsb fcmnder ; ICib cent. n. i\
~ I Lmn d*, Sp«uiiftli t^^yticiaii aud medic-d
1510 l^
bu d\ bUhop of Pkdcnsft and pious writer;
> d\ Spaninh ^envml : 1574 tKR,u.
Luii Vittom d', SpftDtfih muuo ctnn-
7 SiLDlgm, Don Liiii d\ Spamjih diplomAtUt
|liid bktoriiuj ; &, 1500
Au^iAtiii Cii»rl«* <r, Freacb architect ; 1(>53—
SpfuuAli moiter of tLo
id of lIoTne ; rA h.
<ul of Koiiiu t I2J (L
Uiiielier d'* French jurist ; l+itU
i*kv--;Ii' : 1471 D»P.
;upo«er and organ-
■tr; 1772-1801 iMt.
.-jis, French comio poot und
■t; «^ 1747 r.D.R.
I Bii|iti«t^, FfPttfih fnMtliftnioiaQ; d. 1837 D.i.
P ' ^ ' 37 io Georiji» and
j»eror (455), afterwardu
iftta^'OaUotima, govttoot af Thmofi under Aurelian ;
irtSBM, Ju1m» gDTvmor of Mcs«ipotttmia and Cyprus
arlrr .S<r«r«A ; SOCT j>.
ifUl^Marciw M«cal>ttfi, of Aquitaine, emperor of the
W«i;«r. 460 RAKV.
4flltt^ Scrtnt- Alcfmtit - Ecrliriina, Bt» Latin poet,
iTQfaain, >
AvQKidr<!> I
fttlil r
AfqpulrA i
'/. 525 O.U.D.W.
> D,
■ t".'^16S5d.u.
iiir; 1580 L I).
nL l,D.€.w-
7 1.I1.
a writer Ln.
: , , ' — , Itfdiim jurist
. fky>*^ Oount ol CftAonovaf Itattim
t4M»; d, 1584 LD*
, , iLfd. warrior; fi. ir»12 R. I i.
kngtulEOt >i«<»tAJf iKdtiU, luiian lexicoi^upher ; 15th
An^adfObT^^ ' ^' ' - ' Mondair; 1480 i.n.
ilfVSktflV^ juc) MAtia, bicilkn theo-
l^m ttfif- LP.
^voffvtfroi, I'ieUu (i^it^cion^)^ Italian pkbter ;
iry B.T.R,
^«fir^ Auoni Tf .,. 1. M. o ."^t of, Italian arohse-
iHfialtiidaiUti ikV.
Aflla, Fnr,ceB:> ician nnd writer j
lian philoaopher ; 1580 i.q.
. ./..;,.., 1 .,,.1;.^. ' -rmeme; 1350
. h. 1620 F.
AfWi;, , ; 1730 K^D.
imilHlii\ fiijr.j AufoitiUj JUiLiii mOiiainn and
. 1725* K.B.U.
. Pel*-!- \Atx ilrrr^ Fkmi*h pinter; b. 161i>» 11. it.
i!90ui ItaliAti orgimiit and «acred niu^iio
am /9 OAL
vmu Jtf^is^ fcrendi poet and litterateur; 1558—
AVTo, F^vocoii d*, French dramatic nutbor ; lOiX) d.q.
Avrlguy, CharltfB-Joseph La'uillard d', French dra-
matic aiitlirjr ; 17(50—1823 F.CD,
Avrigtiy, Hyticintlie Kobillord d\ French Jesuit and
historian ; 1675—1710 i;.D.C.w.
Avrll, Jean, sieur de la Eoebe, French minor poet;
1565* D.B.U.
Avrll^ Jean Jacqu^ Baron, French general ; 1752 —
AttU* Jean-JacquGs, Fr. engmver ; 1774—18^.^2 jf.D.B.
AvrU, Fhilipiii?, Fn?nch Jesmt, mi&siouarj to Persia
Hiui Annoiiia ; 11*85 iLU»w.
AytU, SopbiQ EmUe Philippe, French engiitoer; ^1.
1797 r.
AttULou, Jetiij- Baptists* -Elie, French Frnocisefttt
preacher; ir>52— 1729 iKlw.w.
Avrlllot, liar bo UfAcarit), foun«lre»« of the order of
C'Mmielitcs in France ; 1G05— 1618 B.n,
Avudraam, Ben Joseph ben David* Spanish Jewisli
theoloj^an and author ; 1350* o.B*
Avy, Antoine Sylvain, Baron, Fi'ench general; 1776 —
1814 D.
Awadhl de Uaraglia, Pcridnn poet ; d. 12D7 D.
Awoxl, MuBsnlman writer ; 1640 D.
Awljrey, Ainirow, hird insiyor of London ; 1339-40 </.
Awtirey, Timothy, English divine ; 1731
Awdelay, or AudJey, John, Euijlisli canon in the
irionnstery of Hnghmoud, and wiiii-ed jwet ; 1426 it.i>,
Awdeley. John, Env;lL!sh printer and author; l{f70 K
Awdry, Bir Jolm Wither, English judge at Bombay ;
h, 1795 IL
Aweis. or Ahmed DJeaalr, Iiiat ruler of the dynasty of
the Il-Khanienii in Pt'rsiii ; d. 1410 JL.V.
Awels, Avis, or Welag ftholi, 11-Xhanien ruler ol
Persia ; d. 1374
Awels, or Vala {Mfrr VaU, or Mirreiii)^ chief of tho
Ghilji Afghans of CantlAhflr ; d, 1715 B,
Awfield, ThomuH, Cuthnljc divine ; d, 15S5
Awlater, J^ihn, Eutcli^h phyi*. and nuthor; 1760 C,I>.
ATVtil, I >Ai]iLl»Enf,'liAh counterfeiter of coin ; d. 1702* n*
Ax, or Axlms, Pjud, orator Jind iJ<»et ; 4th cent. ih
Axajacatl, <?ovf nth em[>eror of Mcidco, and father of
Montexujua; lJCi4— 1477 D.R.U.
AxarotO, or Axereto. Blaise, Italian geaend ; 1435 D.
Axareto. .See Assereto.
Axehlelm. SwediHhautici.andjuriai; 1<;0S— 1C92 Q.B.
Axel, l^jiic. Swedish phuoBopher ; IfWJO Q.D.
Axel, Johannes Uonore Van, Dutch jiiriiit and author;
1620 lt,%
Axelaon, An^e, Daninh counsellor of Mtnte ; 14rfO q.k,
AxetaOD, Enlv or Erich, gov. of Stockholm ; }U}S^ c K.
Axelfon, I ver or 1 Witr, ruler of Gothland : 1 407 c. n. u,
AxelBon, Olaf, govyrnor of Gothland ; 1450 o.iiD,
Axelt, or Atzelt^ Johann, Germ, cngruvor ; '/» lG-"i4 K IN
Axen, Pctms, German jurist and author ; 1C35^
1707 «i.i>.
AxerdlB, king of Ninereh ; B,o. 670 h,
Axioniais, Athenian comic poet ; B.C. 3S0 D.R.X.
Axlothea* wife of Nicoclen, king of Puphos; W.C*
310* IKILX.
Axmann, Antoo, Gerrann painter; 1735 jJ.ii.
Annann. Jo«ep)j, Austrian engraver ; 6. 1793 K.lxVm
Axonlos, Joachim, tbeolugiuu, juriiit, and poet of
Bmbant; d, 1W>5 q.D.U.
Axt, Frederich Saimuel, German lacred moj^io com-
powr; 1GS4— 1745 KD.
Aztel. Dani^li, English parliamentarian colonel; <f«
1G60 D-
Aztell, Henry^ Americtu divine ; 1773—18:30 A,R,
Axtelineyer, Stanislas Kemhard, German physiciun
nnd eeouomist ; 17U0 Q^U*
AxtiUB, or Axt, Johann Conrad, German phyBitiian and
lK>taDi«t; ItrrO Q.D.W.
AytTTiMtin, I>x>poldf Anstrian painter of animula;
1700—1748 ^ ^D.D.
Axtoa, William, Eng. Nonconformiit divine; 1574 g*
AXTilar, Pierre, French writer; 1040 i>*
AyaJa, Balihaur, Flctniili jurvt ; IMS*— 1584 ilu.d.
Ayala, Pi«go Lopes de, Spanish eoeleiUitic iind ^aub'
Utor; IfJthcetii. U.K.
KjalKr Gab., Span, Kurg. in Bntiteli ; tL 1562^ C.B.a
AjBXtit Iguacio Iy)i»ejs de, Spuush Mtnmomor imd
littont^ur ; 18tU ceut, V.
A7«lA, Ju&D J. d«, SpRaifth frixr and piotu writer A.
AyilAg Juan Intcmm, Spun, littemteur ; (L 1720* d,p.
Ayila, Pedro Lopez d\ ^raumh stuiesman general,
ftnd hiitarkn ; 1 3^^2—1407 B. L>. u. k.
AsnlSt BebMtiatio, lUIkn Jefntt, iheologiaOf niotlie-
■DilifllOT, &Tid Author ; 1744''1817 R.D.S.
iTBHUIBto, Marqaude, Sp«iL conspirator ; d. 1641 D. u.
Aytiar, Ximine» Pedro, Spaniih painter : 1682 B.D.
AylMkut, Pier«?. French lawyer ; IMG— ICOl u,
Aycird, Marie v. ... k nnrcliit j ft. 1794 l^.ix
Ayedia, favo Mohammed ; 610—677 11.13,
Aygler, Bcnxi , cArdimil ; <i. 12K2 1>.U.
Aylaxul^ or Klanrtt Huir/f Engliah divine and cIamIohI
icholar ; d, Ififtl g.
Ayland. Nioholaa, English divine ; 1542— lG07or8 q.
Aylepb, Sir .Tohn, alieriff of London ; 1648 d.
Aylesbury, Sir Thomi^. Engliih matbcfmfttician and
Mtrooomer i 1570— 16S7
AylMltetf, HeDM^ Finch, Earl oU EogMih peer ; h,
1788 K
AyleeH&iiif John, ihoriff of London ; 1343 d,
AyleetOB, Robert do, archdeacon of Berk»| boroo of
the Exchev|uor ; 1330 f.
Aylett, George, Eiijjliih tnrgeon and writer ; 1759 w.
A^ett, Rabc^, English master in Chancery, and poet ;
6. 1594 B.Q.c\w.D.
AyHf^ Sir WUiani, Engliih military officer ; d. 18:33
Ayllee du Oen, French maciatrate and deputy : 6*
1798 r.
Ayliire* John, EitgUih Author ; iriO;.
Ayiin, or AlllX&O, Giovanni, ltali;ui hiHoHan; 14 th
cent, U,ll.
AyUoo, Lueaa Vatqueji d\ Span, adveninrer ; 1360 D*
■ ^ ' " rof Grdi ^
Aylmer, Lord, governor of OaDada ; d. 1834
Aylxner. Bward, Bngliah loyaUet divine ; 1005
Aylmer, Bir Gerald, lord Justice of Ireland ; hV/i
Aylmer, John, biahop of Ltmdon, 1577 ; fh 1521, d,
16&4 c.iuw.«J.*i.
Aylmer, John, Engliab dassloal scholar anil author ;
cf. 1$72 w.
Aylmir, JnstUi, English divino ^ 1704
Aylmtr, lAWrenoe, aberiff of Loudou ; 1501 d*
Aylraer, T^inl Mitthiw Kruliiih i^dmiral and ooiu-
mtiijcl fL 1720 Ju
Aylmer. ,ury otficer ; </. 17^1
Aylmer, i tioopiuiu«, mcixUiicon of London; d» IG'2^
Aylofr; follower of the earl of Ar^ylo s.
AyloST. JnhTi. English Lawyer : d. k^
Ay' m, English jusUoo o( the King^f Bench,
1 ^5 ^ ^ ^ t
AyiuGC, rMr .Jos,,Eri ; ""'** ■ - ^ =- ^-'^^^ i-".'* ^ ■■■//,
47tW^ Theodor i
or^gMiict atSt G
A7iBai;buit r 4;.ti.L^
AyauxiO, Ar<; ; '^,1773 F.
Aynk^ Joajn Jucju i i^utu nuiKistrate and
iwfolatiardtt ; 1 7 ta ». r. r.
kSjfWOi^ J^nn Bapt I > 1, and author : 175«l ii.
Aymer de LMdffn&a, bi^^Lup uf M'tnchcuter (1260) -.
d. iim dj,
MjTHM, Fr .. :- r»*»rid French liiterotcur end c<mi-
liUer . 7 D.U*
AyBMi, ;«h t^lrrttdun; d. JCTTO
Aj^aii Of vanuuiy i.,^jU»t* n.
AfttMB* Jean, VW^K 1700 c.n,r):w«
Mjmm{ih4 PacHia, , umiy ; 1291—1343 t?.ii,
Ayw* Jmlse Qehriel, Frenoh magistrate and poUUetaa ;
Ayaiworttk, Ralph, metter of Feicdunise^ Gembrldge j
AyolAi, Juan de, Spanish adventurer, goremor
Boenoa Ayree, 1636 ; d, 153S &.U.II.
Ayoab^ Baraoen commander in Spain ; 717
Ayomltes, or Ayyoubttee, or Bionbltee, a Tazk
dynasty foanded by Stdadin ; 1171
Ayzknlt, Ren^, Jesuit and writer ; 156T— 1044 »,<
Aytaut, Pierre, or Petru.i .£rodius, French advoealL
in the Parliament of Parit, and writer on civil laWfl
1536-lfiOl U.R.C.W.I1
Ayre^ Willium, Englisb poet ; d, 1745
Ayre, William Thomas, Eoglish lawyer ; 1780
Ayremyxme, Richard de, njaster of the ReU
keeper of the Great Seal ; 1324
Ayremymie, William de, bishop of Norwich
lord-keeper of the Great Seal, 1311 ; d. 1.^30 J^
Ayrenliolf; Cornelius von, dramatic poet and Aust '
fiddmarshid ; d. 1819
Ayrer, Christian Viotf^r, Ger. port, engraver ; 16.
Ayrer, Chdstoph Heinrich, tSerman medieeli
Ayiw, Em. WiU,, German physician ; 1G4T— 1090 :
Ayrer, Geore-Hcinrich, Germ, juriet; 1702—1774 q.t
Ayrer, Jaoou, German designer y.l
Ayretf Jacob, German dmmatio peet ; (f. 1605^ IX I
Ayrer, Johaun Cbristoph, Germen tnedkel wtiU
10th cent.
Ayrer^ Johann Wilhem, Germiui phyaiHen and enll
Ik 1671
Ayrer, Justine, German painter ; 1704—1790 VA
Ayrer, Mclcluor, German matnomatician, che
and pbysiiiun ; 1520—1679
Ayrer, ALoliel, Genu, enamelleron silvery d, 1582 KA
Ayres, John, English calligraphcr; d. 170.^* CJ
Ayree, Philip, English author anil poet ; 1070 D.1
Ayree, Pietro. Italian painter ; 1832 w.\
AyTe«*F«rreiia, Gon^alo, Portugneee nav
Aynnaim, Chriitophe Friederich, German anii
historian, and commentator ; 1605 — 1750 ^i .
Ayiton, \-'- '■ ^ ■ ^'c, Boglisb politician ; A. IHS
Ayrton, iug. composer; 1734— 1808
Ayrton, ii«h phyaician : 1812 i
Ayrton, Wiiluau, £ngh«b musical writer ; d 1859
Ayry, James, Engliah Franeiscan ; 1G86
Ayty. or Alniy, Msirt-- r',.H,..i;,. .^.... . le^g
Ayacoghe, Williatjj
A3ncOTi^ George 1 uint,lmv
ler, and dramatist ; d, 177'.* cii.D^w.i
AyaoOQgll. James, Engliih optician and author; 18|
ci^nt. C*f
Ayecougli, Philip, EngltMh divine ; 1729
AyBCOHgrh. Ham., Zuc. antiq.. litt,, and aasbtiinil
rian of the British Museum ; 1745—1804 f/
Ayecn, Edward, English historian ; 17th cent C*l
Ayecue, or Ayeoou^h, Sir George, British adn
d, 1073 or 4 lt.C».d
Ayiliton, Nicholas, English jndp ; 1461
Ayseom, Diego Xlmenes, Snaniih port ; IGtli cent. <
Ayta, Uhie Van 2alchem' Viglius, Dutcli suteioiiij
lawyer* and author ; 1507—1577 VMA
Ayton, Richard^ Scotch essavist ; (f. 1823
Ayton, Sir Robert, Scottish iwct ; l-'i^O-lCSS tt.l
Aytoniv Roger Stuclatr, EngliJih pulitimn ; b, 1823 ]
Aytonn, WilliaRi EdniotiiUioune, S«3uttish poel i
professor ; ft. 1813, rf, 1806
Aynb Ben HaMd* ^icetcf^ uf Spiun * d, 716
i^botieatU, John, sumngan bishop of Cent*
130l» Al
Axad-Ed-Doulall. second prince of the dynasty of 1
Dihimi ; d. 1*83
AjMbd-SiJUU ffovemer of Aier*B«ijifi ; 1753 e I
Asilrl de BlI, Persian jioet at the oouft of the ]
Dikml or BaMh ; 10th eent
AlftU, Pierre Hyacinthe, F^rench nttfio oomp
1745^1793 M
Attle, Pierre Ilyacinthe, Freooh philoi«^»her, mo
end author; 1700-I81d 1>.B.W,C
Aal&l£ de Porcalra^ues, Adelaide, French poo teas
And Umdrndaar; d. 1160 U. B.
Ivmbnn^IHefO a , Partaguese n^Tigator ; d. 1415 p.B .
lAlDliii^a, I>oD Jodo EsteTes die, cArdimd, arcbbiihop
ol Li^bcm ; d. 1415 D.
AttDA, 3tflsiiel Joc^ de, Spaii. fltaton. ; 1746— lS2f; f. r.
Anne Boa FeHce d*, SpMiijli trarellery Acholnrt nntl
avtiuxf ; 1746—1811 B.D.VV.
lata, Don Jose-NicoLu, Spanish diplomatist &od
Mthor ; 1733- X804 C. 0. R, U.
Ami, Sheikh, P<Tsiitn poet : 1388*— 1460 D,
i2anktl« or Azarlaa, J e wish high-priest ; B.C. P59
iarllll, Ben Kphr&im Figo, It&iiiui mblii and author ;
<2.1643 O.D.K.
ittrtih, Sozntu-l, Jewish writer o.D.
kaOMh d« RubeU. luL mbbi »nd author ; 1574 O- u.
ixaul&% It^ rabbi and tranAhitor ; KHh ceut. F.C. w.
Uas^ Fietro, ItALum histonan ; 13th cent. I.U.R.D.
Aa^H*bbit ctne of the oompiierB of the * ' l^dniud " U.
km, «r <Adasr, Dcudel Jftnaen. Dazuah medaUiRt ;
4,VS0B N.D.
AMik llidek««l*Azeez GhyAih-ed-doon, tovoretgn of
Akm {1216}; 1213-1236 n.
iiH^Malck-ttl-Axe&x Imod* ' r : fion of
Sikdia^aBd ■overei^ of £ 'jS i;.
'MiBrailWFmtimitecjdiph' '.iG K.
MifMOi HiMntna Tapnxelli, MtLiiiuiti deir, luiiiiHter to
the tc^c€ Saidinia, author and artist ; b. 1798 D. M.
H^ISa^ ^panUi Di^sare, Marquis dell*, counsellor to
I1ji»&ii.> king of Italy, and dipl ; 1763— 1 830 D.s.
Awtfim Vk»or Em tnanuelTaparelli, Marquis d*, Itolinii
■ to England ; 6. 1815 M.
Tielor Taparelli, Marrjuis d\ Italian artist,
"' and lUtetmnn; 1800- 186G ir.
German en^ver ; 6. li>54 B*D.
Itmar (?« Kcnr), French troubadour and
iSth eenl s.d>
ForttigticMe professor of medicine ; 170^j d.q.
Ji»9«iBkAlciiiftode,Sfian. jttrL<^' - ^ -^^ r ;rfa5a8* D.
invMOb Alonao de, ^parii^h ] E.D.
JBHijp^ AitfeLa de, Porta^e^ > ' f^h cent. d. y.
* '' Aj^onio de, Portugutiie coiuic poot; 1521—
Antonio de, Portugneae writer; 1590 d,y.
. Antciixio de, Portuguese Jesuit, profesdor of
llia>Wf|ihy Mid tbedoey ; 17th cent. D.Y.
fimiu^yfelix AlFares de. Span. gen. ; d. ISOS c.D.
Aaiflift, FtttDeieeo de, Portuguese poet ; d. 1C80 d.y,
AvitAfl^ Offolamo viceroy of the rortugui^ae empire
bWk • 1612 IX
AhvI^ ICjVmxio, Portuguese Jeettit martyr ; 1527—
WD u.B.
HViii^ Jizan dcj Portu^e*e ecdesiastio, and mem-
W of ihg Inquiaition ; 1G25— 1697 D.Y.
JuAJi^ Portugraese theoL; l(iC5— 1746 d.y-
Jojui Velairjoe*, Rpanifih writer; Hj26 D,Q.
. l«ia d\ Purtugmefe mmtonary to EthiopiA ;
19|1-*1<S34 It E.u.D.
Iaw Afftoni a .1*?, Pi5Ttu j?ne§e tta m. ; 1815 C. D.
dt .-1B79 D.v.
JUauel. ; VjoU d,q.
Uaooel ►v^..*.^ ...,, i-UM^.n .^.t jurist and
Mo-fBeSaliTTOftn, SprirnHh author D.g-
P^tlru, *■' !ioal)»uthor d.
SIhravtri lesc Douiinican misAion-
7 denial, Joaef-Fclix-Autotuo
Ffuyqii^ P4gbo gmuL and hist. ; 1717~I7m» V.IL
IHPiiif QumlliliU, Jo^ Joo^joim da Cunha, Portu-
^tm liialiap^ last iuquisitor-genernl of Portugivl raid
ISl; 170-1821 U.U.
iwf tily QjU J Llio, Marco«, explorer of Brnzil ; 15rHi i).
iWf»ld»^lFCttTiliB, Felix de, Portuguese poet; 18tli
^mm Muirnto^ Manoel de, Portug. poel ; 1716 t.p!
Asey«do*ToJal, Pedro » Portu^c«e eceleilastie and
poet ; 1710 kt,
Aaevedo-y-ZUDlga, viceroy of Peru and Mexico, 1(503;
d. 160*> ».
Azlni* or Moh&mnied Asim shall, sovereign of Dekkan ;
(L 1707 B.
Azim-ul-Bowia Beli2.uder, the lost nabob of the C^u--
natie; 177U^— I8iy a.D.u.
Attn. , French engineer ; 18th cent. Q.0.
AzUuierDi CnHtorfo Roderisuejti Portuguese jurist and
historian ; 6. 1474 d.Y-
Ailii-KaJia-Chelebl-Zade, AbduM-Am Edendi,
Turkish stati*m., bint., and poet ; 15i)l— 1G07 i>.
AxnaTi count of Gaecui^y ; d, 836 U.D.
Aso, Azso, or A2%olXana[ Portias, Italian jurist and
writer ; (tf. 1200 or 25 c.p.ij.u.
Azopardl, FranciSf master of the chapel at liliilta, and
writer on sacred music ; 1750 k.u.b,d.
Azor, JuaUi Spaiiish Jesuit and theologian; 1533—
1603 C.D.U.P.K.
AxpUtmeta, Martinus ab {Azpfir/ueta, or Jiararrus)^
Spanish juvist find author ; 1493—1586 U.CE^g.
AsiiiM, Persian poet and philosopher; 11th cent. D.
Axrlel, Jewiiih thetjlogian o.D,
Azilel, Ben JMeniicheni^ Jewish cabalistic wi-iter o.jj,
Azrlel, Bttii Mo)«es (the Ltvite}^ German Jewish thee*
logian ; 17fch cent. o»d.
Azriel, Ben Moses Meisel, Polish rsbbi and author ;
1701 ^ o.D.
A^ulat, Abrnhnm I3en l^fordecai, of Fez, rabbi, caba-
listic author ; IGOO^— 1044 0«B*Z.
Agunl, Domenico Alberto, Italian jurist, antiquary,
and author ; 174y—l«i'7 r»h.d.U.w.
AEUraxa, or Zuraxa, Gomez Eannes de, Portuguese
historian ; 15th cent. D.
Aiymet Guersd, klinn of the Crimea ; d. 1767 D.
AJ^S-BUlJih, Abou Mansour Kezai, caliph of Egypt ;
955— ini6 u.D.
Aiz-Al-Mulk Abu-Xalenjar, Persian prince of the
Bowian family ; d. 1048 B.
AxsaneUo, GrG;,^orio, Itnluin author; 1303 II.D.1I.
Axzaxl^ Fiilvio, Italiim soldier and liist. ; 1575 l.B.Lt,
Aisftflh, , Italian music composer ; 1810* D.
Assark&l, Aboul-Kabin-lhn-Abdermliioan, Arabian
mathematician and astronomer ; 11th cent. th
Aaa-Ed-Deen, a title borne by many of the Moelem
princes of tlio Middle Ages
Ais-Ed-Deen Eal-Kaoos, sovereign of Anatolia, 1210 ;
d. llill* 11.
Azs-Ed-Deen Kai-Kaoos XL, tenth sultan of Anntolis,
1247 ; d, 1277 B.
Az»-Ed-Deen KlliJ Arslan, fifth SeljuHan sovereign of
Room or Anatolia, 1156 ; d. 1192 B,
Azz-£d-Deon Maasoud, priuce of Mooeul and arultan,
1180; d. 1193 It.
AK-Ed-Doulah Bakhtlyar, sovei-eign of Bagdad and
Abbasaidi' ialii>liit« (VN)7) ; 942—977 B.D.IT.
Asra-£d-Doulali Mahmood, prince of Meppo; d. 1074 r.
Assemlno, Paolo, Venctitm artist ; 1505* a
Azxi, Fmnceaoo -Maria degli, ItaL poet; 1*j55— 1707 i.n,
Azzi, Horatio degli, Italijin theologiun ; 1700 ld.
AezI ne' Fortt, Faustino d', Italian poetess ; 1^50—
1724 B.LU.
Azilo, Marco, Italian engraver; 16th cenL i>.
Azzo, duke of Spoletto ; 651
Aszo» marquis d Est© ; d. 1007 i>.
A2:zo, mart^uii} d'Bste^ leader of the duelphs in Fer>
rara ; d. 121*2
AzzOi Alberto, seigneur de Canossa, marquis of Beggio
and Modtma ; 10th cent. t.Dk
AZZO, Alb«»rto, manjuis d'Este ; d. 1029 l>.
Azzo-Huidi, Antonio^ Maria, Itnlian Franciscan monk ;
1697—1770 U.I,
Aszo-Ouldl. Gennino, Italian physician and author ;
1740—1814 D.R.
Azsso^Ouldl, Pietro, Itsl ooelcs, and writer ; 1475 i,D.
Aszo-Quldl,Taddeo, Italian political leader ; 1370 CD*
AsiO-Giildi» Valerio-Felice, Italmn hiitomn &ad chro-
iiologitt; 1051—1728 13, 1.
Anola, GtJUDbftttutii, ItAluui Munter ; 17 th con I.
AJEXoUnl,D«eio, ItxL writ,, ewdinia; Hi23-]68S> ill r>,
AzzoUni* or MaitioUnl, Giuvanni BenuirdiAo, NcApoU*
t:iu paiitttsr mit] modeller ; 15X0 11.S.IXT.
Anolinl, Loroiuo, lUliia tntino poet; tL lQ3t
AatmX ATOgail, Kambalo di?gli, lUUim mrdiitokigii*
and author ; 17li*— 1790 LIX
Anuboydl, Mohftiumod Ibo el Haiqiii, Aimfaim f
manAii and lejckograpber ; tL 988
BaiUton Dnr^- -^ * ' -,-neritc, Garm. artist . 17C0
Baader, A m engmver ; ^* 1703 R d. n*
Baader, C : ..^, Buvtuiftn counsellur; 1702—
18S8 D.tJ.
r» FcTdinnnd MikriA, GernuLn phjrncian &nd pkilo*
1747-1797 n.
'«eph Lambert, G ennui profensor of
hutLor ;
Baader! J.
G€rm]UD pliiloao|i!ier and
inter ; ^. 173fi UX.
I iiad author; 176^1^—
Baader, JoNrph Pranx de P>inl, G«rmaxi phyaictftn and
1 ; 17tli e*-ni. L>.3r.
iler; 1012 Cn.K.
«.*orn:ia.ii pinuitt aad mtuio ooiU'
"""■ re ; <t 11.0. nOS D*P.
, Hf iiUitk vAn« Dutch pout an J dram. ; ff, 182!2 B,
Fetcr Tan, Dutch phytiician &bd author;
IRth cent a
Baalnn, Kogor de. Engliah jadgo ; 1225 /.
, Jakob Civ. TVul !i i.^iuter ; 1C7.H-1700 Ii.€Ly.P.
Baan, Joa^
ptr.; 10:«^
Baana. hr^ .
imiu ; &x\ Uth cent. D.G.
1 ■ , , 1 . , , . ^
Baaalia, kn
1 t; 1- 053-0^1 r.
. r^-'— 1.-T1.
Te29 D.P.Q.
I author ti. Q'ti'
Baaz... ^
.^. ... ...^. ; ri. IflOO D.<i.
h biahop and coolcfiaatioal hia-
turiATt ; '
r : S^th cant. D.
1 D.D.
• tJ.
dfaTotirite of
■nluti ^
^anTHMst; Uth cr^nt, n.R.
AliiAtaphi^ Muaiulman
-Hiiffatii /*, 1«13 F.
' , ' r.
. .:*0-
* I^R.
1 r. i;.
'K |f,„l .
. 17^8 a
Babek,... i^.-..
'. •- --v .,/, ,,».-..„ ...vtary; dL
Babel, ntT;:n^*.
ptT*i-lT Hif!r>». nTTf! rh'^*.; rf, IT^nr. T\q,
BabtaourK, n
1 D.
Babeno St Enber, Ludirig, Gorman pbiloaophe
tbAoloffkal writer : 1660- 172»3
Babar, Franda, Eugliah chanccUor of the
Glouwuter ; 1600'— 1669
Baber, Henry Herrej, keeper of the nrint«d books la
^^j J >.:.;, . At ,^ seum, and author ; 1 775—1068 W.
Babet, ^liih Latin po«t ; 1474— 11V50 n.«.ir,
Babeui I c rench bookaellor and editor; 1780—
1818 a
Babeuf* Fmni^ois-NoSl {CntM Gmcchm% F^vnch
writer and conspirator ; 17li4 — 1797 D. a. D*
BabeuTt Theodore or Dirk, Dutch painter ; 1570—
1624 ita,
Babey, Anathaae Mario Pienvj Fi ato aad
deputy to the State* 'Gen« ml ; l D.r.&
Babl« Jean Francois» French ten!.], , j BbvqIb^
tion; ITolt'lfOa r»i,
Babie de Bercenay, FrttifjoU, Frendi ptthlidat ; 1 T^l—
BablD, Francoia, Freneh iheologiaiiaiidaiithoi
1734 c
BabllMli Jacqucf, French phyi. and wnt,; h..
Bablngtcm, Antbuny, Engluh Cuthulio eon ,
d 1586 I'.u.M.
BaUaglOQ, Benjamin Gny. English pbytioisA aod
medical writer ; 1 71>4 - 1 J^l** M,
BablagtCQ, BjTutuA or Bmoe, bishop of Derry, 1610;
d, leii c
Babingrton, f/hnrtcs Cordftle, English natnralial aad
nutl.ur ; L l-nH &
BabLngtcn,iJtiur(ihilI, Etigliah divine, philologiat, aaAi
anthor ; 6. I-'JI
Babingrton, Gvn'uao, hiahop of Uamlnfl 15^1, ]
.1595, W orct^tvr V/Jt ; 6, 1560, d. 1010 cro.l
fiabl3i^tOii« Henry, vice - ohaucellor of fVierh
Cambridge; 1500
Bablngtoa John, Knglliih mathematician and ;
technitt ; I7th cent.
Babingt(nil«Th(i!«., iherilf of DcT>>ydhiro ; tL lolSoff ^
Bablngton, William, chief justice of the '"
Pleas, 1423; ti. ]4fj5
Babls^tont Williiirii, English natuialiat, fihy
and author ; i;.>i-l»a3
Bablnl ^'- Bahblnt
Bablnot, A ! ^ ratenr ; d. 1 570*
Babiot» L« , j^miu, French pk
and author: iti^- i^r^
BabDlgff, Antoiue, Genaan alnger and
()os«r; L 17U4
Babo, Jox^ph Maria, Qeraiaii di^maik autj
1750 iH2:i u.^,,
Babo, T..iiib<7rt, Baron Ton, German wriiar na i
Eabo, l.firiilieTt. German Migravcr ; IfilS
Babotfl, Marg. Viotuirc, Fr, po<*t«»s ; 17«XV— l8Si
Babolaiix, St, French abbot of St Maur'l«a-Faai4si <
Baboa« or BarehthOldt hnrggraf of R«^
Babott* .f> in, ^inron of Hogunne, Freno
BabCi! king of Tartar^
cent. (?) LLC,
Baboer, or Balnir, Patch palntor ; ITlh «tot
^ Jean Ff»n^»?i». Fr. trimblican ; 1759—1790 lu
St, CUmtuuj Uiflhup of Antioch, and martyv ;
d. 251 C«D,P.B.
B&byloxfce. FnuKAii, Pr«nr1i engrnverT 1550* b.k.
Ba,l>3ni0tk Ho^eft, V ' > ; 1020 d.q,
BabfOgte John, ^> ; d. 1427 r.
Bac, Tbeodort, Fr. , ^ 180« d.f.
BacalaiJa, Hit^eA, truuWiouroi ifuvci^ce; 11^* ii.
&l.^aii« or Blttlli Feriliuiindf Am«>ncj4n tbeologia.ii;
1650 r.y*
Baeca, Peter, Huoc&mn theijL find author ; IfifiO D.g.
T^iiyilir Ytaima, Viucei)te« maiviui^ of St Pbili])pt9,
Bpijuih hijtorUn ; it 172ti aD.^w«
llM^ttreiu, BubcmLiu i>ruaer ; 1490 li.
Bueutilli, ni<:>viumi^ Itailiui pbyvici&n and medical
wfiterj 1554 D.ii,u.
lioeBtlll, Jacupo d* Rcj^ijio, ItaluiQ pointer; 1630*—
Mas L.B-T.
SCftlt^o, Itolkn poot; d, 1614 i.g,
GeTuainici^ Italian pbysicijUi a.ud lltteniieiir ;
IH4— Ifvsl iw.u,
Bieoeliti, >iicdLa, Jtallaa monk and litterateur ; lot}"—
1M7 lJ.Lr.
ifidiJiek, Italian physician j 3630 D.
moak and theoL writer i 154iO* D.i^.
BiOdiitlii, Greek pbyaician ; b.c, 250 IU3L
SiA^MStUi, Viflcenxo, Florentine |jainter; 1C72 —
li4& D.T.
BBteh admiral ; 18th cent. K.
of Mitl)riiLit«i : Bx. 60* D,x.
id DemetriTis Soter; B.C. 2 rid cont. D.
fibibedetto, Italian lieucHlictino Bchulitr and
; W51-1721 c LJI.U.W,
kiJig of Corinth ; B.C. 925 H.
Gre>*k mtuicAl author; 4lhcent. D.U.
Johann Ueinrich, Gentian architect;
m^J7» nx.
WUf^gUOmf Ckefjk Ijric po«t ; B.C. 450 C.P.a.t.J^.
lieAflUi btihop of Cormth ; ll>6 D.X.
koei^ A^mM Dolce, Itnlion pain ti ess IL
iiiyt, Aadraa, Italian eDgrnvcr N.
%Bd,Aodi«B, Itatmn phyBtctani profoiaorof botany,
od author ; <#. 1598 t\ F. R . u, w.
iMd. A&toitkk, Italian Uower pNiinter ; lG<r»3* It.&.1V
luc^ Cirio. ItaL Benedictine tbooL and author D.l.u.
ftMfiL Domanico, Italian nrtiat if.
> Antonio, lUiL ethical writer ; 1702—
R&0a£l]e, lUlian Jewbh painter R.
Jeanne Jnlii-nne Fre<lerio Kichtiirj wife
BaectATelii, p^dntress; L 173;^ K.
lUjt«Uo di, Homan pointer, pujiil i.f
I 1731—1818 ]j,iLU.
ii Kesser Paccoue, It^dinn poet ; 1250 Li.
l\liero, Itid, doctor und philoa. ; d, 1511 D.
— T „^^ Ualuin sculptor iiijd architect ;
Bartjuii^mco di Sun Mitrco),
utir; 14G'i— 1517 B.D.T.11.
consort of Naix>leon'd gistcr^
-11 li.f.
. I taliai) painter B,K
-Eliiu Botinpartc, princ«M of
notJibibu, bisr^r of Xupolcon ; 1777—
CoTwcjtn col. of cbaaaeurs ; 1789 d. f.
!t» ttww» doetor and philoa, ; </, 1641* d.q.
'*'"" ''""' acLolai- and printer;
^«ftji«li, Gemtun
^»i;;«Jjrt#, Italiim monk and m^ic
' Portugese jurist, bia-
'"* B.l\Y.
'fei-; 1520*— 1570 r.
'tic .-iricl writer; 15<j7—
^ifti^t. ^ 1506 D.K.
Bacln, Alcxnndcr. Austrian >itatesni;vu ; b, IftlS* F.
Badi, Carl-PiiiUip-Emmanuel, professor of mniio:
1714— 17ii8
Baeli, Gi^orgr, German philoa. and author; rf. 1649 D,g.
Bacli, Jubnrm CbrLitiaD, German virtooso and oom^
poser : 17;ij— 1782 k.b.
Bacbt, JobiLnn-t-hriBtoph-Fricdrich, German mutio
coi«po«er; 1732—1795 p.K.iuu,
Bach, Jobann Sebactian, Germiui ot;ganiit and muaio
coiiipoaor; 1685—1750 cd.ilu.
Bach, John Au^ni^t, German professor of jurispru-
donee; 1721— 175f> U,R,W,
Bach, Viotiir. French physician and democratic inditi-
cian ; 1770— 17011 r> ti.l".
Bach, Wilbeltu-Friedinann, German organist ; 1710 —
1784 n.K,
Bachacseh, oi* BadliaoillS, Maitin, German cosmogra-
pber ; </. 1012 , D.Q,
Bachale, Ben Aalier, Spanish rabbi and author ; 121*0
Bachaie, Harldiiyan ben R. Jowpb Pckuda {the Elder),
rabVti and riuthor ; l^tb c«nt* ^ D.R.
Bachaie, K. Jinr Mosi», of Siiragoaaa, SpaQtah Jewish
author ; 1232 R.
Bacharacll, Henri, French grammarian and transla-
tor; b. 1810 F,
Bachaumont, Francois lo Colgneux du, French littera-
teur nnd wit ; 1624—1702 D.U.
Bachaumont, Loiiia Petit dc, French litterateur;
d. 1771 D.iT.
Bache, Alejc,, bishop of St Asaph, 1390 ; d. 1395 d.L
Bache, AlexHiider Dallas, .Unerican pbilosophicfd
writer ; 1806—1867 a. cm.
Bachd, Bcn|andn Fmnklin, American printer and
journalist ; d. 1798
Bache, Franklin, American pbvsician and chemist ;
1792-18(54 * rt.F.M.
Bacjie, George M,, Anicrie«n na^'al o^er ; d* 1846 A,
Bache, Kichhud, postumater 'general of the United
States; 17iJ7— 1811 A.f.
Bache, Sarah, duu^btir t^f Iknjamm Franklin, phil-
anthropist ; 1744-1808 r.
Bachelerle,or Hu^cs do la Baoalarla, French trouba-
dour ; 1170* D.n.o.
Bachelot, Jean Louis Tlieodore, Fr. author ; h, 1820
Bachdey, .Ihwiuub, Fi-onch doidgner and eugraver;
171C1— 1781 B.1\G.K.
Bachelier, Jean-Jacrjues, Fr. painter ; 1724— 1S05 k,u.
Bacheller, Jean Blai-giicrite, French notary and revo-
Intioniat ; 17113—1843 D.
Bacheller, Nicolas, French acolptor and architect ;
1550 C.I».P.U.
BacheUer, Pierre, nieur de Gentea, French pbilan-
thropist ; 1011—11372 D,r.
Bachdcr, ^Ti Ilium, uutTragan biahop of Chichester ;
d. 1515 d.L
Bachelot, Francos Marie, French politician ; 1705 jx,
Bachelct, Jeun Alexis August! n, French the*»logian ;
1790—18:18 D.
Bachelot de la Pylaie, A. J. "M. , French botanist ;
h. 1786 F,
Bachelu, Gilbcili Desire Joaeph, Baron, French gene-
ral ; 1777^1819 D,
Bacher, Alexandre Philip, French professor of
medicine aud Tndter ; I7;50— 1807 f«r.
Bacher, George Frederic, Fr. pbysidan ; b. 17(^ D.T.i'i.
Bacher, Theobald, Frouch military ofiBcer attd diplo-
nmtist; 1748—1813 d.b,
Bacheracht, Henry, lluasian pliynicinu and author;
I725-17tt.>* i>
BachereUl, Vincenrio, Florentine portrait pmwtor;
1B72— 1745 R.T.
Bacherliia, Francois Pierre, Dominican professor of
tbcolojry at Lou vain ; </. 1601 u.
Bachet, GuilhiU mo, French tran.Hlfl tor ? 1618 PQ-
Bachet, Pierre, seigneur do Mexirac, Fi-ctich juriat ; cent. I'P-
Badiefc de Medrloe* CUq^o Gainutrtl, FnniKili Aohokr,
lUAtUciUAtlcmii, anil ftUtlior ; 15»1-'11>3S O.ltr,
BftClietrOIit Jercnuti Leuinild, Frt^iich pliyfticUD nod
writer ; 18tli cctit. D.Q,
Baclieitt Loifn/o. ItaL phj«, ftnJ iuriit; 1090 d.lq.
B&chettozil, <;iuAi'pji«i MAria, liatiiui ^liy&ici&n and
writ«?r ; J 7-0
Baobevllle, Aut^nn**, Fr. cftlocr atiii tmv. ; tl. n2n d.
B*che'4'tlle, Ututliclcuiy, French officer And irnv«il£r ;
B: 31, French AUihorvts ; 6. ia30* v,
Bfkw*, io, Frcneh com|>of»er ; 16th cent. T>>F*
Bftcm, X'Lotru. SicibAti icholu- in America; 17^^
14153 A.
EftiQlllAOCa, Fniticcftco Ubertini le, Florectino
IMiinier ; '/, Km7 V,
BMbiell, Aitt.h Mi(!fr.r;,iti momlUt ; rf, 1759 D.g.
Bacihtffrne, .^ . Oermiin c^cltisiaatiu,
mumlanrl ; 1708-1789 It,
tchliwm, A\ iik'iji AiUrat, 1 Hktch pTo{v*%ur of lutro-
Domy and geografthy ; 1 71 '2 -I TKi n, c,
ichtlmn!, Ambian pbilcM. (lud tbeoh ; J. 1014 D.Q.
Anuildu«,Geniu )»Uiloa. aiul «rritei* ; l<i70* D.Q.
Teodcrrt), lt;iliau t?ord«liur and xuiuiic *34»iu*
potor ; l«UO* D K.
1i»ntilOcn1> C'ltrK Italian [mntor n.
Bachlm, Joh&nn August, Gcrmsui ontk and Author ;
1721-17.% L\vf.
Baclunair. John Jamei, Englith divioa &nd cuDaincn-
t»tor ; 1770 W,
Hachimn, John, Amertoon njitnmliti; b, 1700 a.K.
BaclnaanJi, Co^rl Fried crtch, Germnn }ihilg««ph«r ;
Ludwijif, German muBicinn and
■ ' 'mkcr; I71ii— IfiOO D.ILlt.
Mdwii;, German pkytaeiau Knd
Bacliinaim. TUrrm
Baolimaim, JoUann
i u portrai i paiiitcr ;
^..^ composer ; 1703—
vfph Antoine I^cr dc#
I' ^i,»i«. utwrd», 17:0— l7iHi n.i\
Hoinrieh, Gcniiiui gencalogLst ;
Lud wig Emit, Gcnn, jdiiJot, ; k 171*2 r»
HfcChniaTin^M, Antoo, G^niiAjj phtlciiMjpher; Id^i D.i^
ftiililiTnwTiTi. V^h't Hl\it Gcnoaii nnuioiui ftod ooni-
poier; 17.M-ls.rfJ* il.1l
Bftchmajm-Anderlets* linroti Nkolu FnagmB d«,
Frt'Dcli c ^IouhI ; 17^0— IKU aB.U.
BAchme^bl. stv ven-PAul, Hungarian phyiician and
ach m.%thetnaticiAn ; 1050 [».g.
I r pTiVfl, and Lfitio poet; 1070 t>,i/.
I ViO-HWO* D.H,c.
fi« Uarou, Gmnan
leturtch, Gen»»& dipio*
' .ciuluixd^Ucrmtn Juriit and author ;
i ^rurkhivrii I I ht-tti n ti iirn^. ►...■ ,r mi I . un'
1> K It,
)i, Gcrmau theolagiaa,
I \»n^'r : 1777 l».g. lU
and ;
BBitfltFt B^uifiie de» Fnrncli pri<5ii and niiiBl< writer ;
k W3&* IMC*
Baoto, Ucnrii French Jmnii and |rh«tondau ; 10(10
fio Btfftrtiwwrtit
V Qi^r^^tal Pvint oIoq^ IteL itttgvoii ; 1745 B.Q.
Badoclll* Giovanni Tommaio, Italian monk and ]
1608^1723 D4
Back, or Ba«oli« Abrabaiit, phyftioian to the king
Swe^len, and naturallat ; 1*13—17!^ n.<
B&Ck. Hi r < io'trgc, Engliish Arcdc iiavittaior ; 6. 1 790 H.
Bade. J lie L^ I J V Alt , U utcU phytioiaxi md medical writer } j
17lhct^nt, !>♦».
B&ckbuBch, Joachim Genvnl, Genniin poet ; 1530 tKi^ \
Backer. Ailriuu^ Dutdi hUtoiicid (uid purtniit fiaint«r;
Backer, Fr, nz von, Dut«h parntcr : 1720 tij
Backer, George, KrigliMh pbvs. and wnt«r ; 1150 ,
Baekar, Goorgt:* de, Flemiah boukaciler and antlia
16!)3 Dii
Backer, Jakob van, Dutch hittorical pabitcr ; 16
1»3«34 li,c,!^J
Backer, .Tdiih {Jacopo da Falermo), Dutch jiaint^
Ba L in von, G erman eccloiiaatie nml mMt$
Hi'"?— J j-J
Baoker, Nioolaa de, Flemialt Tfamt4sr in
Backer^ P<?t<jr, Prussian Mjulptor ; 17th cent. ti.t
Backere«l, Gdl(£Sf Dutch |)Aint<?r, coutuuiijorary <
Batikttr«el« WiUcm, Dutch landscape and
painter ; lOlh ctnt. |l.3r4
Backhamen, Wandelin, German miliUry
liiU— lCii7
Backlicnue, Nicholai, iJicriff of L(j!"^ ' - ^"
BaekllOiiae» Will, Eng, alchen*ijfc ; J c fl
Baddmaeii, Johann Martin, G«mi.
BackhnyBCn, Ludolf, Dutch uiarine puinLci ; 1CS9]<
17o;» Btcs
Backliiiysen, Ludolf, Dutch marine painter ; 17
17i<i' 1
Backofen, J. G. Heinnch, Qcnuan music comp
170H-1840 ^ OA
Backrl, Fivnth philanthroptat ; d. 1815
Backua, Af^l, Anicriaui pre^iident of Hamilton i
hi;v\ 1765' -ISIO jLc|
Backua, Ciiurlus, American divine; 1749^1803
Backus, Ii4iac, American Baptlat minittcr and ant]
1724—1800 A.a.a
BaClerd*Alb«. L<iU)H All^crt milrJuln. r.-. fhl* Artu
cni^neer, u
Baemalater, i
'' ■' 1 lit ge ju T^r. i'eitmiiurj;; 1 . .M>
Bi itciurich, German advocate, doctors
,i| \^
' i«9ffr)f German doctor!
Bacmcii&ui, 1
civil Lw k'l
Bacmelater. .inniuuc^, ui^i^^rr ami proleeeur of 1
cine at lio«tock ; 15tHI— 1631
Bacmelat«r, Johannea, German profemor of i
and phytician ; lOW— 1700 n.^
Bacmelaier, Lucoh, Gcmiaji Luthetao dlviaa
author; 1530— lOOB
Bacmalater, Lucaa, German theologian and ao
Bacmelfter, Lucn«, Grrm. theologian; 160&^lS7t {
Bacmalater. Mnttliu us, ^u^i^Maor d medSdneti <
4 Serman ocebaiBatioal <
tfaco ae in unapeUe, Krcnck tttltftftraie ; fl* ItCkt ]
i Bovooate and ~
B«oOi» Joan Ba{ytiita^ Froodk
author : 17t'i
Bacon. 1
and I
Bacon, '
6 lf»5£H
8iu>vu, f ivuiv, AmcHoan author ; b. l&VS
I Jaxnoi, thorilf of London ; IQG$
, JokiL, Ex^liah tciilptor : 1740— 179!) *j> n. v,
, John, Englisk jud^e ; 1313 /.
• Joliti^ Americ&n diTinOf poUticiaji, &t)d tnagis-
'f. is:*?} S.K,
m author; 6. 1802 a.
) law writer; ISth cent, W.
615 lix.D.u.
, K;4tliao£t£l, son of Edward Bacon of Shirlaud,
kber of the Lon^ Pu-liameni ; (t 1660 n.
KASluiuel, Virgitmui geuend and rebel ; (/.
r rlibh l&wjrer, itatoitntin, and
IWQI^ i — Ai ecclestAHtic and miscella-
MMu wnt* 783 c.//.lf,W.
, I'luU 1 - i i ii A?al Ciiptftin ; d. 1666 R.
, Bobert. hiighah Dominicim jiroaclitsr urid
. U^*— 1248 C.D.B.U.W,
lUHB. lUifcr, English FnaciaGan monk, jjhiloao-
|lMr« expcrime&tiklut, and Hcientifio ivriter ; 1214—
cK* C.D.E.U.W.
iMOQ, 8ianiid, American political agent and divine ;
luoitT^ottM, SagHdt jatlge. 1329 : c/. aft. 1359 /.
Bmod* Hioisa*, magUr of Gonville HaU« Cambridge ;
SMMtlVuBM^ American Episcopnl divine and author;
_ ^ IW AAi,
,WtBhm, akerilf of London ; 14S0 d.
Fiifmj-Jenfl J.ioquea, Fitncli iirchas-
I antiquary : 173,S— 1S17 d.u.
7 • 'I. provinci^ of the Cai-melitca in
iMoi lerio. nnd David, Freneli clyth
•f, l?v40 F-
dA U Bretonnlere, Fitm^oii, French phyn-
; I. VmO 11.Q,
i Ae ftomani. CUnde Ben£, Baron, French puliti-
^ ai vrit-^r ; 6= 17S0 D.
, i^iiu French LatiA poelf bishop of Fumiers ;
t^ Iknedict, German theologinn and author ;
lUqiMtt Jean, French jarlxt and author ; d. 1597 CD. u.
^ "^ ; J«atL« French engrarer ; 1730 B,
f, Hmuioe, French eugmver ; 1720 B.
y; Fiftrrc Charlea, French eui^Avcsr ; 1760 2i«
PeIaUJ^ Ikavidi Armenian theologian ; iL
Sanl, Frsnch professor of philoaophy nt
^_ k;l«54 D.LT.
llCAiS^ «r CBodalatis* rolI<;h chroiuclor and cujstoa of
^J«Mr. r J 1719»— 1756 p.h.
t Joi^i- -.-. t - -.r.ect. 1512; d aft. 1545 iu
Merhma, of Hamarcandi Peman poet;
tOmrnnm Batti^ta, Ital. theol ; 1730 d.i.q.
'ftOBa Slsto, Italian |Kiinter and en-
U»*i— 1*''C II.E.U.
T) comic nuthor; 1600 s.i,q.
Ii^iim philcloger ; 1570 J>.Q.
r]n*^« lUitAti pliYiaoian ; 1560 d.q.
OloTBUd RMfatllft, Genoese painter^
GmKppe (/? JSbnIo), GenoeBO painter ;
Oiorasni, Italian phyoidan, botanist, ami
HfV^J^^ JEaxliih martjrr ; d, HOQ it.
t lolto, £iigittlx prior of Baniwetl ; d. 1562 r/.
. Bkhard, Y^ botonkt and writer ; 1746 L>.
« Samncli Knglifli Mdeikstto and eritio ;
Baddam^ English schokr and writer; 1740 D.Q,
Badder, Louij vi>n» Dutch ptiiutcr; ICth cent. D.K.
Badderley, Eoleit, English cumedian; 173o-1794 u,
Badderley, Sophia. English act letis; 1740^1801 R.
Ba4elloni« Stgi^mond, Gennau theoL ; 15i!lo— 16:^6 D»Q,
Baden, Bernard I. (the Long)^ margrflvo of ; 1372—
1431 D.L,U.
Baden, Carl I., miii-gmve of; d. 147*> d.l.u.
Baden, Carl - Friedridi, gnuid-duke of: 1728—
1811 D,L.C.
Baden, Carl ^Ludvig-Friedrich; 1786-1818 B.t.u.
Baden, Carl Wilhdm of ; 170!*-17;J8 UtJ.
Baden, Chii^toph, margruvd of ; 1403—1527 D,ILU.
Baden, Cliiiatoijh, mm-giave of ; <i. 1575 L.t;.
Baden, Ed wuid -Fortune, mai-grave of ; d, WW L.U.
Baden, Ferdimmd - Mujtimiliaa, margmve of; of,
lljtiU L U.
Baden, Fnederich V. of; d. 1C59 l,u.
Baden, Fri^dedch VI. of ; d. 1677 L.U.
Baden, Friederich {Magnus) of ; 1677—1703 L.U.
Baden, CJuaUv L<niij, Doniidi jur. and writer; 1704 D.
Baden, Hermann I., margrare of; </. 1074 d.l.e.
Baden, Hermann IL ; d. 1130 D.L.R.
Badea, Hermann Til. ; d, linO d,l,b,
Baden, Heruiann IV, ; d, 1190 D»
Baden, Heinsann V. (fAc Pi^iu^) ; d, 1243 D.L,8.
Badem, Heniiauu VI.; d. VS^
Baden, J^cob I,, margrave of ; 1107—1453 D.L.H.
Baden, James, Dunisih litterateur and ciiiic: ; 1735 —
1804 rxLu.
Baden, La\iridsdo, Daniah theologian ; 1016-1680 D.
Baden, Ludwig-Georg, margrave of; d. 1771 L,U»
Baden, Ludwig-Wilbelm- August, grand-dttkc of;
176o— 18.:0 U.L.tJ^
Baden, Philibcrt, margrave of; t/. lo6l> LU,
Baden, Rudolph I,, innrgravo of ; d, 1288 L,u.
Baden, Kioh,, founder of Claro liaU, Cambridge: 1326
Baden, H*>phiti Louise Ch., Danish mortdlat ; b. 1740 d.
Baden, Torkell, Daniiih philologer and author ; 1668—
1732 D.g.U.
Baden, Torkell, Daxiiah philologer imd author ; 1765—
1804 n.Q.u,
Baden Baden, Bernard, margrave of ; 1527—1637 L.u.
Baden Baden, Ludwig*\V'illielmj maignive of ; 1655—
1707 D.L.B,
Baden Baden, WUhelm L, margravo of; im^-^
1677 D.L.E.
Baden Dnrlach, Enie»t, margrave of ; ir»27— 1533 L.\l.
Baden Durlack, Cm 1 II. . margrave of ; 15:>a-rj5 l.u.
Baden Durlach, GeorgFricderich 1. ; 1573—1638 rr,L.u,
Badenhanpt, Hermann, Norwegnin muidc conipo«er ;
1660 ixK.
Badenins, Andre, German theologian and author; d.
1667 D.Q*
BadenlUB, Christian, German theologian and writer ;
1710 D.Q,
Badenlus, Godefroi Christian, Germ, theol. ; 1700 D,ti.
Badena, Fmnijois [tht Italian), Flemish painter;
1571—1603 B.K.U,
Badens, Johannes, Flemiah portrait painter ; 1576 —
1603 B.K.U.
Badeo, lleginald. Germ. Dominican author; 1644 O.Q.
Bader, CjvH, Kenedictine author; 1700 D,q,
Bader, KiUHt, I^tin poet ; 1700 < D.g.
Bader, Muttldaa, Geroiau philologer ; I7th cenL d.q*
Badema, Bartolomco, Itaimn painter ; 1680 T.
Badesl, Gcronimo, Italian poet ; 15j^ Dt.q,
Badeasa, Ptuilo, ItaUun poet ; 1550 d.u.
Badeto, Ainuud, Fr. Dominican theoL ; 1500 D.P.Q.
BadettO^ Vicento Maria, Italian Dominicau Imtoriaii ;
Badew, Eichnrd, founder of University Hull, Cum*
bridge; 1326 C.R.W.
Badger, Ju»eph, lohlier of the American roYolutiou ;
17'»9— 1846 A.C.
Badger, Stephen. Amencnn divinOi and nuwionary to
the Indiana ; 1725-1S03 A,B,
Badfirer, 'William, governor of Now Ilampshiro; 1770—
18r>ii A.
Badl,r:ioloEmilio, Italhtn litterateur: 1G80 l>.l.
Badi-El-Zemaon, king of Khoraium ; a. VS\1 K.U.
Badi Ezzamaji, Abulf:izlaIinio(l Ben Hossein Al Iluuia-
dani» Ar.ibiiiu pnet ; *f. 10<)7 u.
Badia,C'firlo A:;utiti]io, music composer; AIQ^^ K.K.
Badla, Carld-Fraucescu, Italiiizi i)reaclicr aud author;
ir»7D— 1751 i.H.
Badla, Giuiieppe Antonio, Italian physician and writer ;
1725 D.y.
Badla, Tomr.iU'O, Italian canlinal ; 148;V— 1547 li.
Badia y Lobllcli. See All Bey.
Bartlali. Alossandro, Italian painter and cngmver;
(/. 1(;*J(J B.r.
Badiala. (iiacomo, Italian dramatist ; IGDO D.l.g.
BadiChe, ^lario lA-andre, Frt^nch ccclesjiaHtic and
writer; I.S'jO f.
Badle, lA>uia Augustin de la, Fr. gen. ; 10%— 17fi5 i).
Badler, .l«>an Ktirnno, French iicnudictino theologian
and author: l(;r»()— 1711> D.y.
Badlle, Antonio, Vomncsc painter; 1480—1500 B.U.T.
BadillO, Valoriii, luilian ]>hysician ; lOOG U.
Badlly, Kn^lish navid commander ; lOVJ it.
Badln, Martin, KngliHh translator ; 1705 D.g.
Badtno, Luiuo Dunato, Jesuit ecck-siiutic and rheto-
rician; 1075- 174'J 11.
BadinuB, or Badino, Lnigi Domcnico, Italian poet and
musiician ; 1075— 1711i l>.l.
BadlB, Ahou-Menad, third ])riuce of the dynasty of
theZciridi'M ; </. 1010 i:.
BadlUB, ('onnid, French translator, Bcholar, and
printer; 151U— l.'rtW D.U.w.
BadlUB, Jodoi'UM ('#* JosKo, Flemish Bcholar, poet, and
])rinter at Tarisi ; 14« 10—15: 55 c.D.r/
BadiUB, Kaph, ltali;in thoolo^ian ; 17th cent. D.
BadlUB, ^cbaKtiano, Italian physician; I7th cent. I>.g.
Badlam, Stt-phcn, American brigadier -genenil and
magistnitc : '(. lt<15 a.h.
BadO, .lean, Hungarian poet ; 17th cent. i).(^.
Badoaro, Iwuiaventuni, Italian canlinal and ambassa-
dor : VXVl -i:{s.s lu
Badoaro, Dan ii'h', Vonotian senator ; ti. 1584 c.r.n.w.
Badoaro, Ft-dcrit-o, ViiMtism noble, htatebman, and
litterateu r ; 1 5 i S - 1 .V.*.') k. v.
Badoaro, <:i:icomo, Venetian nolde and dramatic
]NK.>t ; IC) 10 I.e.
Badoaro, (lii>vanui, Italian the(doi;ian ; '/. 1714 l>.i.^.
Badoaro, Lauro, Venetian nt>ble, [Ktet, ami bi.siiojtof
Alba; 15ir, l.V.KJ \a\.
Badoaro, Fietro. Venetian atlvocato ; </. 1501 K.
Badoero, Caniillo, It-diMn poet; lOCiL' D.F.g.
Badoero, rietr.-, do;:e ot \". nice ; l«;i'i-l>12 D.r.
BadolatO, 1*. ]>. Silvio (.s\/y,M.j,), Italian Carthusian
Hcliolar, author, and e>>ninientator ; 1510 15^7 It.
Badolet, •Jean. ^S\^Lss ecelesia^tic of thu IU.'formeil
Cbureh ; irM5 K.r.
Badolocchi, Si^to, Italian ]>aintrr : K l.'iSl c.
Badon, Kdiiiiiiiij, Freneii uovclist and dramatic au-
tht.r; r/. IS IV n.
Badon, I'li'i.cli ii']»r( si-ntative ; h. 171*.> r.
BadOU, .li:in r.;iptist.', Fr. eiLhHi:,stie ; 'J. 17'J7 K.V.
Badoureau, .1. i'., eii-r.iver; 1S11» ii.N.
BadOUVUlO, Fiine, ;iiiie-ih' .•.4nip of l'ieln-:;ru ; 17t»''^
IMl \K.V.
Badoux,]!il> i! lie, of l*Mm.4(>ls. marine painter; lO'Js i;.
Badrealil, A)<Ml.:ini, .lewiNh author and poet; loth
«-«»it. I).«.
Baduarlus, r.i'nseiithlant'eM, Itali.-m th< ol. ; </. \M\\\ i>., i leuch ]'rote>lant di\ino and litti-r.i-
tenr ; </. I'lJl t.n.j/.i .w.
Baduero. All ^'1 hi. Venetian Kena tor ; 10(17 ' h.f.
Bad aero, Ai.-u.-, do-e ..f Venire ; '/. .s>l 1).
Baduero, At -us, .h.^e of V. m.e ; 1»1-' l>.
^aduero. Liti^^i, It:il::in itiploui.iij^t p.
dnlf. I.i^h•ii• of Wbithein ; 7*4 </./.
InratUfl. liahoji ot Fadctboru ; t(15-8:''J u.
Badusade, bishop of Paderbom ; 815^»3 i).
BnbiUB, Aulu3, Koman senator; B.C. 107 D.
Bnl)illB, Caiua, Koman trib. of the plehrt; ac. 80 D.
BSBbiUB, ( Alius, Koman general ; n.c. 00 R
BnbiUB, LuciuN, Koman diplonuitist ; U.c. 220 I).
BflBbiUB, Marcus, Konnin diplomatist ; luc. 18(> r>.
Bnl)iU8,QuintUfl, ilomantrib. of the idel^s; luc. 200 D.
Baeck, Abraham, Swedish physician, naturalist, and
author; 171.*J— 1705 n.r.
Baeck, .)o;ichim,Fr.theol. and writer; 1502— ICIO \\v.
Baeck, Johann (Jeorg, <if Auj^lwurg, engraver; 1700 B.
BSBCker, Casimir, rnis:fian haqiist ; h. 17'H)' D.K.
Baecker, Louis, Freneh aich:eoh»i,dst ; 1850 r.
Baeher, , Swiss theol o- ian ; 1 4S« ; - 15i W< D. P.
Baebr, or Beer, Johann, (terman ecclesiastic, sacred
musician, and singer ; ICVJ— 1700 D.K.B.
Baebr, .lohaun-Christian -Felix, Cicrman philologist
and cLiSbical & ; //. 1708 d.X.
Baehrens, Johann i'hrislLm Frioderich, Oermun phy-
sician and medical writer ; h. 1705 R.
Baelirens, ,r. K. F., Fr. agric. writer; 1700 -1?^'J0 D.y.
Baek, Ahniham, Swedish physician ; 17i:»-17iO R.r.
BaelhOlz, Daniel, ( iennon iMiet ; d. 1(;8S D.Q.r.
Baeli, Francesco, Sicilian historian and iK>et ; ICCJ^—
1710 o.iMLi-.w.
Baena, Antonio Ladislau Monteiro, Portuguese his-
torian and geognqiher ; (/. 1851* n.
Baener, Johann Alexander, (ierman engr:ivcr ; 1G70 B.
Baeng, dvristian Ktienne, Danish geog.; Ii'mO O.q.
BaenglUB, iVtms, Swedish historian, bishi»p of Wi-
bonl ; 10;^J - 1 01 N » c. D. r. u. w.
BaenB, Kobert, English divine ; 10th cent. n.Q.
BaentBCli, hudv.-ig(iustavus, Cennau courtier ; lii4—
18:iO B.
Baer, lienjannu von, the first Gennan Protestant
bishop; 17('l >.
Baer, (MiarleM Ernest de, Kusi-ian natunUist Mid
writer ; K 17I»2 ixr.
Baer, Frederic Charles, French the<dogian, author,
.ind scholar ; 17H»— 1707 IM'.
Baer, Ludwig, (German «loi't^>r of divinity, and rector
of the univeisily at Fmsle ; 1410*-- 1554 VL
Baer, Nicholas, (j'erman jniet ; H'i.'50-1714 n,^
BaereblBte, king of the D.teians : Ist cent. B.C. B.r.
Baerons, .lohitn ll<'ndrik. Swediish administrator aod
philanthropint ; 1701 1M:> u.B.
Baereneprung, Sigi^mond, liernian theologian sad
author ; </. 17.W ^ \\q^
Baerbolz, liarnhtilz Daniel, Cierman common council-
lor and writ-r ; llisS itr.
Baerbolz, Daniel, (;ennan minor iniet ; */. 10.<"< B-T-
Baerlo, Casjiani van {IUiHt*inf\^ I^iiiu p«M-t, profesfuT
of philosiiphv at he\»len and Ani>terdam ; 1584 —
lots * II. IT,
Baerle, MeU-hoir von, Dnteh littenteur ; I5i;2 iw V-
Baennann, Cii'org I'lieilrich, ]irufe<hor of mathcBim—
tics, Witt.'nberg; d. 17<;o v|.a-\r ,
Baerxnann, lleinrich, Ct-rman mu«. ; 17St— 1840l».^C
Baermann, K:irl, (ie) man musician ; lsu'5 d.vk
Baeradorp, Ki<iiieiius, Dntoh ]»hy>;ciin. connw^^
lor, and cli;imlH>rlain to <Miailes V. : </, \TA'Ci ^- ^
Baersdorp, Maiinus Kornelius, Dutch jirie^t ami %^.,
I>ital divecti>r ; 1520 ^^e
BaeralUB, HenH. Fr. printer and mathein. ; l."i2^ ^^
Baer8lUB,orVekeu8tU, liemlrik, Flemish priutc ^
mathematician; I5.»i» c.l."^ ^^
Baeretraet, Jan, Dutch pnint<r: *i. I<'i87
Baert, Rinui .\b*\aniler I'Mhliu.'.jir Frani,ois«lo I* ^.-^.^
FiiMuh libi puliticiaii, geo^raplier, and ».%^ -^...^
17:»0- l.SL'5
Baert. or Baertlue, Fran^tna, Flemish Jcm*» -^
author; liol 17111
Baert, rhilippi\ iJelgian genealogist nuj ^^^
her.dilry ; 1770
Baert. See Baart.
Baertllng:, I'ierre C.'nrad, tiernmn tkcoL '^^
^^riter; 10^0 -1 71^1
Fcederio Beuri, trritcr upoa tuoiiciil in^
, Johann I^Mmhiutl, recUxr of tlii: Lyciinm in
troM; 1784 it.
nicli^ pliilologer and thervlu-
10 o,R.
■'■■ -- ^: 15f}2-ini0 ik
ioi mid proucLer ;
\ u
gi«U writer
iM^ 0:i«;sr de« Sponuib jurist «iid tnuiilivtor ; 16th
««it* * J),E,P.
ItffendU ToButt, StMktibli Dominican theologijm ; 17tU
entt D.E.
l^vMrBMLPmncso' ^ ; 1545 Lit.
M^ BSwtokimeo, ItaJi-.- ,„, .^,.-,. d wiitcr; r/.
lifl,OiMBHtiisU« ItaL pLys. acfl poet ; (/. 15CKJ d.q.
hj&IteipUkle. Greek ichoLu- and tfuuslnior ; 1749—
Ha R.
SdlB.W1Bnm« English sftvigatur: 1534--1622 u.l\
BigJ» Ttnttiftft LidjTf KuItaoA aseelii of Amurat III. ;
llttltG#a, Tcortuji nobleman jmd noet ; c/. 176B d. u.
liflilt or Btffll^ Lacullo, Italian imyaiaian, philoso-
phm, mA piM:i ■ fL V>M v.v.
" ' r« fiilll' i (isellor of itate to the emjier-
Rod<4i and FenliDnnd ; d. IC'iO ixel
l*c*»j.*-u lui li i-ad diplomatiift ; (ith cent. D.
P»i«t»ii feaenU ; 4ih wnt B/C. li,
_ .CM»r, Ftfoch tcuiptor; 10:iy~1709 R.U.
Bigirdi tiiftrl#»f French physiciftQ Asd author ; 1C%—
1772 * c.R,w.
iiSU^ Dom Henri, French Beccdictbe author ; d.
ftlVil TtoOMftiDt^ French sculptor; d. 1712 d.k.
1|M^ «r d^Kgi^'^ Thomas, chtuieeHoi* iind c»noti
^ Ite dioccMt of Worcester ; 1532 it,
kpOOttl ..rflAErarnttiiq It ,1. jtirist ; 1200 D.I.B,
lliin^ iCiia, Sicur de, Freuch
■ati-r ^ II. u.
■iptoiiA, ^\n toiii* \ i f 1 1 ui K luuBic writer ; 1780 l>. »t.
^PM FHAecno, lulitiu mcre^l uiui»tcmn mid cum-
^^ laSO
il * npijnter j).T,
'Dm .1 pnnees* ; d. ISJiS lu
iiiktiammed, Artibiua lUiUheiruiticintj ;
. it,* CJMI.U.W.
BiUrt EiisiiAb aornliit ; 1728-1S()1
Wnm^ Onilhntme Jetui, designer and eu-
1708 o.N,
Fiota, ItftHtLd tvrt>fe««ot of philosophy
•ll'aHuii: (C14t*4 II.
, IfetTidi^rmp, rriih duelUit ; 1741—1801 d,r.
niriat and author; 1613 d.p.
rich KOtst^Ui miaiouiist, and
geiL ; 1743—1821 D.
^.r; />, 1K15* F.
i'itUu, liidian bud&cjipc poantor;
i^Iiih iiQtK|ttary atid blhllp^iipher ;
y— Ulij c.jt.w.
luhAHtte*, F1^?nt!••h plir*,! 1^77-1710 T!.r.
C-.fI Krir.., J...,.:. , , .:, ... ' ..i-
ttlC lOfd «oc«nuio&rnAteurmu«ciiinaiid
■•J Ji K.B.
^0B« fTlii^hnui, D r i atician, prof e^»or
^;fUv«iA^^iioft It.
IfMiiiai, DioiMtU ihiiologivn, bishop of
16ltf^l€SK3 c.D.p.iLU.w.
Baggflflen, Jcni or Zone, Dnnifh poet : 17C4— 1826 1>.&
Ba^gOWOtlL, KuAsiao general ; it 1812 B.U.
Ba«ffi,Chti. Mich,, Eng. Ronmn Cnth. bp.;rf. 1S45
BftghialaTI, Turkish emir, gov. of Alt'pjiu ; d, 1<>98 B.
Ba^eu, Jiinita, Fr, stirj. and mcd. jiuthor : 1750 d.b,
BagUomei Ct;8., Bolognese ptr. ; 1525— l.VJO* B.D^T.U,
Bft^lione, C'i'juOf Itiilian poi^t ; 13th oent. b,
Ba^llonl, Antorre, Italkn niilitai7 ootiimander and
poet ; rf, 1571 D.E.
Bag^llonl, Brtglione, Itzdian jurist aad or^^tor, podeata
of Florence ; 1482 j»H,
BafirUonl, CamilJo. Itdhm jurist ; c/. 15.M i.«.
Ba^liODi, Domenioo, Ittdiaji pc.jt ; d, IfHJS 1>.V.
Bag'lioill, Ginvaooi, MjU. painter ; 1575— ICO B.CD.U-
Ba^rlloni, G io van ni Paolo, Italian condottiorc% tyrant
ofPom^att; c^ 1520 UIL
BagliOBl, Lelio, Florentine theologian &nj writer; d.
1620 D.LU.
Bagllonl, Luoaa, Jtalian prencher ; 15(;0 n.U.
BagUQOl, Lnigi, Ital. violinist and comp. ; 17C3 D.LK.
Ba^lionl, Pietro, Italian jurist ; 14.M) i.u.
BagUonl, Tninoiaao, lUliun printer ; 1009 ^v,v.
Bagliotto, Giuseppe Miu-iik, lUiliitu theologian und
T^Titcr; 1087 D»Q»
Baglivl, Gioi^io, iLiliiin physician and professor of
anatomy at Koma ; 10(39—1707 CD.R.W,
BagpaoayaJlOi Bartolomeo Eatnen^hi, ItnUnn tMiinter ;
1486—1542 1J.D.
BacraacaYallo, Bnrtolomeo ((he Youn'jft^ painter of
the Bolognese itchtMil ; 1600 D.
Ba^uacaTallO. Giovanni Battiat», ItaL ptr, ; 1575 B.
BagnacayallO, GiuRoppe Muria, Itnli^u C^ipuclnn hio^
grapher; d. 1742 i).L
Ba^rnaxMLvallOi Soipio, Italian painter; 17th ceut^ i>.
Bagnadora, Pietro Marin, painter of the Veuetiiin
school; 15&*— 1611* d.t,
Bagna^ratti,' or Belacato, Csdimerio, Italiftn jui-iat
and met; llkh cent. I.R.
Bagttal, Don Pittro da, Itcdian painter; ICth cent T.
Bagnaja, Don Pietro, ItiUian jvfunter; KJtli t'coL u.S»
BagnaU, Chnrlen, En-U!»h iKjliticuio ; b, 1S27
Bagnara, Don Pietro da, piUnt-tr of the llomuii school ;
1550 D.i.
BasrnaacOt or BagriULsacco, Antonio^ Italian jiirist huiI
doctor of lawa D.I.B.
Bagrnatl, Bimojie, Italian Jesuit, preacher, and litt^ji-a-
teiir; 1651—1717 li.l.U.
Bagnnatorep Pie nn mi a, Italian pamter ; IGth cent. T.
Bagrnl* Biagio, ItaUuti tbccilogiam and writ.; 1010 D.I.
Bagno, Pannuccio del, Italiaji poet ; 1340 li.
Ba^ol, Gibbon, probeudaiy of Hereford and author;
171S-1I?0<1 w.
Ba^noll, (iiovauni Franoeaco, Florontiue painter;
1678-1713 D.P.T.u.
Bagnoli, Giulio-Cesare, Italian dramatic pt>ct ; d.
1030* c.D.p.c.w.
Bi^^oU, Vincenzio, Italian sculptor; 16th cent. d.
Bagnoll, Pittro, iLdimi scholar and author; 1580 D.L
Bagnollno, Giijvantii Maria {Ctn'a)^ jjainter of tho
Bulognejjo scliool ; l(i50 D.
Bagnolo, GioviHiiii Frjincesco Giuseppe, Count, Italiiin
jurist and matbematieian ; 1709 — 176Ci i.u.
Bagnuolo, Count, Neapolitan gonenil ; 16th cent. IX
Bagoaa, Cania, favourite of Herod the Great D.
Bagoaa, Ei^yj^tian eunuch, couunauder of the amiy of
Artaier.\f^s III.; B.C. 3;i5 X.
BagoaB, eunuob, fuvoonte of Alexander the Great ;
B.C. :i30 O.X.
Bagollno, Geroniino, Ital. phys. and jihilos.; 1540 u,
Bagollno, Giaiubtittista, Italkn physician, Greek and
Latin sell oLir ; 16th cent.
Bagollno, Seba4»tianO| Italian paintert poet, and mxm^
cian; 1560-1604 B.U.
Bagophanes, Babylonian general ; 4th eent 6.C. ]>.
Bagot, Dr, bishop of Buth and Wells ; 1783-1854
Bagot^Sir Charlefl, governor^generftl of Oauada^ 1842 ;
b. 1781, d, 1543
Bagoti Joao, IVtndiJefiitt; 1580— lG*i4 u.«,r.
BagOt, Lewif. bishop of Bristol 1TS2, Norwich 1783.
St Afaph 1790 ; b, 1740, rf. 1802 c.D.iiXv.
Bagot^ 1<», Svrisiphjstetaa and legislAior: 1791 D.u,
BagOt* Kichard^ English courtier ; d. 15% or 7 q^
BagOt, Ricbanl. biahop of Oiford LS20, Bath 184r> ;
h. 17 Si?, ri 1834 d,L
Bag-ot, ^V'aliamBaeot, English rwer ; 6, ISll F.
Ba^ratldea, tho name of a tioble family la Aitqcxua,
of Jewish extmction
Bagratlon, Peter Ivanovitch, Prince, Roflsiaii senntor
and general ; 176.>— 1812 Ra.
BlSVlaJldCy, H^Iikhuel Irnjiodtch, Buisia.n physic bu
nnd MJcrctiiry to the uiedico-chirurgical department
of the Moscow Academy : 1760—1810 K,
Ba^sac. Danish king ; d. 871
Ba^aliaw, Cluiflt., Eng. Catholic thooLj A 1525 P.r.
Bagahaw, Edwarii, English lawyer and ijoliiitul
writer; ICOi— 1(jC2 c.o.q.k.w.
Bagtiiav, Edwnrd {Ote Younfftr), English divine imd
jjolitical writer ; H1'J9* — 1G71 c.D,o.R.
BiNPiiaw^* H ' ^' "^^li divine ; 163::— 1700 o.h.w.
B«gihaw, J financier; b, 17S4 F.
Bagtfi&w, ^^ i ii-Ush Nonconfornust divine;
1628-170:; c,ii,w.
Bagutti, Pieiro Murtlre, XtaliAn scalp,; 18tb cent. P.
Bagwell, Jolm, Enslish inngiatrate und M.R ; 6. 1«11
BagweU, William, Engliih muthemjitioifta and iiatro-
nomcr ; 17 th cent. ft.
Baliabul^ biifff»on to Hurouo-al-KAScliid u,
Ba]ia-£d*I>otilalt« Abn-KAsr FiroujtShnli, Fentati
prince of the Bcmiyno diTiastv ; tL lOBJ R.
Bahadur Imam-lCoull Khan, ruler of Bokbui and
Tr^insoxiana ; d, UA2 R.
Bahadur Khan, or Abu-Sald, Porriaii Ichan of the
H\ilaku mve ; 1 30. j— l.m u.
BaXiadur Xlian Famkhl, lost sovereign of the dynasty
in Kandcifh ; 1590 li,
Baliadnr-Kharal-KIUUi, mler of Krim Tarijiry;
d. 1G41 R.
Bahadur Nisam Shah, ninth sovereign of the dynasty
o.\lled NtKAm-Sbuhv ; lAOH r.
BahadttT Shah, Sultan Mohnmmcd Munrcn, or Shnh-
Alim, emperor of India ; d, 1711! u.
Bft2iadiir Shah, tenth sovereij^ nf the dyujutj of
Hoalem kiiigs in Gujiemt ; iL 15.% R.
BaTlllii Arabutn gmmniEiHun ; d. H42 v.
Bahamonde, Spaniiih writer; 1(120 in
Baliaral-Xcfdn, Abou^OthmaD-Lcn-Amron, Arabtnu
ftUthor ; t/. mS v,
Bahdln BEeheiDet Gebet Ameli, Penian doctor ; 17th
i«.^nt, l.i.
Bflkhler, Johannes, Latin poet and OmtoHan ; </*
1707 c.P.u-w,
BatLll, Hfnt thins. Hnng^ian IV^tcstant ecclcsiiisiic
and tiiurtyr ; 1745»
Babn. ('hf^ntijui AuguMt, (loritiiin theologian and mis-
vvrittT; 1703— 175v» ii.«.
r- rtymus, Gcnnati divine and writer; d.
Bahn, Kioolns, Gennan theologian and writer; 1664—
1704 ti.<i.
Bahnsea. Ffncdict, Gennaa mystie divine and
writer ; ir-2t> D^q.
Bahr» J(««<}ih Fricderidi, Germaa theologian ami
wHtw ; 1713—1775 q.
BaHr. Thotnn*, tlermiifi theoWian ; 19S0 a^.
Bahzmsi L. c/r Varaaei, king of Piinia j i/. 277 n. h.iu
■-•'-*-\ n„ i;77 ; (f. 3M D. Ft, u,
1 121. :!?*»! i».iLi'.
I IV, I ;;00;A40l i>,tur.
I V. !■ aa^r.
Bahrain {TcJ, , .* gtwmX ; *L 601 lui.
Bfthram Qadnxi, Penian monurch of the Ashkanian
dynasty n.
Balumm Bhah* twelfth suit an of the niuuncvide dyn*
ftity in Cjthul Mr.[ i\w Putijiib ; t/, U7j| k.
Bahrain, the name of several of the Basaanide mon-
arche of Persia, called by the Boroan and Oi«ek
historians Yarancs, and Taranuies
Bahrdt, Karl-FncdeHcb» Gennan Protestant iheolo*
man and author ; 1711—1792 c.G.ttw.
Bauiren, Philippe vtin, Dutch painter ; 17th cenk txK,
BahtLsen-Bcnedict, Duteh arithmetieian ; d. 1669 B,
Bai, or Bais, Tummnso, Italian singer and compoaer ;
d, 1714 aa.
Baladur, Abulghoxi Khan, Tartar hist; 17lhoe»L a.
Balan, khan of the Avars ; 587
Balanus-Audreaa {Baiaon), Indian writer and tiriest;
17 th cent. D.a.
Bai&rdtorBalardo, Andrea, Italian poet ; 1500 i^a.
Baiardi, Otta^io Antonio, Italian ocdesiastic and an*
tiquary; lCW-1760* Lii,
Balardo, Gii^mbattista, Genoese poioter ; «f, IGSJ x*
Baibey, Lonis, English theologian; d. 1632 n.^
Baldel, Nicoh^. French theologian; 1630 ikq
Baldhar, or Baissar» king of Esypt
Baldhavt-Nfl^aNLreddin, Abusaid AbdiOkh ben i
author and cadi of Tcbri* ; d, 12H0
Baldou-Ehan, king of Persia ; d, 12M
Baiel, HJentnynnis, German inuisl&tor ; 1R20
Bater-Ferdinand, Jacobs German physician and \
thor; 1707— 17S8
Baler, Jobann Daiid, German theologian aftda
Baleir, xTobann J»cob, German pbydeian and i
i«t; 1^77- ni'^S CU
Baler, Jobann ^Vilhelm, QennaD theologiaii ;
Baler, Jobann Wttbehn, Gennan professor of |
tiiniic*; 1G75-173
Balf, Giovanni Antonio de, Tcnetian aehd
;intiior ; 15:J2— l.WJ
Balf, Lazaro do, Fr. dipL and author ; d, IMf
BaiJ. le, French physician ; 1750
BalMe, "WUl. Balfour, African explorer; BS'^
Balkov, Theodore, or Fbedor Isa Kievitcb,
ambassador to Chin a ; 1G54
Ball, Chivrles- Joseph, French author; 1777-lOT \
Ban, Louia, Fr. tbeol and author ; d. 1669 C^K
Balla. H. de, Bctlo^ose doctor ; 1670
Balla, Joseph, Piedmoatese }\tr--^ 1 " "' ^'' "^
BaUay, NathanieL En^l ish gi
BaUdon, Joseph, English muM
Bailey, Anselm, English theolo^u^i iLud iuu»ttftl J
thor ; d. 17^ K,
Bailey, «' - ''v, English polittcian ; h. 17M
Bailey, American Joumalint ; 6. laiT
BaUey, .^Hsh divine; 6. LS40
Bailey, Jacub Whitman, American ohomiet I
aiiiKt ; 1811— 1S57
Bailey. James Koogevdt, American Catholie p^iW^
6. 1814
Bailey, John, Tnn^er M Cobbsm C*:>11**^, K^ni t
Bailey, isiir J " '' . -
Bailey. Lewi
Bailey, M.i;
Bailey, ^ iexioup^j
BaUey, .etand jou.
Bailey, l iii.t|t Jiiinrs, l^jjglish pooc : o, x^m
Bailey. iCuf us William, American tneolof icil i
b, 179J
Bailey. Ther
Bailey, Tho)
Bailey, or B<iav>. M.^iLri. x^ii^'*''^^* v"'^
writer; 152i>^ 1502
Bailey. 8ir WilUt^m, abcriH nf Lotnlon,
nunvof, Ifj'Ji
Baney. Sl,; Ballj.
BalUee, \\ 1 1 Uam, Eng, phy*, and author in Oeni
BaHlarger, Jules OabrW Fnvnoois, Freneh pliy
Balllazt, Eilme, Freneh phyddan : 16G0
Bailie, Alciander, tngni>tr ; 1764
Bailies, JiicqtMt Mitrifi J<weph, l»a^bcip of Lucon :
aet, Aiirien, French, critic aod writer; 1649—
7W C.D./AP.K,
I Chriitophe Erneftt, Count of, BelgiAu juri«t ;
-1732 1).
^ th 1G51 D.
, ^ historian ; 6. 1696 (?) n.
r ; 1722 B.
tr and geog.; 1707 l>,Q»
HIQii^ .^nchiniigUtrate : 1702—
im n.
iilWinli Xlcoi^t Ij()ui« de^ French jurist ; «/. 1714 n.
tadUattX, Antr^ttie, French coniposiT ; <i, 1791 D.K.
ItflU, I . rm, pncul uiu! hellenifit ; 170() n.Q.
IWut^Qtiut 'governor of Greenwich
l^haries Lord Jciviswootlt% Scottwh judge;
Ctitliberi, lord high treasurer of Scotland %
AUll n.
E:J«:.r,1.i:ir>. tnllitiin^iaTiner; 1778— IH:^ IL
klDle ticLin; «». 18C4
MBk s ; 17ti2— 1K51 D. w,
MDlft. utai .^chiiiiir ; I'tiG — ]8*23 d.r.
liflll^ iirector of the East India Com*
BuIUf Uh phyidcUuif anatomist, nnd
Slttl^, K- •xv, .-"i'ajah theologian and historian;
ItfEHi^ WilliauD^ Irish engraver nod niilitjiry officer;
t, Jcnn Baptist MArid, French editor find boolc
it^h painter; 15S4— 1038 B.
nni, JtAL mechasiciiui ; 1800 D.K.
[rutih miinruJijit ; d, 1802 B,U.
line, French ailrociite ftnd
t professor of literature and
French mns. writ.; 1770 D.K.
xkn^oifr^dc-^alei^, P'rench violin -
U French pianist ; I, 1813 F.
c.« {llaUvhiWiU Frencli phyiician ;
. Jean Bftptl^t Chif-Ies JoBeph, French mili-
ttajAmrfi: r. i\i\ P.
BMSit, ;-b cngmverj h. 1G14 B.R.U.
BtiBy. eh ^viittter; 17tM D.N,
iUIfy, I t .jicU inijpector'genetjd of finance
•Ml 1 D.
Umi, ' Tii>, Fr, printer ; 1710 -1810*
4 £«ituoT\de
IH^di rrttxlntj
18U0 F.
; h. 1588 pr.B.
/^ dc JtiiU,v)t
■ iKoO
I , astronomer,
tcr; 170()* UK.
iirgeon -, 1779-1832 B.C.
Jan ; 17^50—1808 B.U.
J an ; 1628 h.Qu
*iics«V J C.U] ji^jHiiH", French advocate ; 1729 —
4t lA UvSere Rocli le (fa Rivi^rt), French
jjjfiiifm : d lti0:> K.
ma^ Ita SoBtliion* Fmn^Ii-Gedeon, Comte, French
fOBTil: 177K^1SI6 D,F.
Wmm, faBcsL, Spanifik mcitnk and theoh; d, 1592 d.
Ballt, Benito, SpAntsh mathematician and writer on
music; 1730—1797 K.IU
Bally, or Balley» Ahr., Eng. comic author; ICr^O h.Q.
Baily, Edw.ird Hodgea, Eiig» sculptor; 17tf8— 1807 M.
Bally, Fr., English Hoholar and astrnn., founder of the
lloyal Afetronomioal Soiucty ; 1774 — 1844 D.w,
Bally, .L, English eugrnver ; 17^)0* B.
Bally, Jub II, Eng. ditsAcnting minijitcr; 1643— IC97
Bally, Thomiu-ij niaater of Claro HalL Cambridge ; iL
1591 q.
BalMe, Wliiam, Scotch physician ; 1484 c\W.
Bain, Aloxnncltr, Scottish author; b. 1818
Balubrld^e, L'liii«to|.bLr, bp. of rHuham 1507* ahp.
of Vr.i Ic Vm, aud diid. t 6, 1471, d, 1514 d,Lii.
B&inbridg^e, Juhn, EuglL<)h astronomer luid physician;
1582- ltH;> C.R.IUW.
Balnbrlilge, WilL, Araer. coramoiloro ; 1774— l&ia e.
BalnbrlfiTSr. Reginaldj English iinticjuiiiy ; 1602 y*
Batabrlg^e, Sir Fhiiip, English gen.; 1786-1862 M,
Balnea. Edward, English politician ; 1774—1848
Balnea, Etl ward, Eng, author and poHt. ; b. 1800 if.
Balnea, John, English rauthematicitin ; 1786— l&JS B.
Balnea, Jiatthcw Talbot. Englii^h polit. ; 6. 1799 r.
Balnea, Pet, Aug., Eng. Roman Oath, hp,; d. 1843
Baines, Hudoli)h. English hcbraist, bii^hop of lich*
field; f/.lM r.
Balni, Giuseppe, Italian musician; 1776 d.K.
Balon, French surgeon and writer on natural history;
18th ceut. E.
Balr, or Bayer, Melohior, German goldsmith ; </.
ir>77* N.H*
Balrakdaf, Mustapha Fasliaj Turkish commander;
1755— 180S D.B.
Balrd, Ahsiilom, American brigadicr-gen. ; h. 1824 r,
Balrd, Sir Bavid, Bcottish military officer; 1757—
1829 D.B.
Balrd, Robert, American advocate of Protestantism
and author; b. 1798 ff,r*M.
Balrd, .Spencer F., American naturalist and littera-
teur; li. 182;i a,M.
Balro, r J utro , I lal. phys. an d nuth n r ; 1 468 —1553 L k .
BaLsancor, son uf Caidu*Khan, vmp, of the Moguls ti.
BalRankhor. shah of Peraui ; 1480-1492 UR.
Balaankhor, king of Trimsoxiaiiu ; 1477—1499 pJi.
Balaankhor, emperor of India ; 17th cent E.
Balfllo, Guido ili, Italian canonist ; d. E^2 B.
Baltar, AhdallaU Eba Ahraeil Ziaeddin Ebn, Moham-
medan physician and botanist; rf. 1248 n.
Baltelll, Angelica, ItiiUdii nun and scholar; 1G46 q.b,
BaltelHj Frauceuca, Itiiliau iJoet4eB8 and Mjholar; 6,
1706 D.T.
Baltelll, Francisco, Italian Latin poet ; 1625 1>.I.
BaitelU, Julio, Italian lawyer and author ; 1705 LQ.
BalteUo, Gij-olonio, Italian patriot ; 1560 R,
Baltello, or Baltelll, Lodovico, Italian jurist and
counsellor of state ; 17th cenL B.
Baiter, Jean C^eorgesj 8wiss philologist ; K 1801 F.
Baithe. .Stephen, Hungarian k>tanist ; 1582 u.
Balttle, William, English physiciiin ; 17.iO D.r/.
Baits, Joh Hendrich llartujimn, Dutch orgim builder ;
3708—1770 K.R,
Balta de Colombier, Aude dp. Fr. gen.; 1016—1657 d.
Baiua, Juct^uc^, I3elgian theologLan ; c/. 1614 d.
BalUS, or De Bay, ^Uchol, Flemish professor of theo*
logy ; iraa— J r,89 a xxn. t\ v.
Bal2e, N{N«1 I^hilippe, French eccles. ; 1672—1746 b.
Baj, Tomiiiuso, Itnl. ssicicd untaici-in ; 1630*^1714 It.
Bajaoca, If iuvunni Jjuttie^iti, ItJtlian jurist; 1625 uvu
Bajard, French representative ; h. 1793 F.
Bajardl, Giovaniai Buttista, Italian jurist; 1588* lb.
Bajardo, Giorauni liattista, Genoese painter; 1620 —
1657 B.
Bajat, Simon and Michael, Span, knights ; 1170* D.n.
Bajaset, Baverid or Abou-Yeiid (/^/t-nm), sultan of
Turkey, 1389-1403; b, 1347, rf. 140a nj'.
Bajaietn., sultan of Turkey, 148M512; &. 1H7,
d. 1512 i>.i.
Bajaset, conspirator against Sclim, 1558 ; d. 1559 D.U.
Bajazet, brother of Amuratli IV. ; </. 1655 U.
Bajole, Jean, Fr. Jesuit, historian; 15119—1050 D.i:.
Bajon, French physician and naturalist; d. 1790 D.u.
Bajtal, Haron Anton von, bishop of Siebenbiirgen and
philosopher; 1717—1775 g.R.
Bajns, James, Flemish theologian ; d, 1614 K.
BaJUB, or De Bay, Michael, Flemish ecclesiastic ; 1513—
1589 R.
Bajza, Anton, Hungarian poet and hist.; 6. 1804 F.
Bakacs, Thomas, Hungarian ccclesiafitic ; d. 1521 B.
Bake, Johannes, Dutch philologist ; 1787—1820 P.
Bake, Laurent, Dutch poet ; d, 1714 R.u.
Bake, Heinhard, German ecclesiastic ; 1587—1057 B.
Baker, Denjamin Franklin, American musical author ;
6. 1811 a.
Baker, Charles, English author ; 1830 e.
Baker, David, English Benedictine historian ; 1575—
1641 C.B.U.
Baker, David Erskine, Eng. biographer ; d, 1764* R.u.
Baker, Edward Dickinson, American senator ; 1811—
1861 <r.
Baker, Geoffrey, Eng. monk and hist. ; 14th cent. R.
Baker, George, Eng. surgeon and author ; 1599 Q.R.
Baker, George, bishop of Lismore and Watcrford,
1061-05 ; d. 1605 c.
Baker, George, English topographer ; 1781—1851
Baker, Sir George, Eng. physician ; 1722—1809 C.R.W.
Baker, Henry, English iK>ct aiid naturalist; 1698—
1774 c.i'.u.u.w.
Baker, Humphrey, Eng. arithmetician ; 16th cent. R.
Baker, Sir John, speaker of the House of Commons,
1547 ; if. 155S c.R.
Baker, John, English scholar at Cambridge ; 1568 q.
Baker, Jolin, rcconler of London ; 1526
Baker, John, English admiral ; d, 1716 B.
Baker, John, English i)uinter of fruit and flowcr.-< ;
b, 17'M)*. d. 1771 B.
Baker, Osman C, Americnn divine ; h. 1812 r.
Baker, Thilip, provost of King's College, Cambridge ;
ft. 1524 q.
Baker, Sir Richard, English hist. ; 1568—1645 C.R.r.
Baker, Ko})crt, Englisli traveller ; d, 1580* jl
Baker, sir Saniuol AVhito, English African explorer
and author ; h. 1821
Baker, ThomaH, Eujr. mathematician; 1625—1090 c.w.
Baker, Thomas, English scholar and anti(|uary ;
16.56—1740 C.U.U.W.
Baker, Thomas, sheriff of r^)ndon ; 1789 d.
Baker, Thomas IJarwick-Llovd, English magistrate;
/>. 1807 * M.
Baker, AVillirmi, bibhoi) of Bangor 1723, Norwich
1727 ; d. 1732 dj.
Baker, William, English ])nntor ; 1742—1785 C.R.W.
Bakewell, Robert, English experimental farmer ;
1 725*— 1 795 c. I), fj. lu w.
Bakewell. Robert, English geologist ; 1708*— 1843
Bakhtlyar, Fortunate, lVr>iiin prince B.
BakhayBen. SfM> BackliU3rBeiL
Bald, or AM-ol-Baki, Turkish lyric poet and judge ;
d. 1000 u.
Bakics, Paul, Hungarian warrior ; 1524 B.
BakiCB, Put., llun):arian military commander ; 1552 B.
Bakkarevltcli, ^likael Nikitish, Runsiau writer ;
d. 1K2<) B.
Bakker, A<liian, Dutch historical and i>ortrait painter ;
il 10S(J t:.K.
Bakker, C.rbnind, Dutch phvs. ; 1771— 1K28 d.b.
Bakker, . I :irob, Duti'h faintir; hW -h'Cti B.
Bakker, Meeuws Meindurtszoon, Dutch engineer;
1090 B.
Bakker, N., Flemish painter in London ; </. l<;8t) b.
Bakker,Pa. Huizinga, Dutch immI; 1718'^— 18U1 R.r.
Bakoil, .loiinm^H, <«ennan ituihor: l<i77 tj.K.
Bakfal, Abruhamuj*, Hungurian hiNtorian and jurist ;
X'tm g.iu
Baksai, BtTuanlus, II uugnrian councillor ; 1570*^ g.B.
BaktlBhwa ben Genrsres, Nestorian phys.; 787 s.
Baktlahwa ben Giabrll, Nestorian phys. ; </. 870 K.
Baktlshwa ben Takga, Nestorian phys. ; d.93Q R.
Baktishwa, Giabril ben Obcid Allah ben, Nestorian
physician and writer ; c^. 1006 k.
Bakosl, Arabian geographer ; 800 D.
Balaam, Mesopotamian prophet ; B.C. 14S9 D.
Balak, sultan of Aleppo, 1123 ; d, 1124
Balak, kine of Moab ; B.C. 1480
Balaklel, Sultan, Zauoldgenso Tartar prince : 1221 B.
Balam, Richard, English mathematician ; HmO b.
Balamlo, or Balamy, physician to Leo. X. r.w.
Balanl, D. Gabriel, Ital. music. comi>oser ; 1<»80 IXK.
Balamlr, or Balember, chief of the Huns ; 376
Balanns, prince of Gaul ; B.C. 100 D.
BalaniBiC, Fran9ois do Bremond, Baron de, a French
leader of the Reformation ; d. 1592
Balard, not Ballard, Antoine Jerome, French chemist;
6. 1802 F.
Balard, Jean, s>'ndic of Geneva ; 1529 D.
Balard, Jean, French lutist ; 1550 D.K.
Balard, Marie Fran<;oiso Jac(iuette Alby, French
poetess ; 1776—1822 D.B.
Balasces, or Balasch, king of Persia ; 4S8-91
Balanfl, Thomas, Hungarian ecclesiastic ; 1610 R.
BalaHBa, Valentine, Hungarian count, warrior, and
poet; 1550 a.
Balawri, Mario, Florentine painter ; 1604—1667 Bld.T.
Balaun, or Balarnin, Guillaume, l^roveu^al trouba-
dour; 1160* n.
Balban, Sultan Gheis-ed-deen Balban Shah, long of
Delhi ; </. 128(i b.
Balbanl, Nichohu*, Italian ecclesiastic ; d. 1587 ll
Balbastre, Claude, French musician and organist;
1729»— 17fn) D.K.
Balbe, Italian noble family of warriors and states-
men ; 12th cent. R.C.
Balbl, Countess of, confidant of Louis XVIII. ; 1753—
18,36 IXF.
Balbl, Adriano, Venetian geographer; 1782—1848 D.F.
Balbl, Audro di Laudo, Italian i>ainter and sculptor;
1572 a
Balbl, Domcnico, Venetian dramatist; 10«;7 d.I.
Balbl, Gaspard, Venetian jeweller and traveller;
1588 B.C-
Balbl, Giovanni, Italian Dominican and author;
</. 129S B.L-.W.
Balbl, Giovanni Francesco, Italian jurist : VyM) i.b.
Balbl, Giovanni Giacomoi Italian physician; RI'jO Dl.
Balbl, Girolamo, Ittdiau litterateur and diplomatist ;
d. aft. 15;C> KB.
Balbl, Jofredus-Jjanfrancus, Italian lawyer : 1450 IX I.
Balbl, L'lurentio, Ital. comiwser and Woloncellist aK.
Balbl, Luigi, Italian munic comi)OKer ; 1750 I.K.
Balbl, Marco- Antonio, Italian musical author K.
Balbl, IHetro, Italian philoluirist ; 142.H E.17.
Balbl, I'roKiHT. Cointe do, Italian diplomatist axk^
scholar; 1762-18:i7 C^.-SL.
Balblan, Juhtus de, Italian physician and autbo-K-
d. 1616 rfc-^
Balblnus, Oloysiu»-r»ole8laus, Bohemian Jesuit V^^
torian; 1611 — 168*» 'K:*,
Balblnus, liecius Celius, Iloman consul an<l cmp^'v-
d, 2:W K> - ^
Balblnns, or Balbln, Johann, Ik>hemian JmUxl ^^^
</. 157(»
Balbls, (iiovanni r»atti.<4ta, Italian Itotauiitt ; ^^^'
Balbls, Silvio, Italian on^l Iit1
Balbo, I<<Ml(ivico, Italian ; d. 15m*
Balbo, Si-ipio, Italian pinrt ; VhiO
Balbo. Si'o Balbl.
Balboa, Alfonso, Italian ercles. nnd author
Balboa, 1). tninci^tv-us do UaUxta e Va
rDuncillor and judge ; 17th cent.
Balboa, Miguel C'avello, Si>iinii)h missionai
n 117^-1517
BavMc^ji de, Spanbb poott bUhop <if
FoHa FJ. .> : IVlH - 1 r;27 c it. tr, vs'.
Biltrtts '•'r of Attg, Cetar: »c, tJ2 D.
ialbttik I>> i^iiUM* lUfiuAn i||^td<.cumvlr and oontnl *,
na ir H X.
Hiflwiff U'TheoptrnticA, Honuui coQBtil; Iftt
vent J ax.
lillKl*, A^iiiLii i^uciliud, Eom^ti jutitt; Ist cuuL
ito. ax,
^*^^n, L< KorTuLcius, consul of Roiiio ; 19 H.
«t«tnc, ax.
lyil^ It t,.r:,.„ »'....,„ ..,,^,,1 . b.c* 150 Ti,x.
BllbU ; B.O. 114 H.X.
Mltlt 1 aathor; A.D. T D.
Wbu^i-kt. 147Q a
Itill^C^ ^1 cily ; B,a 82 D.X.
itfbis . h Uosoph er D, x.
UltoLK, uutie; aclllax.
ll<^T .vii^'L . audpneior; B.c.
tt D.X.
IV booHi&h tbeotogian, cbnplalti to
Jjujii \^ D.
V»iiii*ni. ' luatic and ngricul-
, m J'-'L r f ; 1GG9-1744 R.w.
L uili^iU poet ; IGOO t.Q.
i; 1671-1751 D.
^n)o, iiauaj |H>et ; lath cent, D.r.
J Ajtloa, Buntit AuAtma minister at state ;
I Asinnto liulgi, Ituli»ti nolinifit ; 1720 k.
~ \ or BoMb BlBto dl Parma, ItitUan painter ;
lT\h cent, T.
JMob-Cotimd, Germaa tlioologiati and
' *=• D.Q.
. [laiiiter; 1590* a
...,.■„ ^ 1 . jf c«»ot of iitttiu-jd
4) I X'-
ili&a mtuic composer ; 17th
Peida, ItftUaa paiot«r, pupil
► ar,
, Tutcan rtatcsm,; k 1790 a r,
a - Giucamo, Itoliiui lawyer ;
. Pompoo, ItaliAti oomiBeUor aad liiteiti-
lrar:4*ia07 an.
^'^*— 1^ (^ Baldaflilnl, iTemmt), Itidkn hi«toil>ui ;
ixao*— 17H0 an, a
•"MBrTt"*'. Thimiat, FrvncL Omtorian ; 1700 ar.
MMMSfK Ak>c^^* ' OouztkWz, FcirtugatiU} Aavigatur ;
lai E>,u.
itfti^ Jwob, Genitim .letuU, lAtiu poet; l(U.i:i-
„^ Tri K..... f^.^^b mUii.: Ifi70 D,u.
^ ; laiii-HUJar.
Pt^bCCs*. '^f i^nd pupil (tf
FnimmoOt ItxkUikn kdiolur and untlior ;
a 17.
<5iairwiJii'Bjktti«tn, Itftlinn »tttie«tiiiin nnd
otnLmlx^rb^in to lh« gtiOid-duko of
; 176ft- I8:«l l*ti.
Jobmui Benuird, German YioHmisi mu\
UOO i>*^^
r« KtoolA*, Qcnnkti puldisher of touuotfl
r. Udtflio» Crertnati uiuaieuoi and vicdinuft ;
« aiL.
BaldttTicna, Fr. ectilct^mttio ihtid wnt«r; el. 1130 tks,
BalderlCiis <rA?' Hill Fretu'Ii chrotiicler, l»ishop of
Noyon and Toiiruay, clirotiicler ; 1017—1097 aiL
BAlderlCfiis. Frtnch }iLit*:.riiin ; 1050-1119 \j.
Baldericus, or Baldrlous, Fltiiimh wziter; 12tH
cent. 11.
Balderfftou, Rlrlianl, mtutter of Catherine Hall, Ouu-
b ridge ; d. 15U7* q*
BaldeHlf Antcjiiiu, Florenitut! ptiywiuiiui ; KUO
Baldens, Fhilip, Englbth miuiJiter and writor; 17tU
coDt. a
Baldewln, /)r Baudoln, Fr. monk and J^nthor; 1150 D.
Baldl, or Baldns, Florentin*^ pbyjsiciiin to l*opo Urbun
Vlll. and Innoctut X.; d, liJtio aa
Baldl, Acciirzio, Tiihcjiu sculptor ; 1581 D.
Baldl, Antonio^ Italian dcaiguer and engraver ; 1GD2* —
17iJ0» ikju
Baldi, Bernftrdino ; It&Han pninter ; 1590* ca
Baldl, {.'siiTiillo, profesJior of philoaophy at BolognA;
1547— 10.;4 ai,
Baldi, <ienir<l, Ital. thcoL nnd author ; d. 1760 D.l.
Baldly Giuvaimi, Italian orgnoist ; ITtH!**- aK»
Baldl, Giuseppe^ Italian phytiioiao ; IGl'O* an.
Baldi, InnocenEio, ItaliHU theologLm ; 1544—1608 D.I»
Baldit Lozziiro ; Italian painter ; 162iJ— 17(^3 b*D.t.
Baldl, Pietro Maria^ Italmn painter and archituct ;
1670* p.
Baldl, Vah-ntino, Italian painter ; 1744—1810 D*
Baldl de ITbaldU, Angelo, Italian jurist ; d, 1423 u.c.
Baldi d'Urbiiio, Kernurdino, Ttiili>ui schalar, math<^*
niaticirin, and littemtenr ; L^A:^ — 1617 D,K.w.
Baldlgara, Battista, Italixui physkiAn and ouihor;
15r.U D.I,
Baldinacd, Yincentio, Italmn juriit; 1526*— 1590 Lh.
Baldinelli, Euldino, Italian painter, pupil to Domeni*
cbino T,
B&ldinger, Eriitut Codeffoi, C»«rm:*n physician, bot-
flTiiBtf aud bingrapher ; 17iJ8—lii'J4 cjkk,w.
Baldinlf Bitccio, Italian goIdaniitU and onjifr'iver ;
14.JM>— 1515 n.D.K.l\
B&ldinl, Buccio, TtaliAn phyiuoian and libiarinn at
Florence ; d. 1585 B,l^
Baldinl, Bernardino, I toll an philosopher, mathe-
matician, poet» and it. a; l,>1.0— 1()1K> an.
BaldlIil,Fili(io, Italian physIctiUiaiKl writer; 1780 D.B.
Baldlnl, Giovanni, Florentine painter ; 150iJ K.H.T.
Baldlni) Giovanni - Fnmceaco, Italian aavant, anti-
quary, and author ; 1077 — 1705,
Baldlni, Ciiu»?o[ipt\ Floren. [Miint.* pupil of Gi\hbiutu t.
I Baldlnl, IHfctro Taolo, Italiau painter, pupil of Pietro
da Cartoniv B.D.T.
, Baldl nl, I'uddeo, Ital. paint. , pupil of Balvator Bo«a t.
I Baldinl, Fn^ Tiburiio, Italian painter ; IGll b.d,
I Baldinl, V'ittort% Itidiiui hi^ttorifin ; 1**00 D.
\ Baldino, Gulviiuo di, Itjdian juriijt ; Kl?^ LR.
I Baldlnottl, BurtolonietJ, Itidian jurist ; ]478 Lit.
I Baldlnottl^ Tomuiaso, Italian poet ; 1529— KiOl Lg.
Baldlnsel, Guillrtuinc, FicncU traveller and oom-
mander of fc>t John of Jeiiiaalein ; 1337 D.U.W.
Baldlnuccl, Filipijo, Italian litterateur, biognhpher,
uud acadcniittan ; 1<]24— KJIM) CLU.
Baldlt, Michiul, Italiai p]«yt*ician; 1650 d.r,
Baldo» or Baldiua, Fluicutme phyaioi&n and meilical
wTit^n-; d, UHO* C.P W»
Baldo. Eov Baldl
BaldOClc Hull ■ Iiop of I^ondon (1307) ; lord
chancellor ; d. 1314 rui.r\LR.U.
Baldoclt, h% ' V , . ^ ii judg« (1685) ; ia30'— 1»j9« f.
Baldock, Hobci-t, i:^gli»b juatice of the Kind's licnco,
10^8 : d. nm /.
BaldoclE, Itobert de, lord chancellor of England, 1307;
d. i:J13 /jB.
BaldoU, Geronimo, Italian physician ; d. 1622 lAU
Baldoll, SilvoKtro, Itnlian jurist ; 1500 I.R.
Baldonaaco, Arrigo, Italian i>oet ; 1250 R.
Baldovlnettl, Alea»io, Florentine puint«r and artUt
in mosaic ; 1425—1499 B,aB.T,
BaldovlZLtiU, Benedetto di Tdggio^ ItaUan toboUr ;
1720* ai.
Baldovlld, Francesco, I tftliimpocfc; lik^-1706 CJ-B.
Baldra«attl, Alex.. Itul
Baldraoco, Dtnnoui4:«>, 1
B&ldnkti, FMrtuluiiieo. 1
Bfcldred, kif.- ^ ^ -
Bfeldr^, J.. {
,'l Uiu] <
1 1. 1.
may 11
UL urtuit 8«mi of EnKUritl : 5077
Kj fchcriff uf Luudoti* 1.M7; lt»ril
. ttoL paiotcr ; 1722 -- 1802 n.D.T^
., ItaL i>oet; 1IK)0'— ltM2
ihiii (Cliw'i), luiUftii paiutcr; ]5(10*-
J Gio Piwinn, lUliAn piunter t.
BaUaed, Jnoopo, luH&n jurut. And governor uf
Pkrniat ICiili cmi, LU,
BlMucct ' . . ,, . . t;172«T».L
Bftldticc JL' >.H.
BaldiUc, . ' aut and AU-
tlior : U;.i;i-hiei2 '
Baldntii, Francis, Bcl^un Uwycr aad sntltor ; 1520-
1573 r>.
Baidttliu Friedmrli, Grnti. theoL; 1B75-1627 an.
Baidulnl, J[^citpo, ItAliuii juriit ; iL 1210* ri.
B^dnlnis, l/golino, l^oU*lr,nv^e jmJKt ; 1200 LIU
BftldUluas, C auonJcuH, (fcrmmi rl^1hc^^ II.
BiOdiiir, biil! f ^^ -' '. 701 £,
Baldimi^t H J u«o jiddntcr, cn^ravor.
widwoodr .0* 0.r».R.
Baldnn;^ ; > dc^.
BaldtiB, 1100 13, tu
Baldat, :, ^..„ , ._^., :md phuto^
mplrnr; ^ lis20 K
Budwta, liTiihiAp of Worccfiter llfiO, arcbbuhop of
Owitt " " ', uutliur; »£» liyo UJiJAw
Bildirtii ( of the Ertjt, and count of Flan-
«kii , I . . ju
Baldwlii IL. emperor of the £ui, 122S-61 ; (. 1217,
^ 1U8
U7.^^»; (/. 11^
c/. 1273
Baldwlii L. I
Baldwin n. I
Baldirlo m
Baldwin v.:
BaldwlnL (/>,,. r\-/ r r ,^ count of Hwidoni ; d. 877
Baldwin n. {t/u tinldi I *L \tiS
Baldwin UL ; •)«>
Baldwin nr. < /t,-U Xfartf), ooont of Fkndom ni»d
Artoii* ; t/, la; I- il
Baldwin V. \Frt^*l(intfrr)^ cMini of Fltuidert ; <f, 10f»7 R.
Baldwin VL ; (/. 1070 n,
Baldwin vn.: nth c'^nt u.
Baldwin VIII h 1003— XU» r.
Baldwin IX. jt,
Baldwin L, c. ;a70 u
Baldwin II.f ooimt ot Hmnciult ^1070), king of Jeru*
■^letti L.
Baldwin in., c^unt of lUmliJiiilt ; 1OO0-112O t.
Baldwin rv
Baldwin V
I tcmtt wfiitior ; 1754— 1J407 n.
iH., ij..j. of C&citeriMiry ; «£. IIW CD.l',
Baldwin, Thomaiii» AtutTricui Ui«dliidkcal wriltir; 17&3—
1825 a.Mt
Baldwin,^!! ! wrjl€r;l<J40 II.
Baldwin, W , • it* r itnd nuthor ;
rf. 1M4 C.UU,
Baldwjn, IMward, Engli&ii dirine *nd author ; 17'J0 W.
Bala, or Balisus, John, Engl if h theolo^an, bUbop I
Ostory, and iiuthor, I^^kI ; A. 14^"^ ti.i;i«i;i c,<La.c.W. ^
Bala^ llobert, prior of iXw Ci^rmcUte^ «t Bttmhsau
Uiin author ; d. 1503* uu.^
Baladuniv Joiui<Jaoqiu^ Nicboljuh, FriMtdt eiu
Balaff, Saracen oonnmuif)^' '" '^-'^' ' '^ '
Balei: Ban Baldr, £M||^ ^t. a.
BalaB« Hciirr ran^ WWi^ imI portr«ai_
ptiint^ I li]33 K.CUit
Balen. M oh pocltnd hitt. ; IGU— 1677* a.1
Baleneiio, . lo de, SpanUh p*»et ; 3025
BalMt Peter, ling, culligrapher ; L547— llUO CM-.n,!
Baletdantt Jpim« Fr jaHst and fuithor ; d, 1G7^ dw^
BalMtra, Roman urchitvct ; 1800
Baleitra, Antonio, Wrunciepir.; 1666—17-10
Baleitra, Giui^ep]if, Uuli&n Kurpjon ; li'ioT lA
Bale«tra, I'ictro, Itidiau sculptor ; 1CI*2
BaleBtra, Kanttiondo, Ital. munio ei*iiipu<<?r; ItilO DJ
Bale»trlOil»I)oRiemc(i, Itiilian pi^M t, 1714-17^0 ixt
Balestrlen, Douieuicu del Fkcho, Uidiitu paint
16th cent,
BalaitllMl, Giue^ppe, ItiU. pnintcr ; 1032—1709 XaA
Bal©«tll0rl»HortonJsio,Itiil,. Jesuit ami author; U^>3|.r
Balaitrleri Pietro-Giovanni, ItAliau jiott ; 170i Ld
Balaitrlni, Felippo, ItalLin pbyaician and auft
i:o.s i,g
B()> 1 EiecobouMi^Me Ba/<-ra),ItjilknTO
' 157^1
Balettl, Giu-
BalatU, or Xe.
Baleiu. king of Ai-«vrui : hx, ibi)*J
Balay, W^lt^r, EugfiAh clewrman, phyiiokn to Qi
Ki • And autlior ; 1529—1592 <
Ba I Wilt, Iriih inujiic Ponip. ; t,
Ea . Sc^ttif^h novel vntcr; i7t^- u
Baiiour, All li r " ' uMiueuuiruMi i>ni; ttic
Gu'dcDiAf ^ i/.tMr.
BalfOtUr,Fruii -. rtrnT nnthor : i:?-
Balfcmr, jnr^
Balfonr, Bir I
Balfour, Sir Jilt no >^ ,^c*.'tri8il :*Iit2<|i];irV ;il;il MV\\
Balfour, Joha, biihop of Brechin ; 1470
Balfi>nr, John Hutton, English botauiii mud wril^S
BalfdtlT, *' ' ^ ^- i-i ... t . . w..^
Balfour, WiLuui. I'^iiy, uuiiury otLv<.T ; I7i i** — 1*^
BalfOOrlar, r^LUi Kmile Adulphe, Fnsnch i^^iUr ;
Balgnaila-BtiitttanbetYi Pierre, French mcrdtoal
eomrnerekl benefactor ; 1771*— 1*^25 BUl
BalgTiy, Charlea, EnglLsb phyi, and writer ; 1730
B&lgny, John, EiigLi»h thoolugian and ituthoj ^ li58C—
1748 IV t ^ ir.
BaJgiiy, Thomiui, Eugli^h dirino and proacdi^r ; '
BaUloni, or Ballham, Ludwig Wilhi'Im, Gesiu^u
tenittur ; d. 1777
Ballanoe. niwv.hDi BattJita, Italkn p:
math' '. l(>>tt
Ballcour Mitt Tb6r£»o d«» Frvneli
d. 17 i.
Bji.nente, J^ftil Hii.iujlyte^ Hi*n, UnguUt; IT
Bnlin, .Ttiiu^ 1 iK'Uth inif^t and plirx. ; K 1570
Bftltngliam, Antoint* de, Fn^nich monk sod
writer: 1571 1*J;«:
Ballol Jilr Aleiuii ! r^ .... v-,^ii«h tw^
c«IW and gtx^il > ' »
BaUol, Edwaid, I. id (1:^12 *$iS) I
BaUol, Hnury tU, Booich lotfi rbaiubvrlain ; d, IMB
BaUol, 8ir Johnde, Ensliah h. ^ -. f •<- (vi at ~ '
College, pjifof d ; tL V2fi'i
John d*, king of Scolkiid (1291-%) ; 1250'—
1314 R.W-
il2l0la» RoBm pr«f«ct of the Pnptormns ; c/. 2G4 l>.
lAttlta* 0«mtiUu«, lUL theologku; 1754—1813 d.Q.
BAUvKt. ClMide Fnui^oifl, Frenck advocate; 1754^
Satt. ^uL
A 1733
f..»r ^xiktj'UiLii ii-Lii,
pliyridiui and pab-
-I) i>.
I iiuiiiiik ; d, 1247 R,
1 1! officer ; lti5li ii.
.ur-^juii militui7 <^tficer ;
Bllka, Hnsncmn, grand -master of the knights of
liTonk ; 1237 R.
BiXtStrAlejcJUider John. Eng. rear-Admiral ; d. 1809 lu
Ban, Edir&rd^ town -clerk of Cambritlge ; b. L53d q.
KaW, John, £Dsli«h popoLtr preacher ; ex, 1381 c.R-i;,
BaS, John, £&^i&h Puritan divino and author ; l.iJS.'i —
IWO 1>.R,W.
BaO, Jolm^ EngliAb politician and writf^r ; b. 1818 F.
Bafi« NathknieC Englkh dirine and author ; 1750 w.
Ball, ^id»oU«, Irifiu judge, tKillticitini iuid nutunJLst ;
1791— iaC5 M.
Ball, nmnuj, English Furit&n di v' ' ' ' il
Ballp^ J««e|ih-Fnm^ou, Fr, cingi^t m.
Baaa, f^&bert, luOiAn Jcnuit, p. _ , . ij-
^ff tffid tlk«ology ; 17C»3 - 1770 u Q.
Hiilatfl^ Qtiegoru>T ItjJuin music composer ; 1730—
Jai3 E.n.
Blllartnrt Ocrouimo, ItoHan theologian and poet ;
1CI»— lfi&3 i.Q.
BaBalWl OigrMini, Ital. Frmndscan »uthor; 1571 D.L
Ballal&Ttllara, BtLron dc^ intendant of Ij^in^uedoCf
cmuMlIor of ft ' V - ; 17<iO— ] 8;i> d,
aaaafli«rBalaii .ml ; 17fd"-lS32 D.
BaTTamcha, ?»«!. i ikiinter and writer :
ITTtt-liUZ an,
BaJlaall, Oi(miimi'B«tti«ta, Italian &culntor; 1702—
tK£S D.R.
William, English lawyer, Q.C. ; &. 1814*
JoniM, Scottish tolicttor and printt^r ; d.
usa B.
BaSasQnia, Jokn^ Scoitbh printer and publisher:
n74*-liS21 u.u.
BaUardv ur BalArd, Antoine-JerDmei French chemist
ami |ir&fe«fior ; 6, l^rS
liSard« OhHajMihe. jirinter of mn«io to Lonis XIT.
_ ^ Ftatn0» ; I|Hp d.K.
^^^^JHtoA* ChrMlMte^eiin'Fran^oia, printer of mtittic
^^^^toab XIV. ; it 17(;3 d.k.
^^^^^^n, G^istfse, £nj^lifthanll/|Uarjand biographer; c/.
Ballard. iVim-, printer of music to Henry 111. of
Kriii;- : ]'::\A ' D.K.
Bitk: printer of mu»ic to Henry 11. of
fi T), K»
lltU printer of music to Louis XII L of
Fr D.K,
HH-: Tijju., Kji-llh ftdmiral; d 1829 n.
lalU: iral;1774*-183;in.
laEi n; KXKV-lGTtO P.I.
lalUiij^, iij|,jM;i) li, Ai.Eii.u tuLulogiauand author j
iaSlirmi, Paolo. ItiilUn painter; 1712—17^2 u.
Binarixa, BiLHtc, itajktj jurist ; 17th cent. R.
BallMlnl, Stu^on, Itsiliun antitiiukiy and author ;
i:i*i-i-H ai.
Ball* Itfilifin muaiciin ; 1699 D.K.
SiB' , Danijib eccitfiiisia tie und writer;
irw-isiG ^ n.R.
Forquhard dc, bishop of CfilthnesR,
d, 1328 L
AtlAin. bl«hm« of Dunblane, HIB; Aber-
lOiS^'W i^
«r BaJlaodel, Sir John, Scottish p^t nnd
; ft 1550 c;l%
Balleaatedt, Johonn Georg Justus, FruMsian eccleoi-
a«tie; h. IJ^tfi G.B*
Ballerlnl, (Icrouimo, Italian savant and author:
1702— I7S0 c.aMT,
B&UarlXii, Pietro, Italian scholar and ccclesiastienl
writer; UlUS— I7f>4 c.LR.w.
Balleroy, Jacques Claude Augn^in, Marquis de hi
Cour, French general; 1C1I4— 1773 D^R.
Bflilerserd, See BaUexaextt
BaUeateT» in* BalesteTt Joachim. Spanish engraver;
1750»-1795 K.R,
BalleBteroa, Franmco, Spanish gcn»; 177Q— 1832 d.w.
BalleBteroB, Luis I^pcz, Sponiih financier and niinis'-
t^r of 8tnte ; L 1778 p.
Ballet, Frau^^oi*, French eccle^iastio : 1702—1762 D. it.
Ballet, Jean. French advocate ; 1760*— 18:i2 d.u.
BaUeHflTd, Jacques, Swiss phys.; 1726—1774 C.V.V,
Bailey dler, French general ; 1761^—1^40 d.
Balleydler* Alphonse, French litterateur ; h. 1820* V,
BallllOTa, Johann, CJennan printer ; 1531—1599 «*R.
Bain, Antoiito, It;ilian jurist ; d, 1591 i.r.
BalU, Antonio, Italian jurist and judge of Palermo ;
d. ir.98 hvt.
Bain, Fahio, Italian jmist ; </. 1633 l.B,
Balll, Giovanni-lSuttista, Italian judge ; d, 10O3 Lll.
Balli, Paolo, Italian psiinter ; 1700 D,
Balll, Simon, Italian painter; 1000* B.D.I. T,
Balllani, Giovanni-Battista, Italian senator and phUo-
Bophor J ir»8<i -lC<ki i.U.
Balllere de Lalsement, Denis, French littemtour and
writer on mu^c \ 172^t— LSOO k.u.
Bflllln, Claude, French cngraTcr and goldsmith;
1G15— 1G7S C.D.D.
BaUln, Ckude, French goldsmith ; 16C0*— 1754 D.U.
BaJUlue, (liulio, Ital. ]uri!it and litterateur; 1500 D,u.
Ballinert, Giovanni, Italian painter ; 6. 1580* k.R,
BaUlug, Jena or- Emanuel, Danish typographer and
translator; 1743— 1796 D.R,
Balllngall, Sir George, English mrgeon and writer ;
1786-1855 D.F,
Banini, Csimillo^ Venetian painter j 17th cent; B,D.T.
Balllni, 3,'iccolo, Italian painter ; 1651—1730 T.
BaUlni, Gio. uud Stefano, Italian painters T.
BaillonltGeroidmo, It^d. music comp. ; lOthcent, 1>.K«
Ballletua, Bollstus or Caluitus, Kcimun emperor; d.
204 H.R.tT.
BalUvet, Jt?an, Fr. biographer and thcol. ; 1734 D.
BaUJohr, J. Cb., Rtussian author; 1780 d.ii.
Ballo, Fab if. , Italiim jnriat and poet ; d. lf>32 t.B.
BallO, Giii!;ep{^i«. Italiiin eccleaiastic and mathemati-
cian; 1&67— 104^J I.R*
Ballo, Laduvico, Italian musician ; 10th cent. B.
Ballo, Trjinraaso, Italimi pt>et ; lOtX) T,B,
BallolfljLotiiii-JoBeph-Philippe, French political writer;
1778-180^^ D.R.
Ballon, Louise -Blanch e-Therese-Perrucanl de, found*
rc«8 and abbeaa of the i*eformed Bemardines, B&voyi
1591-1(308 D.U.
BallOtlffeaux, George de, kin^f's counsellor at Luxem-
bourg, antiq(Ka*y of Lorrnine ; 1700 D.Q.
BallonlUB, or Baillon, GuiBaume, French medical
writer; 1£38-1GUJ R.W.
Ballotolo, Gasparo, Italian jurist ; ft 1670 I.R.
Ballou, llosco, American divine and writer ; 1771 —
1852 e,
BaUs, J, S,, English comedian; 1799—1844
BaJlu, Theodore, French architect ; k 1817 F.
Ballue, Fr, notary and jud^e of the peac^ ; 1792 D.
Ballue, llippolvtfl Omcr* French painter; 6. 1820 F,
BaUuerca. JSpiinish pointer ; 1090 as.
Bally, Victor, FrcBolx phys. and writ.; 6. 1780 D»r.R.
Bally COniSffHam, John de, bishop of Down 1J28,
Cork 1330 ;(/. 1347 «v
Ballyet, EmnmnucJ^ Frenc)i Carmelite bishop, »nd
consul at Btigdiid ; 1700-1773 C.O.r.w.
Balme, Clnudc, French milit^irv surgeon ; b, 170«>, d,
aft. 1818 B,
Balme, Claude Denis, French physician and writer ;
Balme, Henri do, Fr. Franciscan scholar ; d. 1450 i).
Balxnen, or de Balmalne, Count Anthony Boi,'daiio-
vitch, military officer ; d. 1790 R.
Balxner, George, English painter ; d. 1846 u.
Balxnerlno, Arthur Elphmstone, Lord ; b. 1683, Ic-
headed 174(>
BalxneB, Abraham de, Italian physician and professor;
d. 1523 K.
Balmes, Jacrpies Lucien, Spanish publicist and philo-
sopher ; 1810—1848 D.
Balmford, James. English ecclesiastical writ.: 1610 R.
BftlmlB, Francis Xaivier, Spanish surgeon ; 1810 D.R.
Balmont, Countess of St, French tragic authoress ;
1650 U.
Balmule, NichoLis, Scottish bishop and chancellor;
d. 13iy R.
Balmyle, Nicolas de, bp. of Dunblane, 1307 ; d, 1320 k,
Balnaves, Heury, Scottish poet and reformer ; 1520—
1579 C.D.R,W.
Balochl, or Balloco, Luigi, It;ilian i)oet and lawyer ;
176(5-18,T2 D.8.
Balog*, Georgius, Hungarian pastor R.
Balogh, Janos, Hungarian deputy ; h. 1800 D.F.
Balogh de Osea, Peter, member of the Hungarian
Parliament; d. 1816 o.R.
Balon, Narses. Armenian heresiurch, and bishop of
Ormus; 1340 D.
Balonfeau, or BallonlTeteaii, Jacques, French com-
mercial 8win<llcr ; 1628 D.
BalB«mlTTa, ('amilla, Italian songstress ; d. 1810 D.K.
Balaamlno, Simone, Italian tragic i)oet ; 1580 D.l.
Balaamo, Giuseppe {Count Caijliogtro)^ Italian adven-
turer; 1743-1795 D.R.
Balaamo, Ignacio, Italian Jesuit and ecclesiastical
writer; 1543— ir.l 8 I.R.
Balsamo, Ignacio, Italian poet; d. l^JT/J I.R.
Balsamo, I»ronzo, Italian poet ; 172U* r.
Balsamo, CHtavio, Italian ixx?t ; 17th cent. u.
Balaamo, Paolo, Italian agriculturalist and writer;
176,3-1818 i).H.8.r.
Balsamon,Theodor, patriarch of Antioch (1180), Greek
canonist and commontjitor ; d. 1204 c.l'.w.
Balsarati, John Guv, Hungarian physician and writer ;
1529-1575 * u.
Balscot, or Petit, Aloxander de, bishop of Mcath 1386,
lord justice of Inlind 1391 ; d. 1400 c.
Balser, Georg-Frcderich-AVilhelni, German physician ;
h. 1780 1).
Balser, Johann ClirLntoph ; Gonnaii lawyer and
author; 1710-1750 D.Q.
Balser, ('liriHtoi)h<)ri, l):miHli i>hvs. : 1628-1693 i).
Baltacchlnl, Mich(>b>, Italian littomtunr ; 6. 1803 V.
Baltacchlnl, Xavior, Italian iK>ct ; />. 1800 F.
Baltadjl Mahomed Paslia, grand-vizier of tho Otto-
man em]>ire ; d. 1712 D.R,
Baltard, Juk-^ Fivncli jwrtmit painter; h. 1807 F.
Baltard, I^nis IMene, French architect and on-
prav(?r; 17«i5 184<i D.
Baltard, Pn.siKT, French architect ; h. \7{)^\ y,
Baltard, Victor, French architect and writer; h,
1805 „.K.
Baltaxarinl, Italian musician ; 1550 k.r.
Balten. IN trr, Dutch piiinter ; 15«> -1611 B.u.
Baltesjrs, F., ICnglish .ngraver ; Hm B.
Balthasar, Anna C'hri.Hiiua, Swiss female scholar ;
1750 R.
Balthasar, Augnstin, Swodinh occh'f. ; 16;52-irNS8 u.
Balthasar.AuguHtin do, Sw.'dish hist.; 1701—1786 g.r.
Balthasar, C:i.»iinir Victor Alexandre de, French
paintor ; h. 18al> y.
Balthasar, ChriHtojdie, French jurist and publicist ;
1588-1()70 C.I).R.W.
Balthasar, Franz I'm, Swiss historian ; h. 16W» R.
^thaaar, Hubmcier, Swabiau Anabaptist leader;
^6th oeat. B.
Balthasar, Jacob Heinrich de, superintendent-general
of the churches in Swedish Pomerania ; 1715 F.u.
Balthasar, Joseph- Anthony-Felix de, Swedish histo-
rian and jurist ; 1736 — 1810 k.u.
Balthasar, Landgrave, of Thuringen; ia?6— 1400 g.r.
Balthasar, Philip Jacob Von, German tutor ; 1723—
1805 B.
Balthazari, Theoiloro, Qerm.on professor of mathe-
matics; 1710 D.r.
Balthazarinl {Bcaujopevx), Italian mus. ; 1580 C.P.w.
Balticus, Mai'tin, German refonuer and i>oet ; 1532—
1601 o.B.
Baltimore, Cecil Calvert, Lord, proprietor of Mar\'>
hind ; 1632-1(»76
Baltimore, Frederick, English traveller ; 1771 D.Q.
Baltimore, George Calvert, Lord, founder of the
colony of Maryland ; 1582—1632 e.
Balton, Peter, Flemish historical and landscape
painter; 1540—1579 d.r.
Biltaroddl, Walter de, b]). of Caithness, 1261*; d. 1271 K.
Baltus, Jacques, Gennan notary and chronicler;
1670-1760 B.
Baltus, Jean Francois, French Jesuit and theologian :
irH37-1743 c.D.B.w.
Baits, J. George, of Strasbourg, miniature painter;
b, 1760 B.
Baltz, Theo<lore - Frederich, German physician and
author; 6. 1785 d.
Baltsar, Thomiu*, German musician ; d. H'lChi D.B.
Baltzer, Johann Baptist, German Catholic divine;
6. 1803 F.
Baltzer, Wilhelm Eduard, Genn. eccles. ; h. 1814 F.
Balne, Jean la, French cardinal, minister of Louis XL :
1421—1491 D.R.
Baluffl, Cajetano, Italian eccles. writer; b 1788 D.F,
Balnganl, Filipi>o, Italian sculptor ; d. 1780 D.
Balng^uli, All>€rto, Italian lawyer and geog.; l.>15 I.B.
Baluze, Etienne, French scholar and historical writer;
1630-1718 C.D.R.U.W.
Baluze, Hvacinthe, French author ; KkW d.p.
Balyas, Antonio. Spanisli poet ; d, 1629 d.
Balventlus, T., Roman centurion ; n.c. 54* d.X.
Balzac, C'h. Louis, Fr. archt. and author ; (/. 1820 n.lL
Balzac, Honorc de, French romance writer; 1799 —
1850 D.r.
Balzac, Joan-Louis Guez de, French epistol'tgraphi*^
and academician ; 1591-1655 C.D.R,U.V^
Balzanl, Giovauni-GiroLimo, Italian painter ; 1658 ^^
17.r) i>^
Balzano, Francesco, Italian histoiiim ; 16S0 D« "j"^
Balzayano, Giovanni Paolo, Italian lawyer and aQtbc»^>
1596 -ij*
Baize, Jean Antoine Raymond, Fr. ])ainter ; b. 1S18 '^
Baize, Jean Etionno l*«iil, French j>aintcr ; b. l.<13fc -^
Baize, Nicolas, Fr. advocate ; 17.'U or 5— 17l»2 l>-'*X-_
Balzer, Anton, Rohomian artist ; 18th ctut, "5«<"
Balzer, Johan, lU hnnian engraver ; 17.'W -17W B^ ^i^
Balzer, Mathias, Rohemian engraver; I8th cent. -5
Balzo, Carlo de, Italian theologian ; 16U0
Bambacarlus, OctavuH, Italian lawyer ; d. 16112
Bambagluoli, Graziulo, Italian jurist and amj=m^^
Bambalio, M. Ful vius, father in-law of Mark Ar-^^h^ -^
n.r. 50
Bambam, Aartwig. Germ. Lutheran divine; d.l"
Bambam,JoIiaim,<M'nn. scholar and author; c/.l
Bambanius, M. IVtcr, (ierman Litin iH>et; li
Bamberg, l)aiii<'l, German theologian
marian ; d. ir>80
Bamberger, Johann Peter, Prussian military —
counsell«»r. and writ<»r ; 1722 I'^Ol
Bambini, Felix, I tal. music com iwser; 1742 -_
Bambini, .Facopo, Italian i»aiutcr ; 15s2 c:::;^
1629 or 50 (t)
Bambini, Nicolo, Ital. hist, painter; 1651-
Bamboccl, Abate Antonio, Italian sculptor ■
Bee Peter Tan ^
-^P. of York; 1508 ar».
I ►ainfcet; 1500- lUOO* N. it*
", Cerru ne; 1^:00 n.Q
tXicolaaflu^. ,....„ .Jior; 174tiD,L
AiUm, theriif of Loudon^ 1^2; mnyor, WJO
ItmiiQrlde, L„„„ . „.„„,.. ^.. „.„,,.r;
BtBiplai&, JoHti» euimi of SalU^iir^; d. 1751
'» Frvftoli «gricnilliirftliit autl botanisfc ; 1750 P.
r« OatieH, Bn^lijihapei >^nd mui. ; 1482 d. il v,
r* TbeiiuuH EnglStNiroii of the Excheoudr ;
142J /.
luuiti* Jetci Bftittirt, Swin rotliUry turgeon ; 177& k.
Biftc; J«Mi« IVoneh phrsiciiin and author ; 1600 d.
IVttll tes taart*, Jo^ Henri, Freoclx ruproaeu-
mirftt mhI autluxr ; 111^1826 D.r.u.
WlltfliaiUl^ Me«it of Hungary ; 1 21 7 1). tt. tr.
Baoa. BtfiMrd, French author ; 6. 17f>r» f.
BuUMl, French ivpretentAUTe nod political writer;
h, UQI i\
« I^auu ¥r. DDminicAu anrl iichaliir ; d. 10.^5 d.
, ©r BftChieiniufl, Ihitch kwrycr, member of
UMppilMPimoil of Holland and Z^idmidi 1510—
BicbctaoDt, Frsncli Inwjer and dnnnn-
; 1690 n.q.
I QHlMert, ItAliaD Latin poet ; ICOO DM-
k Anxeloi Italiikti pointer ; 1744—17^^3 QAi.
Scnifino, tloHaxi Domuiicim Author ; iV.
A*lrtfiBr>, Ttiljan po«t» muAicmOf &nd or-
; 1332 D.Q.
l^ortiuit pamter; 1740 b,
; lli,'il *?.
iiist and writer on Ittw;
lOMlE^ KloolJkf de, German Dominican rector of
^(■ml «ttulba mt OHiU ; im) D.
ii^^ ^ter Van det, Flemub engraver ;] 1640—
' ' ' np of KilciAcdutLgh ; 1582 t.
11, Ittdiftn loulptor and arolii-
cV nJthnr; 1755-1839 rt.^.
i phyaiciAU ttud phiioao-
wnui , (I, i-^i R,w,
Edward Niith., Eng, mod* writer; 1808 w,
U«orge, Axnmcan politician und histori^in ;
litteraCt^ John, M^hop of Oxford 1C32, mastitr of
y«»writj * -n. . ^^.'.t ,/ i04x cM.Lu.
tasvfl)»lli lAinJoQ 1597, arcbbi^iiop
tICailUr!. <.r/, Ifiio af/./.R.w.
^Tb'JiJA^ st ; ICo'J u.w.
, lEafrx* L R.
f*"tiy ., ..,.,.. ^„^^.u poet and
t^ iio, Italian jurist and author;,
Bnui ron« Gtmmn sculptor ; 6. 1600 r, A II :uuu} von, German theologian
I II eodetiastle ; 14th cent. D. n.
^i^i* 4», i'.:4U4m biiveliiit and poet; 1480 —
Tlikftio doy Italian theologian, genenU of
aitcl ailUiur; I4:i5— 150(5 R,u.
LttigSi Italian poet and muaio eompoBcr ;
Ckrirtafero, ItaL trsTeUer; 1420* D.q.
h, I7fl3 II. R*
1710* K.
;&. 16»9tTau
r-lC34 D.D.T,
Banderall, David, professor of sitagin^ at the Couser-
vatoirts Phtis; 1780-1849
Bandettlnl, Teresa, Italiitn poetess ;
B&ndl, Michael, Hungarian wrft- rj
Bandlerat Alcssandro^ Italian
Bandlera, Attilios, lUd. navt* ]
Bandlexa, Benedetto, ItaL t^uii.... ,
fiazLdiera, Domemchino, Italian theologian and author;
lG3a i,g.
Bandlera, Ilniilio, ItaL naval officer, 1819- ex, 1848 d.
Baadiera, J-'rancciseo, ItaL ecxrkjiiftstic ; loth cent, l.iu
Bandleaa, Luigi, Italian theoL and author; I^jO d.i.
Baadlnelli, ijuccio, Italian jjainter and »culptor; 1487 —
1559 B.c.aB.T,
Baildl2ielli« Clement, It^dian ioulptor; 17th cent. u.
Baadinelll, Miu-oo, Itulianpnintt^r; 1G15* X.B.
Bandlnelll, Michel Angelo, Italian painter ; 15rjO li.
Bandinl, i\jigeIn-Maria, Italian saYant, librarian at
Florence ; 1720— isrXl aU.W.
Bandlnl, Fmnccsco, Itsilinn ohronlolcr; d. 1588 n. I,
Banfl^T^^, (liovanut, Italijui sculptor ; 1570* P*
Baadlnl, *SidluLBt, Italiam jurist ; 1077^-1760 ll.U.
Bandlno, Domenico. Italian Aoholar ftnd author ; 1340—
1413* D.B.
Banditl, Pietro, Italfnn lyric poet ; <f, 17C3 O.I.
Bandole, Antomc. Frenoh btwyer and writer; 1609 D.
Bandonlna, or Blandonla, French nun ; 5oO* V.
Bandtke, Ckiiirgr.i Samuel, Polushhistorian andbibljo-
^rrapher ; 17(jH— lS.i5 R.
Bondtkle, Joan- Vincent, PolLsh professor of Roman
law in the Uuivei-aity of Wiir*aw, and author ;
1783-LSol »,
Banduri, I>om Aneelmo, Italiim Bene<lictinc, aeode-
miciant and libiiuian at Pari* ; 1671—1743 c.R.t3.
Bane, Cbuuliua ik-, French tl^eologian, counsellor,
and president of Nlmoa ; d, l(i58 ,P.
Banel, Pierre, French general ; 1766— 17 W D.
Baner^ or Bajiier, .Tohann Gustavu», Swedish field*
mftrslml ; 1500— 1641 K-U.
Banes, Doraingi>, Spaniah theologian ; ef. 1604 B*
Baaefl, Richard, English author ; t^jr, 15U4 ff.
Banez, Fmter Dumiuicus {Oe MundraifOfna), Spanifli
theologian and author ; 1527 — 1*504
BaJlfl, Antonio, Itfdian painter ; 18th cent. I>*1C.
BanA, Genmimo, Italian painter ; 1700 lX3f.
BanfL, Guilio, Hungarian lutist, musical author, and
jwlventurer ; rf. It370* D.R,
Banll, Johann, Huugtirian war. and palatine; d. 1534 B,
Banftj Johanu, Baron, Hungarian militiuy utficer ; b,
1816 F,
Banll, Lucas, Hung, abp. of Gran, 1158-74 ; tf. 1174 b.
Banfield, Charlea Thomas, English uconomiBt ; 1846 ¥,
Bang, Frideric Ludovicus, Danish phyaidan and
writer J 1747— 1H20 fi.U.w.
BaniTi Johann, Danish physician and professor of
anatomy in Coi>enhagon ; 1737— 1B08 D.
Bang, Johatin Christiau, Germ, writ; 1736—1803 R,
Bang, Johann Otton, Daniah thooL; 1712— 17**0* D,
Bang, Matthiaa. Danish prof, of philoH. ; d. 1668 H.
Bang, Niel, Danish theoL ajid hist.; 1614 — 1076 D.
Bang, Kiel -Frederic, Danish philologist and author j
1730 D.
Bang, Oluflmndt, Banish lawyer; 1760 D.
Bang,01uf Luadfc, Dauiali doctor of medicine; 1813 D.
Bang, Peter, Swedish theolo-ian and author ; 10^13—
1696 PR.
Bang, Thomas, orientalist and writer of Finlahd;
1600— imil D.R.
Bange, Carl-Georg, Daninh moralist ; 1590 D.
Bangert, or Bangertua, Heinrich^ German theologian.
and historian, rector of the University of Lubeok ;
1610— 16<i5 D.
Banglna, Thomas, Daniili theologuin and author;
ltkX)-166l C.ff.P.
Bangs, Nathan, AmiHican theoL writer ; h. 1778 rt*
Panl^hl, Bartotomen, ItaL dram, author; 15(Xf D.l*
Banlor, Antoine, Fr. acadomiciim ; 1073—1741 CD. it.
Baiiler, JjoM^ tVvDob painter ; ITth ce&L t.
Banlerosi French ftdvoCAto, geoniflirioiuit iddieT,
jKMjt, and comrdian ; 1700* 1>.
Baalm, John, Irbh novelbt ; 18(J0-1.SI2 D,
BanlBter» .ToIul, Khgli«h pbysiou^ onfttamiBt* and
author; Ifw.r— ICiiO* C.K.U.W.
BaolHter, Jolai, Eng. l>ot. ntid tmn^llor; 1680 r,u.
Baniffter, .Tolin, En^lUh Wulkwiat, nnd director ©f the
c\m[H.\ uf Chttrlea 1I» ; IC:^— l»;7rt d.k*
B4iji^ct.>r i,j,fi ^^^ yi/w»*;<r)» EngUih camediaa ;
Bai.. I irrj, KnglU)i NunsvHin; 162S* l>,li,
Banlstei; Wmiiuo, Eugliili buroa of tho Exchequer ;
1714 F.
Bank-BliT! iir'an-Ranlc Himrn.i-iMti r.l»'1' 13th cent. i>»
Banlce, 1 cr;H13 r.
Banke.l, ..'Cii421 f.
BanlCCtrt, Josqih viin TroppcHj Dutch iidmii^ ; tL
1B4(>* L.II.
Binlce»t Eli ward, k! d,
BuDces, riMortr©, Eji 1850 f.
16i4 C/.K.O,
Baakes.T'^ - r- ' ^ ^ ".-;i?,l5ftl g.
BaZLkS. J r ; irtK) C.ILU.W.
Banks, .i ^ r »ud mitlior ; 1 TCJ—
1751 an.u»w»
Ba&kSi ^r Joifiph, Knglith OAlu»li«t and )>ltilo»opher,
f thu Royal Society; 1740—1820
iiicl rnjutiss, ggTcmor of "'
I^noh ,
Bfttmaty&e. bir W
jtjdi?.^; 174l-183[
BaiiT-^— ■
■ '"" ' tMt.
, ,,.^ -^«.-...-'|U(ir ;
juatico of the King's
inm. ; 17*'y-1807*v.u!
V liter J IMti^'Hm* B.
Boottinh fedvocmte and
m, Frouoh J\iHft and irntcr on Ixw;
li ^reiioml ; d. 1C41
iian iihyn. und author ; IGQO* d.q.
.:Lisu ucdes* aehohir ; 17
Baimennaii* .
hank* r
' theoL andni/' " "S D.q.
Kuff. OngT>n ' IKD.
nder, Scottih [ lit mid
;i lingttr ; liki8— 1740 d.k-
,**.ii oejiiitHlkn ; 17r>a-l836 K.
B,, A(u«>ricBn lawyer luid mer>
Bttmitsa^ Juu^nu Tctcr. Gerfniui juriit »fid Author ;
1707- )r7r* iKiu
Baniiit_. .1,-1,1, f..,.M nennaa oottiUMfUur of ituto
Ba^ hiJin, Bob«miaii kwyer Olid
hiittiruMi , ^, 1 ,.::'» n,
» John AlUrtofl, DutuU tauvical atithur ; 17th
Baaov, Joi
Bafiqao, s
Baatl, .r Bariai.(,t
Baailuv, L, Jvumri
laivttcth, IvaiHL'd'
1 ; 1740 II.
' !%ivUdi, linjiaiaii
Tlicodur« dk, JbiuiicL yvai; K ltl20*
Baitwmrt, Jacob. S«ei&h lacred mailc c^nrtxiMT;
d, 1686 B«
Banyai, Stephanua, Dutch profci*or ; 173*%*J
Baayer, HoLry, Kuglish uuiigeon ; 171H KtV
Mark, Auit. phya. and writor; 1592-1064 K.^
. _, Vioeuxio, Itatitui nohle vaxd jurut ; d, lOltt t.H. 1
Baodan, king of Irehmd^; o65 D.C,
Baoithin, Irish eoclesiastio ; c/. 5U0 K. 1
BaoUTt Jean-Florent, Fr» prinU'rftndpnhlisher; 17T5 li» ^
Baonr Lormlan, Pierre -MArie'Ffunv^^'Ltjuta, Fr
poet ; h. 1770
Bapbometus, uAme of a myttto peraono^ p.i
Bapatt Michel^ Q«mian phyaicmn, tmtnralMt,
author: 1540— 160« aiy*
BaptliattiK 15, rTi;>r>l 1 rL^nch thcologiati ; 141G IX
BaptlBt, ■ l*f©iGore; 1501 r.
Baptists I, Flemiah fruit and towmt
pAioter; ih.-, I ii>\rj en
Baptist, J., cugmver at Amaterdam ; 17^ Bi*
BapUata, Altonao^ tfr Oiorumi ildcfouA«, Sp
Dominican author 1 16^1^^
Baptiflta, An««]tuo, SpainHHteoi ; 17th ctnU Sil
Baptiata, Friid>? Franocaco, raitifacao AusQitina i
author ; k ItlOO*
Baptlata, Fmde Jood, Fovrtagueae AiigiutiD« i
aiy ; 17th cent.
Baptiflta, Fr. Joao do S. Antonio, Portn^cao
gical writer; h. 1683
Baptista, Glovannif ItaHan Jewith oomrort asid|
cian; 1500
Baptlfltai Oitueppe. TtnL pix*t >
Baptistat Gregorj', Portu;;uesi
BaptlnatHurteu&iua, Iti!i ^< 1 ,
Baptiflta, Jean. Fri>noh i. or : 1571
Baptiflta, Johann, Gt-rmu l "iT 1
Baptiflta, J oliann, Germ. T
Baptiflta, JoBci>h, Mexw
author ; iri7ti*
BaptlflU^ '
Baptiflta, i\t(iro
writor ; 1724
Baptiflta, IVoTomala, Italian Miiiofitc and ao
Baptiflta, Italian aoholar; d, 1417
Baptiflta, aorvatit of DiAinouriei ; ISOO
Baptiflta. Si V Batttflta.
Baptiflta. Ami', liioolai - Anaelme, Fmadi
Baptlflte, Ambrtdie, Spinisli monk and author t
Baptiflto, Anot or Raptiate* Freneh mua. ; 170O
Baptiflta. f'u/let, I'aul EuatJMsho Atiaolnu^, l^^n
lurtnr; 17l>j'— 18^9
BnptUta, Lottta - Albert * Fricdcridi,
comjKiser ami vif li' '"* - ' '"""
Baptiflta, Pictnm It
Baptiflta de Ferrare ^
author; 1470*
Bapttflte do Saullfl, Fr. CordcVier ami aaibor ; 1419 1
Baptlflti, "'• RTttiTti p,, t,^.. ii .1. .,, i.Wv- . ivif "^
oompoNer jhhI % m i — i7i>'*
Baptlatia, Alaaaad* 1 1 poet ; 1650
BaptaaiiflkliDedaiu::, ii....^... .^u Franciaeaa aq
BaqnenoU KiwTaa, Fr ^Hut^-rund wr^Nr j M
Baquoy, ' - 1^17
Baquoy, 1 74
Baqnoy, r liSOJ
Bar, Kduuiiiii ■ 1 , ti, Li^7
Bar, Kdtituud i of- J. 1410
Bar, ' ' '- ;
Bar, U*Mii Ih, Cvunt ui i U,
■\ ntm of8t Clara ;<i. 1447 \
.c»o imu; 17thc«iit.
•Joud^ Portugueaa ph
Gorman mm
tofi 1000'
lir* Oeaii JU.,
d. 1302 n.L,
Bir. Je»a do '
T :.
i1, vnlet-de-
K ; 141*3 l>.
Bit, I>jub, •
: t halo lis 'Sur-
nut of (/< JSorrMm) ; <f. 11^ o.t.
, ' ...„^
of ^
. tf. 1170 V,L.
1024* D.L.
; 1020* D.L.
Bir/i^uiaua I.,
d. 1214 D.L.
Bit. TLi}k%;u1 1 L
Cvjum of
: r/. lir.M}* D.L.
Bir.De^^' /-.'i
Fftiich painter ; d. 17^2 O.X,
Mr. A
: FlcaiT
de, Fr«ach general inid
E:l ■
of Moray, 1302 ; t/. i:t«)7 L
BeuedictiiiB incholAr tuul
Bu-« « ;«]rsts LooU, Baroa de, French writer ; 1701 *—
Bi' ■
' Ivr and author ; 1770' d.
liotifie aud theological
ivocttto ; 174S— 1801 F,Ji.
:iti ; d, 1617 D.
Bdl, *■> 'cjiui-
' .inter ; 1700* y.V.
,iud author D.
■■:h puinter and cn-
frkf«r; r:
Bum, JerocTi
: writer; 1510 d,q.
Bairn. JahttU!
^ - 1660 D.g.
t. ; 1500* D.
cer; 1772-1809 u.
■wiiMt Nictiuiai, Hiiaaan;iu pj.intt«r ; fc, 1810 d«f.
-, FreDch en'^TTiver ; H^tO
bSimctne, Ital. painter; 1585— ICJi* B.D.T,
BazM-Bligelib H<^1 iultaii ; 13th cent. d.
"" i JiutAiL Dutch theologian ; 1000* D.Q,
t F», UlrrtMi mismonary d.
A'BQUen.LoiiiA, Fn gen. ; 1734-1812 e.u.
f .(l^BUllen, LtjuiJL nuLTshal of France :
L 1796 U.K.
Butane, Pretieh coirtio author ; d. 1755 D.Q.
i, Antonjuji de, Spnninh writer ; 1531 n.
, Frater I'etriW do Valdevieao, Spanish eccle-
1^75 D.«,
k-ir-Soto, Luis de, Sp&niah poet and pliy«i-
French physiciiiu, aoti*
174;i— 1810 D.H.
i.m D.iLit.
junder of the dynasty
t mU KTian,, prince of ZAJatai ;
13th cent, D,
writer ; 6. 1804 D.F.
f D.Q.
- author; 1050 t>.<^
■ iter; L 1«10 F.
. Kussiim governor
ftTflhhiahop of Tcher-
^<»ri'it9)| urchhiidiop of
vf jsaLTiLaovius, 8taiujdaif Polish writer ;
Bf* Q.U.
Amafcle-Gntlhinme-ProiperBrugiferc, Bnron
40[r. flfeikitfiiiA&undtintfior; 6. 1782, d. IBOOd.f.m*
JIMtty Ctftadii Igtiao: Brugibre dc, French author ;
PiaH^ Ckado tjiiiAee Brugii^re de, French writer ;
HSi— IS14 D.a
GeorsA, IIiin^riBn tnuulator and thuohi-
» 1710 D,^.
J^fettts. nuQgnriau tiftnaUtor of the Bible ;
fr, 175M lu
BaxBnyl, Paul^ Hungarian Jemiit and autlior ; 1700 D.Q.
Baranzano {Ri'dcmptuii)^ Iifdiau Barnabite Jind pro-
feasor of philoiiopliy ; 15i)0 — 1022 CD.R.
B&ras, Mure Antiuno, Fr. advocate; 1704—1794 n,V.
B&rat, Nicolas^ French orientaliBt ; d. 170S
Baratai Manuel, Portuf^ese oruanieutal writer; d,
1572 D.
Barateau, Emile, French litternteur ; 6. 1702 K
Baratella^ Antonio IjauregiOf Itiil. XM>et ; t/* 1448 r>.K*
BsLratler, Francois, French fuhulist and polygraph er ;
irKS2-1751 ^^ n.Q.
BatHtier, Jmin Phihppe, French infant ctlchre^ philo-
logist ; 1721—1740 c.U.B.w.
Baraton, French writer ; rf. 1723* 0.H.
Baratta, Eumene, Italian sculptor ; 5. 1825 F,
Baratta, Fmncosco, Itidiun sculptor ; d. ]0<iO N.R,
Baratta, FrauctACo, Ital. hist, iiaiutei-; b. 1805* D.r.X.
Baratta, Giomuni* ItalLiu sculptor ; 1070'' D.N.
Barrata^ Johnnn, Prussian p«intcr; d. 1087 s^.K.
Baratta, Pietro, Italian sculptor ; 17tb cent. D.N.
BaratU, Antonio, lt;kliaa designer and eiigraver; tt,
1720 lJ.P.3f.
BarattI, Ja^copo, Iti\lian traveller; 1G50 D,q.
Bamttleri, BHrtolomeo, Italian juriiit ; 16th cent. t.a.
Barattleri, Otrlo, County savant and philosopher;
1738-1800 u,U.
Barattleri. Franctaco, Italian lawyer and imthnr;
1738-18(16 ' D.r.
Barattleri, Giovanni, Italian diplomatist; 1332 I.H.
Barattleri, Ott:*vio, Italian poet ; 170C> IKU
Barattleri, Pietro, Italian judge ; 13th cent, I.E.
BarattD, Pnolo, Italian jurist ; 1522 i.jt.
Baratynakl, JeJi^^nij Ab., Eussian poet ; d. 1S44 D.F.
Baraudie, Le, Flortiitine en^jraver; ims lu
Baiavalle, Chriatophoro del Mondovi, Italian modicaU
teacher; 1550
Barase, Cyprion, French mi8«ionary to Ccotrjil
America, and murtyr ; d, 1702 li.B.
BarlMt, Alvarez Alonzo, Spanish prieat and metallor-
gist : 1720 c.D.R.w.
Barba, Antonio, Italian physician ; 1800 i>.
Barba^ Genario del, Itnliiiu painter ; lti80* d.t.
Barba, GioFsinui^ Ital, ndvocaLo and bishr.|i ; d> 1749 D.y.
Barba, rTURtavt% French editor ; h. imb* t\
Batba, Juan Sanclii-^x, Spanish sculptor; d. 1*170 N.H.
Barba, Pedro, Spanish jibyH. to Philip IV. ; mil d.r.u.
Barba, Pompeo delk, Itidian il.D. and philo6«ipher ;
1.520-1582 D.B.
Barba, Slinonedelk, Italian Aavont; 15ij4 Q.K,
Barba, Thonma, Dominican and author
Barba Plccola, Josepha-Eleonora, Italiiui scholar j
1700 LQ.
Barbacena, FcHherto Ciddieira Brant, Marfiuii of,
Bnisiilian niurrih;d imd seniitor ; 1772 — 1842 D.U.
BarbadUlo, Alf ouzo Hieronimo do Balas, bpnuish poet
and djTimatUt ; 1580*-1630 C.D.ILW.
Barbadlno, PortuguoM' Kcbobr; 1750 D.Y.
Barbadorl. Dontito, Italian patriot ; d. 1379 I>.it*
Barbadorl, Ni^-nhi, Ittdian patriot ; 1430 ILU.
Barbadoro, Biuloloineo, Italian ^Titer aud scholar;
1545 c.B.
Barbagallo^ BenedettOi Sicilian jariftt and wriur;
BarbalhoBezerra, Agostinho,Tlriu:iliiin trav. ; lG(t7 D.
Barbaluii^, Antonio Ricei, Italian painter; IGUO —
104U B-T.
Barban^Ois, Charles, nimquiii de Uelion, French agri*
cultiiralist uiul economist ; 1700 — 1^22 D.F.R.
BarbanqoQ, Murio de, French heroine ; d. 15*>0 ii-
Barbanegre, Joseph, Baron, French genend ; 1702—
miO thV.V,
Barbant, Cbarlca, English mtuiQ oomp04Mir and or-
gutiist; d, I70U D.K.
Barbantliil, Nicola, Italmn military »nrgooii ; 1702—
1850 iw
Barbar, Thomis, English Puritan divine ; 15t)l q^
Barbara, St, Christian martyr ; 233 i*.
Barbara, consort of Henry XI., ilukc of Glugan ;
1404-irao n.
Barbara, L(»ui« CharloR, French novelist ; h. 1^22 l".
Barbara, Ka<lziwiluwn:i, cniiisd. of Poland ; (/. ITmI il
Baxbarad, Guetano, Italian ecclesiastic and scholar ;
17tli cent. l.y.
Barbarano, Frrinccsco, Italian theologian; tl. 1050 i.t^.
Barbarano, GiiUio, Italian philosopher iind juri;>t ;
15<iO Tl.
Barbarasa, Ilorouleo, Itnliun scholar ; ir»10 D.l.
Barbarl, or Barbaro, Oiiise>iX)c ^Viitonio, Italian
niatheniaticisin ; 1047—1702" i!.
Barbarigo, Aj^ostino, doj^c of Venice, 1 IS;) ; </.
1501 }i.ii.u.
Barbarigro, (iiovanni-Fmncesco, ftmhaf«sadr»r of Venice,
cardinal and bishop of Tadua ; 10.VS —1730 D.U.
Barbarigt), Clre^orio, cariliual and bishop of Pndu.i ;
ir.2:>— Hi'»7 i).n.u.
Barbarigo, Nicola, Venetian am hnssador; d. 1570 it.r.
Barbarlnl, Italian pniuter ; 1S20 N.
Barbarlno, liartolonieo {TI Ptvariuo), Italian coin-
]joscr of nmdrig-.ds ; UXio* it.
Barbarlnus, (./•Barbarlno, Julio, Ital. writ. : 1500 d.t.
Barbaro, Antoni(», Ital. iioet and hiwyer ; 1750 D.l.
Barbaro, Antonio-Tom maso, Italian poly^ipher;
17:« T).y.
Barbaro, Daniello, of V«Miice, patriarch of Aquileia,
and author; 151:1— 1.'.70 i\U.\\:
Barbaro, Kmiolao or llcrniolaux, ^'enctian scholar,
bishop of Veixjna, and author ; 1410* - 1471 u. w.
Barbaro, Ennolao, of Venice. ]iatnarch of Aquileia,
ji.ivant, and author ; 1 154- 141>5 1>.1L
Barbaro, Francesco, Veutriiau nobleman and littera-
teur; 13'.)S 1454 C.D.R.W.
Barbaro, Josafat, Venetian traveller and author;
<l. 14W i.n.
Barbarossa, Ifayadin, Turkifih coi-sair : (f. 1518 li.
BarbarOBsa, Horac, Turkish corsiiir ; */. 1540 it.
Barbarossa, J 'atilo- Km., Ital. mystic poet; d. 1014 i.q.
Barbarouz, (•harh's-,Joscph-Mari:i, French represen-
tative; 1707 - 171>4 iKV.
Barbaroux, CMi.irles 0.:,'er, French magistrate and
senator ; h. I7'.l2 F.
Barbarus, consul of Uomc ; 157 ii.
Barbary. See Babylone.
Barbat, Ii<»uis, Fn-nch auth«»r and lit ho;'. ; h. 1S20 r.
Barbatelll, IJemanlino {Puratti), ludi;ui paintir;
15.|2-ird2 \\.\\
Barbato, Itartohnneo. Italian wnitcr ; 1028 i.k.
Barbato, .liTome. Ital. phy^. and author; ir.OO (Mu
Barbato, Oratio. Ilal. ihx'tov and author ; 10:U) (Mt.
Barbato, IVtri.nifs Italian po«t ; d. 15.51
Barbato do Sulxnone, .Marc<>, Italian orator and ]K'et ;
14th rtnt. T\
Barbatus, L. Iloratius, i^mian consular tribune;
ij.c. 425 u.r.x.
Barbatus, L. lIoratinH, c<»nsul of Homr ; W.^ w.
Barbatus, T. (,>uiniiiis. Koman in.hmiI ; v.,l\ 471 II.
Barbauld, Annaliotitia, Kn;,'. poetise; 1745 --l.sj5l).ir.
Barbauld, John, Fr^'ncli architect : I.'Sth cent. v.
Barbault, paint'. r and en;^'ra\cr at Ki)mc ; 1700 r..N.
Barbault, Antoi;ii' Francois, Ficnch hur^c'on ami
writt-r ; 17(»5 17S1 li.i:.
Barbault- Iluyer, I*. F., Nr;n-o r«v..lntioni«*t of Sf
Dumiiii;*!, ami auihor in Frainv : 171*2 l>. i:.
Barbavara, <;iiisf-pi.i>. Italiim jurist ; d. 1721 i.k.
Barbavarn, Lui^;!, Jt:d. niaihrin^.taian: fi. lt::;s MI.
Ikirbavara. M. r.-.«, l!.i!i;.n jurist ; */. l.VVJ :;,
Barbavar.-^, ,M..i;,i, It.dian thtolM-ian, juii^t.
ai:d a.jthnr; tl. 1715 1..I.
Barbazan,.\iii..l.l <;uilh« m d'-. Fr. in Ti.ial ; */. 1 1:".2 i:.
Barbazan. Mticnm-. lunch s> nml nutlmr :
HI'.m; 177<) f.i'.K.w.
Barbazza, Andri-a. <\.unt, Italian poet and jtuso
uiili-r ; I. "'^2 l«i5i; D i.
Barb6, haint and martyr of lb 1io]>oli>« ; :*.(0* it.
tarbe (/;..'. u^, qutcnui" I'liai.d, 1512; d. 1525 i*.
Barbe, Flemish engraver ; h, 15.^5* B.
Barbe, French L:«z.arist and preacher ; 1700 D.g.
Barbe, Gregoire-Auguste, French captain of infantry:
1813 i>.
Barbe, N., French officer ; d. 170S D.
Barbe, Philippe, French ecclcHiastic and author;
1723-17H2 D.IL
Bai1)e, Itidziwill, queen of Poland ; '/. 1.551* Ii.
Barbe-Marbois, Franc^ois, Marquis of, French state*-
man, majristrate, and author; 1745—1837 1).R.
Barbeau de la Bruyere, Jean-Louis, French litten-
tcur ; 1 710- 17S1 c. R. f, w.
Barbedette-Cheonelals, Joseph Jean, French oilvo-
catc and author ; 1 7S4 - 1 820 i *. i:.
Bai1)ediexine, Ferdinand. French repr<iduccr in broDM
of chefs-d'auvrc and statuar>' ; //. 18'.)5' f.
Barbelrl, Francesco {II Li'jaun)^ Italian painter;
1023-1008 11.IKP..T.
Barbeirl, Giovanni Angelo, Italian singer and muftic
composer ; 1 rt50 K.
Barbeirl, Lui;;i, Itnlinn painter ; 17th cent. X.B.
Barbeirl, Paolo Antonio, Italian painter ; 15110—
Barbello, Gio-Jacojio, of Cremona, painter ; 15U0-
IO> H.aT.
Barber, Francis, faithful negro servant of Dr Samnrl
Johnson ; d. ISOl e.
Barber, Fnmci-, <itficer of the American rovolutionaiy
army; 1751—1783 i.
Barber, John, En^'. scholar and author ; d. 1540* B.
Barber, John, sherilf of London, 172U ; lord uwTcr,
1732 i
Barber, John, American author ; '/. WMi< «.
Barber, Mary, Knglish authoress ; 1712*- 1757 k.
Bazt>eran, Antonio. Spanish theologian B>
Batbereau, Fr. phy.s. and alchenu^t ; 17th cent. I\
Barbereau, Mathurin Auguntc DuUhazar, Fmcb
music composer ; 6. 17'.K) li.K.L
Barberet, IKnis, French phT.^ician and naturalirt;
1714—1780 ■ n.1.
Barberetti, Julio-CVsuir, Italian bitist and niuuc
writer ; 157(' " D.K.
Barberl, Antonio, ltd. ar.-ht. and engraver: IfiWuS.
Barberi,Gi<ivauni, Koman paint, andaivlit. ; Ki'^'fP.'-
Barberl, (iiiivanni-Antonio, Ital. phy«. ; d. 1000 D.I.
Barberl, ^larco Aurulio, Italian jurist ; K'lOO Li.
Barberi. Filippo del, Ital. thtM.l. and authi»r ; U-*! D.
Barberl, Fiancsco. J^>man jurist : 17'.K» R.r.
Barberini, or Barberlto. Antonio (// Vt-irhli\ Itilia
cardinal and tlnido;iif.d writ.-r ; J."»«K» -HVIti M-
Barberini, Antonio, cardinal, archbishop of Kheim*.
and aniKi^^^sador ; ICiOS -1071 ^-^
Barberini, Tra Honavrntura, archbishop of Fcrrara;
1074- -174;; ■-
Barberinl,( Ii<iv.inni-P.attiRtn,Ital. sculptor; d. IfltfD-
Barberini, Malbo. s.e Urban VIU.
Barberino, rianceti-o de, Italian poet and jnriitS
12r.4-i:M8 r.Ra»-
Barberino. Franc.-! Ital. can! : l.'.*»7 -lO ar.
BarberlO, Fa bio. Niapohtan pijy.N:cian and i»hiloi»-
]i]u'r : 17th e- nt. * »•
Barberio. or Barbieri, (;iu<eppe di S, Llj.u Ncapoo-
tan jurist ami ]ii'«t ; 1»70 K-l''
Barberius.Lii ill -.Maria, Italian phv6iei;.n :.ndantlH*t
u;s.> at
Barbes, Annaud, Fp'Tm-Ii insurrectionist. coli'Del •»*
i«prrsiTil.iti>i- ; A. l>li) &■•
Barbesieux. I...ui^ l'iai...Mij :\Iari.- b' Sillier, M»in"**
of. Funih diploTiiatisT ; Ua\<- ITUl ^^'
Barbet. Au-ust.'. Fri-nch iciioiui^t : '.. ISiSO* '•
Barbet. lUnri. I'r.iirh ].nr ; '». IT'.Mr '•
Barbeta, Johann. Hun.4arian bistoiian : 17ih cent, r*
Barbette, Paul, l^uich M.n., sun^ton, and ouiIht:^*
Barbettl, .Vni:* 1"», Frmch w^m^.I carv..r : '.. IS.^;* ^''
BarbettO, <>so\.inni-ll;ittistadiSaluzzo, Italuuthe*'*^
gian ami oiator; I7th cent. **
laj^m-IhilKyQrs* Jacques, Fxiencli bot^uim^ m.d.^ situl
ftulbor : 170&— 1799 c.d,b.\v.
BUlMQr dTAsrevfUy, Jules^ FtcocIl jouroidist and
omlisi : ^ ISU f.
Ba^fbey, iUrc le, French physician ; d. IGOO* u,
BftdWJZMt» CiiArle), French phjucmn, and professor
, Je&n, profe£.si:«r rf public law ai Grt'iun-
l writer; 1C71 1714 citCW.
iStB^llTlo I priTice;&. IdOOK
. Aodrcfl 1080*— 1754 b.d.
• MarccUo-Vestrio, Italian orator and liutbor ;
J OitAviana, ItJkliMi advocate and aiitlior ; d.
lUMuiC^ Albcric I., Cotuit cf, oonitaUe of Naples;
4. 1409 D.R.
BailytiflO, Alljeric IL, Count of j 1424 D. it.
HMMIO, Giovanni, Italiim coiunUriitDT and assauiin ;
_JC14CI D.R.
l^fflli dm BoctL^, Je:in DeniJ, Prencli professor of
j^ap^T', ITeO— 1823 Ti,
ADtoine-'Ale^uLndro, French librarian aud
ber; 1705-1825 r,U.w.
„nond'Jean, French lawyer and author ;
liSK-lT^S D.
lullte; Sdmond- Jean'Fnui^ii, French adrocate and
irania^; 1689-1771 d.
FtaiuxiB do Sales, French theologian and
w: 17BJ-ia24 D,
>V Biain-Anguate, French set tine poet \ 1S05 r*.
!; Bsp^ jie, French cccle»aetic and biogmpber ;
6ul80B* F.
I fend &!
tk • ^. 1670
Mrtutr. SUsie>Antoinc,
''^^^nire, French phyficuui,
' ih
A.t'i^iY), French ecdesias-
French Latin poet ; 1640 p.
'"" ■' -:f/. 1742or5c-D.E,
mt^r ; b. 18O0* F.
ririiin; b. 179S F.
S I rtiicL dmuiiitist ; 6, 1822 F.
r^kn^ouf, French musician and com-
- <d9 D. K.
ik'A&court, Jcan^ French oeudomioian^ auti-
•IfTOit writiT ; 1641— IGm CAl.n.
BttMer-Tem&rs, .To!*Hph'Nicola>, French philologist
asBlalitht^r; 6. 177^* U.
-Willoime, Jacqne.^ Luc, French historical
ntfr; t. 1769 B.
o del {Bomtnico Fiortntinio)f Itcdkn
r I iiip^Jir, and engraver; &, 150t»*,
Al^^iundro, lJ4jlo;^'nesv UTtter J lf»t»5* LR.
I ! ixi, Itiiliun sculptor; 17th cent. D.
nce»co (// Guet'cino da CctUo),
'-1*^66 i.n.T.
.ria, Italian phllolopst and
. lUon philologist and author;
, Liidovico, Italian pi^iater and engraver;
ifii^-fTivi !>;
•wtflr it-iL piiintor; 1063—1704 D.T.
JfcrtQf . L . djim tilihot and p<:>et i^.
^ ttti»n'., itahan aoulptor; 1710* n.^.
. HttibolomeQfl, Dutch kndjiciipe painter;
Htlrr. I>utrh Fcenic artist ; 1717—17^0 N.ii,
l*iH<r Biiru^ Dutch hiitorical and land-
palarier ; I77'l-l«2a« D. k.
, Fklen JSoon, Uateh landAcape painter ;
Booaari t>,x,
iWt jrivrtiLu ii'ivui;» Jiuu K.ui£rs oouUfcl in
BarblQ, JeaUf French reformed minister ; 1680 d.q.
Baxtilllgant* Fr, munician and composer; 14110*^ ixK.
BaztllOIlt EustachOi French mubiciiui and composer;
16th cent. d.e.
Barblficme, Lodovico, Italian jurist ; lOth cent. BJt.
Barbo, Bjunabat Ital. jurist and senator ; rf. 1701 l.n,
Barbo, Giovanni-Battista, Italiam poet ; 1614 l,i'*
Bai1>0, Luigi, Italian bishop of Treviaa and historian i
1381—144;* D.
BarbOj Luigi, Italian jurist ; V)BO D.
Barbo, MariA, Ital. dipL, bp., and cardinal ; 1480* D.
Barbo, Paolo, Vouethui diplomatist and orator;
1415-1464 D.I.U.
Barbo, Puolo, Italian Dominican and philosopher ; d*
1494 or 9 B.U.
Barbo, Pietrt>, Ital jurist and podeata"; ^. 1479 or 82 LB.
Barbo Sondno, or BarbUO, Scipio, Italian doctor of
laWH and author ; 1570 11, C.
Barbolanlj Iklan^ui!) Tarqnato, Italian military officer
and writer; 1700*— 1756 n.
B^ rbolano, dogo of Venice ; 1026-31
Barbone, Jjut!oi)o, Italian paiuter ; 1680 i>.
Barbonl, Matteo, Ital painter and en^aver; 1810 l>,
Barb08a» Agastinha^ de Sylva, Portuj^ueae authoreaa ;
1674 B*
BarbOBa, A^stino^ Portuguese Jesuit, bishop of
Ugento ; 15U0 - 1649 c . E, R, u, w,
Barboaa, Antonio, Portuguese Jesuit and missionaty
to Cochin China ; 17th cent, K.
BarboBa, Arius, PortugueAe phUoIogiat and poet;
1460-1530 c.D.n.W.T.
Barbosa, D. Caetano {Con^&ntijio)^ Portuguese eccle-
aiastic and preacher ; h* 1060 D.K,
Baibosa, Edoardo, Portuguese geographer and tra-
Teller; 1480—1521 n,i\
Barbo sa, Kni.» Portuguese lawj^er ; 16th cent. C.D.Q,
Barbosa^ Jozc, Portuguese theologian and roysl
historiographer; 1674—1750 B.U.
Barbosa, Pedro, chancellor of Portugal; «i.l006 q.b.U.
BarbOBa, F. Domingos, Portuguese poet : 6.1610 d.ILT.
Barbosa, P. Domingos, Brazilian Jesuit and poet; d.
1683 B.11.Y
Barbosa, Simon Vaz, Portuguese ecoleslastic; jurist,
and author ; 16O0* D.K.E.
Batbosa, Vicentat Portuguese theologian and author;
16t»3— 1711 i}.U,Y.
Barbosa - BarcellaTi Antonio, Portuguese poet ami
scholar; d. liW}A D.R.V.
Barbosa • Macbado, Dlogo, Portuguese academician
and author; 1682—1770 O.B.u.Y.
Barboaa-Macliado, Ignaeio, Portuguese eccleaiastie
and historian ; 15i*fV— 1*W4 D-I.B.
Barboae, Duartc, r ' ; t^. 1521* i>.
Barbot, Jiimcs, J D.Q.r.
Barbot, Jean, Frr ! ^ pector in the
'W'est Indies D.R*
Barbot, Idarie-Eticnne, Viscount, French general;
1770-18;il# D.
Barbot, PieiTC, French painter ; fc. 1798 F.
Barbot, Prosper, French painter ; L 1798 D.N.
Baibotan, Claire-Joseph, Count of, French general ;
1719—1794 JKi\
Baii>cni,Fr. family of printers; 16tb— 19th cent. j\
Barboii, Deflcoiirlera Gabriel, French military officer ;
1761—1810 or 27 D»U.
Barbon, Hugo, French printer; d. 1808 HM,
Barbou, Hugar»» Frcuch printer ; 1539 D.O.
Barbon, Jean, French printer ; A 1762 o.B,
Barbon, Jo*it?ph, French printer; d, 1737 o.n,
Barbon, Joseph Gerard, French classical printer;
1715—1813 ac.
Barbour, 1. J.ames, American senatort governor of
Virginia ; 1776-1842 r.
Bai1>onr, John, Scottish chronicler and poet ; 1316 •—
i:m* o.t).Ji.w.
Bwrbonr, John S., American rcpreientatlTe ; 171)0 —
1855 c
Batbour, Oliver Lorenzo, American jurist ; 6. 1811 a,
Barbour, Phil. N. , Amer. military officer ; 1817— -1846 e,
Barbour, Philip Pendleton, American jurist and poli-
tician ; 1783—1841 «.
Barbour, Thomas, American military officer ; 1735* —
1825 A.e.11.
Barbovlus, Marco- Antonio, Italian philosopher and
physician ; d, 1537 D.
Barbud, early Persian musician D.K.N.
BarbU£^U, Demetrius, Ital. Jesuit and thcoL ; 1720 D.Q.
Barbula, or Barbulns, Koman partisan of Maro An-
thony ; B.C. 43 D.H.X.
Barbula, L. ^Emilius, Boman general and consul;
B.C. 281 D.H.X.
Barbula, Q. ^milius, Boman consul ; ac. 317 D.H.X.
Barbuo Soncino. See Barbo Sondno.
Barbuot, Jean, French physician and author ; 1630—
lt)65 D.Q.
Barbns, Marco, Ital. canlinal and author ; cL 1490 D.i.
Barbns, Paolo (Soncinas), Italian philosopher and
author ; d. 1494 D.
Bafbuto, Rustico, Italian poet ; 1290* B.
Barca, Alessandro, Italian chemist and natural philo-
sopher; 1741—1814 D.R.
Barca, Francisco, Portuguese ecclesiastic and musi-
cian; 1625 K.R.
Barca, Giambattista, Veronese painter ; 1650 B.D.T.
Baxca, Giuseppe, Italian genenu ; 1620 i.Q.
Barca, Petro Antonio, Italian ennneer ; 1620 N.B.
Barca, Don Vicente Calderon de la, Spanish painter ;
1762—1794 B.D.N.
Barca de Astorga, Pedro, Spanish physician and
author; 1060 D.Q.
Barcall {Mo?iammed'Ben'Pir-Ali), Mohammedan
theologian ; 16th cent. D.
Barcella, Lodovico da Chiari, Italian general of the
Gerominians ; d, 1522 R.
Barcellon, Juan, Spanish engraver ; d. 1780 d.n.
Barcellona, Antonio dell' Oratorio, Italian theatrical
writer ; 1726— 1805 D.R.
BarcellOB, Fr. Francisco de, Portuguese ecclesiastic
and poet ; d. 1750 D.R.
Barceloiiata,Ugonede, Italian theologian and preacher;
6. 1230* D.
Barcelos, Pedro, Portuguese genealogist; d, 1340 D.
Barcena, Alfonso, Spanish missionary and author;
1528-1598 D.R.
Bar-Cepha, Moses, Syrian bishop ; d, 913* D.
Barcbam, John, English theologian, antiquaiy, and
historian ; 1572— 1()42 B.U.W.
Barchetta, Andrea, Itidian sculptor ; 17th cent. n.r.
Barchewltz, Amst Christophe, German traveller ;
1711 D.Q.
Barchlello, Dominico, Florentine poet ; d. 1448 D.i.
BarcbOCbebas, fanatical leader of the Jevrs; cf.1.35 d.
Barcbou de Penboen, Augusto Tlicodore Uilaire,
Baron, French author ; 1801—1855 d.p.
Barcbusen, or Backbausen, Johann Conrad, German
phy^sician, professor of chemistry, and philoBophical
writer ; li»(><j— 1723 c.D.R.
Barda, ^Vndrca Gon/^ilez de, Spanish hist.; 1740 R.r.
Bardnonensis, Joiumos Fraiiciscus, Spauisli historirm ;
15th cent. r.
Barclay, Alex., monk of Ely and poet ; </. 1552 c.n,
Barclay, AlcxanUor Charles, Eng. i)oIitidan ; 6. 181*3
Barclay, Captain, English iwdcstrian ; 1809
Barclay. I )av., Scottish military officer ; 1610 -1686 R.
Barclay, < Iwir^, Scottish ]>artisan of JamcH II. r.
Barclay, lion ry, American niiiisionary; </. 1765 n.i\n.
Barclay, Janun, Ens^lish divine and author ; 17r»;i \v.
Barclay, J<ihn, English i>olitical and Latin writer ;
i:>H2-ir.L»l c.K.r.
Barclay, . I (.hn, Scottish phvj«irian ; 1014 i>.u.
Barclay, John, .SiN)ttiMh fcmnder of the sect cuIUmI
IWrcaum or Burclavaus ; 1734—1798 it.
Barclay, John, Englwh naval t.fficer ; 1735* - 1K2;J li.
Barclay, John, hicotch phys. and writer ; 18U0 v..
Barclay, J. T., American missionary and author;
6. 1807 a.
Barday, Bobcrt, Scottish Quaker writer; IMS-
Barclay, Bobert, British military officer; 1774—1811 R.
Bazday, Thomas, Scottish writer ; 1582—1621 D.B.W.
Barclay, William, Scottish professor of civil law in
Franco ; 1541-1605* CD.ILW.
Barclay de Tolly, Ludwig, Scottish religious writer ;
1639-1687 R.
Barday de Tolly, Prince Michael, Buasian field-
marshal; 1755 or 9—1818 D.B.
Barco, Alonso ddi, Spanish landscape painter ; 1645^
1685 BLK.
Baroo-Centenera, D. Martinus del, Spanish soldier mud
writer; 1600* B.
Barco, Juan Bodriguez Gkurcia del, Spanish painter ;
15th cent B.
Barcocbebas, or Barcocbab, Jewish pretended Mee-
siah C.P.
Barcos, Martin de, Fr. Jansemst ; 1600 -1678 C.B.U.
Bard, John, American physician ; 1716 — 1799 a.D.c:K.
Bard, Joseph, French litterateur ; 6. 1800 r.
Bard, Samuel, American physician and writer ; 1743—
1821 A.o.e.B.
Bardaji y Asara, Don Eusebio de, Spanish itatetman;
1765—1844 D.
Bardanes {Pkilippicu8\ emperor of Chenon, 711;
ci.713 D.
Bardas, patriarch of Constantinople, 842; d. 866 D.K.
Bardas-Pbocas, Greek general ; d, 989 B.V.
Bardas-Sclenui, Greek general ; d, 990 K.V.
Barde, Jean de la, marquis de MaroUes, French diplo-
matist and writer ; 1600—1692 C.D.B.
Barde, Vicomte de, French painter of natural hlitoiy;
1817 D.H.
Bardelby, Bobert do, archdeacon of Middlesex, lord
chancellor, 1323; d. 1372 /.jx
Bardeleben, Kurt von, Germ, politician ; 6. 1796 aF.
Bardelli, Alessandro di Pescia, ItaL painter; d. 1633 D^t,
Bardenfletb, Carl Eniil, Danish politician ; b, 1807 T.
Bardesanes, Syrian heresiarch and writer ; 2nd cent;
Bardet, Pierre, Fi-ench advocate ; 1501—1685 D.I.
Bardet de Vllleneuye, P. P. A., French militaiy
writer ; 18th cent. E.I*.
Bardi, Andrea, Florentine poet ; 100* a
Bardi, Dea do*, Ital. nun and poetess ; 13th cent Lr.
Bardl, Ferdinando, Italian diplomatist and autiior;
rf. 1680 ao.
Bardi, Francesco, Ital. Jesuit and inquisitor ; d, 1661 a
Bardi, Gcronimo, Italian priest, i)hysiciAn, and author;
1603-1070 IitJ.
Bardi, Giovanni, Italian Camaldulo and eckobr;
1544-1594 a
Bardi, Giovanni, Italian academician dc la CnOBa,
and author ; KiOO fc^
Bardi, Girolamo, philos. and author; d, 1667 ar.
Bardi, Lorenzo, Italian philos. and author ; 1630 L^
Bardl, Mircllo- Antonio del, Ital. sculpt<»r; 1570* lUL
Bardl, Pictro, count of Vernio, Italian litt.; 1610 lA
Bardi, Boherto de, Ital. divine and scholar; d. 15tf >•
Bardill, r>urck]innli, German jurist ; 17th cent 1^^
Bardlll, Christoph Gottfried, Gorman philosopbVt
1701-1808 ^ ■.f-
Bardill, Johann AVcndel, GiTman writer; c/. 1740 ft*
Bardin, French roi)ro«cntative ; 6. 1794 *•
Bardin,<lro, French general and au***
tary writer ; 1774-18^10 f-J^
Bardin, (luillaume, French counsellor of the Iw»"
ment ; cnt H-^T
Bardin, Josui, French hist. i);iintcr: 1732- 1809 C.*-J*
Bardin, IMerre, French jurist ; 1420 C-^.
Bardin, Piorrr, Fr^Mich ucadoniician and autlM'' *
1590— 1(W7 .i-.^-
Bardinl, Francesco, Italian writer ; 1"»60
Bardiaanes, llahx Ionian historian ; 2nd cent
BiTdolf. nti.l. EnslSih jxidgti ; 1189 f,
Btrdoii Italiiui geogmphirr ; 1520 DX
lirdoL,, /rAik^Qu fVAiKlf©, French pflinter,
vftT, tiu ti author ; 1700 — 1783 i). iff.
d» Bnm, Bernard, French pHest and dnv-
»«ntbor; d, 1B25 UR
BiriOII. Ffvndi actor : 1800 D
Banloii, Email txel, Germsn sculptor :^.B«
Butf0«» Join, Fr«D«h prie«t, hifitcirian, a&J romtLnoo
' r; 1729-1803 d.r.
r Jcui Jaoquet David* T"r. prelate; b. 179S F.
»Oic«r Fiwisoift, French oomedian; b. 1S04 F,
' , Joihajuii, HutigUkriiLU siuvoiiit and historian ;
1738—181^ B.U.
ludtf«7r 8ir JjLiii4*s Loniax, EngBsth phviioian and
midical writer ; (k 1801 ' M.
I StJtitiel Argent, KnglinTi phyeicUn and
. 18llice&l w.
, Cbralbie, Oerman pAiiiter ; 1821 P.N.
ftrtmOvThoiiuuK Eog. portruit painter; d, 1773 b.€.
in^« JeML Fnnfth nohJe, Tictim of the KcvolutiQU ;
ITOfr-lTS B.
lu^ylta, or BftrdylUs, lUyriui chleftfdn ; 4th cent.
luiilHlklg Jail {Alanm), Poliflh Dommkan and
vitttf ; <L 1705 ii,u,
im^^r^tft, Fr. adTcntureM and trav,; 6. 1741 K.U.
llllilmM^ wt BulKniA, FnuAe-God, English mem^^er
of ComisoQ w ealth Parliament : d, ItiBO R. w.
S Italiitn architect ; 1G70* D.H.
\ Italian theologian ; 1658 LQ,
lUtfla^ ••lovAiiiU'BattLita, Itali«ui Jeiniit and author;
itt'tflu^ F. Stephanas, Spanish ecclcaiaatic and
llitockn; l^heent. d.s.
BUtiBI»lS)aDoetoi>-Luigit Italian monk and biographer ;
d. 172S I.Q*
Butasftr, Andre Tliomn^, French theol.; 1<>^0 D.Q.
liiVC^ Giovanni, Italian aatroDoiner; 1(320 i.Q.
l^Btttv Q^orsot Swedish gram. ; 18tli cent. d.q.
Wum^ Dielerteo. Italian pinter, Bchokr of Titian t,
ittirt 4i Dcnrt, Bernard (/7 Sordo), iiainter; 1534 • D.
llEVttlAiGliarleS'Loms-Frauf;ois de Paula de, French
ioiit and aulbor ; 1738^161'^ F.H.
ItttttlBu Lonta de Barentin de Montchal, Viacount^
!V, feiMnd. geog. , and author ; 1737— 1 824 v. it.
BuiMta-KontclUl, Madame de, Fr. moralist ; 1800 u,
iBraottn«» Drew, ttheiiff of London, 1393; mayor, 1398
«ad 1408 d,
WumWma^ Thierry {Bernard Dirk)^ Dntcih painter;
lBM~lJfi93 B.K.K.
, Willem, Dutch naTigator ; iri94-96 ^.n.
» da V1««za.c, B^rtrand, French litterateur and
J^ioan; 1755-1841 D.F.
*^ , Empene, French litterateur ; h. IfiH F.
J., Fkesic}! mathematiciant professor, and
r;dLiai4 a
I de la Qakodede; French jurist and
-1650 u,a.
_.i^ ^.n—,. .V, magi»tT*t<? and author ; &, 1511 D,R.
iUft» Xioolu, French publicist ; d. 171H> D.F.
ftttttt n+Ti' Fiiftch V cte I iitnry writer ; IfiJIKI D.Q.
lt»l. ntiLWC oompoeer ; lolK) d.k-
. Italian poet and lexicographer;
toVD' Fre*l erica-Sophia ^Vilhelmina,
mm-. t«r of William 1. of Pruana j
mti B.U.
Italhm ptinier, tcholar, and
ttxia, FftifieoiOO, Italian theologian
:Mt«r; 1830 u.
'niti author and preacher;
J •i«haaii« licrnian author and preacher ;
ftn% Jacquei de
ivil. Jf«n. Fr. m
B&rfdTd, Paul-Fredenc, Banish publiciBt aud poets
6. 1811 CF.
Barford, Will., Eng, tavant and diidne ; d. 17J>2
BsrflUli, Johann Albrecht Graf von, Prus-tian military
commander and gorernor of Berlin ; KWU— 1704 d.r.
BazgsuB, Petrua Angelicus» Ital. traveller ; rf, 151HJ B.
Bargagll, Celaus. Itiil, lawyer and prof.; 16th cent. D.
Barg^ll, Giroliuno, Italian profeaaor of law and lit*
temteur at Sieann ; rf. Ibsh lu»
BargAgli, Scipio, Italian nobleman and author: d*
1612 i.u.
Bargtw, A. F., Belgian iminter; 6, 1C90* D,
Bai^e, Constiintio Hojiero di, Italian doctor of law,
and author ; 1450 b.
Bargede, Klie, French lawyer and poet ; 16th cent. D.
BalgeldSe, Nicolas, Italian theologian and author;
1530 IQ,
Bargemon^ or Bergamon, Guilhem, Provencal poet ;
d. 1285' D.
Barges, Antonio, Venetian eccleaiaatio and muaio
composer ; 1560 ILB.
Barges, Jean-Joseph-Leandre, French alibot, oriental-
ist, and author ; 6. 1810 rj.F»
Bargelon, Daniel, French jurist and publicist; 1G78*—
1757 D.u.
Barglil(MihTifl,Giovanni*BattiBti, Ital, theol; c^. l(Mi4 D.
Barg^et* AleiiiDdre- Pierre, French joum^ist and
novelij.t ; 17^8— 184;> D.
Bargnanl, Ottuvio, Itidian composer and organist;
17 th cent, K*K.
Bargone, Giacomo, Italian painter; 1040* B.D.3r.lV
Bargrave, Isaac, dean nf Cftntetbury and royal clmi'-
lain, and author ; 15J^ — 1G43 c.W.
Barguani, Francesco, 1 Lilian poet and orator : 1664 —
1742 D.Q.
Barbam, Henry, Engliah physiolan, and writei" on
natural histoiy ; 1740 K,W.
Barham. Jose[>h Foster, English politicinn ; 1808 W,
Barham, lUcbAixl Harris {Inr/olUxf/f/), Eugliish divinQ^
humorous and aatliic writer ; 17H(*— ItMD
Ban, Kemigio de, Italian ecclc»ia!itic ; 17th cent, n,
Barl, Roberto di^ Italian dipluniatistand prothonotaiy
of Nnples ; 13tb cent. B,
Bari, Touimaao, Italian tbeolo^ay ; 16f:N3 2>.q.
Barla, Gemnimo, Italian theologifin ; ItjGO d.q.
Baric, Amaud, French priest, phyaician, and author;
1650 j},q,
Barlcelll, or BariceUo, GiuUo Ceaare, Italian physi-
cian and author : 1014 D.B.
BarlOT, engraver * ' " atones ; d. 174C * D*
Barlffe, Wdliam, i Ijtarv writer ; KlOO* D.y.
Barlle, Giovanni, I ^ i and sculptor; 1520* D.T,
BajTllettO, Franceiico, ItaHim gondolier and poet ;
1G80* i^qi
Barlll, Antonio di Keri, Siennese ai-chitect and painter:
1485-1511 D.
Barlll, Aurelio Parmigiano, Italinn painter; 1688 D.T.
Barilla Ludovioo, Italian theoto<;ian ; 1548— 15'J7 B.
Barilla, Bernard, French lawyer ; 1040 d.q*
BarlliUB, Jean, French physician and medici^ writer ;
IG50 i».qi
BarUn, Luigi, Italian »iii!,^er ; 1704* or 7-T824
BarlUlere, .Sieur dt> la, French publicist ; lUX) D.
Barlllon, Henri do, French divine and author ; 1C39 —
1090 D.B.
Barillon, Jean, or Jelixm Bourdel, French historian,
notary, and aecretaiy to Francis 1. ; 1534 iLV,
Baring, Alexander, ijord Aahburton, English xndus*
trial limincicr ; 1723—1848 D.
Baring, Alex., Kngliih master of the Mint ; 1835
Baring, Hou. Alex. Hugh, EugLish politician ; b, 183C
Barlng^, Chnrles, bi«hop of Glouoeater and Bristol
1850, Dm! " '^ h, 1807 ^.M.
Baring, Dm l. German savant, librarian at
Hanover, ; 1000— 175.H C.D,a,W.
Baring, Everard, German acholar a&d author; 1008—
1G59 D.Q.
BarUigt Fmncu, EDglUU director of tho Eoit India
Company ; 1740—1810 D.
Bartng-, Sir Frmici*? ThornliiU, Eng. chancellor of the
Eiclieq., and lord of tho Adiiiir. ; 171)7 — 16<J0 I>.M,
Baxin^, Henry, Eogliah fiminder ; 177G— 1848 d.
Baring', Henry BinghaiDf En^^liah poUticmn ; 6. 1 SOt
Barings, Jo1iD« German merchant in Exeter ; 1740 D*
Baxlsg, .Sir Thomai ; 1773-1848
Baling, ThomaA, English politican ; L ISOO M.
Bariola* LuciOj H^juinijih fnar and author ; 16th c«T3t. e.
BarioU* Ottavio, Bpnn. mQiicinti aiid organ jit; 15S() r.
BarUftnl, Joseph, German phjEUcixn und autiiur ;
1766-^1787 l>.B,
BarlmiTil, Sigismondt Ggrmnn phys. ; 1758— ITJJfT D,
Bail, Franceaco Domanico, It^dian af.D, and
author ■ 17th cent. B,u.
Barlson, king of S;u-dinia ; 1154* n,u,
BarUoml, Albeiiiao, pntfeuor of BomAn law at Padua,
htAhop of Ceneda, nnd «iutbor ; 1587— Hi67 H.U.
Baxjac, G&briol, Ituliaji theologian : 4. 1580 aQ.
Barbae Pierre de, French Prove ns;ai pQOt ; IISO* ii.
Bar|&Ud, Jc&u-Bupthite Ikn6it, French poet ; 1785—
1812 n.v.
Baijavel« C. F. Henri, French physioJAn and author i
Barkab-Khaii (Barbamn}, chief of the KhftrixmlanA ;
d, IIMG an.
Barkali-KlLan, Mogul soFerciipi of Kftpchftk, 1250 ;
d 1205 i>.it.
Barkali-Elifin, Mnlck-al-Soid Nasscr-ed-Deen, Mi&mii-
luke flultatj ; 1277 E.
Baxlier, Andrew, En^. merchjuit nnd traveller ; 1576 fi.
Barker, Charles, Englinh painter ; tL ia>4 ti.
Barker, Ohri*., printer to Queen Elizabeth ; d. 1509 w.
Barker, 8ir Clmjitopher, Engliah ambiusador and
herald of Sutiolk ; </. 154» u.
Barker, Collet, Engliah military officer ; tK 1831 H.
Barker, Edmund Henry, English chujical writer and
philoloffiit ; 1788—1830 D. B, w.
Burker, Edward, English baroo of the Exchequer,
1744; b. 1678, d, 1759 /,
Barker, Francis, bUhop of Sydney, 1854; b, 1808 M.
Baxker, Henry Ajiton, English piinorama painter a&d
preprietor; 1784—1856 U.
Barker. Hugh, English chancellor of the diocese of
Oxford ; ti: 1632 B.
Barker, Jacob, American fiaauoi^r ; b, 1770 r.
Barker, JumcH, En^liKh naval officer ; d. 18:i8 tL.
Barker, John, Englu*li logicUn ; 1470* 7.
Baiker, John, Engli'^h phyi. bnd nuthor ; </. 1748 P. 11,
Barker, John, Knglb^h divino and author; 1720 W.
Barker, l^iureuce, Eux- divine and Ljitbt jH>vt; ICiOl q.
Barker, Leonard, Englith author \ 1560 q.
Barker, MatUiew Henry {Old Sailor), EnglUh navja
noTclist; 1790—1846 U
f, Itobcrt, Irith painter, iuventor of tho pane-
, na'j-iaoG cm.vL
r, Robert^ BugUah t ' ' * . and writer; 17-' W
r, Bobert^ EogliAh > 16*15 w.
.....Jr. Bobort. En^Uib writer; 173(i w.
Baikar, Samuel, patnter ; d, 1«;:7 u,
Bartcar, SamaeU En^lkh schoUr ; d> \im r.w.
Bartf— ■ '' ' :i)a«, KngUsh aatronomcr iiod euthor;
1 c.u,w.
Ba^ ^Fis, of Bath, Englifth huidjeai>c pnintor i
i7i/.» 1-i; D.
Barkrr, Th< ttirui Jonos, Enj^lUh t»tni«r ; &. 1815 &.
Barker, \V,vUcr, Englitb divine; rf. 157C l.q,
r, WiUiani, English author ; 1551 l,o,,
fft Anthouy (Jonreliui, Uerwou theologies
wrtler: 1741-1782 <;,».
Biafeqr» ^ieholaiL Dutch Mhohur and author ; 1701^—
izas o,n,
BtflAaai, Hir Edward, theriiT of London, 1611 ; lorrl
naw, Wn d.
Bainuyii, John, EugUih divine tnd antiquorx 1 1^72--
Barkhatisen, Henry LowU WUibald, Dutch poUi
economist; 1742 — 1813 g*B,
BarMarokh, Persian Selioolcian euTtAn, 1002 ; </, 1104 a.
Barking, Kichard de, abbot of Westminster, EmgUoii
judge, 1242 ; d. 1246 ^^^
Bark^, Sir Henry, Engliah politicum, governor ^
BiauritiuB ; h. 1815
Barkof, John-Sinmnovit^h, Kusidan litt. ; d> 1768
Barkok,M&mluke, sultan of Egyi^ (1339); d.ldm B.i__
Barkcnr-liriui, Lemcnovitch, Eiiauan satirical writer :
d. 1768 1.
Barkowlcli, Fmnciooo Wenoesloa, Italian eoholar and
author; 17.10 d.1.
Barksdale, Clement, English biogruaher and
Ui01>-'1687 ciL-
BarkBtead, William. English actor; 1600
Barkyaroc, shah of Persia (1093) : d, 1104
BarlaaiO, St, Syrian martyr ; 300*
Barlaam, Bernardo, Colabriiin monk and helTei
1300-1348 c,I4.d;
Barl9ii8, Caspar, Dutch poet ; 1584—1648 €.R.v,
BatlAiu, Laiiibei't, Dutch liellenist ; 1596—1665 w,
Barland, or Baarland, Adrien, Dutch savant^ prof.
of elocution at Louvain ; 1488—1522 or 42 c.IVibi^
Barland, Hubert, physician at Kamur, and
Barland, Michael, Dutch poet and jurist; 1\
BarleB, Louis, French physician and ni
writer; 1670
Barleaio, Maxino [Barltiiut)^ ItaL hitt. ; 1470
Ballet^ Annibal, Freueh phyiioiaD and modicat
Barletta, Andrea, Italian lawyer ; 1530
Barletta,Gabri<il]o, Itah Dominican preach er; \i
Barlettl, Francois Paul, de Soint-Ponl, ItoUau
tionra writer; 1734—1809
Barley, John, moAler of Gkmville Hall,
d, 1603
Barley, William, English printer ; 16th cenL
BarlOtta, Giuseppe, Ual. monk and poet ; 6. t6l»l
BaxlOfW, Francis Channing, American bi *
ral ; b. 18^
Ba^lOV. Francis, Engliah painter and etcher ;
Barlow, Sir George, governor of India ; 18CKi-f
Barlow, Joel, American poet and diplumiitist
1812 ; fl . ,^
Barlow, ^ichoUs, English horolo^r, inventor <
peotera ; 1676
Barlow, Peter, of WooVL li pji^liih natnral 1
phcr and writer ; 177<^ '''*
Barlow, Rsmdolph, nbij. < -;l);15T
Barlow, Tliomas, bishop 01 i.u*coln (1675f,
Barlow, Wilb'siu (lAe Eldtr\ Eaglish ditinr,
maiician, and natural philosc^hor ; d. KtOS
Barlow, WilliAm, Hnghsh dLvin^, mathi^msti
and natiira.1 philosopher ; tL 1625 Cl
Barlow, WiUiam, bUhop of St David's 1536, :
1549, Ciache«tcr 1553 -, d. 1569 cJ
Barlow, William, bijihop of Hochester 1605,
1608 ;cL 1613
Barmek, oi* Bennek, noma of a FeroAa
Barnabas, $t« oousin to St Miu-k, and sdbool^
St Paul ; 40
Baniabo, Alexander, Italian oirdinat ; b. 1^1
Barnard, Tm?v A I.I. -v Kfiir «„,j,..r.-. «:'.(i- i^
Barnard, '
Barnard. 1
Bartiard, ji. <>, imii
Barnard, Jell 1 author; I
orl7<X^r/. l;
Barnard, Dr John, English prelate and
Barnard, sir John, English M*P., lord
statesman ; 1635—1764 C»*
I Jolua, Ameriouk divine nod author ; 1690—
« John Q., Amer. bri^dier-gen. ; h, 1815 f.
, Tlioiiiu, Amer. ecdei. ; 1714*— 1776 o.r,
^Thomuft. Amcricaii dirino ; 17-IS* — 1814 a.iu
, thaoM, l.p, of Limerick, 1794 ; d. IbOC e.
TV *'^ Vi hop of Kapboe 1744, Berry
tmardistc. .thftniel^ Eogluh knight and
iLP. ; 158S— Itiia R.
Biie&Dd» Jcftti. Fr, Jeeuit atid writer ; 157a--lf>40 D.
Kioi^Ua, Fr«)Qoli Protevtant theologiMi,
J and pbHtmopher; 1058 d.b.
V AniUno^Pi«ti:e'JoMp1i*Mttj*iiK French rej>re-
MttbitlT^, BUf«atnB&, Mid writ. ; 17CI— ITSk'i c.d.u.
lUMU Sir G«onh» A&nS of Loudon, 1545; lurd
mmjw, 15» U.
IiitBc & G«aiB»i ibenff of L!>tidan, 157G; lonl
,1586 </.
J Fnnci*, sheriff of Loudon ; 1570 t{.
Ef; JaooIv G«nniLa chemist and phy&iciim ; 1G41 —
8lxaM» Albert. Amer. divine undauthor ;hA79Sa.e. u.
. BwTiaS.y. English poet ; 156a*-ie07* D.u.
I, Duuel IL, a meric&n divine and concbologiflt ;
<«. 1818 a.tH.
» 0&vid, Americnn divine ; 1731—1811 a.lL
i Sir Ed'srard^ English milit«7 officer ; 1776—
k Uaaj, English law writer ; 1750 W*
, English pantaloon ; </. 1S3S
; Joho, mayor of London ; 1370 and 1371 d*
1^ John, En^. Bomim Ciitholic ^^*riter ; 11>25 c.
i J<ML . printer to the Uuiver. of Oxford ; LVJO w.
^ Jo5? ^ ■• 'liU divine, hellenist, critic, and
ilh.'. . English prioress and author;
Unm, Bicltard, bishop of Kottingham 1567, Carlittle
ISra. Dttrbam 1577 ; d. 1577 d,L
lusify Robert, English j^riur of the Augustiniiuui,
Mithor, and martyr - ex. 1540 g. w.
iKBMV Susan Bebecca, Auicr. poetess; lOihoent a.
Bttsai, Thomas, Eng. Puritau div^ine ; 17th cent. C.B.
9tttMt ThQm»»f Ei^Uah dissenting miiusitQr ; 1747—
181D B.w.
Tliomoj, English schdAr, editor of the
"Hoie.i**17i5ti— IMl
, Thomas^ English ma^traie and M.P. ; L 1813
lWiU. E a g. divine, poet, and pliilologer; 6.1810
^ Dglish naval conunodore ; d. 1746 B .
hop of Worcester 1362, Bath 1363,
H^ - d.L
iK^* U msgifitmta and M P. ; h. 1815
iHiit _ -\i riiusit iwmposer; b. 1S02 t\
iUMf«mfc» Jan v*ku 1 h Htateamon, grand
iwmiiuiijT' of HoUai iiJlO c.d.b.
iuSiiVlJl* Anthvuy, U.-^,. «.^ui.<^u£nt in the German
mfaj ; i^, 1739 R.
AttnevmU, Jnhn, Lord Trimloetown, lord ohnnoellor
«fff«knd: li. 1538 lu
Inimlli Nicholas, Viicomti Klngsland, Irish mOi-
taj oOlo^ iaid-1725 II.
iDMfVitU Tbotnas, En^. baron of Exchequer ; 140i /.
PlOir, Ei«cUah flower |»aiuter ; 1kH30 ^^ u.
ff Jofthon, Amenoan navid Qomnumder ; 17r>0 —
, ftlohftnU dglish 1 ' it ^^ ]^'74 K.
, fifO«dkrt, shcrift 1591 (/.
,»irFrf»nei«, Eii?:Ii i ; 1615' lu
' • ' 18 K
iicf.1278 0*11.
I, dk- «t[ Puiuyr*iiiia ; fi, 136rt cj. Ji.
•/, duke of Ponierunla; 1501—
Of Dooomos, Seottish eccles. ; d, 1098 li.
Barnfitorf, Bernard, Germ, botanist ; 1625— 1H86 D.R.
B&mBtorf, Everard, German physiciim and iiutlior:
1672—1712 D,K,
Bamnofvo, Don Sebastin de Herrera, Spanish painter ;
1619—1671 IKR,
BamuQVO, Pedro de Pedalta, Spanish poet ; 1730 D.
Bamujilf Phin{?:ui T., Aniericun showman ami ipec\i-
ktor ; b. 1810 a.e.F*
Bamwoll, Liiur^mce, English divine ; 1572 y,
Barnwell, Thooms, shuritl of London ; 1434 rf.
Baro, Balthasar, French poot and acadcnnciiin ; 1600 —
1650 D.u,
Baro, or Baron» Bonnventui-a {FiU-Ger<dd\ Irish
author; 1600*— 1IjI*6 c.B,W.
Baro, Peter, French pielate and author at Cambridge :
d. urn* a7.R.W.
Borocd, Ambrogiot Milune&e painter and sculptor;
15th cent. D.
Barocd, Fiori Fcderigo d'Urbino {It Barochc)^ Italian
painter; 1528 — 1612 B,C.B.T.
Baroccl, Francesco, Italian senator and geometrioian;
1550 c.B*w,
Baroccl, Giacomo, Jt.alinn painter ; 1507—1573 T.
BaroocdO, Alfonso, It^dian pby(»ioitin : b, 1531 n.
Baroccio, or Barozzl, Giacomo da Yiguola; Italian
architect; IhOl—UiJ'A R.
Barochej J*irrre Juloa, French politician and advo-
cate ; b. 1802 D.M,
Baro«ro, Jiuuea^ Italian physician and surgeon ; 1700 —
1831 B.D.
BarofflO, Cesare, ItaL doctor of Inws j 16th cent. n. W,
Barolo, or Basalo, Andrea, Italian Jurist a»d rttyal
courmellor ; 16th cent. ' e,
Bartm* Alexander, Scottish physician ; 1745—1819 B*
Baron, Auj,aisto Mnrio, French litteratenr ; b. ll'M P.
Baron, Beruiird, French engraver ; 1700—1762 n.o.B.
Baron, Bonaventura, Iri^h mofik and autljor; d. 1696
Baron, Clftiule-Jean-Accary, Fr. architect ; b, 1783 D,
Baron, Delphine, French actress ; h. 1828 P.
Baron, Km.^t Gottlieb, German luti»t and composer;
1696—1760 K.U.
Baron, Fmn^ois E^niinaire, French jurist and author;
1495—1555 a.u.
Baron, Giuseppe, It^illan en|[:^ver ; 18t.h cent» It.
Baroni Henri, French pjiinter ; b. 1817 F.
Baron, Hyacintbe-Thcodoro, Fr. pliys. and of the
Faculty, and medical writer ; 1686 — 175« c,B,lJ.W,
Baron, Hyacinthe*Tbc«jtl. {Jvnior\ di'nn of the Faculty
of Medicine, Paris, and author ; 17^7-1787 iuu.
Baron, Jean, French engraver ; //. 1630
Baron, Jules, French h^wyer and heraldic writer; d*
1691 D.
Baron, or BarODiUB, Martin, PoHah theolo^n and
author; 1600 D.ii.
Baron, Michel Boyron, Freiioh dramatic author and
actor; 1653—1729 aD.B^W.
Baron, Pierre {Stcmpanus), French Protestant theolo-
gian ; 1505 B.
Banm, Pierre, Fr«>nch Protestant theoh ; d. 1599 U.
Baron, Riobiird, Bug. politicid writer; d, 1768 C'.B.W.
Baron, Robert, Enghbli writer ; L 1630^ b.
Baron, Kob«rt. Scuttifh metnphysiciun ; 1640 D.11.W.
Baron, Holand, or le Baron, archbishop of Cashel,
1653-61 ; d. 1561 c»
Baron, Stephen, provincial of the Fmneiscani ; 1520 o,q.
Baron, Theodore, Bai'ou d'Hcnon\ille, French che-
mist and ucademician ; 1715— 17'tS DR.
Baron, Vincent, French Bominieiin^ Uieologiiu), and
writer; 1604—1674 c,d.b.W.
Baron^ Vincent Alfred, Preach notor and sculptor ;
b. 1820 F.
BaroiL See Baro.
Baruna, Autonius Balvas, Italian poet ; 1573—1628 K.
Barondni, Andrea, Italian juriat ; 1630 D,L
Baroncino, Purpurinus, ItalLin tbcologian, untiquafy,
and author ; 1670 t>,U
Baroae, Domenico, It&L dramatic author ; 1720 ui*
Barcme^ Fmoceaco, XtaliAn tLeoIogihn and nuthoi';
Bivoha, MnrooUiUL Italka thcologuui and author ; d,
1689 D.r.
BftFOlil« Bcmnrdinodo Straone, Ital. painter; '*. 1676 D.
Baronlr Bei-narclino, Sieoneac painter ; d. 1(}86 D,
Baroni, Cuthorino, Itnlian poetess ; 1630 1>.L
Baroni, Cavalcabo-Clciaentc, It4iliau writer; 1726—
1796 IL
Baroid, C«tv]Uoal]o-Oa»paro- Antonio, Italian pftiiiter ;
lai— 1759 B.II.
Baronl, Domenico, TtftUnn painter ; d. 1G71 i).
Baronl, Eleauora, Italian singer imd violioiat; 17tU
ci«nt, JU
Barool, Gitxseppo, Italian engraver j b. 1720* B,
Baronl, Toodoro, ItiU. divino and savant ; d, 177'! V,
BaronlO^ Angolo, Italian poet ; 151H) D.l.
Barotdo.Vincento, It«l physician and author; 10*20 E*
BarozLlUBj Ce4fi>ar4 Italian cardinal, historiim, and
librarian at the Vatican ; 15;iS — 1607 C.D.O,
BarontU*. Justus, French Calviiiiat j B.U.
Baroima.t. French abbot and writer ; 1820 a
Barom, AV^illiara, bp. of London, 1504 ; d. 1505 dJ.
BaronsdalOt WiUtam, English presideDt of the Col-
l«ge of Phyddani, 1580 ; d, 160S* q,
Baror, king of Annema ; u ,c, 747 - 704 U.
BarotM, Niculaus, Transylvanian friar ; d. 16S0 B.
BarotluafBcipio,Germ.«iugeranilcomi>oHer; 1C20 D.K.
BarotU, Giovanni- Andreii, Ital* litt; 1701—1772 I*,u.
Barotti, Laurent, Itid. biag.&nd poet; 1724— ISOl R u.
Barotll, AleJL&nder^ HumpLrian military officer antl
tran&lator ; lljth ceni. R.
Barou de Solell, Pierre ALtoine, French inogiitrftto
ondwritor; 1741—1703 I>.R.
Baroud, ClaQdo-OdiUe-Joteph, French jurist and
writer on tinanc« ; 1765 — 1824 X>.u.
Barowe^ Tho«.» lord koepcrof thcOreat Seal; 1485/;).
Baronii or Barocd, Fr&ncoflco, bbhop of Troviso and
author; d. 1471 I.B,
Barosxl» Franct»co, Venetian nobleman, and maihc-
Diatician ; 16th cent. I.U.
Barozsl, Gittcomo, Itolhui nmtheraaticlAn and autlior ;
1617 iMt
Baronlt Giuseppe aad SerafinOf Italian painters;
1770* n.
BarOQl, Pietro, Italian ecflleaiastSo ; d, IS^ r.,
Barpo. Giovanni Batitista, ItaHaa fe^grapher and
agriGultaralLst ; 1G30 D.L
Barr, St, or Flnbarr, bishop of Cork ; GiO* r.
Baira. John, English etigravdr ; 1624 li.
Baira, Joneph (Enfani ciUbre), heroie Frsnch hoji
1780— 1703 BU-
Barxa, Pienx', French phyi, and author; 16C0 D.lL
Barra, William, Bheritf of London ; I.IT'J d,
Bairaband, Pierre Paul, French painter of flowera
and binii ; 1707—1808 B.D.R.
Bairalilno, 8itnone^ Italian painter; d. I<H0* Jf,n.
Bairacoo, Man ^ - ] ^oUuu knight of the order of
Jomialoni : B«
Baxradaa, Kti -|>aniih Jonist Z,R.
Bairadas, BcUiAUkiii, Portiigueae Jesuit prcaober;
1542-1015 C.B,u.
Bftrr^tr^^ Tnio^oia Mari« Louis, French poUticinn ;
t It- 1!.
Ba. - Hofiicfi Francois, Vieomie de, French
iiidilnry i'tlirOT ; 1743 »r 5 -1829 D.n.
Bajral, lliptH4yte, Comte de, Frvneh •enalor 1 176B—
Blirral, Jean An^tstin, French cheniiit, dloooverer of
, I74ii— ihiti i>.r,
', Frrnch prleat, iebolar, and aotluir ;
1*.:^ C.D*IL
Vinoeato, ItaL monk and author ; 157? it v.
Barraiet, J. J., IH*h pftintfr : J 705* a.
Bairralier, IIonorti-T' " '■ minique {Enfunt
fil^Shrc)^ Frenoh i- J I M.r.
BaCTalls, Bartbelenr ^ ian ; lfl20 D^_
Baxranoo, Francinco, bi>uuiniu immier ; 17 til cent.
Bairaad, Henri de, Frt^uch poet ; 16th cent,
Bairaatee. Petru» Maldonndo, Span. —'^ ' ' '^
Bazras, Louia, Comte de, Fr. naval •
Bairaa, Paul-Fran ?oi»*Jean-Nicola.-.
military otficcr and representative; 17Cm -1^2i* 1>J
BarraB, a«bastin, French engmver; h, 1680 B.1
BairaB de la Pezme, Jean Antoine, I->eneh naval <
cer and writer on naval arcliitecture ; d, 1750 0.
BarraflBa* Diego, Portuguese physician, aatrolecNV
and h orbit li«t ; 16H0 m,
Barrau, Pit iTC-Bei-nard, Fr. economifit ; 1767— L^3 IK
Barrau, Theodore Henri, French litt- ; b. 1704 1k%
Barraud, Jaotjuee, French jurist and author j I
1026 IkM
Barraud, William, Engliih painter ; 1810—1850
Barrault, Alexia, French en^neer ; b, 1808
Barrault, Enulet French publiciit ; 6, 1802
Bane, Alexander, Scottish eceleBiasiio, blihra
Moray ; rf. 1307
Bam, Antoine de la Barre de Beauniarchaiat 1
litterateur ; d, 1760-
Baxre, Antoine-Joseph le Fevrts de la, French. |
and writer on travel ; d. 1(»88
Bajrre, Antonio, Homan music oompo»er ; 1550
Baire, Cesar Alexis CLichereau, Chevalier de
French poet ; 1630*— 170:»* jkM
Barre, iWaii-^ Albert, French medallbt ; 5. 1818
Barre, Eniest-Fmn^oia-Joaeph de la, French academic
cian ; 1688— 171^8 O^
Barre, FnuKjoi*, French counsellor ; 1714—1704 CK^
Barre, Fran^ois-Foulalii de la, French litterateur '^
1(^7—1723 RU.W- 4
Barre, Guillaume, Fr. politicnl writer ; 1760—1830 ao^^
Barre, Jean de la, French litterateur; 1650—1711 B,^^
Barre, Jcan-Auguate, French »tAtuarT ; h, 1811
Banre, Jean Fmn^oii le F^vre, Chevalier de la, T
victim of rcligioUB intolerance ; 1747—1766 ixa.1
Barre, Jean -Jacques de la, pastor of the Refoi
Church at Geneva ; 1606—1751
Banre, Jean Jaeqoesi French medallist ; 6. 1703
Barre, Jean Poulain de la, antiquaiTf profed i
Barre, Joaeph, canon of St Genevieve, and c
of the Uiuveni^ of Pari* - 1692—1764
Barre, Leonard, French publiciit ; d. 183$*
Barre. Louis, French litterateur and lexio
Barre, I ^ - oi* Joseph de la, Freaoh i
write ::*A
Barre, >i , French music ecRmpoeer;
Bam, Nicolas, French founder of the Pielleliv
religiotts order devoted to the edttoatkiu of
ohildreu ; 167H
Barre, Rich,, archdeacon of Ely, Easliih judge
Barre, Tvei. Fkeooh advooaio and Vumkmtk
Barre da BaiaWeiiaat, Fkvnoh agrioiili
writer; 1737-1810 f.
Barreaa, St, archdeacon of Diinkelcl
Borreau, Alexandrine Bote, Frrocb heroine ; 177
Barreau, Frao^ia, French turRer; 1731—1814
Barreaux. Jacques Vall^ Soignour dei, Fraosk
Barrech Yazla. Rahhi, Jewieli eedca,; KHk
Borretra. V. lultli'itar, SpankAi minioiienr { tl. 1
Barretxa, I'etrus de, Froach eatdinal aaa i ^
Bamlm. SeeBarrejra.
Banalrof, Gasi>ard, Purtiuniese nfaal and
tie; d. 1574
Barrelier, Jacques, Frcucli Dominicati, phyddjiu and
botanist : 1C0$— 1673 c.D.C.W,
BaXTVm^Fnn^iSf French arithiQetidan and author;
4. 1703
. Clemen te, ItftliaJi prcdicator-general of the
Dntes ; 17th ctDt. K.
I or B&rella, B4.HliAQus, Itnlukn mns.; 15S0 iu
Pierre, French RAtundistf phjaician^ nnd
^bOMMliicftl writer ; 1695*— 1755 c,R.D.w.
ifttnf^ m TlafliftC, Bernard, French representative
and rawwhiiMmat ; 1755-'1841 B.n.
k Jan des. marshal of Fnuico ; d. aft 1322 d.
t Charlea Louia, French chemUt ; b. 1817 T.
^ -^i John, En^gdUah IcxicopApher ; d. 1580* q,
BUBCe^ John, Eaglifth OarmeJite uuthor ; d, 15G3 c.q, a.
Bimtt WiUijam, Engliih divine and author; 1595 q.
SurttiK Alraro, Portugese i»oct ; I5th cent. B.
BuT«t«^ D. Jercrnimo, Portugneie hiehop of Fiinch]il»
15r3;dLl589 B,
luxtfeok D. l^voeiaoo, Portugese writer, biahop of
AlfWTv ; d, 1679 It.
lUnftOL KninaaneL Portuguese Jesuit and author :
Biznto. Franciaco Landinj, Portugneso poet and
jiimt \ 17tb cent. R,
Banet^ Gaspax. Portuguese bittomn; 1661—1727 n.
BizraiO, Jiao-Francisco, Portugucae schobr, diplu-
Bilnt, itti liiigm&t ; 1G70* p.
tanlfl^MtJiiiiorXunef, PortngueiciraTeller; 1520—
1571 D.
BUMUs tComia de, Portuguese viceroy of the Indies.
1379^; il. 1600 &.r.
lUMO^ P. Givgorio, PortugueM Jesuit luid writer :
il7» B,
luma. SeeB&rretto.
Itamt. Attlrew, bp. of Llandaff. 1395 ; d, 1396 d,L
IttiwM, Ealon-Staimard, Irish poet ; 1785—1820 r.w,
lumt, Geo., Iriah huidscape ptn ; 1730*-1784 &.it.
^ttTftt^ George Horton, American actor ; h, 1794 t.
'invU, Jean Jacques de« French scholar and author ;
1717-1792 D.K,
wlitti, John, Irisb schokr and orientaliit ; 1753 —
«Tlit, Jobs, BritUh naval officer ; d. 1810 E.
^tolM^ PaMek, bishop of Ferns, 140O ; d, 1415 c
Jmifcti ftnil; French novelist ; d. 1785 v.
h, Eng, painter and copyi ft j d, 170S ii,
, bishop of Killnla; 1523 t\
f classical teacher imd jioet ; 1713—
1801 ix^atcu.
, bishop of Blphin, 1372 ; d, 1404 e.
» Tbomaa, bishop of Enaehdutie ; 14S4 f .
f William, bishop of Kildare ; 1480* C,
^ WQliam, of Bristol, English surgeon and onti-
r, patzun of Ohatterton ; d, 1789 u.u.
M^ Fkmocisoo de, Spanish governor of India;
01O»— 15T4 D.
tamt|«v Franeiaco, Portugoese missionAry; 1588—
IfiB D.K.
fciTHted# BMande, Pedro, Portugueio historian aud
^■miHtiliiig 15d5«-1651 d.
kBny;C3aiiae Antoine, French physician and medi-
ol writer ; 1771—1837 D.
Tr. Isidoro, Portuguese eoolesiastio and
1606 B.
iiSiVim, Joad, Portugucee matheniAiician and utro-
fnoch Hinim friar, founder of the Ecole^
d^ 1686 LT.
Ueliaii historian, antiqnary, gco-
snthor; d, aft. 1577 n.v.
, Itel. ptt. aod engraver ; 1G30— If^ D. t.
Felix Josen\ Fr. hist, painter ; b, 1822 ti.
Bartbolanifins, Spanish mathciaatioiim,
end eommentator ; 16th cent* d.e.r.
Genes de, Spanish theologiun ; d, 1094 O.
Bairleatos, Lojies de, Spauislx thoologianf bishop ol
SegovlA, and writer; 1382—1400 j),
Baixler, R il., French phys. and writer ; k ISll^* ?,
Banlere, DomLnique, Prench engraver; b, 1022* B,u.
Baxriere, Francois, Fr. Jesuit and writ, ; 17iS0 p. u,
Barrlere, Jean de la, French monk, founder of the
order of F«i£?/ante ; 1544—1600 D.f.
Baziiere, Jean Frun^ob, French !itt.; b. 1780 F*
Barriere, Pierre {fu Barre), French soldier, asssssiu
of Henry IV, ; d. Itm D. c.
Barrlere, Theodore, French dramatist ; 6. 1823 T.
Barrll, Jean, French writer ; 16th cent. U,
BaXTlllon. Fran9ois Sopliie Alexandre, French odvo*
cate and representative ; 6. 1801 F.
Barilzi, Jean, French ecclesiftstic jmd litt ; 1070 n.r.
BaXTinfiTboni Hou. D&ines, English lawyer, uaturul
historian, and antiquary ; 1727—1800 cb.W.
Barttngtan, George, British governor of Korth Caro*
lina, and author; 1724 e.W*
BanliLgton, John, English major-general and com-
znonder-in-cbief ; 1720* — 1704 lu
Bairlngrt^n, John Shute, Viscount, English politicsd
n n <i rc'li ffioti s write r ; lG7i*— 1 734 c. R, u, W.
Barrlnffton, K<>b.. abbot of Waldeii, 1332; d ir>37 q.
Banrlngton, Hon. Samuel, Britbh admiral; 1729 —
1800 n.
Bantagton* Hon. Shutc, hisliop of Llandaff 1769,
Sanun 1782, DurLaiu 1791 ; L 1734^ d. 1826 d.Lu.xv.
B&rriii£:ton, WiliiftTii-Wildmao, Yiscount, English
ixditickn ; 1710—1793 R.
Barrio Angilio, Gab. Perez, Span, writ.; 1600* D.E.U,
Barrio Nuevo, or BamuevOj Fmncisco Musquera de,
Spaninh puet ; lOlO O.E.
B&rrio Kuevo^ ov Bamuevo, Garcia de, viceroy of
Spain ; IGth cent. D.
BarxlOBi or BarlGO de, Daniel Levi, Spanish Jewish
theologian and poet; 17th cent. G.W,
Earrloa, Juau de, Spanish surgeon ; 1590 D.
Baula, Pierre Jean Taul, Fr. judge ; 1759 — ^1824 D,VU
Barrocco, Mauri tio, Italian writer; 1600 D.
BazToduceo, A.^ lUlion engraver U.K.
Barrollliet, Paul, Freoob singer; h. 1810 p.f.
Barroli, Etienno, Frenitb historian i 17:19 D.
Bairoifl, Jttcqu*^a- Mario, French isibliographer and
bookseller; 1704—1709 B.U.
Barrols, Jean Baptiite Joseph, French bibliogropher ;
Ik 1780* F.
Barroifi, Pierre, Comte, French general ; h, 1774 P.
BarroR« Sir Henry Winston, Eng. politicirui ; L 1795
BaiTon, James, Amer. conimoLlore ; 1708 — 1851 e.
Barroii, Samuel, Amer. commodore ; 1763 — 1810 f.
BarTon, Stimuel, American mival olficer of the Con-
federate Rtates ; 1801 e,
BaiTQiL, Wiii, Eng. Acholar sndautlior; IStli cent. W.
BarrOA, Alfonso de, Portuguese mathern.; rf. 1004 B,
BarroB, Andre de, Portuguese Jesuit and author;
1G91 D.U.V
BarrOB, Blasio do, Portuguese mouk, bishop of Leiria;
d. 1559 R.Tr.
BarroB, Joad de, Portuguese Jurist, savant, and
writer; d. aft. 1549 r).li,T,
Barroa.JonO de {Hit Foriuff Utte Livjf\ Toriugae&c his-
torian ; 14tMJ— 1571 c.D.U.w,
BaJTOB, or Barrios, Juan de, Portuguese hiatorio-
grfipher, counj*ollor, and bishop of Cadiz ; 1554 E,
BaiTOB, Tomos de, Portuguese Jesuit ; d, 1058 g-R.
Barros Ferrelra, Joa5, Portup;ue»e jurist ; 1700* R.V.
BarroBO, Miguel de» Hpan. painter; 1538—1590 B.N.
Barrot, Adolphe, French diplomatist ; 6. 1808 F.
Barroti Cftmille-Hyacintbe-Odillon, Frenah states-
man; b, 1791 an,
Barrot, Fofdimind, French statesman ; h. 1805 D.»L
Barrot, Jean-Andre, Fr. deputy and royalist ; 1846 D,
Barrougll, Philip, English phys. and author; 1600 d,
BanrOW, Henry, Eng. Nonctmformist div,; 1593 g.R.
BaiTCVW, Isaac, bishop of Sodor and Man 1663, 8t
Asaph 1670, geometrician ; &.1030, d. 1080 c.d,L^v.
Barrow, John, English x>hyKioLui and noedieal writer ;
J750 D.
Barrow. Sir John, £ngliflbt7a.TeIleri»idftathorj ITtJi—
IHid * 11.W.
Barrow. Jolm H., Engli«h imihnr ; rf, 1858 a.
BaiTOW. Philip, Knglitth phy«. and writer; 1575 q.
BaiTOW, William, bufhof) of Btuigor 1418, Carliilo
1423 ; f(. 142U d.L
B&rrow, Willium, Engliah icholor and author ; 1754* —
Barrowhy, wnHam, Kng. iibya, and author; 17:J0 r.
Barrowes, Honry, Eng. ^oditioui writer ; ex, WJ2 a,
Bairuol, Anjinatin {the Abbej^ Freneb Jesuit and jonr-
naliat; 1741—1820 JUV.W,
BaiTuel'Beauvert, Antoino JoiCDh, Com to de, Prenflh
Mililior jiinl laiblkist; 1756—1817 B.u.
Barms, or Jimharrma. Ht, bishop of Caithness; 11th
cent. H.
Barry, Al&ed, EnglUh divloe and theological writer;
Barry »Sir Charles, architect of tho H<msei of Purlia-
ment : 1705—1860 l>.
Barry, Oburleji Hubert, Eugtish hnrriiter and poUti-
ciaQ; b. 1824
Barry, David Fitz-l>\viil» carl of Biirrymoro, IriBh
loyjtl noble ; ia)."i— H>42 lU
Barry, sir Duvid^ Erigliiih physiologist and physician ;
1780 "18:^5 K.
Barry, Sir David de, lord justice of Ireland ; 126*5
Barry, David Fitjs- Jamea, Viscount Buitevant, Irish
Kenorsil and iK>liticinn; rf» 1G17 H.
Bairy, Sir Edward, English military ph}'siciaa and
medical author ; 1700*— 177G P.K,w.
Bany. Sir Edward, EiigUeh scientific writer ; 1780—
18a'5 a,
Barry, Edward, Eng. theologiaD and author ; 1739* —
1822 o.n.u.
Barry, Ktlwurd Matthew, English architect; &. 1831
Barry, Franeois Bernard, French painter ; L 1815* f.
Barry. ( Jurrofc, Irish writer ; 1630* r,
Barry, Ciior;,'e, English divine and natural Imtorian ;
1747— iKOri raw.
Barry, Gtonrd Richard, F ' ^ v^ --, . !...-
Barry, licralil de, bp. of '
Barry, GinJd (<#(>r/W«/.< ' . ! ^■'■>
and hi»t«iriaa; 1146*— lli24* ij/iJ.ikW.
Barry, Heurv, Eng. miliuiry officer ; 1750*— 1823 R,
Bony, J amen, lord of Sontry, lord chief jojrtice of
Ireland J 15118-1673 CD.B.
Barry, James, Irish hhi. p.aintcr; 1741—1806 B.CD.r,
Bany^John, Iheflt' nmodore: 1745— 1803 c
Baziy. Lodowickt 1 i^tic author; 1610 R.
Binry, {Oomard dc i .» ... r. v.. r). Marie-Jeanne B.^u,
Oonnteue do, mittrou of Louis XV. ; 1746— 17i^ l*. n.
BaiTT, Mnrtin, Eniy, nhyaolocist ; 1802—1855 a,V.
Ba I, EriRliBh bamstcr; ft. 1810
B;^ ic, French Jesuit and aji^etic author;
i i it.u.
Barry, I'ruhn dt*, Wclab warrior in Ireland ; 116U r,
Bftiry, 8u- iLodmond, loUoitor-geQeral of Victoria :
ft, iHt*^ U.
Bmy. K«ii^t Fr. niyal historingraplier ; 1650 DJt.
Bfttry, ftoljcrt Jl'. Wrl,h kniffht ; d, 1185' h,
Barry, Hnratj
Barry, TimiTi
Barry, 'V
Barry, <
Barry, i
Barry, WiUiMin
ml i ft. 1H18
BanT-€«r«ii, v
ahd debau<
Banabai, j
ftpoatleabif) v^;u;:j
i«dkn ; 17IU— 1777 iLC.
i«hpoet; i:m» B.
i lojr ot Orioy, 1428 ; <f. 1450 c.
\i clown ; d. 1857
rb hUtoridgrapber; 1H20 K
FarriuhiU', American brigadier-gene-
fr i. 4 . jfjui tlu, FVench iutrigner
II, I'.
Jn^), pTt)po«ed for the
014^1 1610 D^ILT.
BaiMtMLi, Of BoOTftl..:. . , . .hr«f S*!ll cd dtam,
•ultaA yf EfeTpt and Hyrta i 1422-14^3 R.U.
BarBha-m, Andrew, prior of the Catioellte* ; 1535
Barsiiie, concubine of AleJLiinder the Great; dL &C.*
Baraony de Lovas Beremy, Oeomm, HungMiaa
ecclesiastic and writer ; l«i0O*— 167B IX a,
BarsotU, Giovanni Carlo, Italian theologiui and
author; 1750 D.I.
Baraottl, NicoLiii, Italiao ascetic writeT ; 1G50 I>.L
BarBOY. Alexia Kinlovitch, Hussian translator ; ISth
cent. £.
Barsor, Anthony Alexievitoh, Eusaiao philosopher;
1730*-1792 fc,
Barsuk-lSolseeT. Thomas Ivocovitch, Eiutua iLti.
and author; r/. 1811 a.
BarBonuL, Syrian priest and arcbiroandrita ; 43&—
458 (I.IU
Barsoma, metropolitan of Nii^ibui, resto(rer of N«
BarBuma, or Barsama, bishop of Nisibia ; ct 439 iki
Bart, Charles Fnui^is Oelcstin, Fr, jurist ; 6. WOO g
Bart, or Baxtb, Jean, Fr. commodore ; 1650—1 70$ B.i
Baita, Balthaxa.r, Hun(;»rian sen. and cbr«a. ; 1770* ■
Barta, George, Spanish tactician ; 1620
Bartall, Gioviimu-Battista, Itol. chronicler; 1690 J
Bartaliat Fnince^ioo, Italian painter ; 1560—1600
Bartaloccl, Giuvauui, Itah architect ; 1732—1802
Bartas, Guiilaume do Salutte du, French poet, ("
matist, and warrior ; 15-14 — 151)9 o.iLt.W*
Bartel, or Bartlimia, Padre Gu-olamo, Italian Au^pi^
tine monk and author ; 1600 &
Barteldes, Frioderich Conrad, Gcnn&a physician;
1695-1734 a
Bartelett, John, English surgeon ; 1760 i&
Bartello. Aleasandro, Italian painter ; d. 1633 Oi
Bartelfl. Ernst-Daniel* Augustus, German pbyi
and philosfjpbical writer ; 1778—1838
Bartenateln, Johann-Chmti*n de, Auatrisai ]
writer; 161iO-1766
Bartensteln, Laurent Adam, Austrian sarani; 17
Barth, Christian Godefroy, Oemion acholar
author ; 1675—1723
Bartli, FncdcrichGotliob, German phllologiil ; 17
Barth, or Bartlus, Gaspord de, German phil^
Barth, Gottfried, German jurist ; 1650—1728
Bartll, Joan Raphael Philippe, French physi'
author ; ft. 1812*
BartlL, Johann Auguit, Germ, printer; 1765-1 Sl?« ^\
BarUl, Joseph, anat., bom at Malta; 17 1
Bajlli, Heinrioh, Germ. trav. in Afriea ; 1>
BartH, Michel, German phyracian ; 1650*
Barth, Ptml, GoiT]is\u orientalittt ; 1635—'
Bazth - Earthenlielm, Join - Biiiftiste !>
Franco -Austrian publicist ; 1/84—1846
Bartbe, Felix, Fr. magistrate and polii. : ft. 1|
Barttie. Gerard de 1% French painter ; 1800
Barilitt, Marcel, Frenoh reproMnlative ; ft. 18
Bartlio, Ntoolas-ThomAi, Frenoh dramatic poctj
BartlLM, Melchior, German aeii^lor ; rf. 1874
Baittkal, or Bartel, Johaan Uhtisiiaa
German patnt-er and engraver ; ft, 1775
Barthel, Jrdiitnn'Gaspiird, German jurist
wriUi ^ ^ '771
Barthe i « ; erman statuary
Bartlielo h repr«<seutative ; 6, IBOI
Bartheloniy, ^\jjtoino Juseph« Be^^iaa \mwym \
writer; 1764—1832
BartXielemy, Auguvte; Fr. reprsMutatm i ft. IBH
Barthelemy, Auguato MaraeiUeL Fr. po^ ; 6^ 1790 f
Baithelemy, Anatole Jean Bopt&t AnteiM
Frvneh archivologist ; K 1821
BaitliftleiXiy, Charlea, Fi' iich arohiealogisi i tMO
Bartlialeiny, Edouard >E;iria de. Frtach areaaelflg
ft. 1830
B&niMtomy, Pmaftow, lUr^uia de, French diploma-
tiit ; 1147 '' '10 i>,F,u.
Bartlieltmy •qacs, French aichasologist,
numumsri hor; 1716—1795* O.d.u,
Bartbelemy, J^^u Jt^oaph Hippolytc, FrcnGh reprc-
ff<DtAnvi* ; b, liiOl r.
B&rUielanLj, J««huin-C1imtumf Germim blstomn ;
1708-1778 D.U-
Bartheleiliy, Je«i-Simon,Fr, painter; 1742—1811 jxa.
BartbalfSity, FAhb^ L(fuu, French graniuiiLriiin nnd
anibor; 1750—1812 v.V.
Bartheleaiy, Mathicn Barthcleniy (Thoum), French
iirammtist ; ft. 1804 f.
Bartl>aleiny» XicoLu, Latm poet, and prior of Notro-
Dune at Orleans ; 147«— 1581* n.u.
Sr»Nicolaji,Fr. jurist and writ,; 17th ccnt.D.i:.
r, R*gij-Fran9oia. Fr. hist.; 17;iJ>— 1812 F,U,
r-St-HUalre, Jules, French philosopher
1 author ; 6. 1805 f.jl
r of Cologne, Latin poefc ; 14ri0— 1514 o.c,
^Armanfl. French litterateur ; 1818 F.
^ or Barthea de Mannojrier<j8» Riron Antoino
fmn ur;1736— ISll c.D.U,
Stzt^: Ch Aries Ernest de, French phy-
•iafts wia ciutaor ; 1840 F.
lulbis, Ymtd-Joteph, French phyudan and mer!ic;il
writer ; 1734—1806 d. f, il
SaniM^ de M-urnorieros, Guilhrnme, French eu^in-
rcr ^d *elkoUr ; 1750 I). ILL*.
^amUa^CMmr. f' hoLir ; ir*S7— 16.18 c.E.w.
BiTtkllt^ Fpfideri' rm- litt. ; 1738— 17ti4 r,
Bl«aioM,Fmder iii. Germ, hint; b. IIB'J v.
Bllttolly, .ua, FruBMiika historian ami
All- 25 D.Q.C.W,
, AsjSttlo-Jbfichel, French musLo writer ;
tmr D.K.
lil<kiTgt> F^bricin«, Italian physician and Author ;
1888^1630 E.
lBtt«2tn, or BartboUmiB. Danish antiquary; 1660 D.
iuQalili, AL , Danish phys. and litt. ; l&y7- 1G43 1>. u.
^BtitluSfli, fidrtlielemy, l5am&h litterateur C.
BbthflUa, CWpar, Danish pbysicinu and medical
»ni<r ; 15^—1630 c, n. h. u,
lirtbolbi. r- oir. professor of raedit:ine, Copen-
Mrttp ' ,ii£»h philosopher aiid matho-
ttttkuii ^ ioz;> D.U.U.
Bniltfi^.JUarent, I >ii ^ > pbyddan; 1500^ D.
IttlblfcTboroas, J nifcvor vt medicine at Copcii-
htnu I m^—^lHiiO c. n. lt. w,
BvlMla,Tbo&ia«, DttnUli uitiquary and naturuliAt;
m^mo aR.t\
iMtftmHttUi, Ricardi* or Eicaxdoa BarthoLinus Peru-
iiOM (?), Polish writer
AlHieini or Albijdui*, Italixin iheo-
; d. 1101 U.R,
I {Ait^tiMUanui), ItaUan hlBhop of Ur-
a, G, lu
{Bri^4neiif}, Italian aavsnt; 1178—
(CafiAutietm*)^ Italian prior mui
; A 1446 Q.IL
BUBOa ( Cutanitts MaicrkenMU), Italian IVLino*
I WTiUr ; d, 1402 a. lu
t{Colufy%€Mh)t German claasicol writer;
I aJb Apo&a, Italian Minorite ; 14^8 lu
[ (a Mariifri'fHJi)t St, FortugncBe arch*
^; 1514—1590 c.E.PJttt,
id* Bonmil^, Italian preacher; 13^ u.
4m BraSB.&UiB* ltali;tn bishop cf
; t»O-r0 R-
4m HaoeactrOf Sicilian jndge and
I H,
1 4m HoTftltA, Italian jurist k.
t^ GvtlUlu^ ItaUan hi^t ; d, 1401 i:.
Baztiiolomsiti de Sancta. Goncordiap It^han preacher
and author; U3S e,
Bartliolomffius of EdeBsns, Syrian monk ; 730 d.
BartholomffiUB, See Baxtholomew and Bartolomeo.
BaxthOlomeo, or Barbatla, Andreaji de (Atidrea
Sicuio), Italian jurist and author ; 1400—1479 G.R,
Bartholomew, St, one .' ' ^ tlea; d 71»
Bartholomew, bkhop *.! UMdJAi.jL
Bartholomew, ATitiioE. i:-iish painter
and authoress ; 14*07 — ib^2 B.M,
Bartholomew, Daria Ewin, Britiah naval offlloor : if*
1821 n.
Bartholoinew, or Bartholemsaus de GlantvUIe, Eng-
lish Franctacan monk and Hoholnr ; 1350 p.R,W.
Bartholutiua, Kulitni»^ Italian Franciftcan contra*
pUDtist ; ItJth cent, a,
Barthon. Kobert de, dean of St Paul'ii ; 1256
Bartiolet, FlameL Flemish pointer, canon of Lioge :
d, 1612 d!
BartlJielli, Maurice, Italian surgeon ; ICOD D,l.
BartliCll* Geri.^ Germ, surg-, and ocuiii>t ; d. W^tO R.U.
Bartlemaii,Barthelmoae, orBartlielemoii, Hippolite,
Eng. mimic composer and violin iJit ; 1741 —1808 k. k,u»
Bartlomaa, Jame*, Eng, baasainger; 17(30—1^21 E.
Bartlet, Will S., Amcr. div. and author: b. 1809 a,
Bartlett, Benjfimin, Kngliah topographical and n amis-
maticrtl writtT ; 1714—1787 K.
Bartlett, Dfuid W., author ; b. 1828 a.
Bartlett, Eli^iha, American author and phyaician ;
1805—1855 a.c
Bartlett, Ichnbod, American polit ; 1786—1853 c,
Bajrtlett, John, English inuiiic iximposer ; 1000 X>.V,
Bartlett, John Kiu^ell, American ethnologist; b.
1805 <i,tf.F,M.
Bartlett, John Shcrren. Anglo- American jonmnliat ;
b, 1790 f,
Bartlett, Jos., Amor, author and wit ; 17C3— 1827 « f.
Bartlett, Josieih, Anioricaa authoTi govi^mor of New
KampaJiire ; 1759—1820 a,f,
Bartlett, Thomas, Eng. div. and author ; b. 1780 m,
Bartlett, WDliam, English theologian ; d, ll>iS3 K.U.
Bartlett, Wdiiam, American scholastic founder : 1748—
1841 f,
Bartlett, ^rilliam Henry, English landscape painter ;
1809— 18fj4 B.
Bartlett, Will. H. O., Amer. scJent. writ,; L 1804 a.
Bartley, Blrfl, Engli»h trngic actress ; 1785—1850
BartochowsM, Aldebcrt, PoHsh Jesuit and iHJOt ;
1685 R.
Bartol, Cyrus Auguattui, Amcr. author ; h. 1S13 a,*,
Bartolaja, Lodt»vic4), Itnlian writer ; ItiiO li.
Bartoldy, Georg Wilhehii, Genuan phlloaophical and
educatiotml writer ; 17<>*'i — 1815 lu
Bartole, Italian juriflt ; 1313—1356 HA),
BartolettL, Fabrizio, Italian physician and anatonuBt ;
1586—1630 u.
Bartoll, Cajetfin, Italian surgeon ; 18th cent. D.i.
BartOll, Coaimo, Italian litterateur ; k 1516* B,U,
Bartoll, Duniele, lUd. Jesuit hist.; 1008—1685 c.b.u,
Bartoll, Dominico, or Duminico d'Aaeiano, Italiai*
paint^sr ; 1470 B.D.T^U,
BartoU, Domiiiieo, Italian pout ; 1629—1698 R.iu
Bartoll, Francesco da Reggio, Italian jjainter; d.
1771) D.R,T.
Bartoll, Gior:gio, Italian grammarian ; d. 158-1 tuv.
Bartoll, Giovanni Italian goldanuth ; 136t> B.
Bartoll, Giovanni Battiata, Italian canonist and
nut hor; 1095—1765 ui.
BartoU, Giuseppe, Itidlan antiquary and writer;
1717—1700 D.I.D.
Bartoll, Minerva, Italian poetess ; 1591 D.B.
Bartoll, Pietro 8anti, Italiun painttir and engraver;
16:t5 -1700 B. R. T, U . W.
BartoU, Sebaiitiano, Italian phyaicLin and medical
writer; fK 1076 n.
Bartoll. Tixddeo, Italian paiiUer ; 1400 B.aT.
Bart OIL ^Qti Bartolo.
Bartollnl, Diuj^io, Italian natarol pliilosopbor and
writer on botany ; 174G— 1822 K.
Baxtolinl, Giosclfo Mariu, Italian pointer; 1G57 —
1725 D.U.T.
BartoUnl, Lorenzo, Ibilian sonlptor ; 1778—1830 d.
BaxtoUnl, Simono {Bartolini Pe7*u^»>io),Italian singer ;
1545 lu
Baxtollno, Tesco, Italian sculptor ; 15C9 i).
Baxtolo, Italian lawyer and writer; b. 1313 C.D.P.U.
Baxtolo, di Fredi, Italian painter; 1328*— 1410 D.T.
Bartolo. See BartoU.
Baxtolocci, Giulio, Italian Bernardino and hcbraist ;
1613-1687 c.D.o.u.
Bartolomei, Geronimo, Italian ])oet ; 1584—1662 D. it.
Baxtolomel, Matteo-Maria, Italian dramatic poet;
1640—1695 D.U.
Bartolomel, Simone Pictro, Italian antiquary; 1709—
1764 i).i.
Bartolomeo, Spanisli sculptor ; 13tli cent. n.b.
Baxtolomeo, Antonio, Italian joridt ; c/. 1479 u.
Baxtolomeo, Dionisio di, Neai>olitan arclit.; 1590 N.u.
Baxtolomeo, Fru (i^occto dtlla Porta), Italian painter;
1469—1517 B.D.T.
Bartolomeo, Leonardo di, of Palermo, Italian politi-
cian ; d, 1450 R.
Baxtolomeo, Michellonzo di, Italian sculptor and
brassfounder ; 1395—1465 K.
Baxtolomeo ofFlorence, Florentine painter ; 1250^ d.t.
Bartolomeo of Messina, Ital. hellenist ; 13th cent. d. u.
Bartolomeo di Capua, ItaL jurist and writ. ; d, 1328 b.
Bartolomeo. See BartholomsBUs and Barthelmy.
Bartolommei, Enrico do {Enrico di Suta), Ital. jurist,
cardinal, and bp. of Ostia and Veletri ; d. 1271 i.R.
Bartolommei, Giovanni di Bandino de, Italian advo-
cate and writer ; 15ih cent. I.K.
Bartolommeo, Maestro, Italian painter ; 1236 1(.T.
BartOlommeo, Maestro, Venetian sculptor and archi-
tect ; 14th cent. i).
Bartolommeo, Stanislas di San, Italian Carmelite ;
17th cent. i.ii,
Bartoloni, Pietro Domenico, Italian physician and
author; 1700 v.u
Baxtolozzi, Francesco, Italian desi^cr and engraver;
1725—1815 B.D.F.R.
Bartolucci, Giovanni-Battisto, Italian physician ; 17th
cent. I.B.
Bartolucd, Vincento, Hal. kwyer; 1753— 1S23 D.F.
BartOlns, Abraham, (.iemian author ; 1014 lu
Bartolus {dc JSaxofaratu), Italian writer and jurist ;
1313-1359 O.K.
Barton, Sir Andrew, Eng. mariner and pirato ; 1510 lu
Barton, Benjamin Smith, American imysician, natu-
ralist, and scientitio writer ; 1766—1816 a.e.D.luw.
Barton, lieroard (the Quaktr poet), English iioet ;
1784-1849 D.W.
Barton, Eliz:ibeth [the Maid of Kent), English female
impostor and visionary; ex. lXi4 c.D.K.
Barton, Sir Henry, sherilF of London, 1405 ; mayor,
1416 and 28 d.
Barton, JdIiu do, English judge ; 1304 /.
Barton, John, i-ecurder of Ix>udon ; 1415
Barton, John, English writer ; 15th cent B.
Barton, Sir .Jnhn, English inventor; 1771—1804
Barton, Matthew ISritish admiral ; 1715—1795 B.
Barton, Kii]>he, sheriff of London ; 1-118 </.
Barton, Sir Bobert, lord high treasurer of Scotland ;
</. 1538 H.
Barton, Tlioni.i.H, IriHh misHionnry; 1730* - 171K) B.
Barton, William, sulFnigau bishop of S.dibburv ;
15(W-17 d.f.
Barton, William, English ])relate aud writer ; 1598—
1678 B.
Barton, William, EngliNh arithmetician ; 17th cent. B.
Barton, William, American revulutionaiy ollicer ;
1747*-1KJ1 A.r.K.
Barton, Will. P. C, Amcr. bot. and author ; 1820 a.
Barton, Dr, founder of tire insurance oDices ; 1667
Bartoszewicz, German orator ; ISth cent. B.
BartossewsM, VaL, Polish Jesuit and writer; 1610 K.
Bartram, John, Amer. trav. and bot ; 1701— 1777 a. D.f .
Bartram, William, American traveller and natu-
ralist ; 1739-1823 A.«. r. r.
BartsaJ Von Nagy Bartsa, Achaz, prince of Tninsyl-
vania; d. 1661 g.b.
Bartsdi, Adam, Austrian engraver, and keeper of
tlie imperial cabiuet of engravings at Vienna :
1757—1820 B.R.r.
Bartsch, Henrich, German scholar ; 1607-1728 ii.
Bartsdi, John, Dutch ithys. and bot. ; d. 17:i5 R.U.
Bartsch, Zacharias, Germ. wood-engraver: 16th cent B.
Bartsdi, Zacharias, German engraver ; 1674 sr.R.
Bartsdus, Fridericus, Polish author ; 1549— Ki09 R.
Bartsli,orBartasdi,Godfrid, Germ, engraver; 1674 &R.
Bamcco, Giaoomo, painter of the Venetian school B.T.
Bamdl, Rabbi de Piskeira, Jewish writer B.
Barudi, Kabbi Uammekubal, Jewish Cabalist B.
Bamdl, Kabbi Ben Isaac bar Baruch, of Cordova,
Jewish Talmudic tutor H.
Barudi, one of the twelve minor Hebrew prophets;
B.C. 606 I».C.
Bamdl, Babbi Ben It Samuel de Moguntia, Jewish
writer ; 12th cent. O.R.
Bamdl, Babbi Ben Isaac do Garmiza, German Jew-
ish religious writer ; 1236 o.B.
Bamch, Kabbi Bar Sukmah, Jewish writer and
translator; 1450 O.B.
Bamdius, St, Scottish ecclesiastic ; 700* B.
Bamffkldl, Bernardino, Italian author 1.
BamflUdl, Geronimo, Italian poet and scholar; 1C75—
1755 i».i.r.
Bamffaldi, Geronimo, Italian .Jesuit, biographer, and
bibliographer; 1740—1817 D.M.C
Barofludi, Nicolo, ItidLin author ; 1645—1741 1.1.
Barulo, Andreas do (Bonellus), Keu|>ulitun Jesuit;
1269 B.
BaruB, T. Vibius, consul of Kome ; 160 E.
Bamtel, Gregoire de, French poet ; 1620*— 1698 ikC.
Bamtel, Thos.-Bem., Fr. preacher; 1720— 17l>2 n.o.
Barvau, N., French libntriau to tlie archbishop of
Toulouse ; </. 1794 L
Barvidcanus. Berwick, or Breulanlias, John, IVib-
ciscan mouk ; 134U L
Barvoetius, Alez., Jesuit and author ; 17th cent c
Barwell, Edmund, nuister of Christ's College, Cam-
bridge ; d, 1609 q.
Barwick, Johu, English prelate, dean of St PaoTs;
1612-1664 C.l.
Barwick, IVter, English physician and medical i^-ritcr;
1619-1694 C.B.O.
Barwick, Thomas, English ]>hysic)an ; d. 1599 f.
Bary, Henri, Dutch en^'raver ; b. 1(>26* B.U.
Barye, Antoino Louis, French stituary and cngrawr;
b. 1796 ar.
Baryphonus, Henricus, German writer on muaio ; K
1580* I.
Barzaens, Gaspar, companion;- of St F. Xavier, ssd
writer ; d, 1553 L
Barzaeus, Johann, Swiss i>oet ; d. 1660 B.
Barzena, ^Ufonso (Ajhttttf of Peru), Spanish philo>
logist :uid mi>sioiiary ; 1528 — 15*.M K.r.
Barzi, CcMiro, Italiau writer ; </. 1605 LI.
Barzini, vr RarstTil, Itiilian %'eudor of tracts, astro-
loger, and writer ; l(Xi7 l.k
BarzLza, Christorfo, or Christophrr do Barsiiii%
Italian phvs. and teacher i>f nudicim* ; 15th cent I.
Barzlza, ar'Barzizus, nr Bargomensis, GasiMaiMv
Itiilisn clajwical writer ; l;n'0*-1401* B.O.
Barziza, (vuiforte, Itidian durtor and author; 14XS I.
Barzoni, Vittorio, Ibtlian litterateur and jourualist;
17r»4-lS2l» IXC,
Barzykowski, Stanislas, ri^linh p:itri«>t ; ft. 1792 r.
Bas, Jttc PhilliiH' le, Fr. fii;;r.»vtr ; 1707— 17^ n.M,V,
Baa, Jean Ic, French i»it»fe.-^or of midwifery, sm
author; 1760 ■—
, llaiili^ I>Qtch eiitf raver ; ICJOO B.N.
, William, Dutch engraver ; d.n,
, GioTAQui, Italian poet ; 1540 1.IL
iv»a Kikaphorovitch, Kussmn tator mnd
[writer ; k 1795 il
, Ifoel, Italian Jcwi&li writer ; 1("*84 o.n.
I, JeKhijaMoTd«chai« It&LJewiith \rHt.;1720LJi.
Fieare-F^nUKfois, French cugmver, doiiler iu
work* of art, mod author ; 1723—1797 ».N.
" ,aiajiiii, r- - - :^ --' - ■ ''^* K.ii,
, Ferdiiini 1 F.
, Carlo {J- . . prelate
■ndaatiior ; lao^J-lUl."* I.U,
Ba«ape, ar Barsegape, Pietro, Italian poet; 1264 l.K.
BMcapl, Girolaiuo, Milanea6 juriab aud author; d,
IMl I.R.
tOirolAmo, Mikneseeccles.; 1622—1703 i.r,
', GJovazmi, ItaL phjM. and [toet; d. 1673 d.H.
, demcnte, Italiau ecclea. and writ; lOSO lb,
» Stgif mond, Sileidan piufcajK)r of j/hilosophy ;
ITOO— 1771 D.!t,
^Mft^ Samoi&v OerxDiin pbilo«* and astron. ; 1550 ix
Mvttziiio, ol Bergamo, eccleaiafitic and
i 11117—1677 CRT.
^_ ^^ ■; ITawili^ Rojataii architect ; rf. 1708 D. u.
MflU^ Mitti^o, founder and fint vicar of tb© Cnpu-
tea. lSSS;dL 1552 ]>.tu
llKllkn, Kkolaua de, Roman military oi£c«r and
^ wdpUff ; rf. Ilea* D.N,
Hiififtilpw; Semen, Kuuian icbolari mathemakictaii,
iikd ieovtazy W the aenate ; 1740—1770 D.L{.t%
lllfliroiBift, Barromeo^ Italian scholar and author;
.14)0 DA.
. Loigaae, Italian jurist ; 12^0 lb.
^ BMciacomnre, Italian ambassador; d
liillB tfi IdCZSiB, Guatave, Frendi magiBtnite and
tt^nkciai ; 6. 1805 or 11 F.
iMCMmLdaa, FoUth hist<»rian ; d. 1253 d.q,
^iWB» HcsiiT Bidleman, American Methodist H«h op;
J»-l« rt,C.
luidov, JoIiaixD-Bembard, German theologian and
•ifilw ; 1723—1790 c. d. k.
2>M||kv Lofouo, Italian mux. compoaer ; 1700 d.k.
fclfllhlC; JohiL Frenoli Uihotomiat and author;
jm-usi M
■■Alil^ «r VAn*B2LBle, Jacob, Dutch eccleaiastio ;
iUHtBl, JafioK Dtttcb theol. and author ; 1C30* ix
ItaMilliV Njebfolaa, FlemiMh aurgeon ; 1577 Q.lL
SiMOt Ba«dt* ItAlian iiu^eon ; (i. 1621
lUVft £Ddiak arcbiteot ; 171^5-1845
ItaAftV, £3«ftnl« English theol.; 1600*^-1671 CD.
iHttti^ Matriei Semjenor, Eussian religious fanatic ;
llA^yvBlv Hdnrieh-Jacob Tan, German orieutaliHt
^iavt^or; HS7»-17r.d o.r.
9m^ Astoxija, Italiiui pbys. and author ; 1500* D. l
^JJtttMigqo, Italian paint«r ; 1510* S.T.
ii^PHta, Gkmnni Stefano de, Italian Carmelite
Bl water ; ISOO i.n.
^iQi ^Rkiili •bbot and controrenialist ; 423 Jl
litf. Udiui TWM^it* ; 504 R.
I at^imandriie, abbot of St Sabaa ; 0th
1 iiff ^rv^), Armenian autlior ; ^0* D. € ,
kol CoBfltantinnplci and author; 970-5«
.-^«MHnr«CTrefai2ond; c£. 1340
atUVa JI'M%iiMuaii)» emperor of the East (307-
^ X •Mw of tba Eut (97C4025) ; 958-1025 ».e,
T wbmOI, inL ]mfioe of Moscow ; d. 1276 K.
-'vaii^ gdL prince of Moscow ; d. 1425 E.
'' * I of Motoow ; 1415— HU2 »,
I of Moscow ; d. 1533 n.
fttCnaxdi of Uonstantinople ;
Basil, prince of Moldavia ; 16(K) p.
BasU, Muluinus, abbot of Ht Laura anrl writer tu
BAtil, SchuLakoi, Kussian nobleman and revolutioniat ;
Basil. Valentine, Rusrian alchcmUt ; 1413*
B&Bil. See BasUlus.
Baalle, councillor to Conitantino TIL ; rf. 961
Basile, Adri:ttia, Italian poetess ; 17th cent.
BasUe, AmbroiJie, French littentteur ; d, 1800*^
Basile, Domenico, Itidian pK>et ; 16th cent.
Baailo, Gcnnaro, Italian painter; 1756
Baalle, Giovanni-Battiflta, count of Torone, Italian
poet ; r/. 161>2 luU,
BaacUe de SoIsbohb, Fr. theol. and author; 1670 d.
BaaUetti, Luigi, Italian painter; 1800 D.M«
Baslll, D. Andrea, ItuL mua, composer; d 1775 D*K,
BaatU, D, Francc:!iCo, Ital, dramatic writer; 1650 I>.k;
Baalllp Frnuccsco^ Italian mui^iciim ; L 1766 D.K,
Basill, Fierauijaolo, Italian fresco painter; 1550*-
1604* n,T,
BasillCO, Cyriaco, Italian litt. and poet; 1670 D.L
Baaillco» Goruiiimo, Itulian jurist and author; d,
1670 D,i.
BaalUdes, Greek heresiarch ; d. 130 C.lLV.
Baalllen, or Baallianus, governor of Egypt ; 213 fj.
BasUlna, second wife of Julius Oonstantiue ; 330* n.
BaslUo, Giovanni^ Paduan jurist aud coamogi-apher ;
1310 T.B.
BaslllacUB, emperor of the B<wt, 475; d. 477 d.r,u.
BasUiua {£Ae6frf«fK bishop of Ciesarea (371-9), father
of the Greek Church ; 32»— 370 D. R. U.
BaBlUuff, archbishop of TJjesaalonica ; 300— 3S4 d.r.
BaaillUS, bishop ot Amasea, in Pontus, saint aod
martyr; 314 B.
Basiliufl n., at, und martyr, bp. of Ancyra ; d. 362 n.V*
BaslllUS HI., hhihop of Anovra ; 754 B.
BaaUina {the Ascetic) ^ diBcix>leof M^iroian; 4th cent* IL
BaaUlns, bishop of Larissa, in Thes^y ; 431 lU
BasUitls, Roman t^rtliiial ; 451 IL
BaalHufl, Irishup of Aquae Sextiai (Aix) ; 440 B.
BaaHlus, bisliQp of Antiooh ; 456 B.
Baeillus, bislntfi of Trenopolis, in Cilicia ; 491 IL
BaaiUxis uMr. BUst), archbishop of Selucia, in laaniia,
440 ; (/, 4rhS D.R.U.
BaalUua* Cft.^ciiia Decius {the Patrician)^ prefect of
Rume ; 4*)3 IL
BajilllUB, hi. t'iccina, consul of Rome ; 480 H.
BasUiUB of €lllcla, ecclesiaatical liistoriau ; 520
B^ilUuB {tkt Fairidanjf master of the bedchamber to
Constnntine Porphyrogenitus ; 10th cent* I'.K.
BaalllilB, hertjsijiTcb of the Bogomilt ; d, 1110 ild,
BaaUlUB, Nicolns, i^lermau chrunicler; 1500 D.Q,
BaaUiim, P. tlo Glemona, French missiomiry and
writer; 172(5 IL
BaBiliua, S to ph rimis, Hu ngarian writer R.
Banilua of Acliri, archbishop of Thessalomca ; 1155 B.
BaaUUfl, nrchbiwhop of Ctesarea ; 7th cent. ».
Baailns, lb Minucitu, Roman general ; B.C. 54 D.ILX.
BasUus, Slinueiua, Moman It^giomiry tribune ; B.C.
86 D.H.JL
Baallui. See BaBlL
Easily, Francesco, Italian musician and compoaer of
sac roil musio ; L 1766 K.n.
Baslmoff, Baamoflf, or Baakenow, Rusjdan architect ;
d. 179H N.R.
Basin* BcraiirtK Spauisli theologian, canon of Sai^a-
;,'t»ssa ; d, 15O0 O.tJ*
Baein, Jean, French litterateur ; d, 1622 D.U.
Baaln, Bimt'oot French Duminican, poet and preacher ;
1608—1671 B<U.
Basin, Thomas, bishop of Lisieux, professor of law at
Louviiin, chronicler and moraliiit ; 1412— 14U1 d.r,
Baainer consort of Chilperic L» and mother of Glovis;
460 UU.
BaaiJlBrr Adam, mavor of London ; 1251 d.
Baaing. Salmon, slier, of Loudon. 1214; mayor, 1210 cf.
Baaing, WiEiam, sheriff of London ; 1308 cf.
BabIji^, or B»singstok8, Engllah theologian^ gram-
miinnn. and mathemAticitui ; d 1252 D. ii»
B&riiilo de Bastnll, Itid. Latiu i»oet; 1425—1157 d.r.
BaBlBUB, or Blslims, king of Thuringia ; 460 n.
Basire Unac^ EngUiih theologian, traveller, and writer ;
1607— 167ti R.W.
Bmsire, Isaac, Ecg. printer and engraver; 1704— 1768 H.
Basiro, Jame4, Kn-liHli cngmver; 17:iO— 1802 ciuu.
Baalre, Jamts, English engraver ; 1769—1822 d.r.
Baalui, Jfihannea, i^crm&n adrocate ; fi. 1600* n.
BaakervUle, Haimibal, Engliih antiquary ; d. 1068
Baskervllle, Uumplirey, Bberi^ of London ; 1561 if.
BaaJcerrlll^t John, Enj^^lisb letter-founder and printer ;
BattoMrmo, Sir Simon. Enj^-lish phyi.j 1573*— ItHl c.
Baiko. Pohsh hbtorian ; l.loO* It.
Baskual, Paakiml, oi- FaaciuaJ, Abul Htuaem, Spaniith
Icxicogmphcr ; t/. 11S2 ri.i*.
BasmadJI {fbrahim A'^endi), Hungnrian printer at
CoDstantinopIOf and rcuegodo ; c/. 1746 B.u.
BasmalBOU, Jean de, Fr. janst and author; d. 1600 ilu.
BasmanOYi Alexis Danilovitch^ Eunadan noble and
military officer ; d 1571 n-
BasmanoY, I van Fheodomtch, RuAstan military
officer ; «/. aft, 1623 K.
BannaiLOY, Peter Fhoodorvitoh, Ba.saian military
omccr ; (I, 1G04 R.
Baanag^e, Antoino, French Protestant minister; IGIO—
1G91 c^JLV,
Baaaage^ Benjamin^ Frenoh Protcatant ministor and
aathor; 1^80—1652 O.R.U,
Bamage, Henri de Beauval, French jouriiolist; 1G56 —
1710 caiL
Bosnagttt Honri de Fraquenay, French Jurist and
author ; 1615— 1605 Ii.R.w.
BaiDagei> Jacques do BeauTal, French Protestant
mlniiter and eccloe, historian; 1653— 172^1g. d.b.vv,
Baaaage^ Samuel de FlottcmanviUe, French ecdesi*
iiitical hiitorian ; lfj38— 17'21 D.R*
Bamll, Antonio, Italian painter ; 1800 o.
Baiaue, Michel lej Buocaneer ooounander in Vene-
siiela; IGGO n.
Baia, Edwanl, American theologian; 1720—1803 TkV,
Bmb, Qeorss, Eogllth luiTal ftoreeon luid explorer;
1797 fi,
Bau, HenrTf German turgeon and modlool writer;
1090—1754 as.
Bata, Michael Thomai, English politician ; h. 1837
Bassa. Don Podco-Hohuco, Span, coluiiul; d. ie35 D.U.
BasfiaiiB, Pra&torian prefect ; 1G$ IL
Baaaieut, Nicolaai, German printer and puhlisher ;
1590 R.U.
Baaaal. Jeao» French ecelecjiAtio, revolutiomuT agiitt,
and diplomAtiit ; 1750*-lStrJ r,VU
Baaiaa* S««Baa«aiio.
BilMnrt, Jt«an * Baptiste, French phyiician to tlie
•mperor of Aniti'ia ; lO.^— 1742 d.h.
Baatani, or BanBlano^ Aleuimdro, Neapolitan lulvo-
Gal«; d, 14U5* an.
Baaiani, Aleiiandro, of Padua^ Italian author ; 16th
Mfti. i>.a.
Goronimo. litdian dnunakio compoffT and
'■■' ^ 'T''"'>' o.a,
'. mnne compoao' ; 1600^
iHta, Italiim mmio compoter;
k 1657- n.K.
Baatanl, Joeopo- Antonio, Italian J«fitit preacher;
168a-174T l,a,
, Luigi, Italian historian ; 165<3 v.t,
, Mritteo-AutoijtQ, Italinn hiwyer : 17157 0.1.
10, Fninccacii, Ital. eccleciaatic; 18th o«ni. LJi.
Alviiro do, mm^iuit do Htknta Crui, BpatiiaU
admlfal ; r?. l!.>vs a.
lUWD 'ian«roihit«ot; 141»3 Bf.B,
kiMUk iCM painter and engraver; ^
1584, it. io.iu ti.1t,
, Eogvoo« Marrfttii do, Fronoh writer ; 1618 r.
Franeeaoo da Ponte, Italian painter; 1475—
1530 D.x.a.T-
Baflflano, Fmncosco da Ponte, Italian painter ; 1550^
1592 D.x.B
Baaaano, Giovanni da Ponte, Italian painter ;
1613 D.BT.I
BaasaiiOf Girolamo da Ponte» Italian painter ;
1622 D.n.]
BasBano. Jacopo (M« Efder), Ital ptr, ; 1510—1592 a
Bassano, Leandii> da Ponte, Itaban portrait pa*-~
Baaaano, Mnrtinello da, Italian painteT ; 1262* SlX
Baaaano, NA]xtleon Joseph Huguee Marct, Due de,
French dii>lomatiat ; 6. 1803 r,
Baaaano. Bee BaaHlnl, Baaalazil, and BaaaiaiiO.
BaSBantln, James, Scottlish a^troDomer and anihof ;
BaaaauTllle, Anals {L^srun)^ Fr. anthoren; I
Baasaraba, Constantin-Brancovan, princo ell
d, 1714
Baaaaa, Barth^emy, Fr, brave grenadier ; dL JTW J
Bawia«lrl.KooatanAbul-Hapeth Ai-Modhair«r,T" '
iah milit a ry officer; 1055 IL
Basae, Waiiini, Eojlish author ; 17th ecnt %
Baase, or De la Basaaa, £loi, French thodkglaat
1585-1G70 aft.
Basae«, Bonaventure de la, French Capoabia i
author ft 1650
Baaaallii. Ohve, French poet ; d 1418 or 19
Baaaen, B (?) van, Dutch arehitocturiil ]
Baaaeoget Jean Nicobu, Belgriiui poet ; 17JS$-1811 1
Baaaann, Thcodoro Kegnier de, Dutch bvyar I
author; 1700 I
BaaaapoTte, Model eitto Franv'oise* French flowar f
bird paiotcr ; 1701—1780
Baaaennann, Frederic-Daniel, German pub
politician ; b, ISll
Baaaat^ French physician ; 1750
Baaaet^ Antoine and Andre, French <
Baaaet, O^sar-Auguste, French T
Baaaet, Claude, French UtterateoT ; 1657—1
BaSMt, Fmn^ois^ FreuirU printteUer and *
Baaaat, Fmncoise, French femaleengraver 1 1
Baaaei, Fulk, bishop of I/indon, 1244 ; <t 1
Baaaat. Fulk, nbp. of T>uMii). 1256 : </. 1^71
Baaaet, '
Baaaat, i . .., i. ._.,_„
Baaaet. ^ir Kobert, sherilf of London, lit*i| 1
mayor, 1475
Basaoi Oa la ICaieUa, Louis, French jurist and i
traie ; d. 1794
Baaaett, AUn, EngUih judse, 1217: d. 1232
Baaaett, I'hilip, English jud^^, 12in ; cf. :
Baaaett, Simon, Bullish judge ; 111^7
Baaaett, Thomas, English judge. 12(j2 ; d, ]
Baaaett, Thomas, Eng. hiwyer and suihur; I
Basaatt, WUaam, Engliih ludge; 1220
Bataait, William, Englkli judjcc ; 1337
Baiavttt, MaroantouiQ, Venme«e iiointarij
Baaaatti, Simono, Italuui author ; 1616
BaaaevUla, Niehohii Juim liugou de, Froachd
tilt; d 1793
Baaaairlts, Hcinrich Friedericli, German i
toRn-«iu U..A i,..<,.nan: I680-174SI
1 in painter ; 1600
landscape iniiuUrr j U>4*— IJTVU*
Baaal, Pimnoesco, lulian painter ; 165S-1 _
Baaal, Fk«noe»eo, Boleg^^ainter, papil to ra4
BMit, Qkivatmi*AUri»| Bolflf&aaa aeulpKM^ i l\
GtTTfrTppr, connt of VHIctri, Ital* wiit ; 1030* I.IL
i TJcr;14thceut.B.U.
.;]650 i\h
i — .. ..,„,^ ,_,,.....„*, i...ii;m authoress and
profewir d phiiosopiiy ; 1711 —1778 c*d,b.
B&sst, Martino;, Milanese architect ; lOtli cent. D.H.
BaMl, IL, •eeretsiy to the prince of Cond^ i 1750 d.
Bsagl^ rietzx» ikjidrea de, Italka poet ; 1470* LK.
Boil aevBLSia
ItoMtanlt Bemanltno, Italian pbmUr and encraver ;
l«tt D.H.
GiovuiKi, Italiaa lawyer ; 12 th cent. D.
ItfOidi {Bastianuji La mi us), Italian pby^*
aadj^ilcKQphical writer ; d. 15(j2 i>.h.
IJIxse, ItalioiL poet i 1549 La.
Bee BaislxLl und Basaano.
Johannefl, Italian jurist ; 12th cent. n.
Baldo da^ Italian poet r,
TAbb^ AleiJUKter-^Jodi^ph de, French jour-
and Lictoi r — 18ia V.h\
_ \€i» li i.% archdeacon of SaliS"
bny ; Eiisli>h j : /.
MriBl, Tonuna^ ij.Ler; 14th cent. II.T.
MiJwl, Philip, J ijiLJiiuutiit and author :
M. C^ionius Tiriu«, eoneitl of Rome ; 271 u,
BeiTsrich, German phja. ; 1090— 17.'>4
Astimlo, Neapolitan poet and jurist ; 1647 LB.
CmrXo Audre,% Itnl. rf?li jnou» writ, ; 17th ccnt^ L a.
^' ' "' Liir of philosophy lb,
iiyiieiati LB.
. -,: : 1600 D.LB*
ol. 1 tiih MTant and attthor; d. 1347 0. D. B.
k .10X1 u ^le, 8oottiab theologian; Hth cent. l\
\ Fta&ooia de. Baron, marshal of Kru itco :
im^um c'.D.u.
» JtOfines» pieudozijm of a French writer on
17ihoent. rat.
• Oiorazmi-Fnmoesco, Itai painter; 1665* T.B.
» Pierret French aurgeon and medical writer ;
ITOfi— 1757 DAu
Ium^C3m«11ib, Roman Ijrrie poc^t, 40* ; c^. 70 IKX.
^ til, Ciecitiiis, a Roman knight, adherent of
LC. 48 M»X,
iMniral of Bom«, 258*9; othen of this nitmc,
I Cromona; 10th cent, n,
^ -^tVLA, Roman uiutor and
' i-ul of Rome; (14 H.
o'Jti ilcf Gt'iman painter and
> D.
I irt-fcct of the fleet ; CD D,
i^, eonsulof Romej 81 H.
; Rmtie; 211 D.U.
I "ino; 317 1!.
iJugoii de^ French writer and
1 ,1 , r • nter; 1800 ix
i n ,.. i^k ; ..itisi and heU
:^i- K.tJ.
I L*ria Amaiid Maria dOt Flemiah engraTcr find
' , 1767—ih:Sii R.U,
JMji L«u**A»*4^ d«, French noveliat ; 6. 1793 D.F.
Bh^ Mstliii-Jttaa d«tt llcmiih arohit'ologixt and
fvkirt; 17:^-I*ri5 d.u.
1ms, Vrttr, fritrravcr ; L'OS N.B,
Bulil«C#9»r^v» Allianiaa cavalry officer and author ;
SMMb CUsM^ipey Italiaa juriat and author; 1743—
IStS 1J.R-
, <ir tatextt, pointer of yia | ut en d . N .
tKmtliuqiia dk, French tiio^utrate; 1083-
, FTm;mM d^, Fh misistnte ; 1722 -1780 ilv.
Bastard, or Baxlait, GuiUaume do, Frenoh noble and
military offi^cor ; «/. 1447 D.n.
Bastard, John FoUeKfen, EngUsh patriot tknd M.F.;
rf. 1S16 R.
Baataird, Thomas, English clergyman and Latin poet;
1557*— 1018 aE.w,
Baartard, T., French botanUt ajul author ; 1810 D*
Bastard d'Estasf , Dominiriue PnLJi(,ois Marie, Comte
de, Fr. mag^istrute and j>olitician ; 1783 — 1H44 D.F.
Bajstard d'Estacgi Heari Bruno dc, Frenoh magii*
trate ; ;>. 1798 F.
Bastard d'Bstan^, Jean Dcuiii Leon de, French
writer ; b. 1822 v.
Bastard d'Estang, Jean Fran9oiB Auguste de^ French
oflSoer ; 6. 17S>4 P.
Bastardl, Zacchtria, Italian eoclemaatio ; d, 1C50* LR.
BaatarOr Giuseppe dc]» Itidian painter ; 1635^ D.U.
Baataniolo, 11, or Filippo Maz^uoli, Ferrarest)
painter; d. 1580 t*
Basta^ Pierre, French rear-admiral and colonel; 1768—
1814 D.R.
Bastell, Andrea, Italian physician ; 151X>* D*
Bastanaire-Daudenart, ¥., French manufacturer and
wTittir on pottery ; 1820 D-
Baater, Job, Butch naturulist and philosophical writer;
1711—1775 D.s,
Baaterlo, Ntcolao di Carmognola, Italian theologiau
and philosopher ; 1610 l>.li.
Basterre€lie, Jean-Pierre, French financier and author ;
1762-1827 a
Bastholm, Chris tioot Danish acolcsiastio and author ;
1740-1819 Q,B,
Baatlanl, Frnnoe-aoo, Venetian engraver U.
Bastianl, (iiuBepiie, Itiilian painter ; 16I>4 R-T.
Baatlaillt Jacoppo Felippo, ItaL phya. ; d. 1746 D.I,
Baatlault PAbbe N,, Italian adventurer, favourite of
Frederic the Great ; d. 1787 D.u.
BastlaiLO, Francesco di, I taliaa painter and sculptor;
14,S0 D.T.
Baatlano dl San Gallo, Italian ajriUt ; 15th cent. l>.
Baatlat, Frederic, French ocouomiit and author;
1801-1850 D.
Baatldaa, Rodrigueade, Spanish navigator ; 1400*^ D.I7.
Baatlda, FtruaudOj Spftninb theologian lu
Baatlde, Jean - Fraufoia de, Frenoh writer; 1724—
1798 CD. It,
Baatlde, Jerii>y (i>u/oun/wf/), Fr. authoresB ; h 1792 f.
Bastide, Juk-a, Fr. journalist and polit. ; 6. 1800 M.
Baatlde, J. H., Eagli^h artist ; 18th cent. K.
Baatide, Louia, Frenoh theoL and jurist; 1700 D.u,
Bastlde^ Louis, French poet ; b, 1805* r.
Baatlde, Marc, French Beuediciine aud author; d,
1608 D.R»
Baatlde, Marc-Antoine de la, French Pioteitant con-
troversialist and diplomatist ; 1624 — 1704 D.R*
Baatide, Philippe, French Benedictiuo writer; 1620—
1690 D.3U
BasUen, Jean-Fran^oia, French bookseller and writer
upon ugii culture ; 1747 — 1824 D.u,
Bastlneller, Andreaa, German lawyer and writer;
16r.O— 1724 0.
Baattneller, Oebhard-Christian, Gencim lawyer and
writer on Liw ; 1B89— 17»^5 d.q.
Boatlneller, Jobauu Friedcrich, G«rman lawyer;
108'2— 17r>4 D.Q.
Baatlrd, Vicenzo, Italian musician ; 1550 K.S.
Baatlnlano, .SGl>astiaiio Felippi [Ic GraUlh), Italiau
painter; 1523—1603 D.T. a
Baatlou, Yves, French pcdo^gogue and writer of ele*
inontiiry Tvorlu; 1751— 1814 D.B.U.
Baston, Goillaume-Andre-Rcad^ French theologian,
biahop of Seojs ; 1741—1825 R.U,
Baaton, Josiiuin, FJemiih mua. composer; 1556* IXK.
BaatOQ, Robert, English poet-lamoate aud hiitorian ;
</. 1310* ao.B.
Baaton, T., English marine painter ; 1721 b.r.
BaatOUl, LouiJi, French geuetal; 1753—1801 U-U.
Bftltwloll. Jotm« EnglUh plkjiidan and coatrorertist,
Btaa«l« Fr&ti^s, Frencik eeclet. writ.; 16tb cent, d.r,
BaiSrUto, Lcrndgnon de, Freuoh hiatorinn ; 1590 D.
Baiyne, Thoniai, iheriff of London : llHi9 rf.
Bas^O, GoclLiljuij PoUbIi cunoii and ckromclcr; 13th
cent. D.U.
BftnkoTliU, Iran, Polkb dl^-ine ; 1700 R.
Bat, Ucnir*K lord mayor of I>.i»don ; 1240 d.
Bat. HumTjhrtiv\ «boritf of lioadon ; 1250 d,
BatnccM, Dotiietiico, iLiUuu poet and luivellst; 1749 —
l«0'i fl,U.
BatagUa, N., ItoHau colonel of tho Guatd of Honour ;
mo D.F.
BttttfllOll, Fnwoosoo, Itnliiui Undic&pG f>ftinter R.
BalalllanU CharlM, Pnmeb litterateur ; 18U0 d.f.
Balaaiard, P«ni Ti...,«ior.v pv i. utt.; L 18ie p.
Batallle, Gtt> I 0 d.k.
BatalllA, BL 1 ai ; h. 1814 p*
Bataj, G«orgi«>«, Tiuu y!v:niiaii tuooi. writer; 1G52 R,
Batalna, of Ephesus^ OumjIc flutc'playcr; 4th coot.
BataHlAT, Je&Q, Franch Domini cun ; 15t1i cent. 1>.
Batlile, Ansel mo Polyciirpc, Fruuoh jumt and law
writ«r; 6. 182B
Batib Geofgo, Engliali phyiidan And tustarmn ; IfjOS--
1660 at[.r.
Bat«, Heuiy, EnglEih oomio poet and journalist ; 18tU
cunt. IT.w.
Bat^ ^ ' English di%*ine, •ehdUr, snd Anibor;
1 : 0,
Bat Figliih eooletiftjiticftl writer, attd prior of
the l .^rmciiiea of York ; d. 1429 c.K.
Bate, JuIm, Eogliih thoologian ; d. 1771 c.D.
Bate» Peter, ■heritf of London ; 1213 d,
Batecambe, or Badecombe* AV^illi&oi« EnglUh nuthe-
xn»ti«iiLn ; 1120* c.iktl
Batelinr. 8^ Batltaller.
BaAimail, Sir Anthony, lord mayor of London ; IGfU^i d,
Batemaxi, Sir JiimeA^ ■huriff of London, 1701 ; lord
ni«yor, 1717 rf»
Bateauui, K;»to Josephine, Ajnenean &ctre«it; 6. 1842
"" ^ I ThomiM^ £t)i(liBh phyiidjui and medicikl
1778-1«21 i>.it.
^Willkm, biihopof Norwich (1344), foander
of Trintiy HouAe, CAmbridgfl^and dipt; d. ]3i>r> dJ, n.
BatAman, William BoteniAn Haabiuy, Kngliib i>c«r
and lord-lie utcnftnt ; 6. 19^ p.
BBlraMnt, B., EngUak pimter ; 18tk oeot D.tL
Balan, Henri, in«mi«h agttiHionier ; 13tb cent. D.fL
BatflOjOCnirt, Lueai le, iheriff of Lcnulun ; 12G7 d.
Battilay, or Barley, John, abp. of Tuam ; 1427 cu
Batttt, BATiuibaB, American promoter of ohoap TMMtAgo :
17H5--1863 ' ^«.
Bates, DfiTid, American poet ; 1A48 a.
Batee, Edwortl, Amerigan juriil and atatetman ; &.
17lKt i d, m/J
Batofi, .)
Nsih ittholar; IfiJ^T
ih or^tuii»% and
-V *'^-v i^*gl*n;
ijondon; VJJSi cL
oe; 1260 c,w.
ui Kalamaaca and uu*
BaHuOior, jM^iuve le, omiu d^Arltvti, FroQob advo*
eite ; 1690 c.t*
kalbtm, Btttam* cr lattimi, Oemd van, Dtttith
bttdaeape paioier ; d* 16SI0* ii. u.
Bataieiius, S«ottith aaltii ; tS06*
BathlMe. 8«o BatUde.
Bathouia, H«rvey da, English chief juittoe, 1347
d, 1273
Bathori, riimt.f [innco of TrjinsylTunia ; (L15S1 IK^
Bathorl, El irj i be t h, Prin re«, nieeo of Stephn
king of Poland ; d. 1614 tKt
Bathori, Gabor or Gabriel, soYerdsQ f^^ Traiiixt*^<uiii
d. 1H13 D.\
Batborl, Lidislaiis, Hnncarian saT^nt ; 145C* ^ tLt
Bathori, Sigismond, Turkish advunttircrf aoverelgn t
Transylvania ; d, ir313 an, I
Batbort, 8opbia, Hutju^iirian prin«?«t; 17th cent. D (
Bathori, or Bathory, tjtephen, prineo of Trutiifylvituit^
seigneur of Somlyo, and king of Polasd 11575-4W|J
1532-1586 R.r
Bathnrat, AUeo, finiEorl, English stateiomn; 16
Bathnnt, Allen Alexooder, Eng. politician ; 6. 1^
Bathuret, Bonjamin, Kng, dipl. agent ; 1784—1809 ]
Bathnrat, Henry, lord bishop of Norwioh (ISOT
1744-1837 d,L
BatliurBt, Henrv, Earl, Boron Aspley, ehancellorl
Eiighiud; 1714-1794 /jxM
BathUCTt, Henry, Earl, Eng. polit ; 17G2-1834 C/D^f
Bathunt, Henry George Bathurat, Earl, EogHabi
h. 1790
Batliilf¥t, Ralph, English poet, philosopbcT, atkd lb
logian ; lfi20— 1704 CI
BttliiiTSt, Tlieodore, English Author ; 17th oont*
Bathamt, Walter, English naval officer ; d. WIT
BatliyazLl, *>i^ Battyanj, Bolthaear, Huogorian
rior ; d. 1590
BatHyanl* Benedict, treoo. of Vbulisbv 1L ; 1509
ISathyaxii, Carl-Johann, Prinoo, Hungarian 1
shal in the Austrian sorvioe ; 1097—1772
Bathyazil, Cosimir, Count, HuDgAiian
Batliyanl, Francis, Hnngurion mUit. o^cer ; H
Batlija&l, Ignate, Count, bishop of TronsyN
author; 1741-17t»8 aM
Battiyaill, Joseph Graf von, Austrian primate of Ha
garj', and tircnblshop of Ortin ; 1727^17yj
Batbyanlt Louis, Count, Hungarian statesman; 18
Batl&yanl, Wolfgang Farkasb, Hungarian
commander; 15^
Bathyaol-BtnLttmaxm, Ft " ' ' . [trisoe ; k \
Bathydei, Greek sculpt '
Bathyllna of Alexandria, iN^dntan i
tominiist \ B.G. 30 ^^
Batlgne, French physician and nutbor s (I. 177S
Battlda, St, Engliah alavo« consort of Clovi* IL, t
d 680 s
Batliufkot or BatluahkOT, Constantin - KiooU«
Russian writer ; ^
Batlate. N. , ItoUsn l Hth cent. £i,|
Batlitlii, Jean Bap{.i3t4:: qluv», French mumi^tm i
composer : d 1756 1
Batlzl, Andreas and MiobAel, Hnngariaii «i4i
Batka, Anthony, Bohemian singer; 176»— MflU
Batka^ J-^ }^^..^.„\.,, >,; .r • A. f^i eg
Batka. d
Batka, >!, Bohcinhiu viuliiii»t ; l '
Batka, M^c noflsloa. Bobamian mnslci
Batley, , Eng, rJnT^vor in ni^^r- , _ ;
Batlowslnr. A., Pol
Batman^ 8teT»b«n, > i^oci, oad
l»ueouji writer s d. io>i
Batmanton, John, English Ibeologiaa and
d. lA;il cvf
Sato, ۥ I r^mVM
Bate, til db^,
Baton, \' 'i-M\v. rnm iiuiiorMjij, D.*!, S77 It
Baton, ' J 1 ' ic poet ; II.C. ^80
» CkirlcA^ French xnasidan ; d, 1758 D.K.
'Btmpeo OiroLimu, lisJikii ptunter; 1708 —
<irt.l: areJuUct U.
lx]uui>Geor^-C&rl, German imtunil*
irt; ! C.D.R,
BMtl» IbTTfioiomcc, Flonkh Protostnnt theologian;
BftSI; CEkTcs. n^mkh pHyiieum, forgeoii, aod medi-
cal ^ '. D,R.
latl, C ujiti pbrriciiLn ; 157^—1605
Bittk Cwmiii^i, Dutch geogrupher and physician;
144»-]M7 D.BL
Jnoob^ •dez^fcaij of the town of Bergen -op-
. 1500 B.U.
» limn, Flcziiifih phyucian ; 1545— 1591
^ WOlmm, Eugiuh ph>;stciitu ; 1744—1812 H.
I Al«XAnd«r, Dutch violonceJlist ; 6. IfcilO r.
~ L and Blimdo, Sidiian archta. ; 18th cent. E.
, Aroti. It&L scholar; 1540 D.L
, miiuiese philosopher and echolar ]
, Diooi&io, ItiUion painter ; 1547 Ilt.
, Fr»no«tco, Venetiiui senator ; d. 17&9 U. a,
Fmnoeaoo Marin, MIhLnc»a dGvotioool
r;'l7lhoent. Lit.
^ \ Tnn,^ lUkL noble and author; 1610* i.ic
Maixio, hiihop of Ceseua, and writei' ;
1545--m7 CLK.
, high admiral of England ; 1322
I Atnabale, Fr. muiio writer ; 6. 1821
C«r Bttelns, of Ephesuf^, Greek flute player ;
Ej.'.UTt« Qtnieppe- Antonio, Italiim prioit, botanist,
u»i vsiicr on niituml history ; d. 1789 D.n.
BttfeeAiidtvw, EngUshtraveUer; 15(;5*-1G40* D.a,
BrttHil!, Oioranni Crifltoforo, arclibiahop of AmasiA,
•miqurf, and author ; 165S— 1725 D.L
Mtll^t J«iho« Enghiih prelate and antiquaiy; 1647 —
1M C.K.
IttlHU Adrian^ organist and masteEr of tho choir of
SlFkaFa. London ; 1650 D.&.
IttA Doro^teo, Capuchin preacher ; IGth cent D. it.
HMM^ Charlea, French ac^Mlemicion, author, and
ffeOomhcr; 1712^1780 ao.G.
litlhfla SeeBaUioii.
', William, Eoglish M.D., hellenist, and medical
r; 1704—1776 c.d.b.
fiamnel, E&wiia physician and philoeopher;
^ttB7-lT44 D.B,
, Simon, Swiss jurist^ philosopher^ and author ;
-li«il D.TI.
I Ijima, Italian poetMfl ; 1523— 15S9 i.u.
, Ija%i, Ital niusieoomi>oiier; d, 1750* d.k.
iMfttfeo, Italian phydoian; 15th cent. lAL
, Antonio, Neapolitan jurist ; 1475* Lii.
'\ Ffaacedcoj Itjdian hutorian ; d, 1674 D.I.U.
, Jotiathant Kngliaii muiidan and compoAcr ;
in^lSMl C.K.B.
^ , Italian Latin poet ; 1436-1516 B.
idoceof Genoa; 1483 B.
I (Fcrroauo), Itidian poet ; 1494* n.VL.lU
,OitlMFli|NL lt-iN'- * ♦ ' / )*"75 B.U,
gWfla, Igfcsgla, lull E.U.
Nllite. f4|pigniiol<» (( , iL.dian geneiul
<l Urn OtnamUtm ; 1436 ii^lG D, U.
9mm^ ITAsnola {BaUitia M Moro), ItaUan
r; IKir D.T.
8t« Bapttita and Baptlit.
iJma^ Mirrii^p tbeolo;^ian ; 1500 D»E.B.tJ.
I FMtieeseo, Italian iiUefateur ; 1620 D.l.
J lUlian poet ; 1600 D,l.
* PiftliT^3 Franc to. Biilozno^o ptt* ; 1624 D.
H I in the Aus-
er, : n.u.
Lcmi<j tiii, iTJttMu ]^)Liviician atid atlthor;
BatUstlne^ Giaconao, Italian composer of uiGivd
musio ; 1700 D.K.n.
BattiStlnl, Fran., Itnl. improvisatore ; 1747— 1S25 D.B,
BattOi a statuary mentioned by Pliny
Batton, Di^sire-Alexaindre, French musical and oper-
atic com poser ; 17y7 — 1 855 d. y. k,
Battu, L^oii, French dramatist ; 1825— ia'i7 v.
BattUB, Eartholonuemi, German professor of logic ond
theologian ; 1671—1639 a.
Battus L, king of Cnene ; B.C. 630 h,r.x.
Battns n, (Ulc Hapi)f/) ; B.C. 583-560 V.IU7L
BattTiB nx {the Cripple} ; ac, 650—530 B.H.X*
Batty, George, proprietor of ** Batt/s Menagerie ; "
Batty, Lieut, -Col. Rnbert, Eng. artist' j 1789—1848 B.
Battyany. See Batliyanl
Batu, Baton, or Bathy, grand-son of Jenghis^Kban ;
d, 1255 R.U.
Batnta, Abu AbtiaJloh Mohammed Ebn Abdalkh 3ibn
Batutu, Moorish traveller ; 1328 D.ll.
Bati; J mm. Baron de, French genenl and reprvseata-
tive ; 1760— 1822 D.u.
Batz, Johauu Friederioh, German philosoirber and
theologian ; b, 1770 B.
Bata, Johatm Joseph, German thaoL ; 1775-1813 b.
Bats, Manaud, Baron de, French warrior ; 1577 au.
BatSt Richard, English mvine and esssvist ; 1732 G.w,
Batzoni IntzOp Matthias^ German scholar and author;
<i. 1735 n.
Bauch. M. A., German organist and music comjiofier^
1790 IX
Bauchart, Quentin, Fr. counaoHor of state ; L 1810 p.
Bauchart, Quentin Frau9oi8 Victor Adelo Kdouiuxl
Ernest, French lawyer ; 6. 1820 K
Baaohareaa, Gilbert^ French Juvenile poet ; 5. 1574 tf>
Banoliareau, Richemont, French jurist and romance
writer ; 6. 1612 D.U.
Baucheiy, Francis Roland, French litt. ; b, 180S* F.
Baudnetus^Guillaume, Fr. pbys. and author; 1600 D.
Bamclo, Cirlo, Italiflu theol. and author ; 1640 D.L
Band, French manufacturer and inventor; 1796 U.K.
Baudan, Antoine, French arcbitect ; 1630 D.U.
Baudaxt, Wilhelm, Dutch theologian, litterateur,
and translator ; 1664—1640 c.D.8,w»
Baude, Elphcge, French engineer; 5. 1826 P*
Baade, Henri, French poet and prose-writer ; 1430 —
1495 D,w.
Baude, Jean Jacques, BaroD, Fr. politician ; b. 1792 l\
Baudd, Lcniiij, French en^ncer ; t, 1804 r,
Baude de la Quaniere, FreQt:h troubadour : 1250 D.
Baudeatt, Jacques, French nrch^cologist ; IGSO D.
Baudeau, Nicobis, prior of St LO, French economist,
and author ; 1730-1792 D.K
BailllOlOC<|Uie, Jean -Louis, French accoaoheur and
snigical writer ; 174G— 1810 nau
Baudelocqtie» Louis Augnste, French physician and
writer ; 1835 F.
Baudelot de Dalrval, Cbarlcs-Ccanr, French anti-
quary, acadeniiciixn, and author ; 1648^ — 1722«
Baud^ment, Eudlc, French naturalist ; b, 1810 F.
Bandementf N- , French librarian ; b, 2800* 1\
Baudemond, Flemish abbot and writer ; 690 d,
Baudena, Jean Ba;>tiste Louis, French surgeon and
author ; 1804—1857 D.F.
Bander, Johann - Friedrich, German councillor of
eomruerco, and author ; 1711-1791 D*a.
Bauderon, Antuiue, French poet ; 1643—1737 D.u,
Bauderon, liricis French physician and medical
writer; 1539-1623 ai»,B,
Bauderon, Brice, sieur de SSnecd, French litterateur;
1613—1693 Dw
Banderon, Gratien, eieur de Scnec4, Frcncsh physi-
cian; 1583—1615 n.U.
Baudesson, ^^icolaa, French flower pointer ; 1609 or
13—1680 D,K.
Baude t, Eticnnc, French engraver ; 1643—1716 B,u.
Bandet, Gui, bishop uf Langres ; d, 1339 D.
BftXMlet BuJary, N~, Prcjicli phys. i 6. I71K)» F.
Battdet-Lafajr^e, French rcpres«ntative ; 6. 1804 P.
BaodlOT, Dominique, Dutch bisL ivtul jKjet ; 1564— 1 GM
Baudier, IVItciicli^ iastoriographer to Louis XIIL i
15Ha*— 1G50 O.D.C.
BaadlQ, French epUeopftl vicar uid hospltttl admiim-
trutor; irc<j*--1830 D.
Baudln, Alexandre-Louis, French litt. ; L 179G n,
Baudln, Charlc* ((i<f5 ^rt^oiri/j), French vice-admiral;
6. 1784 I).
BaudllL, DilsiirtJ -Pierre, French f npneer ; 6. 1809 F.
BaufllPjcitn-Haptiate-Alphonsg- Victor, French phyui-
cian and medical "writer ; 1801 — 1851 d.
Baudiu, Nicohu, French navigator and botaDiat;
1750-1803 F.G.
Bandtn, Pierrc-ChiirlcB-Louii [tJcJi Artlennti)^ Frebch
academician, repreBentative, and author ; 174%> —
1790 I>,U,
Baudlnot* PalamMe, Fr. niofalirt and writ.; 1000 D.U.
Baudio, Godof ri)y - Leonard, Germfui antiquary and
author ; ^l. 17fj<>* d.q.
Baudiot, Chas, >iicolaB, Fr, violoncclliat ; h. 1773 U.K.
Bauditt Joachim, Gorman phya. and author ; 1500 I).
Bandlfl, or BaQdlBSin. Wolf Heinrich von. Banish
military coromAnder ; d. 1630 n,
BaucHmln, Otho Frederic Muguua de, Danish mili-
tary commander ; L 17£'2 f.
BaudlBdn, Wolf Heinrioh Fnederich Carl, Count,
German litterateur; b. 1789 L\r,
BaudlUB,, Dominique, savant, historiaa, and poet of
Leyden ; L%1— IGia CILU.
Baudoln, cfT Baudttla {de Condi\ Fr, poet; 1220* n.u.
Battdoin, Kod, Fn contrapuntist and singer ; ICOO* d. k*
Baudoln. See Baudouln and Baldwin.
Baudoin dos Auti«x, or des AutelB, French poet
and musician ; 1250 l>.
Baudory* Joseph du» French Jesuit and litterateur ;
1710-1741^ H.0,
Baudot. Auj^nit^-NioolM, Fr. gvneral; 1705—1801 d.
Baudot, Fmn^oii, French lurohiecdiogiist and anti-
qnary, iai«*-1711 n.r,
Baudot, Mnrc- Antoino, French member of the National
Convention ; d, 18S0 D»F.r.
Baudot, 1 Mi iTo*Louis, French ardueologist and author;
17«}<>— IHir, D.r.
Baudot da Jullly, Kiedas, Fr, hisl ; 1678— 1759 d.v.
Baudouln. Hoc nlso Balrtnln aud Baldwin, the nam cs
of anumber of pcrsoTi^, ;.,„i„ k„„ i.:...^ ^f Jeruan-
lem, eraperot* or Coiir > of Flnndcr^,
writem, BchohunT r>hii>^ itUi u.n.R.r,
B»tldWllHi ABtoinc'f ranyok, French engm^ver; 1G40 —
1700 D,y.
Bandouln, BcnoH, Frsnch arshnologiit uid lilteni-
tcnr; <l. 16:^2 aiMu
Baudonin. Francois, French Imist aud thaolo^au ;
B rancola^eao, French printer and pub-
i._ .,:iD— 1«I8 ixu.
Battdonln, c<niip:u% Flemish artixt R.
laodOUln, Galii*.!, Flcmiah priest of the order of St
Vteflent do Panl ; l««d-17«ia n.
BmdINdait or Banilfrtn, J tan, French tninaktor and
iMdMBJdaa ; IfiOO— 1650 €. a n. t .
Bandoiiin, Louis-Marie, French pric<t» founder of
tha order of UnraUne nnni of Jetu* ; 17(3^*— 18:io u,
B»nrtnn1n, Marie-Aghi^ Ft. anthon<ss; 17tH--18ir> ih
S^g^ouiii, PktT« Aatoiae, Freuch mlnkture painter;
X7aS-lTC9 p. II,
Baudotiln* Sim<"in»Ren6» French engmvrr ; h, 172ri \k
Baadoiiln d'ATtsnet, sire de Beaumont, FletniBh
chronicler ; d, 1289 iy,\\
BandomA da VliioTd, Dutch oanon ; 1250 tu
BandODlli d« Padabom, Datch uo4:lcaiiistie ; H18 i>.
»»ttdom. Of BMQdoUJC, H<)Vwit, Flemiah eui^r^ver ;
lfl20 li.U,
BaudodanUB, or Ab Aroa Baudosa, Pierro (Ccrfius),
i-YcDch Uwyer, cntiCi and autliur ; W!X^ U.
Battdraia, Jean, French litterateur and ;
1749-1832 t3,r.V7
Baudran, Burthelemv, French Jesuit thcologiaii and
author; 1730— 179tJ* D.U,
Baudran, Mathieu, French member of the KatiQ
Convention ; d, 1812 tvl
Baudrand, Henri, French theol. ; 1037—1099 nM
Baudrand. Afurie - Etienne - Fnin<;ois Heurii Comtt
French general ; 1774—1848
Bandrant, /t Baudrand, Michel * Antuine,
gcogniphicsd writer ; 1G33—1700 C.ii.u.1
Baudrezel, l*hilii)po Jactmea, Swabian theolo
and mu-iic composer; 1635* — 1700* D.a.
Baudilcourt.Jeaude, marshal of France; d. 1499 a. e.
Baudilcourt, liobert de, marshal of Franco and chain-
bcrlnin to the kmg; tf, 1499 ILC.
Baudrlllart, Henri Joseph Leon, French politaoal
economist and publicist; 6, 1821 r.
Baudrlllart, Jacqu»?ii-Jo8eph, French ag^e(ulttttisi uui
author ; 1774-1832
Baudrlmout, Alexandre Edooard, F^vaoh ch
Eaudrlnglioozi, or BaudrlffGon, D., Dutch
BauctTOii, Antoino Laurent, French opcraik
com})Oser; 1743—1833 a.a
Baudiy, or Baudy, Fr. phys. aud author ; «L 1739 i
Baudry, Paul Jacques Aimije, French
painter; b, 1828
Baudry d'Aiaoxi. Antoine, French Jansi
author; 1617—1668
Baudry d'AaBon, Gabriel, chief of tlio i
La Vendtie; 1755*- 1793
Baudry de Balaac, Caroline, French femalai
Oowers and fruit ; 6. 1799
Baudry d«a LoilarB, Louis-XaTclsse, French i
and polygrapber ; 1701— 18*11
Banduer, Amauld * GiUet, Fra&eh tbeolofiia
hebraist ; 1744—1787
Bauduln, Dominic, Flemith Oratorian and ]
of history at Maestricht ; 1742-1809
Bauduln, Flemish cngraTcr
BauduliL Bee Baudotu and Baudotiln.
Baudulna, Adrien Francois, Flemish painter, da
and etcher ; 1040~17i>0
Baudufl, JeMi- Louis Amable de, French jo
political writer; 1761—18*22
Bauemfeld, EiJuard, German comic poet; 1
Bauer, I'mRpiun mechanician
Bauer. Adolph Felix, or Kidion Christiano
inh general in the RossiKn army ; V&Si*-^%
Bauer, Adnlph Ui^spard, Gemuui PkotertMlJ
gian and author ; 1002—1719
Bauer, Anthony, German juriiit and aaibor|
Aurel Beinhanl Bdulo, Gcnnut
TSmnr^ (^tuTriAn phDoOOpbeVV ^
riaan philuloger i
J , , ,1 1 1 , ■ : !■
Bauer, ( at hurinc, German pianist ; ISOO
Bauer, < liriMtinn-Frimlcrich, GennauProt
and theohigical Mrriter : lOfkO— 17H3
Bauar, Chrysostomua, uerman organ
Bauer, Kdgar, German political writ«r ; h,
Bauar. Fcrdinaud, Austrian painter ol
tory ; 1774-^1820
Bauer, l<'u1$:;entimi, Austrian i
cal \y
Bauar, , LiotlHod, Oflnsaii |imls
nz, Garfaui Ihtolo^aa \
iiork^ Qcvnuui pigr>MaB i
Jobfttm-jACob, QermAH book&eller and biblio-
Cnpbcr;]|«^1772 q.b.
Jmtt^ Ocrnuui mmleum ; 1770 ic.
Ado^tui, AwA. comic Bnthor : 6. 17B4 D4P.
Q«org WilliQlm, GermMi pd&ter imd
ir?iiotiti 5. 3804 r.
. 4i^<- ' r * ts. Prince de,
pmt of Fmnoe 1K13 D.L.r,
1 Al|' io de, French
'» Antcfinap eeit^nieur <lo Lbtcnais, miirquifi
d*AlfX, ^urfaiiil <"' .-.T.i,..^.,'^^ gcutlomau la ordinary
QftkeboOfthiuii u.lj.
BtHftWDOUtk CL^-. rnorqnts do MesbimleuXf
Frendlgeiieral aoid^imit 1580 d,la7.
BA«tt«Bioil3^ Olande de, bai cey, g^ovemor
of Anxoone, »iid author ; 1 .. . . -i D,L.u.
BKOfltemodit, CUude Charles itogcr de, bishop nf
Tn.y« : 15CL* L.i\
Henri de, baron de Senescey, French
r and atateaman ; d. 1(J22 *,
■ ■■— ■ ■■■^■■■K Louifl-Benigae, maniulii dc. a&d de Lia-
t4Eiiaiiv PtvDch colonel of draguoue ; 1719
SaaAnOBl, Nioolan de, baron do Sropap^y, grand
at ' Courtenayt Auuo ^luti^u^u G outran,
1 •!! biahflp of Arttun; 1113 I).
nUtive: h, 1?><J0 f,
pliys* aiul author; ICtK) D.
• Brtuvcry. French hia-
; mio n.
cr; 1050 IXR.
! jjhyaicDui and nukliod
15^U D.
CkuipM-, pbrnciau. botanist, and philofophical
id BajJe ; 1550 or 60—1624 c. D.f/. V. IL
JcAQf Freacli pbyticiau and itUK^oxi ; Idll—
*nill1lf. JenmLe» French anolamiat and phyaiciaii ;
taHn, JcLti. French ph^iiciaD, botiuilvt, and philo-
mf. ir.41— 1613 c.D.iL
luiltLii^ ^pard, phyuciati to Louis XIY.;
tUiata (JWAer Bernard an BfHihtutiiti), Fletniah
Itrait iimeher and poet ; 1575—1629 D.D.
iulftoit, I.«aaiiai\l, Swiai biatoriaa and libmriaii ;
I'lTD— 1761 IX U.
hmr*. - "- "^ftry, Andre, Fr. poet ; 1041—1717 D.
ittk: uch savaui, profeoaor of taered bii-
tary '5 C»D.C.W.
Iwfnng, 4^j ir, Jean de hi, leigoeurde
Mstefiey. cUilfte, LuUn i>oet, and
»'i''''"i-'— ....
! . ataralijfc ; 1657— 171 2 D.
, Jacquea, French lithotomlst ;
I t&-Sac&Ie« Gacotui pFufceatant iheo-
Aminneh Tb^odore, Gennan
' I , Gonuan paiuier ; 1781 —
V, German muiic writtsr
ynHtim, Johann-Kioolaus, German phyi. ; 1600 d,
^^99M, KioolMiiu Oerniau profysAor of history;
Baumbacll, Friederich Augait« German siiuioal ^liree*
tor ttJid coiupoaer; 1753^1813 D.iCR.
BaiimhaGlL, Julnum B^ltbaaar, German orientaliit and
author ; d. 1&22 d.
Bitumba<^, Johami Chriatoph, German eocle^iaatio ;
1742-1801 R,
Baomburgh, Thomas de, lord keei^er of the Great
Seal ; 1332 />.
Baiimclion, N., German acolptor ; d. 1780 'f.r»
Baume, Ajitoine, French oheuuat and philoso{4ucat
writer ; 1728— 1 804 c. I j. U,
Baumo. Charles-Joseph de la, Fr. litt.; 1644—1713 D,
Baum6, Claude do la Baume-Montreval, French cai*-
dinal; 1531—1584 11.U*
Banme, Edmond, French advocate ; h. 1S()4 F.
Baiime, Nicolas-Augnate de la, marquis de Montreval^
mai-shnl of Fi-ance ; 1636— 1716 D.U.
Baume, Pierre de la, bishop of Geneva, cardinal, arch-
bishop of lie^au^on ; d. 1544 ir.
Baume Desdosaat^ Jacques Fran^oifl do U, French
CAhoiJ imd littcratt'ur ; 1705 — 175tj C.B.U.
Bauae Saint-Amour, Philippe, nmrquta trVennea,
governor of Fiiinche Comte, 1G60 ; d* lt»70 iku*
Banme. Bee Baolme.
BaumelBter. Friedrich Christiau, German philoaoplier;
17o:>— 17H5 ».ir*
Baumelster, Georg-Othmar, Genuan composerf muai-
cian, and piaidat ; h, 1800 D.X.
fiaumelater, Juhniin Willielm^ German v^teiiimry
writer; 1804—1846 D,
Baumer, Georg, Bavflrian ncttlptor; 1763—1830* K.B.
Baumer, Johann Philip, or Paul, German physioian
and author ; 1725* — 1771 ag.
Baumer, John^Wilhiiilmf German matur^dtst, physi-
cian, and philoftophicid wri ter ; 17 11>— 1 788 D. D. w.
BamxUMI, Jean-Bapti&te Theodore, French phyiiciau
and medical writer ; 1777—1828 D.R*
Baumoi, Pierre, French phyaiciun j 1837 F.
Baumg^aertner, Carl Heinrich, German amgeon and
author ; b. 1708 F.
Baumgaertner, Gotthilf von, German muaie com*
poser ; 1741-1.^^ D.
Baiung^aertner, Johann, Bavarian iculptor ; 1744—
17!'li D.B*
Baimig:aertner» Johiinn Baptist, German violoncelUat ;
d. 1782 D.lCB.
Baumgaertner, or Baumgartner, Johann Wolfjjmiig;
Tyroleae artirt ; 18th cent. f.K.
BanmiEBrtenv Alexander Theophilui, German philoso-
pher and author ; 1714—1 762 a u* B, w.
Baomgarten, Carl- Friederich, Gorman music oom-
poaer; 1780 IXIL
Batungarten, Georg, German sohoalmaster and singer ;
17tiO D.
Baumgart«Ji» Jiicoh-SI-Hinond, German dtvine, histo-
rian, nud t r; 1706—1757 JUU,
Bamngarteji lu Gottlob, Ciernum bot-
ajiist. aod iiu>.u..u lunii-n.^u; 1765 — 18^0* D.B.
Bamngazten, Martin - August, Gennan traveller;
1473— 15;J5 JLV.
Baoxngartlltir, Chevalier Andreas von, Auatrian states-
man, Mhubir, ami manufacturer ; tt. 171^3 D.F.
Baumgartner, Gallus Jacques, Swiss fmblicist and
politician; 6. 1797 li.F.
Baiungartnar, Wilhclm, Swiss mnsical director ami
cornpojscr ; 185G K.
Baumhauer, Johann Fried., German sculpt.; 1020 K.B.
Baumhauer, Sebald, German pointer ; 1513 A'.r.
Baumstark, Anthony, Gennan piulelogical scboUr
and wiiter ; h. 1800 D.F.
Baumstark, Eduftnl, German econombt ; i. 1807 F.
BaoDfi, Eugene, French representiiiive ; 6. 1800 f.
Baime, Jaci:|i]c5 de la, French Jesuit, philologist, and
author ; 104'i—172G aU,O.W.
Baimgevls, Charles Goillaume Alexandre, Fronch
miniature i>ainter ; 1759— 1832 B*
Baiinier, Dom, French Benedictine author ; 1700* ix
Banny, Eiicnnc, French theologian and author ;
1504— ] 049 D.i.
Baur, Ferdinand Christoph, German Protestant theo-
logian ; b. 1792 F.
Baur, Fricdcrich-Wilhclm, German engineer, and
general in the KuRsian service ; 1731—1783 D.U.
Baur, or Bauer, Johunn Leonard, German sculptor ;
1C81— 1700 B.R.
Baur, or Bauer, .Tohann, German goldsmith K.
Baur, Johann - Wilhelm, of Stmsburg, painter, en-
graver, and architect ; 1000—1040 c.k.t.
Baur, Nicohias, Dutch marine pir. ; 1767—18-15 N. R.
Baur, Samuel, German Protestant miniHtor, biogra-
pher, and niiiiccllaneous writer; 1708—1832 D.R.
Baur. See Bauer.
Baurans, French dramatic author and musician :
1700»— 1704 D.U.
Baureinfelnd, Georg Wilhelm, Danish designer and
• engraver; </. 1703 R.u.
Baurla, Andrew, Itnl. Augus-tine and writer ; 1521 l.R.
Bausa, Gregorio, Spanish painter ; 1590 — 105<) B.u.
Bausan, Giovanni, Italian admiral ; 1757—1821 d.f.
Bausdi, Johanu Jjaureut, German physician and
author; 1005—1005 C.D.R.W.
BauBCh, Leon, Germ. M.n. and author; 17th cent. R.u.
Bause, Johaun-Friederich, German engraver ; 1738—
1814 N.R.
Bause, Julienne - Wilhelmina, German female en-
graver; 1770»— 1840 p.y.
Bause, Theodore, llussian jurist and ant iqmiry ; 1752—
1812 Q.R.
Bausner, Bartholomew, Transylvanian physician and
author; 1029—1083 d.q.
Bausner, Sebastianus, Hungar. phvs. ; IGth cent, d.iu
Baussancourt, Fnui^ois de, Fr. general ; h. 1754 D.F.
BaUBset, Louis-Francois de, cardimil. French ])eer,
academician, and author ; 1748— 1 8:^4 D.u.
BaUBSet - Roquefort, Pierre - Francois - Oabriol - ]{ay-
mond-Ignace-Ferdinand, (Vimtc do, archbishop of
Aix ; 1757—1829 D.
BausBonnet, Jean-Baptiste, Dom., French T^nedictiiie
historian; 1700—1780 D.u.
BaUBBonnet, Guillaume, French poet, engraver, and
sculptor; 10th cent. D.
Bautain, Loui.H Eu;::eue Marie, French ])hilosophcr and
theologian ; 6. 17iHJ d.k.
Bauter, Charles, Fr. dramatic writer: 1580— 1030 d.u.
Bautier, Alexandre, Frtuch natural hist. ; h. 1801 v.
BautlBta, Friin., Spanisli Jesuit and archt. ; 1020 D.R.
Bautru, (iuillaunKs comtc de Sernint, French diplo-
matist; 1588— l(;<'i5 D.R.
Bautimann, .lohann-Chrihtoph, German physician
and author ; h. 1040 D.
Bauyln (Jeorg-Wilhelm, Danisli painter and engraver ;
tl. 1703 U.
Bauvln, .Tean-GK-goire, French tragic jwet ; 1714 - -
1770 D.R.
BailX, Guillaume, prince of Orange, king of Aries and
Virnnc ; 1214 D.P.
Bauz, CSuillaumo ; f1. V2'X) \\\\
Baux, Guillaume, Iian>u ile, French troubadour ; </.
1218 r.u.
Bauz, Huguos ^rand Keni'sclml of Sicily ; 1250* l>.l».
Bauz, rii-rn-, Frmch physician and philo!«opliical
writer; 1«;79 17.TJ D.u.
Bauz, Kayniond. prince of Orange, king of Arlei antl
Vienne; d. 1282 D.l'.
Bauz, Kaymonil ; d. 1314 D.r.
Baujrn, Ifcmaventure, I^itin iK>et, doctor of the Sor-
bfmne, bi-dinji of Ur.JS» ; ]00'.» 1779 D.r.
Bauia, Philippi', Spaninh f;eu^r;ipher ; d. 18.1.'? R.r.
Bava, Andrt':s Italian theul. and uuthur ; 15r>0 d.i.
Bava, (iactano Kinamiele, count of St Paolo, Italian
author; 17.'»7 18-J9 D.K.
BaTa, Giovantii-ISiittista-Kuwebio, Italian general and
mini<<ter of : '•. 171H) D.i".
Bara, Sautum, Italian iloctor of laws ; d. 1030 I.R.
Bavande, William, English author ; 10th cent r.
Bavarese, Francesco Igtiazio, Italian painter t.
BavariUB, Aegidius, Flemish Jesuit author; 17th
cent D.K.
Bayama, Johann, German phys. andmathem.; 1550 d.
Bavasau-Paolo, Count ICmmanuele de, Italian histo-
riographer; 17:^—1829 u.
Bavay, Georges de, Belgian attorney-gen- ; 6. 1801 r.
Bavay, Paul-Ignace de, professor of anatomy and sur-
gery at Brussels ; 1704— 17«i8 K.r.
Baverel, Je-on-rierre, Fr. litterateur; 1744—1822 kr.
Bayerlnl, Franccitco, Ital. music composer ; 1440 K.u.
Baverlo. or Baverius, Italian phvsician and author ;
d, 1480 ' 1.1-.
Bavla, Ludovicus de, Spanish ecclesiastic and hi.«T«>-
riiin ; rf. 1028 r.
Bavlera, Marco Antonio, SiKinish jurist and author :
d. 1505 i.iw
Bavlere, Jean {San* PitU\ bishop of Li(»ge ; 1410 D.r.
Bavllle, Arnault, French general ; 1757—1813 D.
Bavlu, Bona venture, French poet ; 1714 D.\r.
Bavin, Prosper, French anti«iuury and author ; 1C*X)'—
1088 D.W.
Bavlneourt, Gaspanl do, Fr. writer ; 1528— 157** D.
BavlBano, Francesco Domenico, Italian physician nnd
writer ; 1570 i.n.
Bavlus, L:itin poetaster; B.C. ,*« D.X.
Bayo, St, French nobleman and hermit, x^lron s:.i!it
of Ghent and Haarlem ; 589—054* D.i .
Bayo, Gottofredo di, Italian savant ; 10th cent, d.l
Bayosi, Alfonso, Italian theol. and author; //. 102S ai.
Bavouz, Evariste, French advociite and author ; ISO!)—
1848 D.f.
Bavouz,, Francois-Nicolas, French jurist and writer
on kws ; 1774 -1848 K
Bawdween, William, English prelate and topographir:
1702-1810 lu
Bawghe (U'lV^iam*), Thomas, archdeacon of Sam ^ :
d. 1557 (»r 8
Bawier, Johann, German phys. and author ; 175(i K
Bawr, Alexandrine Sophie Coury de Chami*STsnd.
Baronne de, French dramatic authoreuM ; 6. 1776 F.
Bawr, Johann Wil., German paintor; lliOO*— lG40i;.t
BaziUS, Nicnise, Ik>1ginn Latin poet ; d. 1042 D.r.
Bazter, Andrew, Scottish ]>hilosopher and aatlior;
1(W<;— 1750 C.B.W.
Bazter, Charles. Flnsclish painter; h. 1809 **'
Bazter, Sir David, Scotch benefactor ; lu 1793
Bazter, George. Enp:li8h woo<l engraver ; 180."i— L'^^m
Bazter, Kichanl, Engliith Nonconformist di\'iuc i^^
writer; 1015-1091 cB.*-
Bazter, Thomas. English mathematician : 1730 i>.fr
Bazter, Thos., Eng. painter on china ; 1782—1821 P-li-
Bazter, William. EngliKh antiquary, linguist, sou
grammarian; ir»50 1723 c.a*-
Bazter, William Edward, Enjj. litterateur ; h. IKi'ir.
Bay, Alex., Marquis de, Spanish gen. ; lUV^— 1715aC.
Bay, Jean-Ba]>tiste-Joseph de, l«elgiau sculptor: ^
1779 rKS.
Bayane, Alphonse Hubert de Lattier, Due de, FivbcA
canlinal ; 17o9— 1818 Kfc
Bayard, Antoiue, Fivncli comedian ; h. 1807 '•
Bayard, E<lwnrd, English iKK*t and physici:iu; 173Qr.
Bayard, Claude Martin, Frvncli Cjinunist and autbor:
15;« U
Bayard, Fonllniird Marie, FnMich military officer ai-i
writer; 17(>:^-1818 Kfc
Bayard, (leo. I)., Amrr. brigadier-general : d. \H^*
Baysird, .T.ames A., American lawyi-r and fttat^'^nian;
1707-1815 t-
Bayard, Je:(n-r*aptiste-Franvoiii, French jurist, jmlpe.
and author; 1750- ISIK) H.F-
Bayard. Jean-Fi-:inv<MH-.\lfn"l. French litt. ; K 171^ IV
Bayard, John, A meri&in iinitor and l"i;i»lati«r; 17.i*^—
18<)7 *v.:«.
Bayard, Samuel, Aniericin orator ; 1707— 1S15
Bayard, Paul, Flemish engraver i •
Bsy&Mt F^vrre dn Termil, Bekneur cle [h ChevaJtcr
$ams p€mr «e mmi rtpnxkt)^ ranch wsrrior ; l-17l>—
Baymrtav B. Joume* CaIumh^ e Avalos, goveruor of
M&}orc« ; ITtii o#nt- r». ii.
B&^utd, AacMi, founder cf the licot ol Kosbania ;
h. 1534 ij.
» Jacques* Prcncli horticoUiiri«t ; 1G20 D.
■^n^oisBerthdot, Marcjuk de, French general;
_ t>,u,
Pierre, French chemitt and philuaopUical
rit^-; 1725— 179f* D.«,
r, D, FraDGe«cci Percz^ Spanish nnmismiviiat, an-
' ^Qjtf7» and author ; 1711—1794 G.R.
BiijBT, Gditlieb Siegfried, Prusaian antiquary und
aoOiar al St rtetertburg ; lG94r-1738 g.u.
SftftTr Jamea, Bohemian oiqpLmst; 1790* d.k.
BllfV, JcroRie John P^nl, German jumt and writer -
Ik. 1798 3J-F,
Myvr, Jobaim, German astronomer ; d. 1660 c.d.6<
BiifK. Jobazm. Hnngaiiui theologian ; 1650 ii.R.
I^nr. Jobajui Wolfgiang, Bavarian poet and misaion-
irj 1 1723— 179C D.o»
Biyir,Pien*, French chemist and writer ; 1725—1798
Bayer d« Boppart, Conrad, hi*hop of Mcts, 1415 ;
d,l4W D.U.
Bikiv tteBopptLTt, Thiem, bishop of Metz, 1365 ; rf.
13B D.u,
lljir f Mdas, Francisco), Spanish painter ; 1731—
Si^vral^ Of BAjrerddtlE) Adam, Polidh i«Tiier ; 17tk
I ll|t^ Joibitt, English Preabrteriaii* eccleaiaistic ;
^|«a,Gea, Fr awlvocate and litt; 1752*- 1792 B.U.
i W«. Jolm d*. Kn^Uiih judge, 1218 ; tL V2i^ f,
■ITV^ iOK of SoUauui the Hagniiicent ; d. 1561 it,
^ Qi^fsiiiu Astonio de la NeuvUle^ Italian poet ;
iSC^iaS o.p.vv.
«;t Uai«, Itnlian josist, hcUenttt, and author ;
I 'UMR cr.w,
■-■flkdd, Richard [StfmJtftiham)^ Engliih monk and
" r; «r. 1531 q.
\ Eoberti En'^liAh phjuciin and axuLfcomiBt ;
^W»rW» ^ u.w.
. C!:--'" "^^ odope, Gemmn philosopher
•aipufclid- p.
|"Ql%Aijtetii' Je*Stt, French physician and
l^flillbBnii, French physician and medical author ;
I ^Jrt^Ginacd-LMixent, French phystcian and author'
., F^«xtoh representative; 1760—1815 d. it,
^fSm, French critic, philosopher, and author;
. Pierre, French representative; d.
.«♦* Il,U.
\ G., Italian botanist ; 1800 D.K.
'r Je*a Baptiate, French magistrate ;
■ ■WMM. English the»lo|p.n ; d. 1794 n.
lEdvitd^ l^glLib physician \ d. 1770 d.r.
lB9liidlakk wTn. B,, Bntish joumaliid; 18:iO«,
bttr Joks, Eng; judg« and writer ; 171)3—1841 f.
\ijjtuk, fiogliah writer ; h. 1814 a.
' t, £D|!li»h philologist ; 18th cent. u.
American phyiiiduin and writer;
t» MUt^ and Bayly.
Vie^AS, Am^ncan statesman; 17SI— 1852 e,
*• ^^Jfkm, English physician and medictd
-^--^ ; l»tl— 17^7 c. R.
^^ ,*i?*«^» *^^^ <* London, 1724; lord
:m* &Mjiab, EngUah divine ; d, 1720
Bayly, John, nchokr nt Uumbridgo ; d. 1534 q,
Bayly, John.Bng. divine luid writ.; 1595-1633 a.c.R.
Bayly, Lewis, biahop of Bungor, ltil6 ; h. 1565^.
d. 10;^2 c.dMiiA\
Bayly, Dr Tbomaa, English divine and auihor: d
Bayly. Thomas, bp- of Killjda nnd Aohoary; d, 1070 e,
Bayly, Thomn» Haynos, English poet and dranatiat ;
17tw>— 18,19
Bayly, Thomas Henry, Amcr. stfttesm*; 1810— 1R50 a,
Bayly, Willii^m* arohdeacon of Northampton, Eng-
lish Bcholnr; IfJOO * Lq.
Bayly, William, biahop of C?lonfert and Kilmacduagh,
1644 ; f(, lt^}4 e.
Bayly, Will iitin, English a«tronomcrj companion of
Captain Cook ; <i. 1810 n,
Bay^. See Bailey md Bayley,
Baynard, Anne, Eu^^lirih lin^niist ; 1C72*— 1697 C.B.
Baynard, Edwnni, English pbysiciun ; 17th cent. D.
Ba3mard, Fulco, English judge, l'i2U ; d. 1300 /,
Baynardf Kiciiard, speaker of the Houao of Com-
mons; 1421
Baynard, Robert, English Judge, 1328 ; d. 1330 /.
BayBhrlgi^, Reginald, master of Catherine Hall, Cam-
bridge L(^,
Bayme, Alexjmder, Scottish jurist ; d* 1737
Bayne, Etionne^ French ]iiriBt ; ICIO* ti.
Bayne, or Balne, James, Eogliah Dissenting minister;
1710-17*.>0 D,tt.
Bayne, Eulph, bishop of Liehfield {1544), orientalist
nnd author; d, 1559 cMJ,
Bayne, WUlkm, English nnvid officer: d. 17B2 TlXj.
Bayne fl, John, English polit. writer ; 1753—1787 C.
Baynea, Paul, Enj^Uah divine and author ; d, Uj17 c.
Bayues, Sir Thomas, Encliah phys.; 1G22-1G81 0-W.
Baynham, James, Eni;lish mnrtyr; d. 1530 a,
Baynton, Tliomas, li^ij;lish surgeon and mcdicnl
writerjf/, 1820 B.
Bayntun, Sir WiEhim Henry, Britiah ndmind ;
17G5— 1840 R*
Bayou, Jean de, French chrom'cler ; 1326 K.u.
Bayon, Nicolas, Fr. thool. and suthor; b. 1570* luv
BayrlLOfiTer, Coirl Theodore, Goring m philosophtr and
politician ; h. 1812 F
Bayro, Pjetro dv, Italian physician and medical
writer; 1408—1558 C.D.R,
Baytas, Nicolas, French phys, nnd author; 1650 d.
Bazalne, French matbernjitician and revolutionist ;
d, 1820* iJ.n.
Bazaine, Framjoia AobiUe, Fuench military com*
maudtir ; k 1811 F.
Baaalne, Pierre Dominiqno, French major-general in
the Busaian service; 1783- 183.H u.
Bazal£reite, Joseph WilMiim, English ci%il engineer ;
b. 1819 M,
Baiallero, Caligok, Italian printer and poet; 15th
cent, t.R.
Basalll, IrcbcriuB, author I'.U
Bassan, Ferdinando, ab]«. of Fidermo ; 1627—1702 Lit.
Ba^Ln, F. Ferdiuando, Mexican theologian R.
BaaaitCOlirt, Cosjir, Bnron de, Fr. litt. ; (k 1810* F.
Baaancourt, Jean-Unptifito-Mnrin-Antoiue Secat de,
French gen e nil ; 1 7(17- - 1 830 D.
Bazanl-Cavaazoxil, Virginia, Italian poet-ess ; 1G81 —
1721 D.
Bamnl, Ercole, ttal. doctor of civil and canon law LR,
Bazano, Giovanni, Itulinu chronicler; 1300 D,
Bazarad, Wfdwode, of Wallnchia ; 13^^10 L V,
• Bazard, Amand, French monk and philosopher ;
171JI2— 1832 u^U.
Baxardue, Giovanni-Marco, Itnlkn poet; 1590* d.
Baae. French advocate and politician ; (>. 1800 D, r,
Bazel, Nicoh^, Belgian phydoiiu!) ; 15i60 D,
BasenhOT, VasailiL Iviuioviteh, Unas tan architect ;
1737—1709 D.ii.
Baaetta, Carlo Tommaao, Italian Jurist: d, 1731 l-it.
Basetta, Francesco, Italian jurist ; d. 1G4U U.
tf^nutoeaco Crisioforo, Itid. juriitt ; d, 170G LB,
, Onuio. It*li*ii jurist ; 164S— 1720 j.h*
Butcalva, or Basxical]m» Herciilfi% ItnliAxi denser
asdeitgnver; 1640 D.R,
Bum. Aoais de Riiucou^ Hrencb hut; 17»7— 1850 d. I
, Cljiude, Freneb nhyaicLTJi; 154S*— ICllf ji.
, Denifl, French iiJij-s. and writer j d, 1032 i>,
J Kmile» Freucb pbys^ tmd ined. attthor ; 1S4S F.
Eazln, FmD^oi^ EmmimuclJosepb, Friauch musio oom-
powrjt. 1819 p.
Bun, GiUea-AuKUstiD, French imturalist, pLjsictaa,
and author ; df 1754 • d.u.
Bailn, GuilUume, French phjaicuin^ dean of the
Faculty of Medicine^ Paris ; tL 1500 D.B,
Basin, Jacques-Rigonicr, Ftcnoh |Mjlitical writer and
democrat; 1771—1^20 f.U.
Bazln, Jean, French diplomatist j ir»38— loJ>2 Ti.P.U.
Basin, Jeiui-BAptuite, French tbeo]oi;iau and writer;
1637—1708 D.
Baxtn, Louiso-Hekne de^ French potiteu; 3710 D.
Bazln, N., Frendi physician and author ; d, 157-1 B.
Barin, Nicolas, Fr. engraver; ItiSG*— 1705 ii,D,tt.U.
Basin, Pierre Charlca, French painter ; fc. IHlHi* F»
Basin, Sim 00, Fr, phyv. and med. writ. ; 1G3^ p,B.
Basin. 8eo Ba&ln.
Baalnghen, Francois -Andr^, Abbot de, French uninis-
niatiat and author ; 1711—1791 D.FU
Baslre, French naval officer ; «/. 1704 r.
Baafre, or Baalri^ Clande, French reprcBentative and
revolutJoniBt ; 1764— 179* f.i:.
Bazlua, Jobanncft, bishop of Weda, in Sweden, and
litterateur; 1581— H)49 q.u.
Bazley, Thomas, Engliah ix>ttoii manufacttuvr and
politician; b. 17*7 P.M,
Bazoche (de la Meugc}^ Prench advocate ; c/. 1$17 D.F.
Baaot. Etienne Fnmvoi», French litt. ; 6. 1782 d.f.
BasTaien, Jean deu French attache to John IV., duke
ofBritany; 1387 d.
BaniTil, Gaspero da Reggio, Italian architect and
painter; 1701—1780 r.t,
Batiani, Giuieppe, Italian pu inter; </* 1769 ILT.
BAsronf, Matteo, Italinu phyr»tcian ; 1G74— 1749 i.u.
Baszano, Franooaco Au^cluccio di, Italian writer;
15th cent. U.H.
BasBno, Guillielmo, Italian litterateur; I5G0 DJ.
BasslaTolll^ A. H. D. Z., ItaL muaic composer ; IGGO
BasHoalva, Aaoagno-Maria, Italian phyi. ; 1700 D.
Bazztnl, Franeeaco, ItaUan oxganiit and comiMMer;
1600—1000 D.R.
Bawlnl. or Baninov Natale, Italian moaioian and
■ingvi ' "1 i>.ii.
Bt, Du : > itiriau ; 1070 d.
Biy G^K , French printer and typefounder:
1525~li*^ a
Btv Jean le, French en«Tav«r ; 1640 Jt,
t Abraham, v Hviue; d. ]82« a.
, John. Ai(»' »gian ; 175<;* A.n.
, Sir Michn- : HiclM, Ed^. MP.; f>. 1837
Beach, Moae4 Valo^ ^Uiit^nt-iu mechntiic ; 6. 1800 f.
Beach, Tbomaa, En^li*li author ; d. 17 1)7 C.g,
Baachcroft. Sir Robert, lord mayor ; 17U d.
Beacon. 8cc Becon.
Baatfea, Richatxl, bi«hop of Qloueerter I78f>^ Bath
iMirj: »i l«^ d.L
Etskl WiUmm, Bngliih polit. and author ; h. 1815 it.
Beale, T r k,.i..TnAW, Eng, phyi. and author; 1000* D,
BaaJe, t'hys. and author ; 17th oeut. n«
Beale, . Ji»b pbyiiciua and writer ; b. 1820
Baale, M^ry, liji^, port pointer ; 1632—16117 B,c.i>.iT,
Baalo, Kobait, Sn^llh antiquary and atat«itimii ; c/.
1601 G^.H/ll,
Baala, Waiiam, Eo^liih compoter; 171H) n.K.
BMllmap, Koberl, chief jiutice of the Cotnmen Pleaa ;
1377 t
BtMaaa, Riduitd de, bp. of London. UOS ; i/. 1 127 dJ,
^ilTi. BiahanV Bn^iiAh painter aod augraver 17U2-
1617 II. K,
BaanUM, bi§hop of Abenieen, lOlfi ; d, 1017 L
Baanus, or Beyn, drat bishop of Aberdeen ; d. 1047 a.
Bearcroft^ Philip, tnoater of the Charter-hoiiae ;
1607—1701 C-
Baard. G., English pamter ; 18th cent a.
Beard, John, English actor and ainger; 1716—
1701 CD. a.
Beard, Thomoa, Engliab prelate and anth<Mr ; 1614 a.
Beard, Thorn aa, Iriah engraver ; 1728 a. a.
Beajnda da I'Ahbaye. French coononiiAt and writer
upon agriculture ; t/. 1771 IX ir,
Bearn, Hector, Coute dc, French »enator F.
Baasley, Frederick, American divine and writer;
1777—1845 flLC
Beatlano^ Julius -Cmsar, heraldic writer of latria;
1650 0.
BaatiUo, Antonio di, Italian Jesuit and hiatorbto;
1570-1042 a.|!L
Beaton, or Bethtme, Darid, cardinal and primate of
Scothind; 1491-1546
Beaton, Jamea, primate of Sootland and i
d. i5atJ
Beaton, James, archbishop of Glaa^w^ 1551 ; ]
1603 Q,k.%
Beatrloe. wife of Otho lY. ; 1209
Beatrice, wife of John I,, king of Castile ; 1389
Beatrloe, duchoM of Milan ; 1418
Beatrice of Fcrrara, wift* vt Lndorico 8fofvi|
Beatrice* Nicbolait, Italian engraver; h^ 1507*
Beatrice, Porttniiii, Klureutine lady i
Dante : 12GG-J2i>0
Beatrice Iktary Victoria, £lth daushter
Victoria ; h, 1857
Beatricetti, Italian engrtiver ; d. 1651
Beatrix. St, inartjT ; d, 303
Beatilx I., countvsfl of Bigorre ; lOSO
Beatrix n., ll.ts ; d, IKKi
Beatrix m., Ilt33 ; d. IIIK)
Beatrix, duuphiuo of V^iennoifl, 1102 ; d^ VS9$
Beatrix, counteaw of Tuaicuuy ; d. !076
Beatrix, counter of Proven rt of
d'Anjou, king of Xnples aii 1 JC7
Beatrix of BurKundy.cunnurt w. ....... .^ I ;
Beatrix of Naples, second wife ol MatUuaa (
king of Hungary ; d. 15{\S
Beatrlset, or Beautrlxet, Nicolas, French
and engraver ; 1^*07 — ir>70
BeatSOZL, Rubcrt, .Scottish author; 1742—1810^
Beattlei, James, Scottish tioct and oriliei',
BeatUe, James Env ' " mtbor ; 1768—1!
BeatUe. Sir Willi , n iv,J pUyaima;
Beatua, bpaiii*li ti , /• 7H9
Bea^tns, Gabriello, ItaiiiUi theologian and
matieian ; 1007—1673
BeatUi, Georg, German jurist and author; ]
Baalna fthenaimi^ Gomum philoaopher and I
Beau, Ciiur1i?4 le, Freniih rhetorician and
Beau, Ji HU Baptiste le, French Jesuit and
Bean, Jean Louis lo, French profeaaor ef I
Beau, Fierce Adrian le, F reach ensTRver t |l ]
BeautM)tir8r, riem> Troohon de, FrtBeh
Beaubreull, Jean de, French lawyter and poet; t
Beanbnm, C 1 1 (u 1 os, Froneh portrait paiBter i '
Beaubnm, iUiiTi, Pr. portrait palnCer £ d. J
Beaubnm, l/jiih, French portrail iiaiDter ;
Beauoalre Oe BagnSUon, FrAnooia, aixshbiii
3feta: 1514-1501
Baaudiamp of Holt, Lord, axeenW lor I
Beanebainp, French daiioer; «f. IMi
Beanoliamp, Alf onae de, Fraooh hiitgriMi and o^^
kur ; 1767-1832
uchAmpt CkiArlet Gregolre, MiLrqniA de, French
militaTy oflUser ; 1731—1817 R,
innhamp, Uenrj BcAuclianip Lygou, Earl, English
guienl ; k 1788 ' F*
ieuubtyu&p, John do, high Admiral of England; 1350
BftaitfTiamp. John, Kn?liKK pcchobr ; 1587 q.
JttmwRtMmjt, ' u aatroQonier, traveller,
I Mad sntiic^: c.d.u.
fwmrfhtmp. i>p of Hereford 144^,
iMaduLmp. Eacf. judge, 1234; d, 1252 /.
ip, ' r of iho House of
.-, 1226; d. 1236/.
,"\ViiL <k, Eiigli^ jiidiie, 12^4 ; d. 12*j2/,
_ Willinm cieymour. Lord, husband uf
lnnntiimiir: niu^oii {Opdard cte), French
diMiutis» .*— 17til o.F.P.u.
ICdUKdhsmpB* ILijjJuiel d«, French historian und
Bnedurtine ; I7ih oentr V,
liMltfiate^TU Fnuicoif Cluutdet ds, French cozz^>
dtaa ; A 10^5 D.
can* FrMicoii Matthien Chnsielei de, French
- C^Mtft, wno, at twelve yenrs of age, ipoke
llll^fum c.R.u.
iMlMfH, Hippoljto ChAtelet d«, French ecclesi-
; IMS D.L,
Sdmonde Pleno ChAnvot de, French
ILIn; 174»-1H^ Da,
laailPhMlW^ Alride Hy&cinthe dQ Boij de. French
UtUnAeiir : 6. 1904 r
I am QKUhk, French juTigntor \ ICdS l>. K U.
trpFieTTe-Lcmkd&, Fr. writer; 1735—1804 u.g.
^6. BL d- »^ ^' lexicographer; 17rK) d.
i^ ladj I' [ lAinirefti; 18 tb cent. n. r.
%Lonl , ^^', naval officer; c/. 1740 B.
» jAm«», Lp. oi Hereford, 1746 ; d, 1787 rfJ.
TotdiiLin, Ktiglith tchohkr, friend of Ih-
i; 17;K>-ir80 g.
SoeSt Albans.
C?hristnphe'Jean-FnuiQoi>, French lit-
idjumt; 1751—1798 r,u.
, Louis Alexi^« Fr. engineer ; h, 1790 f.
I Bobert, Beki&u eugmver ; 1628 e.
I LcHus Leopold Amed^ei Comte de, Belgian
:ator;6. 1806 r.
^ GuiUAume, French Jesnit and an thor ; 1674 —
^WSt^ CD jr.
^ V,, French priest and poet ; UtSO u.
, Dlic de, French admiral ; 1G<>5
^ -_^,- ^ de, French painter ; 1771 D,N.
■nufyill^ Edinond, duke of Somerset, governor of
ScTMiidT. 1447; d, 1455
kniMl item Ettstaohe de, abbot of Sept-Fontfl -
.lQlt->17ll^ D.a
, Btr Francis. English rear-admiral and hy*
H.^ r.
cndAme, Duke of, gTandson of
Fr^.o^r, ; 1016— leeu D.V,
k 131)8, Winchester
.tester, lord chjincel-
lMafQi\ Hcm'>',
liUitorV tfeury, L.^
Wol&dbnd; 1425
trWHenrT Cl^arles Fitt-Koy Bomentet^ Duke
«MvlSM F.
iinllBit» Henri-Ernest Oront, Chevalier de, Frencli
tni«U«r; I7e&-18:^ u.b.
BmilarV *^eaiiy French physician ; ir»3Q d.
iHaftitt^ Louie de» Dutch physican and medical
*iritt»;lCO B.
iMVAicti Lntia de;, French acholar and historian in
MUsA : 'L irrct R.U,
Mui' ' of Eiohmond, mother of
n|lUlMt% r,c^iuer ue, luuian monk and physician;
<i7a D.
Beaufort, Sir Thomas, duke of Exeter, lord chnncellor
of Englund, IIIO ; d. 1427 /,p.
Beaufort, ThomaB, higb admiral of Euglnnd ; 140«i
Beaufort - d'Hautponl. Charles Blarie Njipoleon,
French general ; 6. 1804
Beaufort d'Hautpoui Edward, l^lartiuis de, French
military officer and ttiithor; J 782-1831 F,tt,
Beaufort-Spontln, Alfred Charles Auguate Constan-
tin, Due de ; 6. 1816 p.
BeauTort'Thorlgny, Jean Eaptiste, French gonerali
1761-182') F.B.
Boanfoy, ftLirk, astronomer and physicist; 1764—1827
Beaufranchet-d'Ayat, Oointo Louls^ Charles Antoino
de, Fitnth genend ; 1757—1812 F.U»
Beaugard {Thil}, French painter; d. 1828 ©.
Beaugard, Jean - Simon Ferreol, French advocate,
poet, and drama tic writer ; 1754— 1828 P. U,
Beaugeard, French political writer, revolutionist,
member of thy Convent ion ; 1700-1832 d»U,
Beaug-ence, or Beaugency, Lunotlin, or Landri I.,
Seij^neur de, French noble ; 1050^ d,u
Beaugency, Lancelin, o?* Liuniri II,, Seigneur de,
French warrior and scholar ; 1060* d*L«
Beaugency, R«oul 1,, ILdtre de, FreoAh warrior end
cruaiider ; 1096 1>.L.
Beaugendre, Antoine, French scholar and preacher ;
ir.2H— 1708 n.v:
Beaiiirrand, Felix, French traveller and Franciscan ;
168iJ* IK
Beaugraud, Martin, French theologian ; 1620—16818 D.
BeauhamalB, Alexandre, Vicomte do, French repub-
lican general ; 17(i0— 1794 f.u*
BcauliamaiB, Claude, Comte de, French peer ; 175G—
1819 D.P.
BeauharmaiB^ Eugene de, duke of Lcnohtcnberg, vice-
roy nf Italy (1-H05) ; 1781—1824 c.n.R,
Beauhamalflt Fran^oiH, Marn^uis de, French royalist
general and peer ; 1766-1823 D*u.
BeauhaiXtalB, Mortense Eugenie, queen of Holland;
Beauhamais, Marie- Anne-Fram^ois Moucbard Fanny,
Comtesse de, French authoress ; 1738—1813 D.'n,
Beaujeu, Chrbtophede, soigne ui- de JeauJgea, French
officer and litterateur ; 10th cent, xi.u*
Beaujeu,Edouard, marshal of France; 1316—1351 ilu.
EeaujeUt Guichard de^ French amboaaador to Eug-
lund ; (f. 12*35 b.U.
Beaujeu, Guichard de {the G^rear), baron of Beau j dais ;
d. 1331 D.R.
Beaujeu, Humbert IV., Sire do, constable of France ;
d. 1250 D.B.
BeaT^Jeu, Pierre II. de Bourbon, Sire de ; d 1502 D.r.
BeauJolaia.Lcmjs-ChtiricsHrOrleanfl, Conitede, French
prince, brother af Louis-Philippe ; 1779 — 1^08 D.
B^ujon, NicoLis, French banker and philanthropist ;
1718—1786 D.TJ.
Beaujour, Louis-Felix de, Earon de, French peer and
diplomatiot ; 1763-1830 D.U.
Beaulac, Guillnnnie, French jurist, scholar, and an*
thor; 1745*— 1804 n.B*
Beaulaiirne, or Beaulegne. Barthelcmy, French mu*
sicSan and com pfkftcr ; 1550 * D,K.
BCttUlaton, French poet ; rf. 1782 (?) R.U.
Beaulglte» Alexandre, French asti-onomer ; K150 D.
Beaulleu((;am!t»(/c Vcmft)^ favourite of Charles VII*;
d. 1427 B.
Beaulleu, French music composer ; 1570 K»b.
Beaulieu, Augustin, Fr, navigator ; 1580—1637 IkU.
Beaulieu, Charles Gillotin de, French eeoaoutist and
author; 1780 p.u.
Beaulieu^ ClandoFrancois, Freu'^h joumolistj histo-
rian, and polilicid writer ; 17.j4— l''^27 D,F.
Beaulieu, EuM^ache, or Huitaces de, French poet and
muHician ; 13U0 It.ti,
Beaulieu, Eustorj', or Hector de, French theologian
and poet ; 1550 d.tJ.
Beaulieu, Jacques, Fr*lithotomkt; 1051— 1720 c.b. it. u»
Beanllfiii, .lean Bapiuite AUau de, Frencb ornamental
writer; HjSQ li.u.
Beaulieu, Jcim FnuiMni Bremoditt Freoch actor tmd
revolutiouidt ; d, 1805 ViU
BeauUeUj Jcau-Pierrej Biu-on do, Aastrum genersil ;
1725—1819 DJi.
BeAUBeu, Jean LouIa Dugat de^ French iLrchieologiat ;
b. 1788 F.
Beanllfliit Xx>iiis Ic Bkuc df», French ProtestaEit theo-
logiAn ; 1614-lti76 f>,v,
Beaulletl, S«bujitifku de Pontault de, French gci»vnil
iwid engineer ; d. WJi D.M.
Beaiilleu, Simon de, French pretlnte ; fL 1297 D.
Beaulieu de fioaae, Jcnn tie, Fr, general ; t/, 1570 i\
BeanxDanolr* Baron de, French Hit, ; 1720--17U5 D.n,
BeainDUUiOir, JoAn de, a BreUm wi\rri(jir ; l.'VV) D.D.
Beauioanolr, Jean LAVardin, Marquia de, inftrahftl of
Fmnco ; 1551-1614 D.U.
Be^umanoir, Pfailippc de, French mftgistratc, jurist,
undiHjet; </, 12% n.V,
Beaumarclialdt Francois Joseph de la Barre de,
French writer ; 1720 D.
BeaunuLTchale, Pierre Angn^tc Caron do, French
dramatic authnr ; 1732- IWJ c. d.r.
BeammaTleile, French nuiHidAn; d. l&SS d.k:.
Beaiime, Jos^pb, French hist painter; 6. 171K) iiA\
Beanmelle, LunrentAngliviel do la, French Htt^rai-
tour and critic ; 1727—1773 c.D,R.
Beaumeile, Victor Laurent Susan no Moise AnglivieL
do K French iiolitical writer ; 177'2— 18;n d.
Beamner, Aliuhune de» French atithorosi ; d. 17<S6 D*
BeaamesiLll, Henrietta Adelaide {Villaard), French
actress ; 1748 -1803 K. u.
Beaumeaiill^ Pierre de, Fr. archioologiBt ; ISth cent. D.
Btatmietz, Albert 31ario Aitgii«te Bruncau, Marquis
do, French }U«%p ; 1759—1824 D,r.
Boaumeti* Bon -Albert lirioi% Chevalier de, French
politician and author ; 1759 — ISOO T.M,
B^aumoxit, Lord, EngHab general ; d. 1460
Beaumont^ Amblard de, French mmiater of state ; d,
1375 ii,tT.
Beaumont, Antoine - Fmn^oia, Viaoounl de, French
na?al officer ; 1733 or &3-1805 d.r.
Beaumont, Fiazil, HritiAh admiral ; 1 r>l>£^— 1703 D.tL
Beaumont, Christophe de.abp.of Paria; 1703—1781 ii. U.
Seaomont, Claude- Eticune, French arcliiteot ; 1757 —
1811 or 15 H-U.
Beaumont, Claudio FranoeMO, ItaUan painter ; ICtM —
17tM> B.T.
Beaumont, Clement Ouillaaine, Fr. pfaja, ; 16^ D.
Beaumont, Diego de AJovn y, SpaniaU military officer
and matbciuatjeian ; 10th eont. B.
BeauxaoQt, Etictinc, philosopher and litterateur of
Oenevm ; 1718—1758 d,k.
Beanmoot^ Euitache, Fr, engravor; 171S^— 17G9 u.
Baanmo&t, Felix Bellator, Comte de, French lenator ;
A. 179C1 D.r.
Btanmont^ Francii, Kngli«h judfe ; d.l5l&S C/.R.
Beaumont^ Francia, Engliah dnuuatio writer and i>net
(ooUeaguo of Fletcher); 1586—1615 b,u.
Beaumontt Fran, de E^ia, Ital. author; 17tli cent. n.
Beaumont. Sir Oeorge Howland, English fine art«
amateur; 1753-1827 B.B,H.
Beaumont, Goillauine Robert PbiliptH} Joaepb iwcun
de, Fr. c1er|?jnian and aaeelio writ, ; lOlK)* — 1761 k v.
BtMSmont, <:ij»tHivo Augvute de la Bonniuicre de,
iVviieb jM.lktici tn and author; &. 1824
Baaamo&t, HciLry Frederick, Engliah polit.: h. lB3a
BgatunODt, Jean de {Dtrame), twignutir do Clicby^
manbal of Franco ; d, 1318 D.
Beaumont^ J^ati de Uainault, Sire de, French war-
rior; ri. 1356 ixtt.
Beaumont, Joan>Fran^» Albania» French tnvoller,
with{»r, niid Buriculturulijt ; 17i.'>— 181!£ ikr,
Beaumont, Joan'Loui« Murean de, Frt^nch GnaniHvr;
17 la -17ar* tKJi,
t, Jeflnj dUf French occIeiUatie ; ti» 1^3 lu
Beaumont, John Eng, tnajter of the RolU ; 1550
Beaumont, Sir John, £ngliih litterateur and poert i
1582 1*JL'8 ciLtJl
Beaumont. John, canon of Weatmineter ; d, 15G&* Li
Beaumont, John, Eni^lish divine ; d. 1599
Beaumont, John, En-lL^h writer; 1805
Beaumont, J ^ .^■ ^. .
Beaumont, J^
b. 183*J
Beaumont, J, L O, Leprfirot de, seerelafy of
French clergy ; 18th cent.
Beaumont, Mario Loprince de, French auiho
1711—1780 iva.
Beaumont* Pierre Fr., Fr engraver; 1720— 1780* Ik
Beaumont, Robert, mnatcr ot Trinity CoUc^^ Cto>
bridge ; d. 1507 * i,
Beaumont, Simon HerWrt ran, I>utoh diplomati«l«
botantat, and poet ; 1674 — 1664 iwt.
Beaumont, Thomaa, «berifF of London ; 1442 d,
Beaumont, Wcntworth ELickett, Eng. pidit,; h. lft»
Beaumont, William, American aur'% ; 171>6— 1853 <
Beaumont de BrlTasac, Count do, French litteti
17I0-18L'1 %,%
Beaumont de Cfarrlere, le Baron, French
officer ; 1770-1813 u|
Beaumont do Perefixe, Hardouiu, arehbiaboe
Paria; 1605-1670
Beaumont de la Bannlnlere. Guatave Auguile i
French politician and writer; 6. 1802
Beaumont -Laboonlere, Mare Antonio, Comte i
French military officer ; 1763—1830
Beaumont-Taatpr, Edouard Foixlinand, TieoBite^
French historian ; ft*. J813
Beaime, French Dominican ecelet. author ; 1390
Beauie, Horimoud de, French matbematician
oounciUor; 1601—1652 rM
Beaune, Jact^uea dc, baron de Samblaiu
financial miniater under Francis L; tL i
Beaune, Benaud de, abp. of Bourgea ; l^Z
Beaunla de Chanteraln, l^errc, seigneur de \wtta^
French historian ; ICIO
Beaunolr, ^Ueiandre - Louia Bert t * "
French dramatic author ; 1746— 1^
Beaupere, Jean, fVeuch ecdeslaatic ,
Beaupted, Jean Francois, FrencJi eoelcntJHUis
author ; d. 1750 llC
Beauplan, Amfd^ Louis Joseph Bouveau de» 1
dramatic author and novelist ; 6. 1794* nJU
Beauplan, Arthur Boossean, Fr. drnxnallst; h, IS^J^
Beauplan, G uiilaume LevMeeur de, Ftenoh |
and engineer; d. 1670*
Beauplet, French engraver; 1672
Beaupolla. portrait painter
Beauport, Benjnmin, Ft, eeelcsiaAttc ; 16th et
Beaupie, Jean Nioolaa, French antifprnry ; Ik ]
Beaupre, JIarotte, French aciruM ; llMkE
Beaupre, Plut do, French niexnber ol Ihr
Convention ; 1792
Beaupreau. Claude Guillaunie, French \
tiat; 1700
BeaupuiB, tJharlee Walon do, Freneh
1621— 170U
Beaupuy, Armand-MicbAd, Ikehelier de,
publican geneml ; 1757— i79(i
Beaupny, Ki ^ i.wjl, BMkbelier de,
senator; !«
Beanzaln, Fx 1 1 and re vblntioiiisl 1 1
BeaoTaln, Jean dc>, Fr«uoii royal geogntphisr I
gineer; 1696-1771
Beauregard, Charba Vietor { WcwwtHl 1
ml; 17H4 -1810
Beaungard, Joan Kioolaa, Frenok Jesuit i
17:'d 1801
Beauregard, Peter Gaatavns Tousaaiot,
C'onfcdirmto geneml ; k. 1818
Beaurepalre, Louta, Fromeh painter; irtb t
FrcQCh mwjTWT und jwitricjt ; 1740—1792 u.u,
teaunpftln, X. Gir»rd de, Freuch officer of the
Y€iidh»y d 1703 D.u.
leKBVfHlbM&Oliail, Hemiqise de, Bnuiliaci truveller ;
t. VBIB* D.F.
liUKSen^ dwitmid GuilkrU i!e, French litterateur :
lT»-irVi5 c.n.F.
l*krre» French phj^icmn imil m&themati-
adv-tflr* Protestant pastor of Berlin
'f-1753 D.iLU,
I French Protestant theologmn^,
_ ih^plyn io u.r Lji,^ uf Prussia; 1655»— 1738 CA\.i\
*" i Je;ui Jiu^queft, btu^oii de Beaux, Frenub
I; d, 1783 luu.
» Ladvi^^ l]tt* j*;ii< nr, phpticiaii. And econo-
mitt <»f Berlin ', e.D.iu
liilM6U#l, ,r.>a: lu Chfttolct, Baron de,
Fl*n) ' 1j-ii ;iit-i author; 1570— 164ii
Blttt^i mi dc Ik'rthureau, Baruune Ue, French
•nib J TUU.
BglBMler do LLUe, Louia Joseph de, French uavid
ofBeer j 1700^1705 i>.
BliUlrtlir. Louii Andp' ^ T ofiScer; d. 1789 D*
HiiiVill nil ^Beanpre, • n^oia, French engi-
Mcr ftbd h jdrogniph I U
BcftateVllU, J«»»* Louis du. Uuui&on dfii bkhop of
Akb' llOg— 1775* H.u.
BoiiTUii BertanfcRd Fairier doi, French Vendean gcDc-
r»Jil755-W27 D.u.
Bcftmli^ Cbulef NicolAa Dauphin de, French eu-
^m; 1$87»17<^
IniLvalib Charles Xicolni do Prifta de, French phyai-
diB, pclitid*!), judge, and author; 1745— 171*4 D.n,
ICttfiuit Chnrltfai • Theodore, Freuch genend and
•liter; 1772—1830 d.f.
Bataralfl; Esther de» French authoreaa v,
IfltOVili^ GtUes-Frun^oitt, French Jesuit and ascetic
wnter; 16&S— 177^ H.r.
BaiaTsia, Clntllnnmn^ French nutmsnuLtiEt and author :
lQ6tt^l775 D.K.
laiUlii, J I " iich engraver ; ISth cent. D.
BltVTiii^ J '.'-Charlea'M&rio de, bishop of
Stoei; 17 D.t:.
IwmdB, I'iiiiippc, French scolpt. ; 173^^—1763 d.u.
iturvaU. ridlipi>e. French scolptor; *t 1781 D.U.
iBtafll^Kemj.l " ' ' ' oijieiOD.H.
l^nialj Jeanne-' i i each actress ;
mr-ino " r.i.
jWamUlet, Vkm, Fr. actor and dnuaatiafc ; &. 1820* y,
iWMllT1<t, T*- ^"mn^oia, French actor and dra-
satksnt 1 D.F.
tevTilliH. i -las, Fr. sculp. ; 174D-1828 F.u,
ItaUTulBt^ J ;u:(^ucfr-rirsiun, French engniver ; 1731—
TitJft B.D.V,
taliUleCi Jacquei Marie, Fre&ch oi^nist and minic
fQApoMr; 1766—18:^ ixu.
tau I ixt0UClkarp«iitier» Jean Jncqncs, French or-
pcttist and mtisic composer ; 1730—1794 b.k.
HltiiiftQt Bertrand de, seigneur de Pi^cign^r, French
^ pailticUn «ad ambsasador ; 1400*— 1474 i>.
IVKfElU Chaik^ - Juste, nmrshal of Franoe» and
■rtbftf : rrAV-1793 D.Ji.
BHDt' ■ a-Jnste, prince do Craon, French
MBi- J D.F.
Bmh^ \ Marquis de, French general and
su.ik.« ; ti', l»j;-Vi D.
Bi&iiTaii, Hcmi, Baron de, French warrior, ambasa^i-
4B»^s*d wriUr ; lfK)0 ».IL
BSBfU, L^Htta, seneschal of Fmnco and ambassador ;
IfUr— 117? u.k:
J 4 Antoine, Marquis de. French
H.U H de Ciaon, Ticeroy of Tuscany ;
BeaiiYEU, Marc Etienne Gabriel de, French nobb,
chamberlnin to Kapoleon ; 1773 — 1849 D,r.
Beaiivau, IMarc-Reoe Antoine Victiimicn, Prince de,
French deputy ; 6, 1810 • F,
Beauvau, Pierre, Bencachal of Aiijou ; d, 1435* d.
EeauYEii, Pierre de, seigneur de la Bessie re, French
warrior; 1415*— 1433 D,
Beauvau, Hen<^ French warrior, constable of Naples ;
d, ms tt.U.
Beauvau, Reno Francois de, archbishop of TouIoukb ;
ltj<L;4-173*J D,R,
Beauvlllier, or BeauyUliers, the noino of a nobb
French family tt,
Eeauvliliers, Antoine, French profoasor of cookery ;
1754—1825 D.u.
BeauvUUers, FrnngolA Hotiorat de, due de St Algntin,
French ncademicinn ; 1G07 — 1GW7 IKV-,
BeauvUUers, 3iLuie de, French ubb<si of Montmortre ;
1574—1050 D.n.
BeauvilUers, Paul Rippolyte de, due de St Aienan,
French tjenerid juid jtutlicir ; 16-18 — 1714 D.
Beauvolr, Ainiwj Lcocadio Doze, ^Ind;uno Roger de,
French actress and authoreaii ; i. lS%i D.F.
Beauvolr, Edouard Eoger de, French dramatic author
and noveliAt; h. 1809 i>.f.
Beauvotr, of Belvtaius, Ojjicomo, Ital. jurift; 1270 a
BeauvoUier, Jeiin \'uUat, Baron, chief of the Yen-
dean nrmy ; d, 1794 n. U.
BeauvoUier, Pierro-Louia Vallot de, French military
inspector and i^eneral ; 1770^1826 D.U,
Beauxalmlfl, Thomas, French Ciuinelite thoolo^aii
and writer; 1524—1589 v.V.
Be&uzee, NicoLis, French i^ammarlan, author, au<l
academicLm ; 1717 — 1789 o.d.g.
Beaveu, Jamea, English div. and author; b. 1800* u,
BMtver, John (j^'i^fr, Fibanvs, Cantor, Cajntonu^)^ £ng,
Benedictine of WeHtminster Abbey; 14th cent. D.B,
Beaver, Philip, Knglish navigator and captain ; 1706—
1813 VAi,
Beavor, Etimnnd, English naval captain ; 1744 R.
Beaur, William, bii»hop of Llanthiff, 1G79: d. 170G d,L
Beazlajio, or Beatlauo, Augustmo, Italian pu<5t;
1530 R.V,
Beasdey, Samnel, English dramatic author and aichi-
tect ; 1780-1851 o,
Bebljer, lauac, Dutch physician ; 163C— 164j8 ik
Bebber, JohannBaptiat, Geraiim humanist aud author ;
17th cent, D,
Bebel, Balthasar, scholar and theologian of StraK-
boui^; 1632— 1C80 c.atn
Bebel, or BebeUus, Heinrich, Swabian scholar and
Latin fJOfet; 1472*— 1516* CD.R.
Bebenberg, Lupoid, or Ludolph Von, Gernmu bishop
of IJaniberg, and anthur: 1340 D.E,
Bebutoff, Vassili C>sivovitch, Russian gen.; h. 1760* F.
Beoa, Barthckriy, Flemish historian ; d, 1463 D.
Becan, bishop of Clotiard ; 087 e,
Eecan, Gullkuine, Flemish Jesuit preacher and Latin
l>oct ; 1608—1083 D.U.
Becan, Jan Van Gor|>, Flemish savant, physiciua, and
author; 1518-1572 D.B.
Beoan, Martin, GiirrtHm Jesuit author ; 6. 1561 o.
BecauuLB, Joaniioa {de Beck), Dutch ecclesiastic and
author; 1344 B.
Becanus, Joannes, German eceles. and author; 1619 B.
BecazLUfl, Martin, German Jesuit, theologian, and
author ; 1550 or 62 -1624 D.R.
Becanu% Wilhehn, Flemish Ji^uit and author ; 6.
1030* R.
Becart, Jean, Flemish eodei. and author; d, 1635 D.u.
Beccadelli, Antonio {FanormUa]^ Italian savant and
author; 13114—1471 c.H.
BeccadellU Lulgi, Itnlian biographer, archbishop uf
Eaguaa ; 1502 - 1 572 C. L ».
Beccafuml, or Mecberlno, Domemoo SeiMM, Italian
painter ; 1484^1549 B.T.O,
I BeocaUnl, Gio%*anni, Florentine pidnt«r D.n.
Sf=x Baciara. toL-lllui. l-.JL^ >.<: ^-i Bedirt, JraaRiptiste,FKnchaatii:riL.I aLtir-.r.-.
' ■'.. . ,... ^•'- l"':*->:i) ^,;.
^ '"'""• • ;-".:. .J '•:;.•. ..::t:.-r>-4-: ; ir»"/' . -•"• Bechet, JohdLn. Genn.ia iVruIi.*: ; l'>!: cLt. i«
*'-'-^^- ■ •-:• ^ ..::..::.-::;' tmv:;I'1.*—1^J«»:.:.. Bedion, Jean ik- i:oci.-IniiJi-. Fr. iii.r v. r . Ii'.rri i..i:.
-•*-*-'-^"- • • t. •-.. .:j... . I1U3:.:.'.diiL I'Lil- Bedisteln, Jnhann 3Ia:rl:i:ti. (J.-rr:...:: • r?'.:ti. ! ji":
- : :.: •"■::tt.: , lOxi— 17i>". I'.I. and writer du aatr-nl hi>t-.rv : 17*7 -!^l"J :'.!
r:---^:.. . • ■.. i-./.:;:. TM'fft: I.^i*"' I.I.. BechsteliU/aa wUGiTm. !»■..: a:., i :..•.,:>:; .-^ii: I.'k.
-• -:.•. ....;.: ■..:.>" "!•.:•: ceat. i-.i. Bechtalin, Christiaa, iivi:..:.:i .■•.si:: ..l . t •.:;*i7:h
r. •.-*.•.-.. : V '. M..: I'ji' dt. I:;.L.!. :'C'r.:. ' ' ■*,
. . — • •:'. ■ I7.1*— I7i«4 r-.r. BectierErztze. Xic.^li«». <.t.rT.-. :. : r::.:r : ] !•. » •;..'
-■• - " •■ •-. . ;: :. r.- ri*:. t:.vs:c:~l BectTold. . M.»La. Ctcia.riS c.'..i:k.t •. : t: .-uvir ,•■! ;
•: -r^-.r-:: . I'l — !'*. .'.i I'S ~ :,.::.
^ : -. H*--*-- V-n- . Iu!i':n::.:: I: iV>^- VQ'. '].,'.'■'.
R?.-. ,:^. :- ri^-:-- - Sac^ .:. I .•:is:v;:iM>-,-. - : I'-i'J - 1* >• ■■.•.-.
- . iiEil. ..: -• -c . -".f ::i:.. Cn.'rr-aO : . : .1..: l.c:; :7-_'—
« ^V"---
,vir=.»2 U-. *:.,-::•..-
••<:. '. >17
•*■■ :^
.-;n*j- fizz-rT,
:..■ .
T— •
^_ *
.. i—i
.-* C-.n:-i :-rl-:
-.. t
. »::::.
t:. . :^ :.--:. ::
1 c*::.'.
- _ ."
:. •.-. .'iru. j: -t.::
..Ll :.,
\ ChtisUn^her Lnclw%, CknBiui physician aod
vtdkai wntor ; Ito^^llXfZ a.
lMlMK« Duiiil, G«nnMi f^bf licloa and iLiitlior; 15H—
1655 aD.R.u.
Btck«r, l>»i: phjsiciftn; ir.27— 1670 d,r.
Beck«r» DftL uer, German doctor of mudi-
eiiie; l^M^—atj^/ <>r Jl d.h.
B*^Br« Xteitn«h or Thiorry, Gcramn violinist and
nmn? eompover t ITtL (n at. d.k.
iNtal^ Evtnrd 1*; apothecary ; 6* 1741 a.
iMlMr, Felts, G< I 1810 D.
li8lBi;P*rd.,0«n4i. -> .> .i... ..=;dHutbor;lT40— 1810G.R,
iNks; George Fhilip, Gertuau pbyaicmn and writer;
17S8— 17M lu
Oodttroj Willielm, German pbTKicIan and
laMoua writ«ir ; h, 1778 ' B.
Golt^.ir' u iii.,.im Rupert, German mitcd-
wr 1823 R.
r, H*^^ I itiaa author ; 1700 d, r,
Jacob, (Jt^unn painter: &. X8I0 aic.
JolkAiiii Germain* German physician aiid
il vtHer ; 1770^1840* d, b,
r, Joluum Hermans, German ecclesiastic, pbyai-
d ttatbor ; I70(>— 1759 u.q.
Joiluum Philipi Genuan apothecary and
«. ; 17U— 1799 R.
r, J<9Indo PhiL, Geitn. polit. writer; h, 1S09 p.f.
iKdBir* Joseph, Freoch politician ; d. 1820* d,
iMSkir, Jiiliti% German muaic oompoeor and critic;
r, KmH Priedrich, Germ, hbt; 1777—1806 D.b.
or Sftjert-BoclCttri Leonard KicoLaa, comte de
1 Utory officer ; 1770—1840 D,
rmaa poet ; 181 &— 1845 D.
^ i ^ri^i, X Mtneianian theoL; 1491 — 1563 o.B,
F»t«r« Germiia ecclesiastifi and matliemati«
^ctta; l<TO-i750* n.
ncte'i Plhilspi Gcfmaa juriat and writer on kwi >
1742 D.
iMteTt fliiU|ip Chnstoph von, German die ainker
ad imI «tUB»Teir ; 1G74 — 1742 d.n.b,u.
r,FlkiL Jacob, Germ, painter; 1763—1829 B.D.N.
Rudolf ZacbariAi, German jonmallst and
^, -— -il writer ; 1751—1823 d.r.
fcta^WShelm All olph, German scholar and writer;
% WinCim Gottlieb, German archaeologist and
upeoktire; 1763—1813 D.U.
Bcmuctm fmy, German financier and
; k 1801 D.F.
J«»o« Flemiah eccledastic, geographer, and
} iL 17G3 i}.L\
BM 4ft KTchbtjil) . lord
f*wiwHof qfEngmd; lli: Xp.R,
MIbMI» WilUasn, llnfili^ aunieunandnittdic^d writer;
WilUatn,. lord maycw oi London, 1702 and
t k ITOfi. iL 1770 d.
' Wm%m. Engliah awthor ; 17G0— 1844 w.
_ IB* ChAtkt, Kngliih dramatic poet ; 1009—
I'v EngUah judge, 1274 ; rf, i:m f,
hop of Bath and Wi^lh (144:JK
■niifcuy t . ^5*— 1466 i:,dJ, k. w.
ainl H) tidmatkp biibop of Bierra Leone ;
' BoftckiGv r;. rniftn t^ftSnter; 1711—1774 n.
r B.
11 artiit; 1G86 B.
, L^mu«aa, uertnan I'rDtestanteoclefiiwtie;
Do tide?, Oermui fockaiavtio and hiato*
rioh, German aeior ; &. 1803 F,
jonanu^ Oermao eoonomist, antiquary*
^^xfwtimu^ aoil AQtbor j 1739—1611 d.b.
Bedemaum, Johann Friedrich Gottlieb, German or^
ganiat; 1737-1792
BAOlDiuum, Johann Theophilmi, German naturalist^
inspector of forest* and author ; 17tT0 D.
Bedcmaan, Luc, German jnrist ; 1571—1624 D*
Beckxnajin, Xicoluua^ German jari§t ; IGliO r.
BedanEim, Nicolaus, (Jerman inathem* : »/. 178<> n,
BeckwlUi, Sir George, Eng. general ; 1753~1K23 r.d,
Beckwltli, Josiahf English antiquai-y ; 6, 1734 n.
Beclrwlth, Thoraaa, Engliih antiquary and artin j
1731— 17BG c.H,
Beolard^ Jules, French surgeon and medical writer ;
h, 1815* F,
Becl&rd, Fierre-AnguAtin, French snj^geon, imatomiat
and author ; 17H"»— 1825 d.r,
Becmaiin, Bernhard Ludwig, German hiitoHan ; 161*4 —
1700 ii.Q.
Beem&nn, Christian, German Protestant ccolesiaatio
and author ; 1580—1648 d.
Beom&im, Guetiw Btmhard, German savant and
counsellor ; 1720—1783 k.
Becmann, Johann Chrif^topb, German historian and
geographer; lfi4 1—171 7 D.a,
Beoxnanxi, Otto David Heinricb, German savant and
author; 1722-1784 n.
BecOBur, Clmrles, French hist, painter; I. 1807 d,n.
BecoeUT, Jean Baptiate, Fr. naturaliat ; 1718—1777 D.
Becon, John, Enpliah author ; d. 1587 g*
Becou, Richard, Eng. attorney and author ; 1586 g,
Beooii« Thomas, English reformer and writer ; 1511— •
1570 c.Dj,g.R.w*
Becquerol, Alexandre Edmond, French natural philo-
sopher ; h. 1820 D. P.
Becquerel, Antoino Cesar, French physician, elect ri-
aian, and philosophical writer; 6.1788 d.p.M.
Becquerel, LoaLd AJfr^'d, French physician and medi-
cal writer ; 5. 1814 o,
Becquet, Antoine, French Colestine monk, historian
of his order ; iri54— 17ii0 C.D.U.W*
Becqule, J* M., French flutist; 1800—1825 U.K.
Becri-MuJitapha, ©r Mu*injiha the DrtmJcard, favour-
ite and compiifiion of Aintirath IV. ; IGtli cent. li.U.
Bectas, aga of the Janizaries ; d. 1649 n, u.
Bectlns, or Baeck, Theodoricus, German Jesuit and
author ; 17th cent* r,
Bectos, Olaudine de, French ahbeas and Latin epistol*
ograplier; 14S0— 1547 O.D*Ii.
BeczkoWBld, Johann Franz, German historian ; 6.
]05f> R,
BeczwarzowBky, Anton, Bohemian organist, piaDitt,
and oompo«er ; 6» 1770* jau
Beda, Ifculian friar ; 883* C.R.
Beda, Noel, French theologian, doctor of the Sor-
bonne, and author ; d, 15ii7 c,D.H.w»
Bedair, Antony Aloydue Emmanuel van, Flemish
hiatorioal painter ; ft. 1787 B.aN*
Bedard, Jean Baptiste, Fr. violinist; 1765—1815 D.1L
BedAfl. Greek sculptor
BeddeTOle^ Dominique, Dtttch naturalist and physi-
cian; dp 1692 B.U.
Beddaes, Thomoi. English physieian, chemist, and
author ; 1760— 1808 c*R.d.w.
Bede, or Beda {the Vmerahh)^ Angio-Btaaa historian,
biographer, and eommontator J 673—735 C.IJ.B.W,
Bede de la €k>nnandiere, Jean, French advocate and
author ; ItilO D.V,
Bedeau, Maub Alphonse, Fr, general ; 1804—1863 M.
BedekowlChp Joeephua, Oroatmn friar and writer R.
Bedel, or Bedle, French biographer ; 1650* ».
Bedel, Pierre, Fr* architect and sculpt<^>r ; d. 1567 K.
Bedell, WilliftHi, bishop of Annagh and Kihnore
(1629) ; 1570—1642 c.e.a
Bedene, Vit^l, French poet ; 1610
Bederlc, Henry {ofJiun/St Eilmuud'^), EngUah Bene-
dictine preacher and author ; 1380* CAX R*
Bedettl, Marian, Italian ecclesiastic and etaayist;
1774-18o3 U.
Bedford, Arthur, EugliAh prolate and writer ngnmBl
the stage; 1668-1745 D,n.w.
Bedford, Fmnob Kusftell, Duko of, Efiglkh promoter
of o^oulture ; 1765 — 1802
Bedford, Gtorgiana, DowA^tT-dueheaa of • tL 1853
Bedford, liilkiah, Englbli non-juring iheologJAti ;
H]*Mi—lj2^ o,iLU,w,
Bedford, John Finn tjigenet, Duke of, geaer&l mad rt'
KKUt of France ; 138U^1435 D.U.
Bedford, Jolin, Duke of, lord admiral of Eng. ; 1414
Bedford, Jolin, Duke of, lordHout of Ireland ; 1806
Bedford, John Rustjell, fourth Duke of, Eng. polititiinn,
lord-lieut. of Ireland, and prime niin. ; 1710—1771
Bedford, John Rusaell, «ixth Duke of, EngUah noble,
patron of letters ; 1 7*36— 1839
Bedford, Paul, English comedian ; b, 17^
Bedford, Tiiomas, Eoglish pr^'Iato and antiquary ; d,
1773 c, B,
Bedford, William Rnssell, Duke of, English royiUiat ;
d. 1700
Bedfoird, Williatm Kn};. DaT«l oomnutnder ; d. 1827 lu
Bedford. See BusselL
BedidC, Pet, Armenian antiq.and author ; 18th cent. tx.
BedlgtB, Fran^ois-NicoloK, French coUgrapher U,
Bedll, Mirza Abd Ulc«dir Bedil, Indian author ; d,
1725 D.
Bedlmelll, Fran, do Paulo, UaL anatomiat; 1750 D.U.
Bedingfield, )Sir Henry, clLief jujttloe of Commoii PLeoA
(1680) : 16.13^-1687 /.
Bcdlng-flold, Sir Robert, lord mayor ; 1706 d.
Bediitf^field, Thomas, English justice of the Common
rieaa ; l(>4g /
Bedloe, WiUiom, English adventurer and plot-maker ;
d, 1680 o.iLW,
Bedmar, Alphonso da la Onera, Marquis de, Spaniah
oardinal^ diplomatist^ and ambass. ; 1573 — X6G5 D.B.
Bedmar, Dom Francesco, Spaniah hiat. ; 1650* d.cb.
Bedocb, Fiorre Joseph, French judge ; 1761—1837 d.
Bedos de Celloa, Vvm Frdnyoia, Frenoh Benedictine,
nifithematician, and author ; 1706 — 1779 K^li,
Bedouin, i^msonf French motdt and dramatio author ;
d, 1563* L>.R.
Bedoyere, V '' Hughes Mane Huchet de hi,
French wi 1786 R,
Bedr, i?hirw , , u poet ; 15th cent. o.fl
Bedr-Al-Bj email, Turldah gcnenl Mid ttatetman ;
1014 lOlM D.R.
Bedr-ed-deen (Loulou), Abord Jodayel, iorerolgn of
Moiul, 1222* ; 6. UG3*, d, 1259 VAU
Bedr-ed'IHnirlah, sovereign of .AJfp|>o ; 1121 b.
Bidnuclli« Jedaia ben Abraham, rabbi and author ;
1290 O.D.W.
Bedreddln, AJ Maafar Bea Abdakuh-man Al-Balbeke
Al Domctohki. Arabuin author tu
Bedreddln, Modhaffer Ben Ckdhi, Syrian phyiician ;
13th oeut. n*
Bedrlaga, Maria Evgraphoviia, fiuMian auihorest;
17M-I8:i0 a,
Bedrotm, German claMical acholar ; 1525 Q.n.
BedmxiGX, ChH^tnph Horatit de Polxicjf et, Bohemian
travcllori. ; 1660*— 1622 «.
BedniGlil, .\ moneie painter ; 6. I5T6 K.T.
Bedum, Ant ... i^^L painter and awht, ; 17*J0* D.ji.
Bed well, 'rhnuiae, fa'i^^'*** iniithftii^*^i<''***'' and author ;
d. IjIG D.f.
Bedwell, Wj Ilium, Bngliih ecoleakatio and topogra-
pher , 1562-1632 p.^w.
Bedwla, biahup of Elmfaam ; 673 dJ,
Bee, Banuu-d £., Amerieau Confederate brigadier;
«£.1881 t.
Bee, John, Knglikh divine ; 1550 ^.
BtiClioroft, Ui!orp! Skirrow, Eng. poUtioiiin : h. 18011
b^ — ^_ t^therine Kflthcr, Amenoan authorpiia; b,
r, Ofaarlai, Amer. difine «ad writer; 1810 n,u.
r, Edward, Amerioin author ; 6. 1804 <
r, Honry, ahertff of London ; IQG9 «i.
BeeGlier» Henry Ward, Ameriean dirine and ati£
h. 1813 a.e.1
Beedher^ Lyman, American divine and author : 17
1863 «.,,i
Beecher, Sir W. W., huaband of Miai O'Nofl,
actrcaa ; 1819
BeecherStOWe, Harriot, Amer. authoreat: h. 1813 1
Beecliey, Frederick William, English adinirml
Arc tie na V iga tor ; 1 7 1>^ - 1 S5f»
Beechey, Sir Williara, 1 : 1T53^18:{!I nj
Beeck. Ignat^ Germ. \n. mp. ; d. 18ai IK
Beeck,orBeiua, Juji^Dtiu,. ^i.... ..uatecclca.; KiSOj
Beeck, Johnnu Martin, German Protectant eocU
and author ; I6G5— 1727
Beeck, Peter Tan, German historian; 1620
Beeckmann, I^oac, Dutch mathematician : <f. 1677]
Beeckmaims, Yalentinns a 8. Amando, Idvl^Mn i
melit* aiiil author ; 1627 — 1687
BeehTp Miiihiaa Johann, German cbron. ; IStb <
Beeke, livw Dr, EngUsb cccleaiaitic and
Seek, or Beck, David, Dutch portrait painter ;1
Beekkeilc, Hermantut Walter, Dutch painter 1 1
Beeldemaker, Fran., Dutch hiiit painter ; h, li
'. Jan, Dutch paiiiter ; A. 1636
Jean Nicolaides, Daniih writer ; 17(iO
Beer, Amalia, German female iarti«t : d. 1?24
Beer, Corneliua, Flemi&h painter ; 16^
Beer, Fried erioh Wilbelmi Hungarian Proteetaote
aiaitic; 1691—1756
Beer, Georg, German author; 1643—1714
Beer, Goi>r|c:-Jo*eph, Austrian physician and <
1763— 1H21
Beer, Hana, German arohitoct; 14S5
Beer, Johann, German viAionary ; d. 1600
Beer, Johann Chriatopber, German
writer ; d. 1712
Beer, Johann Friodrlch, German miniatnTe i
Beer, Joa., Bohemian clarionet player; 1744--]il
Beer, Iklsrtin, German ecclesiaatio and
Beer, Michel, German Jewiahdramatioaatliori 1
Beer, M. Friedrich Wilhelm, German hiatortee i
chronologiat ; 1708—1760
Beer, Seb,, Germ, juriat and author ; 1600— 11
Beer, Wilhelm, Germ. Jewiah aatron« ; 17IVf*
Beer. See Baehr.
Beer-Blng', Isaiah, Jewiah scholar, hebniil^^
author ; d. 1805
Beerestraaten, A. Van, Dutch marine paialv|]
1687 *
BeerliLir.^r Beltrln^. Vitus, Daniih nairfgalori 1
Beeringl, Gregory, Flembh painter ; lOth eoiL
Beere, Nathan, o^cer of the American
army; 1753^1849
Beetli, Wdham, English writer ; 16Ui cent.
Beetborea, Ludwig tod, German niksie i
Beffa-Ken^^ ^ n t < 1 1 1 1 n , l talian peel anci mli
writer; 1'
Bellara, Lou , Franeh lilt ; 17*T— 1«;
BeffiroldeRelgny, i>mis-Abel (Op^i
political and dramatio autbnf ( 1 ;
BeSroy de Beftvmlr, Lonia-Btiebj.
tnndiit, member of the National y
BeK% Oorneliua, Dutch t ^
Bi^gtk {m Beel Irish tit.
BegaiwU, Antonio, It.^
Befai, Carl, Otumaa painter ; KV
Begat, Jean, Fr. jurist and aathur .
Begat, Pierre, French eogineerj t.
i«a-in5* D.K.
BtgMa. Mttttltcv. Eugllnh t«o1onid|udeG;^. 1a%25
BigfT, Ltkumii, UcrrttHO uumianuiitist, antiquary, imJ
ftntlior; l<iW-17Q4 c.d.u.w.
Mtggh f Br«,bftr»t, mother of Popio
{Mr < D.L.
'i Beg, BovercigD of Bokhara;
l^ilAk R.
«r X(ft Bogne, Lambert, FlemUli eoclesUstJe,
: T'^»; ^iL 1177 D.u
Freuoh ftoigeon aad littern-
1655J--1729 D*
] ( writ.; 6. 1T93 p.
iunt' .t; tf. 1676* 8.r.
WtgBMC ujidt, tfoclealastio, aud
■stL< D.I.
BlfOII. kte; 1658*— 17*26 o.
BegoiL, h;1C3.5— 17ia c.d.b.
BifOlL, i orator, biahojj of T«iul;
16$l d;h.
Mplei lie, Fr, veterinary turg.; 1750 d,
BOffOC* ijuch. physician ; 1720 D>
BlSlMa fnmooiM i«» Freuoh biogrnphor ; d. ll)t)9 d.
iiffilffi Lambert Ic, French heix^tlc ; 13fcb cent. D.
l^CUa, NtdudM A. liu, Freneli orgaoUt uid composer ;
tf. ]7M»«r20 D.K.
Fml HoDor*, Fr. botaiiiBt ; 174*— 1804 p.v.
I ftWlA, Acbille Gustuve k, French pbysiciaii
la^hiijal writer ; 1735*— 1807 d.h.
I XieoUs do, Swlu phy&icirm, litteriiteur^ and
tft^Mpherr 1714—1789 i>.r.
BlKfl|pMlC|i|of EeiT^iliiot, Fi m^^'oifl Barthdciny,Conjto,
f^endi geneiul ; h d.u.
llKlfllflt Edntv, iciulturolist, cconotnlift,
ithor; 1770 D,
iBsTL Mind author; l€0a—l(>9C D.
, Jeftn, 1 iciiLii phyncukn and ohemiftt. almoner
W Ltwis XIU. ; 1600 E.U.
I^B^ Nicolai, Freocb eodetiosdo ; 1560 d.
IVtIaol, Coimt K„ Frencb gen. ; 1747-1803 B. u.
llSTa* or B«g«J]l, Abivbam, Dutch pointer ; 1650^
Bc2Lft4er-saiali, Altm Shah Qoutb Ouddine, emperor
ol llindtialan ; 1642— 1712 ar,
htmOaae, vr BehMdux, Khan Aia-ed-Dyu-Abou-Snyd,
•ultBai of Fcrfia ; 1302—1335 n. o.
MliCViib Jtan Pierre Antoine, ComiQ de, French
1;1791 D.B.
Aima Elieabetb, Qerm. Metess ; d, 1710 J\
or Helianii Martin, German
; ai»d geogr»plier ; 143G*— 1506 D. R.
^ BOAheni, IV ' ' Partleroy, Germaii
Attft eogrtivtir >* N.E,
w fiothftm, ii I, German painter
, 1500-^150^ c.N,u.
*l«h&ati Fri«drich« Htingnjiaii doctor of law
tmi 9!aikift 1 ' * ' • — t; », D. a.
ifeiilBl* Ml 'I Wrinsbavcn^is), German
tni«l»a4Xi. i:»0* D.
ttm^ IkTs^kT'I, ixj^itt'r of tbo Swias mint; 1436 —
|W N.n.
Beniofd, matter of the Auitriaii and Tyrolean
1 1511 N,Il,
\jamM rbiUn, German ecdeaiastic and author ;
± iTtr D.
Garmim author ; 1784—1847 D.
Liopold FH«derich, German Proteitatit
•^acttbor; 1700-1742 d.q.
Jesuit and matbomatician ;
ISSl^W^ [V
0od«ff9id«0«tmaitixmUieiii«tidftnj 1670 a
Bebmr Jo)iann, German Protettant theologian s^ui3L
obronologiafc ; 1578— 164S d*i;.
Bcillia, Johanji, GcmnanProtestfint dirine and author;
1687-1753 D.
Behm, Mathieu, German poet ; 16th cent l*»
Bebm, Michael, Gurmim eounaellor ; 1630* n,
Bebm, Michael, Germ. Prot. theol.; 1612-1650 D.B.
Belimer, Frioderich Ehr«nrcich, Ci«rmaQ jnriAt and
author; 1721—1776 d.u.
Bebn, Aphra, EBgliiih drama tiat^ poetess, and novelist ;
lG40*-l*.Sa c.B,u.w%
Bdlmdfl. William, eciUptor; h. 1800, d, 1864 M.
BellOUrt, Jcjm, Fr, gram, and dram, writ.; 1600 D.u»
Bdhr, Chiifltiaii Frioderich do. Goruuuj genenii ; 173d —
1831 UB,
Belur, Cbriatophtr, Germiui pirofflaaor of poetry and
eloquence; iL 1704 q,ii.
Behr, G^org Heinrioh, Qerman physician and poet ;
17aS-1761 jj.B.
Bebx, Jean Nicolns Jos^pb do^ Belgian magistrate;
b. 1786 v>
Behr, Johann van, German traveller ; d. 1692* D.Q.
Bebr, Joh^mu Hctnrioli August, ^ojcon statesman i
b. 1793 i>.r.
Bebr, Wilhelm Joseph, German author and political
writer *, 1770 D.
Beliram Tcboubyn, Persian general ; d, 590 u.
Eehrendtt Johann Frioderich « German ecolcaiaatic ;
d, 1757 D*Q.
Bebreiis, Curl Friedrich, German traveller* 1730 D,
Behrens, CV>n nul- Bar told ^ German physician and bia-
tori^ui ; 1660—1736 CD.B.w.
Bebreim, Gcorg - Honning, German geographer and
phyiioian ; 1662—1712 D.U.
Bobrens, Miohul, German eccleBiaatio and author ;
1G57— 1728 D.Q.
Behrenfl, Kodolphe - Ausrurtne, Gennan pbyskiau,
medical and pkilosuphieal writer ; d. 1747 H-R*
Bekrens. Thomaa Georg, Oorm. physicist ; 1775—1813
Behrent, Johann, German juriat and author ^ 1658 —
in2 u.
Belcb, Joachim -F*rAnz, German landscape iminter and
engraver; 1665—1748 N.l\
B«idfi» WalteniH de, lord chancellor of Scotland ; 1183
Beldbavl, Oadhi Nasser-ed-Deen Abu-Said Abdallab
Kbn Oma, 3toiilem eccleaiaatio and commentator on.
the Koran ; d. 1293 O.IL
Beler, Adrian, German jurist and author; 163*1—
1712 C.»,1LQ,E.
Belar, August, German bibliograpber : 6. 1707 D.
Beier, Hartmano, German Lutberun divine und oom-
mentiitor; 1516—1577 D.u,
Beler, Johunn, Gonimn mechanician ; 18tb cent. D.
Beler, <:ntu, German historian ; ci. 1720 u.
Bell, Juhtuin - David, Genuan dramatic author and
actor; 1734—1794 Q.R.
Bell, Johaiin- Gabriel, Germ. biographer; IStlicent. D.q.
BelzniroJiV Isfuicc, Jewish phyaiciuu ; lltb cent. I>«
Beta, Jean, i?rencb designer and engraver; 178^^
1857 D.F.K.
BelnascM, Angela, Italian painter ; k 1CC6 T.
BelndorfT, Christian, German jurist ; 17 tb cent. IXQ.
Belnga-DeUa, last kin^ of Pegu ; </. 1775 B,u.
Belnl von Bienenbourg, Antbon» German phyaician ;
1749-1820 B.u.
Beintezna, J. J. \V. {Jan Iguaiz Worla)^ Dutch
pbyiician and author ; 1700 D.
BeliiTllle, Cbarleii'Bartholomew de, Freuoh political
wi-itcr; d. 1641 D.tT.
Belram Hadji, TurkUb saint; d, 1471 P-
BelrelB, Godefried 1 'hriatian, German pbyiician and
cbenmt ; 17:iO— 1809 B.u.
Belscb, Joachim FninZj German landscape painter ;
1665—1748 B^CB.
BetAler, Hermann von, German politician; h, 1700 D.r.
Belamann, Heinrich^ German pedagogue and author ;
d, 1750 IXQ.
Beisself or Be^saaU Germ&n orator, poet, jurkt, wad
philoHopher; 1474 D.
B€>lit8iBr, Jacquea, French sTil^eon ; 11)21—1712 D.R.
Belsson, FratK^ola Joseph Etieane, Freuoh eugr&ver ;
17ra--1820 K.u.
Beltar« SpaniAh hotanist uidphTnolan ; d, 1249 r.
BelUer, Wilheltn Gottlieb Friederich, Germui pro-
feseor of mfttbemtttici ; 1745 — 1811 t;.».
Belton, AtbftDa-siua Ivanoxitch, German officer in the
Enuian army ; 18tb cent. li*
Bely&tO» ItaUati histonnn ; IGth cent. B.
B«Ja, Frey Anton de» Portuguese critic; 1493—1517 D.R,
Beja, F. Lewis de Periatrello, Fortague«e foiar and
author; 16th cent, DuR.
BfijanmaB, Bojarano, or Bexarano, Fetma, Spanish
Domini en n preacher ; lliOO D.
Be}BLrt, Elifixibeth - jVj mande * Gresindo • Clare, French
jtctrcM, wife of Moliero ; d. 170O B.U.
Bejart, Gcfoovieve^ French tictres* ; d. 1675 B,U»
Bejartt Jactjuea, French actor ; 1622—1659 JJ.R.
Bejart, Louia, French comedian ; 16^10—1078 D.
Bejart, Modekino, French aetrcM ; 1618— lf?72 D.
Bejot, Fmn<joii». French librarian j 171^—1787 R,U.
Bek« Ivan Phillipoyitch, Jtusaian military surgeon;
17;^5-1811 R.
B«k, Anthony, bishop of Durham 12S4, patriarch of
Jcruialom 13045 ; rf, 1311 cU.Ln.
B6k» Antony, bishop of Norwich, 1337 ; d. 1543 dJ,
Bek^ or Belch, I^licbael Bchend van der, Hujaian mill'
tary physician and author ; 1736 B.
Bek, Thomas, biahoji of 8t David"*, keeper of the
Great Seal, 1279 ; tL 1293 d,f,p.
Bek, Thomas, bisliop of Lincoln, 1342 ; d. 1347 d.L
Belt, ^ta Beck and Beek.
Beka, or Bora, Jnn, Dutch chroniolor; 14th cent, c.D*
BttlOL, Jerome, Belgian Carthasian monk and writer R,
B6te, Sihert, Carmelite ceclesiastle ; 1320 U,
Beke, Ch. Tibtono, Eng, trav. and author; 6. 1800 d.m,
Bekenaan, John, English publicist ; d, 1550 l%
BekdSl, Gaspiur, Hnugarian nobleman^ diploma tist,
and commnndcr of the troops ; 1530*— 1579 ii,u.
BeketOT. Kikita Athanaj»ciiritch, Russian governor of
Astiachan, aiul author ; 1729^—1794 B,
BokttOT, Nikolai Andrcevitch, Kusaian politiciaa and
diplomatist ; 1790—1829 R.
BeketOT, Fbton Petrovitoh* Roiiian printer and
publisher ; 1761-1836 lu
BeUiuau, John, Eaglith author; 149G— 1550 <-,
Beklnahawe, Robert, preiideni of Queou's College,
Curabriflge ; rf. 1526 t,q.
Bekker, Bjdthaxar, Duteh theologian and Protestant
preacher ; l(i34—l(;98 c. D.R.W.
Bekker, Elijabetli, Dutch authoress; 17^^—1804 n.p,
Bekkar, Kmaauel, Oerroan h«lleuist and author ; b.
17H5 P.M.
BtiEOfVltoll, Prinoe Alexander, CIroaMiaa officer in
the Knssian service i </. 1717 R«
Beicry. or Alberky. Abau Obeyd AUah Abd Alkh,
Arabian geogimnherj d, KMH D.
BekteAh. or SaAJl-Mktaitw derviso of Aniaisian
Anatolia tu
Irtmhr. Oottlob Friederioh WOhelm, Gemaazi miuia
Ubrnrian of the Univenity at
I^ipriK, f
Bel, AuioirM
.iid author; 1717— 1782 p^t.
liaiuter J 170«— 17»» IXU.
B6l,Jc^U Ir.
imcler ; d. 1390* o.
Bel, JctnJ
hlitt : I«ft3-1738 C.D.ILU.
Bel, John li..].i,.;
t I 1750' K.K.
,.ber ; rf. 1782 w.
Bel. Kjirt^! Amltr
]|#i . .. n..u.,,- -<
, iiiju'^itmija theoloffieA and
Bl . :
»ipiW ; 17th OMit D,Q.
V, mi ; d, 1003 D.n.
IjdUll IVR.
Jilani., ..,,. ,..
...u ©.K.
llV^i:ja^40; d, 1270
Bela, Antonio, Spanish painter ; d, 1676 DlT.
Bela, Chevalier de, Fr. colonel and hist. ; 1748 IX O.
Belacato. See Ba^sagrattL
Beiadorl, Ahmed, Arabian writer ; 9th oeot. P,
Belair, Alex. Pierre Julienne de^ French gtenenl Mid
writer ; 1740 or 47—1819 n,1LW.
Belalr, Charles, negro general at St Domingo: 1W2 Dv
Belanff er, Charles, French natundiat ; b, 1805 r.
Belanger, Fr. Jos., Fr. architect ; 1744—1818 D^ft
Belang-er. Jean Baptist Oh, Jos,,Fr.mathem. ; &.17U0 r
BelarcU, Franeesoo, Italian historian ; 6. XfS06 fiui*
Belaeyee, Anthony, English divine and jndfe f-L
BeiAU, Nicb. Bnuio, German painter; 16S4— 17<i7 I
Belay, or Bellay, French carver of ornaments
Belbal. Malek-al-Dhaher Aba Said, aultan of ~
Belbenf, Antotne Locdi Pierre Joaeph
Marqtus de, French senator ; h. 1791
Belbnue, T,, French engraver on wood ; 15^0*
Belcamii, Johami van, Dutch artist ; d 1653
Belcail« Maffeo de, Italian poet ; d, 1454
Belearo, Damtano, Genoese sculptor ; 15th eenk
BelcbeTi Dabndgccourt, English dramatic writer H
Belcher, Sir Erlward, English naval officer and 1
graphcr ; b. 1799
B^cher, Jonathiin, gov. of New Jersey; 1681—171
Belcher, Jonathan, ohief jtistice of Nova
Belcher, Tom, English pagaiat ; 178^-1834
BelcMer, John, ^lish sargeon at GnyV ffa
1706-1785 &J
Belcredi. Richard , Cmuit, Anatrian statannan ; I, I
Beldenak,Jeot Andersen, Daniah eodea.; if. t53Sfl
BeMebuech, Carl Leopold, Count, German i
and political writer ; 1749—1826
BeldomasdlB, Prodocisnio, ItnL writ, on mna ;
Bele,Th os, , bp. of Ly ddu, suffragan of London; 1
Beleaff 0, or Baleftgro, Melchior de, PoringiiaM i
16th cent,
Beleipao, Carlo, Italian jurist ; cf. 1720
Belejambe, ur Beljuntw, Pierre, French t
Belelll, Falg:encio, Italian genenl of the AngQ
Belem, Fr. Jerome de, Portuguese librariiBiij
Belem, Jane de {t€ PiMeauj, mistreie of < '
dor Nout ; 1790
BelenTel, or BelTeser, Almery de, FmuSk 1
i.'Ith cent.
Beler, Rott«r, English baron of the £xeheK»ili1
d 1326 ^
BeleeU, or BeiMSn. priest of Babylon* fonafkr if I
B.ibyloniaa empire »^
Belettai, Gardouch, Marqub de, of HaarW m,
tear; 1725^1807
Beleetat, Pierre Laogtois de, French jSbywUm^
antiquary ; d. 1583
Billet, Michael, English lodge ; 1189
Belet, Michael, English judge ; IS^
Beleth, John, Fr. theol. and aathoT 1 t.
Beleie, Goillauroe, Louis Gustavr ifl
Bellbit, Jean dc» Fr. phvs. and aut!. . , .
Belforte, Regnier de. I toJ. phsrs. and antikor; d, 1
Belfortl. Aacagno, Italian poet : IGOD
Beifiortl, Mioha Ange, Italian writer | 1710
Belficnir, Hugo John, English poeUoal aad i
anibor ; 1808-1827
Belftedottl, De' (Bocchinc), MVette^ft ef V*«
d. 13G1
Belifaide, N., mulatto gevenker of ]
Balgmoio, Oriftina IVivvliSoh Vii»mm
natroness of literature and art : h. 1808
Belfiriua, or Bolglua, chief of the GanU i n,c,
Belgra4o, Uiacopo, Italian J«Miit|
mathematioian; 1704—1780
> 01*tivr *" vtmtode Vauboia, Freucb
militaty (Aei ^ i^ u^
IklCimv*, Baehzi! _ u O^mielite lecturer ; 14tll
cent, C,,
Belliakren, Robert Moatgoioety Hjunilton, KngHah
Belluaiimi^ thm HiiTDberi, P^«iieh BeDedktme, »av-
aDi. ftnd ftothor ; I't-^'t < r 55—1727 B.u,
c, Frencli pbyiiGiAii and
,c. 702
autbor; 1570 d.
Freiich eugmeer^ scholar,
Medial st^c
Bihor : itsyii—irtii
, CI*txae de K French writer ; 1G»>0
BtflpitIK, CSmuo, Itolifui Capachin traveller ; 1708—
1791 oai.
I Inztul, Ttirkith poet o,r,
. Mmrtalft^ Turkish poet ; d, 1705 G, n.
_ PkcAdl leprecentative ; k 1810 F.
..lIt»1ions.>. French eccle*. and author ; 1680 D.
Man. Fnmgolfi, French dramatic author;
l'^ D.U.
Mill, irirrnri ae Stint, French jurist and eoclesia£tIo :
1516-1580 D.
iBlIii, or Bfi&lzi, GuHlaame, Fr. mu». ; irth cent. P.K,
Bella, Jaoq[tka Jean le, French jurist and author ;
ITtb Mill* V.
ltlla,Jac<tuMKicola« *- --■ '■-ml author: 1740 KU.
Idl&JcBO Albert, Fr :tu*e and litterateur,
bbkop of Belley ; I' h.v,
MlB,«luIi«D. French luu^t i b, Kt^ D.K.
Illln^or BttUlll,Nichol&i, Ital. cn^uver ; 17th cent. R.
ttftn 00 BaHii, ^ - ^ N'lchuiivi, French hcUenist
atul author; 1 D.F,K.U.
BtUa Af XOKiiei - orientalist and tranalaior ;
171911 D.U»
Wtagt «r B^lalsr, Oswald, German poet; 1623—
r. Biebud, Iriih hist, and rebel ; 1013—1677 Ji. U.
\^cr BrtJIngan, k P^re Jean Bnptifite, French
Jmt and Author ; 1(J66— 1743 d.u.
, or BaUlaarrlOp Luigi, Italian pbyiiciaQ lunl
Ifiih cent. D.
, B«jmaii cez)£ral : 505*— 5C5 IMLU,
B^EB&^ Jemmy, American bistoriati and biograph er ;
nii-im A.a.D,f.
Btfkn^jl, "WlDiafli G., American military oihoer:
171*1 -1851 e.
BUI Lady, &D^bh pftintr^M ; d, 1825 B,
Ml, Amirew, Enjgltah phyalcaan, founHcr of the inu-
tatl leaehing system, and author ; }75;2— 1B32 n.u.
MtBeanpre, English antiquary; a, 1745 C.R.U.
Mk EcDJamJii, Scottish surgeon aad medical writer ;
Jr4&-1*)6 v.U.w,
IgQ, ^ c^.. ^1 ., 1^ " -liih pbyt{<iloj;:ut, aoatcimist, and
erthor , i D.w.
iin, Cha- - . Enzli-^b nnthorcss ; ^. 1824 f.
iiQ»DtBiel, Eiiglkii mX)7 g.
WiOMrfeJtteph, .st; 1770-lg4:i
Mli^8eanr«8eottiah u._...... , who introduced steam
ttiinlioB inte Sngland ; 17t>7— 1830 Die
M JKmi» So9t soographjcal vriter ; 17tillt-1g33 R.
lIBi JiiMa, Rns* P^O^ &>t'1 >ne<L writer ; c£. 1^1 il
Ml Jamee BlinWtiw, Eogliah ship-owner and travol-
kf:<f, ui!! D.
M. M II TOD, Ocormnn i»tiY>iiomer
IMllJdhDi mahop oi iitiivo ; 1493 ^^
14, John, Uihop of Worcester, 1539 ; U. imi d. I
Mil Johs, ten <>f ^^. '(nd mitft«r of Jesua Collegt^,
(ju&Jbri4jcv ; ^
M, John, of A
-Aim UK.
ra^eller; 1601
-„, jiubli*h<.r;174e
Ifif^tkh ajriillcry ot&cer ; 1747-1798 D.B.
M.J0I1S, l&Dg. i^ lUL^ 1 a . mI publisher ; 1746—18^1 U.K.
MI,Jcikn»lfiDf "
Bell, Sir John, Englis